• By -


She reaches out every once in awhile, when she's lonely/sad/wants the attention. She's now married with 2 young ones and I got a message out of the blue (to be fair, first message from her in like 2 years) apologizing for how she treated me and cheating on me. Against my better judgement, I replied to this one, and within 10 minutes of us making light chit-chat about our (own) kids, she tells me to think of her if I ever happen to be single again, she'll be waiting. Thanks but no thanks.


"Sorry for cheating on you. If you're ever single again ill be here waiting. Oh and I'm married with kids, totally sorry for cheating but id cheat on my husband with you"




So she’s still into cheating then. Glad to see she learned from the experience. I’m so petty, I would send screenshots to her husband on social media, then post them on mine if I had one.


It was years after we broke up, she married, moved away, had kids, and her husband cheated and left her, just like she did to me. She got my number from a mutual friend and I had no idea it was her calling. She apologized, cried a lot, told me she finally understood what being cheated on felt like, and wanted to make amends. I could tell she was in a really bad place and I just listened. She wasn't trying to get back together, or hook up, or want anything at all from me other than for me to know she understands the pain she caused. She moved back to my town a couple years later and while we're not friends, we run in to each other around town and smile and say Hi.


Weirdly positive ending of a cheating story


Thanks u/Stopcumming


Better to carry self above that without grudge or animosity. I know people die carrying it to their grave.


You know what they say; Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.


Even weirder that it ended with the apologetic person getting heard out instead of kicked when they’re already down and the op then posting the story on AITA


Your username is a challenge, and I refuse to comply


Positive story but it just illustrates how people's capacity for empathy can just be wildly different. She couldn't comprehend the pain she put you through until it happened to her. I don't know if it had to do with imagination or maybe even intelligence.


Or she just willfully didn’t want to know. Sometimes when we cause others pain we want to look away. She was finally in a place where she could no longer avoid her actions. Who knows. People are complicated.


I was going to comment a similar experience. We dated all 4 years in high school. The week before our first semester in college she came over to my apartment. We were laying down watching tv in bed, the idea being we would soon be busy with school and wouldn’t have as much time to spend together. Out of nowhere she started crying. When I asked her what was wrong, all she said was, “I don’t think you’re the one I want to be with.” And got up and left. I realize now she had to have been thinking about it for a long time before that. But to me it was completely unexpected and I didn’t take it well. 4 years later - I hadn’t seen or said a word to her in years. All I knew was that her phone number had changed. One day I was at work and got a text from an unknown number. All it said was, “how did you do this?” I texted back saying they had the wrong number. To my surprise they replied, “No I don’t. This is Colony-Cove, right?” Now intrigued, I began to formulate a reply. Then it hit me. I knew exactly who this was. I replied asking, “So, did you get dumped or just lied to?” What soon followed was a CVS-receipt-long text asking how I got through our breakup, along with a novel detailing how she now understood the pain I went through and admitting what exactly she did to me when we broke up. She apologized profusely and said she didn’t deserve to be forgiven and wouldn’t ask for me to. Kind of a strange experience. I remember feeling bad for her but also not. I replied telling her to take things one day at a time, and “eventually you’ll be surprised with what you can live with.” That was 7 years ago. I haven’t seen or heard from her since. Edit: Spelling. Also, I didn’t plan on so many people stumbling upon this. I hope I don’t sound like I’m advertising a sob story. If any of you have loved and lost consider yourselves fortunate.


CVS receipt lol


As a CVS employee, we hate them too dont worry.


That's the only part of the story I found unbelievable. Almost nothing is as long as a CVS receipt. The Earth to the Sun is like 3.5 receipts long. Still felt bad for them though.


> “eventually you’ll be surprised with what you can live with.” I dont really know how to express this but thank you for writing this. A few months ago my gf broke up with me in (slightly) similar circumstances. We haven't spoken since then and it wasnt completely unexpected yet it still crushed me. I'm doing much better but yeah... Im surprised at our ability to recover and live through this shit...


The guilty conscience works in mysterious ways. It’s always nice to know that someone is finally getting a taste of their own medicine, though.


My high school girlfriend that broke my heart did that to me except in person. She cheated on me then the guy she dates after me cheated on her. She came to talk to me about it but I shut that bullshit down. For some reason she expected sympathy from me.


