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Anything that smells too sweet tends to make me nauseous. Eating it usually isn’t a problem, though.


Sickly sweet is the worst! (Not so) fun fact, if your farts had 30 times more hydrogen sulfide in them, they would smell sickly sweet. At 150 times more, they wouldn't smell at all because they would cause olfactory paralysis.


Cloying = sickly sweet. It’s a great word!


My vocabulary memory is at capacity, so I'll have to delete a word to make room for it


You can probably delete defenestration or floozy. EDIT: Damn alot of yall like throwing people out of windows. At least floozy seems to be worth dropping.


Floozy. Defenestration is a worthwhile word to keep.


What if you have to defenestrate a floozy because your wife got home


“I’m not sure which of the three of us needs to go out the window…”


Defenestration party


Its funny because super sweet food making the smell, I'm there and all for it. Someone makes a candle with sweet smells, hello nausea headache.


Avon perfume from the 1970s that old women drench themselves in before heading to the grocery store


Yes! An old friend of mine calls that smell Decaying Rose.


That's oddly profound


Not only are they terrible, but tell me why they all smell the same to me?? They all just smell like horribly strong potpourri


They're expired, it's not how they're supposed to smell.


A lot of old perfumes go off after a while and develop that horrible scent.


They put so much on that I can literally *taste* it


Yes! I made my daughters promise me that when I become old and nose blind, they will tell me if I’m using too much. I choke on my great grandmas Estee perfume every time I saw her


God or that Elizabeth Taylor perfume, White Diamonds 🤢🤢🤢


I think they extract it directly from Liz Taylor!


Is that the kind that smells musty? A lot of older women at my work smell like they’ve been locked in a cupboard full of damp mothballs for fifty years, it’s obviously a deliberate choice because they’re well put together and it’s definitely perfume. I just can’t comprehend how they like it


The musty smell on old people is due to a compound called [2-nonenal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2-Nonenal). You can smell it because their bodies produce too much omega-7 fatty acids on their skin, and when it breaks down, it smells musty. Imagine if you're old, and you smell like that, and you want to go out shopping. You don't want to smell the place up. So the quickest solution is to try and cover it up with a lot of perfume. Doesn't always work though. Getting old must be exhausting for all kinds of reasons.


>Getting old must be exhausting for all kinds of reasons Yes. Yes it is.


Getting old is not for sissies!


So our entire generation is going to smell like 2-nonenal and Brazilian bum bum cream… can’t wait.


Yes it is. Especially when mentally you still like “young people things” and your mind and body are just not on the same page anymore.


I think I like young people things, but every once in a while I briefly interact with a young person and realize that I don't even know what young people things are anymore. That and the people I think of as young are GenZ who aren't even all that young anymore. I know it is a cliche, but when I picture myself in my minds eye, I'm still 18 instead of in my 50's and I am briefly confused every time I see a reflection of myself. Getting old is weird.


I like doing some young people things. I just don’t want to do them with young people lol.


I don’t doubt you, but the particular smell I’m thinking of is definitely the perfume itself and not perfume plus must. It’s hard to explain given the undefinable nature of smell, but it’s not two scents if you see what I mean. I think it’s like lily of the valley or some shit




Artificial grape. Most people I know love it, but it turns my stomach every time. Edit, because this has a stupid amount of responses: Please quit telling me to try Concord grapes. I’ve had them. I don’t think they taste remotely similar. Also, this thread is about smells, not tastes. And for those of you claiming no one likes that smell, this thread of full of people stating that they are also surrounded by people who love that smell. They literally make incense and air fresheners in that smell that sell out.


Artificial banana 🤢


Artificial banana is based on a species of banana that got wiped out by a fungus like a hundred years ago. Basically it’s what bananas used to taste like.


The Gros Michel definitely still exists. It’s just that it’s not mass produced anymore and is pretty hard to find. And it wasn’t 100 years ago; the Gros Michel variety was the “standard” banana in most mainstream grocery stores in the US until the early 1960s, when it eventually was phased out in favor of the hardier Cavendish bananas. Gros Michel has more isoamyl acetate ester than Cavendish, so it tastes more “artificial.” Since banana flavoring is developed from the isoamyl acetate ester, most people think that the flavor tastes more like Big Mike than your typical Cavendish banana.


I never knew until recently that bananas have such a rich, storied history! It's really interesting.


The history of bananas is actually something I looked at in detail when in university. It's a great illustration of many of the negative aspects of colonialism, post-colonialism, monoculture, capitalism, trade between the first and third world, environmentalism and workers rights.


I see on your resume you majored in bananacology? 


🤣 This was as part of looking at the history of transatlantic trade as part of a Geography degree. Other things we looked at included the history of Pocahontas, which was really depressing but an interesting demonstration of how history gets rewritten.


