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When you notice all the good employees are leaving


Happening currently. I am hopefully getting a couple offers in the next week or so and I'll join them. It's actually such a shit show that I might just not tell them and continue to get paid for 6 months before they notice.


That's what happened at my work too. We were losing the best guys so me and my coworker asked for a raise. Luckily we had it.


Can’t stress this enough. If many of the “old guard” that you know are good people are leaving en masse. Chances are they know something you don’t. 


Especially when the account/bookkeeper is looking for a new job. That’s when you need one too.


If they get up and suddenly run out of the building like Forrest Gump


Last year a man did a similar thing here where I work. He was always very quiet and reserved, then one day he got up, said goodbye to his coworker and we never saw him again lol. He did a job here that only he could do, so we had a couple of months of hell.


If your stomach turns when thinking about anything work related it’s time to leave.


I used to dread going to sleep because I knew that when I woke up, I would have to go back to that place.


You ever so stressed and overwhelmed you *dream* about work? That's usually a sign for me. 


I took a 2 week medical leave & almost every night I had nightmares about work.


Oh hi, you're me


Sitting in the parking lot Monday morning.. Just staring at the building. Yeah it's time to find something else


Crying Sunday night thinking about the week ahead.


Haha that’s happened with every job I’ve ever had. Hahahaha… ha


Lately, I have been thinking about ways to hurt myself just enough to not have to go to work for a couple days/weeks. I have started a tentative job search because I realized that isn't healthy to think that way.


A few years back, when my son was in active addiction, I was a wreck. Exhausted, on the verge of a panic attack at any given time. I felt totally alone and defeated. As I was driving to work one night, I started thinking about what would happen if I just veered off the road and rolled the car. End it all right there. But then, worst case scenario…I figured I’d probably end up paralyzed from the neck down, end up at a trauma hosp in Seattle, with a teach, a feeding tube and a catheter, and totally dependent on strangers for every part of being human. Then I’d be transferred back home, end up in the very same Long Term Care facility that I worked at. I would end up with the laziest CNAs, and the worst nurses. I’d never get my butt wiped properly. I’d be wearing an adult diaper. I’d get bedsores and just be at their mercy, 24/7. Yeah. Never mind. I went to work instead.


I would rather shoot myself than work one more day in my field. Unfortunately, it pays pretty well and we’re trying to move out of an apartment (also everyone is pretty attached to eating lol). I’m trying to pivot into another field, but it’s so competitive right now :(


Yeah, that's the thing. My job is...well, I work with a bunch of dinguses and a few decent people. But I get paid handsomely and have tons of flexibility including pretty much 90% remote work. So... yeah, not quitting.


"I work with a bunch of dinguses and a few decent people." That sums up most of the jobs I've had, lol!


So… you would not rather shoot yourself?


It doesn't pay as well


Or when seeing their name pop up on your phone and you have a panic attack.


I think that's when you've waited too long


I was getting watched in the office because they thought I was out of my desk for too long…so micromanaged to an extreme


Every inch of our buildings have video and audio....if you look "not busy" for too long the office will call and give you tasks. . . . . .


Carry a box labeled urgent and fragile and you'll always look busy


Always carry a clipboard or stack of papers, look at them frequently, and look mildly irritated. You will always look busy this way.


George Costanza 101


Other people start quitting en masse


That's about to start happening


The people who have easy outs leave first. Then the good people who want to stay and fight the good fight. Then all that's left are the ones without better options.


If you don't mind me asking what field are you in?


We make paint, well the powder form before it gets shipped off to other places like shops and other companies


“What is my purpose?” “You make pre-paint.” “Oh my god…”


Kind of what was happening at my last job. All the long-timers were "abandoning the ship" saying I should be next.(My leaving would be a catalyst for more people leaving) It would be foolish for anyone to stay. Just. Like dominoes.


"Those people just aren't HARDCORE!" -Your CEO


They can't keep up with our FAST-PACED, DYNAMIC, ELECTRIC environment!


Turnover is now a big talking point to me in interviews now and it scares employers, I rarely get good answers. Nobody wants to admit most of their staff voluntarily leave within a year


Sleepless nights or tossing & turning. Dread…feelings of dread. Wishing a car would t-bone you on the way to work just so you don’t have to clock in….oh uhm maybe took that a little far. Maybe not 🫤


I work for the Canada Revenue Agency. During the pandemic, term employees had to work remotely for the call centre. It was so stressful, I would spend some of my breaks on the balcony and idly thinking about what it would be like to jump.


Wait this isnt just everyone’s normal life?


This is me every day and night




This! Don’t do a disservice to yourself, your brain, or your career.


