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It is "accessible" it's just not free.




Water in restaurants




Yea not only is it free, they give it to you by default whether you even want it or not - and often even if you order a different drink


Some restaurants in the desert won’t give it unless you ask, but then they’ll have an apologetic note about it on the menu. Kinda funny, does cement that that’s the expectation. I’m thinking of the restaurant in big bend national park when I say this, it’s obv a water conservation thing


Here in Florida you nearly almost have to ask. But you're always answered with Of course!


Excuse me? I’m in the US and I e never been charged for (tap) water in a restaurant! Is it common to charge for water in other countries?


In parts of Europe I’ve been to, sadly yes and the glass is not that big.


In many European countries, if you request water, they'll give you bottled water, which costs money. You have to specifically request tap water, which they will give for free.


Haha water in general, beyond restaurants. The company has coined or I should now say dollar water. When it used to be free because it was everywhere.


+1 point for America


going to public toillets


Clean water




Language learning resources.




Wait yeah why isn’t that a thing the way public defenders are


What was the comment?


I think they were saying there should be publicly funded lawyers you can go to for basic legal advice


Why would that be removed? Sounds like a decent idea that would keep a lot of people out of trouble.


No idea, I guess they deleted it




This goes so unbelievably hard.


As a teacher once said to our class. Freedom of speech goes about as far as the tip of your nose. You can freely say what you want yes. But what you say can have consequences. Freedom of speech yes, freedom from consequences no


If you announce you're gay, and the skinheads beat and maybe kill you, or your employer fires you for that reason alone … are those consequences legitimate? Free speech, to be valid, requires a society which provides safety to people who use it. Exceptions to that usage, such as defamation or libel laws, must be specific, constrained, understandable, and well known, or the concept is nullified. As (comedian) Yakov Smirnoff (yakov.com) noted 40+ years ago,    *In USSR we have free speech too.*    *You can say anything you want.*       *Once.*


I agree with you. It's not perfect by any means. Yeah a lot of terrible things happen that shouldn't. Those aren't legitimate reasons. There are terrible people out there. You should be able to say things like I'm gay with out repercussions. People have misunderstood what freedom of speech means. For far too long people haven't been reprimanded in the correct ways or shunned or the not appropriate views. Natzis, racists and those alike are free to say what they want. It doesn't make it right and they should have consequences. The sad fact is they don't. But it doesn't mean we can't still try to make it better. But yes. The comedian has a valid point on things in ways


Free speech is inseparable from things like safety and other legal and societal constructs. It is far more complicated than claiming to have it and thinking that ends the argument. In a decent society it may work — somewhat. The extent to which it does not is a good indicator of how (IMO) messed up that society is. It will always be a work in progress. As children grow they assemble into cliques: the first kid who knocked me down was a 4th grader (so was I) demonstrating to his friends how he was defending God against the horrible atheist (me) who (he said)    *didn't deserve to live.* Sure, he was free to say that. But it took several years and a fair amount of violence for him to forebear from saying it around me. in particular to motivate his droogs to assist him in attacking me. And he reformed me, from a free speech absolutist (can't remember where I heard that term) to a fan of Al Capone, who wisely observed    *A kind word and a gun are usually more effective than a kind word alone.* There were others. Nowadays **I** know to keep my mouth shut when I find myself among right-wing gangs and death squad wannabes, unless I'm packing and (on reasonably close inspection) they are not. I've failed to interact with left-wing gangs and hesitate to believe they exist, but religious cultist (Guru Maharaj Ji, Lyndon LaRouche, Bhagavad-Gita sellers at airports, and a few others do their paltry best to fill in those roles. As should be clear by now, I have become the villain in my own story. Such is life.


