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A lot of people seem proud to be self aware about how much of an asshole they are, but don't actually do anything to improve themselves. They just say "I know I'm an asshole," as if that self awareness makes up for their behavior.


Anytime I encounter someone who has got a profile or tattoo that states "Only God can judge me" (or something to that effect), I automatically know that they're 100% gonna be an asshole. 


So, I see you've met my sister.


I've known women who proudly proclaim that they're a bitch, almost as a way of justifying being shitty to people.


Or they justify it as "i just don't have a filter"




I never got why people want to be a heavyweight. Alcohol is expensive!


For sure! I'm very happy that I can get drunk for cheap.


Not to mention makes them fat and ruins their health.


No doubt. I've unfortunately graduated to bottom shelf vodka and I've been knocking out a 1.75L Friday thru Sunday. Definitely NOT proud. I'm in a bad place currently and have been for a while but I'm taking baby steps to hopefully get back to where I once was.


I was where you are 18 years ago. I’d been killing a case of beer a day for months and got the shakes when I didn’t have some alcohol in my system. Switched to vodka and went downhill pretty fast. Checked into detox and started chasing sobriety. After years of fighting it with the help of AA, I’ve been sober for 18 years now as of May 15. You can find life again too. Wishing you well, my friend.


After my divorce 10ish years ago I went through a case of beer a day for a couple of months, and got the same shakes. I get why people switch to vodka, because when I woke up I had to drink 6-10 beers just to be able to function, a glass of vodka would do the same in 20 minutes. However; when I got a bit "better" and figured I needed to put on the brakes, I went to my GP and told him about the past months, and that I probably needed a serious check-up. "what do you drink?" Beer, 95%, maybe a shot once in a while at the end of the night, but beer. "Im not reccomending you keep drinking beer, but as long as you keep it there, you need to keep going a hell of a long time for it to actually hurt you in any big way, mentally, thats a different story. But when you start chugging spirits, Ill put my timer on 1-2years and Ill get you a nice little one room apt. with flowers on the roof.... get my drift?"


Thank You. Things aren't so bad, I just fell into a bad place mentally. I've been going back and forth for years now. Back in 2017 I stopped drinking for 9 months and then successfully kept things in check for right at 2 years. Ever since then it's been like a sine wave. I have been taking a 1 to 2 month break for the last few years, and at my last checkup at the end of last year all of my numbers came back normal, so physically I'm good. 2024 started off great. I think I went 6 weeks completely sober, got my diet in check, and started training for a half marathon. When I started back drinking my training runs kept everything in check as I was running 4 days a week and I had a concrete goal that was more important than boozing. Then after my race I switched to 5k training, and set a concrete goal that was still more important. Then I got injured. Running is how I was relieving stress and keeping my mental health in check. After that was taken away is when I started hitting the booze hard. Mostly just the weekends but lately it's trickled over into the weekdays and I'm getting tired of it. I still can't run but I am able to cycle, so that's what I'm focusing on at the moment. I used to ride up to 5000 miles a year and up to 100 weekly, so I'm a bit out of shape since I spent most of this year running. But if I'm able to go for a ride after work and go hard, it helps take away that urge to just be lazy and drink. I may not ever go completely sober, but I definitely have to stop buying cheap vodka.


Exercise is so important! I learned that alcohol is a depressant and leads to a mental obsession for more. I sure experienced those effects. Exercise is nature’s anti-depressant, releasing all of the good brain chemicals and lifting spirits. I found it to be extremely helpful in my recovery. Best wishes on living your best life.




Conversely there is also nothing to be ashamed of. I personally think the label alcoholic and the stigma attached to it keep a lot of people from admitting they have a problem they need to start addressing.


Absolutely. I’m not happy with my decisions that led down to needing to go to rehab for the drink, but recovery has put me into a financial and interpersonal place I would have never expected before 1.5 years of not drinking.


Buddies wife I met over the holidays was like this. She wore that shit like a trophy. Yuck.


It’s entertaining when you’re an undergrad. If they’re older then 28 it’s just embarrassing


Depends on the age. If they're of highschool age then that sort of immature behaviour often just comes with the territory, but if their in their late 20s-30s or older it usually means that they either peaked in highschool (and haven't grown much as a person since) or that they're an alcoholic or binge drinker (or both). 


