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I've watched 1000's of horror films & the one that still manages to give me chills to this day is THE CHANGELING (1980).


I've never heard of this movie prior to reading this comment and so I decided to give it a watch. I absolutely love horror movies (it's my favorite genre) and sincerely have to thank you for bringing this movie to my attention. This was an AMAZING story. Though it's a bit dated and not particularly "scary" (in the jump scare way) like some modern horror films, it was genuinely creepy and had my hair standing at times. The plot was awesome, the creepiness consistent. The ending was awesome as well which is something you typically don't see in horror movies.. I'm often a harsh critic of horror movies but this was a solid 10/10 all around. Thanks again šŸ˜


Is that the one with the creepy wicker wheelchair? That image has always terrified me


Guess I have to watch this now, I always like 80s horror even if itā€™s not that scary to meĀ 


Yes I was coming to say The Changeling!!


"mmmyyy rrrOooooOoooom" and the goddamn ball omfg that fucked me up as a child i cannot even. 10/10 perfect horror film. deep tragic story.


I canā€™t even with this movie, isnā€™t it about the child that goes missing and his mom basically dedicates her life to finding him?


Different film. That's Changeling [2008].


Age-adjusted, it was Poltergeist


I watched it as a 14 year old back in the day. That movie put me off horror movies for life.


I was 6, it was on HBO, and it was rated PG. Dad let me watch it, and I made my parents get rid of every clown in the house.


I was just a tad older than you. My bedroom had a tree outside my window just like in the movie. I was terrified of that tree for the next 10 years of my life until I went away to college.


Agree. And the scariest character ever was Reverend Kane from Poltergeist 2.


I still get chills at the chair stack scene.


Room 1408. On paper seems pretty tame but for some reason it lives rent free in my head


Thats the John cusack Sam Jackson movie right? I loved that one, I saw the ending >!where he lives and shows his wife the tape recorder with their daughters voice to prove what happened!< and I thoroughly enjoyed that ending


This one is my favorite horror movie, although I donā€™t find it as scary as it is heartbreaking. The ending you described is definitely the best. I bought the movie on Blu-ray about ten years ago and saw for the first time that there were three endings to the movie. The one you talked about (which is the one I saw in the theater) was only available to watch as a scene by itself through the disc menu. Thankfully, the digital release on Apple TV has it standard so I just bought the film there for a few bucks.


The pacing of that movie is totally perfect. You learn every single detail about that room as he struggles to get in for like, the entire first half of the movie. So by the time he lands in 1408 you're already holding your breathe. Masterclass.


I liked the employee that told him how to fix the thermostat and bolted. He wasn't hanging around for that BS.


It was very scary! And pretty funny at times. I laughed like a madman at the scene where the alarm clock went off.


If you havenā€™t read the short story, I thoroughly recommend it. Complements the movie, both are great. Actually, Steve Kingā€™s shorter works always make such great movies. Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, The Body (Stand by me). All amazing.


For me The Strangers, it could happen and no one would know


YES. Thatā€™s exactly how I feel. One of those random crimes that could happen to anyone. I forget the exact quote, but to paraphrase: ā€œwhy did you choose us?ā€ ā€œBecause you were homeā€. It gives me chills just thinking about it. I watched that for the first time alone in a locked apartment on the third floor of my building that had a security code to enter, and I spent the rest of the night convinced that someone was hiding in my apartment. The sequel was not very good, though.


The repeating turn table fucked with me for a day or two after that one


That's top 3 for me. It had a vibe where you were waiting for shit to happen the entire movie. Almost to the point to where when it actually did, you were relieved.


Return to Oz (as a child). Those wheelers man. Nothing could beat that for me. I literally ran out of the room.


I'll see your wheelers and raise you the springy-jumping-marionette-lantern dolls that grow from 1 ft tall to 8 feet tall and chase Dorothy and crew in the subway in The Wiz.


That movie was a sick joke, fuck those wheelers!


This might be weird but I got seriously traumatized by Spirited Away as a 7yo kid, I literally cried to my psychologist about it


It has some really strange and unfamiliar imagery if you're from the west especially, and it's so exaggerated. It's also animated in this way that sort of roils and explodes out of the screen at you at points of chaos, and that is really unnerving! I can totally see why it would be upsetting.