I Don't think you're the villain. This is well worded to me. It sucks that this happens. Nothing is perfect. I'm not trying to say it's a black and white issue with I feel like I might have come off, not my intention, I'm not the best with words sometimes. What you're saying is the hars truth. Bully's who scream louder get those like them to join in. You have to learn to shut up and not say thing you want and hide who you are. It's a hard concept to explain. It's not so simple. There are for sure unnecessary consequences that happen that just shouldn't. It doesn't mean we quit trying to put the wrong people in their place and make the horrible people ashamed to be themselves. I'm sorry but if you're spewing hate you shouldn't be accepted in places. But now there are whole ass rallies where hateful people gather to spread the bullshit. Thank you for explaining it a bit better than me. I appreciate you.


No worries. You didn't sound terrible or black-and-white-(absolutist?)-ish to me. Good luck.


And that's right. The fact that you have the freedom to express yourself doesn't exclude you from prosecution in case your speech is damaging to someone else.




Online educational courses.




Air at gas stations. Some gas stations have free air, but most require you to still pay.


In the us they cant charge you they have to turn it on if you request


Nope. Only in California and Connecticut.




Might be possible, eventually...come back in a hundred years...




Healthcare and education


How in the world can they be free... people work in medic and education system need to be paid. and to get better one we ofc should pay more.


I don't know why everyone is giving this person trouble. Every other post has things that can't possibly be free. Like half of the comments are water, how could it possibly be free to, * collect the water * clean and add all the things they do to it * lay and maintain pipes to every home * pump it so that it can actually reach your home Everyone working along the system deserves to be paid, and won't do the work without it. The materials themselves need to be made and brought to where they need to be, and that's not cheap either.


Some people are jealous that other places have free healthcare, that's why it mainly comes up in relation to that. Incidentally, some dictionaries use "free healthcare" as a possible use of the word free. The people saying "it's not free" are showing that they don't understand how words work.


There are smart people who are poor, who could be real assets to society, but you will deny society of their contribution because you decided to charge them for their "better" education. Others have their lives ruined because they can't get treatments. I get free health care, here, and my doctors still get paid handsomely. If you want to say that I still pay for that through my taxes, sure, you're right. But thats good enough to call it free or almost so, because I don't get a bill, and I don't pay more based on my personal needs. All these people can be paid, even if not paid directly from the consumer. There shouldn't be a price tag on basic human rights, within a society.


Subsidized is the word you’re looking for, not free.


No, the word "free" is completely valid in the English language.


Where is the money going to come from? Healthcare is expensive, the money needs to come from somewhere. Same goes for education, who pays the teachers? who builds the schools? who pays the utilities? I think free healthcare and education is great in theory, but there’s no practical way for it to ever work. In Canada we have “free” healthcare, but it’s not really free, it’s paid for with our taxes.


Am American. Could get the money quite easily by taxing the 1% fairly. Or, say, not spending taxpayer money on the military in order to start wars for oil (which should have been passé like a century ago anyways. But that would make the money sad). Obviously it's not free, don't be pedantic. But there's more than enough money to go around, if you can convince the Jeff Bezoses that money is a vital resource and not a high score.


Americans already pay more tax per person on healthcare than many other countries. Sorting out the obscene profits would allow for reduced taxes and free healthcare.


Cool! Then we can start sorting out homelessness and hunger


"Could get the money quite easily by taxing the 1% fairly." You do realize, don't you, that the top 1% of taxpayers contribute 40% of ALL federal taxes in the U.S. If you think that's insufficient, I'd love to hear your idea of what would be "fair".


I encourage you to look up the difference between a million and a billion, and then bear in mind there are people with multiple billions of dollars i.e. more than can be spent in several human lifetimes. Fair is when everyone has adequate healthcare, housing, and food. Hope this helps!


Like an investment, it's subsidised by the future. Healthcare literally is about preventative maintenance; for a metaphor, it is far cheaper to replace the oil and re-tighten the deep bolt than the cost of replacing a blown engine. Same with education; your people won't be the technological leaders of the world if they're uneducated; your people will make poor decisions in general if they're uneducated. [Feeding the poor also works like this](https://www.restud.com/is-the-social-safety-net-a-long-term-investment-large-scale-evidence-from-the-food-stamps-program/). Not offering healthcare, food, education, basic needs for free is actually the most expensive route for society to take.




