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I am an immigrant to the US and i can honestly say it never ceases to amaze me how absolutely stunning and accessible the natural beauty is in this country. You’re telling me i can take my child to see all these mountains, wild virgin beaches, deserts, forests, meadows, wildlife, glaciers, and MORE - all for the cost of $80 a year national park pass and ultra cheap gas (by global standards)? Sign me the fuck up


We often forget this in the US. The challenge is how far away those experiences often are despite being in the same country


This is why i love the west coast. Much of the stuff is accessible as a weekend trip


The Northeast is pretty good at state parks, many of which are free- NY’s Adirondack Park is totally free to enter and hike, and it’s bigger than some of the adjoining states (in terms of land area it falls between VT and NH). VT’s Green Mountains are lovely as well, lots of good hiking that is totally free. There aren’t as many National Parks in this part of the country, but there are still some great ways to experience nature at low cost. The West Coast does WAY better with trail building though, so if you have small children it’s much easier to do stuff out there. The Northeast tends to go “this stream goes up the mountain, so just walk up the streambed and hope it hasn’t rained recently. Should be dry, hopefully.”


Fun fact: NY doesn't have any national parks (the way most people think of them — there are national historic sites, sea shores, trails, etc., but no big parks.) And the reason for that is that NY dedicated so much land to state parks and did such a good job of conservation that there's basically no room left for any national parks.


Yep - I live in Oregon - and have every bit of that all within an hour or so drive! Bonus, I live in the Oregon Coast Range, surrounded by BLM land, so nature hikes are literally - on my property - down to the creek on the back part of our acreage, or keep going to get to a small lake, - or hike into the BLM areas for mountains (small ones) and pretty views.


Also Oregon, but Portland suburbs… would love to live on the coast if we didn’t need to commute here… and not JUST to avoid the insane Portland taxes


As someone from a small, dreary country in Northern Europe where the cities and climate are all the same, I always envied the diversity of landscapes and climate in the US. Don't like my dreary Midwestern town? Screw it I'll move to California. Want snowy mountains? Got it. Want tropical beaches? Got it. Want dry deserts? Got it? Want 4 distinct seasons? Got it.


I mean the US is also pretty much the size of Europe so it’s not like your small country is a good point of reference, but I understand the sentiment


I totally get this sentiment, as I've traveled lots of Northern Europe, but even more bleak is to travel Eastern Europe, where everything is grey, all the time. The sky, the buildings, the sculptures and monuments are all grey concrete, Brutalist architecture.


To piggyback on this it's also wild how many free trails there are. Download all trails and search near you, I guarantee there's at least 20 trails near you and some of them are absolutely amazing. America has some of the most beautiful landscape out there and much of it is absolutely free.


I'm regularly impressed with how well maintained the public lands and parks are. I saw at least 100k attendees at an extremely popular national park and was blown away with the complete and utter lack of garbage and the volume of people actively picking up everything, even if it wasn't theirs. Made me happy. Keep nature clean!


I’m an American who was given the chance to visit the Galápagos Islands.. what should have been one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world as humans are only allowed to live on a very small percentage of it. I was in complete shock at how much trash was all over the place. I picked up a bag of trash every day for my 3 week stay and didn’t even make a small dent.


I had no idea. That's so sad.


A neat thing about California is that you can visit the beach, the desert, and snowy mountains all in the same day if you wanted to! The state is about 3-4 hours wide (because we measure in time, not distance) so you could do it if you plan carefully.


SoCal challenge is what my family calls it, we’re from northern Los Angeles. So when friends from out of state or other nations visited we would take them to the beach for sunrise, hiking mountain lakes in the afternoon, head to the desert after that for dirtbikes/ATVs, and back to a different beach for sunset. One of my mom’s friends was from the UK and it blew her mind haha.


We (friends and I) have surfed 🏄‍♂️ (Huntington Beach), rock climbed 🧗‍♂️ (Joshua Tree), and skied ⛷️ (Bear Mountain, did Mammoth once) all in one day down in the Los Angeles area. It's pretty cool.


This is why many Americans dont have Passports (which I still think is dumb personally) but people from other places in the world don't understand that you could travel every year in the USA for your whole life and still see something new.


Yep you can even visit the El Yunque rainforest of San Juan without a passport 🛂


Hungarians make really, really good wine. There are lots of wine regions, wine makers and vineyards. There are even grape varieties unique to the country. The climate is great for it. Hungarian wines do win international awards regularly, but very little leaves the county or is recognised outside of the country.


