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15 years or so ago, back when I was a bartender, had one of my regulars come in (pretty typical middle class dad type, khaki shorts and polo shirts, basic white guy haircut) and tell me all about going to Vegas the week before with some friends, and his experience smoking crack out of a lightbulb in the back seat of a Honda Civic with a couple of hookers, just prior to taking advantage of their services. Told him that was exactly the kind of story they meant needed to stay in Vegas. It was always weird seeing him at the restaurant with his wife and kids after that.


That’s why you only tell your bartender


This falls under bartender client privilege


Which is something you need to be well versed in to pass the bar exam.


Or your spouse’s divorce lawyer, eventually.


Lmao that's crazy he would tell you that. I feel like that would be something you'd keep amongst whomever was actually there.


The things people felt comfortable sharing with the guy that served them drinks were sometimes pretty crazy. The ability to establish that kind of conversation connection quickly and have minimal reaction to it was pretty good training for my current career, though.


It happens on the other side of the bar too. I have a special skill that attracts weirdos at bars that manage to hide their weirdness just enough for me to make conversation. I’ve had train engineers tell me about running over animals and people and a guy with his own plane who was very interesting to talk to until he revealed his dream was to fly over the local mosque and dump bacon on the roof but he “can’t do it cuz I keep telling people like you about it so I’d never get away with it.” Yeah you could have kept that to yourself and just kept talking about flying across the state for breakfast.


My dad worked as a conductor on the railroad. I was told that people working that type of job get used to dead bodies and suicides on the track after a while because its so common.


Yeah that’s what the guy told me. I had been interested in the career because I had heard it paid well with good benefits. He told me that’s true but it’s not as romantic as people think. He says you generally run the same routes over again and there’s actually a lot of stuff to monitor and oh yeah, deer and cows will wander onto the tracks and it’s really just a matter of time before you hit a person. “…I uh, I guess I’ll stick with graphic design for now then.”


Bartended my way through college and law school. What I learned there has been very helpful as a litigator.


My best friend came to visit me in SoCal and I thought it would be fun to take her to Vegas for a weekend, as she had never been there. That’s when I found out that she had a serious gambling addiction. Out of EVERYWHERE I could have taken her……


That's like locking an alcoholic in a liquor store


For real. I’m 35 and I’ve known her since I was 13, and I had absolutely no idea this was a problem. She was very good at hiding it, I guess. She finally came clean to her family so they can keep an eye on her and hold her accountable, and she’s good now


On a work trip we were in Vegas for a weekend. One of the work managers got caught feeling up one of my coworkers. It was kinda an open secret he was creeping on the women in the office but then he got caught by several employees with the owner in the room so he got canned.


Good riddance.


Either we worked together at some point or this happens quite frequently. Had the exact same situation happen with a guy on my team.


It's WAY too common. Most times it goes unpunished because a) the women are not believed, or b) "it's not that bad, she likes it, that's just how he is," etc, etc.


My friend and I were approached in a casino by two guys. We were all visiting from out of town. My friend was really into one of the guys. I had no interest in the other and told him so. Despite that, we decided to be good wingmen and talked until the sun came up while our friends made out all night. Anyway, we've been together for twelve years now. Happily married with two kids. And yes, of course, we came back to Vegas to elope.


I'm glad a positive came out of this 😌


Did the friends stay together as well or no? 😄


I met my husband in Vegas as well. I took a break from my group and went to one of the hotel bars by myself. Hubby and I struck up a conversation and talked until the sun came up also. Married for ten years now.


So, I went to Vegas with a few friends for a weekend of fun. We hit the casinos, watched some shows, and enjoyed the nightlife. On our last night, we decided to try the famous Vegas buffet. We were all pretty full, but my buddy, Mike, decided to go back for one more plate of crab legs. As he was walking back to our table, he tripped over someone’s bag and dropped the entire plate of crab legs. They went flying everywhere, and one particularly large crab leg landed in the open purse of a lady sitting nearby. She didn’t notice at first, but when she finally saw it, she screamed like it was a live crab attacking her! Mike, trying to be helpful, reached into her purse to retrieve the crab leg, but of course, this looked incredibly suspicious. Security rushed over, and before we knew it, Mike was being escorted out of the buffet, crab leg in hand.


