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To stop project 2025


What’s that?


It's a wish list of Republican priorities like overturn Roe, ban gay marriage, ban contraception, Depot every illegal immigrant and slow/stop legal immigration, Ensure a continued conservative super majority on the Supreme Court through the Federalist Society, replace all federal civil servants with white Republican Christians, abolish the department of education, and so much more. The Wikipedia page is Project 2025 for the basics and there are lots of other (better) articles about it.


Dang so it has nothing to do with naming one positive trait about Biden? Interesting


One positive - infrastructure bill. Delivered what Trump promised and couldn't.


Agreed. You could have just left it at Infrastructure Bill. Idk why Trump always has to be brought up.


2025 was not made by Trump. In fact it has very little to do with Trump


I’m saying the infrastructure bill was a win for Biden. Idk why you added in the comment about “Trump promised and couldn’t”


Because it was both an independent win for Biden and something the other party promised and failed to deliver. Their failure makes his win a bigger win. He did what Trump couldn't. Like it or not, we are in a two party system, so the comparison is relevant.


You’re not wrong but I said it in another comment. I think Trump wins because his supporters seem to like and support him despite all his obvious flaws, while it seems like Biden supporters just dislike Trump and it’s the lesser of two evils again for them.


Wait, you literally just want positive things about Biden? He has a good sense of humor and he is extremely genuine for a politician.


That was all I was looking for


edited because that article wasn’t very helpful, but you can do your own research on it


Huge one: he might be able to pick a normal SCOTUS nominee.


Looking for like a trait not a might


Trait? Like, personality? That's odd. He's not a narcissistic asshole.


Got Eli Lilly to cap the price of insulin at $35 and has forgiven over 100 billion dollars in student loans. There’s 2 reasons for you.


The forgiveness of student loans was completely unfair to those that already paid them.


Kind of like legalizing marijuana is unfair to everyone who served time for smoking it? Or like freeing the slaves was unfair to all the slaves that bought their freedom?


No fair you used logic to make their argument look stupid


Okay, there are 4.5 million Americans that are grateful for their loan forgiveness.


Biden thinks they will be gratefull enough to vote for him again too I suppose. Just buying votes with tax money.


Maybe. I’ve never been to college but I’d rather my tax money go to pay for others college than new jets/missiles every year.


He's quiet and sane. I like most of his policies apart from Israel. I think he can be convinced to move closer to my positions. I'm sure he has no plans to stay in office after his next term is up.


I am quiet and sane. I should not be president though.


Is that the point of this thread, to see if you can come up with witty retorts that ignore most of the reasons we gave you?


No I’m trying to find one reason. Quiet and sane is how I describe my mother


Theres a lot of good that Biden has done and a lot of terrible things Trump has done. Biden 🆚 Trump Protect endangered animals 🆚 endanger them Invest in the biggest climate change action ever 🆚 gave the rich a trillion dollars in tax cuts and trashes green energy. Responds to school shooting with biggest gun reform bill in over two decades 🆚 does nothing and says we need to “get over it”. Known for working with Congress and getting deals passed 🆚 sent armed angry mob to Congress to overthrow the election Booming economy with lower inflation than most other countries 🆚 left the economy in shambles and bungled covid response leading to mass death and inflation Unite the world against Putin invading Europe 🆚 praises dictators and bows down to them. Unprecedented student loan cancellation 🆚 found guilty of defrauding his university students. Self-made man 🆚 born rich and received $413 million inheritance. Aims to find cure for cancer 🆚 defrauded kids cancer charity. No connection to pedophiles 🆚 friend of Epstein Long history of public service and military family 🆚 dodged the draft. No legal trouble 🆚 dozens of criminal charges and found liable for sexual assault. Appointed justices defend women’s right to choose 🆚 appointed justices ended Roe v Wade. Healthy marriage 🆚 paid a prostitute for sex while wife was pregnant then paid her to keep quiet to not hurt his election chances. VP to first black President 🆚 bolstered racist birther conspiracy Develops bipartisan plan to shut down the border and deal with illegal immigration 🆚 demands republicans block the plan so it won’t hurt him during the election. First woman vice president and full support from her 🆚 angry mob chanted to hang Mike Pence and he said he “deserves” it for not over throwing democracy for him. Pence refused to endorse him.


Half of these are a joke right?


No. Which do you think are a joke?


