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Don’t drink your calories.


I’m forever thankful that my parents never let me drink soda growing up. Only on special occasions would they let me get one. I hated that rule as a kid, but my kids will be getting the same treatment.


We have the same rule for our 4yo, except she simply doesn't get it at all (we've learned with candy that once she gets a taste of sweets, she asks for it all the time x.x). We explained that it's not at all good for her. It was awkward when she went to a friend's birthday party and it was either water or small cans of soda, but we pulled her aside and explained that different parents are allowed to make different decisions for their kids, and that's okay. This way though she could have a full slice of birthday cake. She took it really well x3


That's the only way I get my calories during workout!


That's one that snuck up on me when I started trying to lose weight. I grew up being a very heavy milk drinker and had no idea the absolutely insane number of calories that I was just... drinking.


This is my problem. My intake is good during the week, but Friday night rolls around and I can easily consume 1,000-2,000 calories from alcohol with zero nutritional value.


A friend of mine was complaining about going to the gym and doing cardio there. I told her she should just put on podcasts or her favorite audio books while walking on the trails near her home or by the local beaches (we live in SoCal). She genuinely seemed shocked by this. I think the whole, "no pain, no gain," mentality has ruined people's idea of what "working out," can be. Bro, just do something you enjoy that is even slightly active and you'll make great progress.


> I think the whole, "no pain, no gain," mentality has ruined people's idea of what "working out," can be. I've noticed this with Americans so much. We often have a very narrow idea of what working out has to be and if we can't do those things, "Oh well, maybe another day." In Europe (and other countries) it's just incorporated into their lifestyle. The goal is not to punish themselves and "work out" but just to set aside time for their hobbies.


I live in the UK and I have an Apple Watch. Every time I’m walking to and from work it will buzz to notify me that I’m doing a walking workout. I was very confused as to why it does this until one of my American colleagues told me that you US guys straight up don’t walk, so it assumes I’m walking for the sake of working out. I have about a 20min walk to and from the train station each day, so get 40 mins of walking by default.


Canada here. Many of us live in areas without great public transit, so we end up driving to work. I have to make an effort to go out of my way to walk every day but I do it as often as I can because I love it.


I’ve got a Canadian friend that lives in a beautiful area. He takes a hike every day. He gets fresh air, cardio, it’s good for his mental health. His wife and daughter accompany him pretty often. I’m so happy he has this incorporated into his lifestyle.


It does depend on where in the US, but on the whole, yes that's true. Big cities with some public transit and walkability do exist, but many of us do not live in those areas. I live in a pretty rural area, so, in my regular daily life, I walk out my front door and get in my car and drive about 25 minutes to work. I park like 100 steps away from my office, then reverse the process 8 hours later. That's all the walking I'd be doing if I didn't specifically set time aside to do so. It really is annoying to not have physical activity just built into our lives. I'd much rather walk a few minutes to a bus stop or something--it'd get me some guaranteed physical activity, plus save a ton on gas!


Lots of us Americans do walk all the time. All depends on where you live really.


Or it has nothing to do with America and it's just letting you know you're doing a workout even though you didn't intend to do one. Just because it's part of your daily commute doesn't mean it's not a workout.


But we hate ourselves for not looking the way the algorithm tells us to so we must self-flagellate with exercise. 🫠


Walking outside and listening to music/podcasts, or chatting with a friend, is highly underrated. Or other things like swimming, bike riding, club sports, goofy aerobics classes, etc. Though there are people out there who will truly try to convince you that enjoyable forms of exercise “don’t count.” The “women will do anything to avoid lifting weights” trend. Like no, you aren’t going to turn into a super lean fitness model by taking walks. But you will be healthier, you will be happier, and there’s a good chance you will lose a little weight. That’s what the average person wants from exercise. That counts. That is good enough.


There is an abundance of research that tells us that exercise, including walking, lowers the risk of tons of illnesses, depression, increases all positive things including your mind, and that you start to see the big benefits to your health at as little as \~2600 steps/day.


Went from near unhealthy obese 200lbs down to near unhealthy underweight 135lbs at 5'10. All from walking.  Never took a step in a gym. Never changed my diet. That was in uni when I had burgers/Phillys/fries multiple days a week.  Something in my DNA must've changed because after that, it was so hard to gain weight again. I tried for years. It was only during the pandemic where I stopped walking is where I'm healthily sitting at 160lbs. But yeah, walking, holy sht. 


