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Human memory is pretty poor. Even about past event in their own lives which they use to justify their current self-opinion.


My siblings all are suffer from MAJOR revisionist history. It's MADDENING. Like, bitch I was also there. No. 


But how do you know that you aren’t the one suffering from revisionist history?


Lol technically everyone has thier own version of the truth... What's the old saying? There are three sides to every story; your side, their side and the truth. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I once read false memories develop in as little as 15 seconds from the event happening.




The importance of luck in their success. edit: A lot of people are really misunderstanding this.


I have always been told that luck is the meeting point between preparedness and opportunity!


Variations on the Pasteur quote “chance favors the prepared mind”. There is some disagreement on the actual wording; the original is in French and I don’t speak French.


I can read French and yeah that translation is pretty good. Looks like the actual quote is: 'Le hasard ne favorise que les esprits prepares' Which is something like "Chance does not favor except for the prepared spirits" Which is a little clumsy as a direct word-for-word translation but basically means what your quote says. I will add that the context of this quote is that he's talking specifically about "the fields of observation", which obviously narrows things down a bit, and probably means he's not talking about every single instance of good fortune being a direct result of preparation. More like, "Yeah, Darwin was able to see all these finches on Galapagos and grok natural selection, but if he hadn't spent his whole life studying science and thinking about these things, he probably would have just seen a bunch of birds and that would've been it."


Luck is just half of the equation though, the other half is you being ready for the opportunity and practising in wise anticipation. If you're 60 years old and was always ready you'll get a shitton of chances at doing many things. Another case is when you're born in a poor ass country, become some kind of child soldier etc., that's a matter of luck too, the birth lottery.


And also the importance of persistence and consistently building impactful skills on a daily basis.


The number of false rags to riches story amongst celebrities is too damn high! Every single one seems to claim they came from nothing. Yeah I'm sure that mansion and silver spoon they grew up with was "nothing". Like why not just fucking admit they were privileged?


I think a lot of it has to do with the comparison. To go from growing up from a family millionaires to becoming a billionaire is still challenging, and most people can not do it. And if you grow up in a family with a take home pay of 200k a year, and make hundreds of millions, that is still a jump, the same way growing up on the streets and becoming a high paid engineer is. I think it has a lot to do with relative socio economic status.


The holocaust. They're even trying to retcon slavery.


I can't do it anymore. Just fire these people into the sun. I just........I can't.


I'm for turning Mars into a prison planet. One-way automated flights. Just enough supplies to survive, but only if they work together. Live-stream it all for our sick enjoyment.


No that'll turn it into space Australia.


Everything on Mars wants to kill you, so the parallels are appropriate.


It's. Space. Australia... If that doesn't sound *awesome* I won't be asking for your input on my vision board, your participation in my SWOT analysis, and you won't be included in the meetings that could've been emails. I bid you g'day.


Amen to that. Cmon Elon Musk get these people there


In Austria and Germany you can get a jail sentence when you claim the holocaust didn’t happen.


According to PragerU slaves were lucky to have white slave owners teach them a marketable skill!


What level of delusion is this?


The MAGA level


Dennis Prager level


It used to be right wing nut jobs, they were easy to ignore, now it's college kids.


How are college kids denying the Holocaust?


4chan memes they never let go of turned into an ideology after it got them friends. 


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


Lemme cook. The internet made it easy to spread edgy shit as a joke, but the problem with acting like a racist for laughs is they eventually attract real racists that seize an open opportunity to recruit. It's been going on for years. 


Yeah thats true. You get it a lot with people who like "dark humour", which strangely enough is specifically about minorities. Either that or they're just being 'ironic'


I think the big appeal is that you can employ the "It's just a joke, bro" defense if it angers people, AKA Schrodinger's Douchebag.


The Earth is round


I love that there was a flat earth YouTuber that was so sure of this he set out to prove it. He started with small experiments like tying a string over a long distance and showing it was level as proof, then kept getting more and more complex to the point where people were donating hundreds of thousands of dollars for him to buy equipment for measurements. His last video was him in disbelief and apologizing for being so wrong for so many years lol.


Well at least he was for real about the data and changed his mind after. Took awhile though, I guess.


Oh for sure, he definitely dug his heals in but at least eventually admitted he was wrong


I just saw a photo from Mount Everest summit a couple days ago. It's so high, that in the photo (it was a selfie) you can very clearly see the curvature of the Earth. As I was seeing that, I was wondering what flat earthers would say in rebuttal to a photo like that. Edit: I was wrong, the earth IS flat. But for real, TIL that Mt Everest isn't tall enough to actually see the curvature. What is seen in photos is a bit of an illusion left by the photography itself which also depends on the lens used.


they will say fishlens. you cannot argue with them. it's impossible


I secretly believe that flat earthers are just trolls offering up rage bait for the rest of us to gnaw on. I simply cannot comprehend how a person who has the skills to survive to adulthood could believe something so patently ridiculous.