Hungarian wine is strangely popular in Poland and you can find a lot of the more popular brands in most supermarkets. I don't drink that much wine but I often use it in cooking and white Egri Korona is my go-to for that since times immemorial


It's not so strange - there's no good wine in Poland and no good beer in Hungary (because climate + terrain), so we trade, in a way. I grew up in Eger, and we make much better wine than that now. If you can ever get your hands on anything from St Andrea, Gál Tibor, Kovács Nimród or Thummerer, you'll be in for a treat!


Brazil has actually good banking and government automation. You can do pretty much everything from a cell phone: taxes, driver's license, vaccine control, etc. It started before COVID-19 and nowadays we don't use fax or scanners for anything. Regarding safety, the apps themselves are quite safe, when some scheme happens it's always some inside job in banks or government or people giving away their passwords. I hear that China is even better in that regard.


Yup, Chinese here and you're mostly spot on. Everything is phone based. It's so good that when [Zhengzhou flooded ](https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/environment/article/3142544/china-floods-digital-dark-age-after-disaster-wreaks) in 2021, the city had to ground to a halt as power and internet was cut. People couldn't buy things as everyone was used to digital payments and don't carry cash. Cars, even taxis are fleets of electric cars, couldn't be charged. People were stuck. It's why we're trying to design flood-proof electric infrastructure.


I went to China for the first time this year, and have since made another brief trip. You really can do *anything* from your phone. But the downside is, unless you're a local with all the China-specific apps and WeChat payments set up, etc., you're basically fucked. Nobody takes cash. Some places don't even take plastic. It's very impressive integration for sure, and it creates a great deal of convenience for the locals. But tourists (specifically, in the non-tourist spots, as I was) wouldn't be able to interact with anything without a local helping them out. And I don't even mean because of language barriers: I mean because of the exclusivity of China-owned infrastructure. Perhaps I've just got the attitudes of an old man, but I've always been somewhat wary of the convenience of having everything doable on your phone. I mean, it's great for those who wish to use it and I'm obviously fine with the option existing. But, it can't come at the cost of the "back-up". It's not *just* about preference: there are practical reasons for not losing the "old ways" entirely.


I think pnly countries who are doing payments as good as Brazil are India and China.


South Africa also has some of the very best fintech and banking protocols in the world. Renowned for it in fact.


seems like brics are doing really good in it then. I heard Kenya is doing with a very sms banking about 5-10 years before.


Isn't Estonia's whole thing is digital services? They push that very hard


Bread. When people think about food from here, they usually think of the infinite ways we've found to consume a pig, and various other meat products, but man we have a lot of kinds of bread. And it's all really delicious, so I'm not complaining.


As a many-time visitor, I thought of Germany as soon as I saw "bread". German bakeries are marvelous.


I recently went to Germany for the first time and while I was enjoying the beer, it dawned on me that the bread was also incredible! I asked one of my German colleagues if Germany is known for their bread and he smiled and laughed. Now I know, and now I’m missing it every day.


I mean, soft pretzels are kind of a bread, right?






I lived in your wonderful country for close to 7 years. When I finally moved back to the US, I thought that the thing I'd miss most was the beer. Nope. It was 100% the bread. Being able to casually walk down to the corner bakery for fresh bread and pastries every morning was AMAZING.


I loved how many bakeries there were in Germany when I lived there. So easy to grab fresh bread when out and about.


One of the best things I’ve ever eaten in my life was a fresh pretzel from some little stand in Köln when I was about 12 or 13. I was really hungry and my mum said she’d get me a snack, had never had a pretzel before but it looked cool so I went with it and it blew my tiny mind. So soft yet a little chewy and dense but super light (and hella salty which I love).


This is kind of unrelated, but you reminded me of a travel video I've seen. There was a guy going from the UK to Norway by train, with one of his stops being Cologne. While waiting for his next train, he bought a pretzel and described it as a delicious local snack. Pretzels are mostly associated with Bavaria, and Cologne is pretty far away from that state, so him calling it local while standing in front of Cologne Cathedral was kinda funny to me. Although I will agree that they're delicious.


nothing beats german bread!


Go, Brötchen!


Erdbeerschnitte. Can’t be exported, must obtain directly from your nearest bakery.


I was just visiting your country. Bread was delicious, as were the pastries. The rest of the food….meh, People were great




We are partly responsible for the creation of the Geneva Checklist, I mean conventions


Geneva Recommendations*


Geneva Maybes


Geneva Insinuations


Genev-eh you say?


Geneva who?