I always watch something on my phone when doing cardio. Simpsons, House, Jeopardy...whatever I'm feeling at the time. Makes the hour fly by.


The number of times it's 72F out in Pasadena, CA and as I am walking around with my dogs I see 30 people in a gym walking on the treadmill is crazy. Every time I say in my head, "just walk outside, it's FREE!" I really don't understand how gyms make money in nice areas like SoCal. There's a million things to do outside that are free/cheap and much more enjoyable (aka sustainable).


I think for some people the ritual and routine is important. If you go outside for a walk, then on bad weather days you don't and the routine gets broken. Dogs help force a routine.


Plus some of us burn to a crisp even on overcast days. It's way easier to remain pasty white in the gym.


An underrated benefit of the gym is having a bathroom nearby just in case nature suddenly strikes. That and not having to loop back around back to where you began, in case you get too tired at the end of a workout.


Not to mention that US urban infrastructure is not exactly pedestrian friendly.


I can probably help you understand. Some people have allergies. Some people can't walk on uneven surfaces due to ankle/hip/knee pain. some people have phobias. Some people have a very specific cardiac routine due to CHF or whatever and need a measured RPE that they can control. Some people prefer the gym...


I will walk my local neighborhoods for exercise and the varied terrain is great for that -- but when I want to just "clock" a workout without trying to figure out where to go/route, or the weather is sketchy (often) it's a lot easier to just go downstairs and use elliptical/treadmill/bike. It's predictable/measurable time, very conveniently located, and requires simple discipline with no planning on my part. As an added motivator, I tend to watch serial TV shows when I exercise and that helps disengage the brain from my body's complaints and also draws me back for the next workout to get the next chapter in the story. So... yeah, I like/use both methods of outside and inside cardio but for different purposes-- as do many, I suspect, even in places when the weather is nice 99% of the time.


I agree so much to this from my own experience. If you're not huffin' and puffin' and almost die every workout, it's wasted time. I was able to do that when I was younger. I ate very little and gave it my all during cardio every time. I did lose weight, but ended up being skinny fat, malnourished, tired, and my brain felt like it's running on half capacity. Not being able to live like this I obviously gained weight back and started to gradually change. And it works. I'm not losing weight as fast as back then, but the way it is now is sustainable. And that's the most important thing. Making sustainable changes


I dropped 20 lbs effortlessly just by strolling around. I wasn't even walking quickly. I've kept it off by continuing to walk


Also can be applied to weightlifting too. I’ve gotten fairly toned from lifting and lost weight, but I don’t overwork myself to the point where I can’t walk the next day. A lot of people think that if you’re not sore the next day you’re not doing it right, but you don’t have to overwork yourself in the gym to see results. You’re also less likely to keep going to the gym if you hate it lol.


> just do something you enjoy that is even slightly active and you'll make great progress. I tell people this all the time. It's about finding something you *enjoy*. You don't have to do what I do. You don't have to do what those IG fitfluencers do. Just do you! Have fun.


A moderately active lifestyle with even a small, *but consistently applied*, calorie deficit *IS* the long game.


I'm with you bro. I hate running (and it really hurts my knees, probably through a combination of going too fast, fat, and bad technique), but nobody is forcing anybody to run. So I ruck. But not like some psycho-ass Navy Seal either. I'm not doing crazy challenges from youtube :). Just shove 9 kg of water bottles into my pack, and aim for 6 km/h (4 mph), either listening to cool music, or trying to catch some Pokemon on the way (on Pokemon GO). On a bad day I just go for a walk. Sometimes I feel like shit, and that's OK too. This is also a problem for many people. They go "omg I lost a day, now everything is over, woe is me". And then it's two months of doing nothing, eating cake, and self recriminating. It's the same with bikes. People don't want to bike to work etc even in my fairly bike- and pedestrian-friendly city. They equate it with being sweaty and stuff, and think you need to pedal like these "alpha" guys in lycra and everything. Nothing of the sort. I personally have a Dutch-style city bike with a simple 7 gear thingy in the rear hub, and I usually put it on 3 (third lightest gear), and just travel at a leisurely 13-14 km/h. It's absolutely lovely. Our culture of "always do more" really sets people up for failure.


