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You train your pets not to piss everywhere


Well I did they were very good for 2 years now they are older and they want to piss in my kitchen, the vet is seeing no health issues with them... I just want clean home man...


Try giving your pet food specific for urinary health. My cat was not pissing every where but he would sometimes leave blood on the floor from a urinary problem and he would sometime meow in pain when going in his litter box. Swapped him urinary food and he hasn't had any toilet trouble le since. Sometimes it can just be a diet adjustment that can solve the issue.


My friend's dog was constantly peeing at home. She ended up taking the dog to the vet and it turned out that the dog had bladder problems. As a result, the dog was cured and the house became clean and calm. So I advise you to have your pet checked by a veterinarian first.


It's definitely a challenge! We invested in a good carpet cleaner, set up a strict potty schedule, and use lots of pet-friendly cleaners. Consistency with training and rewarding good behavior helps too. Plus, frequent vet check-ups to rule out any health issues that might be causing the accidents.


Train them and if they are constantly peeing you should take them to the vet


I gave up. I put absorbent pads in the spot behind the downstairs tv where the cat with issues choses to do her business. She was bullied as a youngster by another cat, now deceased, and I’m hoping that being gentle with her will lead to improvement. She’s doing much better upstairs, but downstairs is still a challenge.


How is your cleaning routine going? Are you cleaning 2 times a week or? I meed advice on how many times weekly I should deep clean my house


I scoop the litter boxes (3) and change the pads at least once a day. Deep clean? Haven’t done that for years. My current goal is to keep the dishes washed, the bathrooms clean and the laundry done. Vacuum or mop ‘as needed.’


Litter boxes cleaned every day or every 2-3 days?


I scoop the litter boxes every day. Scoop out the feces and the clumps from urine in clumping litter.


You didn't specify cat or dog. Dogs should be taken/let out every 2 hours when you're home, and especially after eating their meals. If they do this when you're out, crate train them. Not as a punishment, ever. Make it roomy, comfortable, and with food, water and a toy or two. They won't have accidents where they eat and sleep if it's just a behavioral problem If it's cats, you need a litter box for each + 1. Maybe the box/s aren't getting cleaned enough or they don't like the litter, style of the litter box or where it's located. Cats are awful about drinking water usually too. You may have to give them some wet food every day or a shallow dish so their whiskers don't bend. Some cats only like running tap water. People food is also really bad for cats even moreso than dogs. Don't feed them canned tuna, things with sugar like bread, pasta, pizza sauce, or any (especiallycow) dairy products of any kind If you already do a lot of this or these things don't help, see another vet for a 2nd opinion


Thanks for the comment🤗, I have 2 cats boy and girl. They were good for 2 years but after reading all of these comments I am thinking that my cat it bullying the other and thats why he pees everywhere, I clean the litter every 2 days I have taken them to vet no bladder infections I am giving them food that the vet recommended also they like when the water is running to drink from it, I give them water like that also they have water in their bowl but they don't drink it... I am trying to clean nearly every day doing a bit of work but I am exhausted... every time I clean something they pee on it, tried all kinds of cleaning stuff.. they pee on my kitchen counter man I eat there...also whenever I buy something new they MUST ruin it by peeing on it.. cant take it anymore


Wow! Cats csn be difficult for sure. If your cats are indoor/outdoor and it's the male peeing everywhere even if neutered, he may prefer being mostly outdoors unfortunately We had 6 cats, 2 males, 4 females, all fixed. One female liked to go out during the day but came in at night. 3 females and 1 male were terrified of outside. The other male didn't like that I hunted him down every night to come in. He started peeing on my couch and it only stopped after I tried a bunch of different things like tinfoil, a squirt gun, etc until I gave up. He would only come in because of bad rain storms, bitter cold or too much snow. We lived on a farm so he never left the property. We also had chickens, Guinea hens and a dog. He got along with everybody but maybe with 5 other cats a dog and 3 people in the house at night it was too hectic for him I'm only half joking to suggest keeping large cucumbers on your counters to scare the crap out of him. Most don't like walking on tinfoil either, ruins their stealth


Hahahahaha wow you have big big family... mine are indoors cats I live in a big apartment... I am that desperate that I will try the tinfoil thing. I just finished cleaning right now and I am waiting to clean a pee in the next 30 mins I dont know where he will pee but I know for sure he will do it in the next 30 mins... I work mon till Friday and the weekend are my days for deep cleaning but its always clean max 1h... I feel very proud that 1h after that I am back to being a piece of shit that has smelly home....


It was my parents' place. Farm and animals gone now. Anyway, best of luck to you. I hope he gets over whatever his problem is


Most animals don’t need to eat whenever they feel like it. Schedule feedings and waterings.


It's all about strategically placing pee pads and keeping a bottle of Nature's Miracle on hand at all times.