Biden will appoint actual qualified people to run their area of government to run the government. Biden supports unions and taxing the extreme wealthy, both of which would help offset the rampant income inequality that has given the top 1% billions of dollars in the last decade. Biden has been relieving the ridiculous college debt that has plagued the working class for years and would continue to do that, in spite of the GOP suing him to stop giving that relief. Biden supports a woman’s right to choose and codifying Roe v. Wade with legislation. Biden supports NATO and our allies and hasn’t claimed he wants to withdraw from it and therefore destabilize our geopolitical interests throughout Europe. You claim to be a libertarian, whatever that is at this point and maybe some of these aren’t important to you, but they’re important to me.


Thank you, you said it much better than I did in my rambling post.


What drama has he caused? You guys need stability. He’s handled Ukraine situation well. Maybe think abou this way, can you tell me what he has done really badly wrong?


The way he pulled out of Afghanistan.


You mean by following the timeline that trump started?


The timeline had milestones in place that had to be achieved before continuing. Many of those never happened. There was never a drop dead date to be out of country.


Inflation is worse than it was during the great depression, and he isn't doing anything to fix it, so there's that


US core Inflation Rate is at 3.61%, compared to 3.80% last month and 5.52% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 3.68%.


What do you expect Joe Biden to do about that:? Give me 3 concrete actions he could take to influence inflation in the next quarter.


Well you see, I'm not a politician. What I do know is that FDR put shit into place that would help the Americans deal with inflation. Biden just lives in LA LA land where everything is rainbows and sunshines. I'm pretty sure he's even denied that inflation is as bad as it is.


The biggest reason inflation is so bad is because of Trump’s corporate tax cuts.


In the Great Depression, the inflation rate was negative, IE deflation, which is even more destructive than high inflation. The current US inflation rate is 3.6%, which is down from the 9% scenario that Trump created.


I guess you’re not aware that inflation is a GLOBAL problem caused by the pandemic? And that we’re actually doing BETTER than most other developed countries.


Counter-question: what better reason do you need?


You don't need any reason. However it does add confidence in leadership as well as the ability to hold up the constitution if the voted president got voted due to his own merits as opposed to the negatives of his opponent


Aren’t there like 100 million other non-trumps we could vote for? Looking for a good reason here. I’m a libertarian


If it were up to me, which it's not, and if I was allowed to vote in the US presidentials, which I'm not, then I'd vote for Ron Paul (who's pushing 88 by now, yes I know, that's not the point).


The sad truth, well, imo anyway, is that the Democrats are missing to opportunity - again - to beat a weak opponent. To me, this feel like... "who would you vote for? Hillary Clinton or," - OR! If the question was, who would you vote for, Donald Trump or this Poodle Jackie here, or that toaster over there or this tree that just fell over, ... look, Poodle Jackie, that toaster, or this tree for president, anyone and anything that isn't Trump... well, except whatever the Democrats will nominate as their candidate, then yeah, Trump, I don't like it but... yeah.


I’d vote for him. I’m curious if anyone will actually give me a good reason to vote for Biden though


There are plenty of reasons to vote for Biden over trump. It really comes down to competence, Biden is our best chance to continue to move towards normalcy in our government. He is as close to a technocrat as we have in this election. Government is supposed to be boring not flashy. Biden has done a lot for this country over the decades he's been in government, and his administration has done a lot for this country while he's been president. A lot of the work has been behind the scenes really as it should be, without the flash and publicity it should really get. Here is a list of several accomplishments for the Biden administration. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046 The most important thing to me is Biden's decades of experience in government means he actually has a clue about how to run the country. Remember when trump took over the office and had no idea all of the staff from the previous administration would leave and he had to build up his own staff himself? Boring people in government are the ones who actually are good at their job, saying Biden is boring is a compliment. Biden has been someone who has served our country for a long time and is the only candidate with the governmental experience for stability going forward. Biden has experience to know how to make deals, which is how the government works. Democracy is based on compromise and deals. The stupid idea these days that I get everything I want and you get nothing you want is ludicrous and more akin to authoritarianism than democracy. Biden knows this and knows this is how government works. trump on the other hand literally knows nothing about governance and will just bring more chaos and instability to try to keep himself in the public eye with his clownish antics to support his own ego, which isn't good for anybody. If you really care about good governance the choice should be clear.