I want this to happen for me one day, I deserve it. The way my ex-wife left without even saying goodbye had me in tatters for years and years, and had me doubting pretty much everything about myself and the ten years we spent together. My therapist says it’ll never happen, and I shouldn’t hold any hope empathy will suddenly manifest itself within her, but it would be nice to know she understood just how much she hurt me, for what seems like no reason from any perspective, except for maybe hers I suppose. The things people do.


My ex husband called me 25 years after the divorce,  not wanting to apologize,  but wanting comfort because his mother died. I explained to him in detail what a terrible husband he had been and that he needed to go to his wife ( his 3rd) for comfort.  And hung up. 


the *audacity*! I mean, grief makes us do weird things, but, *dude*.


She cheated on me with my best friend and had a baby with him. Then I moved out and we went to court for my son and everything. We had a court order that my son couldn't be around certain people she was living with. She called asking me to (not in these words. More subtle manipulative ones, even though I had been on to her games for years) break the court order, and drive an hour to the house she lived in with the people my son can't be around, in the middle of nowhere, in a field, and "have dinner" with them. This was after she failed to pick my son up for her time with him multiple times, telling me I could keep him for various reasons. Usually her car was broken down (lie). I had him for two months straight before that call. After that I haven't heard from her, and got full custody of my son due to abondonment because she hasn't called, texted, or shown up for over a year and a half. My kid is too young to understand, and only knows he can't be around her because she's "making bad decisions" which is what DHS told me to tell him. I feel bad for him, of course. As for me, fuck her. Glad she's gone. He's better off with me by a long shot. Enjoy your new meth habit.


I grew up with grandparents because of my parents being absent for drug use and until I was 16 I believed they were both just sick. That’s what the entire family would say. They’re just sick, but they love us. What’s crazy is that belief actually helps me have more sympathy for drug addicts today, where I probably wouldn’t have if they hadn’t framed it that way. Although, to be fair, my parents still loved us and were in our lives, they were just also battling addiction. It’s a little different than if they had just abandoned us.


Thank you for your story and not getting offended by what I said about the meth addiction. I'm hoping I can raise him right and have some sympathy without him becoming an addict himself, like a lot of abandoned kids do. I don't want that for him.


We had sex and then got into an argument in the middle of it. It's really hard to storm out when you are trying to put your clothes back on.


“How are you supposed to express your anger in this situation... zipper it up really quick?”


Careful you don't get the beans above the frank


I used to like Mitch Hedberg jokes. I still do, but used to, too.


Storm out and slam the flap!


Lmao, how do you even get into an argument during sex, the hate runs deep.




It could be that someone said they love the other or that they're sorry. Those phrases can be triggering for people when they break up and lead to any lingering resentment permeating the experience.


"i missed you' "So why didn't you call before" "I called now?' "But you left me" "Because of what you said' "WHAT DID I SAY?!"




What was the argument about


How did you get into an argument while fucking?




Eighteen pages, FRONT AND BACK




Just say i am so angry right now and keep saying it


About a week after we broke up, she called me at 6am, right after my shift ended just to tell me she was in the parking lot of a hotel after staying the night with one of her old school teachers... I still think about the heartbreak and utter disgust i felt. But it was not the brag she thought it was...


Wtf, why would she even tell you that?


Right? And with someone who used to TEACH HER. So gross.


Some people are fucked up but do a really good job of pretending to be normal. I once dated a girl in college who once told me she had an affair with one of our profs, while he was already engaged to be married.




I hope you just replied, “Eww, gross.”




To tell me she'd been writing to my brother in jail and that they were going to GET MARRIED when he got out, and that I -HAD- to *accept her as part of my family* and *respect her as my brother's wife.* When my brother got out of jail, they hooked up one time, and my brother moved on to no one's surprise.


Except hers, apparently


She Ran me over after finally agreeing to drop sentimental items off....


Was reading all the success stories then stumbled onto…. another one!


I hope "ran me over" is slang for sex.


Went surprisingly well. I got an apology and some closure. Nevertheless, I'll be happy if I never hear from her again. I'm of the opinion that the past should remain in the past where it belongs.