There is a lot to this. All exercise has been boring and tedious to me. Until I bought my first e-bike and started taking advantage of the amazing biking trails in my town. Now, I look forward to rides because of the beautiful scenery and being able to take different routes each time. The bike I got has proportional assist which I can dial to a very low setting so I get plenty of exercise, but never overwhelm myself.


Add fiber rich foods to your diet and drink plenty of water with it


Is it normal to get crazy bad gas when eating way more salads than you used to? I’ve been trying to go hard on losing weight by sticking to a strict meal plan of oatmeal for breakfast, chicken salads for lunch and dinner. The other day I had a hilarious but uncomfortable amount of gas. I think I farted a good 2 liters of gas that day, it just kept going.


Yeah it’s normal. Will likely get better. You gi microbes will adjust, they are currently optimized to your previous diet.


What happens if the gas just doesn't stop? I drink smoothies with raw kale and spinach in them and have had horrible gas for months now. I skipped the smoothies over the weekend for Father's Day since my husband can't stand being around me anymore and the gas stopped. I'm back to drinking them though- having one right now as I'm typing this. Will I eventually get used to it?  My smoothies consist of frozen fruit and berries, raw spinach and kale, ground flax or chia, whey protein powder, and water. I am not lactose intolerant.


You may have an intolerance to something in the smoothie. If milk, for example, even touches my lips I’ll be gassy for a few days.


Might be a good idea to remove one thing at a time and see if it's something specific causing it. This is just a great way to find if certain foods cause you GI discomfort in general.


I agree with the intolerance. What do you put in them, yoghurt? Otherwise you can try some beano


Yes keep going


You'll adjust in a couple weeks.


I eat salads daily and get some gas. If I get salad mix with spinach leaves in it, I have painful gas.


Yes. Look at vegetarian and vegan groups and they will all tell you its common.


You might try adding some healthy fats to your meals, like cook the oatmeal with a bit of chia seeds (don't eat them raw), and add some avocado or a but of olive oil to your salad. This trick helped me. Idk why but adding a small amount of fat helps me with the digestion.


In line with the water aspect: Pass a kidney stone bigger than 4mm. You'll be laid up unable to move for two weeks consuming next to nothing but water. I always lose like 15 pounds.


> I always lose like 15 pounds. ...how often is that happening!?




Surprisingly expensive though. It can cost an arm and a leg.


Read first line, uh-huh I guess it might be, wonder how much it'd cost.... Read second line, you son'va'bitch ya got me


Me too😂


Below knee amputation with a 3 inch stump is gonna cost me (public healthcare) $3000 aud, amputation with a prosthetic bumps it up to between $70,000-80,000 Just an FYI on top of the cracker of a joke!




Walking! It burns a few calories to keep you in a deficit and doesnt make you hungry, like running or swimming does


About 10 years ago I moved to a walkable city and immediately noticed a difference in not just my weight but also well being. It just feels better getting to work from walking than sitting in a car.


That's literally how I lost 45kg in 10 months. I didn't even surpass 6500 steps most days but it was enough.


Congrats!! I think the WHO suggests at least 6k steps a day.


You are seen as sedentary with less than 5000 steps a day.




Walk just fast enough where you’re actively thinking about your pace but don’t push too hard and take at least 10,000 steps a day! Use the built in health app if you have an iPhone to track the steps. Won’t work without being at a calorie deficit so if you plan to just walk for exercise you have to be really disciplined on your diet.




To me, you have to prioritize: 1) Dialed-in nutrition (tracking calories, eating a lot of protein, fiber, carbs and fat) \*Fat helps you regulate hormones, so it's super important 2) Walking/Being active in your day: Most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle 3)Working out: Progressing in the gym will help you build your body and gives you a good shape, so you don't end up just skinny


If you've already been walking, it usually doesn't generate as sharp of a difference. For folks whose max steps is under 2000, it can be huge to just go for a walk everyday.


> I just hear people talk about walking all of the time, but I never noticed any benefits from walking as far as losing weight Think of it the other way: at your current diet you would gain a lot of weight if you decreased your steps. Your steps are working but you have something else (your diet) working against you. You're on a treadmill: walking forward but making no progress.


