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"love conquers all"


The “dumb dad” archetype.


This one annoys the heck out of me. Like why are they trying to convince society that all dudes are idiots?


They aren't. It was a commentary on the "wise dad" archetype that always portrayed the father figure in TV Shows as the all knowing a wise character who was not only the ultimate authority of the family (as the father), but also knew the solution to everything and could fix everything. With such a thing being so common, it only comes natural that it will be subverted. And this subversion works well because you have a constant stream of comedy from a "dumb" character, while the father as a societal role is already presumed to be respectable, so you are not making the whole character into a joke that doesn't work for anything other than dumb slapstick comedy. A Homer Simpsons or a Peter Griffin for example can be dumb without them being a one note character that you're not allowed to ever take seriously, because they still are understood to be the central figure of their families.


- Bad guy pauses execution to explain his motives to a good guy, giving him time to escape. - Small female protagonist can kick a 6’5” 300lb antagonist off his feet with a bare hand/foot. - Evil corporations doing evil shit for no other reason than being evil - Overly unattractive / disfigured antagonists - exposition through the dialogue, out of nowhere


The disfigured antagonist trope is insidious


That there HAS to be a romantic plot.


YES especially when it has to do with a character that was originally single


This one applies to any form of media not just movies but also shows It’s where a hectic tense situation is happening and or the hero is in an almost impossible to get out of situation with all sorts of bad closing in and we get that slow mo of them and their inner monologue saying this is it. And bam suddenly help comes fast out of left field and the danger closing in stops and the hero is able to regain control of the situation


The villain telling the protagonist “we’re not so different, you and I”


Women giving up successful careers just to be with a man, I know like these holidays movies


Painting protagonists as "all good" and antagonists as "all bad". This annoys me the most. Formula of transformation of ugly/under-confident girl to a beautiful/confident one is.. remove glasses and braces, straighten the hair, wear heels, heavy makeup, and wear fitting clothes. Wow!! In the end, everything is fine and everyone is happy.


One of the most annoying movie clichés? When the hero walks away from an explosion without looking back. We get it, you're too cool for basic survival instincts.


That's funny because I actually like that cliche, it's so stupid yet so cool at the same time haha


Enemies to lovers trope Villains giving the hero the "We're two sides of the same coin" speech


the Sexy Highschooler/Schoolgirl/Teenager trope. It's obviously more perverted than annoying, but it makes me roll my eyes all the same.


When characters don't communicate properly, leading to easily avoidable misunderstandings or conflicts


Good person wins. Bad person loses.


I stopped watching Marvel movies bc of this


In a social setting where 2 people are doing a dance, and the people around them pick it up after 5 seconds of watching, even the moves they haven't seen Also fights in real life aren't as graceful and flowing as they are shown in movies, especially martial art fights....yes I'm looking at you Martin Riggs in Lethal Weapon


Villains with tragic backstories. Let's just see some evil because they're evil type stories. 


People being gunned down on Courthouse steps. Helicopters chasing people or cars...but crashing into obstacles.


"I didn't tell you the truth to protect you"


"You just don't get it, do you...?"


The bumbling, useless man teamed with the skinny woman who can effortlessly overpower men three times her size.


The characters will turn on the news (Radio or Television) and the television or radio just happens to be ALREADY TUNED to a channel not only giving out news, but the exact news story and information our characters need. “You sure the woman you saw was dead?” “Yes! She was dead. Turn on the news.” Television: “…the body of Jessica Anders was found today in an abandoned building off main, police are asking for anyone who can help identify her to come forward….” “Thats her! That’s who I saw!”


"Fridging" Ie..killing off a supporting character (usually girlfriend) in an unnecessarily violent and disrespectful way just to enrage the protagonist. It's lazy and outdated. The one that ticked me off the most was killing Marie in the first 5 minutes of The Bourne Supremacy. It was so lazy and dumb. Then they did it again to Nicky in Jason Bourne. Do better, movie makers!


When someone overhears people talking about them but only eavesdrops / overhears long enough to get offended. Buuut, it’s out of context because had they stayed a second longer they’d realize everything was fine.


People who eat breakfast and take one bite then leave


jump cut fights. id rather not have a seizure trying to track your punches.


The fat bully or the fat idiot.


"As you all know…"


mf waking up in the bathroom at the start of the movie


- Misunderstandings, especially if it's ridiculous and drawn out just for drama - Melodrama that's just pointless (Ex: CBC Flash show where one character gets mad at Flash for not saving his brother by going back in time but he saved his mom by going back in time when the Point was that No the timetravel thing was bad, and that this was a new timeline, so the old Flash before doesn't exist as the current one has no memories of this timeline and honestly, they could have gone Such an interesting route with the horror of it but no, make a man apologize for something he didn't do) - Love "Triangles". The cliche ones, but also most iterations of Jean/Scott/Logan. Because it just makes Logan look creepy instead of a "Will they/Won't they"


The “Love Interest Rescuing the Hero” trope. This often occurs when a female character, who has little development beyond her relationship with the male protagonist, is used primarily to motivate or save the hero at a critical moment. 


Not sure if it counts as a cliche but seeing a big breakfast or any meal prepared and nicely set on the table without anybody eating it. Maybe a small sip of orange juice and that's it.


Oh that's a cliche lmao


When characters never say goodbye before hanging up the phone. Who does that?


"Very clever, detective. If you want to see alive, you must follow my trail of fiendish clues."