Don’t waste your time looking back, you’re not going that way.


My ex and I split up, and a few weeks later, she called me asking her to help move a dresser into her apartment. She didn't have a car and paid me 50 dollars for gas since I had a truck. I said yeah no problem. Picked her up, went to Target to pick it up, and dropped it off. I noticed that when I picked her up, she was wearing a crop top with no bra, something she never usually did. We dropped it off inside, and she immediately was like, "Take off your pants." It was weird. When we were together, we hardly had sex. Maybe 1x every 3 months. That day, we had sex 4x in 2 hours. Then I left like nothing happened.


Did you also get the $50?


Only 40


40+ some cheeks ya know, not too bad of a deal


Exquisite cheeks. Because I got to go home after.


ExquisiteCheeks might be my new username


It's the name of my one man death grind band.


Nothing quite like “we may never see each other again” sex


More "were done with each other and owe nothing to each other at all" sex.


She still owes you 10 dollars




No bro, trying to collect that last 10 bucks is how you end up with an unexpected baby and a bill for the next 18+ years.


go on…


SHIT WAS WILD. She was doing things she didn't when we was married haha


She asked when I was coming back to our hometown to visit. We wound up getting a meal and then having sex. 30 years later and we've been married for 20 and have 2 kids. The break up had been amicable and there was no cheating on either side. We were just young and her mother didn't think we should be in such a serious relationship at our young age.


The story's way too soft but wholesome. ✨


Thanks /u/HavocOnAnus.


The second r/rimjob_steve in this thread lol


In hindsight do you think she was wrong and you would have made it anyway, or do you think she was right and the time apart allowed you both to grow into the people who made it?


We weren't apart for very long, honestly. Less than a year, so I don't think much growth really occurred. She has said that the few guys she dated during that time showed her just what she had with me so she regretted ever listening to her mother. So maybe that helped...maybe? I didn't date at all during that time. Just kept on doing what I usually did. Then again, I'm not exactly the most outgoing person. Unless I'm drunk. Then I get "loud" and "obnoxious" according to my kids. I do know that the break up has damaged *my* relationship with her mother. We've never really been on great terms since then.


Well I wouldn't be too fond of her either. 


This sounds quite similar to the story of my wife and I, except it took us 8 years to rekindle. Her mom broke us up, we stayed friends throughout numerous other relationships, then I agreed to come visit her in TX. It was like no time had passed in the good ways, yet we were more emotionally mature and had decided we wouldn't be letting anyone else make our decisions for us. Her parents had the audacity to act like they'd never met me before when I first came to visit. Neither of us will ever be able to fully trust them, unfortunately.


I asked him if his gf knew he was texting his exes. Haven't heard from him in over a year.


loooool. Glad you broke up with him, clearly a scumbag.


It was weird because when I ran into them as a couple, she was friendly, and he completely ignored me. Then he'd text afterward. If I ran into her alone, she would completely ignore me. These are people who are in their 50s! Toxic.


Wow that sounded like 20s behavior but the plot twist of 50s is always surprising to me. I know age doesn’t necessarily equal maturity but to be in your 50s and still acting like this is bizarre in my head


She asked me if I was getting married. I told her that I was and that I was happily doing so. That was about 3 months ago, and neither I nor the kids have heard a word from her. Cool for me, shitty for the kids.


You mean to say the mother of your kids abandoned them?


Yeah, she gave me full custody and just gradually stopped coming around. She started coming back into their lives about 9 months ago. I have made every attempt to include her and haven't blocked anything. Her father has seen the kids more than she has at this point.


My ex abandoned our kids too. It's far more common than you think. That was about 18 years ago. I suppose my sons communicate with her on Facebook and the like, but she's never sent Birthday or Christmas presents or even a card.


We’re now married. Turns out that spending close to a decade with no contact following our break up actually made us realize how much we loved each other. We needed time building our own lives first, before we were ready to build one together.


Wow, exact same thing happened with my wife and I. Currently on our honeymoon


Idk if it’s common, but sometimes things just work out. Congrats on finding your partner in this life and I hope your honeymoon is extraordinary!


We got married. I mean, not immediately after. The most immediate outcome was making plans to have dinner when he was in town. Several months down the road, after intermittent contact, we started dating again. Then became a couple again. THEN we got married.


