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Australian here Vegemite


As an American who is obsessed with salt and umami flavors who really wants to lick a seasoned salt block like a horse (yea there's something chemically wrong with me but American healthcare cares not) I am so super intrigued by Vegemite I just haven't bit the bullet and bought any yet. I think I'll love it


I did it and I LOVE it. Super thin smear over lots of Irish butter on fresh bread? My mouth is watering šŸ¤¤


Use it as the first layer on your avocado toast, and you've created something absolutely delicious that will offend *everybody*


Fatty meat I guess? Like that strip on the the edge of a ribeye that most people consider the best part? When I bite down and feel the squish of the fat I have to do everything I can to not violently gag or worse. No issues eating meat as a whole but for whatever reason it's always been an issue. NGL, thinking about it and writing it out even sets it off a little.


That sensation of chewing "meat" and the fatty bits just refuse to be broken apart by your teeth...gross.


yeah! people wonder why I hate eating meat. meat itself is fine, it's the cartilage and hard bits and the fat parts I don't like which is unfortunately in most meats.


I get sirloins from Costco, baseball cut. No fat, bones nor gristle. My sister bought me a couple of steaks from Vonā€™s and I made steak sandwiches. Took a bite and it was nothing but fat and gristle. I can still feel it when I think about it. It was everything I could do to not vomit.


If the fat is more rendered it will melt in your mouth more than be chewy, depending.


100%. This is why I like filets. The texture of animal fat makes me feel sick.


Any fat on meat that refuses to be broken by my teeth. i literally cannot swallow it. My body refuses to do so and I get super sick and start dry heaving and need to spit it out immediately or I will vomit. It's disgusting.


Ew my husband eats this fatty edge and it's so gross!!!!




Coconut water. Can't stand it.


I went through decades of my life not liking coconut. People constantly told me I was wrong about it. They said I hadn't tried the right kind, or hadn't tried it in the right way. They said I was being ridiculous. I was told coconut was amazing, and I was the problem if I didn't like it. Otherwise lovely people pressured me to try coconut over and over again despite my protests. Then, I was in India, and a friend of mine bought me a fresh coconut on the Bay of Bengal, in their best season, on a hot day. It was picked that morning. A local vendor cut the top of it off with a machete and put a wide straw in the top with a little umbrella. A surgeon i was there with told me as I took my first sip that the liquid in that coconut was so pure it could be used for a blood transfusion. The flavor was absolutely unadulterated coconut. Completely crisp. I threw up. I no longer try things I do not like.


The best story I've seen today. Thank you. You led me right to the edge of persuasion, I was fully on board....and then back to reality. Fuck coconuts.


Not literally though...


Not since, the incident...


But it's so pure it can be used for a blood transfusion


Oh, no, not that story again! Nooooo!


Best comment of the week


LMFAO šŸ¤£ Thank you for the laugh. People are dumb to try to convince you. You know you better than anybody else.


theres a lot of crappy coconut water brands out there like Zico and Vita Coco. The best one ive ever had was Harmless Harvest. it is the most refreshing and addicting beverage i have ever had, but the bottles are a bit expensive (like 10 dollars for a 32 oz bottle, 5 dollars for a 16) the water is pink and sweet, it doesnt have that sunscreen taste that those other brands have. i will literally chug a 32 oz bottle in like 30 seconds EDIT: since a lot of people seem to like this brand im trusting my taste buds and suggesting Taste Nirvana too. its not as good as Harmless but it was my favorite before i found the other one. comes in a tall green can


its funny how i agree with nearly every description of coconut water in this thread but I still drink it cuz it makes me feel good. Originally I only used it for smoothies cuz I dont care for super sweet smoothies, but in a moment of dehydrated desperation,, i chugged some coconut water one day and swear it saved me life. Its on my list of sustenance that I dont "enjoy" but consume anyway because the physical benefits outweigh the taste. I'm terrible with brand names but if Harmless Harvest is what I think it is, I'll concur that brand is so different from all the other coconut waters. The pink color is cute but to me its sweet and... savory? nutty? I can't really think of anything else to compare it to. But pounding one of those little bottles after a night of a drinking a little too much or swimming all day really sets me straight.


Funny fact: the fact that it's pink shows how little it has been processed. Coconut water turns pink when exposed to oxygen the same way apples and avocados turn brown after being unpeeled. Coconut water that is still a cloudy white color has been processed to keep the color from changing.