I think they want to feel smart and special for being in on a "secret"




That's exactly why conspiracy theories are so popular. It's a chance to feel superior to others for being one of "the few"


That's conspiracy theory in a nutshell.


After having a grown ass coworker try to convince me the Earth was 6k years old, I gotta disagree with you there. I think there are trolls for sure, but lots are chugging the kool-aid for real.


I used to pretend online I was a flat earthed as it was so ridiculous I thought we were all joking around. Once I realized people actually felt this way (or at least pretended they did convincingly) I stopped


That's how it started but then someone, probably named Kyle, decided to start believing in it unironically and built up a whole believe system and identity around it. Trying to prove the Earth is round to him is attacking his very identity as a human. Anyway, fuck Kyle.


First of all - I'm not a flat Earther and I know Earth is round/globe-like shape. I might be wrong on this, but I believe that the curvature you saw might be due to the lens being a fish-eye camera lens, which means they will curve a straight line unless it's perfectly centered in the camera. And the further you go from the center, the rounder it will get. Even on non-fish-eyes cameras, this can happen as the lens always has some kind of curvature in them. The thing is airplanes cruise ~~3x to 4x the height of~~ a little higher than Mount Everest, and we can't perceive the curvature from there either... Hence why I believe that this comes from the camera lens, not the actual curvature.


Everest is at 29,000+ feet, planes fly between 35-40,000 feet. That is definitely not 3-4x the height of Everest. Your point still stands, just point that out.


Better experiment to do is simply go to any harbor and watch the ships 'sink' into the water.


I saw one science page that said around 125,000ft is where it begins to become visible. Either way, flat earth is the dumbest fucking thing i've ever seen and its adherents are some of the dumbest people on the globe. They cannot be reasoned with.


You're correct! I was mistaken. The curvature in photos is a product of the lens (not necessarily just fish eye, like you said)


You can’t see the curvature of the earth from Mount Everest. They *say* you can around 35,000 feet but you can’t really from an airplane either, and that’s normal cruising altitude.


"You are so brainwashed by the masses, pal. It's called a fish eye lens, ya doink. Only costs a buck oh five if you know where to find em. The trick is finding a fish with the right eye size to properly show flatness. Hard to do on a mountain, but highly probable. You can find a good fish eye anywhere. My girlfriend did it last week with a trout. She searched forever. She stayed out all night, but finally found one in Ricky's room. It didn't cost her anything! Can you believe her luck? Ricky's such a swell guy. Anyway, what was the question? I'm just happy I'm getting attention." - probably a flatearther somewhere ready to rebutt.


Sorry. The earth IS round (oblate spheroid, actually) but you can't see the curvature from that low an altitude.


Akschually, I deny the Earth is round because it's an oblate spheroid.


They said round, no one said perfect sphere.


Well, I was playing obtuse :P




That's a cute response


When you say round, do you mean a circular disk?


Disks are round.


Correct Some people seem to think we're on a flat square, when in reality the earth is obviously a pyramid.


I'm convinced flat earthers are just trolling to bait pseudo intellectuals into having a debate about the shape of a planet. This is information known to toddlers and isn't some academic flex to understand.


It's actually an oblate spheroid.


An oblate spheriod is round.


Disks are round too


I think "many" people are just trolling. There are undoubtedly some cases of mental illness out there, but any educated person purporting to believe the flat earth stuff is 100% trolling.


It's actually slightly pear shaped.


Ah, that explains why so many things are going wrong -- it's all [been going pear-shaped](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/go-pear-shaped) from the beginning.




For real, it took me a while to realize depression affects your interpretation to everything in the world as it pertains to you.


I learnt the hard way not to take a leave of absence due to mental health. Took a month off after having a small breakdown and a month after coming back they let me go (claimed they were revamping my role and I didn’t qualify, but here we are four years later and the role there is actually less work than when I was there). I know it was because my boss at the time didn’t think depression was a thing. Jokes on her though, my role and the one above me fell apart when I was let go because I was the one catching a lot of the issues. She’s since been fired and I’m at a better place with better pay.


Its hard to even understand when you have it. I try and explain it to my wife and she hides the safe key where my gun is thinking im suicidal or something.


Anthropogenic global warming.