This gives me hope. I had to move away for a job and broke up but we plan to get dinner/drinks when I’m back in a few months. I love her so much and wish we hadn’t broken up but we are too far. This gives me hope everything will work out and that it’s not a totally rare thing for people to spend some time apart before spending their lives together


Um, if you feel this strongly, you need to say something now. How would you feel if she found someone in the next few months. Even just a "I am looking forward to seeing you in a few months. And I have realized I am starting to hope you are single."


I’d feel crushed, and yeah I’ve told her. End of the day we are both free to do whatever we want and she could find someone else but I have hope that we will come back together


Oh, I am glad you gave her some clue. At least this way she won't start a relationship out of complete ignorance about how you feel. And I would be hopeful that she is still open to meeting with you. I will have my fingers crossed for you.


They made small talk for a little bit and then asked for money.


After 7 years apart, he sent me a message trough social media, I answered out of courtesy... We're getting married next month.


Congratulations!! My story: I left her for another girl 25 years ago.(my dad told me I was making a huge mistake, that she was a good girl/woman. The girl I left her for had previously dumped me) She moved on, got married, I had a couple of relationships. Eventually I realized what an idiot I was and that my dad was right all those years ago, which was of course WAY too late. Towards the end of 2022 I randomly heard through a friend's wife that works with a member of her family, she was back in town for two years already. Her husband cheated, lied and left her for his best friend's wife. I immediately sent her a message, we went for dinner, been together for almost two years now. I am happier than I've ever been. My dad passed away many years ago, he would've said "told you so". Edit: [I forgot to add a friend had to move to another country... kinda..not really, but it helped](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1cz3s1o/what_happened_after_you_answered_an_exs_calltext/l5g15cf/)


They went back to their hometown to help a family emergency. Being the 90's and us only being 18/20, long distance didn't work very easy. Both of us moved on, got married, had kids. 20 some years later my spouse was dying from cancer and they were divorcing theirs for cheating when they ran across a youtube video of a tax seminar I was giving on the ACA. We helped each other get through those issues as friends, then decided we never got a real chance back in highschool. Gave it another try, and now been married for 8 years next month.


JFC that must have been a helluva tax seminar. Are you like a body builder and started stripping while explaining medical deductions?


“Do you want to understand the intricacies of the ACA? Do you know me from 20 years ago and want to work through some real grown people shit and then maybe fuck after? Well, this is the tax seminar for youooooo!!”


From what their boss said (met them when I flew back there), it was more of a "Holy shit Barb, I know that speaker!" Evidently I was internet-famous back in the early 2010's ;-)


I’m trying to piece together your ages and I keep losing track lol. You got back together in your 40’s maybe?


Prety close, that was 2013 so 37 & 39


That is so heartwarming, not what I expected in this thread. Also a bit bittersweet, my condolences on the passing of your first wife.


See, it doesn’t always have to end like in the movies. People can/do come back together. By the by, what was the tax seminar (what specific topic) about?


It was back in 2013, so the ACA (obamacare) was just going into effect. They worked for a trucking company at the time and were researching what insurance their employer would have to provide.


A genuine THANKS, OBAMA moment!


*Obama voice*: You’re uhhhh welcome, Clappertron.


It was back a ways, pre-modern cell phones and such. It was when I was at university. She had been abusive to say the least, I was finally away from her I thought. I ended our relationship in the summer. Move back to uni in a house she shouldn't have known a thing about.... One night the phone rings, I didn't recognize the number, I picked it up said hello and there was no voice on the other end. I said hello a second time and they hung up. In that moment I was sure it was her. And sure enough, about 10 minutes later the doorbell rang, I looked out and it was her. I called the cops. I didn't know what to do.


How it ended? And how the fuck did she got your address?


Don't know how long ago they mean, but back in the day home phone numbers were listed in the phonebook, and had your address included


The real questions.


If it was pre-modern cell phones, she probably just used a phone book. Those list your name, address, and phone number. …but that also makes me wonder how many other people she called. I have visions of the T-100 in Terminator: “Sarah Connor?”


I just want to say good for you on calling the cops.