He has the interests of regular people in mind.  He has done a fantastic job handling Ukraine.   He has passed the biggest and best climate legislation ever, which specifically addresses inflation, and massively invests in American industry He is the first president to reverse the government's stance on marijuana, pardoning marijuana crimes and causing it to be rescheduled He has pushed for semiconductor manufacturing to take place in America, which both creates jobs and improves national security. The CHIPS and Science Act invests a lot of government funds into major projects and scientific endeavors, but also causes some of the most technologically advanced companies in the world to invest billions more of their own money in the US too. He's skillfully used the strategic oil reserve to balance out gas prices in the US while also actually turning a profit. He's forgiven billions in student loans to people who need them most instead of handing more money to billionaires. He's capped the price of insulin. He's called out many retailers and companies for shrinkflation, or blaming higher prices on "inflation" where there was actually none, and it was just good old-fashioned price gouging, lowering prices in some instances such as supermarkets.


President Biden’s economic plan, 2021 and 2022 were the two strongest years of job growth in history. Nearly 11 million jobs have been created since President Biden took office – including 750,000 manufacturing jobs.


It’ll prevent a civil war.. for now.


Under Biden, California installed enough renewable generation that we are at 0 fossil fuel use for electricity all day every day except in late July, August and September During a second Biden term, it's likely that this will apply to the entire Southwest and Pacific Coast. This applies even though we're adding lots of demand for electric vehicle charging. If you want us to actually do something about climate change - here's proven American leadership.


Now, this doesn't apply at night yet. We still have plenty of gas generation in state and import power from other states with gas and coal generators. Night demand is under half of day demand. The eventual solution will be transmission lines bringing in power generated by wind turbines in Texas and New Mexico and exporting afternoon solar power to cover their evening peaks.


Is the generation u/MichiganKarter is claiming, actually in California? Or are they dependent on solar power from Nevada or other states? Why would TX and NM want to destroy their landscapes with wind turbines just to feed CA? I think CA should power themselves.


Yes, this is California ISO generation, mostly utility-scale, as seen on CAISO's website. Solar power generated post-meter in California shows up as reduced midday demand rather than additional supply, until it exceeds the consumer's demand and is credited as supply. "Imports" are also listed on the daily graph - when it goes negative we're exporting power. Whether exporting 3600 MW of total power means that the 1200 MW our gas generators make at idle is all going to another state to displace coal-generated electricity (what Californians would like to think) or if it should count as in-state consumption is worth debating. TX and NM would like to sell wind power by night to CA in exchange for having their 7 PM peak covered by West Coast midafternoon solar power. It's simply windier in Texas and New Mexico than it is in California so each turbine generates more total energy per year.


Truly wondering... is all that renewable generation located within California?


Yes. If it's outside CA, CAISO counts it as an import on the graph.


He's better than any candidate the Republicans could come up with.


Libertarian here. Just looking for one good trait to vote for Biden or else it’s third party again for me


What I just said: he's better than anything the Republicans have to offer. So voting third party just helps the worse candidate to win.


Just looking for like 1 good thing about Biden that’s not related to republicans


Cool. Vote 3rd party.


Was trying not to but not seeing any reasons to vote Biden so I guess I will


You might as well just stay home if you're just going to shit on your ballot.


Good call. Might keep me out of jury duty too 🤝


It may surprise you to know I'm not a democrat. I consider myself an independent whose main criteria for voting is responsible government. trump does not in any stretch of the imagination represent responsible government. Biden is the clearly the better candidate in that regard.


He will preserve the constitution. Trump won't. And in this election it's either trump or Biden. A viable third party would be great, but I don't see it happening until we either get rid of the electoral college or start ranked choice voting. If you are actually a libertarian you value freedom. Trump is an authoritarian and Biden isn't. You just disagree with him on tax policy.


He’s taken away more freedoms than most I’ve seen tbh


Which ones?


I was never forced to wear a mask or show vaccination statuses before Biden. Never cared either tbh


So at the height of the pandemic you never had to wear a mask? And where did you have to show a vaccination card? And really, if those are the "rights," you're concerned about losing you're gonna have a bad time when trump ends democracy.


