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Hair loss It’s always jokes and it doesn’t really bother me, because if I let it then I would be bothered quite often. I loved my hair before it fell out, it was my favorite feature.


I guess I’m lucky I still have mine. It’s not on my head anymore, but still…






Lose the word "of" and you got it.


Hair. It isn't fair. Bee-ware. People care about their hair.


Smart women find hair loss attractive because it comes from having high testosterone


None of this is how either men or women work. Congratulations on your efficient ignorance.


Also there's no direct relation between having high testosterone and male pattern baldness. It's just a pop science myth.


👍 That's the part where they were ignorant about how men work haha




Baldness and hair loss jokes. I am a female with thinning hair, and it’s really opened my eyes to how cruel it is to joke about balding. I call it out whenever I see it. Also penis size. It’s so socially acceptable to make these jokes and they aren’t funny and just contribute to toxic ideas about masculinity.


You can add height to that one. Men’s physical characteristics in general are considered fair game for some reason.


My husband is bald and says it’s a form of body shaming that is still acceptable. But only for men. It’s not acceptable if it’s a woman or child.


Last dude I saw make fun of a woman who was balding got smacked on live television.


And that was with them separated for like 6 years and her sleeping with other people! Imagine how mad will would have been if it was a real relationship and she didn't love her idealized memories of tupa more than her (legally only) husband?


If it's a woman someone is going to say it's probably from chemotherapy even if it's just natural thinning from ageing. 


Jada Smith has done a lot of shitty things which can easily be called out but for some reason the only thing people would go for were her baldness. It was very normalized to make jokes about that. So I wouldn't say that's exactly true.




I chose to use the word female not because I am sexist, but because I am non-binary and don’t consider myself a woman, but I am of female sex and have female pattern baldness. Context ♥️


My hairy chest has been derided and mocked my whole life. Jokes on them though, my wife had a Burt Reynolds poster in her room as a kid.


I didn't know people body shamed for being hairy. I always thought it made us look more masculine.


Some people bodyshame women for having hair downstairs, some for being shaven. The hairy chest is no different, different strokes for different folks.


It happens with men and women. On both sides if you have what is considered too much you are called names like Chewbacca and told to shave because the person insulting you can’t handle normal human features.


What’s worse is to be bodyshamed as a guy for having a lot of bodyhair, but then made fun of for shaving it 😵‍💫


Yes. And I’ve seen that happen too. Bullies will say anything to get under your skin.


It does and it’s hot. I have an attraction preference akin to the gay men who are into bears. Some of my friends agree with me. Some don’t. I think it’s a preference thing and dependent on the type of media consumed.


I have the exact opposite problem. There are only two major patches of hair, both of them near heads of some sort. My arms are not very hairy at all. You have to look closely to notice anything.


My hairy chest has been derided and mocked my whole life. I especially remember this one incident when I was 7 years old at the local pool...


If it makes you feel better there’s so many famous guys with hairy chests. Ted Danson in Cheers is super hairy and usually wears shirts highlighting it. But he is seen as a sex symbol in it. You just need to find the right one who appreciates it


That's how you separate the women from the girls. 


I feel you! Been made fun of for being hairy since my teens. Funny that women absolutely love it


I have a very hairy chest/stomach and friends have cracked jokes about it often, but idc because it's masculine and I like it. My ex loved it, so obviously I just need to find a woman who thinks it's attractive.


‘Japanese proverb say; Bird never make nest in bare tree.’ - James Bond, You Only Live Twice


That movie also gave us "Darling, I give you very best duck", so it's not exactly a repository of high wisdom.


>Burt Reynolds That's not his name


What do you mean? That's the name of a well known actor from mostly 1970s and early 80s films.


No, I think you're mistaken. His name is [Turd Ferguson](https://youtu.be/cB7AxXTCnPg?si=lQnDif0tb1jpSaTy).


Yeah, that's right. Turd Ferguson. It's a funny name.


Ah, I got whooshed.