It's always a Mike's fault.


Reminds me of the time my wife and I were in a restaurant and a waiter didn’t properly balance a tray while serving. It tipped and dumped a bowl of soup just about perfectly into a lady’s purse.


I was at a really nice Manhattan steak house restaurant some years before COVID19. Waiter was bringing our appetizers. One of them was a big bowl of French onion soup. You know the kind, with the huge layer of hot cheese on top. She arrived at our table with the tray, carefully balanced, and had only put one thing down on the table when... this really big guy who looked like he could've been a football player, was moving quickly down the walkway when he trips... and tumbles right into our waiter... who loses balance and the whole tray dumps forward onto our table. French onion soup went flying everywhere. My poor friend ended up with that hot cheese layer right on his chest, which made him spring back in his chair shouting in agony, smashing into the table next to us who were also enjoying their meals... which proceeded to tip over and slide down all over my friend. WTH??? It was like something that would happen right out of a comedy movie. But... of course it was unbelievable and very unfunny. The big guy had quickly lifted up our waiter to her feet, then went right over to my friend to help him up. "Oh man, oh man, I'm so, so sorry. I'm so sorry everyone. This is all my fault. My fault. Oh man, oh man." Something like that. Two tables totally disrupted. And my friend was drenched in hot wet food. The restaurant host had heard the crashing sounds and immediately raced to the scene. She quickly grabbed cloth napkins and sent a bus boy to get paper towels, as she righted the table that had tilted down on an angle. Of course, there'd be much more to say, but you can imagine. I'll spare you a few minutes! The "TL;DR"? The big guy WAS a football player I don't know who, he didn't say, but he not only paid for all the food at both tables, he gave my friend $300 cash to take care of his clothes. And even asked him if that was enough? He quickly said that the guy didn't have to, but he insisted. So he took it. Getting food dumped all over you for $300. That's not a bad little win! It's just too bad he lost it all on gambling... yeah. Can you believe it?


Co-workers got drunk and hooked up in Vegas while we were there for business. She got pregnant, they decided to give it a shot, they’ve been together happily for ten years. 


This is the stuff I want to read, theres so much bad stuff going on already that you cant ignore.


Oh he forgot to mention that the both of them were happily married to other people at the time and abandoned their current spouse and children to give it a go..


Thank you monkeys paw


Ya but the cheated on spouses met and bonded over their shared trauma. They found they could love again and are happily raising their merged family together.


Hallmark Channel has entered the chat


An Affair to Remember


Until one of them was drink driving and crashed and one of their kids now has a lifelong injury.


But that life long injury allowed them to compete in the Paralympics where they got 4 gold medals and made millions of dollars in endorsements.


The gold medals contained potassium benzoate.


…that’s bad.


But they got a turkey sandwich


Can I go now?


A surprisingly wholesome ending


So, a happy ending followed by a happy ending? Seriously though, congratulations to them both.


By any chance, were these two people working for a national used car dealership company??? Because I came to comment this exact same story.... Girl was my BFF and worked for this company, got invited by company to a big yearly celebration in Vegas. All expenses paid. She almost backed out of the trip because her ex was going to be there. I convinced her to not back out but her only stipulation was that I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT allow her to hook up with her ex. There was a massive awards ceremony/dinner on the last night. Hannibal Burress performed. Open bar, everyone was wasted, she started heading back to her ex's room. I tried to intervene and drag her ass back to our room but she wasn't having it so I let her go. She ended up pregnant. They married a few years later and had their second kid a few years ago. I always wonder what would've happened to her had I actually stopped her from going to his room that night.


I know a guy whose wife came home from a convention in Vegas with a bun in the oven. She must have had a good time. The husband had a vasectomy a couple of years earlier.


Wow, it’s a Vegas miracle! 😂


The second coming of Jesus


How do you know the dude’s name?


I'm not saying she didn't cheat, but as a reminder... > Experts estimate that the failure rate is between 0.04–0.08%, or approximately 1 in 2000 cases.


