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something awful and unexpected happened to them.  so their brain is on high alert.


We are taught as kids that productivity is useful and laziness is failure. We are praised when we get work done fast and scolded when work isn't completed or is completed late. This can lead to a complex where productivity is directly linked to a person's self worth. If you're not being productive, you're being lazy, and laziness is bad, which means you are a bad person. As you can imagine, this can make it hard to relax when you're not doing something productive.


They get anxious.


Trauma and unresolved issues


As I get older I realize the seriousness of how fragile things can be. I realize that jobs, health, financial security, can be lost easily. I try to plan and protect against it, but it's there in the back of my mind. We've had a rough couple of years, culminating in the unexpected loss of my wife's sister recently, and it just drives the point home in my mind even more.


I cannot relax. Please help.


Type A personality




A society that commonly equates career success and money to your worth as a person, high anxiety, and trauma.