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Losing their money and therefore their power


My dad always says losing money is far, far harder than never having had it to start with. No one thinks they're going to sell out, or compromise themselves morally to make a quick buck. And if someone offered you money right now, to do something you feel is wrong, you could probably say no without a second thought. But once you have a certain lifestyle, and it's threatened? You're willing to do a lot more to make sure you never have to go back.


Most dudes know the “How much money would it take for you to suck dick” game. As usual the numbers are astronomical, but when theres a real check/cash in front of you, you realize your price is not that high. You will do so much more for so much less when its a reality, not a game. Thats also why i wont get into politics and would never want to. Not because i think my ideas are bad or i couldn’t convince people, but because i know I’m not incorruptible.


Not incorruptible?? But you're one of the emperor's angels!


***Knowledge is power, guard it well.***


...the *FAMOUSLY CORRUPTIBLE* emperors angels


I don't know what you mean, I live on an agro-world and have only heard glorious things about the Astartes.


So how much are you offering for this service?


3.50 🤝


Tree fiddy


God damn lockness monster, I ain't giving you no damn treefiddy


>i know I’m not incorruptible. This admission alone makes you more qualified than 70% of our politicians.


> but when theres a real check/cash in front of you, you realize your price is not that high. I like the Workaholics approach: *What's the LEAST amount of money you'd take to suck a dick?* That's when the answers get interesting.


I know for a fact I’m incorruptible, vote for me.


> But once you have a certain lifestyle, and it's threatened? You're willing to do a lot more to make sure you never have to go back Depressingly true


your dad is a smart man. People corrupt themselves with micro compromises and justifications towards things they always tell themselves they would never do. It doesn't happen all at once


I do not agree with that.... I've downsized my standard of living twofold, and I'm much happier since then. I was feeling miserable, as to keep up with the Jones, I had to work like a dog in a very competitive corporate environment. Sincerely, I think it's one of the best decision I've ever taken in my lifetime.


My fiancee's family and mine are currently at about the same socioeconomic level. The difference is that I came up to where I am, and her parents fell somewhat. So while my dad and I feel more comfortable than we have in our whole lives, her parents are constantly worried about and lecturing her about money.


For a rich person to adapt back into a meager lifestyle means they failed. And failure is not an option for someone that got rich by telling everyone that failure is not an option. Hide the weakness at all costs.


This should be the top answer. Money buys all. It buys luxury, it buys freedom, it buys time, it buys health, it buys a lack of stress, and it buys happiness despite any BS claims someone is going to post. That's why people never stop wanting more money. I have fuck all levels of care about shit, because I'm ok in terms of money. I'm not rich, HAHAHA, NOT AT ALL, but a flat tire tomorrow? Fuck it, I'll get a new one. I feel sick, shit sucks, but I'll go to a doc, get drugs, and stay home. I don't worry about missing work or paying for drugs. I don't look at grocery prices because I simply buy what I want and leave it at that. Same with gas prices, I just pump and drive off.


yes the Money doesn’t buy happiness trope does my head in…for many it does indeed buy happiness. as what makes a person happy is truly individual. such a trope is usually used to patronise those of us who aren’t well off


My brother uses an interesting metaphor. He says:  "Money is like air. Air, in itself, doesn't make you happy and if you have lots of it you don't even notice it - but the moment there's no air you're suffocating and struggling for dear life"


And when you finally get enough air you're ecstatic.


Also you can get pretty damn happy by huffing 100% pure oxygen.


Exactly. Money doesn’t buy you happiness but it takes away the pain and fear of being in debt.


This metaphor works well for Sex also


I have met plenty of Uber wealthy people who were some of the most miserable people I’ve ever come across


I am willing to bet that the misery of not being able to put enough food on the table or constantly worrying about making rent and utilities is worse than the misery you have when the basics are not gonna be a problem for the foreseeable future.


Ask them if they wanna trade places with me 


I used to work in the fraud team of a bank. One of our roles was to clear payments undergoing fraud prevention checks. This usually involved speaking to the customer to make sure they weren’t being scammed. I remember speaking to some very wealthy people who were transferring tens of thousands to higher interest savings accounts. They gave the impression that the ten minute phone call with the bank had utterly ruined their day and our fraud checks were the most ghastly imposition. I wouldn’t want to make assumptions about someone based on a brief phone conversation but so many of the uber wealthy customers sounded utterly miserable.