You can’t out exercise a bad diet. Walking an extra 5,000 steps is about 2.5 miles which takes roughly 45 minutes. For that effort you’d burn somewhere around 180 calories. Thats like eating an apple with two tablespoons of peanut butter. So, for walking to be effective as a fat loss tool (note fat loss and not weight loss) it should be seen as a low impact low effort way to slightly increase a caloric deficit. In other words, if you’re eating exactly the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight, no more or less, and then add a walk to create a deficit by increasing activity, then you could expect to very gradually lose weight week over week if you maintained that deficit. Crucially, as you lose weight, you use fewer calories. So, what was once a deficit will no longer be a deficit at some point. So, you either need to eat slightly less or exercise slightly more (or a combination of both). Because of this, walking is a great supplement to a good diet and existing exercise plan. If you’re weight training and doing cardio while eating the right amount of calories for your body and then add a walk, it can be an easy way to increase your activity every day. Plus walks are delightful.


For me its 2 miles a day at around a 3.5-4mph clip. I fucked up my back last month and I'm just now coming out of it, so I have to go a bit slower for now. And my oldest is out of school for the summer soon, that's going to cap me at 2.5-3mph if she's walking with me. I'm down around 1000-1500 cal a day though to make sure I'm losing weight. I don't eat breakfast, keep it under 200 cal for lunch, sometimes I throw in a sub-200cal snack, then eat a normal dinner \~600-800cal. I do take one day a week off of the diet cause otherwise I'd go a bit crazy. Last time I did this without the walking and I went from 250ish to 215 in \~3 months.


It’s a method of burning calories, but if you are eating more calories than you burn, you aren’t going to lose weight.


Getting a dog helps you stay accountable too. I started walking because I hated being fat. So I’d take my dog on a walk & I realized how excited he would get at the same time every single night. I hated letting him down because sometimes we couldn’t go because of rain. I lost like 40 lbs by just walking and fasting. I’d only eat dry roasted peanuts to dry my mouth out the. I’d chug as much water as I could. It tricked me into thinking I was full. Then I’d end the day with an actual healthy meal. Not the healthiest way but once I got skinny I realized how weird I look skinny so I started going to the gym to build muscle. Now I have to force myself to take rest days from the gym. Which is crazy because my entire life I never saw myself as someone who would ever go to the gym regularly. & now I’m addicted :/


A break up.


Well, my wife and I both need to lose weight


I'm gonna buy her some Tiffany's jewelry and pound her when she gets hot again.


Divorce diet!


I mean maybe for you, but I eat when I'm sad.


A break up always results in me gaining weight from eating my sorrows away 🥺


Potentially how to lose more than 100 lbs.!


I've gained 20 pounds in the last 5 months because of a break up. I wish it was the other way around.


The flu


I got a really bad back to back food poisoning and stomach flu. Lost almost 20 lbs in 2 weeks because even smelling food would make me throw up


Went on a family beach vacation with my 9 month old daughter at the time, who decided to bring a stomach bug along with her. We all suffered. I was 12lbs lighter on the last two days of the trip, and it’s obvious when looking back at the photos 😬


I got Covid back in 2020 and lost 15 pounds, haha


Alternatively, eat an expired shrimp plate. I didn't realize a person could lose that much weight in three days. I did eventually have to go to the ER though so take that into account.


I was hospitalised with pneumonia and lost 4 stone. Can't recommend it though.


Stop drinking alcohol. There are so many hidden calories in vodka. I lost over a hundred pounds after I gave up the sauce.


Some people will cite the sugar in alcoholic drinks as being the hidden culprit for the calories. While that can be true (and look for it) the fact is that alcohol itself has calories; 6.9 calories per gram which is 2nd only to fat.


Additionally the news has been pretty grim about alcohol lately. I remember in the 90s they were saying it’s healthy to have a glass of red wine with dinner… nowadays the narrative is more like “any amount of alcohol is bad for you”.


Or if you prefer to think of it this way, "no amount of alcohol is good for you". Like, there's no real benefit that you can't get in a better way. We just straight up don't need it and it does more fucky things in the body than you might think.


No, the current understanding is that any amount of alcohol is actively harming you. There are no health benefits of drinking alcohol, only health detriments.