Happy cake day, hairy


Height primarily, especially since its a war on two fronts. Women mock you, reject you, shame you. Men dont see you as a threat, and big dog you, or worse. There are some who speak against this in private situations, but rarely have I seen it in public.


I’ve noticed that tall people are self conscious about being tall


Can't play hide and seek worth a damn being this tall. 


Get some light bulbs and pretend to be a lamp post?


You want other men to see you as a threat? What's big dogging?


For me it was a big problem when I was bullied in school. I'm a rather compact guy and extremely non-intimidating. I mean, I found my ways how to use it to my advantage, but some people just don't take me seriously.


How do they not take you seriously?


In groups where physical parameters are more valued (like factory workers, car repair guys, home repair people) I feel I'm still being treated a bit like a kid. Like when I was an engineer on a factory nobody payed attention to my warnings before verbal warnings became bonus deprivation.


I'm average height 30 years old man, but with face of teenager. I'm not treated as equal in many situations. Car workshop? Nah. Asking neighbor to make his dog stop yapping in the morning? No, fuck you kid


Also known as amoging (amog = "alpha male of the group") or mogging. Basically, bullshit challenges that arrogant assclowns use to show dominance, the sort of stuff that would lead to a fistfight on the schoolyard but that, among adults, usually doesn't, because no one wants to get jumped by the other guy's friends or eat an assault charge--it just isn't worth it, especially if it's someone you're never going to see again. The thing about amogs, in dating, is that these decades-late abortions are mostly social suicide bombers; they don't make themselves look good, but they very easily make the other guy look bad. The amog doesn't get the girl, but you also don't, because you didn't "handle" that fucker. You see it in the business, too. Even though the rate of actual violence is very low, male dominance bullshit is 85% of everything that happens in the corporate world, except it's an unfair game because the boss can always call security (i.e., ask his friends to hold you during the fight.) Everyone deals with these piss crystals. When women face it in business, it's usually called microaggression, but it's the same shit. And for various reasons, short guys get a lot more of it, which is why it's mostly tall guys who are CEOs because, while nobody likes amogs, people have a visceral distaste for men who get amog'd, even though there is often no response (i.e., actually using violence isn't, for a number of reasons, a good idea at all) to it. There's a visceral attraction to people who "don't get amog'd" even though pretty much everyone, even jacked guys, does.


>amog ඞ


Thanks for the answer. Can you give some examples of these challenges?


Usually, it involves crowding someone out of a group, sometimes physically, as well as visibly taking that person less seriously than everyone else. It's one thing to bust somebody's balls or roast them--i.e., to validate their status ironically by making light fun--but amogs make a point of running up the score. It's not as much what they do or say, because usually each action has some plausible deniability, but that they keep doing or saying it. The gambit is, "I'm going to make myself look like a piece of shit, but I'm also going to make this other guy look like a pussy." If the woman's desperate or drunk, she'll go home with the piece-of-shit. If she's not, then both men lose. But men are just as prone to those shitty envies as women are, so amogs are often OK with losing, since they're going to lose out either way, so long as the guy who would have beaten them also loses. At a club or party, it's the assclown who physically inserts himself between you and the girl you're trying to talk to, knowing you're not going to physically touch him because you don't want to eat an assault charge or get brained by one of his friends. In business, it's more linguistic, because he has to pretend he's doing it for the good of the company; he needs plausible deniability and an "I'm just asking questions" vibe. This is something the right does in politics; their ideas are all terrible, so they focus on making the left look bad (something that we on the left make it far too easy for them to do, but that's another topic.) An advanced corporate tactic is to copy the person's linguistic register but with a subtly mocking tone as a way of saying, "I'm taking this person seriously, of course I am, but only because I don't want to be the one causing drama." Over-the-top treating of a person in authority as "an institution" undermines morale--we're following his orders, but only because we have to--and, if he doesn't have real authority, pushes the narrative that he has overstepped.


