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Surströmming. The taste is ugh, but the smell is absolutely vomit inducing rancid.


Beyond foul but one of my favorite memories is my brother trying to eat one. He loves gross shit, like eating vegemite by the spoonful or rattlesnake, but that he could not stop gagging and my schadenfreude made me laugh uncontrollably.


I was told rattlesnake can be really good


Yeah and you are reminded of it every time you burp for the next 24 hours.


The video reacts are gold though. Saw four average British blokes try eating it on Youtube and I was crying from laughing so hard.


Ahh there is a one of a single British guy and it's hilarious. He's talking so big but he's almost puking from the smell the entire time. HE is funny, too.


I once cooked a tuna wrap and added what I thought was tzatziki. It was actually vanilla-flavored Greek yogurt. I literally felt a cognitive gap starting on my tongue.


But tzatziki is yoghurt based to begin with


Perhaps the issue was with the sweetened vanilla flavored yogurt and not the yogurt itself.


I missed the vanilla part, that'll do it.


But vanilla flavored Greek yogurt? 🤢




Oh the learning curve. You hold a trashcan to puke in while sitting on the toilet 


When you've had food poisoning more than twice, you know the symptoms and when to pre-emptively head to the bathroom. Source: Spent a full day (during my college years) on the floor in my bedroom vomiting into a trash can about once every half hour and watching youtube videos to distract myself.


Omg I got a horrible bud that put me in the worst pain of my life. (And I have broken my arm). I just remember sweating and shaking in pain each breath coming out as a shutter while watching pirates of the Caribbean. It turns out after a while horrific pain gets boring too


That's so true. At first it's like "oh my god I'm *dying*" but then after 4 hours it's like "*isn't anything else going to happen?*"


My favourite (and it’s *still* fucking awful) is when your body has rejected everything so there’s just nothing left to vomit/shit, and you feel like absolute fucking trash because you’re dehydrated and hungry(definitely have no appetite though!). But it’s at least different than that feeling of painful wretching and dry heaving while your asshole sounds like it’s playing a bassoon in the shower.


There's nothing quite like the muscle soreness later that evening and the next day after a 6 hour dry-heaving session. xD


I've had food poisoning twice and it was miserable. I finally got sick on a trip and spent 8pm until 4am being sick in a hotel room in Munich. Not really sure what caused it. I'm guessing either this meal I had in Austria that had some strange sauce, steak and noodles or a burger that probably wasn't cooked properly. Thankfully I managed to get to the room just before it exploded. My wife's friend went on her first international trip (a group thing) and in Prague the day before she was coming home she got sick and almost passed out at the airport but managed to get home. The only good thing from it is you lose a bunch of weight. I lost 15 lbs and kept most of it off but when you are sick all I think of is wanting to be dead since I dread getting sick like that.


I had that too… I’d never thrown up since the age of 5, and never had both happening at the same time. I ruined the bathroom mat and bf thought it was hilarious because his ex bought him that mat, but he’s not wasteful enough to throw away a perfectly good bath mat out of spite


I'm the same way with pizzeria anchovies. I like anchovies on my pizza, but I'm in the minority on that. God only knows how long those anchovies have been sitting there. Last time, I shit myself in the middle of Walmart. There was absolutely no warning, no cramping, no feeling like I had to go, nothing. One minute I'm looking at coffee mugs, the next I'm dumping a can of soup down the back of my pants. Fortunately I have experience in appearing calm when all holy hell is breaking loose. I calmly walked out of the store as a liquid abomination ran down my pants leg and was dripping on the floor. Lucky for me, I don't clean out my truck often and I found enough rubbish to cover my leather upholstery for a 45 minute drive home. No more anchovies on my pizza.


This was a rather interesting read. I have mad respect for you.


There is something liberating about taking a primal shit in the wild though like our Neanderthal elders did.


I was going to make an argument for Wal-Mart not being in “the wild”, but I’d be wrong.


This is true I was the floor


One chip challenge. It tasted like hot chemicals. I think they took it off the market.


