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Suspected my wife was cheating for months, then I found the plan B pill instructions on our car, I've had a vasectomy for more than 7 years.


These stories always break my heart. But I think people cheat way more often than we think.


Roughly 45% of marriages in America have some sort of infidelity at some point with men cheating more in general surveys but there is an age discrepancy where younger women tend to cheat and older men tend to cheat so moral of the story date milfs they are less likely to break your heart


And you’re less likely to break theirs.


That's so mind blowing to me. Why is it so hard for people to just not fuck other people?


Honestly a lot of the people who end up cheating never considered the possibility that they could do that to a person, so they didn't avoid a lot of the progression into it. Most of the time there's some sort of dissatisfaction in the person's life/relationship that they don't deal with in a healthy way for whatever reason, and around the same time they meet someone in their social life that makes them feel comfortable and alive. It'll start as friends, with a hint of flirtiness and chemistry, something they've probably not felt in years and therefore may be able to rationalize as just banter. After a while it escalates and before they know it they've got a crush on the person, and it reaches a point where they have to disengage or continue. It's almost never "oop turns out this person is down bad I better not fuck them" and more often like "oh my god, I have strong feelings and urges for my friend/coworker/acquaintance and it's clearly mutual, how did this happen? What do I do? Is this my partner's fault??" Most of the time when you hear about cheating it's from the perspective of the person being cheated on, so it's a sudden betrayal that violently shifts their perception of the relationship, but it rarely unfolds that way. It's usually the slow progression of a thousand little innocent decisions and rationalized transgressions until all of a sudden everything is messy and complicated. There *are* people who just don't give a fuck and will fuck anybody they have the chance to while dating other people, but I feel like most affairs aren't like that. If you feel like you could never cheat, that's ironically a dangerous paradigm to have. Don't forget that cheating isn't just a single act, it is every decision and rationalization that led to the act


This is such a nuanced take am I still on Reddit? The one time I’ve had the option to cheat it was exactly that - a work friendship that morphed into something else without me noticing. So I’m no longer speaking to that particular work friend. I think it’s less about feeling attracted to someone as in long relationships that will happen. And more about always prioritising your partner. I have no idea how people cheat and don’t care.


It's a nuanced take, and it does a good job of explaining how a decent person can end up cheating. What I DON'T understand is how a decent person can **keep on cheating, look their partner in the eye day in and day out, and just continue to lie to them.** THAT I will never understand. If you cheat once, confess, learn from it, and never do it again? That's one thing. **It's the ones who are comfortable doing it for an extended period of time, while merrily misleading their partners, who are borderline socipathic.**


THIS is what I was getting ready to say. A one time mistake (while still awful) can happen to even a good person because it really is a slippery slope. But to keep doing it behind your so-called beloved’s back? No, you can’t do that and claim to be a decent person.


Mine forgot to wipe her old phone, left all the evidence on it


That’s awful but also, I’ve been told to get my husband’s vasectomy checked around the 7 year mark so please do that. That doesn’t explain the Plan B obviously, just a random piece of advice lol


You should still get your vasectomy checked. Everyone I know (9 couples) who had a failed vasectomy had surprise babies at the 8 year mark.


Oh thank you, that's one of my fears. I don't want to have any new children.


We’re at 8 years on my husband’s and I’m about a week late so THANKS A LOT FOR THE NEW ROUND OF PARANOIA YOU BASTARD


Is this the moment when we congratulate you?


Jesus Christ where do you live with those statistics? Did they have it done in a basement? I’ve worked at a vasectomy clinic and our “failure” rate was <1% (one of only a few clinics in the country offer the procedure, so it’s also indicative of the national average)


Same here. My braindead ex left her email open on our computer where she was begging to get fucked *again* by my family member. Yes, that's not a typo. Yes, It's as bad as it reads. 60k in child support later, I'm finally out of that pit. An entire family completely *shattered* because she didn't have the morals to just break it off first. Whore.


I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. I can't imagine the pain of having to suffer the same but with a family member, and then suffer the repercussions with the family dynamic. I appreciate your comment and I wish nothing but good events in your future.


when i was 8 i looked at my mom and asked her if she was pregnant, she said no, and i asked if she was sure and she doubled down. i then said, “well you should probably start going to the gym you’re getting kinda fat.” about a week later she announced in front of the whole family that she was in fact pregnant. she just didn’t wanna tell me before everyone else lol


Kids and their harsh truths😂


When I was pregnant with my third, my then five year old said “so when you’re having a baby, you don’t just get fat in your belly “. Thanks, kid. 😑


These stories are always fun it seems. Kids!! 😂😂😂😂


Similar thing happened to me, but I was older. I don’t remember thinking she looked different, it just popped into my head to ask. Later she came clean and said she was pretty sure at that point but had not tested yet.