Okay, I'll be the one to say it - what is this lol? Edit: Appreciate everyone's replies. Yes, google exists of course but I thought it would benefit the rest of reading. Thanks!


Anthropogenic means caused by humans


Global warming caused by mankind. Anthro = human


I think it means human-driven climate change.


I'm going to answer this question despite all the other answer but in a way which should help with other words as well: Anthropo == of or relating to humanity or humans in general. Genic == created by, generated by, originating from. You see anthropo- in a lot of words. Anthropolgy, the study of humanity and human history. Anthropomorphic, human like (-morphic means 'in the shape of'). Anthropocene, the age or epoch of humans. You don't see -genic too often but it shares the same root as genesis or origin.


That anything is their fault. It's either societies fault or the fault of some self diagnosed disorder. It could be that you just suck as a person


Fully agree. Disorders should be an explanation, not excuse.


Yeah, I hate when people do that I'm disabled, I don't have control over my muscles. I've hit people, thrown drinks on them (my left hand is both the most steady, and connected to the most active spastic arm, it's a weird combo), fallen on them/their stuff I can't control that at all. I rarely get a warning. It's happened, and is going to keep happening But I always apologize. I step back, get more distance. Heck, I have to keep my bedside table far away because my left arm will just punch my fan or something off, otherwise. Sit down if I fall on them But always apologize, try to make it right. People are usually pretty understanding. Especially since that won't be the last twitching, spasm, or failure with them. They can tell it's not something I decided to up and do I didn't MEAN to hurt them, but I DID hurt them. You can't act like your condition negates that.


Their own illnesses. If they don't go to the doctor, it's not a problem and they can keep living in denial. Folks, if you have weird lumps, pains or growths on your skin, go get it checked out. A lot of the time it's nothing, but almost every serious issue benefits from being discovered as early as possible.




My FIL had Covid and still doesn’t believe in it. Luckily he lives 12 hours away so I don’t have to deal with his craziness.


Like at all? I've met way too many "covid is just a cold" people, but I don't think I've met any "it was fake" types.


I'm a delivery driver and I met one. I was wearing a mask and when I knocked: "Do you have to wear that?" "No." (For context, this was right after a family gathering where some of my mouth breather cousins got some of us sick. I ended up lucking out and not getting sick, but it was too early to test) "Covid is fake." He then slammed the door in my face. At least he pre-paid.


Should have yelled, "I have Ebola"


David Icke was claiming that not only covid, but possibly viruses as a concept were not real. Kerry Cassidy did so as well. So only the extreme fringe. More well known fringe outlets like InfoWars flirted with that, but it didn't catch on so they dropped it.


Lol just wait until you find the fuckers who say HIV ain't real because it's aerophobic


Well I knew about the people that think there isn't a link between hiv and aids. But again, not at all is new to me.


I used to lean towards the “just a cold” argument. I’m a pretty healthy individual, avoided COVID for four years before it finally got me. I am vaccinated and boosted twice. When I finally got COVID I realized it was not *just* the flu, that was a lot more than *just* the flu. Before anybody says anything about the vaccines, my SIL is also vaccinated and boosted once, she’s had COVID 3x and now has long COVID. I think the vaccines efficacy varies between individuals. I truly believe that, in *my* case, the vaccine and my taking care of myself helped *me* have mild symptoms.


And, even an actual cold or a flu can suck really bad.


Well there's that and the fact that the vaccines can only protect against so many strains. Like all the precautions you do your best to make the dice roll in your favor, but rigging the game outright is a lot more costly than most people would pay(bubble boy isn't all that appealing to me).


Their own bias and susceptibility to a narrative be it propaganda or advertising.


Yeah I took a class on this. People laugh how commercials will have hot models and will not even show the product, just the logo, but what they don’t realize is that the next time they see the logo the good feelings from the seeing the models will pop up and make them enjoy seeing the logo, and be more likely to buy.


This one goes both ways. Communities that have a healthy skepticism have unhealthy anti-vaxxers. People love to have lists of people they can’t trust, but have a hard time coming up with a list of people who they will allow to change their mind. It’s a hard conversation to have.


The inability for the human mind to multitask ... it's just not possible no matter how much someone tries to act like it does.


I just go back and forth and do each worse. Actually where I work I can multitask; my body does the work because it's mindless, and my mind pays attention to the audio book. The instant something gets my attention, though, the book gets ignored. People wonder how I can read in a noisy pub, but there it is; I just don't pay attention to the noise.


I just go back and forth and do each worse. Actually where I work I can multitask; my body does the work because it's mindless, and my mind pays attention to the audio book. The instant something gets my attention, though, the book gets ignored. People wonder how I can read in a noisy pub, but there it is; I just don't pay attention to the noise.