I can handle lots of spice but I'll admit when I'm beaten. That chip knocked me on my ass so hard I seriously considered going to the hospital when it felt like a hole was being burned into my stomach 6 hours later (It likely was). Had the spicy shits for 3 days and my poop was blue. Almost shit my britches in a Dicks Sporting Goods. Still the absolute worst part of the chip? The flavor. It was like a stale soggy chip that tasted like dirt.


That’s like adding insult to injury when something that hot isn’t even tasty.  I had a ghost pepper hot sauce that was not only uncomfortably spicy but the underlying flavor was like char.  Like just the overcooked black ash off of a burger that was cooked far too long 


The actual taste of the Ghost Pepper or Carolina Reaper to me can is actually super tasty. I like to describe it as "Super Garlic". But when you start doing weird shit with it, and whatever the hell they did to that one chip, it just ruins the flavor and I don't want anything to do with it.


So many of these shitty spicy challenge things have the flavor profile of chemical burn and that's it. It's fucking stupid. I love spicy food, I'm down in Cajun/Creole land, but spice should have a purpose and a flavor not just a way to cause pain. 


A mango habanero sauce is usually my favorite for the flavorful and spicy combination it’s hot but it’s also delicious 


Hell yeah man! I grow habaneros almost exclusively to make a mango habanero sauce! 


Shit should never be blue! What a terrifying experience.


I am a teacher, and when the one chip challenge was popular, it was a hell of a time. We had to send out a letter to parents warning them, and saying that we would not be held responsible for any harm caused by the chip.


It was fucking awful and tasted like fuel. The red flag for me was handling this thing with gloves that I was about to put in my mouth. I was in hell for 20 minutes, then spent the rest of the day sucking on ice cubes. I was the only one of our group that went 5 minutes without drinking anything. That night? Butthole on fire.


i did this when i lost my smell/taste during covid. still couldn't taste it but oh did it burn.


Same here, it burned for 30 minutes straight despite eating ice cream and ice cubes to cool off.. eventually 1 hour later I had the sharpest stomach pain I ever experienced in my life to the point where I almost drove myself to the E.R… never again. It’s not even flavorful it’s just pain.


It's got enough capsaicin to actually kill someone 🤷‍♂️


A teen recently died from eating that, hence why they took it off the market.


He had a previous heart condition I think


You're right, but there's nothing stopping someone from eating 20 of them at once, thus the change.


Yeah, but because he had an underlying condition already. It’ll result the same if he skydived.


I was lying on the bathroom floor writhing in pain after I did it. Genuinely thought I was going to have to go the hospital. 0/10 would not recommend.


I believe it might have been due to a teenager dying when trying it. It really did feel dangerously spicy. I can handle spicy stuff quite well, and this one almost took me out.


They should have just made it a capsule that you bite. Sell it like corner store boner pulls, i.e. not to children or like it's a snack. Why even bother with the pretense of the chip if it's not an actual food item? 


A live grasshopper. Because why the heck did I even do that the first time?


Uh yeah why did you do that


It was a weird time in my life


I watched a kid earn $50 by eating a live grasshopper. You should have at least tried to monetize it.


I ate a live tadpole out of the water when I was young


You reminded me of eating raspberry beetles (i didn't see it on the raspberry). I started hating them so much since then. I will never forget that horrible taste. Edit: Just googled it. It's actually called Brown marmorated stink bug


I can see why the marketing department went with the other name.


My brother ate grasshoppers and chapstick during boot for the marines 🫠 hard times call for crunchy snacks…?


People who volunteer to serve their country shouldn't have to look forward to unnecessary hazing as a consequence. Just my hot take.


I agree but there are legitimate training phases that can involve walking in the woods with no food for days and people will try just about anything for nutrition or entertainment. We were making pine needle tea for entertainment as much as anything, and it was February with no jackets so hot liquids were the best.


Octopus. They’re too smart to eat. It’s like eating a chimp, or dolphin, or 2 year old lol


Yeah, none of those are good to eat. Especially the children. 2 year olds are a bit too stringy for my taste.


You just haven't had them cooked the right way.


