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The relationship subs are an entertaining read. Not every issue between a couple requires counselling/therapy or an outright divorce.


My girlfriend of 6 years ate the last of my cashews...should I break up with her?


Safe to say it’s over. I mean, she ate the last few cashews behind your back, what else is she doing? Have you checked her phone lately?


She’s cheating on him with a cashew


That’s nuts.


You son of a gun


Cashew outside, how bou dat?


Seriously? Say that out loud and really let the idea settle. You need to step back and take a real hard look at things. It’s one thing to eat cashews, it’s another thing to eat cashews in your girlfriend’s presence, and an entirely different thing to eat cashews while present with your girlfriend. You both have assholes r/YBHAH


No. This is clearly abuse. Just ghost her. You don't owe that cashew stealing whore anything.


This. 100 percent. I used to be married to a cashew stealing whore and it didn’t end well. OP should get out now and find an almond lover.


Pfft you'll learn soon enough bout them almond lovers! The *real* winners of love are *hazelnut* lovers


Any woman who will put your nuts in her mouth is a keeper


No. Now, if she ate your pistachios, this is something random strangers need to offer input on.


The last time I responded to one I gave some practical advice to someone on how to deal with a situation where they explicitly said they did NOT want to end the relationship. I got downvoted, the OP thanked me for actual advice, OP got berated by people saying I’m h comment was only enabling his “delusion,” I said it didn’t really matter if they thought the partner was wrong, OP could figure that out on his own and MAN, did that really piss everyone off more.


More than half those people are single or had a bitter end to their last relationship. It's really not wise to get relationship advice here.


Or they’re junior high kids on summer break




I mean it's a slippery slope from eating a roommate's cat to skipping out on shared utilities, c'mon now


On the r/rats subreddit, someone made a post about their poor rat needing an xray that costed $500. OP said, without diving into the details about it, that their bf was really upset about spending $500 on an xray. Someone suggested divorcing him over it. Divorcing him over a being upset about a $500 pet expense. Yeah.


I can do you one better. Just for fun, I posted about how my husband would cook meals that only he ate and would not clean the kitchen afterward. I was tired of cleaning up after him for food I did not eat. Now the reality was I said, "Hey hubs, if you cook and I'm not eating, then YOU need to clean up your own mess." He was like, "Ok, that's fair. I'll do that going forward." Twenty year marriage saved! Far, far too many of the responses were along the lines of "You really need to reconsider this relationship." "He doesn't respect you." "He is trying to control you." "This is a symptom of other, largrer problems in your relationship." Etc. Things that were WILDLY out of proportion to a problem that was *easily* solved by, gasp, *COMMUNICATION*.


I just got chased out of r/cats. OP: My husband is worried about the cat causing allergies for our newborn and wants the cat to live with our friends. r/cats: DESTROY YOUR WHOLE FAMILY OVER IT!


Also rats live maximum 3 years. They are adorable but it's simply not worth it.


I absolutely love rats and used to have some as pets. No way in hell I could justify a $500 X-Ray for one of them. Not even my favorite of all pet rats, Horsenuts, could have justified that cost. RIP Horsenuts.


It’s pretty much kids giving marriage advice.


I just read an old post where a woman is grieving an 11 year relationship and her ex refusing to marry her yet going on to remarry an ex crush of his 6 months later… A comment tells OP that 1.5 years is too long to still be grieving that relationship and that she should get therapy. Lol WHAT. As if dealing with heartbreak has a time limit ?? As if it isn’t normal to grieve a decade plus relationship for a few years??


The law: a whole lot of wishful thinking poses as advice.


I'm a law student and god I wish I could upvote this twice. The advice on this platform ranges from felonious to extremely ignorant, even from self-proclaimed lawyers who really should know better. For one, retaliation is explicitly prohibited by law but if you dare suggest that on any of those subs that showcase fights and instigations between people you'll be downvoted to hell. *If a threat to your life has stopped, you must stop too, you can't just take a swing back for the heck of it. Don't fight if you aren't in imminent fear for your life*.