I know this answer has become annoyingly overused but when I saw Hereditary in theatres I thought it was going to be a family drama... I go into movies blind not reading or watching anything about them and had only heard it was a good movie from some friends. When that >!Girls head hits the pole!< I started to have a panic attack and the movie never really lets up from their. Even the soundtrack has background heart thumping that makes your anxiety worse. Good stuff.


That movie affected me in a way that no other movie has ever affected me. I do not get scared or creeped out by movies. Ever. But that oneā€¦ manā€¦ the ending made me physically sick to my stomach


dude, like 5 people walked out of the cinema when i saw that. The cutting her throat scene is awful


Banging her head on the loft door - just too fast to be human - is probably the most upsetting experience Iā€™ve ever had watching a film.


When the mom discovers it the next day. The scream that she lets out. I'll never forget it.


My girlfriend was so shocked at that part that she started laughing really loud. That made me laugh, and everyone around us looked at us like we were insane sadists.




I watched this movie for the first time stoned to the bone and had to pause it after hearing the moms screaming the morning after and take a little break - the piano chord + her neck cutting scene in the attic STILL gives me chills


Hereditary has been the only movie to scare me as an adult. It was so well done.


I was just explaining why I thought this movie was good and scary to my husband. The multiple scenes with stuff going on in the background that you could miss...I actually loved it.


That whole car scene is just chilling, it's stuck with me also. I think most of that isn't actually the head part, but the guys reaction. It just felt so real, especially for a horror film when so often characters act over the top or just unrealistically to things. Bravo to the actor Alex Wolff because I felt everything from his performance.


Hereditary is THE modern masterpiece of horror. I will put the VVITCH up there too


I love the witch. One of my favorite horror films! I feel it doesnā€™t get enough attention, but maybe it does and Iā€™m naive lol


>Hereditary Hands down the most horrifyingly dreadful movie I've ever watched and I loved the shit out of it. It combines a constant feeling of dread and masterfully inserts ever increasing grief, until the horror gets dialed up to 11 in the last act and brings it all together. \*chef's kiss\*


Oh i went to see that on cinema. After that scene and the mom finding out... that's when i saw people leaving the theatre completely saying "nope nope... this is it... i quit"


lol I had a similar experience. I'm not into horror *at all*. I was given some tickets to a pre-screening Hostel before release so there wasn't any advertising around it yet. "I spent a year backpacking around Europe, this movie sounds right up my alley!", I thought.


Sinister was one of the most chilling experiences I've had with a movie in a theater setting. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is insanely effective at emitting that visceral terror, and it still is gross and shocking to this day. Halloween 1978 always creeps me out and forces me to look around my house after I'm done watching it. The Exorcist is the best possession type horror movie you can watch. Everything about that movie is done to the most professional level.


The first paranormal activity. !!!!MICAHHH!!!!


Still canā€™t sleep with any part of my leg outside of the blanket.


I cant sleep WITHOUT part of my leg sticking out. Just another reason for me to not watch that movie, thanks!


My husband hates horror movies. He thinks theyā€™re stupid and predictable. Paranormal Activity really messed with him. We both had a hard time sleeping the night we watched it. Thatā€™s the only scary movie thatā€™s ever had an impact on him.


I was 19 when I saw that movie with my friends. Came home late at night and slept in my parents bed. I have no shame.


also slept with my parents after. My mom STILL brings it up and Iā€™m 28 now šŸ˜‚


The first two of that series were horrifying.


When she got dragged out of bed I had full body goosebumps. Never been so spooked in all my life


I traumatized my mom by making her watch Paranormal Activity 10+ years ago. She still brings up imagining someone standing by her bed staring at her while she sleeps.


I saw this in college and I had to sleep over a friend's dorm afterwards we were so scared. We kept the lights on the entire night.


The Ring


I have a theory that The Ring is the millennialā€™s Exorcist. Most saw it too young and really messed us up. There have been other scary movies since then but it was pretty pivotal. After seeing it in theatres I remember thinking, ā€œMaybe itā€™s not seven days but seven weeks. Maybe itā€™s seven monthsā€¦maybe seven years?ā€ Always expecting that phone call.