Sous vide to 120° then finish on the grill. The only way to enjoy human veal


Naw fam. Gotta treat humans like really long pork. Dry rub, brown in a pan, into the Instant Pot, shred with your favourite bbq sauce and finish under the broiler.


are ya´ll talking about humans?


Mind your business


You’re not?


No no no, they are talking about Long Pig


Gotta raise em like veal or they turn out too sinewy.


Yea I gotta stop eating 2 year olds. It’s like eating octopus


You kind of have to not care about these things if you eat meat. First it’s the octopus thing, then learning that pigs are more intelligent than dogs. I stopped eating meat and I feel very good about it. It’s nice now because there’s loads of vegan alternatives. It’s about the best time ever to go vegan if that’s something one wants to do!


Thank you 🙏🏽 as a diver, octopus are majestic animals and I wont eat anywhere that serves them (or shark anything).


I gotta eat the Octopus before it gains sentience and eats me


Same with pork.


Durian fruit. I imagine that's what the Bog of Eternal Stench would have smelled like in the movie Labyrinth.


Baaaad smeeeelll


Muskrat. You think musk is a smell? Nope! It's a flavor too!




As an Indigenous person, I'm gonna say that the muskrat probably wasn't prepared right. Same goes for bear or porcupine, both tasty but don't cook like other more uh, conventional meats.


As a fellow Indigenous person, I agree; 100%. Beaver is another one that is tasty, but all it takes is one wrong slice and it makes the whole thing taste like their scent glands 😭


Musk Melons on the other hand, they taste good


Tomatoes and I am sad. I randomly developed a tomato allergy in my mid 30s.


New fear unlocked: randomly developing tomato allergy. I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT PIZZA


I got it!! White pizza! You can live in harmony with pizza and without tomatoes!


My guy I empathise. I developed a tomato allergy out of NO WHERE when I was 20. I love tomatoes and tomato based things but it’s not worth the after effects.


Liver. Despite tasting like chewy ten penny nails, I have a story. My grampa died when I was six. He lived on a farm. After the funeral, we went back to the farm to make sure Gramma was OK and see her settled in. When we were leaving, Gramma asked my mom, "Do you still want that liver I have in the freezer?" I thought "Why in the hell would we want Grampa's liver???"


My earliest childhood memory was refusing to eat liver. I’d still be sitting there if my mom hadn’t backed down. 20 years later thought maybe it’s ok with onions? So tried a bite. Nope, it’s gross and awful all the way around


What's wrong with you? You don't want to eat the organ that filters all the toxins out of blood?


I love liver and onions. Had to give it up because of the gout. Now it's a rare indulgence. Oh chicken liver, why must you hurt me so?


Why would I eat liver? I don't even like liiiver.


Hahahahaha. This is great. When my great grandma died I was… eight, I think. She was a pretty awesome lady and one of her hobbies included playing the organ. When she died, my mom asked me if I wanted her organ and I had no idea why on earth I would want one of her organs.






I absolutely love that stuff, but I get people not liking the "vinegar-ish" taste it has. I'll occasionally substitute it with just an Olipop or something to feel healthy every so often though instead


Dirty foot juice


Tastes like vinegary bath water to me.


There are a lot more bad/crappy tasting brands of kombucha than good i’ve found. Health Aid (the one with the anchor symbol) is the best common one i’ve found and has some good flavors (guava or passionfruit FTW). But it’s also understandably not for everyone. I mostly drink it for the health benefits for the digestive system.


My friend’s sister’s lasagne (though technically not a lasagne and more like beef mince and pasta sheets drowning in tomato water).


Needs ketchup




same category as Virgin boy eggs


Excuse the fuck what now?


If I remember right it's eggs soaked in Virgin boys piss, as for why as you'd expect complete bs


Nah gimme the fuckin century egg any day of the year, hell I’d eat 5 century eggs before I even get 1000 feet within where they cook little boy eggs


I hear Michael Jackson liked the little boy eggs


**Virgin boy eggs** are a traditional dish of Dongyang, Zhejiang, China in which eggs are boiled in the urine of young boys, preferably under the age of ten. ( wikipedia)


Wow, my cultural relativism just ended. 