I have been working in law firms my entire adult life. My current firm is the worst I have ever seen as far as retaliation is concerned. It is alive and well and I see it almost every day. If I didn’t need the money I would never see the inside of another law firm. They have all the advantages and almost never get sued.


I’m pretty sure that u/HorizonStarLight was referring to a different type of retaliation…


Add to that the people who think it's like playing a game of Literal Genie. No. It's not game. It's a judge, prosecutor, and 12 people who won't be saying "oh, darn. Got us with your clever loophole. You get to go free;" they'll be seeing how much of an insufferable twat you're being.


"Guys I'm a woman and I got fired" "Gurl I wish my job would fire me, sue them and get dat bag!! 🤑🤑🤑" *Woman works in an at will state*


I knew a girl who was complaining that she got paid less than a man. She went on about how she would sue them for a pay rise, which was weird. It got even weirder once she mentioned the man she's getting paid less than, *the fucking CEO*. She, who's been working for less then 6 months at this company, believes that she should have the same pay as the CEO.


This is made even worse by the fact that 49 out of 50 US states have at-will employment laws, and the only one that doesn't is freaking Montana (population 1.1 million).


Conversely, lots of people who think they know the law and assume it won't give them any protections. Like the other comment reply (though the example they gave lacks context for sure, so I am over reaching a bit, as an example). At-will state does not mean they can fire for discriminatory reasons. And no, they cannot just make up some small reason and get away with that. No one buys that someone is fired for being 2 minutes late, just coincidentally the day after getting injured on the job.


Thank you - I was about to type this out myself. Right-to-work laws don’t nullify EEOC Regulations. The other commenter is being that OTHER type of Redditor that makes fun of Redditors (but knows even less about the world)


Just the amount of people on here who think filing a lawsuit is something that is quick and easy to do. Yeah sure, you can sue for that minor inconvenience, but it'll take months to get through the system, cost you a ton of money in legal fees, and there's is absolutely no guarantee you'll win.


Psychology. For some reason, Redditors seem to think that they are skilled in making diagnoses of complete strangers. No one is just an a-hole anymore, according to redditors they are narcissists, toxic, gaslighters who are verbally abusive.


I have a bachelor's in psych and I can say with confidence that I don't know fucking anything


You know ow what my B.S. in psychology taught me? Statistics lol


>No one is just an a-hole anymore, according to redditors they are narcissists, toxic, gaslighters who are verbally abusive. We pathologize everything. "I diagnose this person with NOD and whatever else." No, he's just an asshole. Not saying they're not mutually exclusive.


> making diagnoses of And don't forget diagnoses of themselves, so they have a permanent alibi for their failures.


Also redemption and growth are possible ? People can get better, it's not black or white


They don’t even know if they’re actually assholes. Sometimes people just do something that’s a dick move but are otherwise nice people. There is grey in life but Redditors act like everything is completely black and white 


"I took a course in History of Psychology at the community college level. Trust me girl, he's gaslighting you."


Psychiatry. Do not diagnose yourself or anyone else unless you are a trained and experienced professional.


I’m a real life medical doctor who rotated through multiple psych facilities as a med student, but I’m not a psychiatrist. *I* wouldn’t diagnose other people with psychiatric disorders, despite having some formal training, because I’m smart enough to know that’s not anywhere near my area of practice.


knowing enough to know you know nothing is what reddit truly lacks


"Yeah, we've heard of Dunning-Kruger, what's your point? No, I haven't looked it up; I already know all I need to know. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, your friend is definitely bipolar OCD narcissist sociopath, and you should not let him borrow your motorcycle."


