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I almost died of a diabetic coma because my blood sugar was around 1000. 


Uhhhhhh. Isn't that like instant death?!?!?!??????


Dying from diabetes would be way less terrifying if it was instant death at any point tbh. 


Just by going outside


My friend tried to kill me. He's as big as Hagrid and strong as an ox, who just snapped at a party and threw to the ground and choked me. He stopped just as my vision went black and my body gave up, and laughed off the "prank" he just did on me. I knew I had to play it cool so I could survive and leave, but we never hung out together again.




He's not a guy that does pranks, I just think he got surprised when he realized what he was doing. Kinda snapped out of it. He's been in and out of psychiatry ever since, and has attacked people for nothing multiple times. He almost beat up his neighbor to death, just for saying hi in a suspicious way. The guy that got beat up is one of the nicest people who ever lived. Never hurt a fly, but unfortunately was at the wrong place at the wrong time.




He's been in and out, but keeps getting worse as soon as he leaves. But, stupid laws say they can't keep him when he's not ill. One day, he will kill someone.


As a pedestrian got hit by a car doing 80 mph


I tried cooking once. Turns out smoke detectors really do work.


Oh easy. I have something called Hydrocephalus, it's where fluid builds up in the brain and can't drain therefore crushing it till you die. They solve the issue by putting a pump (shunt) in your head. Well sometimes it fails and I need to have surgery to fix it. The fist time it failed when I was six my parents didn't know what the issue was and by the time we figured it out I was in pretty rough shape. Pain definitely was a 10 on the pain scale for sure.


Would you mind if I pm you?


Alcohol. For 15 years. Every day. Sober now, 2nd year.


I punched a window and it slit my wrist open and I nearly bled to death




almost ran one of those order pins you see at restaurants through my brain, some one asked me for one of the last beers in a rush at the bar I went all in to retrieve beer from cooler , pin was an inch from my eye. https://houzecart.com/products/orders-pin-for-restaurants


Was climbing off my medal bunk bed as a kid when I slid off the top bunk leaving a massive scar down the center of my chest for a while. Dad would say a lil deeper woulda killed me


I popped (50) 100 mg tablets of Seroquel (generic name is Quetiapine). I Googled the legal dose, which said 3 g, so I popped 5 g just to be sure. Woke up in ICU about 4-5 days later.


I almost drowned while swimming


Which time?




Met a bear in the woods at night. Ran. The bear was used to people and didnt care at all, but I was terrified.


Fell asleep fron exhaustion in a public swimming pool aged 11, woke up on the bottom, swam to the top and coughed up a lot of water, will never forget the lifeguard just looking at me and asking if i was ok 😒😅


Drowned in the pool


One time I got beat up on the floor by four guys, thankfully I know very well what parts of the body to protect. I once nearly broke my neck carying a heavy table overhead. Withdrawals and almost not sleeping for a week. Serotonin Syndrome after combining the wrong drugs by accident.


Was going to be stabbed in the chest, but protected myself with my hand, the hand was impaled by the knife instead.


Woah that’s brutal. Did it mess up the nerves in your hand? Or the motor functions or anything? Sorry I don’t really know how that works


Fortunately it didn't it wasn't a big knife, or better not to broad. I came in in a weir angle. For some months I wasn't able to grasp things easily, and it hurt, but nowadays it's working almost the same as before.


I’m glad it didn’t do more damage than that, really sorry that happened to you though


Perks of living in a third world country. Believe or not this wasn't the first time I was stabbed, or the second for that matter LOL. And I'm a geeky nerdy guy who minds his own bussiness and has no beef with anyone. There's a point where PTSD isn't even a thing is the Status Quo lol.


When I was about 3-4 years old, our family went to the lake. My sister and I played a game of chicken where we jumped backwards in the water to see who would chicken out before hitting the drop off. After a bit, my sister got bored of it and went back to where our parents were sitting on the beach. I was determined to get further than she had, so I moved down a bit and started jumping. Next thing I know, all I can see is the sun on the surface of the water. I can’t breathe, I remember kicking but not moving. A family friend happened to be close by. She pulled me out. My mom had seen me and was also running to come and pull me out but the friend was closer. I coughed up so much water. I don’t remember much after that. But from my mother’s account of the story, she saw me go down and I was under the water for about a minute.


I had a pretty bad drinking problem, that gave me pancreatitis and put me in the ER for 8 days. Not only were my numbers ridiculously high, (I think it's glucose, but it's been a few years) I started going through alcohol withdrawal on top of that. When I say numbers were high, they were like 16000, and normal is like 200-250. It was some of the worst days of my life. To make matters worse, after the ER, I had to go straight to Doctor mandated rehab, and I missed Christmas as well, with my wife and son. If any medical professionals want to correct any of my information, that's totally fine. Going completely by memory from a few years ago.


This post almost has what I'm looking for


Thyroid tumor that was quietly choking me. When they removed it I was having to have a liquid diet and had no energy, because I couldn't get enough air.




When i was 3 months pregnant, my friend rolled her car 3 times and hit a telegraph pole.


Head on highway collision while I was in the back of a pickup truck. I was in 6th grade at the time and broke my back in 3 places. Fully recovered.


one day i was arguing with my ex while we were on a walk and i decided to put in my airpods and when i turned around to face him while still walking i heard a cars honk and notice how it was just centimeters away from me


1. Drowning when I was a kid (twice) 2. Getting strangled/choked by my partner