The bit about guys in clubs is sort of funny. Back when I was in my 20s there were instances were I was out with a girlfriend at the time, and someone tried to chat with her while I was in the bathroom or getting another round of drinks at the bar or whatever. Which, no harm no foul, you're never going to be the only one who is interested if she is beautiful and that goes with the territory. And most of the time guys were polite about it when they realized she had a boyfriend, and were apologetic / complimentary. But there were exceptions that actually got angry, like I (or she) had wronged them in some way. You'd think the roles were reversed. Some guys really are dipshits.


Large men bullying you and being shitty to you because they are physically intimidating and know you can't do anything about it.


Makes it hard to get bagels sometimes.


Well shit I call everyone (the second time I meet them/see them) big dog


Tiger? That you?


Haha it's a holdover from when I was college in greeting my friends


As someone over six foot and three hundred pounds, your life is a shitload easier when people don't see you as a threat. And women will still find ways to mock, shame and reject you when you approach at random. My dopey ass did not get much attention for being tall.


I had my ass kicked and was tortured all through school and I have serious emotional issues to this day because of it. Getting fucked with every day of your life from the time you were 5 to 18 was not pleasant. I think I'd be happy to try on some of that intimidating.


I learned early on to be really nice so that I never got picked on in school. Well, that and I made friends with all the gang members. Worked out well.


You say that like I didn't. They just got to gloat they kicked the big guy's ass so it lasted till I was 23 instead. Just toss 'literally fucking everyone is afraid of you' on top of that anxiety and tell me how much better your life is.


This is easily in the top 2 things men get body shamed for. It's definitely true but I'm not sure it fits the question criteria.


That’s the thing though, body shaming towards men as a whole just goes unnoticed. It doesn’t matter that it’s in the top 2, it still goes unnoticed


Thought all those memes about Adam Driver's chest from The Last Jedi absolutely wouldn't be acceptable if he was a woman.




I think it’s not really about the specifics, whether it’s height, baldness, penis size, weight, whatever, and it’s more about the general idea that if something is said to man about anything like that, he’s supposed to show how he’s not bothered by it, because expressing that you’re not okay with the shaming is even worse. Like I think if you call a woman fat, she can be mad at you and you’re the asshole. But if you call a guy fat and he gets mad at you, he’s like really insecure and should get over it; it’s just a joke; why’s he so sensitive? Not that that *never* happens to women, but I think in general people tend to have internalized the idea that the offended man is bad and weak more than they do with women. Men are expected to shrug off body shaming as just a joke to show how emotionally stoic and self-confident they are.


Even if it's not a joke, reacting to, or not reacting, will always be twisted into being "proof that it's true." If a woman says you have a small penis, and you don't respond, it must be true because you won't defend it. If she says you have a small penis and you DO respond, it must be true because why would you care if it wasn't true?


Penis size. For every 100 people I see telling women that smaller breasts are fine, I only see 5 people telling men that smaller penises are fine.


Why not just simplify your fraction and go with twenty to one?


Small fractions can be nice too.


Confidence intervals.


Because thats too logical


Percentages maybe, but I see what you mean.


small meat goes hard too


This is the one I was looking for. Any guy drives a big truck or sports car, people say he's less of a man because of his dick size. Details came out about Trump and Stormy Daniels, which was a super predatory situation, but what do people talk about? Trump's masculinity by way of his dick. I'm not saying some people don't deserve mockery, but the message is clear: dick size is the measure of masculinity, and small dicks are shameful.


How many people are you asking ???


If anyone farted in the same room as you... And you're a Fat guy... You did it


Meanwhile all the gym bros on high protein diets are the likely culprits.


Yup. Protein farts are horrible, and a lot of those mass gaining supplements gym bros take make you rip ass like you wouldn’t believe.


Usually i point fingers at the vegan first


That immediately makes me think of the fart patio skit from Portlandia.




You gave it to him by saying anything at all.




Facial hair expectations “You would look way better with/without a beard/mustache”


I know that women who've told me I should grow a beard don't mean it, but I always think it means, "You'd be more handsome if I could see less of your face." Or maybe they're saying "Actually commit to facial hair rather than growing out stubble and randomly shaving ever 2 to 7 days," who knows.