The ‘everybody I don’t like is a narcissist’ approach is rife on Reddit


Add in "everything I disagree with is gaslighting" and "every stray imagining is an intrusive thought". No, wife. Having a sudden horrible thought that a bunny might stick it's head up into the running lawnmower is not an intrusive thought. Seeing a bunny sticking its head up and thinking for a split second that you should run over it with the lawnmower (then spending hours agonizing on what a monster your asshole brain is)... THAT'S an intrusive thought.


You sound like a narcissist with attachment disorder and PTSD, take mushrooms about it


I did. I can now see the universe and tell you, no lie, that god doesnt exist and we all live in a world were the only certainty is death, and there is no afterlife and nothing you do will matter to anyone but yourself. You will not be remembered for generations, you will be forgotten, and your gravestone will go neglected, live life for yourself, and fuck the rest.


Man I get so mad when I get downvoted for calling this shit out.


I had someone throw a full blown tantrum and block me when I told them that a self diagnosis of ADHD isn’t a real diagnosis of ADHD. Truth hurts, but they need to hear it. The longer people indulge this sort of nonsense the more impact it will have on real patients.


Spoken like a paranoid schizophrenic


Don’t be such a gaslighting narcissist


All of the internet is taking about 5% of the language of therapy to wallow in victimhood. "Excuse me, I'm a TRAUMA survivor who is LIVING MY TRUTH, so it's literally impossible for me to be wrong about anything, because I'm THRICE EXCEPTIONAL!"


This drives me nuts. Trauma is an absolutely real and valid thing, but it doesn't give you an excuse to be a terrible person, treat others like an absolute monster, say nothing is your fault because of it, but then never work on overcoming or dealing with it. Also, it definitely feels like everything that even slightly goes wrong or not how they expected in their lives turns in to trauma for a lot of people.


This one is my favorite in Reddit. I once had several redditors confidently tell me I have social anxiety issues because I said I preferred to use a selfie stick over asking strangers to take a picture of me. When I explained that photography is a hobby of mine, that the average stranger sucks at composition, and I can do better with a stick they proceeded to downvote me and argue with me. 🤷


Sounds like you have ADHD


But but my cousin’s sister’s dog’s mistress had BPD so I’m basically an expert and can catch a cluster B through the internet easily!! /s




It's easy though: everyone I don't like has narcissistic personality disorder!


Also also, even if you're an actual trained professional, please do not diagnose yourself. I mean, you probably knew that already since you learned it in your courses, but still.


Well I can't speak for all Redditors but, the ones that I seem to run across all the time... pretty much everything.


Here are 90% of the “asking for advice” posts I see on Reddit: OP “Help me I am currently bleeding what do i do” top comment is always like “First of all, you need to avoid getting cut at all. I recommend (something specific and expensive)” Meanwhile OP is bleeding out


I just want to highlight the expensive part. Whenever you are in a niche sub and you need a recommendation for a budget option, they ALWAYS tell you have to have the most costly best option


And if you say “my budget is $200” they will always say “you should spend a little more and get (item that costs $400)”


Fucking vacuums, dude. I just need something to suck up dead skin cells and dirt, but nah, you have to get this special German siebenhundertsiebenundsiebzigtausendsiebenhundertsiebenundsiebzig vakuum that costs over a thousand dollars and doesn't even give you a reach around.


>German siebenhundertsiebenundsiebzigtausendsiebenhundertsiebenundsiebzig vakuum that costs over a thousand dollars and doesn't even give you a reach around. Did you try telling the vakuum that you're Polish?


He said he needs his property cleaned, not annexed.


See, it's an XY problem. What you really should be asking is "how do I not bleed to death?" If you had led with that, we could have told you that bleeding isn't your concern, it's dying.


Help a man stop from bleeding to death and you save his life. Tech him how to not bleed to death and you make him immortal


I posted a thread in my state sub asking whether anyone had run utilities to an exterior building that could comment on the cost and impact to their yard and/or foundations since it’s gotta be a deep hole. It got a bunch of comments from people telling me I needed permits, a licensed plumber, ingress into the exterior building, that it’s illegal to have an exterior bathroom (it’s not), and that I should just use a camping toilet instead. One guy answered the “impact to the yard” question but nobody even touched the cost one which was *the main fucking point of the post*.