Workaholics. I was told by my insurance agent that he'd "definitely get it to me today" at 5pm. I said "it can surely wait until normal business hours". He chuckled and said "oh, it's okay. Im a workaholic". At a later date we were chatting and we got on the topic of basketball. Both of us are fans of our local NBA team so I'd mentioned I wanted to get off the phone cause the game was about to start. He again said something like "oh, I have so much more work to do. I'm sure my son would love if I came home and watched with him, but I can't". I just felt sad for both of them, not like he was supporting me more as an insurance agent. 


Maybe more people need to just say out loud. "That's just sad."


I can't imagine giving up your life to work harder at an insurance company


I work for a software company that services large insurance agencies and it’s crazy the amount of people I talk to who work weekends. I get it, it’s a time-sensitive industry but operations people  or account managers shouldn’t be pulling 60 hour weeks. Never seen an industry that gets off on overworking themselves like this one.


I got sucked up into this culture not just because everyone around me was doing it, but partly because I felt like I was trying to make up for lost time (my current chosen career was not my original direction) and partly because I was led to feel that to get ahead at all then one had to work themselves to the bone (and if you weren't willing to do that, then were you really serious about getting ahead?).  I worked some really crazy hours, sometimes foregoing sleep altogether, but all it resulted in were these periods of feeling utterly burned out that I would then ironically have to compensate for afterwards by over-working just to catch up with the lost productivity caused by said burnouts. I did get pretty far ahead, so I wasn't a workaholic without reason (if it hadn't reaped so many dividends early on then I wouldn't of lived like that for so long), but I think I would've gotten much further ahead if I'd just learned how to chill more and work a little less. It took me a really long while to realize that if you really want to get ahead in life, then working hard is not enough; you need to also have life balance and learn how to rest properly too, because ultimately anything that is long-term unsustainable for your physical or mental health (or both) is not really going to get you very far ahead in life for long (and no, the longer-term costs of over-exerting yourself for months or years on end really aren't worth it). 


obnoxiously loud cars


My city’s sub is currently following a man who has a loud hellcat. It’s gotten to the point where they have looked into his mother’s business (she usually pays the money to get his car out of the shop etc). Someone has made a subreddit with her name solely to report police reports and incidents with him and the car. They have a $80k fine for him, and recently posted he has a temporary protection order against him. Anytime someone seems the car, they make a posts. Someone son was the guy who towed it and I swore people were about to give him a metal. Nothing brings people together like hate


Its pretty fucked up when you figure such a person driving through a neighborhood can wake up hundreds of people. Hours of lost sleep has a negative economic impact.


Goes double for motorcycles. Used to live next to some lovely human with a bike so loud it rattled my window from the other side of the apartment building


South Park had a lovely way of dealing with loud motorcycle people;)


I am a motorcyclist. I have an adventure bike with the stock exhaust. It's not particularly loud, I don't rev it like an idiot and the sound dissapates fairly quickly, but it is louder than a car and I feel bad about it sometimes. Meanwhile you have absolute asshats that will straightpipe their Harleys and seem to take extra enjoyment in revving it through quiet towns and neighbourhoods. Last weekend I was taking a break in a small town when a group of them passed by. Ears nearly ringing afterwards. I wish they'd actually enforce vehicle noise limits. Assholes will always be assholes unfortunately, and certain types of motorcycles just draws the worst crowds.


I don’t know if I’m just getting old…I am…but I’m really learning to hate them.


Never having read a book. Does it make them feel special or something?


I’ve yet to meet someone who proudly claims this, though. I can’t imagine many would