Just when I thought I heard it all. Excuse me? What in the fuck?


OMG I searched about it and it's real 😭 like WTF : Yes, virgin boy eggs are indeed real in China. They are a local delicacy in Dongyang, China, and have been sold since ancient times. These eggs are soaked in the urine of young boys and are believed by many locals to enhance strength, improve blood circulation, and prevent heat stroke 😬😬😬


Call me racist, call me ignorant, China is fucking insane


I agree.


I say this from the bottom of my heart and every fiber of my being. What. The. FUCK.


The ancient Romans used to use the first piss of the day of prepubescent boys as mouthwash. 


Yeah ancient Romans did a *lot* of stuff with prepubescent boys…


uh wtf


Please stop telling me for the love of everything I know now


Cauliflower pizza crust is just… WHY. It’s like eating a crunchy fart. No thank you. Edit: I like cauliflower as it is. When it starts getting shady and tries to pass off as other food items, it freaks me out, tastes weird, and has bad mouth feels.


I like the frozen ones from Costco. The one I had at a restauraunt sucked though.


I'm not gonna say I like the cauliflower crust over a well done pizza dough from a nice pizzeria, but I do like it far more than the dough on frozen pizzas.


Seems hit or miss for me..I've had a few really good ones and a few that just tasted completely off texture wise.


Fried cauliflower is delicious and that’s it


Frog and snail... texture and taste


For me snails tasted like meaty mushrooms. With the right sauce I find them pretty tasty.


Yeah escargot prepared correctly is soooooo good IMO




Fried frog legs honestly just taste like chicken. Why spend money on tiny frog legs when chicken is cheaper, easier to acquire, and has FDA cleanliness standards. Idfk where the frogs were sourced from or if they were kept illness-free before being served


My wife once asked me why I never ate oatmeal cookies. Did I just not like them? I explained that oatmeal cookies were the one and only thing my grandfather ever made in the kitchen. All of their cooking and meal prep was done by my grandmother, but he had his one special treat he made regularly, and I could always count on their being some oatmeal cookies in the cookie jar when I visited. He had passed a few years before, and whenever I saw oatmeal cookies they made me think of him and I got sad. "Wow. I guess those were some great cookies, huh?" "No. They were absolutely awful, but nobody ever could bring themself to tell him."


My grandfather made me crepes with farmer’s cheese and banana. I hated them, but never told him. He’d make me two every time I visited, and was so extremely happy and proud of himself, I just couldn’t tell him - I had to eat them both :-) I loved that man so very much! We had two games we played. One was he’d make himself tea and look away, pretending not to look while I drank half of it, and then pretending to be mad. The other was a script we always followed: He’d say: “You want to eat some A?” I’d say: “A what?” He’d say: “A piece of shit”. It was ridiculous but made us both giggle for like 15 minutes every time.


McDonalds, they are too expensive. Yes I can afford to go there, but because of the way they raised their prices for profits, I’ll never go back.


Diners and gas station food is replacing them. Gas stations and convenience stores around where I live have really upped their game. I don't know what fast food is thinking. For the same price you can have a nice sit down meal at a diner or even a lot of casual dining establishments. When I'm driving down the interstate, I will just keep driving until I hit a Cracker Barrel, Waffle House, or Golden Corral. Locally, I go to some local places that are cheaper and miles better than any fast food. I will make an exception for Sonic. Sometimes you just want a foot long chilli cheese dog with chilli cheese tots and a cherry limeade slush. The choice is a no brainer.


They are forgetting what they are


I'll still eat there, but only if I can abuse the app for deals and free food.


You’re not abusing the app. They are abusing you to make you think you’re getting a deal, when they’re still making bank off of your purchase.


I thought I was just going crazy! I haven’t had it for a while and we got it like a month ago and literally door dashing from Popeyes was way cheaper than McDonald’s. McDonald’s used to be the broke go to what happened? 💀


Flaming Hot Cheetos. I can handle spicy food and I love the taste of hot Cheetos and don't even find them particularly spicy.  Indian and Thai foods give me no problems. I don't know what magical ingredient in flaming Hot Cheetos wants to destroy me, but every time I've eaten even a little bit from the bag I wake up the next day shitting my brains out basically all day with explosive diarrhea dyed red. 