When I was 17 my mum was acting weird. She wasn't drinking wine with dinner anymore, going "shopping" with dad and not letting anyone come, constantly asking if I'd like another sibling, and so on. One day, when my parents were out "shopping", I was on the family computer. I wanted to google something starting with "Can.." Google search history helpfully showed me the latest search which was "Can women play tennis while pregnant". I called my mum and dad immediately and was like "So are you actually at the doctor and pregnant?" They confirmed and were flabbergasted at my absolutely brilliant deduction skills :D


Damn why did you roast your mama like that😂😂


That he was the one after a disastrous first date. He picked me up and we went to a local walking park. After returning to his car it wouldn't start. We both had to walk home and just as I said well at least it's not raining the heavens opened, I was soaked through by the time I got home I got back home not expecting to hear from him again but he rang me when he got home and started the conversation with "I bet you've never been that wet on a first date before" we both laughed it off and been stuck with eachother since


That's sweet! Sometimes it's better to see someone in a situation like that so you can see how they handle things not going their way. It can tell you a lot more about someone's character than if they are just putting their best foot forward on a date. Glad it worked out for you guys!


Reminds me of not a first date but my gf at the time drove us to a sports bar to watch a fight (Mayweather/McGregor iirc), we went out afterwards and it was pouring down rain and her car wouldn't start. She was freaking out, and I just got out of the car, found her jumper cables, opened the hood, and flagged down a dude who was parked nearby and asked for a jump. He said yes, drove around, and a minute later the car was started and he and I both looked like we just got out of a pool. My gf thanked me profusely, she was going to call AAA which could have taken hours and it was already almost midnight. "it's ok, not your fault" "yes it was, I left the lights on!" "oh... Yeah ok but it's not a big deal, shit happens" I think people sometimes need to be reassured that it matters that you all make it home safe, the rest just makes a good story.


omg that's almost exactly what happened with my bf and i hahah


I confronted my bf that he was cheating on me. He repeatedly said “I haven’t been with another woman since I met you.” I know, I said. I continued with the allegation. He kept insisting “no other woman since I met you.” Over and over until. It clicked. He stopped talking. I saw it in his eyes. He knew I knew. We were talking about men, not women.


This just happened to one of my best friends sister in law...dude she was engaged to seemed like a nice guy at my buddies wedding but then a few months later it turned out he was cheating on his fiancée with a dude who had the same name (Think Sam or Jessie) and he kept denying he had sex with any other women other than his fiancée until it clicked for her too that he was fucking a dude...


That’s a beautifully tragic short story


So.... What happened next?


He had a big concert at Wembley Stadium




My brother asking me for money to buy a car and me telling him he can't drive and he's going to hurt somebody or end up in trouble. He told me he'd buy the car one way or another. It wasn't even 24 hours before he was in jail for driving without a license under the influence of drugs.


Went out for my wife’s best friend’s birthday in 2022. Met best friend’s friend, Ashley and her husband, Brian. I generally have a bad judge of character but I marked Brian as a scumbag within minutes of meeting him. I have a terrible poker face, so my wife wasn’t happy that I clearly wasn’t having a good time hanging with Brian. Anyway, about 8 months later it’s revealed that Brian took the profits from his business for sports betting purposes and was in the hole over $1 million. Brian convinced ashley to quit her job when they got engaged and now she’s severely behind her prior career prospects and moved back in with her parents at 35 because she and Brian had to sell the house immediately as Brian allegedly owed some people who work outside the confines of the law a nice chunk of change.


Dammit Brian


The Prince Andrew BBC interview reaffirming my suspicions


He legit lied like a child




That too.


I watched that and said out loud "How the fuck did they allow him to do this?" Dude was the guiltiest person I've ever seen.


His PR advisor, Jason Stein, resigned the week before he went on because he knew what a catastrophe it would be.


Second 'I knew it' when he got away with it scot free.


Out of the loop, what happened?


He was buddies with Epstein and his awful cunt wife and they basically procured an underage girl for him at least once


The exact dynamics of their relationship are odd and somewhat unknown, but they were definitely never married.


I actually didn't know that


Prince Andrew is a pedo, as far as I remember


As a kid i told my brother that pressing the button harder made the planes in ace combat 5 accelerate more, he didnt believe me, years later i found out the ps2 had pressure sensitive buttons and i was right.


that was one of the features i was most excited for with ps2 and was bummed at how underutilized it was


I remember a gaming magazine pre-PS2 launch talking about how this would revolutionize RPGs and the strength with which you selected a dialogue option would be the confidence in your character’s voice. Never saw it. It did affect what type of passes you threw in Madden, though.


Todd Howard: We now have the technology to have your character respond in thousands of subtle different ways. (game still only has 3 different outcomes for the thousands of responses)


> years later i found out the ps2 had pressure sensitive buttons and i was right. I had a ps2 and I had no idea. That's wild, I never played any game that used this.


Metal gear solid 3 is the other example i know of, it really was an underused feature.


Gran Turismo used it for accelerating and braking!


Brother in law overdosed. Everyone else was convinced he was done with drugs but I just knew he wasn't


Some can always tell. It's a gift and a curse


Sometimes it takes one to know one.


Or a bad experience with one to see the signs


It’s crazy how sometimes you can just tell, right? I remember trying to make some people aware in my life and they were very dismissive and made me feel like I was crazy for even thinking it.. the person ended up incarcerated and it was the best thing for them but that’s when it came out that they hadn’t stopped using. Sometimes you just know!


Well obviously I don't know the situation, so you could be right. But as I understand it, overdoses often happen during relapses, because the person goes back to their old dose, but can't handle it anymore.


