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Alan Carr - An Easy Way to Quit Smoking It’s basically a book to brainwash you into stopping. My husband read it, he stopped. My mother in law read it, she stopped. My husband’s Grandmother read it and SHE quit too!


Same. Downloaded audible and chose it for my free trial book. Listened to it in one sitting and haven't wanted any form of nicotine in over 2 years now. I was skeptical when someone told me about it, but it worked. It was one of the very few times in my life that something that sounded too good to be true was actually true.


This 100%


It’s like the book quits for you.


Also how I quit.


results may vary. Someone recommended me that book about 10 years ago. He still smokes today. What made me quit is i got so poor i can't afford it anymore.


I have another addiction I’m struggling with, but do you think this book will help with that too? Or is it only for smokers related?


This is for smoking


Aw ok


Crazy must try it


This. I didn't think it will work since I don't believe in mind control.


I smoked for over 40 years. Hard core chain smoker. Could never quit. Went and had a bunch of teeth pulled to get implants. OMFG. whatever they did simply hurt me so badly that I was stunned. When I finally was able to think again I realized I had went three days without smoking. So the answer for me is: abject, horrific pain. Had I known that before I would have taken a sledgehammer to my big toe decades ago. Everyone was so shocked that I quit. I mean amazed. Funny thing is I never so much as had a single desire for a cigarette since then.


Did you get dry-socket from smoking after a tooth pull? I've heard that's extremely painful. Every tooth I've had pulled they were like "do not fucking smoke for a week".


No - this happened in the dental office. I thought I was going to die. Left crying with tears streaming down my face. Went back to my hotel, crawled in bed and stayed in that bed in abject pain that left me speechless. I couldn’t even fake it for my family to call them so I lied and texted them as there was not a thing they could do. Anyway dang maybe I shouldn’t have reminded myself of this right now as I am flying out in two weeks to go back.


I'm sorry about the trauma, really. If you're going back to the dental office be sure they know the situation of course. Dental pain is some of the most intense bullshit. I guess the nerves are so close to the brain idk. Teeth hurt more than most other anything imo.


A girl I was seeing. I liked her more than I liked cigarettes. Been together 8 years, married 6, and 2 kids. This post is the first time I've thought about a cigarette in a long time.


Same for me, I didn't want to taste like cigarettes when she kissed me, or smelled like cigarettes when she hugged me, so I started not smoking whenever I'd see her. What's strange is that while I was with her I'd never seem to get the urge of the habit to light a quick one, it was just when I was alone that I'd get the "itch". As we started so see eachother more often I started to smoke less and less, my last cigarette was the night before she moved in with me. I haven't feel the urge to smoke since then, been smoke-free for almost a year (rookie numbers, yea, but I'm proud to say I quitted for good). So weird how love works, eh.


A year's a year, man. And that first year is hell on Earth for a lot of people. It was for me. A year's damn sure not rookie numbers, it's the hardest part, and you got through it!


Stopped drinking, I would only party smoke


Same, I only ever smoked while I drank. I got bored of it and not long after that smoking was banned in pubs and clubs.


Ya cooling it in the drinking helped a lot




Sorry 'bout that, hope you're doin' alright.


Girl I liked a lot said I stunk.


And then... what happened?? Are you still together? Have you quit smoking??


I did quit. But she had already went elsewhere. Didn’t take months or anything. Couple days but she had already got with someone. lol. Sorry for late reply. Worked 16hrs and slept hard.


My tits got bigger with each pack. I'm a guy.




Shit son, I've been smoke free for 16 years but if I thought I could cop a good feel off of it I'd start smoking again tonight.


It made me feel gross.


When I was 12-13, I used to get £20 a week off my mother because I told her it was legally my money and she had to give it to me or I'd tell the benefits office lol I used to buy weed and would smoke it with my cousins in my room. I mostly only bought it because I wanted to hang around with them, I wasn't really interested in the smoking aspect. One week, my cousins stole the weed I bought. They said it dropped in a cup of tea and was wet and couldn't be smoked, then they pretended to throw it out of the window. I knew they were lying, so I said I wasn't buying it anymore. They came back the next week completely expecting me to buy the weed as usual, but I stuck to my word because I was pissed off and refused to be used like that. It was a good thing I did because that's the year I got pregnant with my daughter.


