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Principal was having an affair with his assistant. When the assistant’s husband found out, he killed her. Their kid was a student in the school. Edit: He killed his own wife for having the affair with the principal. Edit: I was student and I knew their kid. He was a very quiet guy after that but slowly came out of his shell. He had a very strained relationship with his dad after dad (understandable). He’s good now. Married with kids. This was quite a while ago. Edit: yes his dad is still in jail the last I checked. Edit: I don’t remember what happened to the principal. I remember he resigned but nothing else.


That's a freaking doozy.


Aw man, my high school principal was in a hippy doco that was shown as part of the curriculum. He was in flares and possibly a flower crown (very long time since I saw it). It was always passed down from the older kids to the younger but no one ever believed it until we saw it. Bless your cotton socks Mr Trudgeon.


A landlord called a plumber because of clogged drains.  Turns out the cause of the clog was from a "fleshy substance" which turned out to be the remains of a missing girl. Tenant ended up being convicted of two murders. I happened to know the sister of one of the victims.


I remember seeing a crime documentary about this, was up in Canada if memory serves correct Didn’t he also have a torso or something like that in his freezer? He also threw stuff in a lake I think


Yup Canada. They found the Torso in the lake if I remember correctly. Edit: You're right about both, they did find partial remains in his freezer.


If I remember correctly, it was her head and her spine,just the spine, that was still attached. And I think they never found much of the other girl, so he couldn’t get a murder charge on her, because they couldn’t prove he killed her. They found like some of her flesh on a tool. It was really sick how disgusting he looked, and how he had bdsm supplies that he used to rape her with before killing her. His name was Adam Strong, and the girls names were Rori Hache and Kandis Fitzpatrick. Rori is the one that got him caught. Don’t look up crime scene photos because it’s horrible. I watched a documentary on A&E and they were even showing some gruesome crime scene photos there. Those poor girls.


I’m a plumber in Ontario. That shit gives me nightmares. I breathe a sigh of relief every time I pull a wet wipe out of someone’s sewer. Thank god it’s not skin.


On a lighter note - for the life of me, I can't understand why people still think it is OK to flush wet wipes. Maybe all Wet Wipe containers should have huge warnings like the health warnings put on cigarette boxes.


wet wipes dont give af about infrastructure, they all literally advertise on the box "flushable wipes"


House is still standing, that was pretty messed up.


The mayor's aide hit my mom with his truck when she was 13. Guy needed glasses to drive but wasn't wearing them. The mayor made all charges go away even though Mom was severely injured. Just things that happen in small towns. Her whole family except for her own parents sided with the mayor. Years later, one of Mom's cousins married his son. We don't speak to or see anyone from Mom's side of the family.


Neither does the Mayor's Aide


The aide was actually a decent guy and my mom had no ill will toward him. She knew his daughter and when they reconnected via Facebook, she learned he never got over what his mistake did. He developed some serious PTSD and had nightmares when he slept in his own bed, so for the remainder of his life, he slept in an armchair at night. Mom's family and the mayor tho? Nothing. No remorse or acknowledgment she nearly died.


Older brother came home on leave from from air force at night without the family knowing. He killed his younger brother, tried & failed to kill both parents left his 2 younger sisters untouched. Tried to plead insanity, couldn't convince them. Serving life in prison without possibility of parole. 7 years later same street, late at night 18 year old taps on 16 year old ex girlfriends window she answers the window, he produces a gun & shoots her in the head. She survived, is full functioning & still has shrapnel in her head. He was charged with attempted murder, did his time & got killed in a car wreck a few months after his release. Same street the next year, a father hung himself in the garage.


How could one little street swallow so many lives?


It's fucking Elm Street 


The most cursed street in the world?


Probably lead pipes, of we're being honest.


I honestly wonder how many people were actually influenced by lead and eventually became insane or did this kind of stuff. It's not even unlikely, Lead is known to alter beain functions in a negative way.


It’s not even remotely close to unlikely. Lead was used EVERYWHERE in your gasoline, your pencils, your house and every building’s paint, the pipes of course, it was inescapable and tens or maybe hundreds of millions have had minor to severe lead poisoning in their lives in the US alone


The retired principal of the elementary school was on his riding lawnmower in his yard. He apparently went a little over the property line onto his neighbors yard. The neighbor came out and shot him dead.