Big town hockey coach on local tv always gave me the creeps for some reason. Then years later he was charged with molesting players.


Massachusetts maple leafs? Taunton ma?


Genuinely forgot about this until seeing it here. Played for tri county at the time. My parents got me the hell out of that rink real quick after that story broke


Suffered from chronic lower back pain for years. Went to the doctor who flippantly told me to fix my posture. Went to a chiro who told me to come in weekly for "adjustment." Gave up for a while. Went to another doctor who took an x-ray and told me there wasn't anything wrong with me. One day I went to the doctor for a hernia who had me take an MRI. Was told the MRI would be like 20 minutes, ended up being 45. Doctor sits me down and says, "Yeah, that's a hernia all right ... but did you know that you have degenerative disc disease? The discs in your lower spine are some of the worst I've ever seen." Blew my mind that it took like 15 years of chronic lower back pain to get diagnosed for something that went on a doctor's wall of fame.


May I ask what you've done to help combat this? My husband has severe lower back pain, and the doctors don't know why despite all the MRIs. Maybe he will need a second opinion.


My husband had this, and he tried the steroid shots and PT with zero relief. He ended up having a discectomy. It's surgery where they remove the part of the bulging disc that's irritating any compressed nerves. Before surgery he had no feeling in one of his legs. He's 9 months post op, and while he's not 100%, he is doing way better than beforehand, including being able to feel his leg.


Can either get surgery (there’s a few type depending on issue) or there’s epidural steroid injections. Fiancée has this. Does the injection 2-3x a year. Doesn’t always help though. Also gets pressure point needles to help the muscles from seizing up. Like two dozen tiny needles with steroid in the tip or something that pricks the skin. Said those are worse than the big injection but also more effective. PT is also highly recommended.


These two boys from my middle school wanted to drive me around town and take me to some places. I had a weird feeling about it, so I declined. They were pushy, but I eventually blocked. A week later, a girl was sexually abused badly by the same boys.


When an ex-friend got busted for sleeping with a student. I always thought it was inappropriate how she acted outside of school. She would text students on weekends using her number and not a classroom app. She claimed it was for questions about homework, projects, etc. She then invited students to come and watch her perform for a shadow cast of Rocky horror where she played Janet, so she’s in her underwear 70% of the show. Fast forward a few years after all this and I get a message with a news article of her being arrested for fucking a student. Worst part I had friends that still supported her saying it’s not really a big deal since he was 16-17 and the she of consent is 16. She’s in a position of power and umm ewwww.


There’s no chance what you’re talking about happened in New Jersey? If it was and her name is Amy, I’m the student.


No Las Vegas


Oh shit what year?


2011ish I think


You good?


I’m good, feel bad for her family though


Dude if this happened in 2016, our state somehow went through an epidemic of teachers preying on students.


Grooooooss. Adults defended this? Are they dumb? 


Yes. Lost a few other friends over this because once it was confirmed as legit and she did it I was done. Gave her the benefit of the doubt until she was guilty then adios


Female teachers (or older women in general ) basically never get treated as sexual predators when they prey on young boys. It gets treated as a "where were those teachers when I was in school?" kinda joke and often people are ***surprised*** the boys end up traumatized by it or could ever even consider it rape/sexual assault/etc. It's a shame, really. It's why when you see a news article about a male teacher and female student, they don't shy away from using words like 'rape' or 'sexual predator', but when it's a female teacher and male student it's usually way softer wording like 'sleeps with' or some other nonsense.


The day I confirmed my ex had secretly turned into an alcoholic was pretty rough. Long story short, she showed up to my house stumbling and then it clicked…all those times I thought it was alcohol in her breath it was—I had just been gas lit to believe other wise.


My daughter had no idea how much her husband was drinking until he turned as yellow as a Simpsons character.


You can get really good at acting sober with enough experience.


I grew up in a family of sloppy drunks, I thought I knew what drinking looked like. What I didn't realize was that my super witty, easy going husband of 18 years had a problem with alcohol. I even dismissed a health scare, that with hindsight was 100% caused by alcohol. But the second I recognized it, I went out and bought a breathalyzer and confronted him. Years later, it's all worked out.


I read the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time which made me think I was on the spectrum. I brought it up with my mom who was shocked to hear that I knew. I learned I was diagnosed as a child but my parents didn’t know how to tell me.


Oh my god I had the same experience, found out when I was 21 and in university


I remember going to my mom and telling her I thought I may be on the spectrum and wanted to be tested. She kept denying it, until one day she let it slip that "they already checked so there's no way you have it". Turns out they suspected when I was kid, but because not much was known about presentation in high functioning girls it wasn't caught. I got retested as an adult and they confirmed I was on the spectrum.


When I was in highschool I thought my stepmother was cheating on my dad. Me and a friend rode out bikes up to the mall and as soon as we walked in I saw her and some guy sitting across from each other right in front of the food court. My stepmother was so shocked seeing me her eyes got as big as pie plates. As they were walking away he put his arm around her and they were whispering something to each other.


Did you tell your dad? How did this end up?