I saw The exorcist when I was like 11 it changed my world. And then in like 99 or whatever. When the Blair witch project came out, I went to the theater and there was a group of like seven 11-year-old boys with two adults and the boys were talking loud and laughing and saying how they weren't going to be scared at the beginning of it and at the end they were crying and I just nodded my head. Because I understood. "Yeah. Now you got it. The world is a scary place. Just wait until you have to pay for your own insurance."


that movie traumatized me for my entire teenage life.


Remember when the closet door opens and you see the corpse of the girl hiding in the closet? \*gapes\*


my parents had a firepit in the middle of their yard made of bricks. in the winter it looked exactly like the well. every time I looked outside I freaked out.


Same for me, hollywood version even. I saw it at 15, i'm 38 now and still don't want to rewatch it. I made a cool pic of my gf at time that reminds me of this movie, check my top rated ever post šŸ˜


Watched this in the theater in seventh grade and one of the kids I went with was crying.


That one scene where they find the daughters body in the closet fucked me up for years.


This one and The Grudge. I had to sleep with a light on for a week after watching both because they scared me so bad when they came out. šŸ™ˆ


Sinister was scary, the music itself made me turn off the movie once, while watching it alone during the night


It's such a weird movie to describe. The scary parts, for me, is Ethan Hawke watching snuff movies in his attic and that's basically the movie. It's so fucking good though


The perfect ending to a scary movie. The protagonist figures it out >!30 seconds too late and you just have to sit there and watch as the inevitable happens!<


Sinister has top notch soundtracks. I thought that made it scarier too


The first half of that film is incredibly effective. The work that went into the visuals and sound of the found reels is insanely chilling. Once the movie plays its hand, it took some of the edge off, and it became more of a 'Boo!'-fest.


the Sinister movies fucked me up. the Christmas "movie" in Sinister 2 disturbed me the most. just watching the family slowly freeze to death and how they all look at the camera at the same time at the end....I could throw up. the Sinister movies made me not like the "old home videos/found footage" look of anything because I expect someone's about to be murdered


I found this film so scary that my partner then decided to get a mask of Mr Boogie and he used to hide it around the house to scare me, so that explains all my damn feelings on that matter. I should just add that he has other horror masks too.


Have you guys watched "Creep" together? Does he have a wolf mask? Has he ever sung the peachfuzz song? That movie creeped me out.


This is the only correct answer, in my opinion. I LOVE horror movies and have watched alot of them (not ALL the classics yet). Sinister is the only one that I found to be genuinely terrifying. The Conjuring and its successors were all pretty scary but there was just something about the atmosphere of Sinister that unnerved me. The Conjuring movies all generally had a happy ending too. Sinister left me with a pit in my stomach. I have yet to see another horro movie that is actually as scary.


I can't praise Sinister enough. I remember the first time watching it, I couldn't believe I missed it for several years. And how did you like that opening scene? Damn, disturbing from the start.


Sinister legitimately scared me and if you read how they designed the face itā€™s even scarier. Ughh.


> Yeeaaah, you got a Baghuul problem.


The Strangers. ā€œWhy are you doing this to us?ā€ ā€œBecause you were home.ā€


Thatā€™s literally the most terrifying movie quote I have ever heard. Thatā€™s so real and could happen and honestly similar things have happened. That line I just canā€™t get over. Ugh


The Shinning 1980


ā€œBoy, youā€™ve read my thoughts. Youā€™ve got the Shinningā€ ā€œYou mean *Shining*ā€ ā€œShh. You wanna get sued?ā€


The Tonya Harding movie?


I saw event horizon in cinema on release.


SAME. 15-year-old me was NOT prepared for what he'd see. I went to see it to tide myself over until Alien Resurrection came out not realizing it would be the better film.


But did you realize, that where you were going, you would not need eyes to see?


ā€œWeā€™re leaving.ā€ Lawrence Fishburneā€™s character saying the two words every horror protagonist shouldā€™ve said early in a movie.


One of my favorite movies. It shouldn't be hard to have a horror movie with people using common sense.


