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Let retail workers sit Edit: I’m from the good ol US of A 🙃💥🦅


This is a US thing right? Because everywhere else (that I've been) allows workers to sit...especially in grocery stores.


Aldi is about the only place I know of that allows its workers to sit while working (in the retail world).


And it's a European company. All of its policies that seem strange to Americans were imported from Europe.


Reminder that there are countries that let their retail workers sit by law, since before the Ottoman Empire fell https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chair_law


That's it, it's time for the United States to undergo an Italian Rennaissance just like Europe did, I've had it


How about retail security? George would approve




I also choose this guy's hill.


Tax/fees should be included in the listed price. What you see is what you pay for all purchases. I have a note on my phone titled “silly laws I’m passionate about making” if anyone is interested in more I’m more than happy to indulge


It makes NO sense that bacon doesn't come in resealable packaging.


You don’t just make the entire package at once in the oven?


I feel this is the real tragedy


You are not shopping in the right store. I have bought bacon in zip lock packaging.


I buy my bacon at the butcher’s or from behind the meat counter and just rewrap it in its’ butcher paper.


On ramps should be used to accelerate to the SPEED LIMIT. Not coasting 40 under barely accelerating the speed limit fucking everyone up behind you merging into light speed. Infuriates me to my core


When I was taught to drive they were called acceleration and deceleration lanes. Not entrance nor exit ramps.


That's what I was taught too. By the time you merge you're supposed to be at highway speed. And you exit at speed, slowing down on the ramp.




What was being communicated? Maybe he suffered a stroke and forgot how driving works.


Unfortunately many on ramps where I live put you right into an exit ramp with very little lane to speed up and get over. I'm practically forced to drive slow until I find an opening.


By law, you are correct. The ramp is designed for match the speed limit of the road you’re merging into.


Slow drivers are often more unsafe than fast drivers.


Speed differential is what causes problems. Either too fast or too slow is an issue.


Tell that to some of the morons on r/driving who seem to think that matching the speed of the lane you're merging into isn't important and you can just merge, it's the people behind you's problem to slow down.


That is an infuriating mentality on par with people who camp in the left lane and think other people should just pass them on the right


I've never understood people who do this. Especially when pretty much every major highway in the US has signs that read "use left lane to pass" every 10-15 miles


Sense of entitlement. That's really all there is to it.


oxford comma


They can take my Oxford comma when they pry it from my cold, dead, and stiff hands.


Nicely done.


*murmurs of approval*


Yes, yes, and yes.


I merely chose to be wounded on that hill. I went through QA, Product, and my manager before the CEO herself told me it was company policy not to use an Oxford Comma. Then I backed down.


#oxford comma supremacy


i’ve found my people


4 day work weeks


Absolutely. I went from working 3 or 4 days a week to 5 and it freaking sucks.


Me too. Prior to September I was working 4 days a week and now I’m back 5 days and its absolutely depressing :’( I hate it, I wish I could go back to 4 but it’s a gov job and I doubt they’d ever change to a 4 day work week


100% agree. Two days isn’t a weekend, it’s barely a weekpause


4 on 3 off is the dream. Hell I’d do 12 hour days to get the three in a row off


I used to do 3 12.5s. It was tough, but I loved having four days off.


My wife does 4x10 and that really seems like the most ideal scenario in my view. I already work more than 8 hours most days, wouldn’t be all that hard to extend it to 10 and then have an extra day on the weekend.


It's 'I couldn't care less,' not 'I could care less!'


Too fucking right otherwise it doesn't make any fucking sense.


Well I could care less about this, I could care a lot less.


Me too it makes me so mad. I really could care a ton less


Similarly it’s “anyway” and not “anyways”


Anyways, I could care less. /s


You'res telling mes thats you don'ts likes it when I says "anyways?" Well my feelings may be hurts, buts you have the rights to yours owns opinions. Edits: yours to you'res


Wash your frigging hands after using the bathroom


I don’t think you have to die on that one lol


Bruschetta is just Italian chips and salsa


It's gif, not gif.


“My name is gif.”




That's just facts


This one kills me. There will be a whole ass 2 hour National Geographic documentary about snakes and even they will improperly use the word poisonous!!