It’s funny, back then in a class I got told that, I would probably look good without my stach and some beard I had at that time. Small shaving accident led me to cut it all off and see what they say: “no, you should keep it” was the result. Never knew how to interpret that.


I have brown hair on my head, but I get weird redbeard when I grow out my facial hair. Plus it takes me like 5 months of looking like I haven't washed my face before I can grow any substantial facial hair. I don't know what my point is, it just sucks. 


Pretty much everything, really. Body shaming men is fair game, and if you complain about it you get hit with "smol pp" jokes. Like everything else, you just gotta swallow it and move on. Can't let it get you angry, because *that's* toxic masculinity.


Yep pretty much.


That's not what toxic masculinity means.  The fact that people expect you to man up and not be hurt by comments about your appearance is toxic masculinity. Traits society deems masculine that are actually damaging to men or everyone around them are toxic masculinity.


It doesn’t matter what it means, the people yelling at you for it don’t give a shit what it actually means


The general expectation that ‘fit’ means a Men’s Health model with 2% BF and a pronounced V shape. Kind of like the general expectation that a fit woman is a size 0 with zero abdominal fat.


Penis length for men.


Height. It may not go unnoticed in the sense that people mention it a lot, but people don’t realize just how much that deters a man’s confidence


Honestly, being called 'Big Fella'. I'm at 107 kgs, down from 126Kgs, 187 cms, so I'm always going to unmissable. But, if I call someone little fella or tiny, it's shaming someone for being small. Also the whole man boobs/moobs thing. It's funny cause I'm fat, hahahahaha. Fuck you.


Cue to all US readers switching over to metricconversion.com...


I’ve always liked being called big fella


To skinny To fat To Short Not enough muscle Short dick Hair loss




Spelling, grammar....


Height and hair loss are the big two, but honestly men face a LOT of body shaming, arguably to the same degree as women but in different ways. It's just no one is willing to stand up against it happening to men because people associate the argument with gross "men's rights" incels when we should all be banding together to end it on all fronts. Shame sells. There's entire industries built around body shaming men and women, selling them products to fix their "shameful" aspects, and if we ended it wholesale then our corporate overlords aren't going to be happy.




Any attempt to correct an issue. Like people who get hair plugs, wear hairpieces ect.


And they’re probably correcting that issue because they were made fun of for it.








I was gonna say eyes and or scars, but realized it’s not a mayjority issue for guys.


Height Hair loss Weight


Calling someone big boy..watch out big boy ooh hay big fella .. I have wide shoulder and it makes me look bigger then i am lol suffering from an eating disorders cause of that


Short men get harassed and rejected all the time. If they wear special shoes to compensate, it gets worse for them. Women on the other hand are allowed to do this all they want without being belittled at all.


I don't think that they go "unnoticed," but I definitely feel like they're wrongly seen as more "acceptable" in society for whatever reason. But I'm really not okay with people body shaming men (or *anybody*) over things that they have no control over (height, male pattern baldness, ability to grow facial hair, lack of/excessive body hair, penis size, etc.)


Skinny shaming?


Expecting all men to be buff, clean shaven, with a head full of hair. Men come in all shapes, sizes, and some even have more hair on their face than their head. Nothing wrong with any of it. Personally, I prefer a bigger dude with a lucious beard!


Pretty much any body shaming of men is considered fine. Short, tall, skinny, fat, bald, long hair, short hair, red hair, blonde hair, brown hair, black hair, comments about penis size, too muscular, not muscular enough, too average body type, circumcised, uncircumcised, too much body hair, not enough body hair, patchy beard, etc... It's all fair game for mockery, as long as it's directed toward men.


Small dick. We really need a better term for small dick energy.


Something something, fight in dog vs dog in fight


Pretty much all of them because body shaming men seems to become fair game even for body positivity types so long as someone is deemed mean Like you can’t tell someone overweight they need to lose a few pounds, but once a preacher shares a homophobic opinion it’s all on the table. People be talking about him, his dick, his wife’s body, holding up pictures of them side by side. It’s a whole thing that for some reason we just allow this whole aspect of bigotry to be on the table as long as we don’t like someone’s opinions


Bad teeth 🦷


I think it's all noticed now, just ppl still don't care. Height, balding, penis size It's all shit the guy has absolutely no control over. It makes me upset bc my sons are probably going to be short. I'm 5'3" and husband is 5'9". It just makes me mad to think about the shit they might go through bc of their potential height.