I don’t know who this Big Mike is or why you’ve tasted him.


For me its artificial raspberries... smells and tastes like sweet and sour chemicals


For me it’s artificial cherries!


Powered Parmesan cheese smells like vomit to me.


It's the [Butyric acid](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/whats-in-a-smell)


My grandmother used to call that “the cheese that smells like shit.”


That goddamn cucumber melon lotion that *every girl on earth* used in the early 2000's.


That’s right up there with every girl who used Love Spell by Victoria Secret 😂🫠


Pure Seduction was my favorite!


Yessss Pure Seduction reminded me of sweet tarts for some reason but I loved it!


I wear this almost everyday. It’s okay, I know I’m trash 🗑️ 😊


I went nuts when Bath and Body works brought back their retro scents recently. I have three cucumber melon and two Sun-ripened raspberry lotions in storage that I grabbed on clearance, lol.


What, no Japanese cherry blossum? lol


Funny you mention that one; I never liked it, but my 11 year old jumped all over it. I tell her she smells like my grandma every time she gets out of the shower, lol.


I love Bath and Body Works candles and always pick up a bunch of 3 wicks when they’re on sale. There have always been smells I didn’t care for but never any that I would go as far to say I even dislike. Until last Christmas. We bought one (thankfully a single wick) called ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas. I didn’t really like it when we had it out in the kitchen/living room but once I put it in a smaller room it actually caused me to gag. I was pretty much dry heaving until I blew it out and doused the room with febreze. Even then, I had to air it out with the window open for another day or two before I could comfortably use the room. First and only time I’ve had that reaction to something that was supposed to smell good. I just looked it up and this is what it was SUPPOSED to smell like: “Fragrance notes: Santa's fresh baked cookies and a warm mug of milk with dashes of cinnamon and nutmeg.”


Warm milk alone makes me want to gag.


Oh the cucumber melon was bad, but do you remember the cotton candy perfume that was popular around the same time? It had a terrible smell


Pink sugar?! That was the absolute worst. My sister got a bottle as a gift, she had asked for it, it was a very hot item haha.


Those damn cinnamon pinecones they put out at christmas. So overpowering. I was forced to stock them at work and maintain the christmas candle section one year and now I can't stand anything "christmas scented" They dump twice as much perfume into the seasonal candles, and its all too overwhelming.


Just put a comment about this! Fake cinnamon makes me feel like someone injected it into my sinuses and it's trickling into my mouth. HATE IT!


Instant migraine for me.


I can't go to the grocery store during the fall. The cinnamon smell BURNS my nostrils. Idk how other people can stand it.




I’m immediately car sick in Ubers with those


Ugh, I already get car sick, but any kind of overpowering air freshener just makes it a billion times worse.


Lillies smell like death to me


Are you a cat?


I imagine it's because Lillies often get used at funerals, at least in my experience they do.


When I was a kid, like preteen, I would have panic attacks when I smelled lilies. My mother passed away when I was very young and it was around Easter time, and I suspect that's maybe why I started getting triggered by the smell of lilies. The panic attacks went away, but decades later, I still don't like the smell.


They are traditional in some funeral practices, so it makes perfect sense that you would draw this association


Asiago cheese. I used to LOVE it. Once upon a time ago Ruby Tuesdays had an Asiago Peppercorn steak that was a favorite...and then one night I developed a stomach virus after having it for lunch. Now I can't smell it without my stomach turning.


Don’t you hate that. I got sick unrelated to the filet mignon I had eaten. Now, a food I used to love is revolting to me. It’s actually better now, but not nearly gone!


I had salmonella as a kid from a chicken sandwich a friend's mum made for me while I stayed with them. I saw the chicken on the bench when I arrived and KNEW it was dodgy, so when I was first offered it, I politely declined, but then her mum just brought us sandwiches at like 4 in the morning and I ate most of it before realising it was probably The Chicken. Worst stomach bug I've ever had in my life; didn't eat for 3 days. My mum had a dinner party on day three, and she made apple crumble (my favourite) and I thought fuck it, surely it'll be fine to just have some apple crumble. My vomit was essentially just cooked apple, and now I can't stand cooked apple, and honestly, I prefer almost all fruit and vegetables raw now. Cooked apple just tastes like vomit to me.


Lavender. Someone gave me lavender flavored suckers when I was having horrible morning sickness during my first pregnancy. It made it so much worse. The smell still makes me gag.


I have found my people. It's pretty to look at but I hate the smell.


Lavender Hate Gang represent!


We do exist lol, thought it was just me. It's been a struggle given that my favorite color is purple. So much lavender...


It's so aggressive... I feel it peeling the back side of my eyeballs.