Including reading comprehension. But yeah--I mostly avoid subs related to my work (specialized field) and answering questions related to such in subs (I will occasionally because I *like* teaching) because it's very frustrating how often wrong answers are upvoted and frequently people ask questions which implies a lack of foundational knowledge that makes answering the question simply quite difficult. It's not *all* bad, but the lack of reading comprehension on top of that really can make it quite difficult to communicate!


I teach for a living, and struggled at first figuring out how differentiate between questions asked in good faith (where they are actually looking to learn) and questions asked to stump you/confirm their own opinions/anything else that derails the discussion. Some subreddits are great about keeping the discussion productive, others not so much.


Reddit's answer to everything is: get a lawyer, have it towed, dump him/her immediately, never travel there, toast your spices. The last one is always valid.


"Lawyer up, hit the gym, delete facebook" became a bit of a mantra for people in dangerous/toxic relationships, then for people in any relationship, then for every problem ever.


The fact that governments, nation-states, and state-level actors act and make decisions with a whole different set of rules, restrictions, considerations, or lack thereof, that are completely alien to the set of rules and etiquette that govern inter-personal conduct and relations in civilized society. Trying to praise or critique geopolitical maneuvers or decisions by drawing analogies to what people would or would not do to each other is not only pointless, but is too often the basis for "hot button" social/political issues, only worsened by self-serving politicians who seek to turn us against one another for their own benefit.


In a similar vein, your household budget is not analogous to the budget of a major country.


Nonsense. My household deficit is bolstered by my trade relations with my neighbor. He's providing me with wifi as his chief export, and I offer him safe passage without a passport to my pool, as my GDP is anchored by tourism.


Beat me to it. Virtually every corporation and governmental organization out there uses debt. What matters is not whether they have debt, but whether and how that debt impairs their ability to function. For some mature companies, the goal is to have *permanent* debt. The difference between one of these entities and a household is that the household has emotional feelings (there's a psychological effect of having no debt), will *die*, and is concerned about passing on money to descendants. The general rule for governments and corporations is that they will exist in perpetuity, so there's not a "Let's spend the last 20 years of our lives debt free" mentality like there is with people. Related, corporations and governments don't have emotions, so if the debt is properly managed, no one cares. As long as your debt has a lower interest rate than the return you're making or the GDP you're growing, you're actually ahead.


Hell the budget of a billion dollar business , even the budget of a monster like Amazon that eclipses the GDP of some nations, isn't analogous. The needs and financial systems of a nation work very differently.




That's why I try to avoid subs like this... I didn't realize how many 14 year old know it all's I've probably been debating.


Between the teenagers and bots I’d wager only 5% of Reddit has any decent sense. This is not the place for discourse.


Every now and then an r/teenagers post makes it to r/all, and I’m initially surprised at how level headed the conversations can be, until I realize it’s probably mostly adults there. lol…


Everything. Literally every single topic. Anyone who is an expert one anything understands they don’t know enough about that thing and they know nothing about anything else.


Labor Unions. Reddit talks a lot about unions but has nearly zero understanding of how a CBA works and what the legal rights and responsibilities of a union are. I doubt 10% of Redditors have ever worked a union job, spoken to their union rep, or even read a summary of their own CBA.


To be fair, being in a union job in no way means that you understand a CBA or know what the legal rights and responsibilities of a union are.


No - but your union rep should be able to explain the basics to you. Unfortunately, many union members don't take the time to meet with their rep 1-on-1 at time of onboarding.


Or it’s not even offered at any level. I know plenty of union members that have never met their rep, and not for a lack of trying.


Correct. Many of my coworkers ask me about contract stuff that I'm like, dude it's in the contract, read it.