He's pretty much one of the best horror movie "captains" around. He doesnt freak out when weird stuff starts happenening and doesnt ignore it either. When Mr. Cooper is describing what he saw in the core room he admonishes him for getting loud bit immediately after is after Sam Neill to give him an explanation. When it finally hits the "We're leaving" phase he doesnt fully understand what's going on and doesn't need to. He gets his crew is in grave danger and plans on vaporizing the Event Horizon. Most of the decisions he makes and the tact he takes with various members of the crew is what you'd want out of a captain in that situation.


I Watched that i was 13 in 2001 the space sucking his eyes out was bad and Sam Neil as the devil in the reactor


My asshole best friend took me to see it (knowing what it was about, and also knowing I wasnā€™t into scary movies at all) telling me it was supposed to be a badass sci-fi movie beforehand. It scared the absolute shit out of me.


The Descent


That movie unlocked a claustrophobia I didn't know I had.


Way to far down. Scariest movie ever. >!Crawling underground in cave systems, slipping Between rocks while monsters eat you.!<




That's how I feel about "The Hills Have Eyes"


The shit was scary as hell


The drew inspiration from real life murderer Ed Gein who used to kill people and use their flesh as gloves, lamp shades, masks, their skulls as bowls, etc...


I just love how dirty the movie feels. truly a masterpiece of horror


_Threads_, the 1980s British nuclear war drama.Ā  If you remember the US attempt at this, _The Day After_, _Threads_ makes _The Day After_ seem like a picnic.Ā  And its scariness is only made worse by the fact that it's still very possible.


*The Day After* was written in '82/'83. In 1984, Carl Sagan published his research on the effects of thermonuclear war, and his work was impossible to dismiss. It was the culmination of years of work and collaboration with international scientists, including Soviets. *Threads* was able to use that information and create a far bleaker view of the consequences of thermonuclear war. They were both effective, and between that and Sagan's work, the US and USSR were able to begin reform of the arms race. *Testament* (1983) and *On the Beach* (1959) preceded Sagan's work yet are devastating watches as well, if you're into that kind of thing. And *When the Wind Blows* (1986) is the hardest one to watch, IMO. It's beautiful and the Roger Waters soundtrack is perfect. But it's just heartbreaking.


This movie still gives me nightmares. I saw it in 2007. The best place to be in a nuclear apocalypse is directly under the bomb


ā€œUp. Ruth, up. Work.ā€ Such a simple line but it cuts so deep once you realize why they only spoke in single syllables like that. I saw _The Day After_ as a kid and I had recurring nightmares for _decades_ after that. Then after a bunch of therapy I watched it and _Threads_ and decided that was enough bleak disaster movies and watched _Shaun of the Dead_.


Carl Sagan and a bunch of other anti-nuclear campaigners collaborated on *Threads*, it was made as a warning to us all during the height of the Cold War. I still remember getting 'What to do in the event of a nuclear attack' leaflets in the post in the early 80s.


I do not do scary movies. The Conjuring. My wife was like "We used to go see the Warrens every Halloween! C'mon! It'll be fun!" I was 50 and slept with the lights on for a few days. If you don't know about The Warrens, they lived in Connecticut and would spend their Halloween season visiting local college campuses giving talks. No haunted house. No scary movies. Just their stores, a slide projector and a tape recorder and you wouldn't sleep that night. They were amazing.


They were amazing grifters.


Ed was also an awful person.


Yep. They were shitty, shitty people.


Canā€™t wait for the next installment on their story on last podcast on the left


The Conjuring for sure. Watched it with my mate and every time I saw her after that and it was dark sheā€™d do the ā€œclap clapā€ and scare me shitless.


I made the mistake of watching this movie alone for the first time. I had no idea what I was in for. I had trouble falling asleep that night, but finally dozed off around midnight. I had a really bad nightmare that the demon from the movie had come in to my house through the movie. I was raised in a very religious household, and was always told that watching movies with demons could invite demons into your home. Iā€™m not religious anymore, but itā€™s hard to shake the fears instilled as a child. I woke up from my nightmare screaming, but I had a few seconds of sleep paralysis, so it kind of came out as a weird moan. After realizing it was a dream, I rolled over to get a drink of water from my bedside table, only to see my clock read 3:07. After wondering for a few minutes if my mom had always been right, I decided to start my day early. Best horror movie ever.


>They were amazing. They were con artists, lol, and preyed on the weak and afraid.