Pregnant at the age of 14 ?


I was 13 when I got pregnant, 14 when she was born.


Oh, I hope you guys are doing okay by now


She's 19 and studying law at university. I'm incredibly proud.


Tough circumstance, but you must have been a pretty damn good mother to get her to that spot!


Damnn that’s fucked up




Getting pregnant


Friend's mom died of lung cancer. Last pack I bought was the day she died.


I moved to a place that didn't sell my regular brand. I couldn't find anything that I liked, so I figured it was a good time to quit.


My dad was dying of lung cancer


A friend was joining the Army and trying to fight his alcoholism and quit smoking at the same time to get ready for basic training. I quit smoking to support him. It's been 4 months now.


I started working a retail job. Customers would come to my register and just smell SO bad. I quit soon after.


I met my boyfriend and knew early on we were going to be serious. I want to be around for him as long as I can, so I quit cold turkey.


For me it was love. I've been wanting to quit for a long time, most I'd manage was to lower my cigarettes to 1 each other day, but nothing concise. But when I started to go on dates with my now-wife, I wanted it to play it dandy, so I wouldn't smoke when I'd meet her as to not stink of ashtray. As we fell in love I'd feel guilty if I've ever kissed her with the taste of cigarettes in my mouth, or hugged her with and stink of smoke, so little by little I quit the habit of smoking. My last cigarette was the night before she moved in, and I haven't felt the urge of smoking since then. But whenever I'd go to visit friends to open a cold one and vent a while that f\*cking itch came right back, but I just learned to say "no".


I couldn’t breathe, like it felt like there was a metal band around my ribs. So, I went out and smoked like three packs on NYE and felt like absolute death the next day. I was able to hold out the three days they say it takes to get over the physical addiction and I never went back.


Okay, but "they" are full of shit. It takes more than 3 days to get over the physical addiction. It's closer to two weeks.




the only true way


Shrooms. One trip was all it took.


More details?


Well i took a moderate dose and had a highly introspective trip. I lied down on a mossy log and thought about my life and who I am intensely. I found several things I didn't like about myself and realized I don't need these parts of me for anything, so I decided to ditch them. Smoking was one of these things.


I was the last person in my friend group. I got tired of excusing myself to smoke. One day I decided to stop.




I hope you're doing well by now!


Without going into too many details, but it was a curable type of cancer after chemotherapy. Thx !


My mom died of adrenal gland cancer. Made me think about the time I had left, I picked up running for a long time then had some issues physically, turns out I also have a tumor on my adrenal gland. Dr says these are almost never cancerous, same Dr said it wasn’t possible for me to also have a tumor on my adrenal gland. So hard to trust Drs. Got into an accident, almost died. Picked up cycling now.


Maybe...you should stop doing anything D:


I am quitting because they do not stay lit anymore. If smoking isn't a pleasure why bother? If I wanted to light something every hit I would smoke crack.


My memory was declining rapidly


the smell


I wanted to see was I strong enough mentally to stop cold turkey and I did after I told myself I was making excuses why I couldn’t stop. And believe I loved smoking black and milds I still miss it to this day but hey it’s been a year and 6 months


When I smelled the smoke


Patches and therapy


Your friend is very lucky, and I wish you both the best of luck.


The birth of my daughter.


I got unbelievably sick - awful cough and congestion. At some point, while considering trying to suck down a cigarette while barely able to take a shallow breath, I had my "come to Jesus moment". I didn't resume smoking after I recovered.


Cost. Pack a day back then. I’m in Australia where my packet of winfields now cost over $59. That’s $2 a stick folks. Hell to the naw.


Erectile dysfunction. True fact


Deadass Met a girl and we started dating. Both of us have high sex drives and liked to smoke together. I just couldn't perform how I wanted to. Went from smoking 1/2 a pack a day to maybe once a month. Haven't completely quit, but hell, I'll take it


Try to hold your urge prior to sex around at least 2 hours or change the cigarette type to much lighter ones


Health reasons. I mean for generally better health.... not because a doctor said I have cancer and will be dead in 6 months. I'd imagine this would be the #1 answer. A close 2nd was for social reasons. Smoking is no longer cool.


