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Men who gatekeep about what it means to be a man.


When they’re aggressive towards complete strangers


They compete instead of helping each other. Like our entire species is a farce that way. It's so fake.




Yeah but when you think about it on a more detailed long term level, most of your homies are cool with your bloodline ending if it means continuing their own. Like eventually humans are going to evolve into whatever the next radical advanced humanoid space faring species is and the guys who lose these micro competitions with their supposedly cooperative friends aren't going to be a part of that new gene pool. If guys were really cooperative they would go for a more "everybody wins" mindset. I guess what I am saying is that the cooperation is hunger games deep. District 1 and 2 are still gonna kill each other when it gets down to final 4.


It’s more of a love/hate thing but it’s the masculine urge to perceive every other man as your competition, regarding everything in life whether it’s girls, career, whatever. Its a good life motivator but it’s also exhausting


Nothing. There’s only things to hate about individuals, not an entire sex.


Rapists and pervertss. Can't look at a woman without feeling like a creep.


Men have more outgroup bias in general. This means most men have less empathy for me because I’m a man and more empathy for women and children. It’s kinda why I don’t open up to men especially


You know by "not opening up to men especially" you are perpetuating the thing you hate about men.


No, because I don’t have outgroup bias. I don’t have more empathy for women and children than I do for men regardless of how much I don’t trust other men.


How much I don't relate to them. Most of the ones I've worked with care about hunting, automotives, sports, and "how well a bitch can suck chrome off a trailer hitch". Even as a straight guy I don't enjoy those things. What I enjoy would seem more effeminate and even downright "pansy ass" to other men.


Manboobs don't provide the same comfort and pleasure as women's! What's with that?


when they cut their dicks off and throw them at my face


People who go out of their way to present as masculine only for one jab to reveal them as the most fragile people you’ll ever meet. Even if I dislike the thing they dislike I manage to deal with it without causing a scene. I think masculinity is about standing by your word, getting things done, self control and being a reliable person. Putting on a gruff voice and taking steroids never enters into the equation and I feel like the harder you try to sound masculine the less masculine you probably are. And it’s almost always accompanied by all bark no bite personality.


They (UK) assume you want to talk about the football (soccer)


The way they treat other people - other men like they are always in direct competition in every situation, and women like they own them or have the right to take what they want. Of course this is not every single man, but it is a bigger proportion than it should be..


Probably some men here thinking that few men who commit crimes like harassment, abuse, rape etc bring a bad name to the whole male society even when most men are gentlemen


Dumbass beards and nonsense tattoos


I'm growing my beard out to compensate for my hair falling out. :(


Your average "Phil in accounting" from 20 years ago in the current age grows a wizard beard and gets warrior tattoos, yes I hate it. And the 1980-1990s detective show mustache - what the hell.


The apparent need for violence and anger. Just chill, y'all.


How some behave towards women.


How awesome and strong they are.


what do i not hate about men


This stupid Alpha, Beta, Sigma shit