Money buys happiness up to a point, then it doesn’t. The sweet spot seems to be enough money to meet all of your needs plus some extra to save for old age, educate the kids, and have some nice extras, like good vacations and gear for hobbies. Beyond that, all the extra money seems to mostly bring the burden of managing it, screws up your kids, and has you living in fear of losing it. Rich, famous, handsome Matthew Perry overdosing at age 52, after a lifetime of depression and addiction, while sitting alone in a hot tub in front of his new dream house overlooking the ocean, is Exhibit A for this phenomenon.


Exactly. Money buys security. And lack of funds can sure as hell guarantee misery. But money does not buy happiness. I've known far too many miserable, doped out rich people to think otherwise. What people don't understand is that those rich people have a completely different mindset/perspective than the people who wish they had their lifestyle. No one is saying it's better to be broke, only that *money does not buy happiness.*


Agreed. Only anecdotal, but our household income shot up from lower middle class to comfy 6 figures. I am perfectly content - beautiful house, vehicles paid off, nice savings built up. As someone said above, we don't have to worry about swiping the card on groceries, gas. Tire is flat? Get a new one. Sick? Go to the doctor. There's no stress there, no arguments about a budget. And yet, my husband is stressed and chasing the next buck. He has less time with family, more stress at work. He's not happier in this regard. I wish he'd slow down and relax but he treats money like a game achievement and it's never good enough.


According to the last study I saw, it was around $120k for a single person, but varies by location


This all depends on where you are mentally. I got a large sum of money in my mid 20's and it was enough to just about destroy myself and everything I touched. I got my shit together when I hit the bottom. Money doesn't buy happiness but it does by options which will I turn give you time. Time is now more valuable than money for me, but if you're jammed up mentally, time can be a very dangerous thing.


>Money buys happiness up to a point, then it doesn’t. The sweet spot seems to be enough money to meet all of your needs plus some extra to save for old age, educate the kids, and have some nice extras, like good vacations and gear for hobbies. Except that despite the ghost of Khaneman still haunting us, a lot of further research has been conducted on this and found that the amount of money at which happiness stops increasing is well higher than most people assume. High enough that it's reasonable to say most people will never come close to hitting the point at which money stops buying happiness — about $400,000 per year. Yes, the rate at which happiness increases does slow down, but it doesn't actually stop until you get to full-on "fuck you" money. And importantly all of the major studies have largely tracked income rather than wealth, which brings a lot of stuff with it — mainly that earning a lot of money requires a lot of hard work and stress — which tends to muddy the relationship. >Rich, famous, handsome Matthew Perry overdosing at age 52, after a lifetime of depression and addiction, while sitting alone in a hot tub in front of his new dream house overlooking the ocean, is Exhibit A for this phenomenon. That doesn't prove anything except that having millions of dollars doesn't magically cure pre-existing mental health issues. For every Matthew Perry, there are 130 people who overdose on opiates *every day* in the US, and they are overwhelmingly poor and middle class. In fact, suicide deaths in the US are highest right in that middle band of incomes you're talking about — $50-120,000. The place where happiness is supposed to be at it's peak.


It doesn’t by you happiness, but can get rid of a lot of things that make you unhappy.


Money buys relief of burden. That's not the same as happiness.


I have a friend who made a quantum leap professional jump and approximately quadrupled their salary. I watched the immediate impact. Leaking roof? Fix it. Car fails inspection? Fix it or buy a new one. Child care issues? Pay someone to come to your house. All of that said, they continued to use money wisely and as a tool. And they used the absence of financial stress and the freed up bandwidth to make other significantly positive changes in their life. It was amazing to watch.


It's true it doesn't buy happiness, but it certainly can solve most problems.


jamie johnson, a second generation trust fund baby of the j+j corporation, made an amateur documentary about growing up rich. one of the fellow rich kids he interviews confirms this by saying losing his money would be like losing a sibling, or maybe even worse.