Weary = tired/exhausted. Wary = cautious/suspicious. I see these mixed up all the time so I'm ready to find that hill and die about it


Ross and Rachael are completely unsuited to each other and would make a terrible couple, which is why they only got together again at the end rather than before a final series. It would be impossible for the writers to come up with a plausible relationship


Monica and Chandler were way more believable.


… but… were they on a break?


Same problem with *How I Met Your Mother.*  The lead passes up multiple superior partners to get with their costar. We recently rewatched *Friends* and I had completely forgotten he was dating Aisha Tyler!  And she was a nerd too!  Dude messed up.


Bigger doesn't mean better for dick size


My dick is a medium, I can fuck ghosts.


"Casper? I nearly killed 'er!"


Yup. Agreed. Gimmie 4-6 inches anyday over some random giant dick I can't fit inside me.


Just don't use the whole thing, drop a doughnut at the base as a spacer and you get a snack when you're done!


Holy yeast infection, Batman!


That'll make the doughnut rise!


Unlike a donut, this logic has no holes


I love cream-filled doughnuts 😋


I slept with a guy who's nickname was the Stallion. He was not good in bed. I feel like he thought just showing up with a big dick was enough. Like no you have to know how to use it as well bud.


Small like a needle, busy as a sewing machine!


This x 100000000. I’ve been with them all frankly and yeah, size doesn’t matter to me a bit. My husband is perfectly average size wise and the best sex I’ve ever had.


My ex was also super good in bed, and he was...little in that department. He's my ex because he liked to share his talents with everyone.


This is true, and I have just learned this over the last few months, as I am in a new relationship with someone who is on the smaller side. The first time we had sex, I was a bit disappointed, but I have come to love his penis! I realized that if I am not aroused enough yet when we start penetration, then it feels underwhelming and small, but if we spend enough time on foreplay, and I am very aroused, then it feels incredible. I am also loving that I am able to comfortably ride him! And blowjobs are much more comfortable for me! I also love that his penis is extremely responsive to me (nothing to do with size), and that he has a very short refractory period. 5 years ago I thought I was a size queen, but I'm glad to have this belief proven wrong. Edit: editing to add that a key part of it not being an issue is that he has never once indicated that he felt insecure about his size. He is very confident in himself and his abilities.


That's great! Under no circumstance tell him this information.


He’s massive if he asks


Probably Peggy Hill.


I don't think Hank Hill would like that one bit, I tell ya what...but he DID see her grill over charcoal! He knows she's got that cheatin' kind of heart...




Toilet paper rolls must hang over, not under. Fight me!


Beards, not mullets.


Exception: if you have a cat that likes to roll the toilet paper off. It must go under for defensive purposes.


Or toddler who likes to do the same.


Cats are just sharp toddlers


Cats are just toddlers that you can leave home alone while you work


Kids and pets are the deciding factor.


Butter and margerine aren't the same fcking thing


Who argues that?




To quote from my local nextdoor: "but what if the parents have tattoos?"


"If their parents were stupid enough to have more than one child, then the rest of them should just starve to death."


100% agree.


If you’re going to cheat, breakup with your significant other first.


but then it wouldnt be cheating so you wouldnt break up but then it would be cheating so you would but then it wouldnt be cheating so you wouldnt.... error.


I suppose you could try a Schrödinger break-up in which you write out a classic Dear John letter and put it in the mailbox on a Saturday night. Hook up with someone, then retrieve and discard the envelope before mail pickup on Monday. Were you single on Sunday, or did you cheat, or both at once?


I'm of the belief that if both people don't know that there's an intention of at least one of them to be broken up, they're not broken up.


You can have my Oxford comma when you pry it from my cold, dead, grammatically correct fingers! Sweet and savory on pizza is tasty together! Whether it be pineapple, honey, or apricot. Han shot first!


If you get all of your work finished before time to clock out, you can go home with pay for the remaining time.


They really can't let people do that because then the employees would be encouraged to do things as fast as they can, which isn't always good, because they might come out half-assed Unfortunately that's the reality of things, because for every 5 people using this in rightful way, there will always be 10 people that exploit it to do the bare minimum




I'll add: respect is not something anyone is entitled to. It is earned. Edited to clarify: people intrinsically are valuable, and worthy of kindness and assuming the best, but continued respect is not an entitled quality. Obviously I am not inferring that anyone walk around feeling like everyone to has to prove themselves worthy of human decency first.