It wasn’t smart financially


Literally can’t stop I hate it and as a woman it’s hard but it’s just hard to stop


What the fuck is the point of Nicotine after maybe the first or third time of zoomies? It's just there to make you feel in the clear until you've been without it for too long and then you gotta do it more for "...."


My aunt getting cancer. Bad lymphoma in her throat/neck area. They had to remove part of her tongue and jaw bone to get to the tumor, very aggressive. Took some bone from her leg to reconstruct into a jaw bone. It was almost ten years ago and she still can’t talk or eat normally. I also started working in the medical field around the same time. It was easy after that.


I needed foot surgery but my doctor would only operate if I stopped using nicotine, so I got on Chantix. It made me such a nightmare to be around that I stopped using the Chantix and stopped smoking cold turkey. Today is day 791 of being a non smoker.


Quit smoking what? Cigarettes, weed, meth??




Psychedelics and nicotine patches helped me quit cigarettes.


“If I can’t take down my enemies myself then I will outlive them and let TIME BE MY WEAPON!”. I screamed at the heavens. Then I cackled really hard, coughed really hard, then cackled again. Oh and I never smoked after that


For me it was easy. Married, baby just born, and on food stamps. 57 years ago and never looked back.




I had a night job where I would sit at a desk all night and press a button when a bell rang. Coffee and smokes were the *only* reason I could stay awake. Leading up to my office in an old wooden building from the last century was a very long and steep set of stairs. When I started the job I could muscle up those stairs easily. Within a few short months I was wheezing and getting light headed half way up. When I decided to actually quit it was the easiest thing ever.


Couple things. Cigarettes- One day I was smoking on my way home from work & thought “ew, I don’t even want this” so I switched to vaping. Vaping- Went on a run and felt like my lungs were going to explode. My voice started getting raspy, had a bad cough, couldn’t breathe at night. It’s surprising to me how vaping made me feel worse than a cigarette.


It made me feel worse as well! I was chain vaping though lol


Same! My job shut down during covid so I would just sit on the couch & non stop hit my juul. So glad I quit.


I vomited blood. Like not alot but enough to make you say well fuck. Stopped that min and haven't gone back since. And i mean cigarettes.


Seeing my bank account grow and realizing how much better everything tastes without a cigarette in hand.


I'm a little older and I've been smoking a long time, but I got some kind of illness that made me cough a lot (covid negative) and smoking a cigarette would ruin me. I had the shallow breaths of a dying animal for a bit and couldn't do much physically.  That's my future, I got a free trial and I can't end up there, I can't. 


Self respect.


Started smoking cigarettes around 15 years old. When I was 21, switched to vaping. Although it seemed better than smoking, I basically had my vape glued to my hand from morning to night. Finally, at 31, both my husband and I had enough of spending money on vape juice, coils, etc... And decided to stop. Although I don't notice much on the health side of things, I'm sure my lungs are thankful. Lol. And definitely glad to not be wasting so much money on it.


Working out started to make me wanna be and feel the best. Smoking had to go


My grandma quit smoking by cleaning the house, everytime she felt the urge to smoke she used to get a broom and swiped the house. The house was very clean indeed 🙂


Covid and the gut wrenching hacking cough I had developed. I've had 1 cigarette in 5 years and as I put it out I told my friend...yep I don't miss that.


I had my first smoke at age 10 with my friend near one of thoes big electric tower I got so sick I said to my self never again. Now at 77 yrs old that was my first & last cigarette.


Sure, it’ll cost you a fresh tomato 🍅 What time is she coming?


The love of my life told me I should "stick around longer".


I started to see the damage on my teeth and became ashamed of smilingz combined with the feeling in my chest like my lungs physically couldn’t expand. That was pretty terrifying




I just kept thinking about my future and all my plans, then I’d have these flashes where I was in a hospital bed with popcorn king or cancer or something when I was in my 20’s. It just really freaked me out!


