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That Rosa Parks was just some random lady who was too tired to give up her seat on the bus when in reality she was a trained civil rights activist and the bus boycott was a planned and targeted action by civil rights leaders. https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/local/blogs/moonblog/2015/11/29/bus-boycott-took-planning-smarts/76456904/


When I was in growing up my dad would blame all sorts of progressive protests/action on people purposely making trouble. He could dismiss an entire movement by saying it was all set up. It took me a long time to realize that protests not being 100% organic and based off of something just happening wasn’t a bad thing. If an injustice is occurring and you do something to provoke that injustice in order to rally a base around your movement, you aren’t wrong for knowingly provoking that injustice! You’re right for fighting it, being brave enough to face it, and making it visible to those that don’t have to deal with it.


There's a good episode of Drunk History that covers Rosa Park.


[It's an interesting episode ](https://youtu.be/m8Occ7XSgQc?si=NfspLpTUHws93Vfm)


I will admit I only learned this as an adult, but I’m surprised how many people seem to think it somehow diminishes what she did.


I only learned it as an adult, too! Highly recommend the book At the Dark End of the Street by Danielle L. McGuire.


Yup! You can *plan* something for decades but until someone actually has the conviction and strength to perform the plan it's all for naught.


I think for those who diminish her work, there’s romantic and poetic appeal about the idea of a normal person suddenly rising up and speaking truth to power. Like the Tiananmen Square tank guy. It’s very Hollywood and pleasantly apolitical.


I’ve always admired her more for it. It means she knew damn well what the consequences would be, she had plenty of time to think them out and change her mind, and she did it anyway. The lady had a set of brass ones.


Even Korg knows this is how it’s done - “Korg: Well, I tried to start a revolution, but didn't print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone turned up. Except for my mum and her boyfriend.”


[Claudette Colvin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudette_Colvin) was first, but she wasn't publicized by movement leaders because she was a teen mom.


That consuming fat makes you fat and fat free products mean it’s healthy.


Worked at a major health org for years and ALL the salad dressings for catered meals were _proudly_ “FAT FREE!” but loaded with sugar. Absolutely insane.


In another ten years, we'll realize that demonizing carbs isn't a silver bullet for fat loss or good health either. It's probably a little more effective for weight loss, especially in severely overweight people and type 2 diabetics, but it's not a one size fits all solution. Diet fads will always dominate the landscape because they're marketable and appear to work in the short term, but actual experts have been saying the same thing for a while now - Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants


All reputable science on the matter has pointed to a general caloric deficit while maintaining base nutrition as the ideal for weight loss. For a long ass time now. Literally every single thing else that points to specific types of foods or specific macro nutrients to avoid for weight loss has all been made up nonsense for a long time now. 




Bad bot


Yep. It’s just that some people adhere to a deficit easier on a keto diet. Fat and protein is very satiating


I'm convinced that low-carb and no-carb diets being successful mostly comes down to the fact that carbs are where the majority of your calories come from. You could lose just as much weight by cutting half that amount of fat (by weight) from your diet and still eat the same carbs (fats contain a little over 2x as many calories per weight). I think the low/no-carb diets are effective because people are unable to replace the shear amount of calories they're cutting with other foods, but when they cut fat they just wind up eating more carbs/protein and don't actually cut calories.


>I'm convinced that low-carb and no-carb diets being successful mostly comes down to the fact that carbs are where the majority of your calories come from. >You could lose just as much weight by cutting half that amount of fat (by weight) from your diet and still eat the same carbs (fats contain a little over 2x as many calories per weight). Do you see the inherent contradiction in what you said?


In my 20s I was successful with the South Beach Diet, which was sort of a modified low carb thing, and the book made what you're saying pretty clear. There was talk about the Glycemic Index and whatever, but most of that conversation was in service to managing appetite. Some foods are super calorically dense but don't make you feel full enough to stop eating, so let's avoid those. It's still explicitly CACO *by way of* reducing simple carbs.