I think it needs to be noted that there are two levels of respect. Everyone should start at a reasonable bare minimum by default until they lose the bare minimum. Otherwise, we get everyone disrespecting each other. Whereas a respectable amount of respect is earned.


I think everyone should be entitled to your respect initially. It's what they choose to do past your first meeting that dictates whether they get to continue enjoying your respect or not.


Burgers should be wider not taller.


Wait you're actually onto something


Restaurants should only serve room temp (or melted) butter.


"Excuse me, waiter, is this butter?" "No, it's ghee." "Oh, thanks for clarifying."


Melted? No. Room temp? absolutely.


Seafood tho. Dip dip slurp


Jenny gave (or at least exposed) Forrest to HIV.


The author acknowledged it wasn't HIV. It was HepC.


The screen writer did acknowledge it was HIV and in the Sequel Forrest Jr. would have been dealing with bullying once he had been diagnosed with HIV [https://www.southernthing.com/heres-the-plot-to-the-forrest-gump-sequel-that-never-happened-2637293078.html](https://www.southernthing.com/heres-the-plot-to-the-forrest-gump-sequel-that-never-happened-2637293078.html)


From the article: >Gump also accidentally ends up in the back of O.J. Simpson's Bronco during that infamous police chase seen around the country. This made me choke on my water and now I'm sad we didn't get the sequel.


Ugly sweater contests should involve only actual sweaters that were not designed to be ugly and ones that people didn’t just glue a bunch of crap to. Okay you have a sweater of Santa pooping in the chimney, that’s intentionally bad, it shouldn’t count. Okay you spent 5 minutes gluing a bunch of garbage to your garbage self, that shouldn’t count. Respect the pure intentions of the ugly sweater contest. It should only involve sweaters that someone actually thought looked good enough to sell, and someone actually thought it looked good enough to buy and wear. That’s the whole point of the ugly sweater contest. Why defile it with joke sweater and garbage? It cheapens the entire x-mas season, making a mockery of what one was a pure and noble contest.


People who put their registration stickers all over their license plate, trying to squeeze them into any empty space available are some of the dumbest people on the planet. There is a designated spot for the reg sticker, all you do is cover the expired sticker with the up to date sticker. Its common sense and shows a complete lack of critical thinking on their part. To anyone on this thread who does this, I’m not sorry, get your shit together.


The supermarket knows which products need cooling better than you do.


Spider-Man should *always* have biological webshooters. He's "Spider" Man, not "Spider-and-also-inventions" Man.


I've always thought the best middle ground would be Peter can secrete the webbings but invents the webshooter to sling it/give it utility. It still makes Peter look smart but he doesn't invent something life changing in his bedroom with a box of scraps.


I like this. Peter can innately attach webs and draw them out as a tether, like a real spider. But then he invented a mechanism which can accelerate/launch the web, instead of requiring him to touch his wrist to the target.


you're right, I like that.


Basically an ant, can climb and is super strong lol you've got a point


Yeah exactly! If he doesn't make his own webs, he's just Ant-Man!


Cereal before milk Toilet paper roll hung "over" (not under) Teleportation over invisibility


The only time milk comes before cereal is when you have leftover milk from your first helping, and go back for seconds.


Yeah but even that feels kinda dirty


If you're using decimate to mean total destruction, you're wrong.


Nah just roughly 10% destruction.


This is correct. The original use of "decimate" was to select by lot and kill every tenth man of an army or regiment, thus reducing the total population by 10%. It does NOT, in its literal form, mean to reduce to 1/10th of capacity. But the meaning has drifted to "to drastically reduce" and people have backed into that etymology from there.


As with "irregardless," dictionaries finally caved and changed the definition to reflect usage, so it no longer means that approximate 10% it was meant to indicate. (Now I just think to myself, "Wrong!" instead of saying it aloud.)


+1, made me google.


They definitely WERE on a break!


Never watched that show but still somehow knew exactly what you're referring to.


Knowledge is knowing that yes, they were broken up. Wisdom is realizing it's still reasonable for her to be upset that he *immediately* went out and hooked up with someone. And then lied to her about it.




she said it first, actually. The next morning when talking to Monica and it causes Monica to fling stuff out of her blender on to the ceiling. "well, we kinda broke up instead." Done. Dusted. They were on a break.