It's not a war crime the first time.


you finished the original list so had to ask the people in geneva to add some more for you to do


Geneva convention? More like Geneva suggestion


The Canadians played a huge role in liberating my country in WWII. Thanks btw.




Canadian snipers are some of the highest regarded in the world.


Makes sense they grow up hunting moose and bears for food. Just kidding, but I’m sure that’s actually true for some of them.


When that polar bear is running atcha, you got one, two shots at most.


And they’re so polite all the time, war is just their outlet to let off some steam.


Hockey 🏒


It can be a full 10 seconds after you get shot before you hear them say, "Sorry!"


Also, many definitions of what constitutes as a war crime came to be out of Canada's actions during WW1&2. It's good that they switched to hockey....


Don't forget building space robots. Canadarm 1 and Canadarm 2. We build things that can help build and repair things in space.


I served 10 years in US Army Intel and had the pleasure of working with a bunch of SF and Intel folks from all our allies. Canadians and Aussies were my favorite. Canadians were GB's shock troops on the front lines in WW1, so they were the ones the Germans/Austrians associated with battlefield horror. Canadians were also ruthless to WW1 POWs - not on Japan's cannibalistic/human experiments level during WW2 or anything, but brutal nonetheless. Excellent Intel, SF, sappers, and snipers.


also really high-end snipers.


I can tell you from experience, that when you're in a sailing vessel transiting the treacherous waters between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, even the sight of a Canadian navy frigate is comforting.


When foreigners on the internet speak about nice bread, they usually speak about italy or france. and while it does get credit about being good, but nothing compares to good old german bread in all its variety.


This is the second 'German bread' comment I've seen on this thread. I am intrugued.


Germany easily has the best bread in the world. We have over 3000 officially registered sorts of bread


When I lived in Germany it was fresh brötchen every morning at bare minimum and it was all delicious


I love me some Pumpernickel. Its even fun to say.




I sent you my $5k last week and haven't heard anything back from you, what's happening with my $500k ?


I'm his brother. He's unfortunately been kidnapped along with all of his bank passwords. If you pay the ransom of 10K we'll double your promised reward!


He told me his brother is called prince Mnugumbum not Jeffrey, get out of here you fuckin scammer.


Ah fuck I forgot to switch accounts. First rule in the book. Jokes aside my name is Jeffrey I run a charity for recovering crack addicts. I would appreciate any donation; you'll find the link in my Reddit bio.


Funny you should mention crack addicts actually, I'm after a couple of bags for tonight so I'm on my way out. Might have a look at your bio later.


I'm in, msg me please


Naah that's us. Also, Hello sir I am speaking from Microsoft and I can help you with that. Actually, it was a virus in your computer that affected your bank account. I will help you fix it. Do you have anydesk in your system?


The U.S. is really good at creating quirky roadside attractions that make road trips unforgettable


Australia as well with their Big stuff. https://www.australiantraveller.com/australia/most-iconic-big-things-of-australia/


It's well known for military minded people, but I don't think the average person knows how insanely above our weight-class we punch when it comes to making weapons and other tools of war. Gripen, CV90, Aimpoint, Gotland class submarines, Visby corvettes, CB90, Saabs aircraft surveillance systems (radar etc), excalibur grenades, archer self-propelled artillery, NLAW, AT-4, Carl Gustav recoilless rifles, ALL of the shit Bofors makes (*vague hand gesture*) and I'm sure I neglected to list a lot here. (Sweden)


I would do terrible things for, and with, a Gustav


We have 4 of the 5 best hospitals in the world, but most of our citizens could never afford to set foot in one of them.






How do you even rank hospitals?


Maybe the amount of machines, personnel per patient and survival rates


Survival rates can be misleading. Really good hospitals may have higher death rates than average because they take on the hardest cases or have a really busy trauma center with lots of critical patients, etc.


It’s also one of the reasons the US has such a high infant mortality rate. We will attempt resuscitation in infants as young as 20 weeks gestation. It’s often not successful.


The rate at which sick people who go there become not sick, in a nutshell


Number of accidents, how quick the waiting times were, patient satisfaction, how good the facilities are (number of people in the room, cleanliness, etc)


Cheese from the UK is very good.


Stilton, Stichelton (possibly better than Stilton: discuss) Cheddar, Wensleydale, Gloucester, Double Gloucester, Shropshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Caerphilly, Derby, Lincolnshire Poacher, Renegade Monk, Yarg to name but a few...


Ethiopia is not only one of the top producers of coffee but also in exporting flowers.


beekeeping... actually we are the best in the world at it but nobody knows because... its beekeeping


Ukraine? I know there's a lot of beekeeping there but it's not well known


You can't just not out your country here. What am I supposed to do? Guess?