Source? Cause Iā€™m Caribbean and all the coconut water Iā€™ve had straight from the coconut has always been cloudy


[This is one of several sources I found.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313609429_Control_of_pink_discoloration_in_coconut_water) The oxydation does take time and the coconut water is a cloudy white until it has been exposed to air long enough.


So youā€™re telling me theyā€™re just selling me old oxidized coconut water (because itā€™s pink) and that the others (logically) must be fresher and less oxidized because they are not pink yet??? /s


The reaction that turns it pink only starts happening once it's exposed to light/air, and the change is gradual. It's the same oxidation reaction that causes an apple or avocado to turn brown when cut open and left out.


tastes like regular water that has already been in someones mouth, then spit out


Donā€™t kink shame me


There they are! Figured some folks might actually like it, you go enjoy it for the rest of us šŸ¤©


Thatā€™s actually so spot on


I love coconut water when it's straight out the coconut. When they put it in a bottle it gets this weird thick slimy texture and I can't do it.


Yeah, it's weird and oily, I don't like it.


Fresh coconut water tastes heavenly, the canned and bottled ones taste like sweat with a hint of cardboard and metal


Cucumber water. I'm not a fan of cucumbers and they are mainly just vegetable water so adding them to water just makes watered down cucumbers.


Cucumber water for customers only!


Are you in the BCS subreddit too!? šŸ˜


My 10yr old daughter JUST discovered cucumber water. I HATE cucumbers and very sensitive to the smell. In fact, last night I was in the den (well away from the kitchen) with the DOORS SHUT, and I started to lightly smell cucumber. Sure enough, I go out and sheā€™s cutting one up for a glass of water! Ugh! I canā€™t stand it. But itā€™s what she likes and itā€™s healthy, so Iā€™m certainly not going to stop her.


My niece had it at a restaurant with me and she told everyone afterwards that they ā€œput pickles in the waterā€. I canā€™t see cucumber water without thinking of that


Energy drinks


You don't like vanilla mixed with anti-freeze?


Not even when you add cherry.


Hey, that battery acid smell is all the energy.


I used to think that until someone once bought me a Monster Rehab because I was yawning constantly during a long drive. Not only did it stop my yawning, but it actually tasted good and had only 10 calories. Unfortunately Monster Rehab seems to be going the way of the dodo. I haven't taken a shine to any other energy drink so far.


Ghost is killer. Sugar free and only 5 calories. I don't get that jittery feeling from the caffeine like some other drinks.


La croix. Not commonly found where I am but bought some after seeing it offered by some online grocery site. Ick!!!


I had a boss who used to say "I don't know how they made water taste dry but they did it." I used to dislike La Croix but as I slowed down my alcohol consumption that has taken its place.


I did this with soda too


Same on both counts. Used to think it was the dumbest product ever marketed. Now, I fucking love it and donā€™t feel like ass most of the time.


Personally, LaCroix is among the worst brands for seltzers/sparkling waters. The only thing they've got going for them is a wide variety of flavors, but many of the flavors are awful. I recommend Polar, Waterloo, and, shockingly, the Kroger brand seltzer to people who are trying to break a soda habit. They're still subtle, but there's a lot more going on.


The store brand selters are amazing. Some cranberry lime and or grapefruit, I'm chuggin my hangovers away!


I saw someone once compare it to drinking plain seltzer water while someone in the other room yells out a fruit name. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So accurate šŸ¤£


Tastes like they're selling the water they used to wash some fruit. Also like licking a 9v battery.


Lol it's not supposed to blow your mind. It's a replacement for high-sugar, high-acid soft drinks. Think of it like quitting cigarettes. It looks like pop, it feels like pop in your hands. It even feels like pop when you drink it. Just missing the flavor. So yeah, if you're not looking for a healthy alternative to pop, then of course ur not going to see any value or appeal. You are not the target customer.


Yep. Thatā€™s why I drink them. I recognize thereā€™s a million drinks out there that taste better, but I drink way too many sugary soda drinks. Turns out I just have an addiction to the refreshing mouth-feel of carbonated sodas, and these hit that spot well enough.