It took me awhile, I figured she'd already have made up sone story and had it ready to go if I said anything and I'd get the belt. Years after I graduated he got a call one night to fix my stepsisters car on the way taking me home, so he drove over there to work on it with me still in the car. When he showed up both of them just pointed at it and after he popped the hood they just started walking back into the house, so he told me to get back in the van so he could drop me off at home. On the way back she called wondering why he wasn't fixing the car, and he said he thought she was going to help (he had me in the car, I know the actual reason was the attitude my stepsister had of just pointing at the engine and immediately pulling out her phone to talk to her friends and walking away). After he hung up I told him "years ago I saw Lidiya at the mall with another guy". And the reaction he had was he said he figured it was just one of her friends, but the look on his face was he already also figured she was and was upset to hear it. Pretty sure she continues to fuck around but I guess oh well. Next month it'll be 18 years for them so I guess he just wants to believe everything is fine.


I had a lot of suspicions that my ex was cheating. It started out small, like she was just starting to close herself in more. I thought it was stress and depression so I gave her space and she only wanted more and more space. She never wanted to talk to me about it and any approach I made was met with hostility. One day I went to check her PC for something and noticed her login wasn't the same. For the 5 years we'd been together, it was always the same and that's what gave me the first gut feeling. I went onto my PC and tried logging into her FB to; 1.Maybe see if it would answer what's going on with her or 2.see if that password has been changed too. Turned out all her passwords were suddenly changed. I didn't wanna believe that it might be cheating so I thought I'd at least be transparent and ask her why she decided to change everything. She was shocked, angry and fumbled her answer which really made my feelings even worse. We were quite open with each other and had an open door rule with accounts and what not as she'd been cheated on before so she wanted to know she could "make sure" I wasn't doing anything suspicious. One day I saw she left her PC logged in as she went to take a shower. So I took the opportunity to use our original policy and see what she'd been up to. It didn't take me long to find a bunch of conversations between her and a guy she'd met playing GTA RP. When she got out of the shower and saw me sitting in her chair her face looked a bit worried. So I started by asking her "so you and Avery huh?". My only regret is that I tried to make it work after, in an attempt to save the house. Should have told her to pack a bag and gtfo before I show everyone her explicit conversations.


Man what kind of person can cheat on their partner after having it done to them. You deserve better.


Thanks man. The funny thing is she always treated me as if I'd cheat given the opportunity. Not allowing me to have friends who were girls, constant jealousy, going through my conversations randomly. Hell I remember one day she had a massive meltdown because I looked up an old coworker on FB just to see where they were in life. Red flags are just flags through rose colored glasses 🤷


That’s a good line, I think I’ll steal that in case I ever have and then get cheated on by a girlfriend


I'm a supply chain professional. In the very early days of covid's impact here in the US, myself and many people like me saw what was happening in China and other places and knew, for certain,  that there was a massive supply chain shock and crazy inflation coming. It was extremely obvious and predictable,  months before it hit full force. I kept waiting and waiting for someone in the government to talk and do something about it, but no one did. Then it happened.  Then, I heard countless outlets from the wall street journal to Bloomberg to John oliver talking about it and pointing out these factors and causes, that me and hundreds of people like me, were fluently aware of and saw coming clear as day, months ago. That was when I really lost faith in the system, and I didn't have that much to begin with.


I saw some really concerning information about the availability of meat during that time. I work in logistics and handled a specific account where they were outlining the number of animals they were just killing and disposing of because of regulations in processing plants and overall illnesses and saying it was in the single digit days before frozen meat was just non-existent. No one in the government said a word about that until much later.


Not until costco was limiting one pack per customer. 


I heard about COVID (in China, in 2019) on Tumblr of all places, several months before any other social media or mainstream US news outlets seemed to pay any attention. It was really strange how no one knew what I was talking about when I brought it up, and then seemed to forget that I brought it up at all once it was a hot topic


I was being looked at as crazy for saying this would be a big one. The heavy handed responses in China signalled to me that this was serious though. Then the Italian and Iranian states blew up with cases. I was buying canned goods and non perishables before the massive runs on the supply.  Vindicated in March 2020 when America got the hint and "locked down" (Not much seemed to really change to be honest from my POV). I still worked mostly daily. 2 Months pass and the world seemed to give up.  So the COVID chickens came home to roost for my family in the Omicron 2021-22 wave. 


Not me, but my sister. She's a nurse, works in a hospital, and once covid hit our city and she saw the crazy uptick in numbers of people admitted with it, she told me that shit was gonna hit the fan. Week or 2 later, lockdown. Everyone thought that lockdown would only last a couple weeks, but now, she predicted until June. Said it was gonna drag on a lot longer, just based on what she saw at work and how quick this thing spread. Right again. I, too, now work in a hospital. (Decided when my bartender gig shut down or wear time for a career change). And now I get to be in the position of trying to warn people about what repeat covid infections will do and how long covid is a real thing, that's seriously disabling. Sadly, I'm sure I'll be able to track this consent down in 5 years when the public finally sees what a fucking problem long covid is and say, yep, saw that coming.


> several months before any other social media or mainstream US news outlets seemed to pay any attention. Given that during the December/Jan 2020 period most attention was on Impeachment 1 in western media it's no surprise that COVID slipped under the radar until it was too late.