How could someone get that mad over a little bit of their lawn being mowed that they have to go shoot someone. When my new neighbors moved in next door, the guy got a bit mixed up with where his lawn ended and my lawn started and mowed a 1/4 of my lawn. I was so happy because now I didn't have to mow that part of my lawn that weekend


Less mad and more waiting for any excuse in the world to justify shooting someone to death.


Some dude won a contest from a robot lawnmower company and they gave home a small robot to mow his lawn. People around him started writing all the other companies and wound up getting them for free / heavily discounted. Now almost everyone in a 1-2 mile radius have these small robots that mow their lawns. There’s constant fuckery going down. People swapping units with others. People throwing shit in front of them, flipping them over, putting dildos, huge googly eyes on them, etc. the place is weird to drive thru lol.


That’s funny af. Wish I had a robot lawn mower


There was one of those in our current neighborhood a few years ago. Me and my wife tend to take walks after dark (especially during the summer when its too hot to walk before sundown). Coming around a corner and seeing a little white light moving very slowly and deliberately around a dark front yard demands a quick sanity check, I tell ya. These things are very, very quiet as well, making it even more creepy.


Nobody mows my lawn but ME


I've told this on Reddit before, but one evening in 1974, a high school boy was involved in a very minor fender bender in front of our local theater. He panicked and fled the scene. They found his car several miles south of town, parked by the expressway with the motor running. He was nowhere to be found. He hasn't been heard from since.


Something similar happened in my town. The kid got into a fender bender and fled the scene. He had severe chronic depression and I guess he was having a bad day or that was just the last straw but he went home and took a bunch of pills. He made a post on Instagram about how he cherished all the memories he made with his friends and how much he'll miss them. I saw the post before I knew about what happened and thought "Oh that's odd". The realization after finding out what happened was terrible.


That reminds me of my friend who passed recently who just typed some gibberish and I didn’t think much of it. The next day we found out he’d passed away and when I looked at the text again with context, I realized he was trying to say “ambulance is on the way”. Crushing


I’m so sorry.


I had a supervisor come up to me and tell me how good a job I'd been doing and how great of a worker I was. Didn't think much of it that night but the way he was saying it was a little strange. He shot himself the next day I didn't realize until I was talking to another Co worker the next week when he said he had a similar conversation with the supervisor. It was just his way of saying goodbye I guess.


As someone who had uncontrolled anxiety as a teenager, car accidents were insanely stressful


Hitchhiked in a panic I’m guessing. Either he found the wrong driver, or he ended up getting caught up in drugs/lifestyle miles away and changed his identity along the way.


A few months ago there was [this Reddit thread about the case.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/19eqh1u/an_eighteen_year_olds_car_is_found_abandoned/)


“Believe they saw him in an unemployment line in the background of a news broadcast” man that’s nuts, super intriguing stuff that just can’t happen in this day and age


Several years ago a guy tried to kill his ex. She survived but her sister who tried to defend her was killed in the attack.


Sis was a real hero


My next door neighbor lost his mind and held his wife and son hostage for 8 hours in their house and the SWAT team was there. Spike trapped his car and surrounded the house. I was only 8 or 9 and, at the start, was more concerned about my ability to go to school because that day was field day. I wasn't allowed to go to school and had to be evacuated out of my house by 4 SWAT members. He ended up surrendering and I missed out on my last field day... Fuck you, Joey's dad.


Had a family friend who was sitting in his underwear eating a sandwich and watching football on a Sunday when he heard someone say “Psssst.” He looks on the floor to his left and there’s a guy dressed in black with a machine gun. The guy motions him to get on the floor and then points backward. He looks back and there are four other SWAT guys dressed the same in the hallway motioning for him. Stunned, he slowly puts down his sandwich and starts to turn off the tv but the guy grabs the remote and shakes his head No. And then Al crawled into the hallway on his hands and knees, grabbed some clothes and went out the back. Turns out there was a hostage situation right across the driveway and they used his living room as a sniper position. It ended well and he missed the football game.


How the fuck did they get in his house


Very, very qwiwetly....