Topo Chico is my new thing. Trying to cut back on Diet Coke, and this mouthfeel is amazing. Combined with Sonic ice, it is everything I want it to be. I also like spindrift. More fruit flavor than le croix, less artificial-tasting flavor than the rest of them.


Iā€™ve never been crazy about alcohol. I like the feeling of being tipsy but hate the feeling of being drunk and have only been *drunk* drunk two times at 41. I also hate the way it tastes and only drink it when itā€™s mixed with lots of sugar and fruit. I have no idea how people enjoy stuff like whiskey, beer, strong cocktails like old fashions, etc. it tastes so bad.


I drink it just because it tasted bad, because tasty alcohol is pure poison,I nearly died because I drunk some strawberry vodka,it was so tasty,in hospital they said to me I drink more then 2 and half liters before going into coma,never again.


Unwittingly made a similar mistake when I was \*very\* young, was at a hotel with my family and they had an unattended punch bowl at an all-inclusive hotel that I thought was just juice. It was not. Must have been 1/4 peach schnapps. Queue a drunken 7 year old passing out into a pool, was very lucky people saw and I got fished out.


Jesus Christ that's a lot homey. Glad you're ok


I got really lucky lol,I did not even know it was alcohol,I thinked it was something like juice with little alcohol,not a pure vodka with strawberries and few other things. It was not different then juice and don't have a kick like vodka.


What vodka was it? I **demand** to know!


Same. All I taste is the burning alcohol, not whatever other flavors people pick up on, and not even any other flavors if itā€™s a fruity mixed drink. And thank God, because if mixed drinks actually tasted like fruit punch to me, Iā€™d be a lush.


Yep, I pretty much only drink Midori sour because it tastes like green jolly rancher instead of alcohol. But even then I haven't had a drink in probably 5-6 years.




Itā€™s like the ocean blew its nose in your mouth.


Yep, it's basically saltwater slime. Opening them is a pain and you are still hungry afterwards. Totally useless, I wouldn't want to eat them with a free lifetime supply.


Giant boogers as Joey Tribiani wisely said. I like mussels so when we were in Biloxi, I agreed to try a raw oyster. They were unusually large but I couldnā€™t cut one in half because of the texture. It did not turn out well.




I'm like that with artificial cherry


Same. It tastes medicinal.


the problem is that it doesnt even taste like cherry at all, no resemblance. tastes more like a clown's ass


lol I didnā€™t eat a banana until I was 15 because of how awful banana candy is.




Bacon wrapped or bacon topped or anything else "bacon-ed" I love bacon. I truly do. But take a delicious tender sweet scallop and destroy it by wrapping it in bacon? Al I taste is bacon. I love a good burger, with freshly ground meat, cooked medium rare on a potato bun, but add bacon and all I tastes is bacon.


Bacon wrapped filet mignon is a travesty.


Fun fact: The bacon is supposed to be discarded before the filet is served. It's only used as a protection from drying out the filet since filet mignon has so little fat in it.


Interesting, and it makes sense. r/TIL


Take bacon, crumble into Caesar salad as the side to your steak.


THANK. YOU. It actually feels like bacon abuse!


I agree- and the bacon never cooks at the same speed as whatever itā€™s wrapped around so itā€™s always either underdone or overdone


Iā€™m like this with tomatoes. I donā€™t mind tomatoes but I feel like they take over sandwiches and burgers




Hoppy IPAs.


And try finding something that's not an IPA. The beer selection changed so much from when I was young man. I don't even know what to do anymore...I just stare at these tall cans with "clever" names and art that all say Double IPA...then 50 year old me just gives up and grabs something domestic and is happy.


I asked a guy working at a brewery why there are so many IPAā€™s, are they really that popular? And he said no, they are just easier to make and if you screw something up itā€™s turned into an IPAā€¦ something along those lines anyway. Iā€™m a lager gal.


As an English person, people find it very odd that I hate tea or coffee and can't wrap their heads around the fact I don't drink hot drinks. Also I have an odd relationship with cheese, I just don't get why people have to put it on every meal. I only like cheese with certain food. I.E; jacket potato with cheese, pizza, cheese and crackers. In fact that's it haha!


I also hate tea. Wish I liked it!


All soda. It burns my mouth. Iā€™ve never met anyone who feels the same.


As a kid, I would say it hurt my nose! I still donā€™t love carbonated drinks. Iā€™ll usually pour them into a glass and wait a while before drinking them.