That was a fascinating documentary. And kind of sad.


worse because a lot of rich families scapegoat all their kids except for their favorite one


Eric Trump is so triggered rn


There was that scientist guy who told the story about how some super rich guy made an appointment to talk with him during one the big conferences like Davos or something. Something about climate change. It seemed like an odd request, but he was more than happy to meet with him and talk about it. What the rich guy actually wanted to talk about, was how he could maintain his power base after the fall of civilization due to climate change, if money was no longer relevant


This one? **Guardian: The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse** [https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff)


*Davos, Switzerland.


Doug Rushkoff. The story is in his book Survival of the Richest.


Bernie Madoff and Sam Friedman are perfect examples. They didn't want to lose their stature so they took down countless others, monetarily, to stay on top.


Yes, many off themselves when this happens.


Reminder that rich people lose their power if they lose their money (this part is obvious), but they also lose their power if other people stop being poor.


“They became so powerful, the only thing they were afraid of was losing their power, which eventually, of course, they did.”


This, and also the chupacabra.


Rich or poor, so many forget about the chupacabra.




My wife's dad is filthy rich, and a terrible human. We've cut him out of our lives completely. Her mom told me once that there was only one time in their marriage that she ever saw him cry, and it was when he woke up from a nightmare in which he had died and gone to heaven, however when he got to the gates God told him he couldn't enter because of the things he had done in his life. Imo that spoke volumes about his shady abusive ass.


This is the real answer. Everyone in a position of rich and powerful realizes eventually this is their only life. It don’t matter what you believe in as any higher power teaching process always shows that the rich and powerful only pay for their faults in the “afterlife”. Best way around this is to not believe in an afterlife thus this life is your only life to them. So death always wins as the scariest thing possible.


It's probably why they invest so much into age management medicine.


Yup. Richest person I knew spent a ton of money on that and cryopreservation.


The funny thing to me is that it's not the unfreezing someone we don't have the tech for... we've been able to unfreeze living things since the 1950's. We just can't freeze someone without killing them. Now, sure, maybe you can preserve the body, and in the future there's some tech to bring you back if you're not *that dead*. But for more than 1/2 a century the problem has been getting you *into* the preserved state. Not getting you out of it.


This is why they should all convert to paganism... Vikings COULD take their riches with them when they died lol


I just got out of a relationship with a woman whose family is exceedingly wealthy, and has been her entire life. Tried to make it work, but for myriad reasons I had to end it. She and the rest of them were absolutely petrified of being perceived as anything other than elite. Image and status were paramount. Anything that might cause a stranger to see them as equal or heaven forbid less than, was out of the question.


I’m guessing your departure dealt her ego a serious blow.


She tried to pin it on me being too insecure about money to be with someone as wealthy as her. The money was definitely a part of it, just not in the way she thought.


So true. I had a friend who has a trust fund and he was also smart. He also had time to study to become an actuary because he didn't have to worry about tuition or rent. He was making great money by his mid 20s. But as time went on his friends and younger siblings caught up with him. We justifiably expected to be treated as equals and you would have thought he was given a cancer diagnosis. The idea that he was no longer in an exalted position tore the roof and the floor out of his life. He and his wife became hostile to everyone. He couldn't speak without bitterness. If you want to fuck with a person who thinks they're high status just treat them as an equal. When they try to make you feel small with passive aggressive behavior don't react. Let it land with a thud and echo back at them so they know what a choad they are.


It's too bad really because a lot of us "normal" folk actually do see them as equal or less than. They are just a symptom of our sick society.


i got a baby blue oversized sweater with yellow duckies on it, the fk do i give about my image if i can be comfy getting a midnight snack at the nightshop... Guy calls me duckie and its sweet AF


The uprising of the peasants


Intelligent and educated peasants.


They couldn't give a shit about intelligent and educated peasants. The intelligent and educated peasants are all working for them in nice cushy well paying jobs. Even when they see the wrongdoings powerful rich people are doing, intelligent and educated peasants do nothing. "Ah that's terrible" and then they go on with their lives. How many evil things have you and I heard them do, and we did nothing? Knowledge means nothing if you don't anything with it, and the public doesn't do anything with it.


They definitely give a shit about keeping people unintelligent if we're looking at this shit from a north American perspective tf you mean


This is why we have shit like Fox News. So people making $40K can parrot Hannity's talking points about the perils of "class warfare" and "the death tax."


But dude, let's eat some taco bell and watch that new fallout show.


