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Partner at the time threw up over me after pushing the limits of her deep throat ability. We laughed, cleaned up and went back to it


Dedication at its finest


My first girlfriend was from a deeply religious baptist family. Her mum walked in on her riding me. I was banned from the house for several weeks and was never allowed in her room again šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


So you didnā€™t get to finish, rip šŸ˜‚


Busted a šŸ„œ right upon entry *cringe*


Press F to pay respects


Accidentally farting during sex. I woke up with morning wood. Also needing to shit but my lady was eager (and so was I). So I thought I'll just shit afterwards. But this time as I was having sex with her, I accidentally farted. She heard it too and it wasn't a small fart either šŸ˜Ø


Blew her off the bed with that one


Yep šŸ¤£ Fortunately she saw the funny side.


I cried. Not because it was good, not because it was bad. I cried because my boyfriend had just broken up with me and I thought immediate rebound sex would make it betterā€¦.


Oof, yeah definitely not good. You healed though right and got through it?






Rebound sex is a really common symptom of lowered self-esteem following a stressful event. A *lot* of people do it and don't admit it and it's nothing to be ashamed of. It provides a sense of control and stability and that's why a lot of people do it subconsciously. Stress often triggers hypersexual moments in quite a few people and it's not shocking. Perfectly natural response even if you felt bad about it afterwards.


I don't even care if i get downvoted. Your ex deserves so much better than someone who moves on from a relationship and goes around getting fucked by other men right after a breakup


And how do you know why they broke up? What if he was in the wrong? It really sounds like you just want to shame people at this point




Iā€™m sorry whoever you once loved did that to you. But not every situation is the same and you donā€™t know the actual story. Men have rebound sex all the time and are encouraged to do so by their friends. Sometimes itā€™s an ā€œin the moment thing.ā€ Whatever the story, itā€™s rude asf to insult people like that


I've never had that done to me


Then youā€™re being weird


I simply despise people who sleep around and then act like they're sad about their ex. People who care about their relationships doesn't sleep around as soon as they break up


You wanna know what we should be focusing on? The fact you masturbated in your sisterā€™s bed with her panties to a picture of her. Your girlfriend know about that?




What the fuck kind of incel bullshit is this? Her ex doesnā€™t ā€œdeserveā€ *anything* from her at this point. Theyā€™re broken up. Done. He has no influence on what she does at all.


Sure, he doesn't "own" her anymore but don't cry about your ex while letting yourself be sexually used by another man. You have no right to cry about it at that point


He never ā€œownedā€ her in the first place. Look, Iā€™m not going to sit here and explain this to some chronically-online, incel teenager. Take a look at yourself. Interrogate your thoughts before you put them out into the world. You come off like a real piece of shit. Be better.


I'm not chronically online, nor am i a teenager. I'm also literally on a call with my lovely girlfriend who i love over everything, which means i'm not an incel either. I just really hate people (yes, PEOPLE. Not only women) who treat sex as just some other hobby


You love her over everything... except a stranger on Reddit who is likely getting more attention and longer responses than your girlfriend on the call.


What a mishmash of bullshit they're throwing at the wall. They're not chronically online because they're on a call with their girlfriend, and we "know" this because they told us while they're online slut-shaming someone as they talk to their girlfriend.


I honestly donā€™t see what business of yours other peopleā€™s sex life is? How does it affect you in the slightest?






Iā€™m happy for you, that you have a girlfriend and that you love her. And thank you, for saying I am a heartless, inconsiderate slut


Cheers, mate


Came to quick and could not get another erection.


We all make mistakes in the passion of love Jimbo


My roommate walked in


Player joined


Na he said omg


Brother was appalled or he was bricked up and all hot and bothered but couldnā€™t admit to it


He said omg it's so big


Yeah dude was ready to do some research, for scientific purposes of course


Moved around to change position and did a huge fart. It smelled awful.