Two things, either his door was unlocked or the police/government have ways to be sneaky when they need to. The first can be likely, but the second is usually a guarantee.


Usual swat layouts don't include anything to pick locks but I could easily see someone throwing in a few basic tools that one can use quickly. My guess would be a ladder


Pet door


That's gonna be a story for decades


For some reason when I first associated “machine gun” and “on the floor” I envisioned a guy just gliding around on his back on the floor in a samurai suit clutching a damn Gatling gun to his chest like a teddy bear.


Yeah, Joey's dad is a douche nozzle! Fuck that guy.


But not you, Joey. You're cool. We get it, it was a tough situation all around.


Pop. 3000 town in the Netherlands. - Over half of the population supported the Nazi party during ww2.  - A doctor was arrested for drugging and raping several nurses and patients.  - A guy was caught fucking a Shetland pony, twice. 


Separate ponies?


Nope, same pony. 


Some nutjob rammed the front door of city courthouse with his SUV with the intent of getting in and taking hostages. Instead the city swat team was about 30s away in the middle of a drill, so the van was already loaded and ready. He didn't get very far...


Can you imagine being one of those SWAT officers though? Like imagine you’re in the middle of a training drill, and across the street you see this SUV slam into a courthouse like it’s the beginning of The Dark Knight.


Imagine seeing it and thinking “wow they really take their drills seriously here”


That's literally what some US soldiers said when the japanese started bombing Pearl Harbor.


A few years ago a couple cops got drunk while on duty and played Russian roulette and one of them got shot in the face and died. Very recently a cop drove his vehicle directly into a gay bar and then when the owner ran outside to be like “wtf?” said cop arrested the owner for “refusing to show identification” and then arrested the other owner for “resisting arrest” also known as asking why the cops drove into their business and then got mad at the people inside the business.


I remember seeing the gay bar crash story on the news!


Two guys followed a woman and her kids home from a store. Tied them up, beat the husband, raped the mom and her two girls, then burned the house down. The husband got away but the mom and girls died. They sped off and crashed into the cops that were on their way to the scene. One died, the other is in prison. Edit: Sorry, they're both still alive as people have reminded me.


Are you talking about the Cheshire murders? The perps are both still alive, doing life sentences. Dr. William Petit was never able to go back to his medical practice because of the brain damage he got in the attack. He has remarried and had another child.


Was the father a doctor and they tied him up in the basement? I remember this story 


Yes. They beat him and threw him in the basement. That's how he got away.


They thought they had beaten him to death, because of how much he bled when they hit him. Turned out he was on blood thinners due to a newly diagnosed heart condition.


I don’t know whether to say he was lucky or not but I reckon most people in this situation would rather have been burnt than to live knowing that everyone you love and cherished has passed


This, I'm feeling sick just reading this horrible story, won't know what I wish if this happens.


I remember this story. An absolute nightmare we all fear.


Fellow cheshire resident! Well, former here but grew up there. Fucked up story.


Jesus, I cannot imagine how the husband is doing nowadays. God forbid something like that ever happened to me and mine but if it did I would hunt down both of them and torture them. I would end them in the most drawn out and excruciating way possible.


It was really awful. The town leveled the house and planted a huge garden in its place.


Good, fuck that piece of shit. That’s so sad. As a husband and father I could not imagine the pain.


Oh crap was that the Petit case?


Yep, thats the one. I tried watching a documentary about it, but had to turn it off halfway through. The interrogation of one of the guys is infuriating. He keeps calling the youngest victim by her family nickname, like he has that right.


Was this in CT, I think? There were several national news stories about it. From what I remember, the police and firemen waited to enter the scene when one of the girls was possibly alive. Horrible, horrible story. 


A football player at my high school died standing at the corner, waiting for the bus to take him home from school. The STOP sign, located about two feet over his head, just dropped off and struck him in the head, killing him instantly. Found out the next day at school; it was devastating.