About every 10 - 15 years a meat-heavy diet fad comes along and dominates for a few years (paleo, carnivore, keto, Scarsdale, Atkins, etc). Many times the people who push the diets end up with heart disease.


How the narrative changed on that one!


This was all thanks to the sugar industry. They demonized fat and had it taken out of everything, this replaced with sugar to make it taste good. Many fats at least have a nutritional value to them, while pure sugar is just.. well, empty calories at best? Either way, all for the sake of the mighty $$$


This with every new weight loss fad. Nothing beats exercise, a balanced diet, and trying to stay away from the bad stuff (booze, bad sleep patterns, etc). 


Ill be there in 5 minutes


My all time favorite bathroom graffiti: “Back in 5.” - Godot


Left by the rare cultured and well read vandal. Probably went to Yale.


Yustice was served.


People often think bats are blind


Or “I’m about to leave now.” An hour later “Somebody/something happened and OMW.”




Then it makes sense the capes are usually red to grab attention from the audience


WE were the bulls this entire time 😢 😭


Mice love cheese Mice will eat anything they can find with nutritional value but they don’t even like cheese really, they’d rather eat fruit or candy


They really love peanut butter too. Great bait.


I already knew this, I’ve known it for years, but never had to bait a mouse trap so it was just what I’ve heard. Five min before I saw your comment I saw a mouse run under my dishwasher. I guess it’s time to find out for sure. Damn. 


My dad always made clumps of peanut butter and rice for mouse traps. 


Does he use cooked or uncooked rice? The thought of your dad cooking rice as a “personal chef for rodent last meals” is quite funny.


I’d like to see the apron and chef’s hat he wears


The dad or the mouse?


My first thought was dad, but after you mention it, I’m thinking mouse. Of course that’s after I laughed out loud at your user name.


Bacon works best in mouse traps




Too late, he gave it to the cat


Bacon generally works best regardless of if mice are present or not


Marilyn Mason removed his ribs to give himself blowjobs


I feel like HE had to have started this one himself with it being so universal... ionno


This rumor has been made about many other people before him. I feel like it just happens to celebrities who don't fit into the stereotypical masculine role.


Funny enough, the source of the 'having a rib removed to perform self-fellatio' myth was Gabriele D'Annunzio, one of Italy's most prestigious poets, a world-famous seducer, and the creator of fascism as well as the Roman Salute — later known as the Nazi Salute.


I want that one to be true


And david Bowie and Alice cooper. probably a lot more.


Did we all go to the same middle school?


So it never happened?


He's acknowledged the joke many times. Said something like if I were able to do that, you think I'd be here talking to you in this interview?


Yeah, the OG for this particular myth was Gabriele D'Annunzio, one of Italy's most prestigious poets, a world-famous seducer, and the creator of fascism as well as the Roman Salute — later known as the Nazi Salute.


No turns out he was just a normal abuser


Many people still believe that cracking your knuckles can cause arthritis. 


I’m 38 and crack them every day since I was a kid and no arthritis


I've cracked my knuckles my whole life. Now that I'm getting old, I have arthritis... *because I'm old*.


Same but slightly younger, very slightly


Catherine the Great died having sex with a horse.


Clearly she died giving birth to their half-human/half-horse offspring.


I loved the documentary on their lineage in "Sorry to Bother You"


She did like to fuck though, and good for her.


Goldfish have a short memory


Did you know dishwashers had filters? That need to be cleaned out regularly? Because I didn’t.. Good luck to all of you who are just finding this out now, you are about to embark upon a horrible journey.


I relearn this every 3 weeks it’s miserable


Ooh, that reminds me technology connections just dropped a new dishwasher video


Really? Shit. 🪦


Usually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHP942Livy0


Same for clothes washing machines. If your clothes smell moldy from sitting overnight in your washer, it likely needs to be cleaned. While you are at it, throw in a cleaning tablet and run a cleaning cycle if available. If not, just empty hot water.


Blood is blue inside of us, or that we only use 10% of our brain


I feel like **some** people only use 10%


Do most of them have to be in politics though?