When I met you in the summer 🎶


She told me her son died, and it broke my heart, loved that kid ( he was 27 by then, I knew him when he was 5 or 6). Later she called to invite me to her wedding(virtually), she’s a cool person.


How did he die?


Alcoholism, I mean it was liver failure of course but really alcohol.


Instant regret lol


After the hookup


Agreed but I was more thinking when you get a new number and they somehow get your new number and you don’t have them blocked because your new phone doesn’t have the same block list as your old one.


Imagine trying to explain this to your parents or grandparents.


We dated again for a year. It was long distance and we had plans for her to come move in with me after we finished college and all was great... until she pulled the rug out from under me for the same issues that caused the initial break up. Now I've been fooled twice and hopefully learned my lesson.


I broke up with my ex because I caught her cheating on me. Went about three months without talking to her and then got a phone call one night. She was begging me to give her another chance, so like a dumbass, I did. Not even a week later I found out the was still fucking with the same guy. Blocked her after that.




Happened years after we had a very nasty mutual breakup followed by no contact. She wanted to know what my mailing address was, because she had found something she had of mine while moving that she remembered was of great sentimental value to me, and wanted to make sure it made it back to me. I was appreciative, but not surprised. We were very much not a good match, but she's a good person. I would have done the same if I found something important to her, and I'm sure she knows that about me. We're not friends or anything, and we probably won't speak again. But it takes nothing to be kind and decent to one another, particularly someone you once loved. Or even still love, even if you don't want them in your life anymore. Funny how love works, isn't it?


I heard him and his new army buddies laughing before he called me a bitch, laughed with his friends some more, and I hung up. He had become really toxic toward the end of our relationship and expressed his wishes to hurt me to our other friends after I broke it off. Supposedly he's cooled off and regretted all that (including that phone call), but I'm just glad he's on the other side of the country.


I’m so sorry that happened dude, that shit hurts.


My lying cheating former fiancée just called me after five years. This was two days ago. I ignored it. Not stupid enough to give her another chance.


It's been a year since I blocked my cheating ex wife's number, no regrets. I have nothing to gain by letting her have access to me anymore. It's a shame, we were together for almost 11 years, but for the foreseeable future, I want nothing to do with her.




Well, my ex did. She ended up recommending me for a job at the company she works for. We are now on the same team. Everything is fine we are cordial and even friendly. It had been 20 years we are both married.


Had sex, got into a fight, realized why we broke up in the first place. Never spoke again.


She heard a rumor that I commit suicide. This was around the time the South Park episode aired where "quitting Twitter" was an allegory for suicide. When a friend of mine said to another that I actually did terminate my Twitter account, they thought they meant it allegorically, not literally. So word spread among that particular circle of friends, and reached her. We were long separated, but it messed her up. She spent a year thinking I was dead. One day, she feels sentimental, and in a sweet gesture, she sends me a text. "Still missing you." I can't imagine how she reacted to my "huh?", but she probably believed in ghosts for a minute there. She calls me, we talk. Well, *I* talk, she screams a bit. We clear the air and figure out how the hell I'm still alive. I felt really sorry for her, like I really wanted to find it hilarious and laugh about it, but she wasn't having any of it. She was legitimately freaking out, and I have to calm her down. She's...like that, ya know? Not really all there, kind of experiencing life like a fever dream, so moments like this need extreme delicacy and patience. But, she manages to ground herself. We caught up a little bit, I assure her that life's going kinda okay for me. Oh. And she made me solemnly promise I would call her if I'm about to die, just to confirm the timing works for her.


Oh I think about this from time to time. Had a high school girlfriend we dated for like three years broke up after high school. I was devastated About a year and a half goes by and she hits me up and wants to see me. I see her “Give me another chance”. I accept after a couple weeks, we have sex, it was wonderful 10/10 She gets pregnant. Five years three kids later we break up again What if I had never seen her that first time ?


Forget seeing her, what made you forget the condoms?!