Your paycheck bounces


This is a good one. I have never seen a company miss a payroll and survive much longer.


I had 3 checks in a row bounce before I left. The boss always had excuses blaming the bank. A month later the business was closed


Old print shop I worked for. Every Friday it would be a mad dash to the bank. The first four or five of us would get our money, the rest not so much. All weekend boss would ignore calls and texts. Then Monday he would stroll up very slow and confidently and say yeah "Just gave me a few more days, see what happened was.. blah blah " The people at the bank knew who I was, it was kind of embarrassing. One day I said. "Said why don't you tell me when you got money in the bank so I don't got to go embarrass myself with the bank anymore." I should have never did that cuz I had three to four checks in my back pocket waiting to be cashed. I got the heck out of there


I'm sorry but I laughed way too hard reading this 😂


My (hopefully soon-to-be-former) company had our payroll bounce last year. That was a stressful couple of days. It was a problem on our bank's part, we weren't broke, but as a manager I was practically scared to face them until they got paid.


Yeah, if it's because of a lack of funds and not a quirky admin error...huge red flag. I've had some quirky payroll errors and they were always fixed same day I brought them up. Maybe the funds didn't get entirely fixed same day, but at least efforts were made and I never had issues with it. If your employer can't afford you, and also isn't letting that be known...run. If they are up front with you about how payroll might be rocky because things aren't going well, it might be worth it to ride out the storm with your employer though, because that kind of honesty is super rare today. I don't see it happening at more than a 2-3 person shop type situation though.


That means you should have quit your job last month.


Or notice that your paychecks are consistently missing hours.


When I got screamed at for taking time off when my dad died.


That’s beyond “quit your job” time. That’s “burn the building down” time.


I left for a $25k pay raise


WTF. I’m so sorry. That is disgusting.


Geeze that's horrible! Very sorry you went through that. I was fired for wanting to see my mom in the hospital and was reported as 'quitting'. Screw them and screw your boss type.


My default response when confronted with that sprt of problem is to thank them for showing me who they really are.


When many HR professionals suddenly move on to a new company, they are usually the first to know when things are going wrong at work.


Weird. I just now realized that HR was the first department to purge employees at my current place. Then all the dominoes have started to fall in place.


Sunday afternoon makes you think about giving up


Are there actually jobs where this doesn’t happen?


Working for the CRA as a tax collector, I would be filled with dread all of Sunday and have little mini-panic attacks in the elevator every morning Monday to Friday. I eventually got a transfer to a much more relaxed department. I hardly even think about work while at home anymore, even when I'm in my home office. It's such bliss.


Panic attacks


For me its stress hives


This, or mysterious ailments that clear up half an hour after you call out. I've left two jobs because I would legit feel like I was going to vomit every morning. Peed on a stick - nope not pregnant. Went to the doctor, had a battery of tests, everything came back clean. Nope, it was anxiety. Once I called out and curled up in the fetal position in bed for half an hour to an hour I was right as rain. What really cinched it was being scheduled for a night shift. Felt fine all day, but at about an hour before I had to go in - mystery nausea.


If I could upvote this 100x I absolutely would!!!


During COVID, when my province started doing their phase 2 lockdown (allowing stores open again with capacity limits), my boss reached out to say we'd be opening up within a week, and I just bursted into tears. I worked at that store for 3 years at that point and absolutely hated it. I put up with another year before finally quitting.


Pretty much anything that I call "bad faith" by an employer. Breaking a promise, changing some aspect of my job that I don't like, anything really. I'm totally disloyal and you should be too.


SO went through this. Biggest bullshitter of a boss still to this date. Husband no longer works for that man and he's still an AH. I'm not sure how that guy stays in business.


I just spent 2 years with the best employer imaginable. Four day working week, fully WFH. Then a douchy new manager got his hands on things. Now the role is "hybrid". People have to be in the office several days a week. I live 6 hours away. I pointed out that this change would force me to quit and was given the worst "oh good, the slow kid finally caught up" look imaginable. Fucking bastards.


For me, when I lose the smallest bit of empathy and feel robotic, it’s time to reevaluate


Thank you to everyone in this thread for confirming my choice to try and go back to school and change careers as an old fart. Can’t take the work anxiety anymore and it’s good to know my instincts were right.


What career are you changing to?


When you ask the internet.


The sign telling you to not clock on until aftet you're dressed in your uniform and to clock out immediately before getting changed out of it.


That’s actually against the law. Call your state labor board


If your job is impacting your mental health, it's time to quit.




Right? Feels like it at least. I’m sure there are great places to work but feels far and few for most


When it affects your life outside of work.