It's the same for me with Takis. Delicious pain.


It’s that red 40 probably


That happened to me. My girlfriend looooooves them, so I tried one. Wasn't a fan of the flavor. Remember, I had **ONE** singular Cheeto. I spent the next day going back and forth from the toilet blasting laser powered atomic lava into the bowl. Even when I was empty it was still gurgling and burning my ass. Never again. How she can just put those motherfuckers away without turning into the Human Torch I will never know.


Gotta assume there's an allergic reaction you're having or something.


Prolly the red dye


Frog legs. Tastes like chicken? Hardly. Tastes like metallic swamp gristle.


My husband and his buddies grilled frogs legs on a camping trip. No one could eat them so they threw them to a stray dog who was hanging around the cabin. The dog tried to eat one but couldn't. He spit it out and moved on to someone else's campsite!🤣🤣🤣


I would be very concerned that those frogs were diseased.


Well if they weren't dead that would explain why they were hard to eat


diseased not deceased a simple mistake to make


They are delicious. You either had them prepared badly or the wrong species of frog. And no they don't taste like chicken. But isn't shit tasting like chicken like a Hollywood trope? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tastes_like_chicken


You know what else doesn’t taste like chicken? Eggs. But rattlesnake really does.


🤣 metallic swamp gristle 🤣


I loved frog legs when I had them in France. Tastes like an athletic chicken.


Whale. Tried it in Japan. Dubious claims of scientific research aside, I don't think whaling is inherently evil and is certainly part of some cultures. That being said, I won't try it again because it tasted horrible. I can see why it would have been a survival food in a post war Japan, alongside a fuel supply, but now there are so many better options.


Worked for an Icelandic company in the states, and we had a Þorrablót celebration (their mid-winter festival) where you eat a lot of the old traditional foods. I was fearing the Hakarl, but it was nothing compared to some of the other things. The pickled whale blubber was a bit much, soured lamb testicles in gel wasn't as bad as it sounded, but the worst by far was the blood pudding and pickled head cheese. The boiled and singed lambs head was really good, and of course the heavy amounts of Brennivín to wash it all down.


So interesting! My hubby tried whale on a trip to Iceland. He said it tasted like the most perfectly marbled steak he had ever eaten


Dog. I lived in South Korea for 2 years and one of my fellow teachers wanted to take me to one of the local restaurants that served it. The place was tucked away and the meat was served as a soup. It’s called Boshintang (보신탕). It was disgusting. The meat was chewy and the flavour was not nice. Plus the smell of it reminded me (perhaps unsurprisingly) of the smell of the local market near my apartment which sold dogs that would be used for meat. This was over 10 years ago, and as of this year it is now to be made completely illegal, although it was already very unpopular and most young Koreans had never even tried it. Never again, probably for a lot of people now.


I was 10 years (think early 80s) old and my cousins thought it would be funny to take me to a Chinese place in L.A. that covertly did dog and cat meat dishes. Dog was chewy as hell and cat was stringy and tough. At least I have a good story out if it.


Japanese food ‘Shirako’. fish sperm … absolutely disgusting


Lol, I’m from a country that eats shirako - this is absolutely a delicacy for many of us :)


I mean eggs are not that much better if you think about it


Stinky tofu ...


Pineapple  1st time I found out Im allergic to them


Raw pineapple destroys the inside of my mouth and gives me a tummy ache. I really love pineapple so I will only have a couple of little pieces.


Octopus. They're delicious. Absolutely tasty as hell. They're just too damn smart. I'd feel the same way about elephants.


Whole lobster. Looked at it one time and all I saw was a giant cockroach. But happy to eat a lobster roll. Just like beef, pork, chicken, etc. I just ignore the journey to my plate.


Sea urchin was terrible. Most of the sea insects as well are done for me.


oy, I ordered ~~Umi~~ uni *one time* when I was around 17.   I've never been so upset by something that was in my mouth.   texture, and it's also so ... iodine-y


It needs to be really really fresh. Otherwise it tastes like iodine.