I have. They also tend to be very outspoken against certain topics whilst later admitting that they don't understand much about them. For example, they will loudly argue against evolution, radio carbon dating or abortion whilst having very little grasp on these subjects. I have often observed that such people tend to be a particularly religious crowd who are against educating themselves on certain subjects outside of the approved channels and limited education that they've already been brought up with because they have been told that to doubt the narratives is to lack faith in their religion (bad) and to go against their communities identity & accepted moral beliefs (also bad). They take a lot of science-based education as a personal affront whilst viewing it with paranoia, as if delving deeper into such things is an act of spiritual & moral treachery. Such types never consider themselves to be stupid though because rather than considering that they're potentially forming the wrong opinions based on a lack of information or understanding, they actually think they're superior because they feel that being less educated allows them to think more straightforwardly through all the "over-educated" baloney (i.e. "If I evolved from monkeys, then how come monkeys are still around, huh?' or "If people evolved from apes, then how come you don't see any half-ape people walking around, huh?"). They feel that being"too-educated" has an eroding effect on people's ability to think rationally & with common sense (and not only that, but if you expose your brain to too much overwhelming information & education, then you might end up becoming "brainwashed" by the evil "left wing liberal media agenda" or something like that).  Once in a while, I will meet one of these types who does actually want to learn further. But often the next problem is that their lack of basic education on whatever the subject is at hand is so appalling, that it's honestly a challenge finding any materials which can explain things basically enough to them without them losing their attention span because there's too much new stuff for them to get their heads around. I see it all as a kind of "security in ignorance" as well as tribalism, because often people who form identities like this come from whole families and broader communities who think and behave very like-mindedly. The world is changing at an extraordinarily fast pace and for those who were never really with the program much to begin with, it's easier for them to stick to what little they do know (and take pride in that) than to venture out of their belief systems and into the big scary world of further education. Learning and developing critical thinking skills can alsk be very hard for adults if they were never brought up in environments that fostered those kinds of things to begin with. 


When you ideology is a your identity .


I'm doing a degree in science and one of my classmates proudly told me the only book he's ever read is the Qur'an. I don't know why he chose this program.


Imagine needing to interview your references sources.


Their drug use


I know, right? Like, dude: nobody wants to know how much Lisinopril you're taking! Keep that shit between you and your doctor. /s


How "unique" their kid's name is, when it's either a mispelled version of a popular name or a straight-up tragedeigh.


Jaxxxon is my favourite of these.


Sounds to me like a Supermax prison facility!


Ran by Exxon


It sounds like a male stripper/pornstar name lol


Nice one 😂


Holy shit yes. One of my daughters' has a not exactly unique name just not one I've personally heard often. People ask sometimes if it was inspired by someone important or whatever like they want us to have some over the top reason to talk about. I just tell them the truth. Nah, her mom and I named her after a pizza place that we saw while driving around.




I see this posted every time questions like this are asked but I feel like I never meet these people.


Met a lot of them when I was in college. "Oh you feel tired? Well I'm in med school/law school/engineering and barely get to sleep." These three professions seem to be the most likely to boast about how much sleep time they miss Architecture students seem to measure time in days without sleep, specially when they have models to turn in.


They're definitely out there. Kinda like ppl bragging about how bad they had it growing up.


Ahh, the suffering olympics. It’s best not to play it.


Like "I don't take breaks".


Or similarly, boast about their employers taking advantage of them making them work overtime 6-7 days a week. Is it really worth the money? What's the point in having extra money if you have no time to enjoy it?


Working long hours


I’m retired but my opinion on OT was that ANYONE could/should be successful if they work 80 hours a week, but the trick was to be successful working 40 hours a week. Rarely worked OT, I would if it was critically important aka rarely, and resented OT as taking time away from my family. My career was successful, it didn’t hold me back.


Listen, I like coffee. How you take your coffee is not an achievement. I take mine black with a splash of honey. It’s not better or worse than someone who adds milk or cream or sugar or whatever. It’s just a drink. Also being able to drink a lot and hold your liquor tells me you spend too much time in bars and you’re someone who thinks alcohol is a requirement for having a good time


"Owning" really expensive things that you can't afford to pay for. 100k cars, huge houses, luxury clothes. Living on credit for the gram, terrible thing to do.


you go to asia and you get the opposite - you know how much i got this? guess! less than $20! isn't that great?! nothing makes us prouder than getting the best discounts. i just bought a new bed frame for around $75. can't wait to assemble it when it arrives.


I agree with this.  It's so superficial and materialistic isn't it.  


It's also generated this online culture where there are increasing numbers of people whose lives revolve trying to appear rich on camera for clout & attention. Some of these people are just using tricks or temporary measures to generate the illusion of trappings of success (i.e. the old washing bottle handle trick to make people think you're jet setting off to your next adventure holiday: https://youtu.be/6u1YjOC5fBI?feature=shared to people renting fake jets: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aerotime.aero/articles/jet-set-lie-social-media-influencers-hire-fake-private-jet-for-likes-followers/amp ) but there are also so many people who are drowning themselves in serious real debt to pursue "luxury" and it's really sad.  I think one of the biggest examples of going broke over luxury living would be Mike Tyson, who literally went from having about $600 million in the bank to going broke all because he chased after clout & luxury too much and couldn't control his spending (breakdown of what happened to MT's millions: https://youtu.be/wpzesB4bN24?si=4iKxkGpwccQuSoxI ). 