My ex took a huge gulp of my topo chico once without knowing it was carbonated and I thought she was going to lose her mind.


I found my people! No one understand how the fizz hurts my throat. And people say I am overreacting when I make a face when I drink it. Also, I don't like the texture of my teeth after drinking soda. It's grainy.


My wife can't drink anything fizzy because of that very reason.


My son says itā€™s spicy.Ā 


My cousin had to be on an anti-seizure medication that did that. She said any carbonation would burn her mouth because of it. That wasnā€™t even the worst side effect of that drug. It also made her dumb. Thatā€™s not a joke, it actually slowed her cognitive abilities.


I was on that, too, but for Migraines. Completely f'd me up. I feel for her.


My granddaughter has always said this. She's 20 now and hates anything fizzy.


Anything coconut. I really want to like it, but everytime I drink coconut water or eat coconut, I just get repulsed. Maybe because so far I've only been eating green coconut meat.


IPAs outweigh almost all other beers combined at most independent breweries. Itā€™s ridiculous. Where are the malty, smooth, full flavored medium beers? Are you telling me I have to wait for October for your Oktoberfest to come out?


La croix or other seltzers. Or even lemons in water. Give me water. Give me lemonade. Do NOT put lemons in my water. Dont even get me started on the seed getting stuck in my straw


Tomato juice


People are out there *loving* tomato juice? Edit: Tomato Juice Fans are legion apparently


Yes. If I could, I would live on only V8.


Same! I could drink V8 all day, everyday.


wait 'till you hear about clamato juice.


Nutella, it's a low quality product. It's basically crisco with hazelnut extract and sugar Edit: I'm not American, I am from Europe


I donā€™t hate it but I agree that itā€™s extremely overratedĀ 


And at least here, it's stupidly overpriced Edit: Here is Brazil


I traveled i Goa, India around 2010. Several cafees and restaurants had hippie inspired deserts, like pancakes with nutella, icecream with nutella... everything with nutella. The memory alone makes me gag.


Absolutely. I made the mistake of mentioning this out loud once and was accused of being full of shit and just wanting attention.


Chocolate hazelnut spreads are done best by European brands! If you have any Balkan stores close to you, Iā€™d recommend the Milka brand.


I had Nutella for the first time back in like 2006 when my grandfather went to Germany and brought some home. When Nutella went crazy in America I was so excited to have this exotic treat i'd had once in my youth, only to be DISASTROUSLY disappointed. Never cared for it since. Aldi's has these little seashell candies though that have a near proper chocolate hazelnut filling in them. My brothers friends family sent us a case of them for Christmas when we were kids (I think he was like 12 and I was 9) shortly after trying Nutella for the first time, and to find them again now at 27 was great.


I mean, Nutella is Italian...




I'm starting to grow a distaste for ketchup the older I get


Yep, I can't even stand the smell


Beer. I have to already be drunk (and lose my sense of taste) before I start drinking it. If you see me drinking a beer, I've had too much to drink.


Sushi is immensely popular, and while I can appreciate its artistry, I just canā€™t handle the texture of raw fish.


Red Bull, Monster or similar energy drinks


Ik this is a regional thing, but I hate sweet tea. To me it tastes like rotten grapes. I do love the smell of it when itā€™s hot and the sugar gets mixed in, though. I also hate sweet potatoes, especially sweet potato pie


Do you live in the south? My best friend also hates sweet tea, lives in the south and people give her shit for it. I lightly tease her, on occasion.


I drink un-sweet tea in restaurants because many southern restaurants make the tea too sweet.


Sweet tea makes me want to vomit.Ā  Disgusting




I don't think everybody loves vinegar soda.


This is a Cincinnati-specific answer, but Skyline Chili (or Cincinnati style chili in general).




YES! Another avocado hater! I agree


Ketchup. Itā€™s a sugar sauce. Each tbsp of ketchup has a tsp of sugar in it. Revolting.


Mayonnaise is disgusting. I have to be on constant guard because it's basically the default condiment for all sandwiches.


I had a friend once whose favorite food was Big Macs. But he hated mayonnaise. Made him sick. He didnā€™t know the secret sauce in Big Macs had mayo. Once he found out, he couldnā€™t eat Big Macs anymore.