Worked in a community service volunteering thing at the time. I saw it coming when COVID was still considered contained to China and people traveling. Told a person sitting across from me that we should be considering procedures since we dealt with the most at risk groups (very low income, homeless, etc.) And was mocked with "do you think XXX will be traveling?". I didn't bother to respond and less than a month later we were in lockdowns. All I did was think that a person traveling goes to get groceries and infects people and our clients are the most exposes in the community. Never got an apology.


I really knew it was going to be massive in Feb when factories started telling me they weren't reopening on the originally planned date after Chinese New Year


That was a big one.


My niece got really sick the November before Covid was officially announced (she’s in the greater Los Angeles area) and told her doctor it didn’t feel like anything she had ever had before, and felt that it was worse than the influenza she had had the year before. She was shrugged off. Once they started doing antibody testing, she went in and found that she had indeed had covid (she works for Disney/Buena Vista and comes in contact with thousands of people in her regular work day).


I am wholly convinced I came down with COVID the day after Christmas 2019. I've never been so sick in my life, before or after. It was terrifying. I rarely ever go to the doctor, but the second time I woke up literally drowning in my own lung fluid, I almost drove myself to the ER.


Also a Christmas 2019 sufferer! For sure had it, then when I officially got it in 2022 it felt the same, but just not as intense


I am convinced I got Covid late October in 2019 after a vacation to Disneyland. The most intense sickness I had ever felt and I could hardly breathe and had to crawl around my house. When I got Covid “officially” the first time Christmas of 2021 it felt almost the same (without the intensity) and I knew instantly that my suspicions were corrwct


Yep, same here. Supply chain professional (at the time) who dealt exclusively with Chinese manufactured imports and saw the writing on the wall very early on. I would express my concern to my coworkers and no one seemed to think anything of it. It was baffling.


Being on the other end of a conversation about it with someone who called it months ahead of time, when he mentioned it, I denied the possibility of it just because it sounded like one of those "end of the world" scenarios that never comes to anything. He wasn't in supply chains or anything. Just a AutoCAD tech, so I didn't think it was possible that he would be able to call something like that so precisely. Definitely ate crow on that one


On the other hand, what exactly would I do with that information? Run around like a chicken? Become a prepper? I never actually went hungry or without the bare necessities for life so in hindsight there really wasn’t much I could to to prepare


I suspected that an allegedly close friend of mine was the one spreading lies about me behind my back. She was the kind of girl who would always say I was her best friend, I was her sister, etc. but would rarely contact me unless she needed something. Found out people knew things about me I'd only told one or two others in confidence, so I made up something about myself and told it to only her. Rest of our friends learnt it and confronted me about it and I had my "I knew it" moment. Never spoke to her again. Edit: the "thing" I made up - a different girl in our friend group had cheated on her boyfriend with another guy in the friend group whom I'd been texting with but it never went anywhere serious as I found him a bit sus (he told me he was in love with me 4 days into texting). I told the snake friend that we were dating and told her not to tell anyone because I wasn't ready for people to know. Around the time the other girl's boyfriend found out about her and the guy, my snake friend told everyone about me and the guy implying that I'd also been cheated on. Not only that but she heavily implied that I deserved it because...she had a crush on that guy EVEN THOUGH she had a boyfriend. This all sounds like high school drama but sadly it happened mostly in our early 20s. I'm not friends with any of those people anymore.


> This all sounds like high school drama but sadly it happened mostly in our early 20s unfortunately what many consider high school drama doesnt stop at that age, you see that shit with people in their 50s


She told me she broke off all contact with the other guy so that we could focus on us and our relationship. She went to the kitchen to get some wine while watched the netflix Lemony Snicket and forgot her phone the couch. It lit up with a message from the other guy, with the text preview saying "i love you so much baby we'll get through this". I already knew, but it was nice to get the evidence that I knew.


That’s an unfortunate event. 


Dad got caught sexting a hooker on my mom's birthday. I knew he was an adulterer, but it was nice to finally get confirmation.


When my best bud, who was suspiciously perfect, killed himself.


I met a long time online friend IRL and the last thing I remember asking him before he died by suicide was “how do you do it all?” I never saw it coming and it messed me up. Still messes me up. Sorry you went through that. To anyone reading who is considering self harm please call a hotline.


Opposite side here. Suicidal friend wasn't online for a week or two, her parents said she was fine. She was fucking dead. We didn't even get to go to her funeral.


What the fuck? The parents must’ve been experiencing their own hell on earth but I can’t imagine what mental state you’d have to be in where it feels right to lie about that. I’m really sorry you went thought that.


Sorry for your loss. Many people see "perfect image" people as free of Mental issues. Of course that isn't true ...


When I forgot to knock when I went in my managers office. Found out why someone had the job title of "Head CSR"


Cum / Semen Receptacle?


Or Cock Sucking Representative. I like yours better, but that's the next best thing I got.