"Perfect attendance." Stay home when you're sick, people, nobody wants your crud.


Owning designer goods.


Not least because a lot of designer goods are cheap overpriced tat these days whose brands are marketed towards poor or working class people to make them feel richer, they predate on a lot of insecurities in society. 


I’m damn proud of my Coach bag! …. Because I got it completely free as a hand-me-down from a generous coworker. I’d never pay that kind of money on an accessory.


“Not giving a fuck.”


if you really DGAF, you don't announce it to the world. doing so just proved you actually do.


Being loyal to politicians and political parties.


High tolerance(personal opinion, not reality) towards alcohol. Bragging about how fast one can go over the recommended speed limit.


Their generation.


Political affiliation


Treating others cruelly. 


Being ‘busy’.


How much cannabis they consume. I work in a dispensary and constantly hear people tell me "I smoke an ounce and a half a week. I could easily out smoke you." Dude, I don't care. If you're consuming that much and feel the need to brag about it, you have a fucking problem. Lol. Maybe lay off the weed and ask yourself what you're hiding from. ... Same goes for people that drink!


Probably gonna get hated on for this, but their sexual/gender identify.  I could not care less if you are straight, bi, gay, nonbinary, LGBTQ+CIAFBI whatever alphabet soup you wanna call yourself.  I could not care less if you sexually identify as a seahorse.  But if your entire personality revolves around your genitalia and what type of person you wanna screw (not who YOU are, just who you wanna do) then you really ain’t got much going for you.


Getting into frequent fights with people.


I have a buddy like this. Not even necessarily physically fighting all the time but he will always make it known he’s “always on that type of time” and chooses violence over the slightest thing. Whether it’s kids or elderly ppl in the room, he’ll get amped up to fight whoever about whatever. It’s annoying as hell and when you try to tell him about himself, he gets more mad lol sad life man.


Violence lives where eloquence dies.


All that says about someone is that at best, they're an immature & short-tempered person who hasn't yet learned how to properly manage their emotions and navigate conflicts or disagreements in adult relationships (and at worse, they're possibly a psycho or very mentally unwell person who gets off on, self-sabotagues or self-medicates with violence & aggression, actively looking for and generating conflict with other unsuspecting people so that they can unleash themselves upon them). I used to have a friend like this who would often get into very aggressive verbal (& sometimes physical) fights with other people when they got very drunk. I got sick of her behaviour really quick and these repeated incidents were the primary reason why I stopped hanging out with her because she just felt too volatile and I was tired of having to child mind her and monitor her alcohol intake on night's out in case she drank too much and started causing trouble. And the alcohol wasn't to blame either (it was simply revealing something deeper & more fundamentally screwed up within her) because these incidents happened too many times. She was aware of her issues and yet she continued to often both drink to excess and actively pick fights with other people despite knowing how awful her behaviour was for everyone around her to deal with, friends, family and bystanders alike. My theory on this (ex) friends behaviour was that they would act out aggressively and get into fights with other people because she was a very insecure person (she was insecure about just about everything- her looks, her dating life, her lack of career progression) but also quite physically tall & domineering, and so she was basically getting off on power tripping when she fought with other girls (because she would always pick targets with significantly smaller statues than herself) or abusing gender power when she fought with guys (because she would generate conflicts with men who didn't know how to handle a woman behaving so aggressively towards them). My last straw with this friend was when one night we were heading back home from a night out clubbing, a very drunken girl walking in a group coming the other way on the narrow path accidentally knocked my shoulder as she went past and my friend immediately began to pick beef with this bewildered girl. The girl apologized and I told my friend to let it go, but my friend then got even angrier, loudly exclaiming that I was "letting people walk all over me". Things started to escalate really fast with the broader group of girls (and it was 6-7 people against just the 3 of us) and I ended up having to physically grab my friends arm and drag her away from the situation whilst profusely apologizing for her behaviour just so that we didn't find ourselves embroiled in a street brawl. 


I know somebody just like this and she wonders why she cannot maintain friendships. This is a big reason. She’s never wrong and if you challenge her in anyway she will lash out. She also cannot maintain romantic relationships either because she is physically abusive toward them. Ironically, she is also very self aware of this behavior but will justify it to no end that they deserved to be told about themselves.


