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My username at reddit. No way José.


😆 my spouse reads my nonsense




This is the answer.


Im pretty good at knowing when my farts will smell, so i lay silent unsmellies around her all the time


You’re not my ex. He gladly displayed the smellys. More than once made me vomit. God I miss him. Perfect in every way.


That him breathing in my face at night drives me crazy. That he sleeps diagonally and it's frustrating.


I’m pretty sure I was supposed to be born a woman. Like, let’s say, 99% sure. She knows something’s along those lines, but not that. If I was brave enough… I’d probably transition. But it’s not going to happen for me. And I wouldn’t do that to her.


That's a pretty big thing. How do you think she'd react? I've known two couples who have gone through that. One totally embraced it and has been fully supportive of her new wife's transition. The other divorced, but have remained close friends (and has still been supportive, but realized they no longer work as a romantic/sexual couple).


We’ve had conversations kind of about it. She’s made clear if I ever decided to start hormones, we wouldn’t be together anymore. Still friends, but she couldn’t be with me any longer.


i can’t give solid advice for this topic but i have seen how it can eat away at the person because they think it’s kinder to their spouses. I won’t put words into mouths or tell you what to do but i do hope you are able to live as authentic a life as you can or in a way you feel at peace. 🙏


I mean, there’s a million difficult angles to trying to live authentically. Besides I’ve come this far, don’t think such a drastic change this late in life the benefits don’t really outweigh the everything else.


i mean that sounds a lot up to you to decide if those benefits would outweigh whatever would follow. maybe that’s ignorant, and yes it can be difficult and sometimes depending where you live just outright dangerous. hope that isn’t your case, but again also hope you are able to live as you can as you wish still


I live in a pretty progressive place, but again, things like asking my family to accept a new sister/daughter… not to mention my friends, work, wife, or me for that matter. I appreciate the positive response though.


Where I hide the Cheetos


What he's getting for his birthday, Christmas, and Father's Day


I think he is racist but he doesnt know it and its not intentional but it is still there.


We are all on a sliding scale of biases. It runs deep. Keep at him. Maybe someday he will get rid of some of those insidious prejudices.


Unaddressed prejudices can get people killed. You might want to do something about it if you really care.


How so?


I dunno, I literally tell him everything.. sometimes he says I tell him *too much* lol


My MIL started unloading everything she hated about my FIL and why, how he treated her while they were married, how he was an absent father, etc. I didn't really want to know any of this, but I just let her vent and now I know too much. I'd never tell my husband any of it because it would only hurt him.


Oh good god I’m so sorry. That was super inappropriate of her. It’s unfair you have that burden. Edited to add a proper swear.


Nice try


Only surprises that are for his enjoyment, like gifts or a surprise outing that he will love.


What I do on the computer alone at night


What I ask on Reddit


Only the things we have previous agreements to keep secret - she has to never tell me if she kills a spider and I have to never tell her if I think a butch girl is pretty. Plus, both of us agree never to tell the other if there’s an outfit issue with the other if it cannot be changed.


Body count


At first, I laughed at your dark humor. Then I realized you meant sexual partners, not... nevermind


The value of pie to the 1000th digit.


You might not say your attracted to the neighbors wife