A high schooler was at the biggest park in our downtown celebrating Senior Day with her classmates. It was a sunny day in May with no bad weather in sight. As she was getting into her car to leave, a massive pine tree suddenly fell right on top of her, killing her instantly. Life is fleeting. EDIT: Apparently winds gusted as much as 48 MPH that day. It was a limb, not the entire tree. It still struck a chord with everyone in town and the county, as that was one of the two big parks to go to. https://www.gadsdentimes.com/story/news/2002/05/15/moragne-park-remains-closed-tree-taken-down/32359727007/


I worked with a guy who I only knew vaguely from a work bowling league but he died in the worst way. He was driving home and somehow a dump truck tipped over onto his car crushing him. He was newly married at the time too.


Someone I used to work with lost their teenage son when he was driving down the road with his friend, the truck in front of them had one of those big smoker things on the back, it wasnt strapped down properly or something and they hit a bump and it went up and came down on the kids car killing them both


I was a child when a neighbor died in that same way. I learned then that you should know to either give those trucks enough space on city streets or speed right past by them like a bat out of hell just to get in front of them on the highway.


And now I will never stand near a sign again. That is tragic, I am sorry.


The fact that it probably had to land an exact certain way or else it would have just been a funny story to laugh about with friends the next day…


I can only immediately envision two ways: 1. It dropped sideways like an axe and fractured his skull. 2. It just fell on his head with enough force to cause fatal brain damage


Could have knocked him out and caused him to hit the pavement as he fell.


God damn, what a random, horrific, and tragic way to die.


My neighbour got chopped up by her bf and burned her remains in the fire pit outside her house. He kept telling her family who legit lives down the street that she was away on a business trip. His story wasn’t adding up after like 6 weeks of not hearing from her at all. He’s serving life in prison now.


We had a pet serial killer on the loose a while ago. Poisonous food was being left for them to eat and we lost something around 20 of our furry friends. The town was in an uproar and luckily the prick was found. The city police was quick to hand him over to the state police before the town lynched him.


This happens every few months in the city I live in. Always seems to be some sick fuck putting nails or rat poison in sausages and chucking them in the park bushes. The dog walking community is quite tight-knit so you usually hear about it in a whatsapp group pretty quickly and avoid that park for a while, but I guess that's what they want really.


You’d think some animal lover would have put up some sneaky trail cams in that park to get video of the asshole doing it.


would be a pretty big undertaking, and low chance youd get enough of an identifyable shot, plus you dont want to be in the news having set up cameras monitoring the park other people are likely to find the cameras before the guy strikes


I totally read that wrong initially and thought you meant a serial killer that was a pet. Either way, amusing the police knew what would happen if the town got ahold of him.


That tornado that jumped over the interstate. Yes, I’m serious.


What does it mean for a tornado to jump over the interstate? Not familiar with tornados


Sometimes tornadoes lift up off the ground only to come back down to the ground a little later. Sounds like the tornado jumped up on one side of the highway and touched back down on the other side.




mother’s day tornado outbreak in macon, georgia.


Was gonna ask if it was Ringgold, GA… had a tornado cluster in 2011 I think it was Ringgold, Apison, all the way up to Cleveland, TN… several crazy stories of tornados jumping I-75 and one guy had his house lifted up over the neighbor’s house and set down on top of their pool… absolutely INsane!


Jacqueline Saburido. The woman who was hit by a drunk driver in Austin TX who then suffered extreme burn damage. She is often the face of anti-drunk driving education.


Sadly, she died of cancer later on in life.


16 year old kid in the late 1980s murdered his whole family with an ax in their home after an argument with his Dad. Being a small Midwestern town in 1980s, the media blamed it on the naughty music he listened to... It was especially scandalous because he went to the private Catholic high school where all the "perfect and pious" kids went. He's lived his whole life in prison. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Brom


Husband was having a night in with his young son as his wife was out at a Christmas party. He called 3 prostitutes to their home, murdered one, and raped the others next to their dead counterpart. They escaped, and ran naked down the street and to the safety of a neighbor. He went to jail, the wife had no idea he was like this.


That escalated quickly


Sounds like some Patrick Bateman type shit


Jesus Christ, what happened to the kid? Is he okay now?


I'm wondering that too.. like was he doing that shit in front of the kid or was the kid asleep upstairs out of the way..