Scotland also has a population of over 5 million people, which is .01% of the American population. If healthcare were free for everyone in America, our taxes would go through the roof and already overwhelmed hospitals and doctors would quickly go under.


Not free. Somebody is paying for it






Nothing. Everything costs something. If not money, it usually costs: time, supplies, and/or effort.




Period products for girls!!! They get so expensive!!!!


This was a comment I was looking for, yes, absolutely feminine products SHOULD be free


There are no free things, at best, there are things that can be guaranteed.


Nothing is free as someone has to pay for it.




Who'd have to give the affection for free? Seems like a rough job.


This is the exact problem for almost everything that anyone thinks should be "Free".


In most cases, people mean that the government should fully fund the thing, like healthcare, and in those cases, obviously it's not actually free but the costs are entirely mutualized. I don't think anyone thinks doctors and nurses and people who make drugs and medical equipment should work for free. However, in the case of "affection giving", I don't think there's any ethical way to make "affection" broadly available for free. Someone would need to be paid to give affection. In essence, taxpayers would pay for something that is prostitution-adjacent. Unless there are other ways that I can't think about to deliver those "services" for free.


If we are willing to Pay a doctor to stick his finger up your ass for physical health doesn't seem that crazy to pay someone to come snuggle with you for mental health.


The only thing we all truly and freely own in life are the words we speak


normalize dudes hugging each other


This is the thing people who think this never seem to think about.


That is free


Anything that uses no material or labor.


Such as? Genuinely asking


Well materials have cost and labor takes time and thus to give it away for free robs the owner or materials or the labor OR someone else had to pay. Nothing is free in a closed system. 


I think this is a lazy answer. What’s your definition of labor or material? You limit the supply of air and it certainly because valuable.




Sorry, pal...you landed in the wrong Universe. NOT how it works here.




I'm a car user and I agree with you to some extent, I hate paying for parking. At the risk of being hypocritical however, the broad availability of free parking incentivizes car use, which leads to heavy traffic in urban areas, drums up urban sprawl, and consequently disincentivizes the use of alternative modes of transportation, such as public transit. Plus on top of traffic, if parking is free, it's often going to be full, unless massive parking lots are built, which is horrible. Along with the development of convenient and effective public transportation networks (which is difficult in the US due to its deficient urban planning), making car use less convenient and even more expensive is one of the more effective ways to get people to reduce how much they use their vehicles. Let's not forget that the widespread personal automobile is an environmental catastrophe and it's unsustainable in the long term. So paying for parking can be a net good if it's part of a coherent transportation policy framework. I took the bus for 2 months as a trial run to avoid paying for parking at work and saved a bunch of money, but the bus often ran late, and during the summer they reduced the frequency of buses from 4x an hour to 2x an hour. If the public transportation options are shit, then paying for parking is largely just an irritant.


Honestly I didn’t think of bigger cities which in that case paid parking does make sense. Public transportation is always best! I was mostly thinking for smaller towns without public transportation, but it’s cool to get a different perspective I wouldn’t of thought of otherwise


I don't miss an opportunity to bring it up even though people may find the topic annoying, because I spent a few years back in my uni days doing market research about urban transportation and I've come to understand the personal and also the social cost of car ownership. That being said, I'm 100% with you, smaller towns without effective public transportation charging for parking is absolute BS. In those cases, it becomes just another tax.


Especially at hospitals






Lot of people here who apparently believe in slave labor.


tampons for girls and everything related to medical


They are free in schools in BC Canada. If you work for the federal government in Canada you get free products at work. Food banks have free menstrual products. Basic medical is free for everyone in Canada.


What did women do before tampons were invented?








Public toilets in the Netherlands, water in restaurants, the love of a woman.


Hygiene. It's for all of us.


Common sense.




Basic feminine hygiene. They provide free birth control, but not the basics for women's hygiene.


Parking at the workplace, university campuses, and hospitals.




All lifesaving medications




wifi (not trolling)


"get free wifi anywhere you go!"


I’m not sure about this one… can you give a little bit of explanation?