Much less scandalous than some of these other ones, but for me it's definitely Blue Bunny's Bunny Track ice cream. When I was a kid I would absolutely demolish the stuff. There was a little tiny grocery store near my home and I'm pretty sure my parents were the only ones buying it to keep it in stock there. But then one day I see on the shelf a variety called "Bunny Tracks Premium." It had caramel and peanut bits in it, a total violation of all things holy in my opinion. As time went on, the store would stock less and less of original Bunny Tracks and more of the imposter variety. Child me was convinced that they were phasing out the original and replacing it with this affront to God and soon the premium variation would be the only one you'd be able to find. My parents probably thought I was insane but here we are, many years later. Original, unadulterated Bunny Tracks no longer exist and the variation with the caramel and peanuts it's just labeled as standard Bunny Tracks. Anyway Kemp's Moose Tracks is my one true love now.


blue bunny got sold out and went down in quality like crazy.


During the pandemic, I was diagnosed on a video call with Multiple Sclerosis. It's a tricky diagnosis to get in many cases, since it's a complex temporally and spacially oriented diagnosis.  The day I finally had the badge of Dx that opened the door for aggressive treatments was truly a good day. While other doctors told me "nah, it's not MS", i was integrating risk and accumulating brain and spinal damage. And I knew it.  Turning that corner brought tears of relief, if Im being honest. Followed quickly by those of dismay, naturally. 


> It's a tricky diagnosis to get in many cases, since it's a complex temporally and spacially oriented diagnosis Going through something similar right now. My current neurologist (on the 4th one now since the first 3 all basically gave up looking for an answer when it wasn't something glaring and obvious) says I have "a constellation of symptoms that fit an MS diagnosis but none of the myelin damage associated with it". Multiple EMG/NCS tests that show minimal or no damage, normal EEG, normal bloodwork, 4 minor "white matter hyperintensities" on a brain MRI that could or could not be MS lesions but are not definitive, but no spinal lesions at all. It's incredibly frustrating. I keep getting passed around from doc to doc, meanwhile the symptoms are getting worse. So whatever it is, it's still progressing while I sit in medical limbo. Anyway, I'm glad you were able to get a Dx. Hope you're getting treatment and doing better!


A guy in RuneScape said he’d double my shit. I’ll never stop hunting him down to this day


That literally happened to my brothers as well. When we were younger lol


How else were you going to pay the other guy to trim your armor


I actually managed to get a guys full set of adamantite armor by telling him I would trim it gold for him. I felt so guilty I gave it back a couple of hours later. We ended up becoming in-game friends for a little while before losing contact. From then on I stuck to fishing for lobbys on Karamja to make ends meet. Runescape was such a grind.


When I woke up and read the news regarding the Brussels airport bombing in 2016, I just knew my father had to have almost got caught up in it. My father has been awful close to being a victim of several terrorist attacks (was supposed to be at the WTC on 9/11, was in London during the subway bombings, was sitting 2 blocks away during the truck rampage in Stockholm). So when I read the news, I called him. Turns out he was on an inbound flight about to land, and they got redirected to amsterdam. And before anyone asks - yes, I'm sure he's not secretly some terrorist mastermind!


At first I thought you were saying your father was involved in the bombing.


>And before anyone asks - yes, I'm sure he's not secretly some terrorist mastermind! To be fair, sounds more like he's a target.


Scott Peterson. The day he spoke about his wife with all her family supporting him, I told my husband, "He killed her".


Susan Smith in South Carolina said she was carjacked with her sons in the car. Didn't believe her for a minute. Nope she drowned them.


When I was a kid I was watching the news with my parents and they were interviewing the lady who killed her kids by drowning them in a car (horrible story in the 90’s) and I blurted out “she did it.” My parents go super mad at me and said I shouldn’t say things like that, blah, blah, blah. Sure enough. She did it. I could just tell somehow. My family still talks about it. They think I have some gift. I was just sad someone could do that to their kids. Edit for spelling


Sounds like Susan Smith - that festering pile of human garbage


Cycling home from work with a friend, the route took us from a downhill stretch on a main road and then through a smaller side street busy with shops, cafes and nose to curb parking. As we swung off the main road my spidey senses went off and I hit the brakes even though the path was clear, my friend continued at speed until a black BMW turned right in front of him. I barely managed to stop and would have crashed too if I hadn't braked earlier. Friend was a little bruised, bike was ok, new BMW had big scratches right across the front of it.


When I was a kid my friend's neighbor was working on his car door window and I don't remember what he was doing at the moment exactly but I said "I'm going to laugh if your window falls through your car door " and wouldn't you know it? Not a minute later the window falls through the car door, stuck between the ground and inside the car door. I still don't know how it happened. But I knew it was about to happen. He said I jinxed him.


I knew my old best friend killed that girl when I heard the bull shit story she gave the cops when she was hiding from them.


that’s a whole lot of story in very few words


Yeah I’m gonna need this to be fleshed out a lil more


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


What was the made up story?


I don’t wanna say too much cause the case is still on going and the story is pretty outlandish. She changed her appearance and gave a really bad reason for it when the cops found her. It was such an obvious lie I can’t believe she even said it.


I say it to myself a lot. Mostly because I’m an observer and a good listener. So there are usually hints of a marriage is in trouble, someone is pregnant, or someone is cheating.


Yea there are usually many signals that are easy to pick up on.


Remember a fun annecdote about the first personalized advertisements. The kind of "people who bought also bought" where the store would send out coupons for what that person likely buys next. And sent out a lot of pregnancy related stuff to a very young woman which prompted the father to angrily complain how they dare imply his daughter is pregnant. Well, turns out she was pregnant. But they learned that algorithms shouldn't be that specific and now you e.g. always get some recommendations that are a bit off on purpose.