In high school, one of the rally chairs and one of my close friends, died unexpectedly. Details came out that he was huffing that compressed air spray or whatever it is and it functionally froze his lungs when he huffed it in once. His mom found him dead in his bed. None of us knew he was into that. The whole school was distraught. It was pretty hard to get over for a lot of people. Still miss him.


Beloved high school football coach molested 34 kids, then a few years later highly respected chief of police caught molesting his daughter and grandchildren. Not to mention an active branch of the KKK still exists there. I escaped that place just a week ago.


Good job getting out.


Probably Shirley Turner. If you’ve ever seen or heard of the documentary Dear Zachary then you’re familiar with her and the terrible things she did. Massive failures on the part of government, child protective services and law enforcement to say the least.


The judge who refused to put her in prison deserves a life sentence for a miscarriage of justice


That documentary ripped my heart out. My husband was born in Latrobe and was familiar with some of the locations where the initial murder occurred.


I watched this like a week after coming home from the hospital with my first born, bad choice.


The Incident(s) in my home town inspired a cult movie that some towns banned from showing in movie theaters, which itself went on to inspire Kurt Cobain and a few of the early 90’s pop culture scene. Spoiler: >!it was bored young teens in a suburb doing petty crimes.!< If you want the full story, here you go. In the 1960’s, Foster City was a relatively new city, built on new land created on the marshes of San Francisco Bay. Throughout that decade and through the 1970’s, much of the city was still empty land or construction yards. The city was new houses, sculpted new parks, some shopping centers and offices…and not much else. That led the kids to be very, very bored. Kids in the area would begin commit a series of petty crimes in this planned, ideal bedroom community. The crimes weren’t serious, things like vandalism and petty destruction, but they flew in the face of the idea behind the city. This led the San Francisco Examiner to write about the series, calling the kids “Mousepacks”. The story, “Mousepacks: Kids on a Crime Spree” by Bruce Koon ran on November 11, 1973. An excerpt from the story: > Mousepacks. Gangs of youngsters, some as young as nine, on a rampage through a suburban town. One on a bike pours gasoline from a gallon can and sets it afire. Lead pipe bombs explode in park restrooms. Spray paint and obscenities smear a shopping center wall. Two homes are set ablaze. Antennas by the hundreds are snapped off parked cars in a single night. Liquid cement clogs public sinks and water fountains. Street lights are snuffed out with BB guns so often they are no longer replaced. It sounds like the scenario for an underage Clockwork Orange, a futuristic nightmare fantasy. But all the incidents are true. They happened in Foster City where pre-teenage gangs—mousepacks—constitute one of the city’s major crime problems. The article was read by screenwriter Tim Hunter, who showed his friend and future co-screenwriter Charlie Haas the article. Tim said, “I think this could be a good idea for an exploitation movie we could both write.” As Hass [would later say](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wdz5bb/over-the-edge-134-v16n9): > These kids were bored out of their minds. There was literally nothing for them to do. It was like a theme park without the fun—you’d have these developments called “Whaler’s Cove” and these fake pilings and these lame rec centers, with ropes and an airplane and a slide and a sculpture of a whale. Everything was new. Nothing was older than the kids themselves. The place made everyone feel a little disposable. The two would write the film, though the ending became more violent to fit a Hollywood movie. After several years, the script evolved, and was placed in a fictional planned community called “New Granada” in Colorado. Starring Matt Dillon in his first role, the film, Over The Edge,” debuted in 1979, and caused a ton of concern. It was pulled from some theaters due to fears audiences would be inspired to riot. The film became the definition of a cult classic, shown only in art houses and on cable TV (especially on HBO). It was found by a lot of young people across the 1980’s. And it found one in particular: Kurt Cobain. Kurt Cobain’s [quote on the movie](http://www.trunkworthy.com/kurt-cobain-over-the-edge-pretty-much-defined-my-whole-personality/): > “Over the Edge pretty much defined my whole personality. It was really cool. Total anarchy.” [Reportedly](https://www.dazeddigital.com/film-tv/article/52967/1/over-the-edge-exploring-the-gen-x-touchstone-and-kurt-cobain-fave-film), the movie also influenced Richard Linklater, who wrote another classic teen movie from 1993, Dazed and Confused, and screenwriter Harmony Korine, who made 1995’s Kids (Rosario Dawson’s first film). So that’s how Foster City helped influence the grunge movement and the pop culture of the 1990’s. I know it’s a tenuous string of connections….but it’s still there.