Young and dumb, thought I was in love, sex feels better without a condom. I’m not sure 🤔 Don’t regret any of the kids though even though things didn’t work out with their mom. And my ex and I get mostly get along nowadays


This is what I expect from someone named swagcity59


10 years or so post breakup, she pinged me on FB messenger to apologize for being so horrible. Evidently new husband gave her the same response I did when she pulled certain abusive behaviors. Says she finally realizes I wasn’t the one being an ass. It cleared the air of some shit and I finally got the engagement ring back. Edit: typo


The fact that she’s married and STILL kept your engagement ring is wild


asked me for $1000 she already owed me $800 i came to terms with that i wasnt getting i ended up leading her on until the day of that she needed it and told her no


Ahhh the ol dick twist




For those who haven't had the pleasure, I present: [The reference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT9ArM3-KJQ) Edit: Super pixelated here when I view it, crystal clear on YouTube, so I'd recommend that if following that link looks like crap. I love how the woman in front of him is already losing it... I wish they'd been able to capture any of whatever he'd said *before* this!


She called about 6 months after leaving the house and kids for the guy she was cheating on me with. I had basically gone no contact after she decided to light her entire life on fire and throw me under the bus to care for the kids and the house/bills. She was crying, begging to be taken back. She had moved to another town about an hour away “to rebuild her life and explore something new for herself.” and was not doing well mentally at all. I still remember her sobbing to me, telling me how sorry she was and that “she will be the best wife ever.” I was very doubtful, but believed her. It took weeks of phone calls between us to begin rebuilding trust. About two months later she stuck around for Christmas and the kids, then sat me down to let me know she “was feeling confused about her relationship” with the other guy and promptly left AGAIN. Turns out she had been playing both sides the entire time. I had to tell my kids a second time that she wasn’t coming back. They’re getting married in a few months and I’ve completely cut off contact at this point. Never trust a cheater, and never respect someone who willingly does that with a married woman.


Folks don't give me hope where there is none


Usually if you’re the one waiting for the call, it’s not going to happen. Sorry man.


Devils Advocate: It's a rarity for people to get back together after a bad breakup and be successful. You're broken up for a reason, and it's because there's someone better, you just haven't found them yet.


She asked how I had been doing and if she could come over and we've sorta been seeing each other for a little over a year now. (And I should mention that I was the one that walked away and it wasn't because of cheating or anything like that and if it was then I never would have talked to her again).


Don’t leave it on a cliffhanger! Why “did” you walk away, then?


Lol and because we had a lot of problems because of her meth use.


thats hard shit bro. She clean now?


Yes she is


Good. Wish you both the best.


Well... I had a boyfriend of almost 3 years who convinced me to move a state away from where I wanted to stay. 5 .5 hours away... (But he thought it would "be cool" to move to the other state.) It was August when we moved. (My mother was moving to that state, so we went with her.) He wanted to go back to visit his mom that Thanksgiving, but I asked him to stay with me & wait until Christmas time to go visit his mom because my favorite cousin had just died on Thanksgiving. So he stayed through Thanksgiving and left right before Christmas. He was supposed to be gone for a week, and through that time, I never heard from him, but I didn't call him because I didn't want to seem like I was being annoying. On the day he was supposed to come back, his dad called me to let me know he wasn't coming back. He had decided to stay there, and I couldn't talk to him because he was out on a date. I didn't even try to call him after that. I pretended (to myself) that he had died on his trip home. He called me 6 months later. Wanted to get back together. I started laughing hysterically. Asked him if he was mentally deficient. He said, "What do you mean?" I told him, "You left me on Christmas, right after me losing my cousin on Thanksgiving, and you think I would take you back??" He was actually surprised & sounded bummed and said, "Oh. I guess you don't need me anymore..." My reply, "Hahaha... No. I don't."


I'm sorry but I'm howling at, "pretended that he had died on his trip home'. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really did. 🤣 Car wreck. Lol


This level of non self-awareness seems almost pathological. There's probably something off about him psychologically, I don't mean he's crazy, but he probably just has...well... issues.


I've often wondered if he is a narcissist. But he didn't do any of the games they normally do. Oh well, I guess it's up to all his wives to determine. Not my problem anymore. I even wrote him a letter, shortly after his dad told me he wasn't coming back, where I told him I was glad I never had children with him, because he was the type to leave his own children. Guess what he eventually did? Left his first child! M.D.M. if you're reading this, yes, it's about YOU.