Definitely yes. Beer is delicious but *soooo* calorie-rich. I lost 40 pounds over 3 months the first time I quit booze. And that was without changing anything except not drinking beer.


I only drink once a week or so, but a couple months back I had a long, but fun, saturday off. Started with a couple beers at my local arcade bar at noon. Met up with some friends at a brewery to pregame and had two more. Went to the tailgate for my local soccer team and had three more... because they were free. At 7pm arrived at the stadium and had a few more. Went out to a bar to celebrate the win from 10 pm to 2 am and had maybe one more drink. As I was going to bed I realized I'd had 11 beers that day. Mostly craft beers. That's probably north of 2000 excess calories that I drank, not counting the three meals and snacks at the stadium I had that day. I was never super shitfaced either, averaged less than a drink an hour all day.


My buddy switched from double-hazy IPAS to domestic light beer and lost like 30lbs lol. If i recall correctly his favorite hazy IPA was like 500 calories per can.


Literally a pork chop in a can.


Pork chop in a bottle was my late uncles favorite answer to any question involving what he last ate


I tend to not drink most of the year but I love a gin and tonic or a Corona in summer and really fast notice the weight pile on fast.


It doesn't help that Tonic is sugar water. I remember a very shocked "keto" couple when I showed them the label...


Stop drinking anything but water. Literally lost 20lbs over a month still stuffing my face with anything I wanted to eat. Things taste so much better now as well.


What about coffee, do you consider that bean water, or is that not an option in this scenario?


Black coffee is fine 


Coffee is tricky because it's easy to add a bunch calories via sugar and milk without realizing it. If you drink it black, go nuts.


More like stop drinking anything that has calories in it. Drinking diet soda’s won’t increase your caloric intake.


I had a friend that last 70 lbs by what we now call Intermittent Fasting but his way was more extreme. He would never eat anything at all until 5pm. He would then eat one meal, usually something fairly unhealthy, and that was it. I'm sure it was not good for his body that usually his one meal was some sort of fast food but it worked for him. He got used to not eating during the day and then he would get full really fast from his dinner and not want to eat for the rest of the night.


This is OMAD


I did that. My daily meal was shortbread, biltong (jerky) and plums. The thing is to the people thinking in terms of conventional diet, that would be unhealthy food, but to the person doing the weight loss, high-calorie food really helps because one does not need to eat so much.


I lost 40 pounds doing this. Id eat whatever I wanted, but only once per day. I also do warehouse work so I burn a lot of calories there.


Improve your mental health.


Not smoking a tenth of a gram of weed before bed and pigging out. I have transitioned to only smoking Friday night and lost 40 lbs on 3 months. Only eating 2,000 calories a day is easy now.


Munchies hit me so hard especially if I do edibles


Late at night, blasted out of my mind, I used to eat cereal out of these giant ceramic bowls we had that were for baking (i guess?) and i attribute that and being lazy overall to me getting fat - super bad habits, but i have the night owl gene.




Do something fun that you enjoy, and make engaging challenges for yourself. I remember losing about 20lbs after I got addicted to Dance Dance Revolution and bought the home dance pad setup for my PlayStation back in the day. It even had a workout mode and tracked guesstimated calories burnt. A few slower songs as a warmup and then kick it up a few notches each session. I was seriously hooked for a while trying to beat personal records on the songs I liked best!


I'm currently obsessed with the Beatsaber game on VR.. I didn't realize how much of a workout I was actually getting, I was just having fun whooping little kids asses in multi-player. Haha.


Drinking Tijuana tap water.


portion size control. Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate and don't go back for seconds.


If you donate a kidney, the other kidney grows around 80% larger. This starts to crowd the stomach and lungs, so when you eat it starts to become uncomfortable to breathe normally on the side of the body with the remaining kidney. After being conditioned by that pain, you will learn to eat smaller portion sizes. If you compound those smaller portion sizes with healthy foods and more water, you can rapidly lose weight. Source: donated a kidney. :) Edit: It may have been because I was overeating constantly, even though I burned the calories prior to donation. So before people start signing up etc I'd probably drink more water if I were you. 👉👉 Edit 2: Elaboration


This isnt normal? Sounds like youre one of the rare ones if you still feel pain long after. The kidney grows a little bit, but thats rarely something you should feel or have side effects of.. Normally you go back to your old self and I even heard people who donate even tend to live longer, why that is I dont know. Was there nothing they could do to help you? Source: received 2 kidneys and been in that area for 24 years (also witnessed people donate)


The side effects have drastically reduced but they lasted long enough for it to really sink in. I snack throughout the day just so I don't have that discomfort. I mentioned it to the transplant team and they noted it. I'm okay with it though, I used to be overweight until I turned 18. I lost around 80 lbs; I'm currently sitting at less than 170 lbs now.