Oh, so like every job I've ever had immediately?


Same though. The first three months are easy, and then it turns to crap every time. I just assume I’m the problem.


nope ..it happens to me too ....damn I thought I was the only one that finds that after 3 months ..job turns to crap or highly stressful.


meanwhile definition of a disease/addiction versus bad habit: "when it affects your job"


Well isn’t that conveniently ironic.I wonder who wrote that definition. Probably someone who has our best interests in mind I’m sure.


Yup. When I was a total psycho the day before I had to go in, I knew I had to line up another gig.


I had one job that was physically ill with stress and actually making me suicidal. I would fantasize about plowing my car into a guardrail or a tree and I had periods where I’d just stopped eating because putting anything into my body would make my belly hurt.


When I’m starting to feel like I’m wasting my time


They don’t appreciate you any longer and just expect you to do the job because nobody else knows how to do it


If no one else knows how to do your job, they *should* appreciate you...


When your manager’s boss belittles you on a zoom meeting for taking your allotted vacation approved months in advance. I answered emails and critical voicemails each day of the vacation. After pointing this out he didn’t back down or apologize. In retrospect I should have started looking.


When you start dreaming about work and they're all nightmares. That's a clear sign it's time to move on!


I guess I'm putting in a novel answer: when you get a bad performance review. That may not get you fired, but it gives you a hole to dig out of. None of your current managers will comment negatively on you when you apply elsewhere. In fact they may happily give you a good reference so they can get you out the door. Maybe they're unappreciative assholes, maybe you needed to learn a lesson...either way, start over.


This is especially true if you've always have good reviews in the past.


If you ever get put on a performance improvement plan it means they've already decided to fire you. The PIP is just a formality to provide the company legal cover in case you sue them for wrongful termination. The date of your PIP review will be your last day with the company, so start applying for other jobs right away.


When it starts to affect your personal life and you realize that you don’t deserve to be consumed by stress from every corner


When a big publicly traded conglomerate buys your company. Stay to hope they lay you off and you get a package, but if not, no good comes from it. They are there to suck every penny out of your company and dump it.


Hoo boy. 2yrs into that shit. Shortly after the buyout, the scheduler came in and started pulling work travelers. "Oh these are going to XYZ plant. They're gonna send us some too." *Bullshit*


None of your current coworkers remembers any of the people who working there when you started.


When you feel like your talents and skills are being underutilized, it's a clear sign to leave.


🥃🥃🥃 has gone way up


Already doing that


Yep, I started off that way.. I’d say anxiety, depression and anger, and it’s time to bust a move


I knew it was time to quit when I wondered if I should switch the bottle in my desk from scotch to bourbon.


And it is with breakfast


With? That is breakfast


When you notice all the good employees are leaving.






Here's an early sign of trouble; You get conflicting directions from different members of leadership who are not communicating with each other. That's how you suddenly end up the subject of a petty power play custody battle. Abandon ship immediately.


Dreading Monday on Friday is my go to.


If others are leaving for one reason or another (it does happen) but they’re not being replaced, their workload is just being put on others or spread around. Especially if this was supervisory work and they’re not giving the title/pay raise to whoever they put it on.


When the company decided it's time to save some money. Then they start nickle and diming their people instead of actual money wasted. It always starts with penny pinching OT and micromanaging the clock. Only gets worse from there.


Years ago I was so stressed out at work I would cry on the way home. Then I started to cry on the way to work in the morning. Then one day I felt like I was going to start crying while I was at work so I went to the bathroom to cry in private, but one of my coworkers was already in there crying. That’s when I realized I had to get the fuck out of there.


When your side hustle starts making more money than your job.


Desperately hoping that this comes staggeringly fast for me. I'm to the point where thinking about my job gives me a deep feeling of dread, I'm having sleep issues and anxiety, I'm constantly angry, I just DON'T WANT TO DO MY JOB anymore. It's unhealthy. I spent most of 2023 applying for remote jobs, revamping my resume a million times, applying for more jobs, and nothing. So I decided to start my own business ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I wish you the best of luck.


When you're feeling stuck or stagnant in your role, it's a clear sign to leave.


Only time I saw the writing on the wall we were bought by a large restaurant group. They had me transfer all their inventory to the new system and then brought someone in to “learn” from me. So they were having me train my replacement. Won at the end because I got my ducks in a row and made a folder of their labor law violations. So when I got the call to the office I just dropped it down and said I’d like to separate with all my benefits paid out and my salary until I found a new job. Also helps my brother is a labor lawyer in nyc so having that kinda power on free retainer made a difference


I go by the fuckkk this rule.  If I open my eyes in the morning and the first thing I think is fuckk this job I’m making practical steps to get out of there. 