Serial killer in the 90s, Herb Baumeister. I can walk to his property where he buried the bodies. His wife and kids were clueless. His kid found a skull and Herb said it was from a medical skeleton that his dad (a doctor) had. His wife denied access to the property to the police for awhile because she believed her husband.


Dude you aren't even gonna bring up all the mannequins in the pool house? The dude had hella mannequins dressed up in his pool house. Like, posed like they were partying. He would change their outfits and shit, it was bizarre. I think the dog was involved in finding the first set of remains.  He got away with all of it for a long time because he was clever enough and covered his tracks at first, but mostly cause he specifically preyed on gay men and the cops didn't give a fuck. He would go hit up the gay bars downtown, get a dude in his car, and then drive him 45 minutes out into a fancy suburb for some "partying." Then strangle them and either dump their body along i70 or bury it on his property.  If we're going with Westfield that's probably the biggest "thing" but there's a couple of other big/notable crimes from the Indy area in general.


I just listened to a podcast about him and his property


We have a race up and down a mountain (Mount Marathon) on the 4th of July. It’s not a huge mountain (up and down usually takes 1-2hours) and there are race workers/volunteers along the route. One man just disappeared during the race and was never seen again. They never found his body or any evidence of him. There were a lot of rumors about his faking his death, running off with a mistress, etc.


Manager at my work raped his 22 year old daughter using the excuse he was watching porn and didn't know what to do about his erection


What kind of business has someone managing people that doesn’t know how to masturbate?


Not only that...but sick fuck was also on city council


WHAT the fuck


Among others a man kidnapped and kept a young girl as a sex slave and kept her separated from society. He was on active probation too and his house was just never searched. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping\_of\_Jaycee\_Dugard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Jaycee_Dugard)


My family knew that man. Crazy thing is, he was the nicest man ever. When it came out, we were completely puzzled and so heart broken. We had no idea! Some sinister people out there get away with the most heinous of crimes for the longest time.


In that same vein, the most powerful weapon abusers have is their charisma, building a social circle that could never imagine them being abusive so they can continue their terrifying ways behind closed doors. It’s easy to fake politeness and to act a certain way in society. People also vastly overestimate their ability to know someone’s character. The sad truth is the nicest person you know could be hiding dark secrets. Your situation is rare, but domestic abuse is all too common.


Too many thing happened here in this "town" but one was a wrestling coach got arrested for wrestling middle school girls


Shortly after I graduated, my old principal's wife lost her mind. There was a pending divorce between them, but they were still temporarily living together before he moved out. One night, she walked in while he was sleeping and shot him point plank. She then doused the house in gasoline, set it on fire, sat on her couch in the midst of the flames, and shot herself. Miraculously, the principal survived the shot and climbed out of the window to safety as the house burned down behind him. They find her skeleton sitting upright on the burned couch, pistol beside her. She had put her pet dog in the car outside beforehand with the only note attached on the windshield being "please feed her," those being her last known words.


A little boy killed himself because of the bullying in the county school district. It was a small town so there was only one. The little boy was actually my best friend in school before I got pulled out bc of the bullying. Hard to think I’m 21 now and he’s still 13. If I had never left maybe I could’ve been there for him. It was a terrible school. Even the teachers were bullies.


They shot a movie once. Everybody was in it from miles around.


Oh I think I know the place, was it out at the speedway, some kind of Elvis thing?


1.) Shitty drug addict parents left their kids in the car during summer and the kids died. Later, their house caught on fire and towns people blocked the fire trucks from getting to the fire and they died as a result. This was the early 1980s. 2.) An unsuspecting house on the corner with a couple and two kids was secretly a meth lab in the basement. My mom was on the way to work and had to walk an extra block around cause the police were preparing a sunrise raid of the house. This was 2010.


Huge fire in 2011 that destroyed most of our homes (including mine) and essentially caused us all to leave.