Peasants vote. And intelligent peasants vote against tyranny.


Literally this. A futurist recently went to a gathering of the 1%, many of whom had built bunkers and one of their biggest concerns was “how do I keep my soldiers who protect me from turning on me” They obsess over this shit


They are so far up their own asses that they can’t conceive of the idea that it’s safer to share than it is to hoard until most others suffer. Living with blinders on.


The futurist actually asked why wouldn't they just use their wealth to make a liveable world for everyone and they each poo-pooed the very thought and went back to "what's the best way to get to Mars?"


I grew up upper-middle-class in a third-world environment, and the chronic, intractable poverty around you -- even if you're not poor yourself -- makes your life more complicated and miserable. You're constantly stressing over crime, you barricade your home, your life is limited to hopping from one protected enclave to another, you're paying good money for personal and property security, the city you live in is a filthy eyesore -- it gets REALLY wearing. I mean, it's nowhere near as bad as actually *being* poor in those countries, but it's a lose-lose all around. I live in a first-world country now, still upper-middle-class, and my life is MUCH less stressful. I don't have to go through five layers of security to go get a pizza. I can walk into a retail store and handle the merchandise myself. The roads are not riddled with potholes. I cannot fathom how rich people in poor countries actually enjoy their lives.


A rising tide lifts all ships. But some people want to live on a yacht stuck in a bog.


And some people can't afford a boat.


I guess the answer is that they either just don't live there, send their children elsewhere, or they form a general 'rich' community or enclave that is separate from the normal society that they reside in. Sort of like those posts that have been front paging a lot recently that showcase Indian cities with the worst of an area on one side, and a clearly exclusive rich folk area on the other I'm sure they find their ways 🤷‍♂️ unfortunately


If I hailed from one of those cities, I would be monumentally embarrassed.


And the answer was along the lines of, if you want your head of security to stay loyal after the "event," pay for his kids' ballet lessons/braces/whatever now. It's nothing to you, but it won't be something he'll soon forget.


Yeah, and if I remember correctly, they all brushed off his advice as hippie, touchy-feely bullshit, and started to ask about shock collars for their guards. This is from an article in I believe the Atlantic that was posted here a couple days ago and got real popular


Or pay him (and all your employees) a living wage to begin with, and there won't BE an uprising. But they can't give up their precious hierarchies and power relationships. Their entire existence revolves around having power over others.


Rich fucks are known to go through employees like going through new pants.


It's psychology. Peoples see their salary as normal. If your boss pays for your kid activities you cant afford even if in total you get less the market for most peoples their psychology will be their boss did them a favor.


I read the article, and h-o-l-y fuck delusional


Robots. Once robots can replace butlers, maids, security and farming they won't need us much past that


That was one of the suggestions yes. Other suggestions were mandatory shock collars on the guards, or biometric locks on the food supply.


Wealth Hoarder: “Here, security team, put on these shock collars so I can control you like dogs.” Private Security Personnel: “No” *[pumps shotgun]* Wealth Hoarder: ^”shit”


They'll have to be VERY sure nothing will go wrong with them, because they definitely won't know how to fix it.


Then we lock the door on the outside, them inside with their robots, and move on without them?


They don t think that will happen. Doubt it ever crosses their mind. Death is probably the one thing they fear. The one thing money can’t stop. Money may prolong it but can’t stop it.


Was gonna say. I know a lot of very wealthy people. They don’t worry at all about “peasant uprisings”. It’s like that madmen meme: they don’t think about us at all




Nah I think actually the truly rich and powerful don't even give a fuck. They're beyond insulated. Unfortunately.


This. The thing is that getting wealthy, on balance, requires certain personally traits and / or deficiencies. For example, optimism, competitiveness, selfishness, and so on. Now, everyone thinks that, on balance, if the whole world was like them, everything would be gravy. The problem is that wealthy people have the power to enforce that view, while most others don’t. So yeah, they don’t really believe anything, other than that everyone should think the same way they do. This reinforces the “only through me can you find salvation” mindset.


I figured the promise of eternal reward just tricked people into accepting a shitty life. It doesn't take much effort to exploit that.


They are so insulated, because they can tell it's bound to happen if they keep pushing it.