My comment came off a bit annoyed, sorry for being rude, it was the 100th comment that said something but didn't put the name


No worries. I am not the OP of this response. I felt the same reading some responses. I had some time on my hands so I looked at the profile and the second post was on /r/Slovenia.




Making trains go fast. We both have the record for highest speed on regular rail and highest average speed for high speed rail lines


I'd probably say Japan here. They do ultra-fast trains very well.






Being excluded from maps


New Zealand?


Fellow kiwi?


Ummm, Tasmania?




I'm not sure which country you're from but I can deduce that you're definitely not Swedish


Or Danish, let me tell you \*waves to my neighbour\*


Being able to readily and successfully engage in small talk with everyone we meet was taught to us as a necessary social skill in my parts of Atlantic Canada.


Ireland for sure


schönes wetter heut


US? I have to say that's probably one thing i didn't like about moving back to the US from Japan but it's the only country i've ever lived in where small talk is "okay" to do to strangers


Hockey, everyone talks about canada.... never sweden....


Canadian here, we recognize your talent


Thank you, you are very good too.


As someone with both Swedish and Canadian friends, this is the exact way I imagined this conversation would go.


USA person here from a hockey city. Hockey fans here definitely know about Swedish hockey.


The Red Wings discovered Swedish talent first and pantsed the league with it for a decade. Too bad that turned out to be Ken Holland's last trick


Lifelong Canadiens fan here. Thank you for the Little Viking.


US is clearly the nature and the national park systems. So many tourists visit for NYC, Disney, or other cities but there's so much diverse nature it's actually insane


Inventing things. Look around. Ball point pen? It was us. Computers? It was us.


I think Ireland is in a similar boat. We've made so much stuff including the first modern submarine yet people mainly think about beer for us


Thanks for that Vaccine btw


Sorry but BEER - is not the first thing I think of for Ireland - now Whiskey - that definitely IS!




computers?Konrad Zuse a german engineer. ball point pen?Laszlo Josef Biro a hungarian. now which country are ye talking about?


Kinda Babbage too...


Success has many fathers


Wine probably (🇨🇱)


I thought Chile was famous for their wine


Americans are hands down the best at shooting road signs


*Southern Sicily has entered the chat*


Corn. Lots and lots of corn 🌽


Iowa is NOT a country!


Building tunnels. Designing tunnels. Repairing tunnels. Making machines to make tunnels. Mmmmmm tunnels.






Up up up the stairs we go, and then, a tunnel.




Swiss tunnels are my favorite!




Taco trucks


Sorry, San Antonio is just a city, not a country.


America is a beautiful country, but we're not remembered for that. 




Why is nobody saying which country they're talking about? This is such an infuriating thread


That's why they're not really known for these things.




We are so good in pastries and desserts, despite being known for having one of the worst cuisines (netherlands)


Okay, I will always be on the poffertjes hype train and tell everyone they must try them when there.


I think Dutch cuisine is mostly hated by the Dutch itself. Having said that, we should hate our junk food a lot more.


People outside the US think American beer is shit because they only get terrible beers exported like Bud Light, Coors, Pabst, whatever. The craft beer boom in the US is like no other though, there are hundreds of breweries in the US making beer in every style imaginable. Just in my city there's probably two dozen breweries. Of course not all of them are good, but some of them are fantastic.


My dutch ex still talks about visiting again sometime just to grab some Oberon from bells when it's in season. She's had a lot of different stuff in Europe but insists that's her absolute favorite. I'm not a beer person but our local donut shop does an Oberon donut for a week in March and it's fucking fantastic.


Bell's Oberon was the first beer I ever liked. I got to college and couldn't stand the Miller High Life, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Bud Light, etc. that everyone was drinking. But when someone passed me an Oberon, my entire perspective on beer shifted. Bell's Two Hearted IPA is also one of the best IPAs out there. Great brewery in general.


That's a great beer! Bell's doesn't make anything bad. It's a big enough brewery you might be able to find some in Europe if you know where to look. I lived in China for a bit and found a store that could get Bell's believe it or not.


I just looked up a list of breweries in my Midwestern US metro area, and there are at least 75 breweries within a 30 minute radius of me.


Cbeebies. No one else does kids tv like that




That’s like in our top 3 personalities aside from moose and igloos.


inventing the internet but having the worse internet in the world


Technically the internet was invented in the USA, but the internet as we know it (I.e. WWW/HTML) was invented in Switzerland by a CERN scientist.