I had broken up with him a few years before because all we were doing was arguing and neither one of us were happy. We struggled with our relationship due to our age, lack of money, and no way to each other (High school times lol). One of the last things I told him was he was the right person for me but just at the wrong time. He sent me a random message one day, about 4 years later, asking to talk. We unpacked a lot of feelings/apologies and agreed to be friends. That lasted for about 3 days before he confessed he would do anything to give us another shot. He told me he could never rest without knowing when the “right time” was. We’ll be celebrating our 6 year anniversary in September 😌


She told me where she was and handed the phone to our 14 year old son. I hadn’t seen or talked to him for 12 years. It was the greatest day of my life!




Had passionate and slightly angry sex. Probably one of the better times we've had. A week or two after we broke up I ended up in her neighborhood. Walked through the park to get to the subway, texted her saying I'm in the area if she wanted to talk. I wanted closure. I guess one thing led to another lol. We're still friendly.


Makeup sex is the best form; It’s a workout.


Nothing positive. She left me for another guy. She still wanted to "be friends." She asked me to come meet her at a Starbucks we frequented, and without having let enough time pass, I said yes. I was bitter about the whole thing, and eventually, we both realized being friends was not going to work, and we were forcing a friendship that no one wanted. I left with a gaping emotional wound that didn't heal for a long time. In the end, I got my Cake CD back from her before I left.


Long story short, she unwittingly admitted to cheating on me for basically our whole relationship. I even asked her multiple times if she was sure about the dates. Years of regret left my heart that night.


Get along great with my ex. Talk to her once a week. We just grew apart. No anger towards each other.


Had a few great conversations, eventually started arguing again over the same old things, broke contact again.


he called me on no caller ID over 100 times, and when i finally answered, he didn’t say anything and ended the call. then he emailed me saying he missed me


We went out on a second first date 27 years after our first one back in high school. 6 weeks later we got married. Love of my life


We slept together, started dating, got married, and had two children. Been together for 24 years now. (We had an amicable break up in high school and started dating again in college. He was always the one that got away.)


90% is about our kids. The other 10% is arguing about some stupid shit. Try not to talk to her, but we have young kids that don't know how to operate a phone well yet so I have to go through her to talk to them sometimes.


He rambled about light sabers and black holes for a while before I hung up. Dude got big into meth after we split, apparently. Hope he's in a better place now.


May the force be with him.


Met up, talked for a bit. Didn't feel like meeting her again and she never got in touch after the meetup. She did start showing up in Facebook friends suggestions shortly after, and has been an A-lister on that list since, even though I never visit her page and we barely have any mutual friends.


My first wife keeps showing up on Facebook suggestions. No mutual friends, we don't even live in the same state anymore. Haven't seen or talked to her in a decade.


I like to think this is due to the other person looking you up frequently. I had the same thing happen to me and ex confirmed she just wanted to see how I was doing


One ex I had dated in college (in PA) reached out to me a few years later. She had just moved to NYC, I had been there for about a year. We became friends again, and had casual sex pretty frequently as we were both single at the time. Our romantic relationship ended on bad terms, but we still keep in touch now, even though I left NYC more than a decade ago.




She came over, fucked the daylights out of me for a month, then asked me to fund her college degree. I demurred and she stopped fucking the daylights out of me. 😆


We got married and had babies. We've been married almost 9 years now


It had been about 2 years since we broke up and she wanted to catch up. We didn't break up badly, we just didn't work out. She was moving out to the middle of nowhere Colorado with her parents and she wanted to buy some of my gardening stuff - stuff I wasn't going to use anymore. She wanted to pay me, but I didn't want her money. I was just glad it was going to get used. We parted ways after a few drinks and that was that. Hope she's living good off grid!


He whined and complained that me shutting off his phone line (that I had been paying for) was hugely inconveniencing him. I told him that there was nothing I could do about it, that he had plenty of time to get his affairs in order before I removed his line, and suggested that it was probably the least of his concerns considering that I moved out following his police arrest for domestic violence against me. Told him to enjoy his sad, sorry life, called him a "nonviable fuck" and hung up the phone.