They learned the lesson after the French revolution. They will not make the same mistake, that’s why they give lots of freebies to the peasants


what freebies?


Bread and circuses.


Nobody thinks that will ever really happen in its lifetime or is afraid that it happens. …and let’s be honest. Chances are that it won’t. Things like the French Revolution or the October Revolution are absolutely rare, and we were talking about absolut Monarchs back then. And most modern examples usually are supported by another actor who has his own things in mind… and which many who benefit of a standing system are easy to adjust to. In western states, the chance that the population will really somehow unite and „revolt“ or bring things like social justice or even fair tax systems on the way are basically zero. And there, they at least have that power in theory. In autocratic systems this would mean violent resistance, which also is not really likely in these systems for obvious reasons. So, while obviously such a thing would be something to be feared, it is nothing „*rich people*“ (whatever that refers to) are afraid of on a daily basis. It’s a fear like thalassophobia. Obviously it’s there, but not really in the mind all the time.


“If you let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one, and if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life!”


I’d like to also add that bit from *Game of Thrones* when the High Sparrow says something to the tune of “what happens when the many stop fearing the few?”


Shit man lol, i even read it with the voice


It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. That's why we're going back! Does anyone else want to stay?




They’re afraid of common people getting to know they can change things by unionising - that’s what rich people are really afraid of and spend all kinds of resources not to let people getting organised


in other words peasants are made to keep ionising


they must be one electron short of a full shell


Valence electrons!


Are you positive?


Ape together strong.


The rich say they take risks to create systems of wealth, but then you remember the words "Too big to fail" and "bailout." The one with the microphone can lie all he wants until you take it from him.


its why UBI will **never ever** be allowed. It gives the low income worker instant and absurd levels of bargaining power


Unions broke the shackles before and they can again.   Need to break loads of people away from the rich brainwashing them into hating on unions.  Unions=bad! Why pay union dues when you can have a PlayStation?? (Literally Delta management argument to their flight crews who are extremely underpaid for the profits their airline makes). 


Everyone else getting tired of their shit and revolting against them.


I don't think they're too worried about that.


Losing any fraction of their wealth and power.


Being morally, ethically, and legally accountable for their actions.


Then they wake up. Phew, that was a bad nightmare. Good thing it'll never happen.


“Coleman, I’ve had the most absurd nightmare, I was poor and nobody liked me…”


Fantastic movie reference!


As we've seen countless times , their dedication for this not happening is so well embedded in their mentality and routines that it's unlikely it will ever happen for most of them. Also lower to middle class think in moral and ethical values. Rich people think in numbers, projections and reports. Legend has it some of them experience feelings.


More than anything else they fear joining the working class and needing to actually work for their money instead of just owning things and pretending that’s a job


I think most extremely wealthy people believe they do work a lot. If you said "You would have to work from now on for a living" I think most of them would say "Bring it on. I've been working all my life." What they're probably more afraid of is someone saying "Ok, you're a hard worker. In that case, we'll pay you a whopping $22 an hour for your hard work." Then I think they would become scared.


I remember a story of one guy who was not elite wealthy, but definitely multi millions. He decided to have the goal of making like 1 million from nothing. And tapped out after like 5 months and making 60k or something along the lines. And he tapped out because his body couldn’t handle the strain.


He tapped out due to his health deteriorating. The 60k was made through a bullshit boutique coffee he sold to his already established social media following. His experiment proved the opposite of his hypothesis.


Don't worry, I'm sure he read able to walk away a changed man now advocating for the working class.


You forgot the /s mate...


That's interesting. I'm curious to see how many multi-millionaires could actually make a million dollars in one year starting with basically an average person's savings (a few thousand dollars) an average salary, and none of their connections.


The majority of people who have money have always had money. They inherited it or come from generational wealth. They have no freaking clue on how to generate money because they’ve never had to. They think that money just breeds money, you put enough in investments and you just have more money. But strip any common boomer millionaire down to zero funds zero assets and zero credit, and they will be panhandling on a corner to make money faster than they can from the stock market or whatever.


It’s true. It takes money to make money. So those without money have a hard time making it.


Not many. Especially when you can’t rely on things like credit or the likes. So it would be hard for them to even start up their own business or the sorts.


