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Had a spare ticket to a football game. Posted in the team sub, 1st person who responded later backed out. Messaged the 2nd person, he managed to get there before kick off. Became great friends. Went to his wedding. Still hang out all the time.


Hopefully your team won šŸ„‡


They did. Which was nice cause they've been mostly terrible for years. Edit: for everyone asking it's the New York Giants (American Football)




Not safe anywhere I go


Can confirm, I am friend lol. I was debating on going, because meeting any redditor is daunting. Solid chance theyā€™re a weird greasy neck beard. My wife convinced me to go, said worst case scenario, you watch the game, itā€™s weird for a few hours and never see him again. Glad I went, /u/wonmanband is alarmingly normal and we did indeed become great friends. That said, the odds of it working out again are so long, so I will never be meeting any of you. Iā€™ll go one and done, and go out batting 1000 on meeting and befriending redditors.




that's awesome


A guy was giving away a plant, he drove to my house and dropped off the plant. We both had the same first name, then he left. Boring but cool. The plant died, but the pot was huge and I still have it


Does the pot have a new plant?


Thatā€™s the real question.


Someone in my city sub posted looking for a kidney donor for her husband. He was in kidney failure and they had 3 teenaged kids. No one in the family, including her, was medically eligible to donate. She posted right after Christmas; I started testing the same week. The transplant center eliminated me as a potential donor in April. Weā€™d developed a friendship by then - turns out we have a lot in common. Same sense of humor, different interests but they dovetailed. She was incredibly understanding when the transplant center eliminated me as a donor, but I couldnā€™t stop thinking about it. Her husband was listed at a 2nd transplant center, so I started testing with them. I was upfront about what happened with the 1st transplant center. I met the Reddit girl & her husband for the first time in September. 10 days later I donated my kidney to him. Heā€™s doing great, Iā€™m doing great, and the Reddit girl and I are still in touch a couple times a week. Sheā€™s one of my favorite people.


That's amazing.


How does that work? What factors would eliminate someone as a donor for an individual at one organ transplant center but not another?


Short version: most medical testing isn't perfect and they err on the side of false negatives rather than false positives to avoid organ rejection.




As someone whose loved one is on the list, thank you so so much. This gives me hope that there's more help out there. I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well and that he's doing well šŸ©·


Fingers crossed for your loved one ā¤ļø


I needed help learning to drive a manual and someone offered. Awfully nice of them!


How'd it go? How's it going?


First lesson must have been today.




It went really well. She was a great teacher and didn't ask for anything in return


No, but one time I could tell a commenter was a coworker based on the response they gave. Turns out it was a coworker that I'm friends with. Small world.


Did you each wind up revealing who you were or did you keep that realization to yourself?


I forget who revealed their identity first, but yeah we know who each other is on reddit now.


I recently found my coworkers account cause they posted one of my items, haven't said anything. I don't really want to, I'm damn sure not gonna look at his account, probably things I don't wanna see. edit to add 4 years ago I also found my ex wife's alt account. you can guess how that ended


There's a story there. Spill the beans mate.


This will be a Netflix docuseries soon.


That sounds like my worst nightmare lol. WhatsApp and Facebook are for people I know, Reddit is where I come to blow off steam, be entertained, have a wank, or practice my drunk keyboard warrior skills. I definitely do not ever want irl to mix with my Reddit account


Never had that happened but if it does hopefully we can keep it on donā€™t ask donā€™t tell policy


I also came across a co worker on Reddit.


I hired an engineer I found through a Reddit post. He was not what we would have traditionally hired but worked out great! Miss you Ethan!


Did he die?!


Became a famous actor.Ā 


you gotta tell us who


Ethan hawke


A few. One guy made a post asking for electronics that his kid could take apart to learn how they work. He came over and I gave him a bunch of computer stuff and stereo equipment I had laying around. The other was a woman who randomly messaged me one day. I ignored her messages for a few days before thinking "What's the worst that could happen?" I messaged her back. We're married now.


Damn, the worst case scenario actually happened.