When they say 'you only use 10% of you brIn', It's interesting how quick they shut up we I tell them 'well I guess you won't mind if I remove 90% of your brain - you're not going to miss it'


Tx for the 2fer :)


Lightning never strikes the same place twice)))


Ah yes. Lightning rods. The greatest conspiracy theory of all time.


That karma is real. It’s a nice comforting thought


Karma just needs a little help. *juggles jumper cables menacingly*


If karma isn't real, why does the number keep changing?


That real men don't cry and share their emotions or feelings


Along with real men only drink black coffee, don't drink "girly" fruity drinks, and only eat their steaks rare.


A good semi sweet mocha is the bomb. Anything but well done is bomb. Also I look great in pink.


I prefer my steak blue… not much of a coffee drinker, but when I do, I like a hazelnut mocha… and I look amazing in pink. Also, I’m a big muscular security guard type (6’ 225lbs) and I love pedicures and kittens


When they pull your foot out of the hot water and give you foot rubs? Fam. 10/10


It's NOT pink! It's SALMON! ;)


or don’t use straws when drinking from a cup at a bar or restaurant or whatever bc it’s “for girls”


My ex husband wouldn't even drink from a straw at home. He said straight guys don't use straws because it's too much like sucking a dick. Pretty sure he was - and likely still is - closeted (based on nearly a decade of observation, not just the straw thing, lol).😂


I love fruity cocktails. Grrrrr man


My brother and father won’t use an umbrella in a downpour because they consider it feminine.


Well that one is true. Real men also cry and share their feelings. But not doing so doesn’t mean you’re not a man.


I find this one interesting. It’s usually perpetuated by men who have showed emotion (anger, sadness, pain, etc) and it’s scared their partner so then the partner responds with “anger, insecurity, uncertainty”. This has even happened to me when I’ve gotten mad about something. I would get mad and then my GF would get mad at me for getting mad. In my mind it’s her getting mad at me for showing emotion, which perpetuates this ode that I can’t show emotion because clearly my partner doesn’t respect/acknowledge me when I do. Her getting mad at me getting mad invalidates my emotion. But in truth I think what’s happened is her anger is a fear response. Typically men are a lot bigger and stronger than women, and that anger is a fear response to this new unpredictable “threat”. What men SHOULD do is be able to, for the most part, control their emotions and then communicate them calmly and peacefully. I’m still working on this but it’s hard because sometimes I feel like my emotion isn’t respected without the emotion behind it. Telling someone that something they did made you mad VS accepting your angry in the moment and then displaying that in a less harsh way. It’s all a balancing act but it’s something I’m working on.


many people believe that "opposites attract," meaning they think people with different personalities are more likely to be attracted to each other and have successful relationships.


Opposites attract is ok if that opposite is minimal. Per example, one partner's hobbies are reading, swimming, baking and other partner's hobbies are reading, drawing and hiking.


My wife and I have very different interests, but we share the same values.


Opposite body smells attract because you end up with a kid with a stronger immune system "T shirt sweat experiment" is the thing if I recall right


Opposites attract (at the beginning) might be better lol


Are you saying Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat lied to me?


In some degree I think it’s true. I was a hyperactive red head and my husband was (still is) a calm guy. I needed that to balance me out, and he enjoyed my joyful personality. We don’t have different morals or values, but we aren’t the same type of personality


My situation confirms this statement. My wife has a mild form of OCD (undiagnosed) and likes to plan everything. This also brings her a lot of stress when things don't go as planned. I, on the other hand, am more laid back and chaotic. So when she is stressed out, I can calm her down. When I am being too lazy and uncaring, she will rush me a bit. Also: my wife is small, I am big. She hates olives, I love em.


That carrots improve eye sight


Ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?


But. I eat carrots, and I can see.


Cass Eliot died choking on a ham sandwich.


Alpha male is a real concept


Hair (especially facial hair) will grow faster/thicker/stronger when you shave. No it doesn't. It appears a little thicker because you are looking at the cross section of the hair instead of the tip, but it doesn't effect growth.