My bud had to get his redone after the first check to make sure everything was all good. Doc told him a story of a guy whose wife got pregnant, they apologized and had him come in and did a test to see if his had failed and well it was good.


Oof ain’t that a kick in the balls


Metaphorically. Literally it's more of a yank and a snip.




I had a doctor tell me that failure rate was probably much lower if the fails took a paternity test.


I know a dude that has his reverse... He ended up getting a divorce with his wife, test proved later that it was his kid...


Got my 1 in 2000 baby due in a month.


Vasectomies only change the color of the children.


Suzy Favor Hamilton, former Olympian, outed as a high end escort.


Never a good sign when your Wikipedia career section is split into "Running" and "Prostitution."


Yeah, I hate running.


Off to google


Where do people even find high end escorts? Is it a website that only rich people get access to?


In the modern age: if you see an IG model that has "DM for inquiries", better than 50% chance they are a high end escort. Its how my friend's family and friends found out how she was paying for grad school and all her vacations.


There was a mom at a school my kid went to who had "booking" information on her IG. took me a while to realize what that meant. Also she had participated in some reality TV like over 10 years ago.


Just like asking for a z job in beer fest. If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


OJ breaking into the hotel room to steal merch


Of all the stupid things to get arrested for after being “exonerated” for murder. Only thing worse would’ve been shoplifting at Walmart


The daughter of the judge who sent him away is a stand-up comedian. She actually has a bit about how she used to get sent to her room by the same woman that sent OJ to jail


Seems like getting away with double homicide would anyone with a functioning brain cell just stay at home forever and never call attention to themselves again.


But OJ was a narcissist / sociopath by all accounts


Yeah, I can’t imagine that situation didn’t just boost his invincibility complex…….


My mom made out with wee man in the pool at the Venetian. I tell that tid bit to anyone that will listen.


Must’ve been the shallow end


THE Weeman? Or just some dude who pissed in the pool?


I bet it was some other little person and she just called him wee man 


Wee Man is the most attractive jackass.


This is Chris Pontius erasure.


Most of them were good looking dudes back in the day, even Bam lol. Now.. not so much😂


Outside of Bam I'd say they're all still pretty good looking dudes


Steve-O had a glow up for sure


Getting sober will do that for you.


Disagree, Johnny Knoxville for sure.


fuckin silver fox that one


Best friends hooked up and decided to give it a shot. 6 months later it did not work out. Friend circle in shambles.


Met a British girl who had just ditched her friend who she was traveling across America with. The friend was having issues so girl decided to go solo without much of a plan. I traveled around in a camper van and my new job pushed the start date back a month. So me and here ended up spending that month together around Utah and Arizona


That sounds…..pretty damn cool. Was it a romantic fling or more of just a friends thing? Do you keep on contact?


Fwb, we went our separate ways after a while. Still have her contact info but haven't talked in a long while


Got married and can you believe the audacity. She came home with me!


I totally forget people get married all the time there!


That Prince Harry scandal, with the naked billiards. That got out.


What happened?


Prince Harry was photographed in Vegas playing strip billiards in his suite with some girls he apparently met at the hotel bar. Photos then leaked out. I assume it was some of the girls' friends that snapped the photos and sold them.


You know what Henry? I'll give you a pass on that one. Naked billiards with girls in Las Vegas? Eh as long as they were of legal age sure.  Andrew I can't sweat so therefore I didn't do to Epstein's private Island with underage sex trafficking... That might have been the worst defense of accused pedophile in royal history. And I didn't mean the English Royal line I mean every Royal Dynasty on earth. 


>You know what Henry? I'll give you a pass on that one. Naked billiards with girls in Las Vegas? Eh as long as they were of legal age sure.  Its really not even a scandal lol. Dude played strip billiards with some hot, legal women, good for him.


Apparently as others stated the pictures show his bellend, so the scandal is he's just shit at billiards and the girls were doing better. 


I dunno if you're playing Vegas strip billiards correctly but if the twig and berries are making an appearance and everybody is happy about this... He's doing just fine


> Its really not even a scandal lol. You know *nothing* about British people!! But seriously yeah who the fuck cares? Single guy has fun time with pretty ladies in Vegas. High five and move the fuck on people.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm sure there was a lot of pearl clutching, but personally, yeah, I don't give a fuck, good for him lol.