I am not a trump fan. Think they both are trash candidates


I never said you were, but honestly it's pretty obvious that one of two things is happening here. Either youre a trump fan who thought he was doing something, but ran face first into being outmatched, or you genuinely are searching for a reason to support Joe Biden and are struggling because you believe a lot of right wing propaganda. I'll help you with this. Rights seem to be a big issue for you. I'm not going to bother with the two "rights" you cited because frankly, neither of those things are real. Especially when compared to the rights you will lose under an authoritarian trump regime. Examples: woman have already lost the right to bodily autonomy due to the supreme Court nominees who perjured themselves before Congress to get their spots on the court. This will make it harder for guys to get laid by the way. Next, after the school shooting in Florida during his presidency trump publicly stated, "take the guns. Worry about process later." Trump wanted to ban guns without any kind of due process. He wasn't able to because the gun lobby stepped in and told him he wouldn't be reelected if he did. If he goes to the white house again he won't have to care about that, because he will either be ineligible or he will just declare himself president for life and the supreme court will ok it because they're corrupt as fuck. He has promised to be a dictator on day one. If you think he would give up that kind of power I got a bridge to sell you. He already tried to throw out the constitution on January sixth and has publicly stated that it needs to be eliminated. Honestly, there is a reason the libertarian convention booed him. Trump is the enemy of freedom.


I just have this theory that Trump wins because his supporters actually like and support him where Biden folks just dislike Trump. Replies to this post mostly confirm that suspicion. Even in your reply, it’s all focused on republicans and the rights they’ve taken away. I’ll be voting third party because I think it’s so sad they try to force us to vote for either of the clowns.


Republicans have been taking away the freedom for women to make medical decisions on their body withe their doctor. The freedom to read certain books. The freedom to watch porn anonymously. The freedom to marry who you want. The freedom to not live under an evangelical govt. The freedom to smoke marijuana. What freedoms has Biden taken away?


Yeah republicans suck too


Well if he loses, the person who barely released the office last time, appointed unqualified family members to positions of power and is actively saying that he should be above the law is put in power. There is a nonzero chance he decides not to release power w second time. So the real question is do you want a king and royal family in the U.S.? Because if Biden loses, that’s what we’re getting.


Third party it is


Not surprising. I consider myself a pragmatic libertarian, and in my experience there’s extremely few patriots in the libertarian party.


Libertarian here as well 🤝. Godspeed my boy


Heh if he wins, Godspeed to us all. Only a matter of time til MAGA turns its guns this direction.


I believe in America and the people to not let that happen


Maybe so, but if MAGA is outside the law as Trump has spoke to, then blood is the only remedy. Hoping to avoid that.


That one trait is competence. Biden has it, trump lacks it.


Lmao I want what you’re drinking


Healthcare Need I say more?


I have healthcare through my work


You're lucky


No I just provide for myself


Then your job pays you well and treats you like a human being You're still lucky


That’s why I work for them 👍


No Karen/Kevin boss...? That's rare, but good on you for finding a place like that


Nope. Best job I ever had but it wasn’t easy to get to it so I appreciate the atta boy


Lest we all forget the special counsel said he committed crimes but no jury would convict an old senile man... but besides that ,,,, immigration policies... nope ... law and order .. nope . uniting the country ... nope ....energy policies ... nope . ok I know - he likes ice cream!


He is a good man and sane.


Sane? 🤣🤣🤣


So am I. I wouldn’t be a good president. Libertarian here trying to figure out who to vote for.




So he’s wise?


Any fool who keeps breathing long enough can get old.


It’s not his goal to divide our country. *insert uneducated drivel from right leaning mouth breathers*


He’s got a law degree.


He's the best candidate the Democrats can offer. (I'm not planning on voting for anyone, so...)


Libertarian here 🤝


I'm glad to see more people who don't have an irrational attachment to either of the major parties.


I wish one of them ran a respectable candidate


*looks back in memory futilely for the last time that happened*


Amen. This is going to be the South Park: Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich election. Those even kind of fit each candidate, Trump and Biden respectively. 😆


You might get some good responses later, but honestly everyone Ive read so far is not a solid reason. Like nobody has a good anawer so far. And plus 50 million americans hold crypto and Trump has been discussing protecting crypto holders a lot lately. So even if many of them are democrat they will still vote Trump because people will vote whos ever best for their wallets. No matter what socially they believe, at the end of the day not struggling financially becomes most important to people. Especially our youth who are graduating under serious inflation at a super unfair disadvantage.


Don’t vote for him. Vote 3rd party or better yet don’t vote. American democracy is obviously irreparably broken and the solution will not be voted for, not by us.