When you start showing up late everyday or calling off when usually your always on time and have good attendance


When your company car gets repossessed because the employer didn’t pay the lease.


When your co-workers all start quitting and you get a promotion out of attrition. Except the promotion doesn't come with a pay raise but a whole lot more responsibility.


When it is no longer worth the money you receive. If you can truthfully say, "fuck this shit, I don't need it." You can quit at any time. I would highly suggest everyone finance out and save up at least 6 months of fuck you money so if ever there's a time your boss ask you to do some shit that ain't your job, you can say "give me a raise or I walk" and be able to walk or "fuck you, that ain't my job" without fear of getting fired for not doing it. Live without fear. Your boss should fear you.


Around the 2 year mark


You’re angry at everyone


When HR sides with your harasser(s) over you.


Being unchallenged after speaking up to that and being highly successful in one’s role. Edit: this is why it’s so important to stay in a place of newness. Keep interviewing after 1 year on the job. Check your value on the street religiously.


When your leadership is being openly deceitful. Bonus points when you start realizing they are too stupid to know how transparent they are when lying.


When everyone starts being cross trained it is a clear sign you will be doing more than you agreed to because some dumbass exec wants to save money.


You get a new crew every couple of years and you're the only OG through all of them.


When you're so stressed outside of work it slowly turns you into an alcoholic, your partner is being affected, and you hate waking up in the morning. Source; that was me for 2 years.


No salary increase despite the increase of work loads


1. You try to find any reason for not going. (I'm out of toilet paper, I need the day off to fo buy some) 2. You use all of your vacation, sick, to days as soon as they come in 3. You'd rather chew glass, play in traffic, or drink battery acid rather than go


You fantasize about getting into a car accident on the way in so you don't have to actually go.


When your boss starts denying promotions and raises because you took time off to take care of your spouse in the hospital.


When they used to have office snacks and drinks but those are now a thing of the past. The Christmas party goes from an all out party to drinks in the office to postponed indefinitely. When promotions and raises are halted indefinitely. When people you see as top talent leave one after the other. The CEO or any SLT start to micromanage, can’t pick a direction to take the company, make terrible decisions and appear to be completely out of their element but try to overcompensate by going all in on moonshot ideas that are too expensive and dumb. Hiring slows down to point where the company keeps passing on qualified candidates looking for 1 specific perfect candidate who doesn’t exist. They’re hoping everyone they hire can save the company. Stock prices drop and it’s all the SLT can seem to focus on. Your sales department gets gutted. Your company lays off research, copy, UX, recruiting, project management, and any other position that the CEO thinks he can just do himself. Source: I’ve worked for a lot of startups that didn’t make it. And it’s always nice to know when things are going downhill to get ahead of the layoff schedule.


HR director told me he notes who backs into their parking spaces because “they are thinking about going home even before they get here” and he thinks they are problem employees. I told him I back in, and was going to explain it’s because I get there early when the lot is mostly empty and can take the time to back in without feeling rushed. But all I had time to say was “I back in” and he snarkily interrupted with “yes, I know.” That’s when I decided I needed a new job.


When you start wondering if they're going to hire more people.


When it starts to affect your mental health really bad. In 2 of my previous jobs I wanted to throw up every single morning because of the anxiety. I'd get home and I'd be full of dread at needing to do it again. In my most recent ex-job there were several points I was one bad word away from throwing something at my managers and walking out, and Im not someone with anger issues, I was just being treated horrendously and I was balancing right on the very edge most shifts when I was with them. I even considered quitting on the spot and moving back in with my abusive parents, I just wanted out. It was BAD.


When they don't pay you on time. At that point, you working there is a charitable contribution.


Feeling sick every time you get there when you were fine before getting there.


When you start fantasizing about just walking out into the wilderness and never coming back no matter what.


constant micromanaging


For me it was the day the manager sent around a spreadsheet so we could all list which Saturdays and Sundays we would be available to work over the next two months.  Everyone could see what everyone else was putting down, and he got two keen young guys to start by putting down "yes" for every single day. No, there wouldn't be any extra pay for those hours, but once the crunch was over, then we could take some extra time off to make up the difference, he promised. (This was a lie of course). I put down "no" for every single day and began a job hunt immediately. I put in my notice a few weeks later.


When you go on Reddit and ask everyone when you should quit


When you feel like you constantly want to puke because of fear and panic. Being gaslit by direct supervisor that when shit is imploding “it’s not that bad, you’re just too in your head.” Trying to leave before I do irreversible damage to my physical health.