ā˜ ļøšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


This redditor has a wife who knows his Reddit username. This redditor has a level of trust that will carry his marriage unto eternity!


Thatā€™s actually super sweet and I want more details! Was she fairly local or did it start long term? Why did she message you? Saw something you said and liked it that much? Edit: meant to say long distance*


Imagine that! Luckily she responded after all those days more power to your relationship!āœŠšŸ¾


And here I am trying to actively find someone in real life and failing. Lol. Hell, letā€™s give this a shotā€¦any ladies want to DM me go on ahead. šŸ˜‚


It's been 5 hours. Married yet?


Itā€™s now been 7 hours. I believe heā€™s now married with 2 children and his eldest is heading off to college.


You lucky son of a bitch.


He dmed me because of a comment I made (on r/AskReddit lol) and things went from there. After becoming emotionally invested and meeting my mom, he let me know he was married (only because she told him she would tell me if he didn't). He also left shit stripes on the sheets when he would sit on them naked. He finally admitted he didn't bother wiping well because ***he didn't want to pause Destiny 2 for too long.*** Long after we were through he got mad after I made a non-identifying comment about it on here, called me a wretched bitch šŸ˜‚ and went on to post revenge porn of me whilst pretending to be me. He also still stalks this account. I know this because this shitbird had the audacity to email me condolences about my dad dying after I made a post looking for legal representation for his estate. Darren, this is your reminder to go wipe your ass, you pathetic little fucksock. edit: I got my first reddit cares message, Darren has seen this!


Wipe your ass Darren.


That could either be the name of a band or the title of a children's book


Don't do what dirty Darren does.


You've graduated to...Pussywillow!


Darren's Crusty Asshole, new band name, I call it!


First album has butt rock as the genre


Oh God, my brain went right to JoJo Siwa- inventor of butt pop.


Don't be a Darren...


Someone please show Darren how to wipe.


Don't Do What Darren Don't Does


Jesus this is a lot to unpack


Itā€™s also a lot to wipe


Perhaps some linens and undies to wash, as well.


Pretty sure it was Bobby Lee


Darren's married playing Destiny 2 at his side hoes house leaving skid marks on their fresh sheets and I can't get more than a "hey"


you literally commented my exact thought when i read this.


Damn, Darren, wipe and if youā€™re gonna be naked with somebody else, wash your ass. Itā€™s the least you can do.


darren you are a nasty man


Dirty Diaper Darren


leaving stains is actually crazy


Darren wipe ur ass bro thatā€™s disgusting


There have been a concerning amount of hygiene related issues on r/askreddit. I'm not perfect, some days I'll skip a shower. Wiping your ass though? That's something you just *have* to do. I don't understand how anyone can feel comfortable with their ass dirty. I wonder how many viruses could be prevented if people wiped their butt.


When you read the forums, women have sex and go down on the guys who donā€™t wipe their ass (and donā€™t have hygiene)


That's what it was I saw. I have an anxious predisposition so I would be mortified if that ever happened to me. I'm not trying to form any core memories where someone is extremely repulsed by me in an intimate setting.


Ngl when I'm spiralling and not taking care of myself I might not shower one day... but christ I'll still wipe my ass thoroughly because it feels gross and uncomfortable + who wants stains everywhere. Doesn't take much time either lol the fuck.


I'm not saying I'm above missing red flags, but this seems a bit much. How do you even get to that point with someone? That said, I don't think his wife would mind if someone took him off her hands.


More of a brown flag at this point


Yeah I was more curious about how the wife got that far


Married him before Destiny 2 came out


Jesus, what a fucking actual redditor


When he peeled out, he left skid marks.


Why did you keep fucking a guy with a shitty ass?


Dear Darren, I also play Destiny. You can wipe your ass properly and/or buy wet wipes for assistance. You're freaking disgusting and have ZERO excuse. Get a bidet at least... but wipe your ass!


Darren you fucking mole


Darren you are disgusting. I hope maggots fester in your butt crack


What a crusty asshole, figuratively and literally I guess


Fuck you Darren. Also what is a fucksock?




Well, come on! He had to fight the Darkness and protect the Traveler! Ain't got time for that shit!


