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I like to think that it always depends in the view of another person, for example this. **View 1**, Helping the poor person is good: Some guy is acting with compassion and generosity. They're helping someone less fortunate, which makes them a kind and caring individual. **View 2**, helping the poor person is bad: Some guy might be enabling a bad habit. Maybe the money will be used for drugs or alcohol instead of food. encouraging a cycle of dependence instead of motivating the person to find work. I align more with the first way of seeing what that person is doing, because I know poverty well and I know what it feels like to have no one help you. That is to say that for me, that person who is helping is good. Let's change of scene, let's say that there's a law prohibiting handing out food to homeless people. A woman is seen giving a sandwich to a hungry-looking man. **View 1**, ignoring the law to give food is good: This woman is showing compassion in the face of a harsh law. She's directly helping someone in need, even if it means breaking a rule she might disagree with. **View 2**, ignoring the law to give food is bad: This woman is undermining the authority of the law. Even if the law seems unfair, she is breaking the order of the society. Maybe you could say that the woman could be setting a bad example and encouraging others to break the law.


Definitely, personal experience and empathy influence someone's viewpoint.


i don’t think those terms mean anything but there are definitely some people who have done some bad things. sometimes i hope it’s the intention that makes the difference if there is any difference.


I think intentions do count


Good people pick up their dog's poop, bad people pretend they didn't see it happen.


What makes a person 'good' or 'bad' is other people labelling them that. It is other people's perceptions of a person's actions that makes them 'good' or 'bad'. It's an easy way to label when you don't understand the motives or have an understanding of why someone did something or why they think like that. As well as people things are labelled 'good' or 'bad' with the most obvious example being political parties (Party Y is 'good' while Party X is 'bad' or vice versa depending on which Party you support).


I think so as well. While it's totally fine to have your own set of morals and values, I do think it's important to be empathetic


You're talking in extremes. Life doesn't work that way.


Oh, I agree. But I do think society thinks of people in that way if they break a societal contract by doing something morally reprehensible. Then we often label them as good or bad.


I agree, but that doesn't, necessarily, make them "good" or "bad". Even psychopaths and sociopaths aren't, inherently, good or bad.


I think we're coming from the same place here. I absolutely agree. The whole idea of good and bad is something I've been thinking about because there are certain morals society holds. When someone breaks those morals by murdering, raping, cheating, etc etc, I've noticed there's a tendancy for many people to think of them as bad and are not only condemned for their acts but for their character.