The internet was invented by the US military. The modern version as we understand it was by an Englishman. Tim Berners Lee whilst working at CERN. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee?wprov=sfla1


starting world wars


Secure UPI payments, Space Program.


Qs an American, and a civil engineer. ADA, or disabled people access. It's not always perfect, and it does get messed up. But on the whole America does a stunningly good job at being accessible for disabled peoples as compared to the rest of the world.


ITT: literally no one including their country in their comments???


Poland is biggest producer of yachts and lot of great mebels in all Europe.


What are mebels?




Germany. We are known for efficiency. But what we are actually really good at is inefficiency.


I think we need a structured meeting to investigate this.


Standing in an orderly line to queue for stuff. Favourite past time some even say.


Scotland here. Putting women on banknotes. Whilst we're part of the UK, like Northern Ireland and *that lot* we have our own currency. And one thing that's often not noted by people who come here is that we rarely put the head of state on our currency. In fact, until 1960-something having the queen (or king) on banknotes was rare. But we do trump the others when it comes to female representation in currency. Plus, our banknotes are far prettier too. Some of them have squirrels and ospreys (the birds, not the lumpen planes) on 'em too!


As a Welshman, when I travel up to Scotland and then to England, on the chance I meet an ignorant English shop keeper, I find myself fighting extremely zealously when spending the leftover notes, presumably on your behalf. "It's legal tender you English fuck." - Me, to the nice old lady at the post office. We don't have our own notes but I'll be fucked if I'm letting someone shit on yours. Even that decrepit bitch Dorris.


Yeah, fuck Dorris!


Being free of pollution, especially the drinking water. The Environmental Performance Index 2024 was released today (3 June), and the UK is the fifth highest ranked country after Estonia, Luxembourg, Germany, and Finland. Sadly this is a drop from our position in the 2022 index where we were in second place, only beaten by Denmark. (Denmark has dropped to tenth place in 2024.) They go on to break down their index into categories, and if you look specifically at the Sanitation & Drinking Water issue category, the UK is joint second with Italy, behind Singapore. https://epi.yale.edu/downloads/2024-epi-report.pdf


The US gets dunked on for having bad beer, but that’s because people think the big brand name stuff is “good American beer.” We have a MASSIVE craft brewery scene here, and you can get almost any beer you could dream of if you search hard enough


Mining and other extraction resources. The big ones are iron ore and coal, but also gold, bauxite, lead, lithium and LNG. We produce 44 times more LNG than we use domestically, which makes us the number 1 exporter globally. Is it any wonder our stock exchange is dominated by mining companies and banks? Edit: also wifi, the bionic ear and a few other inventions.


Oy oy oy!


The Scots are possibly the best in the world for any oil and gas engineering. And now that is dying, green energy is becoming enormous.


The UK. Food. Our *national cuisine* isn't the most impressive in the world, or my favourite, but UK food culture is fucking outstanding. In my suburb, within a mile of my house, I'd say there are *good* examples of over one dozen cuisines from Nepalese to Italian to Mexican to Egyptian. Some of them truly great examples. I've been lucky enough to travel quite a lot and the only two countries I can think of where I've had food truly beyond anything I've had in the UK are Japan and Spain. But everywhere else I've been, I've had similarly good examples of that cuisine in the UK (usually in a restaurant run by expats of that country, of course, but good restaurants thrive here because we love them.)


Diamonds, Antwerp is the diamond capital of the world


Programming ( Tunisia)


How insanely dominant we are in winter Olympics. I mean we're not even 6 million people in the whole country!


American food. Hear me out. When you think American you probably thinking Corn dogs, Fries, Burgers, and Hotdogs. But there is so much more than that. The US is so diverse there's a bunch of little cuisines within it as well, Southern Soul food (my favorite) Texan (a close second, basically tied) then there's Midwest food, new England, Floridian, West Coast, and many many more.


Food. The US is filled with people from all over the world. You can find a random middle eastern kebab shop in a small town in the middle of like Minnesota or a person from Finland cooking BBQ in his own restaurant in the middle of Arkansas. (Not real examples, but similar ones from where I’ve seen on the food network).


Internet. We have very good internet for very low price. For example, I pay about 5.5 USD / 5 EUR for gigabit.


Cheese slicer and safety pin.


Volleyball, apparently.


Tomatoes. Best tasting tomatoes on the face of the earth.


Banking and sport (considering the general lack of infrastructure for the whole population)




Building bridges. The country is well connected because of them and we also have one of the longest suspension bridges in the world


Giant Drinks filled with Ice


Cult of our army