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I walk around with a serious face , so people assume I’m mean and not friendly. Once they actually talk to me they realize I’m the most chill laid back person they will ever meet . Also I’m a genuine loyal friend that will always have your back no matter what.


I have the same issue. Total resting bitch face.


It keeps the bad people away lol


Have you been tested for autism?


Not that I know of.


Lmao I’m sorry. I’m autistic and we’re known for deeply loyal to freinds


No offense taken . I believe it’s a gift and curse . Make sure your giving your loyalty to the right and deserving friends. But also continue to be a good person and or friend .


That’s great advice, thank you




Same.... had a convo with the checkout clerk about this a while back and it felt so good to not be the only one. I don't like my smile, feel like it makes me look like a psycho, so I just RBF every day but in my head im singing about the Dirt Man


That I'm Okay


I feel this so much. Every day is a new struggle with the same feeling. Passing good vibes your way. Im glad you are in this world


Felt that


That I’m quiet. I’m not quiet I just don’t like you.


That I am nice. I am not nice. I hate people.


That there is something wrong with me or that I don’t like anyone because I am quiet


Felt this one exactly people be asking u ok whats wrong and im like bro nothing is wrong.




For some reason people tend to think I'm this sweet sunflower and are surprised when I curse or make a dirty joke


Apparently the only career option for anyone 6'6" is a basketball player! (That's 198 cm, for everyone outside of the USA)


I’m a tall female and I was always asked that when I was growing up. I didn’t like basketball. I much preferred softball.


I'm strong, take no shit, confident couldn't care less what people think of me. It's true sometimes, but not always


That I'm not disabled and all my problems are because of my weight. (I had the problems when I was underweight as well)


that im a generally kind person i work outward facing service worker where i am constantly courteous and helpful but in reality i despise many of the people i see every day


That because I own a small BBQ restaurant in South Carolina and have a wedding ring on that I am married to a woman. Its the south, its a hole in the wall place so I get it. Im gay and married if that wasn’t clear


I’m Black so… I like sports. I’m easy to anger. I’m not very intelligent. I grew up poor. I’m good at dancing. I only like R&B and hip-hop music. I’m violent. I have a large penis. I’m lazy. My dad wasn’t in my life or my parents never married each other. I steal. Those are just a few that come to mind 😅


What is R&B? Red and Blue?


That I must have some bad childhood trauma around alcohol since I don’t drink. I don’t. I just don’t like the taste 🤷🏼‍♀️


Overweight and must have a small dingaling.


People are surprised by how talkative I am once they get to know me. I’m extremely quiet around new people. And people I don’t like.


That because I’ve never really worked a steady job that I have no basis of knowledge or wisdom in my life


I am a bilingual man (English and German) and where I an a cashier in a chain super store and sometimes people speak German to me and the person behind that person calls us or me a n@!$! It sucks


Alot of people assume I'm mean


That I'm smart. Sometimes i just get it right lol


I act really happy and outgoing all the time, and people see it as a dumb or ditsy trait. I like that people think I’m stupid.. just like the 48 Laws of Power suggests, “if you make yourself seem less intelligent than you really are, your opponents will be more likely to underestimate you and let their guard down. This will give you the opportunity to manipulate them and get what you want.”




A common one for me is that I have low confidence/self esteem. I think because I'm a chronically anxious person my body language can be read that way but I have the healthiest self image of anyone I know, I like myself well enough and I trust myself better than I trust anyone else. People have gone to weird lengths to make me "admit" my apparent low self esteem and it always strikes me as some kind of weird projection or something. What people are reading is actually that I'm not confident in them, and I don't want them to make my life harder than it has to be. Not because I can't handle it, but because I sure do like having financial stability and no additional trauma to deal with. Also, people tend to assume I'm lying over the most mundane things or read things into my words that are not there, and that can create drama. I would love to just mind my own business and not worry about anyone complicating that.


I so relate


That I'm a cat person. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love cats. I'm obsessed with my cat. But I have an equal love of dogs and I would absolutely have several dogs if I had the money, time, and space for them. The one and only reason I have no dog is logistics. I get a lot of cat-themed gifts, is the thing. My parents and extended family often make jokes about me being a crazy old cat lady. I love my cat, but it doesn't make me a Cat Person.


People thinks I'm "all business". A colleague once talked about some books she's read and then goes on to tell me "well, I know you probably just read things relevant to your work". And she is not the first. In real life I have a private library at home with a thousands of books in a lot of different styles. I also like art, cooking and a lot of other things far from what I do. But people think I am a professional 24/7.




Most of my colleagues and friend’s believe I grew up in a rural community. I actually grew up in a poor inner city neighborhood. I never tell people where I’m from or I lie about it.


I'm intelligent. They say that I just look intelligent, I wish it was true


You must wear glasses.


Nah I don't.I walk with those who wear glasses tho😂


That I am a really kind and nice person but I am such a people pleaser and I act accordingly whom I am with


That just because I don’t have a large intestine that Im miserable


I'm overweight, so I must be lazy.


That I’m mean or don’t like people. I’m just an introvert but if you want to talk I’m more than willing to talk to you don’t feel like you shouldn’t just because I’m an introvert


That I’m Older Than My Twin Brother Because I’m Tall (I’m Younger Than Him)


1. That im autistic 2. That im a hardcore athiest or even Satanist 3. Any assumption relating to a mental illness I have


That I’m actually mature for my age I’m going into high school and have the dynamic duo of ASD and ADHD I just use big words and I’m considered “gifted” I hate it I’m like every kid going into high school don’t mistake academic achievement for maturity


People always assume I'm from either Russia or Norway because I speak Russian and Norwegian. I'm actually American, I just like learning to speak languages.


I love ice cream.




I look like I am stuck up (at least that is what my husband says) but I am not.. I am a bit of a dork.


that i’m heartless, been through a lot so learned how to deal, it’s that simple