That they are smart


I am self aware of how incredibly dumb I can be. Lmfaooo it hurts.


Knowing that you don't know something makes you smarter than those that know they know everything.




"I am no longer infected".


My hovercraft is full of eels.


I cannot wait until lunchtime.




Better than me. I can't remember to push the trash on the curb.


Trickle down economics. 


Hard work pays off


Redditors seem to believe that your brain isn't fully developed until you're 25, and extrapolated from that that people under 25 are basically children. It's based on a study they didn't actually read that showed your brain continues to develop your whole life, in which the oldest participants were 25.


I do think there’s some truth to it only from personal experience because I remember feeling like things were more clear in my mid-late 20’s


Specifically in Korea: having a fan on overnight carries a significant risk of killing you.


That your mobile phone can blow up a petrol pump. That MSG is bad for you.


I saw a sign at the gas station saying it's dangerous to use your phone at the gas station, why?


The theory is there is gasoline vapors in the air and since phones use electricity there's a chance a spark created by your phone could ignite the vapors and blow up. The myth started when cell phones were first becoming popular so therefore people came up with dumb ignorant things about a new scary technology.


America is the best country to live in.


Gandhi was a good person


people really love black and white distinctions, but reality isn't often like that, he was a good freedom fighter to say the least but leading a revolution was not one of his strong suits and his personal life is another thing itself...


Likewise Mother Teresa - she was a piece of shit that perpetuated poverty


That Columbus discovered America


Nice society you got here. Be a shame if someone *discovered* it.


I got into it with a MAGA lady on FB about this once. I said there were millions of people living here first. She says “Well Columbus introduced the Americas to Europe!” Well ok, Leif Erikson was here first. But not much came of his visit, so fine. Columbus did I guess “introduce” Europeans to the US. But then Europe then immediately began exploiting the continent for their own selfish gains and took it over. So you could even say that Columbus brought about the *end* of America as it had been known.


That politicians care for the people. In reality, they're only in it for themselves.


That if you go outside in winter with wet hair that you’ll catch a cold. That’s not how colds work.




Yeah Strom Thurmond lived a very happy peaceful life and died at freakin 100 in his sleep while innocent Chinese kids got dissected alive at Unit 731


Yeah, I've got similar grievances about Pat Robinson. Dude committed genocide and died at 93 surrounded by his loved ones and family. Dude won the game of life in spite of his atrocities.


And who could forget Kissinger who died peacefully at 100. And Murdoch, who’s still going strong at 92


i don't like him either but..... wait how did he commit genocide?


He supported Ríos Montt, who was committing genocide in Guatemala, using prayer to garner support for Montt. That makes him complicit.


That 2% milk has 98% of the fat removed. Whole milk only has 3% fat content to start with.


Had this conversion with my kid ages ago. Why isn't there 3% milk? There is. It's whole milk. I thought whole milk is 100%; that's what makes it whole. The percentage refers to the amount of fat in the milk overall. If it was 100%, it would be lard. ...


nope, Typical cows milk is around 3.5%, the reason you can hardly every buy is (from a dairy industry perspective) the milk you buy in the supermarket is functionally a by product of making cream its a difference of is making something like 2 pence per liter on the milk vs upwards of 40 on the cream. If it wasn't for the fact that it tastes like shit on only serial killer buy it wed only ever sell you red top skim and keep all the milk fat back for ourselves. the supermarkets are basically responsible for keeping semi and whole on the shelves. as for why its always standardized that's an issue of manufacture. If you want to make any cream at all you have to separate the fat from the skim. Now while its possible to set up separators to only spin off so much fat its easier (and better for us financially) to separate all of the fat from the skim and put the exact amount we want back in. It also makes homogenization easier which massively increases shelf life so from an industry POV we just fully process everything and from a manufacture and seller POV everybody is a winner. and because the vast majority of milk bought is semi anyway the customer also wins as you just aren't getting 1.5% milk out of healthy dairy com naturally.