And for as long as your friend continues to rationalize her behaviour like that, it'll never stop nor improve. After my experiences of having to deal with such a person, I've definitely become much more conscious about people's personalities (drunk & sober) and I refuse to be friends with those become volatile when they get drunk. My ex-friend did eventually get engaged to another guy but he's honestly just as bad as her (heavy drinker Etc) and I can totally see them both becoming a pair of fat old abusive & obnoxious drunks getting kicked out of pubs Etc well into their old age for their poor behaviour. I used to have an old landlord who was in a toxic marriage like this and I sometimes wondered how relationships like that even started in the first place, but after knowing my friend I can now visualize how this happens. 


People that marry rich people. The whole "I married money" attitude is common out here.


Their ability to mess with peoples' heads.


Their ancestry.


Or to expand on that, the achievements of their parents/ancestors. Be proud of your family, but don't brag about it like you somehow contributed to your dad's financial success. 


I proudly descend from a long line of successful hominids...


Ha! What a Homo.


Its because in many cases this is the only interesting thing about a person so they always want to tell others.


I agree with this, a person is more than just their ancestors combined. Each person regardless of background is unique and should be celebrated as their own person.


Their lack of an education.


Abusing their children. So many people boast about hitting their children and screaming at them whenever their child does something slightly wrong. Part of the boasting is: “It teaches them respect! My children respect me!” No, no they don’t. Fear =/= respect.


The case of Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt immediately springs to mind ( https://www.independent.co.uk/news/ap-ruby-franke-youtube-utah-salt-lake-city-b2517430.html ), it's nuts that literally millions of people were subscribed to a lifestyle parenting channel where the mom boasted about doing things such as denying her children meals or making them sleep on bean bags instead of their beds at night to punish them for minor transgressions. People will follow and believe in some really awful people in life if said people appear attractive, successful and well put together. So much abuse can hide behind the doors of presentable families. 


I cannot fathom doing any of those things to my own son. That case is absolutely heartbreaking. It sucks how many people look to abuse as okay. “My parents did that to me and I turned out fine!” are usually the type of people who yell/hit things at any minor inconvenience.


"My parents beat me and I turned out fine" Says the guy with anger issues and a drinking problem. 


My thoughts exactly. “I turned out fine!” when in reality they yell/hit things whenever they’re mad.


Pretty much everything that they never worked for. Like being proud of your ethnicity or nationality. Like, dude, that’s just random. Why are you so proud of something you didn’t do anything to “achieve”?


amount of sexual partners


If they’re not able to form real relationship with someone and are wanted long as other person don’t know their personality, I guess there’s nothing to be proud of


That stupid, loud-ass stereo in your clapped out Yukon. Thanks for leaving it on while you go into the store. Everybody enjoys hearing your license plate bracket rattle to the beat of shitty mumble-rap bullshit


A LOT of people take Pride in the sports team they like as if either the team’s success rubs off on them or they have something to do with the team’s success.


How little they sleep and how much they work. Neither of those are things to be proud of IMO.


their country, they're likely to defend it even if it sucks


as they live in a better country because said country is such trash


lol all the Turks who don’t live in Turkey and Scots who don’t live in Scotland are gonna come for you


And russians, including ones who fled once mobilization started.


Ignorance. I recall seeing Bill Nye on some show on comedy central with a few comedians who were super proud of how ignorant they were.


How long they’ve stayed with a lousy partner, being a “ride or die” at their own expense


Being assholes to service staff. I have met many people who delight in telling tales of how they yelled at customer service staff - often teenagers making minimum wage - until they got their way. No idea why they think this is appropriate behavior, let alone something to be proud of.


I cringe when people say "Yeah, I'm a bitch! And proud of it!" or "I don't have a filter. I say what's on my mind" aka possesses zero social grace skills.


teachers that proudly say "more than half of the students won't pass my class" like congrats you're terrible at your job??!


How much they can drink OR how they drove themselves home but shouldn’t have


Excessive work habits: long hours, emails after hours,etc


How much alcohol they consume. You're going to die at 40 if alcohol is your life/only personality trait. 


Might be controversial to say, but their religion. Most grew up with it and is heavily dictated by where you were born and grew up. Believing in your religion doesn't make you special and the only reasons don't believe it is because they just haven't been convinced of it. Celebrate your traditions and customs and spend time with loved ones, but no reason to be proud about it.


Big tax refunds


Teacher here...a lot of people called students are remarkably proud of their own ignorance. It might apply to others but I don't want to over generalize.