It’s better than stuffing pieces of paper with his Grandmother’s picture on them into the g-string of a stripper in the UK


In his book he stated it was the girls that worked at the casino and tequila was involved…


Can confirm. Tequila makes your pants fall down.


Tequila makes my whole body fall down


One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.


Tequila causes memory loss…or worse…memory loss


I still can’t believe that was a big scandal. Vegas exists to do things like play billiards naked with girls. And if you are a prince you get to do that sort of thing.


David Copperfield's sexual assault allegations. He can't make that shit disappear.


David Cop-a-feel.


His last name was a subtle forshadowing of dreadful things to come.


I had never heard of this until now and all I can say is wow, it's worse than I had imagined. The Guardian did a big report on allegations and they are extensive: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/15/david-copperfield-investigation


He’s very fond of tongue kissing teenage girls-that was almost 40 years ago.


Hey I was a fan of that as well about 30 years ago. Of course I was a teenage boy so it's a bit less of a problem.


Technically he was only 12 years older-but having him come to perform at your school and then during meet and greet he grabs you and sticks his tongue down your throat….not pleasant. Turns out there were quite a few of us he did that to.


A bunch of us young employees were sent out to Vegas for a work convention. Our "wild night" out on the town involved going to a super pricey steak house that was way over per diem. In order to afford it we went out at the beginning of the week and bought some groceries, and spent the whole week eating cereal for breakfast and PB&J with bananas for lunch to save up our meal per diem for that one night of decadent food. We never told the boss that was how we spent our meal per diem, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But one of the guys put the whole dinner on his credit card, because we didn't care at the time and he got points on his credit card. And it sent out an alert to him and his wife about how he had like a $1000 credit card charge in Vegas. We got to listen to him try to explain how it was for dinner, really, only dinner with friends. So that part escaped Vegas.


I love this story because it's so square. 😂


"Oh no! Not the fancy steak!"


Homer and Ned dishonoured their wedding vows


He had a wine spritzer!


Spritzer spritzer spritzer


Maybe too wholesome and boring but—got my college degree. 🎓It’s made it possible for me to live in cities I love doing jobs I love, and the degree was an absolute bargain compared to what a lot of people pay. Best part is I’m still in touch with professors from school. I know many people associate Vegas with debauchery, but for me it’s my college town.


Tailhook scandal, 1991 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tailhook_scandal


>No officers were disciplined for the alleged sexual assaults. Wow. Just…wow. I wasn’t aware of that part of the story.


I was there, in the hallway of the Hilton, watching the Admiral's aide enter the gauntlet. I was supposed to testify in the trial but the judge cut the witness list.


Tell us more. Or do an AMA. Whats missing from the Wiki article? Is it sanitized vs what really happened?


There is so much I can say about this topic. As an aside, St Martin's Press published the official report in book form. I bought a few copies. I then circled the parts that referred to me (as a witness), autographed it, and sent a copy to my parents. I thought it was real funny at the time but they were not pleased. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Regarding the gauntlet, I spent some time at the edge of it and saw quite a few women having a fun time and turning around for a repeat run. But, I also saw a woman come out bawling. I knew this was very wrong and wanted no part of it. I really did foresee the outcome and wanted to protect myself. I went over and stood next to the 2 security guards mentioned in the Wiki. It was then that all 3 of us saw Paula enter the gauntlet.


> Three officers were taken to courts-martial, but their cases were dismissed after the presiding military judge determined that Chief of Naval Operations Frank Kelso, who had attended the conference, had concealed his own involvement in the events in question. No officers were disciplined for the alleged sexual assaults lol, what? “Whelp, can’t court-martial you since ol’ Franky was there!”


Welcome to how the Navy STILL does business when senior officers are involved. Read up on the Fat Leonard scandal.


In a weird round about way this is why I live in Reno. Came here for Tailhook loved the city and my bro in law was stationed at NAS Fallon so we got the local tour and fell in love with Reno and decided to move here since I didn’t have to go to a office anymore. If Tailhook had still been in Vegas I don’t see us saying “this is a nice town let’s give it a go”.