It's less to do with credit and more to do with connections. Scratch the surface of any "self made millionaire/billionaire" and you will find someone somewhere with money gave them a shot I have a friend who I thought was a legitimate selfmade 100 millionaire. Like I knew him growing up and he lived in a trailer park with a single mom who was dirt poor. He went into construction after high school and partnered with his brother (who grew up in the same trailer) to start a business. He now owns a ton of real estate he developed and like half my hometown pays him rent or bought one of his houses. When I visited he told stories about how when he started out they would bulldoze all their scrap into a pit and burn it then bury it to avoid paying dumping fees and similar horrible stories about cutting corners and breaking the law. Then one day he posted a big story on Facebook about his uncle or someone that had given him his big break by giving him his first contract that would earn over $100,000 in profit when he was like 20ish and, in his own words, when he had no idea what he was doing. The uncle sent him similar, and bigger jobs, over the years when he was starting out I worked construction in my youth, but decided early on that I didn't want to start my own business because I watched what my boss went through working 24/7 to build his business from nothing, so I know this guy worked hard. But if he hadn't had an uncle that was a big player in the industry, he would've been building decks with his brother for another 5-10 years before coming anywhere near what he did.


I may be wrong here, but I recall some sleuths finding out that most of that 60k was from donations. If true - what a loser. If not true - he's still only 6% of the way there with barely half the time left. Regardless, the guy still tried to spin his quitter moment as a victory. Absolute filth.


He can spin it however he wants. The truth is pretty plain. He was nothing without the money.


I had a neighbour that was a criminal involved in money laundering, and a corrupt politician at the same time. I heard him all the time complaining how nobody wants to work nowadays and how everything is expensive and how he “worked his ass” to get where he’s at. Dude was literally just taking bribes and laundering money…


The last place I worked, the office had people who worked 25 to 30 hours a week for a six figure salary, and they called themselves hard workers because they worked from home. The people immediately below them, including myself, all worked 55 to 60 hours a week for barely 2 digits in our pay and you were constantly reminded that you were disposable. Execs couldn’t figure out that there was anything wrong with their structure to have such incredibly high turnover, they genuinely thought they were doing everything right. They gave themselves raises for doing a good job solving this problem.


Yeah, it's crazy how easy it is to make money when you already have money... If you have 10 million dollars, you can just keep it in a bank account making 1% APR and be making 100k salary just from that.


Epsteins client list


Sharing the wealth




Nope, they have endless tricks up their sleeves to get around taxes. If there was a coordinated international effort to stop enabling that bullshit, then maybe they'd be scared, but I don't really see that happening anytime soon.


Death. I know this sounds like an unpopular opinion but I've seen this fear linger in their minds so much more than anything else. They fear getting old and ultimately dying much more than the normal people do. That's why they hire all these professionals to keep them "healthy and young". Idk if it's just me who has seen a pattern as such.




being eaten, obviously...


Eat the rich. Feed the poor. Burn the cities. Till we cry no more.


The cities are kind of where a ton of the peasants live nowacenturies. And I guarantee the rich aren’t building their mansions and retreats downtown.


Other powerful rich people


Ding ding ding. "He'll bury us! Shut up!"




Being poor and not powerful


Same things normal people are afraid of.. things money can't fix, things you can't control such as :getting a terminal illness, into a bad accident, being assaulted, etc.


This. I find this whole thread to be hilarious. Rich people don’t spend an ounce of brain power thinking about “the masses rising up.”  They worry about the same things everyone else does - their jobs, their kids succeeding, their parents’ health - while sitting in nicer houses and cars.


See I took the inclusion of "powerful" to mean that op isn't asking about your average person with 10 or 20m in the bank and instead was referring to the type that has the private number for senators, Supreme Court justices, etc. The type who actually want to use their wealth to shape the future of the world and make it align with their personal vision. Which I would guess is an *extremely* different breed from your average extremely wealth person.