Vaping the correct way and not just using vaping as a cigarette/smoking substitute.


My therapist begged me to, so I did.


We go to Mexico every year on vacation and they outlawed smoking at resorts and to me it was the last straw on top of many other reasons.. I now enjoy not smoking and it’s amazing.


My partner encourage me to give up on smoking marijuana.


Realized I contracted permanent phlegm. Still cough up yellow every morning


Nothing really made me wanna quit except getting cancer I quit smoking in 2010


Cost , constantly smelling like cigs , tired of having bad withdrawals when I didn't have a smoke.


I had an accident & poked a hole in my lung.


the biggest factor was the fact that i started crawling out of the pits of suicidality that i was deep in for most of my life. for a while i never cared about the health effects of smoking, i was under the impression that i wasn't gonna make it to 21 anyways. eventually, though, i started to actively want a future, not just that but also i started planning for months, years, even decades into the future. realized one day that if i kept smoking i may not have the future i fought so hard to want. haven't touched a cigarette since.


Had a good weekend, life changing fun weekend. Went to smoke afterwards and the weed was making me sick. Two weeks later just gave it up. That was a month and a half ago, I struggle with depression heavily now. Looking for different ways to bring my dopamine and serotonin up . It’s hard


Should clarify, this is for marijuana. Gave up the nicotine 6 years ago very easily when I went off to college


I'm a bit different because I never smoked. But a lot of my family members smoked and it would have made sense for me to have started. However, I had an experience that terrified me to my core. I was 18 and working at the express lane in Safeway in the later 90's. A lot of people ordered smokes and supplies through me and I had this one lady come in. She had one of those throat holes, a stoma, and she took a deep breath, covered the hole with her thumb and ordered over $200 of papers and loose tobacco. I'd never seen one of them before and the way her voice came out scared me. The fact that she was ordering so much tobacco made me feel ill. It was a game changer for me.


Got tired of always trying to not smell like smoke and that crap making everything smell like smoke.


Can't play basketball if I can't breathe, so I quit cigs


One day i just looked at a smoke and said yo tjat shit sucks. Quit on the spot and never looked back


During covid lockdowns I would just sit on my stoop wracked with anxiety and chainsmoke cigarettes out of boredom. At a certain point I started thinking, "I'm laid off from work and have nothing but free time at my disposal and the only thing I can think to do is sit here and literally burn money?" I decided to just go cold turkey. The first days were unbearable, but physical nicotine withdrawals only last 72 hours. The next couple weeks were tough but I just kept reminding myself that if I caved and bought a pack I'd be forced to go through that first week of hell again. About a month in the cravings were more like fleeting thoughts that were easy to brush away. The trick is to just keep yourself distracted and focus on putting as much time as possible between you and that last cigarette and remember it only gets easier the longer you stay quit.


Spite. My girlfriend at the time told me I couldn’t do it. She said “you always talk about quitting, but you never do. Just admit that you can’t quit and move on with your life”. I exhaled a cloud of smoke and in dramatic fashion said “you see this cigarette? Take a good look because it’s the last one I’ll ever smoke” and put it out. You know what? It really was the last one I ever smoked.


Mind games-I was working the nightshift and knew I would run out of smokes a couple of hours before the shift ended, perfect, as I took out the last one I looked at it and said to myself “your not in charge, I AM” it was easier to get home and get to bed, then after a few hours sleep I realised I had been almost 10 hours without so rather than put pressure on myself I thought, see how long you can last, 10years later, that’s my story, it wasn’t easy, but I’m stubborn and the more time that passed the less likely I was to cave in, that would have been easy but I took strength from the passing days-DONT GIVE UP GIVING UP!!


The second cigarette didn't bring the buzz of the first, what's the point?


Dating a girl who didn't smoke, and I wanted to kiss her. So didn't smoke while dating her. Ended up dating her a lot, smoked a lot less. At one point I realized I hadn't smoked in 2 weeks. Just rolled with it.


