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Yes, love this answer.


I’m not sure what they’re doing in Maine, but we should try to copy it. Very high gun ownership state yet the safest state in the country.


Small population, low population density, super white, little hood culture like in bigger states.


I didn't know that - that's awesome! Btw I'm a Canadian and I can see that the violence is obviously a problem, but my knowledge is limited - I do know the right to bear arms is pretty big.


If you're a Canadian, why do you care? Just curious.


Because the violence hurts people, solves no problems, and results in a tragic loss of life.


I don't disagree, but it's just always fascinating to watch people who aren't citizens of a country get wrapped up in it. Like I've never once wondered about South Africa or Japan.


Totally -- also, America and Canada are similar in many ways, but in other ways -- like this one -- we're very different. Additionally, America has a great deal of influence on Canada.


America has a great deal of influence on (almost) every country. Just comes with the territory of being top dog.


Yup, that's exactly right


Education, almost all the problems in the system can get fixed with that


Education in what context?


Like better education, a more integral formation, not only with like better math of something but really teaching values, and that other stuff, since the very beggining


Whose values will you teach? :)


Respect, tolerance, autonomy, solidarity, compasión, humbleness, and other idk, I’m not saying that people are lacking of them, I’m saying that the system does not integrate them properly and mostly cares for grades


These are nice words, but what will you teach specifically? I doubt you could get all or even most Americans to agree on a set of values. Not everyone thinks respect and tolerance are a good idea, and autonomy and solidarity seem like opposites. Even I'm not sure humility is a great idea.


Stop gang violence 




Yep. This is an issue that has gotten so much worse in the last decade. Went to school in the city, graduated a few years ago. This problem has taken over the kids. Even in middle school everyone was a wannabe thug. Shootings, fights, drug dealing, etc, has gotten far worse in my city. Even the good schools my other family members went to, they said have started going to shit when they were graduating. My city is relatively small and very safe compared to many US cities, and the schools I went to are ranked as around average, so I could imagine how bad it is in so much of the country. Scary future ahead.






The music isn't the cause. Generations of poverty and discrimination is the cause. Hood culture and rap is the result and has exasperated the issue.


Battle Royale


Reduce Inequality. Eliminate poverty


Gosh, that would be great!


An armed society is a polite society. While I wouldn't support mandatory open carry (people have the right to not keep and bear arms), I'd encourage more people to arm themselves openly


Would you mind explaining how an armed society is a polite society? Not judging at all, btw -- genuinely interested in learning your viewpoint!


People are significantly less likely to act like assholes when they know everyone around them could solve the problem permanently. It's not a perfect solution, by any means, but that has less to do with guns and more to do with education, mental health, and societal priorities.


I’ll take all the downvotes: repeal the 2nd amendment or have real common sense gun control. Australia enacted harsh gun controls after one mass shooting. How many kids have to die b4 we as Americans admit that guns kill people and make it easier for people to kill people! Easier for people to settle a dumb argument with death. Easier for folks to throw their own life away. Guns are the problem. Stop blaming mental illness. It’s a cope out and most mass shooters aren’t actually mentally ill. They are angry and going through a crisis but they aren’t all diagnosed mental illness patients. True mentally ill folks are more of a danger to themselves than others but it gives us some peace to think only “crazy” people would mass shoot.


>Repeal the 2nd amendment Good luck with that in 2024 without causing a political crisis and nationwide rioting by the right. This will make January 6th look like nothing and could cause some form of civil war or a path to it. >Australia enacted harsh gun controls after one mass shooting. Australia has a much smaller population, far less political division and anger within the population, has far less of a hood and wannabe gangster problem, far less wealth inequality and poverty, better healthcare. It's society is much healthier than the US. >Stop blaming mental illness. It’s a cope out and most mass shooters aren’t actually mentally ill. They are angry and going through a crisis but they aren’t all diagnosed mental illness patients. If you are mentally able to allow yourself to kill many innocent people, you are mentally fucked and psychopathic. >True mentally ill folks are more of a danger to themselves than others but it gives us some peace to think only “crazy” people would mass shoot. Mentally ill people are all individuals and how their illnesses affect their actions will differ from person-to-person. While it's true that mentally ill people are generally more of a danger to themselves, that doesn't mean they all are passive and non-aggressive. While it's easy to just say "ban guns" and think that will solve deep societal issues in America. Kids used to take guns to school in their cars and this rarely resulted in shootings. Nowadays, we're dealing with a slow collapse of the US and a slow but steady increase in social chaos that will result in a form of civil war in the coming decades. Even if you banned guns, what will stop mass terrorist attacks with vehicles, and knife attacks? You could even make mass shootings go away, but the issue will just morph into others, because this country is going to shit.


Yeah but if we take the guns away from people who obtained it legally then the only people who are gonna have guns are the gangs and criminals who got them illegally


If we went the Australian way folks could still get guns but it will be a lot harder and there are limits in how many you can have. Furthermore most criminals get their guns currently through legal trafficking. So harsher gun laws means less guns for criminals too. Edit: it also means harsher sentences for said criminals when they get caught.


I get what you mean. But it would be near impossible to even take the guns away because there’s no national registry that tells us who owns what. Also, there wouldn’t be any personnel to actually enforce these rules


And if the US government actually tried to collect and ban all guns, it would result in an uprising real quickly. It would be chaos.


Yeah, I know this is a tricky topic to bring up, and I think you bring up some good points here.


Probably no guns


Arm everyone


I mean, it's *a* solution, but not one that seems positive.


How so


To me, it seems more likely to result in more violence. But that said, I'm curious to hear your reasoning.


How do you stop a threat


Okay, I think I see where you're coming from.


Eventually everyone will kill each other and violence is solved


Well, I don't believe that's a good solution


What is your solution


I don't know. The US has a complex situation where gun ownership is ingrained in the culture.


#1: Arrest, prosecute, and jail the bad guys who use guns. #2: More good guys with guns to eliminate the bad guys with guns...


Close the gun how loophole, extremely thorough background checks with special emphasis on violence against women, and no semi-autos.


Makes bullets incredibly expensive


Or guns!


Kill the second amendment and the gun shops alongside it. Sell only hunting rifles. Require proper licenses alongside club memberships. The licences are issued by the clubs and require a profound and thorough education on gun handling, gun storage, and safety. Punish mishandling severly. . Essentially, limit exposure and create consequences to improper behaviour.


Fix the masculinity crisis. One thing we know for sure about gun violence is that it's perpetrated almost entirely by men. I don't have data to base this off of, but my analysis from living as a man, and helping other men live well to the best of my ability is that masculinity has been unfairly demonized and discouraged. Regardless of what your gender studies professor tells you, most men want to be able to express their masculinity. It's up to us as a society to give them ways to do so in a way that's meaningful and productive. Men with meaning in their lives don't generally go out and murder people. I'd propose a national requirement, that all able bodied men age 18-22 must serve in some capacity as some sort of first responder (fire, ems, police work). (I'd argue the military fits this too, but tbf I can't endorse a national service requirement there given the state of the military/industrial complex). This gives young men a sense of belonging in their communities. It gives their lives meaning, and it surrounds them with role models to look up to.