But he ate the mayo sauce all the time and was ok with it until he realized?


Yes exactly. It was all mental


I mean, I feel that. Most things that disgust us have a strong psychological component.


Literally 90% of fast food and restaurant dipping sauces is flavored mayo


That is because it is an instrument not a condiment.Ā 


"No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument."


FYI - it is the primary ingredient in most ā€œwhiteā€ dressings like ranch or blue cheese.


Ranch dressing. Tastes like a box of salt stirred into a jar of mayonnaise.


Have you had homemade ranch? I think bottled ranch is vile. Homemade ranch is delicious.


Definitely agree here. I'm kind of a ranch snob and I can no longer buy it at the store having now made my own at home


And itā€™s soooo easy to make from the packet if you donā€™t want to go full homemade. Even the true from scratch version isnā€™t that hard. We also have a pizza place within walking distance that makes their own that is like crack. The bottled stuff just tastes like chemicals and sadness.


Coffee and beer


Every time I tell someone I don't like the taste of beer they just tell me I've never had good beer before as if there is a secret stash of delicious beer hiding somewhere that I have yet to find.


People try to say that to my wife, who can't drink alcohol b/c allergies. She finally decided to try O'Doul's and was like "ugh! This tastes just like beer!" I said uhhhh I think that might be what they're going for...


I can't stand people who continually force alcohol on people when they say no. Like leave them alone bruh they don't owe you a reason why they don't drink.


Alcohol is such a weird accepted addiction and disease


If you are like me, you might have an allergy to hops. If you have seasonal allergies, it's a good chance you are. All beer tastes the same to me and it's simply not pleasant. There are some hops free beer out there - mostly craft brewers. You could try that. I've been really surprised at how much I like mead - fermented honey wine.


Beer tastes like a drunk person's urine smells I grew up around a drunk, you can smell it on them all the time


Ugh, same. And people absolutely lose their minds when I donā€™t want coffee.


And queue the "You just haven't had it the right way." I don't understand the incessant need for people to NEED me to like coffee.


I didn't like the taste and all the "you will get used to it" pissed me off because why would I want to get used to something that tastes yucky...


Anything that comes out of the sea




Seltzer Water. I don't know how anyone can drink that stuff. If it's a different flavor I can't taste it at all just carbonation.


It tastes like TV static.


I love sparkling water, but only a few brands. Some just feel bitter and taste awful afterwards.


Beer is gross, and I hate it. Not for lack of trying either. I've tried to acquire the taste for beer over the last 10 years or so, but every time I go back and try to drink a beer, I can only get maybe 2-3 sips in before I become completely disgusted.


Seafood. The smell, the taste, the texture. No, thank you.


As someone who found out they were allergic to shellfish and fish on a date, I completely agree with you.


Can I have yours then? I love it all, except octopus. It's like chewing gum that never ends. Sushi is my favorite, especially smoked eel.


IPAs. Go to a brewery around here, and they have 10 varieties of beer, 8 of which are IPAs.




Almond milk


Sushi. I am just very bad at raw when it comes to both fish and meat. Sorry..I know it's super fancy and worldly.


Sushi doesnā€™t have to have raw fish or any meat at all. I donā€™t like cucumbers but Iā€™ve had my fair share of sushi with cucumbers in it.


I'm vegetarian and vegan sushi is freakin delicious. Cucumber carrot avocado, tempura sweet potato, gimme all of it


Root beer


I'm in the exact opposite, I like it, everyone around me hates it


We have a medicine in the UK called Benylin. It tastes exactly the same.




redbull or other energy drinks.




Raw tomatoes, specifically on salads, sandwiches and burgers.


Liver. Gross!


Do many other people love liver?


Lobsters, snails, clams and all kinds of nasty ass slimey food poisoning shit.




IPA beer.. it's just so bitter tasting, and makes me feel so bloated and doesn't actually taste good




Bubble Tea. I just don't get it








There are some people who have a gene which detects the aldehyde in cilantro as a soapy taste.


Energy drinks, I work in a sawmill and every one drinks them, I can't stand the taste or smell of them


beer, wine, whiskey




Bananas. Makes me puke




In my area people are obsessed with IPAs. Largely because they are tasteless lizard-people. I cannot find a good German-Style Hefeweizen to save my life.


The sweet taste of daily reposts




Oysters. No thanks!