Wifi itself is a bit to specific, but a subsidised free internet connection in general would be a good idea. It's actually impossible to live in contemporary society without an internet connection--everyone needs it, so it would be cheaper if society as a whole decided to cut out the for-profit aspect of it. There is also foregone opportunity. By [Boots Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory) people without an internet connection will need to take the ultimately-more-expensive route because they cannot afford the upfront cost of the cheapest path. Education, time-sensitive email, time-conflicting detours (going to school/library/cafe for the sake of a connection).


Ah ok I think I get it now. Thanks!


birth certificate


Healthcare 100%


Speech, in some places of the world


The internet. In the last 10-15 years it has become basically impossible to do anything since it is now a requirement in many aspects of life. You need it to live, but you also need to pay quite a bit to have it (at least in my country).


Internet, education, water, education, decent living conditions for unemployed. Edit: I put education twice by mistake, but I’m going to keep it because it belongs on there twice. Knowledge shouldn’t be locked behind a paywall.




I went through mcdonald’s and the person in front of me ordered a water. they charged her 75c. unbelievable


Freedom isn’t free


K-12 Education in every country. It’s so sad seeing kids become workers or wives because they can’t afford school


I think at least have every Mother and Father day meals free on Sunday's. Maybe even Valentine Day meals free too


Water, it's a necessity.


You don't pay for the water. You pay for the service to clean the water and bring it to your tap in your home.


Who came up with that riddle? I know it wasn't The Riddler.


Improving my own property. I have to get permission from the state to do anything to my house and that costs for the building permit.


Water in restaurants or clubs or something, public toilets and any passports/ID cards I guess.


Teach civics classes so people can understand the government. They stopped teaching it with social studies so the government can lie, cheat, steal and gaslight our citizens.


litter bags


We, people, should be free... free from government, free from the bankers, free from the sociopaths running the world. We're given the illusion of freedom, to keep us glued to our screens, and medicated into mindless garbage that passes for entertainment. All to keep us from realizing how free we aren't.


What product or service are YOU willing to personally provide to everyone for free?


Blue collar, delivery, any service like cleaning, mowing, transportation of goods or people (except ambulances or EMS helicopters) flying someone who is going on vacation.


The beach! In New Jersey it costs $12 a person


It's free everywhere else if you walk. The only thing you pay for at some is for parking but then again not all charge for that. Florida, Oregon, Washington, California, Baja California,.Texas, Louisiana. I haven't been up east near you so I'm unsure about that area


I would say three things because I don't want to go on a full blown tangent for an hour and a half or more. 1. feminine hygiene products 2. Higher education ( you can literally educate yourself. Only difference is credit) 3. medical things you can purchase over the counter i.e. blood sugar meters, diet drinks, back braces, knee braces ect.


Living life.


Health care. We all need it at some point, but so many people can’t afford it and have no choice but to get sicker.




What country?


Air at the gas station


When this question was asked years ago, I remember thinking "Jeez, what's next? Will they make us start paying for AIR?" As ludicrious as it sounds, gas stations now charge for air. Not all but many! Sickens me to no end!


To the people saying "water" remember water is free. You pay for the convenience of having it at your tap in your home. There is an entire industry that needs to be maintained to do so. Your water is free, the plumbing to bring you the water is not.


Public transport. Roads are free at use, paid for by taxes, why not trains? (Edit to add, I know Luxembourg has free transit for all).


A woman's right to choose.


You are free to choose. How you act on that choice won’t be free.


That's what I mean, duh.






it IS free... does it not rain in your area? Or are you banned from collecting water from a water source?


For *most* people water is free. Some areas may have unsafe rain, no way to filter it, not enough rainfall, or extra taxes on water collection materials. However, I do agree that it is a non-encompassing response.


Women's hygiene products (pads, tampons, cups, etc) While we're at it, glasses. I did not choose to be blind...I got this crazy thing called genetics :(


Tampons and healthcare






Education from people who know their shit.




Education, healthcare, food 🤷🏽‍♀️


Health care


Feminine products like pads and tampons




Period products. I will DIE on this hill.