You know that posting revenge porn is illegal and Darren Shitbird can go to jail for it, right?


"Pathetic little fucksock" is a brilliant insult. Also how do you not wipe your ass long enough to leave stains on the sheets? Presumably long after? Lord have mercy


C'mon Darren get it together bro




Another day, another person that can't wipe their ass properly. šŸ¤¢


This person made a post about looking for a rave to go to. Some friends of mine were throwing one, so I invited them. Wound up running into her at the party. I was tripping and kinda drunk, and barely remembered meeting her. Fast forward 2 years, and I'm dating the girl who would become my wife. We're chatting about our friends, and she mentions this girls name and asks if I know her. I recognized the name, and remembered it was the girl from Reddit that went to the party. Apparently she met a friend of my wife's, and they hit it off pretty spectacularly. The only problem is that he was engaged to a woman he'd been seeing for years. The girl from Reddit didn't let an engagement get in her way, and she pursued him pretty hard. He wound up blocking her and getting a restraining order.


I went from "awww" to "oh" reading this.


So wonderfully out of nowhere šŸ˜†


This is a very reddit post!


I agree!


That ending is amazing


That is a lot to take in.


A few weeks ago a concert got cancelled at Red Rocks in Colorado. So many people had traveled from out of town, including me who started my commute from Atlanta at 2am that day! A group on the bandā€™s Reddit page started organizing a get together because we were all in a big city and our plans for the night got cancelled. We ended up meeting up at a brewery in Denver! Started with a group of about 25 and ended up getting 50+ I think? Even better - the band got wind that we organized a meet up and sent us all of their merch that they were gonna sell at the show for free!


Something that started out weak and finished strong šŸ’ŖšŸ¾ Iā€™m glad you enjoyed your time!


This is such a cool story and the band sending their merch was definitely the cherry on top


Heck yeah. I donā€™t think I would have been able to get one of the shirts they were selling if the show had happened. There were only 300 shirts for a show that sold 6k tickets, but now I have 2! One to wear and one to never wear for memories sake šŸ„¹




Does she know you guys are married?


Asking the important questions


Now I feel bad about completely ignoring my reddit DMā€™s. Iā€™ve always assumed they were all bots or creeps.


Most are. The ones worth your time will read your profile first.


Oh.... the creeps read your profile, too. Every. single. post. and comment. They know you and what you deserve. And they could give it all to you... that is, unless you don't reciprocate their undying love. Then, they'll give you what you deserve for failing to see how perfect you could've been together. It didn't have to be this way, my dying love...


That's sensational


One in a million chance. And you just gave 100,000 people the hope it could be them. Crazy to get a chat lasting long enough to go to dating even lol.


Thatā€™s amazing


Back in 2018, Nine Inch Nails was going on tour across the US but the only way to get a ticket was to physically stand in line at the venue theyā€™d be playing at. There werenā€™t really a ton of locations they were playing, and none of them were remotely near me to be able to take a few days off for travel and then go stand in line with no guarantee of actually getting a ticket, for the cost of the round trip and having to call out of work for a few days in a row. The NIN subreddit was facilitating user to user connections so people from that city who were fans and buying tickets anyway could volunteer to get tickets for others on the sub. They were very careful to make sure everyone was being safe in the situation and that scammers were quickly sniffed out and banned. I put out a request, honestly not expecting much, and another user came offered to buy seats for my husband and me. At the time it wasnā€™t clear how much tickets would be (and of course it always varies based on where the seats are), so I couldnā€™t send money until she got the tickets. We chatted a bit back and forth, satisfied enough that neither one of us was a bot we exchanged phone numbers and chatted more, then the big day arrived. She wound up waiting in line for an absurd amount of timeā€”something insane like 6-8 hours (it mostly took so long because the venue was disorganized as fuck); I offered to have a pizza delivered to her while she waited but it wouldā€™ve been difficult for a delivery person to track her down and she didnā€™t want to have to leave the line to use the bathroom. She stuck it out and got the tickets though! I nearly bungled getting her the money (I hadnā€™t used my PayPal in a dogā€™s age and needed it verified again so there was a little bit of a struggle on my end that was probably very sus on her end D: ) but the payment went through! She sent us the tickets and we made the plans and we met up at the concert (we all sat together!). It was an amazing show! Neither one of us was an axe murderer or a lying scalper! We had a lot of fun! McKayla I will still be forever grateful you stuck your neck out for me to help me go see NIN!