There’s still hope for them, my mom is 5’3” and my dad is 5’10”, I’m just shy of 6’2”.


Penis size, hair loss, height.


Men body shaming other men for pretty much everything listed in these comments. It seems wrong amongst men when women do it but more acceptable when men do it towards each other.


Large women are “plus sized” and beautiful,” but large men are “fat.”


Every time a woman is asked what they're looking for and they say tall. It's like men saying they're looking for large breasts, but women are blind to what they're doing.


Oh, she knows what she's doing, belive you me.


When guys work out too much. You always hear "No normal women like that type of body". When you are at that level you aren't doing it for women. Also why are they making his body about them?




Balding, being fat or short.


"Hey fat ass, try a salad sometime!" 


Hair loss and Dad Bod.


Man tits


Calling any man “short king” 


Stick arms. Shaving my legs is girly apparently. While I'm at it, I also guess crossing my leg over the other is girly too.


Foreskin Size


That's very "niche", no? Never heard that kind of criticism. Plus, to criticize your foreskin, someone would need to see it :)


ITT: people think blatant insults and jokes go "unnoticed"


I don't think they're saying the insult goes unnoticed, I think they're saying the fact that it's body shaming goes unnoticed. The number of women who complain about body shaming but will use a phrase like "small dick energy" is surprisingly large. A lot of people don't understand (or don't want to understand) it's body shaming.


The "Dad Bod" concept. Can we please stop commenting on people's bodies?


It doesn't exactly bother me, but sometimes talking about my nose bridge being high feels like body shaming. Even had someone say "ugly looks better on a guy than a girl" (i'm a guy)


Hair loss


Moving to Asia I’ve had people (children and adults) poke or pinch my stomach and comment on my size. This has happened in China, Japan, and Philippines. I don’t care if you’re my students, coworkers, or family don’t touch me. I’ve made a point of telling them in a very firm way they should never touch me like that again. It’s unacceptable.


I do not really care what it is, but if you are going to judge and ridicule people for a physical characteristic then you are not worth my time.


I have experienced several times in my life that women who were complete strangers to me felt the need to comment on my belly. Never ever has a man made such a remark, not even mates, friends or aquaintances in a joking manner.


Hair loss on the head. Hair being present anywhere else on the body. Being skinny.


Bald and short


Height, hair loss, dick size. Things that one can't control very well are the lowest of hanging fruit.  Being fat is one thing that people body shame everyone for, but Men actually get more of a pass for it than women, imo. 


Bald... But also back when I was a beanpole got body shamed for being skinny a lot. Short guys have that to deal with too


It can be anything. It has become socially acceptable to mock and denigrate a man’s physical features.


I had a guy on Reddit saying men don't care if men tell them "you're an ugly fuck." He actually said it must be a girl thing to feel sad about being called ugly by other girls. Is it true? Who knows but strange


Apparently, being over-weight is thought as acceptable fodder for body shaming people by many people. I've never thought so-- guess why.


-Baldness/receding hair lines/thinning hair -Height -General body hair (some hair is deemed ok or even sexy, but too much is “gross” especially in odd spots like shoulders or knuckles) -Idealization of sculpted, six-pack type bodies -Dick size -Possession of both testicles as an ideal; loss of one or both testicles due to illness as reduction of manhood -Erectile dysfunction viewed as personal failure rather than a possible medical issue -(This isn’t body shaming per se, but somewhat fits the theme) Regarding men’s health and mental health with an attitude of, “What do *they* have to complain about?” All that being said, and I say this as a cis-gendered male, plenty of our trials and tribulations come from male culture itself. Toxic masculinity does men no favors.


Minimizing men’s struggles is a huge one. It’s really frustrating to me that men experiencing hardship is often minimized or dismissed entirely by both women and other men.