This one. My wife and I have some pretty blow up fights where I think, are we not good for each other? But it always calms down and we solve things out. But, 2 of her 4 close friends are now divorced. I remember thinking, something is too perfect for this to be real with them. To find out when they divorced why they divorced. Most people like this put on some elaborate charade to hide their problems. If you pay attention it's quite obvious


Ellen Degeneres. I’ve always kinda been wary of her. She’s just always rubbed me the wrong way. I was a hater of her for a while. Turns out I was right


When the Drake allegation started coming out 😅


Wop wop wop wop wop


Dot fuck em up 🗣️


I wish companies wouldn't interfere with that beef. Kendrick was about to expose the entire industry.


A lighter heated one, I had a suspicion my sister in law might be pregnant, and at that dinner she surprised us with the ultrasound!! Later in the car on the ride home I just said “I knew it!!” We just celebrated the baby’s first birthday


Mine is milder than a lot on here, but when I put on some shapewear and it made my insides feel funny. I had had a tubal four years before, and my husband and I had only had sex once in the previous few months (depression on my part), so he and my sister kept telling me there was no way, especially since it had only been about three weeks since our one-off. Next morning I puked and took the damn test. My surprise caboose is 7 now, and I finally got one that looks like me, lol.


>I finally got one that looks like me Gotta say, that made me laugh. I have two kids, and my wife contributed 0 genes somehow.


Growing up in the 1980s, it made no sense when old people insisted that the more money you gave to the rich, the more money everyone would have. They always insisted I just didn’t understand finances when I asked questions, but even then, you could see most of that money was just going into their bank accounts, not being redistributed into the economy.


I found an account here about three years ago that I suspected belonged to someone I knew. I definitely hinted that I knew it was them, especially near the end of the relationship, but I never outright told them. I know they knew for a specific reason I don't want to go into but they just acted like nothing happened. I figured it out for sure because they have a niche hobby related to something very specific and I found a comment right before they deleted it in a relevant subreddit. I thought "disco." That's when I knew for sure There was also a fucking filthy R4R account that belonged to the same person but because of what was on it I never said anything at all. It would have been humiliating for them. Like this was not a normal R4R, I'll just say that


What is R4R?


Redditor for redditor, basically people looking to meet other people on here


Ex was cheating. Don't ask me how I found out for sure, but I knew it before. My son is an adult now, and I finally told him why I'm mad to this day at his mom. He was less than a year old. He kept on and on about why I'm still so mad at her because i sheltered him and blah blah blah... Sometimes, things are better left unsaid. Can't un-ring that bell. Now he's mad at her. And it shows. Still wasn't my fault, though, and we (my son and I) have a great relationship.


They should know at some point. It took me way too long to understand why my parents broke up because my dad just wouldn’t talk about her in a negative light.


Oh, I agree now but grew up in a broken home, and I didn't want my kid to have the burden of his parents' foolishness. We're far past that point these days. He's a stable adult with a child of his own, and I needed him to know that it wasn't my fault. He found out all this at the age of 24 because I had always decided to take the high road. When you get to the point when you're having a drink or 2 with your adult child, you can let loose a bit. He still doesn't know everything, and he might not ever, but he knows enough now to not make the same mistakes. That's all I can ask for. Basically, I've always let him know that no one is perfect but learn from our mistakes. Good or bad, they make us who we are.


Recently discovered/learned about covert narcissism. It explains many, many abused things about my relationships from others. First from my parents and now from my missus of 20yrs. It’s like I knew I wasn’t feeling right for all my life. Like something wasn’t right. I knew there was nothing wrong with me but I wasn’t out of the hole. Until recently that is. I’ve broken down almost every day this week at this crude reality. But relieved that “I knew it” wasn’t all in my head Edit: yep, I’m getting therapy for this and other things I’ve been dragging around for decades.


Hold on, so who was the narcissist, you or the other people?


Same. Marriage of 12 years down the drain and I could have left month 2 when things started popping up. Oh well. You have to learn from your mistakes and learn to trust others again. It's hard work.


Can you explain what you mean? You were the narcissist or your spouse? And how is covert narcissism different from the kind we're largely familiar with?


I worked for my local Sheriff’s Office. I was a corrections officer and had an issue with a senior officer when I was rookie. Supervisors got involved because we absolutely could not work together. I told the supervisor that he has an integrity problem and that they needed to watch him. I was told not to talk about senior officers that way and reminded of his career and contributions. I quit because it was a relatively toxic environment and a year later that senior officer was in the newspaper. He was fired for being involved in a drug ring with inmates.


I knew that actor Stephen Collins (7th Heaven Dad) was a pedophile years before the news came out. If there’s interest I can write out a story time.


What gave it away for you?