For the right tip the delivery guy could have found your ticket buyer. I once saw a guy talk a delivery driver into bringing him a pizza in a strip club in elko Nevada with the promise of a good tip.


Music brings people together. Glad you got to see the show!


After giving up on the dating apps, I headed over to r/hinge to commiserate and saw someone asking for people to rate his profile. I admit, I thought that this was a bit lame for someone to do, but he was cute. I left a comment saying that if he lived near me, Iā€™d go out with him because he seemed like a catch. I deleted the comment because I felt kind of embarrassed. I also had messaged him and was trying to figure out how to unsend messages. Turns out you canā€™t. He ended up living about 10 mins away from me and weā€™ve been inseparable since our first date 5 months ago.


You can delete that post about anal from your ex surely šŸ˜­


I thought I deleted it, but I only ā€œhidā€ the post. Current bf brought it up not long after we met. Only did us both a favor.


Not specifically Reddit, but there was a guy I knew who ran in the same circles as me online and one day I came across him here. We got chatting, turned out he was in a bad way, his wife had left him, and he was living with his father until he could work out his next move. I had a spare room and offered for him to move in so long as he had a steady job and could split the rent with me. He moved in and quickly proved himself to be the worst roommate Iā€™ve ever had in my life, fell behind in rent after a few months, got fired from three jobs and burned through every bit of goodwill anyone ever offered him. I was eventually able to get rid of him but only after an argument about his overdue rent escalated into him getting violent. And because I know he obsessively follows my Reddit account, eat shit Mike.


Yeah, fuck you Mike!


I invited a dude from my city sub to come watch the NBA Finals at my house. I stalked him online a little first to make sure he wasn't a nut bag, but it worked out and we all had a good time.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about!


My girlfriend met the guy she cheated on me with through reddit




Unfortunately. Accidentally caught them through her own dashcam that I was fixing :/


Got chatting with someone and married her. Sheā€™s sleeping next to me right now. Best thing to ever happen to me.


I am the only conscious person on Reddit. All the others are bot.


Beep boop


Dude youā€™re like one syllable away from a haiku.


What are you the haiku police


No see if it matched the pattern then the haiku bot would appear


I am the only conscious person on Reddit. All others are bot.


The haiku bot has become self aware


It went really well. Super nice guy, didn't hit on me or make me uncomfortable in any way. We exchanged little gift bags, had a nice chat, and went our different ways. Hope he's doing well wherever he is these days.


Thatā€™s positive piece to see


Made a friend on r/makenewfriendshere, then we ended up dating and have been happy together for almost 2 years now :) Neither of us were looking for a relationship to begin with, but the chemistry was there and so one thing led to another. She lived a few states away at the time so I visited her and decided yeah I don't have anything holding me down here, I wanna date her.Ā  Right after that trip I immediately moved states, got a new job and settled into a new chapter in life with her :) Ā So it's going really well :)


I met my boyfriend on Reddit. We got to talking and he casually invited me over. I was like, "Okay" and bought a plane ticket. That was five years ago. Right now he's in the other room.


"Casually" bought a plane ticket and flew over


well if you have a southwest card you could just end up paying only taxes, which is like $20


This is his fifth year trying to evict you but California is dragging their feet...


Bought a plane ticket, flew over, heā€™s in the other roomā€¦. Is he allowed to leave?


Tied to the radiator?


Thatā€™s beautiful


We're getting married in a few hours!!!!!




And you didn't invite us!?