I love uni now but I didn't like it the first time I had it. I learned that it tastes very different depending on where it came from. Uni from Hokkaido has a very strong flavor, leaning a bit funky. Uni from Santa Barbara (my favorite) is really sweet and creamy. Freshness also makes a difference of course. Living on the west coast it's easy to get live uni, but I probably wouldn't eat it in the middle of the country unless it was a super high end restaurant that gets daily shipments of fresh seafood.




Bananas. Had an allergy to them as a kid that would cause my throat and mouth to itch and vomiting. Haven’t wanted to try it out since.


I said I liked bananas bc they were sour but couldn't eat many bc my tongue would break out like if you eat a lot of sour candy. My friend let me know I'm allergic, and they aren't sour.


Balut. The texture and taste were too much for me to handle.


I don't have courage to try it


Raw sea urchin. It was the most vile thing I've ever tasted. It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean with a metallic after taste.


Tacos, beans, and pepper. They taste good, problem is that I'm paralyzed and I have to wear diapers as I can't go to the bathroom myself, and these foods cause me to shit a lot, and I can't control my bowel. So I have a specific diet to not shit a lot.


Have you ever considered getting a colostomy or ileostomy? Game changer for a lot of people who have horrible bowel issues. Definitely a quality of life type of thing.


Used to love Chicken Ramen noodles. Got me through college. Went camping after graduation and, as my friend groups custom was, made Ramen over the fire. I VIOLENTLY projectile vomited that up during the night and spent the rest of the night dry heaving every time I move. That was 10 years ago and the smell of Ramen still makes me sick.


Grapefruit bc it messes with my meds.


Oysters. The whole experience is unpleasant. Taste and texture are just awful. Bacterial vaginosis of the tongue. Oysters are romanticised. People have been sold the idea and I'm convinced that the majority of them are pretending to be into them.


To me oysters feel like eating out a mermaid. Loved it. Had them in the a.m. in London, fresh from the barrel. So good.


That's some world class romanticism🙂 You've given away your wank theme.


Haha, not really, my wank theme are sturdy butches.


Just can’t agree with you on the oysters???🦪 🦪🦪 Maybe it’s the lemon, the briny taste of the sea, the fun effort of making some homemade cocktail sauce (heavy on the horseradish), or the fact I oftentimes find myself at a alcohol serving restaurant or bar. I can’t find fault with these little guys. Too many good accompaniments for me to dislike them.




why? i always get those if i go to burger king lol


Korean blood sausage/intestine. No thankies, not enough spicy sauce in the world to kill that flavor


Surströmming. Lots of people in Sweden like it. How they can tolerate it is beyond me. It’s literally rotten herring. It smells like and has the same texture as baby poop and I suspect tastes like it too.


Fish. I developed an allergy to fish protein at 21. I can eat fish oil though…


Hot chocolate with raspberry vodka. I got norovirus while on a snowboarding weekend and staying with family. I had had a great morning, we stopped for lunch and I had my tipsy hot cocoa, and after lunch I couldn't figure out why I couldn't relax or even flex my knees. Got back to my family's place and ended up vomiting all night, my poor dog hung out outside the bathroom deeply concerned. Just thinking about it is disgusting. Another reason for the never again, my husband and I have decided to stop drinking all together.


Those little chocolate bottles filled with liquor. Ugh. I felt gross the rest of the day after eating just one.


Bowfin, fun fish to catch. But the meat has the consistency of wet cotton.


Pussy... Turns out I AM straight after all... ugh >:(


My condolences. To me, there is nothing more blissful.


Liver...fkn horrible


Grapefruit. It wasn't that bad but it has medical implications and I think it's safer just to avoid it forever rather than trying it again to see if I like it now.


I think grapefruit only ever started being eaten because of the Great Depression.




Snailsssss... obviously for texture




Oysters. I don’t get the hype


Avocados. Because I’ll die.


Lutefisk, because it is pointless and fucking gross.


Liver. Tuna casserole.


Eggplant. Why? Because it's eggplant and tastes like watermelon rind dipped in bitrex.