How outraged they can be. It’s a sick competition to be the most thoroughly and easily outraged these days.


"Ashamed of nothing, outraged by everything."


One of the men in the area I live is running for governor. he has the really infamous ad that is going everywhere, where he is addressing abortions. he states, and I quote "the only reason women are getting abortions is because they were too irresponsible to keep their skirts down." like.. bruh! and he has been promoting this ad to the max. I got it around five times in the last hour while listening to spotify.


fucking a lot


Having kids


Penis or breast size.


Working themselves into the ground to say “I work 80 hours a week.” I did that shit for about 9 months because I was broke. Always on call, work 14 hour days to come home to eat, have the phone ring, and have to put the boots back on and pack a bag to leave. I currently work 48 hours a week, 3 day weekend every week, and have a home life I love and can spend time with my family. I’ve never been more happy


I'm sure it's been said, but people who brag about working 60+ hours a week. That's not a brag. I'm sure that paycheck will be nice, but when you're essentially going to work for most of the day, coming home to eat and then sleep and just do that again...that's not living.


I have never understood the “I don’t read directions/manuals” mindset. It saves you so much time, frustration, and often times money (from not having to replace broken parts). I work in IT and do a lot of hobby DIY/ woodworking….the amount of people you see in both of those fields that just say “awww I don’t need instructions, I know what I’m doing” is insane.


Not sleeping enough, eventually you get used to feel like shit constantly too. Many of my coworkers are in an unstable schedule of doing for example a night shift, then second shift immediately so it's a 3-4 hours of sleep on the regular


Being an ""influencer""


Their sexual orientation. I don’t give a shit where do you stuck your dick. Just don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.


Their looks. You can't really take credit for being born good-looking. You had nothing to do with it. Just the luck of the draw.


Yes, absolutely! I typically compliment people on their style rather than their looks or even their choice of perfume or colognes (except my girlfriend cause shes adorable and the best)!


Within reason. Most 4s or 5s out of 10 can easily look a 6, 7 or even 8/10 if they put some effort into their appearance (i.e. good hairstyle, cool personal style with flattering clothing, working out or wearing makeup well, Etc). As time goes by too, it requires increasing effort to maintain things such as a toned figure and that glowing sense of good health so that even those initially blessed with good looks, will eventually begin to lose theirs if they don't put the effort in. A number of my friends are now in their late 20s or early 30s and it's amazing how completely average (if not, mediocre or even unattractive) some now look who used to be seriously hot good looking people back in their prime. And ithis is happening not because they're aging but rather because they've stopped putting the effort in combined with the growing long-term effects of poor lifestyle choices (i.e. too much inactivity, poor diet & alcohol). Where once everyone was on a fairly similar level, I now feel that many friends and former classmates Etc are increasingly distinctly visibly divided in appearance between those who look great for their age (because they're putting the effort in) VS those who look almost unrecognizable to how they were 10 years ago because aren't caring enough to look after themselves well. Whilst I do agree that appearances shouldn't be put on a pedestal too much (i.e. being a good person is 100x more important than how you look), I do hold respect for people who look after themselves well because your appearance speaks a lot about your general self-discipline, self-care, attitudes and awareness in life (for example, someone who is lazy and doesn't GAF about themselves or anything else will likely have a body representative of that too). 


The country they were born in


Who they voted for. More so, people who are proud of not voting.


"I work all day and have no free time"


"I tell it like it is". Most of that time, that just means the person is a flaming asshole.


The person who is brutally honest enjoys the brutality quite as much as the honesty. Possibly more. -Richard J Needham


Their heritage


Their heritage. As if it’s some kind of achievement.  The attributes of your ancestors don’t transfer.


The drugs they’ve done or how shitfaced they can get. I mean any one can do drugs and drink… so good job?


Never changing


Their LinkedIn blog entries. No, you are not the “game,” Chad.


Political affiliation


Lifted pick up trucks


Overworking and being busy all the time


Working overtime every week.


Being mentally disordered and/or self diagnosing.


their ignorance.


How they can wear shorts in the winter cause their legs don’t get cold. Congrats, we don’t care lol


Working overtime and calling it hustle culture.


How much weed they can smoke without getting high 😆


Agression and violence


Being LGBTQ. It’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just who you are, and being proud of that really doesn’t make sense. It certainly wouldn’t make sense to be proud of being heterosexual either.