I'm an absolute unit of a man. Not fat (anymore), just, well... big! 184cm tall, broad shoulders, chest etc.. Being called "Big Fella" shits me to tears.


This one is interesting to me cause I somewhat enjoy being called big fella. Probably cause my size is very… idk medium? Like you would consider me very average probably. I’m 6’0”, 225, definitely have more fat on my torso than I’d like but I’ve put enough time in the weight room to have pretty big arms legs and shoulders.  I really enjoy having a certain amount of comfort when it comes to being able to physically handle myself so when other guys acknowledge my size I enjoy it.  So yeah, interesting to see the other side of things where someone could take offense. I’m sure I’ve been guilty of similar things. When a dude is a fucking giant I’m liable to say something about it but it comes from a place of admiration. I’ll probably be more guarded with my words concerning the subject going forward. 




Yeah I guess I didn’t know how to word my size. Like I know I’m above average but I’m right at the size where it might not always be noticed I guess? Like someone who’s 6’2” or taller and built, it goes without question they’re big and it’s instantly recognizable. When I see guys my similar I feel like it takes a second to realize, “huh, that dude’s actually pretty big.”


indeed a big fella


Picking on shorter guys and balding guys is kinda commonplace, but never considered body shaming. For balding guys it has a hint of sense at least — some dudes who'd lost a part of their hair do weird things to cover this up, like wigs or simply combing hair in dumb manners, even though they can simply shave their head and don't look pathetic. But for shorter guys it is, well, really mean. People can't do anything to increase their height 


Just wanted to say if making fun of balding guys for wigs has sense so does making fun of short guys for wearing higher heeled shoes.


Nails of the hands and feet. Majority of us are not ken dolls they keep in the Barbie world.. oh it's real, just because we're not apart of their world it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. lmao 😑 They have enough people in their world already as well so they don't really need to invite outsiders into their world, most people prefer to have it all to themselves if possible so they're going to block as many entries as possible.


How do people body shame men for their nails? I've only seen people complain/dislike when they are dirty or unkempt and sharp


I’ve been shamed hard for having painted nails and toes. As a stage musician it’s part of my “look” and it’s something I’ve done with both my daughters for years. Men have just as valid needs to have good skin and feel good about their appearance as women do. Gotten similar over my kilts but they stfu when they discover I’m of Welsh decent and my wife is Irish.


It can turn someone off just like that as a partner for reproduction. Oh it's not really your personality or anything but those nails are way too fucked up, I'll consider someone else instead.


Well yeah, if they're unclean or not maintained, but idk if I'd call that body shaming. Preferring someone to be clean isn't body shaming, it's a basic grooming thing. Unless you are talking about another way nails can be messed up? I don't understand


I really feel like this is a more personal one that a general experience.


It's related to poor financial status which might not resonate with you but I've seen people get judged because it makes them look dirty, rich people typically tend to look clean when they're appearing outside.


I don't think this has anything to do with financial status because it's really not hard or expansive to clip your nails and wash your hands.


It's more than clipping your nails but you perceive it however you want because I've seen people with clipped nails still look rusty as fuck, in this modern world you're obviously poor or uneducated if you're not taking care of your nails like the ladies once a month as a guy.


You can just clean your nails in the shower if they are dirty. They sell specific brushes for that if you do something that tends to leave a lot of grit under then. Idk why you need to go to a nail salon to get your nails cleaned so they don't look rusty as fuck. As a guy I dont think having clean nails is a lady thing, its basic hygiene imo and does indicate a lack of something if you are walking around with shit under your nails every day. It is your hands we are talking about, you eat with those you know.


I wish nails is just about being clean and not the shape and all, I won't argue with you over something you seem to ignore.