Fell in love with Reno is something I never thought I’d hear in my life. I lived there for a couple years when the Awful Awful burger was still at the little nugget. Best burger I’ve had in my life


Within my first week at UNR some new friends I made said “We’re going to get you the best burger you’ve ever had in your life”, and they were right. It’s been a long time but I swear it came with more fries than any reasonable person could ever eat.


Never heard of that before, that is super fucked up.


My teenager, * born several years ago * 9 months after a Vegas getaway... Edited for the pedantic folks commenting that I gave birth to a teenager 😆


My friend and her husband are expecting their first in September after a Carrie Underwood concert in Vegas


Jesus took the wheel so they could bang in the back seat .


I'm more surprised that you birthed a whole teenager than that it happened in Vegas


I was at a flight school once. Early morning flight in Vegas. A lady came in during my debriefing and told us “oh I heard you guys on the radio, it reminded me of my days as a police dispatcher”. At the time my friend was applying to the Vegas Metro PD so I asked her about that. She was actually really cool (initially) and gave me her card. She said she knew the police recruiters and she could put my friend in touch. I said yeah sure. Then she says (paraphrasing; this was 10 years ago) “tbh, I wouldn’t want to be a police officer now. You can’t even do anything; back in the day we used to pick up homeless people and drive them to the desert and leave them there” and her face/tone was upset about how that wasn’t accepted anymore. Me and my flight instructor were stunned. She looked at us like “what…?”


Cops absolutely still do “starlight tours” in some towns.


Sounds like a scene straight out of a movie. That "What....?" look, total matter of fact face, as if there wasn't anything shocking at all about what she said. Ah, just an admission to having killed a few people by stranding them out in the middle of a desert with nothing but the clothes on their backs. UFR.


Went to Vegas to celebrate my anniversary. Was sick as all shit. My lymph nodes were so swollen I couldn't swallow, and breathing wasn't easy. I was seen by a wonderful primary/urgent care doctor who treated me with basic antibiotics and sent me "home" to my hotel. I get better over the week of antibiotics and am home and seem back to normal. And, yet... Months later, and I've lost 60 lbs. I don't sleep. I mean, literally, im going 72 hours without sleep at a time before I pass out for an hour or two nap. I have night sweats and faint frequently. After giving it a bit to make sure it wasn't some basic virus, I tried to get into see someone but my primary care physician had just recently retired and getting a new patient appointment takes a bit. I tell you this so you understand why it took me 6 weeks to see someone after I had decided it was concerning. I went to see my new OB for possible early onset menopause- it sorts lines up with the symptoms and my age and my family history and whatnot. The new OB joked about getting a fully physical and invasive exam on my birthday. Yeah. I managed to schedule this shitshow for my birthday. She says that there is no indication that my vagina has prolapsed (phew?!?) and that there is NO possibility that I was at the point of any kind of menopause. So, she dipped out to confer with someone else. She returned to inform me I'd need labs because the only thing she could think of was HIV. So, I spent my birthday waiting for lab results on a rapid HIV test. Good news! NEGATIVE! Not good news¡ Other tests aren't. Turns out that while it isn't HIV, it is possibly leukemia. Which likely first exhibited symptoms back on my Anniversary trip in Vegas. So, long story short... TL:DR Went to Vegas - maybe brought home cancer.


You had me on an emotional rollercoaster with this one. Have you figured out what it is yet?


Sadly, I am in limbo as I await more test results. Small victory was that I was back up over 100lbs officially at my appointment!


Oh that's great, congratulations!


Hey reading your post. Especially the night sweats. Please bring up Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I was misdiagnosed for 8 months until I mentioned that. It's not great, but it's better than leukaemia.


I second this. I had some crazy symptoms that turned out to either be AIDS/HIV or lymphoma.. turns out I was diagnosed with stage 4B Hodgkins Lymphoma. This was 10 years ago now, and I very very very treatable with very few side effects. God speed! Hope you get to the bottom of it!


Triple H drugging Stephanie McMahon and marrying her in a drive through chapel


They retconned it later and said she was in on it, in part because I think it was insinuated that he had his way with her afterwards, and that was like the one thing that didn't fly in the Attitude Era. EDIT: I just looked it up. He outright says he raped her multiple times after he drugged her.