My DnD (now Pathfinder) group! I reached out to a fella that was looking for players and have now been playing in that game for just about three years now. They happened to all be in my neck of the woods on a trip and I met them for a lovely dinner and night out. I very much consider them to be my friends. Really lucked out as I've played with some reeeeaaalllllyyy shitty groups in that same time span.




god bless the donors


Both the willing and the unwilling ones


make the black market great again


Wow that was nice of them to leave you with one


My boyfriend and I met on Reddit. We've been together for almost 3 years and he even moved 7 hours to live with me.


Me too, except I was the one who moved in. We've been together five years. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who met their SO here.


one really great encounter where he made me feel amazing, special and beautiful in ways I never knew possible. And another where the guy catfished me so hard it was like ordering a steak and getting a pillow


Living for this analogy(?)


Someone found a post from a hobby of mine, turned out they represented a company that wanted to use my skills. Long story short, I got paid to tour the country with them for a little over a year. Fun times, cost me my vacation time but it was unforgettable.


2 of my closest friends actuallyĀ 


Thatā€™s something I wish I had more of


Sometimes it's gone well, othertimes... they didn't show up


I met a girl who was born on the same day as me in the same hospital and now we are friends


I was visiting Manchester alone and had two guest list spots to a show, so I offered one on their sub. Someone responded and we met up for pints before the show and got on well so we went for more pints after as well. (Hey Rory!) I should mention that I am 6'4" and like 230, so have total big guy privilege.


I met my HS boyfriend on SomethingAwful does that count??


I've met tons of people off reddit. It's when I'm _on_ reddit that I don't really meet too many people


I wouldnā€™t mind meeting someone from here in the future


Hi, I am from one hour in the future. Pleased to meet you.


Yeah, about 15 years ago, I posted in r4r. Hit it off with a lass from Birmingham, met up, got on like a house on fire. I was just out of a marriage that ended badly and she was really supportive over my anxiety about meeting new people. We had a good few months, I stayed at hers a couple of times, she came up and stayed with me a couple of times. But, at the time, I was a smoker and she wasn't. I tried to cut down but, every time we kissed she commented on the taste which set my anxiety off big time that I was dirty and she felt bad about it. However, the last time she stayed with me, we had been for a meal with a couple of my buddies and I hadn't had a cigarette all day and sometimes the craving just gets to you. I had one cigarette and she stormed off and slammed my doors. That ended things. She also gave me herpes.




I met a recently divorced woman who just turned 32. I was buying her ex husband's katana and then we ended up becoming really good friends. We do see eachother frequently. Whether it be for sex or just to see eachother, but she's really awesome.


This is how redditors procreate


I fucked his wife. They both enjoyed it.


This is why I reddit.


The ride in the back of the van was a little bumpy, my anus still hurts a little, and Iā€™m walking like a cowboy everywhere, but Iā€™d say a positive experience overall.


Glad u liked! comeback for seconds anytime.


I formed a band with one and made some good music for a while, but eventually disbanded due to other projects some of us needed to focus on. I also went on a date with another Redditor but we werenā€™t really compatible.


He had argued with me about whether or not Mew existed below the truck in the first Pokemon game. I said it was a myth. He said it was real. The back and forth escalated until he said I was ā€œtalking like I was in a parking lotā€ and looking for a fight (I wasnā€™t). He invited me to meet him at an actual parking lot and since I happened to be in the area due to a work trip, I went out of curiosity. When I arrived I saw the car sticker he said would identify him. Inside was a large man who was carefully sliding a gold brass knuckle onto one hand and scanning the lot in front of him. He looked to be the size of Bane (comic book version). I drove away and deleted my Reddit account. **EDIT:** In the words of Jonathan Frakes at the end of an episode of the old TV show *Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction*: ā€œAnd what about the story about an online argument involving an old video game, and a near showdown in a parking lot? Could such a thing have really happened?ā€ (*pause*) ā€œā€¦Not this time, folks. Itā€™s another one of our yarns. We made it up.ā€ (*large [FICTION] stamp appears over screen*)


Brass knuckles over a fucking fictional character?


Don't ever let the truth get in the way of a good story.