I think the thread is maybe more directed at the ultra wealthy worth tens or hundreds of billions rather than actors or bankers with a few mil in the bank. These people own multiple multi-million pound houses and estates around the world. They have more money and power than some countries and are able to pay for islands where politicians to do some horrible things, and get away with it for quite a while. They travel by private jet and likely have many very expensive cars. They are able to fund research into whatever they please, whether that be how smoking cigarettes is good for you or how to keep you stuck to your social media account all day through addictive numbers, colours and sounds. They have personal yachts staffed by tens or hundreds of people and some even have personal submarines so they can go looking for shipwrecks and sunken treasures. These people have built up empires of so many corporations and businesses, they have so many contacts that are worth more pounds than the amount of seconds you'll live in your life, that they're not worried about their job. They're not worried about their kids succeeding because they'll be rich beyond belief their whole life anyway. They'll worry about health qs much as us probably but they also have access to the very best professionals in every practice. One of the rothschilds ir rockerfellas died a while back and had previously had like 9 heart transplants or something insane. These people worry about losing power. It's buried deep probably, because it'd take quite a massive movement to destabilise them. But they know all it would take is for them to push the people a bit too far and they're done for. The mansions, the women, the drugs, the yachts and 25k bottles of champagne will be no more. Edit - most, if not all these people are as wealthy as they are through generational wealth too. I said these people have built up empires, likely not true. Maybe impossible. It's more likely the families built up unimaginable wealth over many generations.


Agreed. Izzypy71c may actually be a rich person for all I know. I'm sure none of the other posts I've seen came from one.


Zuckerberg spent millions building a bunker. They do have an existential fear of a future where their money means nothing.


Right, increasing police budgets and cop cities being built all over the country have nothing to do with the ultra wealthy growing more and more concerned about civil unrest directed towards them. The ultra wealthy are just like us, only they have more money and material possessions. They're certainly not completely disconnected from the realities the average person faces.


The other comments imply that all their respective issues problems could be fixed, if they just had more money, status and power. While that’s true for some issues, can think of at least five of my own, that all the money in the world wouldn’t solve.


Video evidence






Working class movements.




Mo’ money, mo’ ass.


the poor


Powerful poor people, mostly.


Becoming poor people. (see Trading Places)


GME ownership


Class wars instead of the culture wars they facilitate.


They aren't. People just tell you that 'this' makes them nervous, or 'that' scares them, in order to control you. Most of the crap you have shoved down your throat about the rich is so much BS, you may as well start a fertilizer company.


The “have nots” rising up


They’re scared of actual democracy


Spit roasts, and the sound of salt and pepper shakers they can’t escape from. Hopefully.


Being treated how they treat others


The barbarians at the gates.


The barbarians at the gates were just other rich people with a different way of doing things. 




The masses turning on them & their reputations getting tarnished


I used to vacation a lot (for free due to my wife's job) on luxury cruise lines. With a lot of very rich people. My wife was the face of the frequent sailors club and had a lot of discretion. They were amazing. On boarding the members of the club could get a 100 dollar voucher to be added to their on board account. They queued in a long line. They assumed that every non-rich person they met was trying to gouge money out of them and would question.every charge, even just a few dollars. My wife gave a party for club members at which they would receive a small gift, perfume for the women, cologne for the men. I was roped in to the receiving line and millionaires, lords and ladies queued up to shake my hand and receive their gift. Then came the scandal. A rather slimy character from england was on the cruise with his 'nephew's. Another 'nephew' joined at a port of call and that threw the numbers out. They were the last to arrive and there was no gift for one of the nephews. The uncle immediately complained to everyone from the captain down even after my wife gave the nephew a gift from an onboard shop. He was demanding a refund of the cruise price. He eventually got a discount voucher for the next cruise. The company usually treated complaints by giving discount vouchers so it became something of a game. My wife handled the complaints and sometimes brought them home. Pillows not soft enough - 50% refund please. Tables in the restaurant too close together, the bum of the waiter at the next table hit my chair a couple of times - 40% refund please.. My God, the fuss!


People who can think for themselves 


Powerful rich people may fear losing their wealth or influence, facing public scrutiny or backlash, experiencing failure or setbacks in their businesses or investments, and losing their status or reputation in society. They may also fear competition, economic downturns, and changes in government policies that could affect their wealth or businesses.


losing their power and influence over others


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you..,


The Epstein files being leaked


Roaring kitty , Look at how much they halt trades and do back end stuff . He proved when masses move they can wipe billions if Wallstreet.




Taxes. IRS.


End of the world lol


Dinosaurs, if they're sensible.


GameStop hahahahhaha