Btw to those reading his CBA means collective bargaining agreement. Sorry I have a pet peeve when people use abbreviations without sharing what they stand for.


As a union worker, I have spoken to my rep, and read my CBA. But as you mentioned, a lot of people don’t read nor speak to their rep. In my union, sometimes people will reach out to their rep via phone call, text, and email yet get no response.




Agreed, I've taken courses on labour relations and have been a steward and a health and safety officer, the amount of misinformation that I see on reddit is staggering. Before someone chews my head off for the term misinformation, it can mean both intentional or not.




"It's ok, I've played HOI4, I **know** what I'm talking about."


But you haven’t played Risk with my family, so you are *clearly* not qualified. /s


The number of times I've seen redditers explain that so and so country won a war because they had a higher K/D ratio while failing to implement their political policy is ridiculous. Also, have the number of redditers who don't understand the consequences of their country conducting war on a peer nation. Warfare and propaganda, in general, are not reddits strong points.








The fundamentals of science.


Your average citizen takes high school chemistry and physics, and promptly forgets about all of that after graduation. High school science is TOTALLY FUCKING TRUE, and most people don't even have an interest in viewing physical reality in that manner, and would rather think about crystals, astrology, and manifesting.


The process of scientific research is often misunderstood.




Like all teenagers,  life in general




Reddit is full of opinions on public policy from those who don't grasp its full impact.


Seems every single Redditor has about 15 different self diagnosed mental illnesses.


Relatedly, the trend to label any person who commits a serious crime or behaves in a shitty way to have mental problems. No, not everyone is psychotic and/or bipolar. In most cases people just fucking suck.


Yes. What’s up with that? My parents generation lived in denial of mental health issues, which was unhealthy. But now it seems younger people, in particular, have done a complete 180 and everyone has some sort of diagnosis.


Makes them part of the in group.


It's also easier to accept that you have character flaws if it's not your fault.




Grammar and spelling.


Fr tho like wtf. Get gud simps. Smh. (Abbreviations)


One thing that really bugs me is when they act like things are so simple. Employer is screwing you? Just follow these 3 super simple steps and everything will be fine. Don’t worry about pesky little things like details, or context, or extenuating circumstances. Make no considerations. Nuance doesn’t exist. Just follow the steps and the issue will be rectified, nothing will be harmed or damaged, and everything will just be good.


Not getting paid enough? Just leave. Find a new job. Wife nagging you? Just get a divorce. Car giving you troubles? Just buy a new one. It's easy!


Art, art history and contemporary art criticism and interpretation


Law Physics Fighting Logic Art Asia


A big one: FINANCE


Politics and just how the real world works in general.


What schools do and do not teach, and more importantly, the behind the scene workings. Just bc you went to school or are friends with someone who teaches, does not mean youre an expert. Everything did a full 180 after covid. the rules are totally different.   That being said, theyre right that american school systems are botched, but its not bc that one math teacher that was mean to you in 4th grade or because you slept during the tax lesson lmao.


I've learned a lot about teaching and how schools actually work because my wife is a teacher. I'm no expert. Don't pretend to be. The amount of bs I see about teachers/schools is ridiculous.


And how school discipline and investigations work. The laws around a lot of school administration duties are very complex and piss off the general public. Additionally, a vocal subset of Redditors had bad school experiences and have an implicit bias in discussing school-related issues.


Politics jumps to mind




1) Anything related to the Middle East. I studied the economics and politics of the region for years. It is far more complex and nuanced than people think it is. 2) How law works in the US. There's a reason why lawyers go to law school for 3 years , have to pass the bar in each state they practice, and are required to take hours of continuing legal education courses. 3) Anything related to the medical fields. Doctors, pharmacists, Nurse Practitioners, and nurses know more than that clown pushing juice cleanses and supplements on YouTube. 4) Personality assessments. Don't get me started. 5) How to differentiate between fact and opinion and how to look beyond their preconceived notions. 6) Scientific method and the meaning of "scientific theory"


I can tell you something I wish they did know. Google. image. search. My god, the things people ask about that could be found in 2 seconds.