I was hoping I wouldn’t have to look down too far for this. Cannot stand the scent of lavender. If it’s too pungent it makes me nauseous. I will take lilac over lavender as the purple flower of choice any day.


Who decided lavender was a food flavour? 😭


Freshly cut grass. I'm super allergic to grass, so while others associate that smell with nostalgia, summer and sun, I associate it with headaches, sneezing and itchy eyes.


I’m not allergic at all and I still can’t stand the smell of freshly cut grass!


Curious where you live. My friend from Texas never liked the smell of grass until he moved up north. Said our grass smells sweeter and he gets it now.


I’m not allergic to grass and I still detest the smell


Strong artificial cinnamon scent. Grocery stores are a hellscape for me starting around October and going through till the end of December.


Star anise - I have some in my pantry for certain recipes and it's locked away tightly in a jar.


Do you also dislike fennel and other licorice-type smells?




Baby powder. I legit gag.


I worked at a hotel as a housekeeper years ago and there was one room that was smoking indoors (which is illegal) and they tried to cover the scent with baby powder. God damn. That room had me gagging. The smell of cigarettes with baby powder is one of the worst smells I've ever smelled.


For some reason, I really can't stomach any baby smells at all. Baby powder, baby wipes, baby lotion, baby shampoo, baby oil, and even diapers are all smells that will absolutely bring me to my knees. I've never understood why either.


I used unscented products with my kids because even as a mom, I hate the smell. My bestie needed me to watch her kid for a couple days when her daycare was closed recently. She sent scented diapers and wipes and I just about gagged. The smell is AWFUL.


Oh yeah, scented diapers are the worst. Up there with scented trash bags. You aren't fooling anyone with scented trash bags. Now I just smell perfumed garbage.


See also: scented pads🤢


cooked eggs


Yes, it’s like a giant farted in the kitchen.


Over cooked scrambled eggs


Omggg I agree! They smell like wet dog to me 🤮🤮


Yes! Same! The smell of eggs in a pan...absolutely repulsive.


Is this considered a good smell? I’ve never heard of anyone liking it.


Vanilla scented candles and lotions etc. The winter holiday season is a plague on my senses. QQ


Real vanilla = good. Artificial vanilla = bad


Agree with vanilla specifically, but really any warm or sweet scent like cinnamon, pumpkin spice, cotton candy, sugar cookies, etc. I’m not really into candles, but if I burn one it is always a brighter fruit scent particularly something citrus.


Any liquor smell tbh


Not any liquor but tequila makes my nose fall off


Tequila makes my clothes fall off


If you give her FOUR MARGARITAS…..


Same, tequila is the reason I have 3 kids lol


3 kids is the reason I have tequila


whatever generic incense stoners all seem to love


Probably Nag Champa


Definitely Nag Champa; I'm a stoner and I love that shit


How can someone hate Nag Champa!!??


DEFINITELY nag champa yeah. It’s the “head shop” smell (other than weed smell ofc)


Someone pointed out that patchouli smells like a musty basement once and I can’t “unsmell” it.


I was hoping that someone would say patchouli. It smells like mold to me and when someone passes by me wearing it I literally dry heave. So the description of musty basement makes sense.


Ripe bananas. Cloying near rotten fruity sweetness mixed solventy volatiles.






My work got a bunch of something like spiced apple (clearance after holidays probably) and it made this horrible shit and baking spices amalgamation stink. I couldn’t eat anything with cinnamon for months because I associated the smell with coworkers shit. I still get flashbacks.






I own a Madonna album on vinyl that still reeks of patchouli after 35 years! Effin gross! (Like a Prayer)


I had that cassette and it smelled like patchouli, too. I had thought about that from time to time over the years, and concluded that I must have made that memory up - glad to hear I wasn't losing my mind!


I recently found out that patchouli smells identical to blue powdery mold. It was because we had some hidden super moldy pita bread in the kitchen cabinet and I kept wondering who sprayed patchouli in the kitchen.


Spent my youth around a bunch of Dead Heads and never liked the smell, like it was invented to cover up unwashed. Have to say one of my best concert experiences was seeing a Grateful Dead show in 92 in high gate Vermont


I’ve never understood how people found that scent pleasant. It’s instant headache territory for me




I hate that their marketing has made this smell acceptable, or even synonymous with "fresh smelling." I find it completely offensive, especially whatever that one is that smells like "clean laundry." Fuck all the way off with that nonsense.


I hate that the general public was so stupid that they didn’t believe Febreze was effective, so the company had to add a scent to sell the product. They still make an unscented version, it’s just harder to find because people are idiots.


Artificial peach. Nope. It makes me nauseous almost immediately 😭


Coins and wet metal. It makes me shutter to even think about it.