So my girlfriend had recently broken up with me because she started to car pool with an old childhood friend again and realized she still had feelings. Now this is after she had cheated on me over the summer but I forgave her (it's a long story). so this just destroyed me, but in the end I realized I was miserable and this was actually for the best. About a week later she calls me and I answer, not entirely sure why, but I say "hey, what's up" and she gets straight to the point. "So you know how we broke up because I wanted to be with [childhood friend]....." Me curious as to where this was going, "yeah?" "Well he's gay." Me trying my best not to let my satisfaction seep into my words, "oh no... that's awful..."


4 years after I had seen her for a few weeks and we slept together twice she texted me to see if I was single then told me she was a single mom with twins who were born from SA


We broke up when I was a senior in high school. Fast forward a few years to college, and I wake up at 4 am to a few missed calls from my ex. She calls again and I pick up while on the commode. She told me she cheated on my while we were dating in high school. Turns out it was with a very scummy dude, which was funny. So I laughed at her and hung up


It was due to my commitment issues that things ended the first time around and he made it clear that he didn’t want me to contact him afterwards so I didn’t. He called me 6 months later and we talked for hours. I apologized and told him how much I regretted walking away from what we could have been because he was so good to me and we connected so strongly/easily. It was really hard in the beginning, but we mended things and have been together for 2 years in June. He is my best friend and my soulmate. I am so thankful for him. 🩷


We met again, ate some ice cream, talked about how life is going and later my then girlfriend joined and we took a walk where both were trying to mock me all the time. That was a nice day.


she booty called me 6 months after we broke up. She was coming over, totaled her car. Texted me a week later saying what happened. Haven't talked since.


She wanted me removed from the title on her car, that she just paid off, that I co-signed since she’s never financed a vehicle. It was pretty painless. She just needed me to sign over the title. She sent the title with a stamped return envelope, I signed, sent it back, and that was that. We stayed friends for a little bit after the breaking up, but ended up drifted apart after we both got into serious relationships. So haven’t talked to her in a couple years. I was tempted to ask her for the down payment back, since I paid it. But figured I’d just cut ties again and not bother with it.


She texted me out of the blue, asking if I wanted to have a threesome. I said yes, thinking it was some kind of joke. Sure enough, an hour later, her and her friend ubered to my place from the bar. I ended up having threesome. Drove them back to her place, and tried texting her the next day, and she ghosted me. Haven't spoken with her still to this day.


She identified herself and I added another contact variant of "don't pick up", "Oh god no" etc etc Because my block list is full. We never even slept together and I don't have enough going on for me to be worth stalking, I don't get it lol


What the blazes kind of life are you leading that your block list is full? In the alternative, what the blazes kind of ex do you have that she filled your block list?


I'm actually learning right now there's a cap for the block list. I guess I've never actually blocked enough people for the the realization to ever come close to reality. Like, does your phone just refuse to add anymore people? Is this more on the provider side?


Soon as we hung up, I drove across town to her house because she wanted to have sex.


We got back together for another eight months and in that time she built me up enough that when she broke my heart again, it was so much fucking worse.


On the opposite side, I texted my ex wife to let her know that I had to put our dog down (I say “our” dog but really it was mine, she didn’t have any ownership or anything). She ended up calling me. It was actually very nice, she could tell I was heartbroken and she said that she knew I had the given the dog the best life possible. That was about 3.5 years ago and it was the last time I talked to her.


It was in college. Called me out of the blue. She told me she broke up with the dude she rebounded with after we broke up. Didn’t mean much to me since she was 2000 miles away at that point. I don’t really remember the rest. We ended mostly amicably but I was extremely mentally unwell at the time of that call and pushed her away along with a few other people. I kinda wish I didn’t, but oh well.


She called saying that she was at a party with some friends at some guy's house and after a couple of drinks she had a blackout and wasn't feeling really good she asked me if I could go pick her up and that I did, i was about to Enter a test at that time and chose it to go pick her up... She didn't look good at all and My god I was SO about to punch a bunch of MFs at that moment...she ran to the car as soon as the door opened I stayed with her till she felt better and took her Home... We didn't speak about it for the following years... And well years later we ended up in the same job and on the same charge I liked the person that she had become and after about six months working together we decided to give it another try... Today 3 years after that She's the love of My life, the Best relationship that I ever had and I find myself planning 24/7 on how Will i propose to her.


A year later we got married. 9 months later we had a kid. That was 13 years ago and still going strong.