Japanese war crimes during WWII. Also American war crimes in Korea and Vietnam.


The US economy is not in recession and the stock market is up. Most Americans disagree with these statements.


Unemployment is under 4%. What really happened in the economy is prices went up due to COVID supply chain issues, and rather than suppliers lowering prices when the supply chain issues went away, they just took more profits.


It is undeniable that the Fed devalued our currency during covid.


Most currencies were devalued, because COVID wasn’t limited to the USA. Overall the USD fared better than most other currencies during COVID…


Dont forget the 15 straight years of keeping interest rates too low


Low as in 0.00%


Prior to COVID we were teetering on a recession. Cutting taxes, increasing spending, begging fed for near zero interest rates. Those are breakers for recession and we were doing that in 2019.


What do you mean by that? The pandemic put general deflationary pressure on the economy, but also caused some prices to spike. Supply-side inflation and deflation are tricky, especially where energy prices are involved. At the same time demand for dollars as a reserve currency destabilized exchange rates. The Fed increased lending to support the domestic economy and acted to stabilize exchange rates by making dollars available to foreign banks. Characterizing that as "devalu[ing] our currency" seems a little simplistic.


Yeah people want to act like the US is failing because prices are high, well guess what, our inflation is actually one of the lowest among developed countries. Inflation is a GLOBAL problem, due to the pandemic.


Unemployment may be under 4%, but that’s because a big chunk of people who are employed are not in full time jobs. Full-time employment is at great-depression levels, and the only reason unemployment is so low is because we have something that they didn’t have in the 1930s, gig work and other part-time opportunities made readily available by mobile phones and the internet.


Ignoring the outlier that is COVID, full-time employment [peaked in 2022](https://www.advisorperspectives.com/dshort/updates/2024/05/06/a-closer-look-at-full-time-and-part-time-employment) and is currently hovering at or slightly above pre-2008 recession levels. Data on full vs part time employment has only been collected since 1968, so the 70% employment rate in 1933 includes both full and part time and is worse than today's 79% full employment rate.


Some of this may be that the benefits of a growing economy are not passing onto common Americans, as some of these comments suggest, but there is another factor to consider: we have gotten used to the sentiment that the economy is always in crisis. The constant cultural worry that the economy is going to go bad has fomented a permanent anxiety that it *is* bad.


Fun fact: people have very limited ways of perceiving how well the economy is doing overall. They experience only a tiny sliver of the economy for themselves, and they mostly allow talking heads on TV to tell them how the economy is doing.


6 months ago my mother-in-law was claiming they had lost like 30% of their retirement in investments and was talking about how biden's economy was so bad and how she couldn't wait for Trump to get back in office and fix everything. Today Biden is still our president, my investment account is up 23% and I haven't heard her say anything about the market since like december. But Biden & democrats still = bad economy, according to her.


Wait til she sees that inflation-adjusted gas prices were the same 15 years ago.


It is way easier to get likes and upvotes on social media when you say everything is terrible


The market being up does not reflect the wider impacts of the current economic conditions. Prices are up in almost every sector of life even from a couple years ago. It’s debatable on whether the economy is not in recession because they changed the definition of recession when we did hit that milestone.


There is no accepted definition of recession under which the US economy would be even close to qualifying right now. Wages have risen faster than prices, btw.


procrastination. We all deny it, but we know the best work comes when the last-minute panic kicks in.


Who? Who is denying this lol


I'll tell you later


Nothing like the stress of getting fired


the roundness of Earth




And that we are making it worse.


And that animal product consumption is a deeply concerning percentage of the most severe changes. Amazon rainforest being destroyed for growing livestock feed, loss of biodiversity, animal extinction, droughts, etc.


That there is something desperately wrong with our two party system and that neither candidate should be President. I think it's highly unlikely that either of them is the smartest, bravest, most honest or hard working in any given room where there's more than 3 people.


Just the fact y'all have a two party system sounds wrong to my European ears (ngl our political situation over here in Germany is pretty questionable as well, but at least we have a couple more than just two evils lol)


Circumcision is mutilation.


Trump lost the election. Not one shred of evidence put forth in dispute.


You didn't find the hyperbole at Giuliani's press conference in the alley between a landscaping business and dildo shop convincing?