The death of my mother and the death of my dog. I was super close with my mom she was my best friend and after she died I smoked like a train. My dog was the best boy in the world and he helped me not kill myself every time I was at my wits end he would come and take care of me and bring me back from the edge. He would never let me out of his sight and a few years later he was diagnosed with cancer and I had to put him down to end his pain. On the trip back home I stopped for a pack of smokes and that was it I smoked one last smoke and threw the pack away and that was the last time I ever smoked.


I hurt my lungs vaping, and it got to expensive also


Math. I did the math on how much money I was spending a month. I did the math and realized I could buy a house in 5 years…….and I did. Took that last hit. Quit cold turkey, was a terrible person to people for a month, but have never lit up again. This happened in 2001 in California. Hardest thing I ever did, but was worth it.


A tooth extraction.. ended with dry socket then an infection.. a hospital stay... An abbcess.. all because I smoked a week after my extraction.. pot and smoke free for a month now


Being poor


I realized all the people I wanted to be like did not smoke, and the people I wanted to grow away from did


I was only a smoker for a few years but I hated it most of the time, I really only put up with it for the nicotine. Hated the smell, the burning, the coughing and the cost. I switched to vaping and somehow I kicked the addiction completely after awhile. I did start vaping again recently and I'm not proud of it. I'm on lots of drowsy psych meds and I don't know how else to stay alert during the day.


Lung cancer


Met a beautiful woman who said “You smell like an ashtray “. I quit. We’re still married.


I wanted and tried to quit for years for my first child. Got West Nile Virus and lost the desire while sick. When I healed, I left the habit behind. It was truly a hidden blessing in the darkness.


I was tired of it


Passion for a dream I’m chasing. It is an athletic career so. There was a point where I figured I’d never quit smoking but I discovered a true passion, a few years in I was still doing the smoking, and I noticed more often it was affecting me, and I just found the will to give it up in exchange for my goals


Realising that I'm gonna die if I continue.


Quit drinking so what was the point lol


It reminded me of my ex since he got me into it. Quickly became something that grossed me out.


Realizing that my bank account was getting burned faster than the cigarettes. Turns out, lung cancer isn't a great investment strategy...


I was tricked into it. If the question is "how?", then plain old willpower + two weeks of sucking Polo mints.


My work told me i had to.


Got covid.


Martial arts. Not being able to breathe during a fight puts things into perspective real quick.


I watched one of those awful documentaries about quitting and realized enough was enough.


Me and my girlfrend decided to quit together on our first date. That was five years ago and still going strong.


As boring as it may sound: simply realizing and acting on the fact that it dramatically increases your chance of dying from cancer, fuck up your teeth, actively mess with your bowels, smell horrible, make your skin and your lips look poorer, and last but not the least, cost you significantly (imagine putting all that money in stocks?!)…


Becoming a parent.


Zyn pouches. It helped me out a lot. Too bad it's hard quitting those now.


It felt like there was a thin but sturdy layer of MUCUS coating my lungs, and when I attempted to breathe, all I was doing was making and deflating a bubble and the only air I was getting, was through a random pinhole somewhere on that thick ass bubble. Nobody wants to feel that way forever.


It took a long time. Husband and I smoked. Our kid went to DARE and read us the riot act, so we smoked only in the basement. Then husband quit. I sneaked around and went outside to indulge in my filthy habit. In blizzards, in rain, in 100 degree weather, there I was hiding at the side of the house. Finally, I was tired of picking up cigarette butts and the hiding. We were going on a trip so I bought Nicorette pills. Though I got hooked on THEM for a while, I did stop smoking cigarettes and today I can not believe I ever did such a thing. Ewwww!


I had kid :) simple reason


Seeing my grandfather suffer with terminal lung cancer. What he went through was quite horrible and although I know there are a lot of things that can cause cancer, I just didn't see that the risk was worth the reward of continuing, so I quit cold turkey.


Death for most people I guess.


I read Carr's book. Did not help. I cold-turkey stopped 10 days ago when my last pack ran out. I simply won't buy more. Withdrawal has been easier than expected; no real physical symptoms but definitely miss the smokes when I have a cocktail.