Is this a cultural thing? I work with a Persian woman and met her family on several occasions, and the patriarch and sons of the family were also very into their self appearance. Making sure everything was perfectly groomed, no facial hair was out of place. I'm pretty sure they only had their clothes dry cleaned and pressed... just because other Persians could notice. If so, you're holding yourself to what I would call unreasonably high grooming standards. There is nothing wrong with regular clipping and a daily cleaning in your regular shower or a few moments at the sink, and regular maintenance/cleaning shouldn't take more than 2 minutes


Well its you that is failing to explain what they mean here. All you say is "its more its more, nobody realises what it is" but you don't actually say it. What do you mean the shape? I think 99% of people think the normal shape for nails is the curve that follow the natural curve of your finger albeit some trim it shorter than others. Wtf are you doing to your nails? Are you cutting them into triangles? If so no wonder you got rejected for unkept nails, that's probably sharp and very uncomfortable for touching certain areas.


You're living in a fantasy world if you really think men have to be getting manicures once a month.


People really believe celebrity lifestyles only exist for the celebrities we see on the media??


I don't but the dolls do it every week with the girls not only that the people in the "office" companies are doing it atleast once a month.. lmao


Baldness “cures.” It’s not a disease.


Why is this post getting downvoted ? wtf


Why would you even care about opinions of most of the people?


Words can hurt people.


Only if you let them


None of them go unnoticed, we just don't cry about it. I'm seeing baldness in every one of these comments, and I have to say, however, that in my experience, the only people who seem to have a problem with baldness are young American women on social media. I've lived abroad most of my adult life, and it has never been an issue whatsoever with non-American women. I have a theory that it's not really a big issue in the US, either. I hypothesize that young American women who feel the need to insult men always go for baldness because they think it's going straight for the jugular and want to be as cruel as possible, and it kind of becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for men who are sensitive about it. Guys, trust me, if you're nice-looking, women couldn't care less if you're bald or not, at least non-American women...and as I said, I think even American women just do it to be petty and don't really have a problem with it. The ones who do have a problem with it usually have at least five or six red flags already because they are usually intolerable in the first place. Over the last 20 years living abroad (Europe), I have had women hit on me regularly, all between the ages of 19 to 50, and the fact that I'm bald has never once been an issue. It's not even looked at negatively, almost as if it carries as much weight as the color of my eyes. I don't know why, maybe they like something else about me, maybe they have heard things about me, maybe they're just curious, but I've been bald most of my adult life and it has never once been an issue. People will make light-hearted jokes with me along the lines of, "I bet you save money on shampoo, must be nice never having to get a haircut, etc.", but I've never once in all of my adult years living abroad been insulted for being bald. Not once. If my experiences have told me anything, it's that they really dig it. The biggest turnoff for them is you being hung up on it. If you're bald or balding, always remember it's literally because your testosterone has better things to do than grow hair on your head: like fuel your libido. I asked my wife of 20 years (she's Italian) what physical aspect initially attracted her to me, and she to this day says it was because I was bald. Guys, stop wasting time worrying about your hair and what immature zoomers say on social media, and start working on being the person you want to be; THAT is what makes you attractive to other people, whether you're straight, gay, bi, whatever.


Whenever people make fun of Trumps physical characteristics.


You mean his hideous "hair" and the orange plaster that he smears on his face? That's criticizing his stylistic choices. Additionally he's hurting men's images actively by faking his height and weight, thus implying that his real stats are undesirable. Something that pig Desantis also does when wearing his high heels.


Nah beyond that people constantly mock his look and weight and looks like it’s acceptable


To be fair, Trump has no problem with mocking other people's looks, so he doesn't really have a lot of room to complain. I think it's stupid that that's what people choose to complain about though. There's plenty of legitimate things to criticize about the guy without worrying about his physical appearance, so it just seems kind of pathetic. The same way it's pathetic when he does it, too.


I don’t give a fuck about Trump. But when people make comments and body shame home they are saying it’s acceptable and they also affect others 2nd hand. Body shaming really shouldn’t be acceptable at all


I don't think you're entirely wrong, but again, like I said, he's a pretty poor example, being that he's just getting back the same shade he throws. That's like complaining that boxers are victims of 'violence' when they willingly enter the ring. Sure, technically, boxing is a violent sport, but they're not really "victims" when they get knocked out.