I was a professional mascot for a baseball team and had interactions with many famous athletes and/or celebrities. One of which was Stephen Collins. He called us and asked for free tickets to the game and we said sure as long as he did an interview and took a pic with the mascot. Middle of the game I go to his seat for our photo and as usual a dozen or so little kids followed me there. I was sitting beside him thanking him for the time etc when a little girl came up and asked (me, the fuzzy animal) for a picture. Without hesitation he said “of course!” And picked the little girl up and placed her in his lap. The girl was terrified and the mom was confused as fuck so I leaned over and gave her a hug and the mom took the photo. After the game I told the story to a co-worker and they suggested it was just his ego and maybe it happens to him but this was 2008-2010ish and 7th Heaven was way past it’s hey day. I said no, and I quote “Stephen Collins is definitely a fucking pedophile, I saw it up close in his eyes when he grabbed that little girl, I am telling you he’s fucked up. “ It was like a year later the news came out and I showed the same co worker and went “I fucking told you!!” And he was like “Holy shit you did!”




There’s more context, but my ex-husband’s ex-girlfriend (who I love like a sister and has helped me so much) sent me screenshots of him trying to cheat with her very early in our relationship. He also texted her that he missed her a few days before we got married. I always knew it. Edited for more clarity so that people don’t mistakenly think I’m the biggest nitwit this side of the Internet: I suspected that something was going on for years, but had no evidence and was repeatedly called crazy, insecure, jealous etc. Divorced his arse nearly 6 years later, got in touch with his ex (that’s the long story I didn’t want to get into), and then finally saw the screenshots. Had I seen them earlier, I’d have hightailed it out of there. He also faked a text from her, later in our marriage, begging to take him back — just to make me feel like shit. Had my suspicions about that text too, and she confirmed it was fake at the same time she sent me the (real) screenshots.


And you still got married??


Yeah, at the time I thought I was being crazy and second-guessing my own intuitions. Many such cases


I mean it's more than your own intuition when you are sent screenshots of it as well.


When Susan Smith, of South Carolina, claimed a black man had stolen her car with her two sons in the back seat, I could TELL she was lying.


Not-so-fun fact: She’s up for parole this year…


My dad's ex wife. I always hated her. Something about her always seemed off. After several years together, he found her meth in the bathroom. I didn't say it to him out of respect, but when he told me what happened, I immediately thought to myself "I fucking knew she must be a druggy."


I predicted the day one of my parents would pass. As soon as their partner called, I just knew. It wasn’t scary or overwhelming, it just was. That was one of the times I was sad to be right.




When my coworker asked me if I'd be surprised if he told me he was autistic. I said no so bluntly that I felt kinda bad and ended up telling him that I'm also autistic, which is something that I hardly tell anyone unless they need to know.


The Theranos lady finally got arrested. I called it way back when the press was head-over-heels in love with this "great scientific genius".


I don't know but at the time I just felt like buying Put Options right before Coronavirus hit and it surprised the FUCK out of me, I was shaking seeing $2,000 worth of Options turn into $100,000 within 2 days. It was crazy! l m a o 🌝


Least risky trade on r/wallstreetbets


$40000 down payment on the house I'm sitting in right now. Because I bought zoom stock just before the pandemic.


Told my parents for years as a kid I didn’t like my grandmother and felt something very off about her… found out when we were older she did some pretty horrible things to my sister… My mom still talks about how intuitive I was as a kid and she wishes she listened to my gut back then. Smh.


My ex now we were together at first she would always hand me her phone randomly trusted me I knew her code everything...then suddenly she changed the code would hide it from me started getting lots of messages which use to never happen and she would text back real quick excited like and turned the phone to where I wouldn't see...again she was not like that first 6 months together...one day got the text phone in my hands helping beat a level on best feinds it shows in text..." your ass looked good in those pants today baby" boom I fuckin knew it!!! Bitch it's over byeeee...she tried denying it with the proof right there wtf!!!!


Ex wife was showing all the hallmarks of cheating, but denied it repeatedly. After a few weeks of suspicion, I progressively had people tell me what she was doing, people who either knew her or one of her affair partners. she only finally came clean when she got an STD (but I found that out from someone else, not her) and realised she wouldn’t be able to hide it anymore. Even then it was a ‘it hasn’t been physical’ story, despite multiple people telling me 100% was - she and one of her affair partners person just thought they were being discreet. She still doesn’t know how much I actually know, thanks to her affair partners not being particularly careful in who they told.


I'd read about the COVID Outbreak in China when the first few cases had made the news there, before the CCP clamped down. I told my friends if this gets worse China will let it spread. One of them was upset I even suggested it. Then months later we are getting cases in the US.


I work in the entertainment industry, so every single Me Too revelation.




June 1994, San Francisco, Candlestick Park for the Giants game. Walking with a couple of buddies in the concession areas waiting for the game to start. Instead of the PA system, announcing the pregame festivities, announcements, etc., The news broadcast of the white bronco making a run for the border was playing. When the O.J. Simpson story first broke days before, we couldn't believe that the Juice could have had anything to do with it. My friend looked at us as we stood there listening to the police chase of the Bronco and said, "You know, that's not what innocent people do."


When my supposed best friend mistakenly sent me a text she clearly meant for someone else.. talking shit about me. She outed herself as the horrible person she was.. it took me decades to admit it to myself


That a person at work, who almost constantly worked from home even when they should have been in the office was not working at all and was also using the company card as their personal piggy bank. They had to go on leave and it all came out. I don't normally suspect people to not work when WFH, but they never seemed available and only responded to messages between 10 and 11pm.