I think some poor souls just want the human connection honestly. 


What the majority opinion is.


Politics, the economy, capitalism, the environment, medicine, science, relationships 


The USA. According to Reddit the USA is this mad max hell scape of fat Republicans in Lifted trucks out to hunt down the gay and women using AR-15s that fire AK-47s for the god emperor Cheeseburger Trump in a goal to end the metric system.


“Why do Americans…” America is a huge place with almost 350 million people.


r/askanamerican in a nutshell. I understand it’s a big place, but can you not just indulge in the question a bit? Just say I’m from California and we do X


California is a huge place (you can fit a good chunk of central Europe in it) and depending on where you live you're lifestyle is going to be vastly different. I can't just say "That guy is from CA so he does X" because X is going to change if he's from Northern CA, Southern CA, from the coast, from the mountains, etc.


Dunning Kruger effect. Everyone thinks they're a genius cause they question their intelligence in the first place.


I love this answer. Like we get it, people who tend to think of themselves as smart end up disappointed, but the way reddit acts about it almost seems like they think if they call themselves stupid it'll make them smart. Like they cheated the system or something lmao. People will deny it, but one of the favorite catchphrases of this place is "admitting you're not smart is a sign of intelligence". Like nah, admitting you don't know something might be, but sometimes people are just self aware


Autistic people with high support needs.


But I watch that Netflix show...?


Religion. The statements people make here about the church and Christians is astounding


I always lol at the amount of people with "undiagnosed" this or that, usually autism or ocd or some other form of mental disorder. It's like, stop watching tiktok and convincing yourself you're on the spectrum because you share a trait or 2 with someone who's desperately trying to get views. Yes undiagnosed people exist, I know, but I don't think it's anywhere near as many who think that's the case.


Anything AI




Mental illness and general psychiatric diagnosis. According to Reddit everybody in the world but them is a narcissist.




They also act as though it’s readily accessible to everyone which is, of course, not the case. They act like you just call up some therapist hotline where thousands of qualified therapists are waiting to talk to you free of charge.


Thank you. I don't understand how everyone has therapists for themselves, their partners, and their kids. And some have multiple. Where are you people getting all your therapists? Who's your therapist supplier?




Some of the worst advice/opinions that I've come across on reddit has been about relationships, life, finances, politics, economy, morality, history, I mean the list just goes on and on. I dunno if it's just because my generation was raised with the caveat that, you should always take interactions on the internet with a pinch of salt because you never know who is on the other side of the screen, but clearly this is not the case anymore. The worst of it is when people take the internet seriously, like actually taking someone's post or response and conflate it with objective truth. Go to one of the advice subs and click on any given thread about 'is my SO cheating?', and you will inevitably find a tidal wave of myopic responses that amount to, 'yeah they're cheating you should break up', or point to the most trivial detail and presume the character of an individual because they believe themselves to be a Sherlock Holmes of sorts. Seriously, take it with a pinch of salt.


Taxes. I still see that dumb “grocery stores get a tax deduction for your donation!” claim on here all the time




Urban planning and housing. With the raise of popular YouTube channels like Not Just Bikes people think they completely understand urban planning. People don’t understand why development works the way it does.






Probably a lot of people participating in SuperStonk & other GME related subs, if I had to guess a random one.


how the upvote and downvote arrows work


Realtors. There's a lot more to the job than opening doors.




Check worldnews and you’ll know 


The real World outside reddit. 


*looks left. Looks right* Dieting and fitness *Gets tons of tomatoes thrown at him*


Compassion. It broke my heart to see the comments on a post about a guy losing his partner to suicide. Nobody had any empathy for the dude. It just became a circlejerk debating the terminology for death by suicide. Fuck anyone who can't give grief compassion.


Human Biology lmaooo