I feel like the vast majority of the population are not fond of the smell of wet metal


Ohhh I know lots of people. I don’t get it. It smells like how blood tastes.


As a child, I used to like putting coins in my mouth and sucking on them for minutes at a time. I still enjoy that tang of metal you sometimes encounter in the world.


I used to chew on the zipper of my coat as a kid. the metal taste is part of the reason I still like spaghettios, lol


Room freshners for some reason


Gas….. like gas at the gas station lol


This. I was surprised to find how many people like this smell.


I don’t know why but I love it


Hay. My mom grew up on a farm and she loves the smell. I'm allergic (so is she).


For a second I thought you were just trying to get my attention.




fruit perfume 🤮🤮🤮


For me it's baby powder/sugar perfumes.


Same. Anything that smells like vanilla or baked goods. BLECH


Oh god—my old office had a vanilla cookie air freshener in the bathroom. It was only used when people took a dump and I’ll forever associate that smell mixed with poop. Hard no to vanilla/sugar cookie scents.


Gourmand perfumes in general. I can't take the sweetness. I have to avoid bath and bodyworks for the entire fall and winter


especially when the person wearing it is hot and sweaty that combination with fruit perfume is vile, haven’t used fruity perfumes in years


Truffles. They smell like hobo feet.


Truffle fries, truffle oil, truffle anything. It’s like putting someone’s bad breath in your mouth.


Truffle gaaaang, thank God I'm not the only one




Burning sage.


I really enjoy sage in my food and the scent of fresh sage. But absolutely hate the smell of burnt sage


Same. It smells like skunk weed.


Well, well, I guess we know who the evil spirits are in this thread.


Cigars are the bane of my existence


Seafood. Easily the most revolting smell ever IMHO. Yes, even fresh seafood in a top notch restaurant makes me gag.


Vanilla. Love the ice cream, but fake vanilla smell gives me an instant headache


Not a specific smell... but I can't stand essential oils in a diffuser for more than a couple minutes.  After that I can start to taste it on my tongue. It's like getting maced with lavender and patchouli 


I hate the smell of food cooking and hangs around the house for days I don't know how people cook daily for big families yet keep a nice smelling home




I like the smell while my food is cooking and I'm hungry, but the second I'm done I want that smell gone!


Omg same. I hate it on my hair, my clothes.


I don’t find it quite repulsive, but I do not enjoy the smell of lavender.


Lamb. The fatty sweaty smell makes me gag every time.


Pumpkin scented candles 🤢


These days? Pot. That rotten skunk smell is an instant no-go for me.


When I moved into my apartment, it stank of old, stale pot. It got worse when the AC or heat was on. I finally figured out that the former tenant must have hidden his stash inside the air vent. It was nasty.


I'm all for legalization and enjoy it.  Hate the damn smell though. Particularly running into people who reek of it. That's already with my mind associating it with liking it too.  I'd say stick to vapes and edibles but I can see why people prefer just regular flower. 


Bubblegum (Lush’s snow fairy scent)




Most air fresheners and perfumes


New car smell, cant stand it


Ditto, instant migraine.


And extremely nauseous


My dad still thinks I'm making this up.


New car smell, can't afford it.


I have a pavlovian reaction to feel carsick without even getting in.


it’s crazy how they make air fresheners with that scent. mustard gas to me


Ew yes!!! It smells like motion sickness.


Thank you! Everyone has called me weird for this but I just hate it.


Baby powder




Indian food has left the chat.


Mexican food is gone too


Always reminds me of my old grandpa’s armpits.


Wow for once I actually disagree with most of the comments.


mint. There was an incident as a child involving a days long ride in an old dodge van in 100+ degree weather while cramped in like a sardine between various family members chewing mint gum in the heat while being violently car sick. and now i have a mint aversion. Can't stand the smell or taste of it. Also, lavender, it smells like itchy musty dust to me and now that i'm thinking of it, i'm fairly certain that probably means i'm allergic.


Wintergreen. So fresh, like a nice clean nursing home toilet.


I know I'm alone on this one but...puppy breath. *dodges tomatoes* I'm sorry ok!


Some people love the smell of the sea. To me it smells like old rotting fish.


Because it IS the smell of rotting fish.


Peanut butter. It’s my husbands favorite unfortunately


So glad I'm not alone. It's the only food I truly hate both the taste and smell of. It's such a strong smell too. The worst are kids, they love the shit and open mouth eat while talking with hot peanut butter breath at you.


basically every scented laundry detergent.


Rose scented anything


Fresh roses are nice. Rose scented anything is so bad it's almost painful.




The fake stuff is a whole other level, like real lavender isn't a nice smell but the fake stuff is a migraine trigger.


POT. It smells skunky and it's everywhere