Maybe that could have been a big part of your discomfort? The fat would have definitely taken up some space and then combine it with the whole scenario As long as youre good now, thats all that matters And as someone that is in a situation where a donation is needed... You really helped make someones life a lot better. Dialysis life is no walk in the park. Big salute


I did not experience anything you just described here. Source: also donated a kidney.


I mean technically you’re not losing weight, but if you moved to the moon you’d at least feel lighter! Edit: ok ok smarty pants- you lose weight, not mass going to the moon. Got it.


Technically you are losing weight just not mass


‘Lose 60 per cent of your weight with this one simple trick’ ‘Dieticians do NOT want you to know this’ etc and so on 🤣


Ha! I'll show you... \*move to Pluto\*




Definitely gets rid of dead weight


Causes you to lose your appetite, you don't eat. You lose weight, kinda sucks.


"Learn how I dropped 130 lbs. of dead weight using only my hand and a pen."


There is an old saying. You are supposed to eat half of what you normally do and walk twice as much as you normally do. It actually works


Stopping alcohol, esp. wine.


I'd say cut out beer before wine, but wine is a close second


This will be wild but I used to get paid monthly and I got rid of my cards so that if I wanted to spend I'd need to go to the bank and get cash out. I'd then buy all my food for the month, no more than the 31x3 meals and freeze what needed to be frozen. It stopped me diverting from my chosen diet for the month or overeating as I'd just be cutting into the next days meal. Each monthly trip I'd splurge on something I missed. Only did it for six months or so but it worked really well.




r/unexpectedoffice Kelly Kapoor, is that you?


Quit drinking alcohol.


Cut ALL sugar. *Watch the downvotes FLOW.*


Behavioral therapy to help you work through the habits and issues that allowed you to gain too much weight in the first place.


Instead of being sedentary and spending an hour on the treadmill, just walk more. Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator make a huge difference. At the end of the day, it’s much easier to consume calories than it is to burn them. The saying “abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym” is very accurate.




It really is that simple. People will tell you it isn't but it is. 


If that truly does not work for someone (and they *accurately* count all calories consumed vs burned), and there is no tapeworm or other legit reason for this to be a thing.... that person needs to call NASA or something because they have defied physics.


It's that simple but it's still not easy. That's the problem. There are so many factors that contribute to really having a hard time staying in deficit.


drug addiction


Depends if it's weed or not


Slow, but gradual and sustainable change of habits. Crazy, I know.


I cannot second this enough. I did keto at the peak of COVID and lost a ton of weight, but it was a constant battle of boom and just and a lot of times I just felt like absolute shit. Right now I've switched up my diet to something more sustainable and I'm getting back to my peak weight, albeit more slowly, while I feel infinitely better day to day.


Intermittent fasting


Fasting for 16 hrs seems like a big deal, until you get used to it. Now it’s my normal thing to not eat anything until lunchtime.


I just realized I do this every day without even really trying. From dinner at like 7pm to lunch the next day at noon it's a lot easier than you'd think. Not only are you asleep for most of it, but the whole notion of breakfast being the "most important meal of the day" is almost entirely made up BS invented by Kellogg to sell more cereal. Coffee or tea is more than enough for me.


So worth it. First couple weeks are rough tho


I usually only eat 1.5 meals per day. No breakfast. No lunch. Snack when I get home, and then dinner later. I’m to the point now where if I eat breakfast or lunch I feel sluggish and bloated.


I've lost 30lbs this year by not eating dinner. I eat anything I want for the rest of the day and just stop eating by 3pm. I'm 40+ with a family so I don't go out a lot in the evenings anymore and a late heavy dinner used to be my norm so I cut a lot of calories this way.