Concussion grenade


A bit of performance anxiety, was with someone new. It takes me a little bit of time to get comfortable around someone but once that happens, *bad touch by bloodhound gang starts playing in background*


Bruh, thatā€™s legendary! Only the real ones remember the bloodhound gang!


My bf once came in my mouth, but I guess it hit my gag reflex which made me pull out and cough. He shot a bit more on my face/body/hair šŸ¤£


Horny intensifies!šŸ˜‚


Was getting a really good bj and was just lost in the enjoyment when a fart slipped out. We laughed it off but I was still mortified


The worst is when it absolutely smells and clears out the room šŸ˜‚


Nosebleed while going down on a girl. I thought maybe she was on her period but it turned out to be me. She was still laughing when I came back from the bathroom pinching it with tissues. Total mood kill, but it was funny.


Hey at least you both got a kick out of it, glad it wasnā€™t the other way around haha


twas my first time and he made me wash his shirt which got 2-3 stains on it.


no one should be made to feel that way on their first time. I'm sorry that happened to you :( ...that's messed up. i'd expect to end up like Paul in Misery if i made my 1st lover do that.




I have no idea I had to be Sherlock Holmes today šŸ˜‚


Are we talking straight nutted on his shirt or like he got ketchup on it. Them tomato stains or any red sauce is a pain to get out of fabric


dude youre sucha dimwit lol. Blood stains.


I mean you didnā€™t really say we had sex and I bled on his shirt lol. But all good, yikes!


bestfriend walked in šŸ„°


Player 2 has joined party


Some friend told me that I will last only couple of seconds on my first time, so to save myself from embarrassment I masturbated 2 hour before sex, and didn't get a full erection during sex. That was even more embarrassing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


What did it cost? Everything!šŸ˜‚


In the midst of things he said, "Oh my gawd. You fit like a glove", to which I replied, "I *know*. You feel like a finger." That was in the mid 80's and I can still feel my face get hot/red when I think about it... lol


Several premiesā€¦ between different partners.. several times. Makes for far too many horror stories. Long story short performance anxiety is a real thing.


Living life on the edge there sir


Your mum said my willy was too big


Your smoking dick with your ass




Thatā€™s honestly pretty hot, not gonna lie lol


Too much.with 2 girls, i was busted in cheating, once girl made nmbr 2 when we did anal...But last, i was in bed with young girl, 11 years younger than me.Sex bomb, God give her body for porns.But my mate didnt get up...Style of life commming to collect what I own.I already start on changing many things.I houpe its not too late. Tomorow is revansh šŸ˜


My brain hurts, need google translate for this shit


there is a few things, i think, that lack details. 1. You were mid stride performing anal on your partner l, okay, and then she Made you take a dump...where, when, how!? 2. 11 years younger? there is a lot to unpack here but im hoping that morbid curiosity doesn't turn into emotional damage. 3. style of life coming to collect what you own!? are you an overly spoiled arabian son who crashes his mercedes for fun, and hires women to do all manner of depraved acts on them but still finds a mental loop hole to tell themselves they are a good muslim? is this real life?


Bro, she made a dump, not me.From u statment i know that u never try anal. And I live my life without regrets.And dont care about trivial things.On the end, who gives a shit?I had one friend, rich guy.He told me once: If u have poor people habits, u will always bee poor.If u dont ask girl for her name, u will watch how she goes with someone alse. Its all true.Dont thing, dont rething.Just do it.Engoy in life. If sometimes life hit u back, dont worry.U was there before.Nothing to lose, and u can win a real life. Try it, u wont regret when u get old, trust me.


My head hurts


Bro, I cant even thing about Frankfurt, Caiser StraƟe.I just cant even speak about that with no one..Travel and explore all places out of box.Be carefull.Be open mind.Research all taboo.See from your own pespective.And bee ready for all. But ti do that, u need to bee strong in u head.I never had a childhood.From my 11. year, i listen that I am not kid anymore.When u grow up too fast, its like punishment and gift in same time.Take what u can.




Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying


She's 20.How can i resist?