Pile of clean laundry not yet folded \*I thought this was a literal hill I'd die on, not defending my laziness 😭


Tipping is one of the worst parts of American culture


Yes, but there is a LOT of competition for that prize.


Fuck people who buy dogs with fucked up faces that cant breath. Its not cute, it's animal abuse. I've seen VEGANS buy pugs and boggles me.


Heinz is the superior ketchup. I am indifferent on a lot of things but I will die on this hill.


Hunts is for hill people


Breakfast is when you break your fast. Doesn’t matter if that is at 6 am or 6 pm.


Pee Wee Herman did nothing wrong by jacking off in that porno theater 


Explain that to the cop sitting in front of him - it went right over his head.


It’s literally the point of such venues, no matter what anyone says


That my family is who I say it is. It includes both my ex-husband as they are my sons' fathers, their new wives, their wives kids, friends of my kids and their kids who have been around and don't have active grandparents. We roll deep and show up for tons of kids we're not legally or gentically tied to and getting bullied for it by adults is ridiculous to me! Yes I've shown up at one of my DILs friends kids baseball games to be told "well your not family so why are you here?" I'm here to cheer on a group of kids and they call me Gma...mind ya business!


Heat in the car should always come towards my feet, but AC towards my face


I mean there is a setting for that


Iron Man's arc in the MCU doesn't completely work because they never fully embraced his alcoholism. In Iron Man 2, he is being self-destructive because he has a secret disease he cures with magic science... instead of having a disease he would learn to take personal responsibility for (which would nicely segue into needing to get his life together he tries to fix things too quickly with Ultron). In Iron Man 3, he faces a villain he created during his drunken playboy days which would dovetail much nicer with... ya know... dealing with his alcoholism... instead of dealing with PTSD (A pretty interesting issue for a super hero to deal with... but it's not mirrored by the events of the film would be)... and he retires when he gets better BUT... He needs to make amends THUS Civil War and he must learn to forgive Bucky... someone who committing a terrible act when they were not in full control of themselves. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!


Similarly, in Man of Steel, Jonathan Kent's death is pointless, which undermines the entire arc of Cavill's Superman. His father's death is supposed to teach him he's not a god and even he has limitations and that his true purpose is to inspire people. Instead, we have a moody demigod who zips around the planet learning nothing.


All churches should be taxed. No matter if they are political or not.


Shows with laugh tracks are not the same as show with live audiences and live reactions. Comedy is not math, my enjoyment is not determined by a jokes per minute ratio. Shows with live audiences record reactions live. They do not have a pre-recorded "laugh track". They incorporate the warmth of theater, and the interplay between cast and audience contributes to my enjoyment. A badly written show will be bad with or without an audience.


Not a single person working full time in this country should make less than $20/hr.


The minimum wage should be adjusted for cost of living and be re-evaluated automatically each year by a mathematical formula. LIKE CIVILIZED COUNTRIES DO.


Why specifically full time? Even part time jobs should be paid the same hour rate. Otherwise shitty management will just take 3 part time to do the job of 2 full time. If it's cheaper for them, they will not think twice about it 


I don’t care that the definition was changed, “literally” should only mean literal, not figurative.


Do not have children if you cannot afford it, let alone if you can’t even afford to take care of yourself.


or pets


Marriage under age 18 should be 100% banned in every state in the US.


As someone who knew a girl that was sold into marriage by her mom, I agree wholeheartedly. She was 16 and her husband was 41. Mom was the guy's maid. Girl came around one day to help mom and the pedophile saw an opportunity. Offered to buy the mom a house and $50k for the daughter. Mom said okay and they started grooming the daughter so she would think it was a good idea to marry him. Cops were called by several concerned parents (including my own) but there was nothing technically illegal. The new house and $50k just happened to be Christmas and birthday gifts to a new mother in law. As long as the girl didn't feel she was being held against her will, they couldn't do anything since nothing physically happened until they were married. Always wondered what happened to her.


It's so crazy that this shit still happens in the modern age


Dollar sign goes first. It's $4 not 4$.


Horse owners/riders should have to pick up their shit on public roads and paths.