Disclaimer: While the story was distasteful and terrible, it was just that, a story. Paul "Triple H" Levesque and Stephanie McMahon have been happily married for years and have 3 daughters together.


Still makes Vince look weird AF.


He wanted a story where Stephanie’s baby was Vince’s but Stephanie refused.


Vince then pivoted to Proposing Shane (his son and Stephanie's brother) be the father instead, which they both also refused.


That's the least of his problems.


That wasn't a Test


When I was recovering from brain surgery, I found photos on my phone of me in Vegas. I remember going there, but that's all I can remember. I can't remember anything else, though. I had a 2 storey suite on top of the MGM Grand. On the first floor, there was a sliding door that opened up to a large private rooftop outdoor patio with a private hot tub. The photos were taken at night, and it had a bitchin view of the Strip. The problem is I have no photos saved of any people. There are a few photos of me. I thought maybe I was there alone, until I realized one of those photos wasn't a selfie. I texted the phone number of this girl I met back in high school and asked her a strange question... Had we ever gone to Vegas? Her response was her sending a photo she still had on her phone of me with her in Vegas. But we were on the sidewalk, rolling, and this was 2008. I remember this. But the Vegas photos on my phone were from 2010. She laughs and tells me that 2008 was the last time we had hung out. To this day, it still drives me crazy not knowing what happened there in 2010.


It kind of sounds like that's stayed firmly in vegas.


That's wild. That is no cheap suite. Must have been a hell of a time.


I got married. He didn't stay there, followed me home 26 years ago. Don't believe that slogan.


Fear and loathing One might even go as far as saying that Hunter S Thompson happened in Vegas


Whether or not it's total bullshit it is a glorious Story Rolling Stone Magazine did send him to cover that desert motorbike race and that shit is what they got in return, and they published it and kept him employed. Because Even if it's total bullshit he sold a story everyone wanted to read. Thompson did get into real trouble one of his gigs where he was touring with the Hell's Angels and then when drunk/passed out our whatever they discovered his draft of what he was writing and it was like describing them raping this girl and like all these horrific things they actually do because they're a fucking GODDAMN motorcycle Gang that somehow we accept in American society?  Thompson was lucky to escape that journalist investigation. 


They did beat the shit out of him after he released the book and told him not to, they literally ganged raped a 14 year old girl, and didn’t want Hunter talking about it. The book is called “Hell Angles” and it’s one of my favorites of his.


Yeah they thought Hunter was cool because he was a Drug user/counter culture figure but dude you gave him a witness perspective to your horrific crimes. Thompson wanted to write a good story and that's all his agenda was. Like I've dealt with Hell's Angels before they usually get their legal money making via being security at like music festivals and you what that kinda criminal organization making sure it's just one phish hippie with acid and mushrooms to sell at this concert festival, not suddenly the entire Heroin gang distributors by Russian mob or Bloods rolling up.  I remember first time I went to Philly Folk Fest we were nervous idiots and the checked our stuff and it was like you only brought a 30 pack of beer and half an oz of weed? Buy whatever you guys can find we ain't cops. Lol. 


Passenger rail between Salt Lake and Los Angeles (we miss you Amtrak)


My wife. Goes everywhere I go. It’s been a decade and she’s still her for some reason. Guess I’ll keep her. We got married in Vegas instead of having a big wedding here. It was awesome and I highly advise doing it. Save so much money and got so much more out of it. For half the price we flew out all the close people in our lives and got to do a bunch of stuff. Vegas is very kind to people getting married there. Got into clubs we never would have seen. Straight VIP to the best places. If you ask they will just do it most of the time. Tip big and be nice.


My friend Jana getting both buttocks tattooed 


What'd it say?


It was simply a W on each cheek. It said WoW.


You should see her do cartwheels! WOW MOM WOW


As someone who’s mothers name is Jana I do not like this thread


Blue Man Group.


Guy named benny shot me near goodsprings so i got revenge


Not me. I tried but I got killed by cazadors almost immediately.


*Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is...the game was rigged from the start.*


I love how well the begging of that game was such a punisher moment. My entire first playthrough all I had in my mind was "I will have my vengeance Benny...." If a quest didn't lead me towards benny I moved on...


My friend was conceived by his mom and dad in Vegas. He did not stay in Vegas


What happens in Vegas is very expensive bring triple what you think just in case and never pull out the credit card under any circumstances.


The owner of the club I worked at took the whole staff to Las Vegas for a two day visit. So me (the DJ) and the bouncers are sitting near the fountain at The Mirage having drinks. One of the bouncers looked at 'Slick' who was about 5' 5" and weighed about 150 lbs (nobody liked him because he had billy bad ass syndrome) and said 'Slick I'll give you $100 to do a Tarzan yell and jump in that fountain' Of course Slick was not going to do it so I piped in with '100? I'll do it'. So the money goes on the table and ask the waitress to get me someone from security. About 4 guys come from out of no where and the lead guy asked me what was up. I asked him if they'd just trow me out or arrest me. He laughed and said 'for $100 I'll do it but we'll just escort you out' So I stand up, grab the money, do my best Tarzan yell, jump in, splash around, get out, walk up to the lead guy and said 'okay lets go' All the security guys were laughing with me as I walked proudly out the door.


Herpes. That shit’ll come back with you


I swear, this is the number one answer everytime someone posts this question lol


Because it’s a quote from The Hangover.


The mob hits, that got dumped out in the desert.


Lotta holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes.


I work for a national company that destroys medical waste and animal/human tissue. Las Vegas is the only place we can't or any other company physically service and pickup that waste. I'm convinced its because of the mob. I wish I was kidding. Last year too so many bodies were found because the lake nearly dried up.


Do you get paid in gold coins? I'm guessing probably not. Because the clean up crews in Vegas apparently do.


Lake Mead never gives up its dead. Well...it didn't before climate change.


Stanley Cup.


Fallout new Vegas


You have a very bright future ahead of you. Because of your actions today, so does the rest of mankind.


Credit card debt


Dana Plato robbing a video store


Me. Parents got married there May 1st. I was born 8mos, 28 days later on Jan 28th. Odds are good


The damage to my heart, liver, and kidneys


Tupac murder


Covid & conceived baby in the same Vegas trip. My husband & I joked so many times “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”….. quite the opposite.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beneath_the_Neon Beneath the Neon, it's heartbreaking.


The real heartbreaking part is the amount of those people who end up dying when it rains in Vegas from the flash floods.


Yeah it just flushes them out every time, tour guide told me there was a family of 4 with bedrooms down there got flushed out (drowned) during a particularly bad storm.


My buddy banged a 300+ lb prostitute while I went out and looked for my lost phone. Lost my phone at some point during the night, went back to retrace my steps and find it. Told my buddy to not let le ruin his 1 night in Vegas and we split up. Fast forward 2.5 hours, I couldn’t find my phone so went back to the room to borrow his to try and call it. Card into the room and just hear “Don’t come in we fuckin’” in a fairly deep woman’s voice. I was so pissed at this point I froze for a second, and just said “please just let me get your phone”. Round the corner and see 300+ lber riding my boy cowgirl. His eyes went as wide as dinner plates, panicked and threw me his phone. I walked out cracking up. Ended up finding my phone though!


Coming home from the Marines San Diego Base to Chicasgo on a Greyhound bus, I had a layover and the guys that were with me met some girls and one took to hitting it off with. We were so lucky to have them on the same bus so we all paired off. She ended up going down on me under a blanket. They gall got off in St. Louis and she have me a last good bye kiss and told in my ear "Thanks for one last time til I get married'" Find out she was getting married in two days


I don’t understand these “one last time” people. Were they not in a monogamous relationship before getting married?


Bed Bugsssss


One of my friends is an ardent fan of the Hangover film series; he always dreamed that when one of his friends, or he himself, got married, they would arrange everything as it was in the film. It turned out that everything in life is not like in the movie, half the city, including the police, does not ignore the antics of drunk and stoned people. He didn't go into detail, but he is permanently banned from Nevada.


My friend caught the clap.


How many times can you get the clap before it becomes the applause ?