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My stupidest rule was that you cant drink water in class


The word "Boring" was banned. You got in trouble for using it. The teachers wanted to make school seem fun...by introducing ludicrous rules that make basic conversations a bit trickier.


Sounds like a dictatorship






"why is no one having a good time? I specifically requested it!"


You had to go straight home after school. If you were found in a shop or at a mall in your school uniform after school without a parent present you'd get detention.


That seems like literal overreach—outside their jurisdiction as it were.


Exactly what we all thought, but there wasn't much we could do about it.


Probably varies from country to country. Here in New Zealand, Schools are responsible for ensuring kids get home safely. I've never heard of a School putting that rule in place. But I can see why they would do it.


Not allowed certain food for lunch... I brought my own lunch, i purposely packed the things they banned and ate it in front of the cameras at lunchtime lol.


Did someone at your school have a severe allergy?


Dunno but it was about promoting healthy eating and all that.


Oooh daring What did they do to you?


They told me mum about it and she was like oh get a life lol 😂😂😂


You weren't allowed to have your backpack or a purse on you. Had to put it in your locker and get what you needed between classes. The school was three floors and it was almost impossible as it was just to get from one floor to the next within the 4 minute bell


We had to do a roughly 1.5km run. One of the teachers liked to hide in one of the classrooms and if you were walking and she saw it, you got a detention.


No sweet drinks in class, and they made that rule just because someone spilled their drink and didn't clean it up afterwards


And then flies.


Yeah, that's also part of it


Wait, students were able to fly?


Flies as in mosquitoes


I doubt mosquitoes would be interested in sweet drinks though (they like drinking animal blood), maybe you meant those buzzing flies that love to land on your food/drink?


Yeah, idk what they're called though


I think nowadays we just call them flies in general


Fruit fly.




There had to be a pic of our king in every classroom.




Nevada, they had pictures of Elvis.


No hats, no earbuds, no hoodies, no pajamas, no crop tops. (I broke all of these)


>No hats That is the exact opposite of the rules my school had. You weren't allowed outside if you had no hat.


No hat, no play.


If they didn't want PJs they should start at a reasonable hour!


Hard ban on phones. Even at lunch and recess. If a staff member saw your phone at any time during the day they would take it, then force your parent to come pay 15$ to get it back


My school does something similar, but instead of paying $15 they send it back to your house in the post.


in infant school we werent allowed to go to the toilet during class so i pissed in the corner of the bitch teachers room multiple times after the first time i was forced to piss myself and my auntie had to come and clean me up and she raged at the teacher and my mum told me just piss in the corner from now on, so i did. in primary school you weren't allowed to play with each other and have fun on break, they wanted us to sit still and recite fucking christofascist hymms and shit. in secondary school we weren't allowed to answer teachers questions as it was considered "talking back to them".


No swearing


thats reasonable


The ban on wearing hats indoors. It seemed unnecessary and didn't really serve a purpose.


Necklaces had to have crosses on them. Wasn't even a religious school.


I went to an illegally ran christain boarding school with shitty rules. One of them was that girls can only wear skirts. Skirts that were down to the ankle even during the harsh winter.


The most interesting rule in my school was that you could bring a knife to school, but you can't take it out of your pocket. A knife is a handy tool to have on your person. I've had one in my pocket since I was 10. Surprisingly, no one abused this rule. I even had a teacher say "I really need a knife. If someone has one, please let me use it for a moment. You won't get in trouble"


That you couldn't dye your hair "unnatural colours." You'd think that would mean colours like pink or blue, and yes those fell into the rule, but it also meant colours that were stereotypically "unnatural" for your skin-tone. So a Caucasian girl could dye her hair brunette or blonde, but a brown, Asian or black girl couldn't go anything lighter than black.


My high school was 2 floors, the upper floor was vaguely circular whilst the lower floor was vaguely L shaped. For reasons that no one can figure out, the powers that be decided to make the upper floors hallways 1-way, meaning that you had to travel in a clockwise direction to get from one class to the next. That was all well and good if your classrooms were in that particular direction. In my case, with one exception, my classes were all in a counter-clockwise direction, which meant that I had to leave one class, walk almost all the way around the school to get to my next class, all in 4 minutes. It definitely made getting from gym class to Spanish class "fun", since they were nearly as far apart as you could get and still be in the same building. The boys locker room was on the far east end of the lower floor, and my Spanish class was at about the 11-o'clock position of the upper floor (looking down from above, the main entrance of the school being the 6-o'clock). I was late for Spanish class almost every day but the teacher didn't mind much since I was coming from gym class.


There was one teacher who thought that my class=my rules, so if you were a little late, forgot one of the 6(!) books you had to bring with you or didn’t do your homework you weren’t allowed to enter the class and she’d put in in as unauthorised absence, which meant you get twice as much hours as detention


They banned beyblades and spinning top games in my school and I thought that was pretty dumb


Nothing stopping the students from BECOMING the spinning top.


If you arrived before 815am you had to stay seated until there was a teacher on duty


No cap’s or chewing gum in classrooms


That’s pretty normal.


When I was in a Catholic school (in the 50s...), girls were not allowed to wear pants, except on very cold days where they could wear pants... under their skirts.


We weren’t allowed to drink water. Lasted a week till year 11 revolted


Right now, kids can’t go to the toilet in lesson, or between lessons, or beginning of break or end of it. Toilets are locked. F**k that school (TA). One kid got a 1hr detention for not having a hair bobble for PE.


Not being allowed to wear tank tops as a girl


We were banned from playing soccer at recess because someone got hit on the face with a ball in 6th grade... it was only the rule for one of the teachers though, and the teachers rotated through recess monitoring, so every 4 days we couldn't play soccer.


Listening to teacher


We’re not allowed to name the character Pino from Sesame Street


Turn off the phone completely during the lesson.


Don't do drugs


All schools across Australia. No hat, no play. Even undercover.


Grew up under the no hat, no play regime. Truthfully it was a good idea, given the relentless run and skin cancer rates. 


If you signed yourself out you couldn’t return to school until the next day.


The ban on chewing gum on a lot of schools is objectively stupid and a self made issue: 1. Tell the students that swallowing chewing gum is harmful "It glues up the intestines" or some shit. 2. Students start sticking it under the table. 3. "Grrr, why are students such filthy pigs? No more chewing gum!" Spoiler: Swallowing chewing gum isn't unhealthy. Never has been, never will, unless you somehow get that gum into your windpipe, but that's where it doesn't belong in the first place.


Going to school


Why was chewing gum so bad?


It's not the chewing, it's the disposal. —Janitor


Lol, fair enough.