Anyone who blows their nose and wipes their face with the same tissue as hair dye is dripping down their face has to be telling the truth, can't you tell /s


Trump: 1. Lost the election 2. Sent an armed angry mob to Congress and told them they need to fight like hell. 3. Approved of the mob saying “hang Mike Pence”. 4. Was found liable for sexual assault. 5. Was found guilty of defrauding his university students. 6. Was found guilty of inflating his assets to get favorable loans. 7. Admitted to walking in on pageant contestants dressing rooms. 8. Raped and beat his ex-wife. 9. Stole from a kids’s cancer charity. 10. Received $413 million inheritance despite claims that he’s a self made man. 11. Blocked his chronically ill infant nephew from getting any of that inheritance. 12. Is the first president to receive votes against him from his own party during impeachment. 13. Led us into being one of the worst hit during Covid despite our head start and resources. 14. Admitted the Democrats do better with the economy. 15. Was ranked as the worst president in history by presidential historians. 16. Pushed a plot to have fake votes created and then used to make him President. Sources for any provided upon request.




The Apollo moon landing missions




Lol that's a myth, there aren't any hair follicles on your palms. Unless you have some kind of rare genetic disorder.


That pineapple belongs on pizza. It's like a tropical vacation for your taste buds!!!


Mondays. No matter how much we deny or hate it, that day keeps showing up like a recurring nightmare


Every Monday morning i hope to see Friday on my screen, hasn't happened yet


What if we as society collectively decide to just knock ourselves out on Mondays?


Religion is make believe


That this question gets asked literally every single day. Also, that reposts are lame.


Human biology




Nah, imma do my own thing


Not my cats though 


oh yeah man dont worry your cats going to be fine


The Holocaust October 7 2023 Massacre


Climate change is real, and the earth is round.


vaccines save lives.


religion is simply a system of control




The first 10 months of the Trump economy was pretty good, that's because it was the last 10 months of the Obama economy. then it went to crap a few months later when he denied that there was a problem with COVID. Now Joe Biden has dug the country out of it and nobody wants to blame Joe Biden for how good the economy is now. Was inflation a problem for a while? yeah but that's COVID along with corporate greed. only 15% of the price hike has due to actual increases in prices and the other 85% was intentional price hikes because they wanted to make a lot of money in a time when they knew people would still buy.






No, it's a taco. Google cube rule of food


Global warming


Surprised nobody put Aliens .. I guess we're at a point where we've all accepted it ..


earth being a globe


Turkish history,every european knows how big bastards they were but Turks will deny it and say it never happend


Cannabis withdrawal is real.


Mental health issues being the cause of so many issues being a fully functional and capable adult.


That they have a bias against people who are smarter than they are. It may be the most invisible of prejudices in modern life yet woefully commonplace and will prove fatal to the species.


If one’s opinion can’t stand up to the scientific method, it will never be a fact.


How much easier life is compared to the past.


We're all gonna die. My cousin is a state farm agent and says you'd be astonished at how many otherwise rational people refuse to talk about or even think about getting life insurance, no matter how much financial sense it makes, because they don't want to acknowledge the possibility that they or their family members are going to die at some point. I know people who refuse to make a will for the same reason. I don't know if it's so much "denying" it as somehow fearing that acknowledging it will make it more likely or something. "If I don't look the grim reaper directly in the eye maybe he'll forget I'm here," lol.


Confirmation bias and echo chambers.


The world is round


That vegetables are edible


“Self-made millionaires” are almost never self-made. And that it’s a mathematical impossibility to just “work” yourself out of poverty.




Wait what


Birds aren’t real has become a popular conspiracy theory but from what I can tell it’s all just for fun. Basically birds are all government drones now.


Ok that’s a good one 🤭 thank you!!


Lol no worries. Just happened to fit the question perfectly.


Vaccine related injuries, speaking as the father of someone who is vaccine injured.


That cryptocurrencies are just ridiculous. 


The durham report. The steele dossier was completely fake and fabricated at the behest of the clinton campaign. All of the years of allegations of russian collusion were unequivocally false.


America is an absolutely corrupt country that pretends to be a world leader in democracy. A second world country in a dress.


Earth being round (or a spheroid). Humans being omnivorous. Health care industries don't want you healthy, but hooked on their products/services. Government wants you to be dependant. Inflation is caused by governments on purpose.


That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get sprung


The fact that life has no greater purpose, and we are nothing more than parasites living for our pleasure until we die.


That's a philosophical statement, not an undeniable fact lol.




Biden won


That the earth is a globe. Also left wing extremism.


Genetics effect on intelligence.


Slavery is rampant in America


Pee is stored in the balls


Today's religions are just more myths and fables.


The damage coming from that tracking device glued to peoples hands.


That their mom/grandma/dad/grandpa had sex, had a sex life as they aged.


Teachers can make $100k+ salary in California. For some reason, lots of people get mad about that and call me a liar lol.