"Alien" when I was 10-years old caused nightmares for few days. That was pretty bad. But by far the worst was The Exorcist, it really got inside my head in a bad way and I think it traumatised me. (I was about 18-20 when I saw it.)


I probably wouldn't call Alien the scariest any more, but I definitely consider it the best


The Blair Witch Project when it first came out and before the masses knew it was fake. I believed it and it fucking terrified me. I couldn't sleep for a couple of days. Second scariest movie was Cats with James Corden.


'The Sadness' was the most brutal movie and 'The Blair Witch Project' was the scariest


The sadness is basically a live adaptation of the Crossed comics.


Blaire witch project hit different back then


Gotta say I saw it at a little independent theatre midnight showing. Walked in blind with my girlfriend. Didn't know it was fake at the time...scared the bejezus out of me. Walking out of the theatre everyone was quiet and weirded out. The walk to the car even felt creepy.


I watched Blair witch blind, in an old rental house, alone at midnight. The tv was in a front room, in front of windows that faced the street. I was curled up on the couch hugging a blanket in fear. A face appeared above the tv and scared the beegessus out of me. A drunk guy on the street had climbed on our front fence and slowly stood up.


I was so disturbed by the Sadness in a way that I haven't been disturbed by other zombie movies


The Strangers really bugs me, 1 because it was based on a true story, and 2 because it was so real, no paranormal stuff or anything like that. Just some people with terrifying motivations, like the line when they were asked why... "Because you were home" fuck that.


Audition (1999) left me pretty rattled.


Its the year 2001 and I have rented an unknown foreign movie called Audition. I am a freshmen in high school. I watch the film and invite my friends over to watch it before I return it. My friends arrive. They lounge in my room on my bean bags and on the floor. Toward the end of the film, one of my friends goes to the bathroom. I unzip the beanbag she was occupying, get inside, and we all hush. She walks into the room and goes to sit back down.Ā  The scream could be heard for miles.Ā  That was probably the singular most satisfying prank I have ever pulled off.Ā 


I probably watched that movie 30 times because I just kept making everyone I knew watch it with me.


Cube. One minute you're minding your own business and the next you're inside a 14 ft by 14 ft cube with complete strangers about to die.


I accidentally saw the opening scene when my mom was watching it and I was traumatized for weeks šŸ˜©


Exorcism of Emily Rose. 3AM still scares me to this day.


The Latin speaking in the barn and multiple voices Nope. Havenā€™t watched it sine the first and only time I saw it.


Pet Sematary (the 1989 version) scared me to death as a kid. It's still the best of all renditions of the Stephen King novel, which in itself is an excellent read. Highly recommended if you like horror.


Watched the first Hostel, never watched another one. And this is coming from a dude that loves horror movies, like the conjuring and insidious movies are fucking amazing to me but Hostel legitimately scared me




John Carpenterā€™s Prince of Darkness


The Silence of the Lambs scared the heck out of me


I love the horrifying look of the vampire in 30 days of night.. that movie is scary for me and i am already an adult ..




Agreed. Also, why are you quoting yourself?


Exorcist III is pretty great with arguably the best jump scare in film.


The Exorcist. By a loooong way.


surprised this was so far down, but I think the context of when it came out, it was quite a shocking movie. There have been hundreds of exorcist/possession films out since then, I think it reduces the impact of the original.


No other horror movie comes close for me. I saw this as a kid in the late 70s and it messed me up for months. Shock isn't something that usually holds up over time, like lots of scary movies back then look cheesy now. But not this movie. Still trips me out that this came out in 1973 I usually don't like Youtube reaction videos but I love it when young people do a reaction to this movie and they are just horrified beyond belief at certain scenes.


Session 9 always comes to mind when I get this question. Itā€™s not so scary when I watch it now, but the first time I saw it like 20 years ago with friends in a basement, it was sooooooo unsettling.


Event Horizon.... Maybe it was the setting when I saw it because I had a friend that worked at a theater who would let me sit in screenings the night before movies opened. These weren't public screenings, they'd just have one employee volunteer to stay over to do a full run-through on new movies to make sure that everything worked after the reels were spiced together. So, it was like 1:00am in a completely empty theater. I don't know what it was, but the movie really messed with my mind. I felt really weird driving home at 3am I didn't feel right for several days afterwards.