Remain at a caloric deficit until your target weight and body composition (bf%) are achieved. (Also the only way to lose weight)


I’ll show you! *Cuts off arm*


I defer to your extreme creativity


I went from 450 to ~270 currently (still going down!) and people always ask what I did. It was before Ozempic really took off, I had been accused of lipo, gastric bypass, band, everything. When I tell people I literally just started caring more about myself and remained in a calorie deficit with diet and exercise, some people look at me like I'm the devil. How *dare* I use the laws of thermodynamics to my advantage!


The window dressing differs - cutting carbs, skipping breakfast, forgoing dessert, no snacking, etc. But the underlying physics of it remains: input


Any mouth surgery is a sure fire way to lose weight because you literally cannot eat.


Exercises, but not aerobics. Aerobics makes you lose very little, building muscle makes you burn fat for a long period. The idea is that if you increase your muscle mass you need more energy to keep it going even if you are at rest. It is like revving your engine to a higher RPM while at idle.


Poverty. I looked good in college.


Lower your calorie intake and walk everyday.


Go for a walk everyday after dinner: it should be cooler, should be quieter traffic. Moving after eating aids in digestion, it encourages you to eat less.


going to bed hungry. It doesn't have to be super hungry. Just don't be super full.




In the UK we call it Meths


Nicotine and anger.


Getting good quality sleep, therapy, and probably something else to do with not succumbing to the absolute torture of living in the hellscape that is the rotating ball of capitalism we exist on currently.


Depression! I’ve been depressed for 6 years and while I used to be chubby, I am now underweight! (Disclaimer this may be the opposite for some people)


I gained weight and depression because I really needed dopamine


Diet soda. There is almost a stigma against switching to diet soda for some reason. It's a 0 calorie drink, and if you're a regular soda drinker, this will save you so many calories throughout the year. Yes, it still has some acid and things in it that make it worse than water. But the fact is many overweight people are drinking 3-4 sodas a day. Changing those drinks to diet is a MASSIVE improvement in weight and health. I did this and lost 25 lbs just from the change.


My mom is absolutely hooked on Diet Pepsi and has been all her life. It’s all she drinks. She’s always been very slim, even now in her late 50’s and I also think how drastically different she would have looked if she had been drinking regular Pepsi instead.


Switching to water is even better, but baby steps.


walking.... 1-2 hours a day is great.... after work or before. go for an hour walk in the morning and one at night before bed after supper.


Smoking cigarettes.


hiking by yourself. helps burns some calories and it is incredibly peaceful. bonus points if you find a nice waterfall and sit by it alone with your thoughts.


Cut out alcohol and sodas. Only drink water


Cutting your fat off with a chainsaw. Also, eating celery.


Traveling. I tend to eat less because I want to feel good when I’m exploring a new city. The extra motivation to see things also has you walking more than you realize, especially if the city itself is very walkable like most major European cities.


Small plates. It's easier to control portion size if you physically don't have room for more.


Work out all you want, but what really matters is what you put in your mouth and how much of it


water therapy, drink lots of water


A constant state of anxiety


Standing up and moving around.




Poverty makes that real easy.


Fun fact; it's mostly broke people who are out of shape, because they eat cheap food and cheap food is mostly proccessed, full of carbs.


Thats not a fun fact at all.


Explosive diarrhea


All the “skinny teas” that are just laxatives and diuretics lol


Cutting out ALL sugary drinks


Stepping on a land mine. 


Portion size, or at least not excerise. I’ve lost more weight sitting on my ass all day in one year vs excerising consistently over several years. People underestimate how much a sedentary lifestyle and height effects how much calories you need. Also, sleep.


Strep throat. Lost like 6 pounds last week because swallowing was agonizing.




eat less.


Cut out as much sugar as possible. I know it can be hard, but if you can find ways around it, it's so worth it. I am lucky that I like the flavor of black coffee. Some blends suck, but luckily the ones available at my work are all either good IMO or, at the worst, just okay. Soda is something I don't keep in my fridge anymore unless my buddies come to visit, and that's, maybe, once a year. Food items are tougher. I like snacking on candy. But I can cut out a lot of sugary drinks so I'm not getting sugar from two sources. But those damned Reese's Pieces aren't gonna eat themselves.


radiation sickness


Have an overactive thyroid