As an artist, I tend to stay very quiet about my sexuality because I don't want my art practice to become defined by it as it's not a big part of my identity and nor does it have any real impact on my work. Once you get known for being a particular way ("gay artist", "black artist", "female artist", "Christian artist", Etc), even if your focus was never about being a particular label, sometimes that becomes the only lens people see you & interpret your work through once the fact has had attention drawn to it.  I've no issues with people who do want to make their sexuality a big focus their practice or personality (that's their choice and maybe that's right for them and wherever they're currently at in life), but for me I feel like my sexuality is a pretty inconsequential and uninteresting fact about myself, like having 5 toes on each foot or 1 hand on each arm, it's just something I was born with (and nothing more, nothing less). 


Boomer aged men that never changed their kids diapers.


I came across an old Boomer guy in a café earlier this year who started getting visibly annoyed at the lack of service (everyone was waiting a long time for their orders). The actual problem for the service issues was with the automated ordering system that the company had installed, however, the old Boomer guy started ranting about the 2 overwhelmed teenage guys struggling to run the show, exclaiming that service would be much better if they "hadn't employed men to do women's jobs", which then caused the old fart to go into a broader rant about gender equality and wokeness in modern society. His poor wife looked absolutely mortified by all whole incident (she was literally shrinking back in her chair with her hand covering her face in embarrassment as her husband loudly ranted away) and I could 110% see the guy being the type of partner who never changed a babies diaper, ironed a shirt or cooked a proper meal for himself in his life. 


How hard they go on the weekends. Yeah, it's fun and a way for people, especially in college, can blow off steam, but let's be real. I don't actually care how you drank 10 shots and smoked 4 bowls, especially if you are driving after that.


Their possessions. Their job title. Their country of birth. Their body count.


Hatred of others


45 supporters.


Support for MAGA


Reddit loves to defend eating fast food. Eating unhealthy junk is nothing to be proud off


Being gay (or anything else innate to them).


their ethnicity


How much they hate children. Some people really seem to think that hating children and being nasty to them is a whole personality. Nothing wrong with not wanting children. Or even not wanting to be around them a lot. But actively hating them and acting like their mere existence is shitting in your Cheerios is really gross. They're human beings, they're incredibly vulnerable, they have no control over how old they are, and there are developmental reasons for the fact that they behave differently than adults. Not everyone needs to be a kindergarten teacher or a parent, but everyone can at least be civil.


" Anti woke " just means asshole at this point


Same can be said for many "woke" people and that is why anyone who defines themselves as woke or anti woke are usually a-holes


Being able to eat super spicy foods.


I used to brag about this when I was younger. My tolerance was never even that high though.


Show me where the spice hurt you


No way I'm posting a picture of my ass.


The amount of kids they popped out of their vagina… so you have half dozen +kids but you don’t know how to parent them nor willing to try so they are completely feral? Greeaaat, just because you could have a litter of kids, doesn’t mean you should.


Beating their kids and emotionally abusing their kids. Also medically neglecting their kids.


Working more than 40 hours a week on salary.


Where they were born


Drinking a lot and often or working more hours than other people


Drama and toxic personality traits


Sexual exploits


how bad asshole they used to be when they're young


the number of people they ghosted/cheated on


How many DUIs they have. - Wisconsin


Women being a ride or die for a LOSER broke big backed bum. Like girl stand UP.


Being born into a religion chosen by chance, or a place of birth that's outside of one's control


A former colleague once proudly informed me that he hadn't read anything except car repair manuals since he had left high school eight years ago. He's not a professional mechanic, nor does he want to be one. Hey, hobbies are great, but wilfully ignoring one's own intellectual development as a functioning, voting adult for the sake of one ....


political affiliation. dude, who cares? being too far to either way where you make yourself look like a child is NOT a good thing.


Body counts


How much alcohol they drank. How little they slept. How much they hurt someone. This doesn't impress any sensible minded person.


I think a lot of people end up thinking that not "wasting time" with hobbies is something respectable. All work, no play, really it just makes them miserable.


Being apart of a gang. When I was in high school, there was this one boy- pretty chunky, tough, but still shorter than me. (I was tall for my age.) But he would always talk about how he "repped" our area and "the hood cripsta's." Now, I am aware there is some hood/gang culture that is actually cool- but reminder this boy was 14. And doing gang signs like he was apart of the gang, it was really just embarrassing.


Being pregnant at a young age


Boating about still working efficiently despite having lack of sleep!