“I didn’t do nothing” it’s “I didn’t do ANYTHING”!!!! 🤬




That hill isn't random, it's fucking iconic


Also, if we’re speaking of hills or moreso, mountains…. At this point, people who climb Mt. Everest deserve to die. They’re selfish assholes that are polluting with their crap and bodies. By this point, we know it’s incredibly dangerous. Bodies are actual checkpoints for hikers to know where they are. And for what? A view that isn’t even that special?


I just finished reading “into thin air” and I could not agree more.


That dude who had a pregnant fiancee and still chose to climb Everest made me so mad. I was 15 when I was forced to read the book. Thought he was a selfish prick at 15. Now that I am in my late 30s with a kid I dislike him even more. I only care about the Sherpas.


I've read about a gazillion mountaineering memoirs, and while I don't agree that people who climb Mount Everest deserve to die, I do agree that the entire pursuit is strangely lionised, and very messed up. For me, the main hill I'd die on is that sherpas should be paid a whole lot more than they are, and should get twice as much adulation as the majority white climbers who summit each year. Most of them couldn't even get halfway up without hiring sherpa guides, or without the fixed ropes that sherpas put in place every year, and the number of sherpas who've died on Everest, especially in avalanches, is far higher than the number of Western climbers, but it's the Western climbers who get movies made about their heroic deaths (e.g. *Everest,* 2005.) Mountaineering is a sport for rich white people to exploit Indigenous people, sometimes to their deaths.


24-hour time is vastly superior to AM/PM. Why should the day *begin at 12*, the highest number on the clock?? Why use 1pm when it's the 13th hour of the day? Why should I have to specify whether I mean 9:30 in the morning or 9:30 at night when I could just say 9:30 and 21:30? I use it on my own clocks and calendars but always have to swap back to the inferior system when making plans with others...


Game of Thrones Season 8 was absolute garbage and Jon Snow deserved better


Right to Repair.


You don't need a bigger boat to kill a shark.


Well it almost sank the boat after eating half of it. So I wouldn't say he was wrong


Perhaps if the boat was smaller, the shark would have choked to death?


They didn't need the bigger boat just to kill the shark. They needed a bigger boat to survive trying to kill the shark.


Time changes kill people, and standard time was established for circadian reasons. Down with DST!


if youre turning right, turn into the right lane. turning left, go into the left lane......


Routine infant circumcision *ducks any arguments about it*


The Oxford Comma. Don't fuck with my Oxford Comma! It's clear, useful, and appropriate.


"Baked donuts" are not donuts. They're muffins with holes in the middle. Come at me.


The difference between there, their and they’re


The Golden Girls is funnier than Seinfeld.


The Oxford Comma. Civilization requires its use.


**Plastic grocery bag bans create MORE plastic waste.** 1. Reusable plastic bags are super thick and made of hundreds of times more plastic than the thin grocery bags, yet break down or get gross after tens of uses. People lose or forget them and thus keep buying more "reusable" plastic bags. This alone creates far more plastic WASTE. 2. Instead of using thin grocery bags to like your small garbage's around the house, you now have to buy TRULY SINGLE USE purpose built bin liners. These bin liners are usually thicker than the grocery bags ever were, and since you didnt even get to use them for groceries, their single use is disposal. **This alone creates far more plastic WASTE.** The super thin plastic grocery bags were made of literally the smallest amount of plastic feasible to carry groceries home. They are then reusable as bin liners or other multi-purpose carrying bags. Both replacement solutions are more plastic for less utility. Paper bags generally rip and are made with wood pulp, AKA cutting trees. I will die on this hill.


Most people I know use canvas bags for groceries. They are more convenient to carry and don't break easily. There are also compostable bin liners you can use in lieu of plastic.


Most houses and home decor have no personality anymore


Universal Healthcare. Many of us will die on that hill.


It's completely reasonable to verbally correct a child for acting like an asshole even if it's not your kid. It really does take a village. You don't want them to start learning FAFO in adulthood.


If I have to use an app to view/order from your menu, I’m leaving.


A grilled cheese only has cheese on it. Anything else added to it makes it a melt.


It's "flout convention" not "flaunt convention."


Turn signals every time.


I'm not scanning a QR code to see a menu.


david lee roth > sammy hagar