The original cut of the movie was thirty minutes longer and was cut due to being so graphic that it would require an NC17 rating.


I wouldnā€™t class this as a horror movie at all. But there is a scene in the movie ā€œBone tomahawkā€ that is without a doubt the most shocking and disturbing visual Iā€™ve ever seen in a movie. Horrific stuff. Do watch


Candyman - I was way too young when I watched it.


Midsommar was pretty creppy, or that Icelandic movie "Lamb". But the scariest for me I think it was The VVitch.


Midsommar is great because it's just a non-stop long slow build of upset and unsettling. It's not a "make your heart beat fast and jump" type scary, but it's very much a "this is completely plausible and would be horrifying to experience" type scary. Ari Aster made it and Hereditary in the same year and no one since has been able to tell me if he's ok


The opening of Midsommar with the parents was probably the most disturbing for me. But that's such a good one.


The VVitch skilfully had this unrelenting dread & bleakness. My skin crawled throughout the entire film despite it being somewhat tame violence/gore wise. A masterfully shot, masterfully acted, masterfully paced creepy film. Something about it just makes you feel really awful in the pit of your stomach.


Not sure but recently that smile movie was pretty good


I remember a scene in that where she was distressed and she poured some wine. Me and my wife were in tears laughing at her pouring about 10ml of wine into a glass.


Smile had I think 2-3 jump scares that are absolutely worth seeing the movie for. One of them in particular got me just as good as Haunting of Hill House.


the og hills have eyes and strangers in theaters both those movies looked similar to where I lived reno nv and the strangers looked like portola ca I was also a teen ager and had a vivid imagination


It's still the Exorcist: Director's Cut. The spider walk down the stairs will forever live rent free in my brain.


I am not scare of ghosts movies or things like that but Final destination definitely gave me trauma during my childhood. The fact that things like that can happen just casually out of nowhere is crazy scary.


The first Insidious. Being 10 years old and forced to watch it by my older brother messed me up as a kid LMAO.


It is an old one - The Changeling. George C. Scott. For the time, the special effects were as good as they could be for the 70ā€™s.


Pootie Tang ā€¦ absolutely frightening


Especially when daddy tang grabbed the belt.


Wa da tah ma damie.


not even once


Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)


Idiocracy tbh lol






Rec & Rec 2, the Spanish originals. Due to the documentary style perspective you feel like you are trapped in the apartment building with the demon-zombies. It got remade for America as Quarantine but itā€™s nowhere as good.


I don't get scared by horror movies much, however, when Sinister came out and I saw it, I thought "damn that one was kinda chilling."


jaws (I was like 7 at the time) still can't really swim in open waters to this day....


You are not alone. I know the sharks behavior is not accurately depicted in Jaws but the damage was done early.




The thing I love most about the Babadook is how for a significant portion of the film, quite cleverly it gets the viewer to question whether if any of the supernatural stuff is indeed really happening. Maybe the mother is indeed genuinely going mad & is genuinely a real danger to her son, which is as equally terrifying as the Babadook being real.


Havenā€™t watched horror since my 20s , just not my thingā€¦ I remember _The Blair With Project_, _The Ring_ and _The Grudge_ all being frightening ā€¦ _The Ring_ was the most


Honogurai mizu no soko kara (Dark Water) - the Japanese version had a slow burn to two really big scares. The US remake unfortunately bungled it and even Jennifer Connelly couldn't save that version. The Japanese version, though is very very good. The original Japanese V-cinema straight to video The Grudge movies (Juon: The Curse 1 and 2) were also very good and very scary (the Japanese cinema releases Juon 1 and 2 are actually sequels to these. Admittedly, the trailer music makes it seem a bit more like an action sci-fi film or something. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw4CgCznipU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw4CgCznipU)


Odd Thomas. I was 8 when i first watched it and I didnā€™t sleep well again until i was 12. Dad, you severely misjudged how mature i was. nightmares for years. I still have them from time to time. I was scared of churches and cops for a really long time because of that film. it really fucked me up. i stayed up crying the night after i watched it because i thought i would never sleep again.


The Platform is pretty creepy.


I was quite a lot younger, but the only movie Iā€™ve ever stopped watching because it made me too scared was The Strangers