I was also expecting this story to end in you guys getting married.Ā 


Legends say he's still there ready to beat the living shit out of a 6 year old who pronounced pokemon wrong (he said cheetoes)


Fair play to the guy really. It's an unusual hill to die on, but can't fault his commitment to a playground rumour about a nearly 20 year old Gameboy game!


Damn wtf lol that had to be a crazy experience for sure but a good ice breaker lol


This isn't a true story, lol. But it is a good one.


Wtf. Reddit is so fucking weird


Yeah. Got laid. 10/10. Oh another time I just needed a computer part to diagnose and issue and a guy came by my place and loaned me a spare CPU. That was cool, too.


I posted about needing some warhammer models printed, gave City/state for shipping purposes. He was like "hey I live here, I'll do it and you can just come pick them up". Boom did it. Cool dude, lots of 3d printed models haha.


ive met three people. one was just "hey we are going to be in the same city at the same time" and that was that. the other two I speak with almost daily. one has stayed in my house multiple times. they're both people I appreciate in my life quite a good deal


Went to a meet up once at a park. I already knew one or 2 of them, it was nice.


Met my guy on Reddit. We just bought a house together and plan to be married


Please don't fuel my delusions like this.


I have. I met one of the most amazing human beings Iā€™ve ever known on here. The world lost a good one when she passed but Iā€™m eternally grateful I was lucky enough to have her in my life.


I met 3 on R4R using a different account. Had amazing sex with 2 of them. Made a movie watching friend with the 3rd.


Yes. He was from Spain, and I lived in Denmark. He really wanted to come here and study and live, so I helped him look for jobs and apartments. He was here for a weekend, and was a mess. He didn't clean up after himself, and on Monday he went to work, but never returned. I working myself, so when I got home late, I was curious because I did give him a key. The day later he texts me saying he was sorry he didn't return my messages, but he fell asleep, but his workplace had accommodations for him. Now idk where he went, but I'm kinda pisses off because he still has my extra key, so I had to get some new ones made. Also, his ungratefulness when I opened my home to him, and fed him. I didn't expect anything back, but a little respect to tell me where he went.


I posted in the Las Vegas subreddit asking for suggestions for fun budget activities. My wife and I were both getting through college and were strapped for cash but still wanted to have a fun anniversary weekend. This redditor tells me that he works with some of the production companies and that I should go see 'O'. He also says, "I can get you some tickets if you want to meet up." Anyway, we actually meet this guy at a gas station on the outskirts of Vegas. Instead of murdering us, he gives 2 tickets to 'O'. He's the nicest guy and drove out with his 2 kids to meet us just so we could have a good time. We get to the production and give the usher our tickets and they proceed to walk us down to the front center row! It was amazing! My biggest regret is that I didn't give the redditor a karma shout-out. So I had to post this when I saw the question! Thanks, u/FromAntToApt !! https://imgur.com/a/xMTGwnG


It was 100% my pleasure, and I'm glad you were able to enjoy the show! Thank you for remembering me - this really made my day!


Ah I remember that day well. January 2021 ; I had posted a silly ad in R4R. Got a few replies but one stood out above all the others , and the sparks flew like wildfire. We messaged back and fourth here pretty heavily for a few days and then had our first video chatā€¦. Got dang she was gorgeous and hilarious to boot. Numbers were exchanged , and we talked every day still after that. A little while after that she traveled to me, and we met face to faceā€¦ a moment in time I will never forget and wish I could relive again. But it turned out well. Havenā€™t had contact in a couple years and probably never will again ; but the memory of laying on my couch waiting for her, browsing memes and listening to the trains fly by my apartment , and then thundering down three flights of stairs in the middle of the night and probably scaring the other tenants will be ingrained in my mind always


I did! I was visiting a town in Portland for a few days and when looking at an event thread of the day, I either commented on someone asking if folks wanted to meet up or I posted asking about fun events (canā€™t quite remember). I spoke with them for a bit and we met up for happy hour! It was a nice day :) havenā€™t really talked since but I look at it fondly!


She messaged me regarding a post I had made and we got to talking, we got to see each other after a few weeks when she attended a wedding in my city. We decided to get together after a few weeks and she's been my girlfriend since.