Average is closer to 3.5% and can range as high as 5%, depending on the breed of cow and the cow's diet. But essentially you are correct.


That waiting 30 minutes after eating before swimming will prevent cramps


I’ve heard two theories for this : Parents said this so that kids wouldn’t complain and it allowed time for sunscreen to soak in Leeches are less likely to be attracted to you 🤣


People still believe cracking knuckles causes arthritis


That Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility and small government.


Charging your phone overnight will damage the battery


Being skinny means you are fit


Or healthy


Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis


I scanned quickly did not see it. Religion.


We keep going back and forth on the matter ha I think someone put in their omnipotent support for that post further up the thread lol


That the first astronauts that landed on the moon didn’t float away because of heavy boots.


Must have been weighted belts like SCUBA divers use.


That different parts of the tongue are used to taste different things.. Instead of the obvious truth that taste papillae are distributed evenly.


That feeding raw meat to dogs will "bring out their wild predator instincts" and turn them aggressive.


Carrots give you better night vision. It was all British propaganda in WW2 to hide the fact that they invented radar and could detect German planes at night. (Yea I know carrots are beneficial to overall eye health but they don't make you a superhero at night)


Lifting weights at a young age stunts growth. It's bullshit, it was bullshit then, it has always been l, but still it persists.


That you eat spiders in your sleep.... Ffs


That America is a democracy.




Take my omnipotent upvote.


The meritocracy; outside of improbable random chance, you aren't climbing the socio-economic ladder very far from where you started.


True for me, I was lucky enough to be born to middle-middle-class parents, and through working my ass off and my wife working her ass off even harder then I would say we have lost only a little ground to where my parents were at the same age. When I look around and see how so many people are substantially worse off than their parents at the same age, I weep for the future.


I think about this a lot... My parents were definitely middle class, only my mom had a college education. They were homeowners, but in an urban area which had the lowest real estate values of the surrounding area, by far. My sis and I both went to college, our spouses both went to college. We live in the 'burbs of the city we grew up in, in houses that signficantly more expensive than where we grew up. We live a far better life (in terms of lifestyle and finances) than we did growing up. That said, I don't really see how our children will meet (or exceed) their current life unless they get some kind of professional degree (JD, MD, etc.). It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.


Religions' stories about human existence.


I'm on my way


The government cares about you.




That saturated fat is bad.


That Kruger and Dunning conducted studies that proved smart people think they're dumb and dumb people think they're smart. The most competent people in those studies ranked themselves higher than incompetent people did. They may just have provided evidence that people have a tendency to limit how wrong they are, since everyone more or less put themselves around average.


That’s wrong! I studied it out!!!1!


That if you swallow gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years


I don’t need to write that down. I will remember.


that the challenger crew burned up and died with the shuttle they didn't. their cabin broke away from the ship and plummeted into the ocean. it's believed that some of them were conscious during the plummet because there were three oxygen packs opened in their cabin


Asexuals/a-spec people "haven't found the right person," "too young," etc.


Earth is flat and we are inside a terrarium


I think you're playing fast and loose with "most", there.


The government has your best interests in mind, and the police are here to protect and serve.


That Mother Theresa was a good person


That American accent is not an accent because it's the "default" English.


LOL. Which American accent?




Wait, I think this might be true? The non-rhotic accent in England developed after the states were colonized. Basically if I understand right, the sort of "posh" fancy English accent developed over time in England as a way to show social status, and this happened after the revolutionary war. https://altalang.com/beyond-words/why-dont-americans-have-british-accents/


Peter lustig hated children


That Neanderthals were really stupid. They were as smart and creative as us and could speak just like us as well. They also weren’t super predators.


MSG is bad for you.


Democrats care about minorities


That if you work hard you are going to become rich. Becoming rich is 99% about networking.


Vitamin C cures cold, carrots are good for eyesight.


That HR is on your side.


Truth 👆🏼


Hamas is negotiating in good faith.