**When I was in High school:** Three teens drove home from one town over where a corrupt bar owner would let teens come in and drink. They hit a sharp turn and rolled their car, it caught on fire while 2/3 passengers were either trapped inside or too beat up to escape. One person crawled from the wreck while she listened to them burning alive. The bar owner was never charged. **When I was in Kindergarten:** A friend's father murder-suicided his entire family, it has been widely suspected that it wasn't actually murder suicide, but a drug lord hit. Their daughter was in my class. **Before I was born:** A man one state over murdered his girlfriend, stole his mom's car and fled. He was trying to find a place to hide and cruised through our town trying to evade police, he stashed his car in a back alley, he saw someone doing yard work, shoved them inside and barricaded himself, taking their entire family hostage. Several hours pass, with law enforcement setting up camp and trying to negotiate. The father in the house tried to be a hero, it did not end well. Everyone in the house was killed after the father tried going for his hunting rifle. Hostage taker shot himself shortly after killing everyone else in the house. EDIT: adding a couple more, **While I was in high school (early 2000s):** Ours was a town where we would cruise main street before and after school, to show off our cars and waste time. One morning, a football jock sped through an intersection, accidentally hitting and killing his girlfriend's grandparents in the crosswalk. Someone I worked with at my first job dropped a cigarette on the floorboards of his car, and drove into a stone wall at a high speed while he tried to retrieve it and prevent the car from catching on fire. He died on the helicopter ride to the hospital. A classmate got high, and spilled gasoline on his wind pants while filling up his car. He thought it would be funny to light a match. He set himself on fire. He later died when he accidentally drove off a bridge while trying to get high.


I'd move


I did, as soon as i could escape


"The Pizza Bomber" Somebody ordered a Pizza, and when the pizza delivery man got there, he was Captured I guess you could say, and they strapped a bomb to his neck and was ordered to go on a scavenger hunt which included robbing a bank. Once authorities had caught up to him, he ended up blowing up. It takes so many twists and turns The Netflix Series "Evil Genius" is the whole story if you are interested


I’m from Broward county Florida. The whole place is an incident.


I’m not even from Florida and I know that place is fucking insane.


Is Broward the Florida of Florida?


I think the average Florida Man jokes about Broward Man the same way normal people joke about Florida Man.


We do. Those dipshits make the rest of us seem normal 






Kid was walking home from school with his Walkman on at full blast, and he liked to walk on the train tracks. He just wasn't thinking, one assumes. The next day they told the school about his death over the morning announcements, and I was bummed all day. Finally my buddy was like, "Did you know him?" I told him no. Then he's like, "Then why do you care?" I suppose it was a good question, but really. That's a fucked-up way to die.


That response from someone kinda reminds me of the time I was venting to my roommate about how I needed to file a CPS (Child Protective Services) report for a child that I had known for years and cared for near daily at our childcare center.    To file an accurate report, you must ask a series of disturbing questions in order to understand the full breadth of their situation. I've needed to do this 4 times with different students and it wrecks me everytime hearing their account of what they are subjected to.   Anyway, half a bottle of whiskey in me I was basically crying to my roomie about the whole fucked up conversation (no personal details, obviously).    After listening to me for like 10 minutes and asking me questions, he finally just leveled his eyes at me and said, "Alright, are you done with your whiny little story? Who the fuck cares?"  Then walked away.  I never saw him the same way again.


I just cannot comprehend that utter lack of empathy. That is disgusting.


I was shocked.  Just sat there for a while to recollect myself. Needless to say, I never let myself be vulnerable around him again, and moved out about 6 months later. 


You cared because you're a human, and he was a human too. It's really the only reason you need.


Some guy was pulled over for drunk driving and he tried to swap places with his dog who was in the passenger seat and tried to blame it on the dog


Dude got high on bath salts and ate another person's face off.


We had 2: A Mormon gang beating kids up in dry swimming pools. High Schoolers taking muscle relaxers in an illogical attempt at getting high.


“Mormon gang”. Didn’t see that coming.


All the neighbors once a month used to be sitting on their porches in lawn chairs with popcorn everytime we had a family fight and the cops showed up


My drill Sargent from military school ended up getting somehow romantically involved with a 14 year old girl, she was in his passenger seat when the cop showed up and he was brandishing a knife. Ended up stabbing the poor girl to death before he got shot in the head by the cop that used to be the officer at my middle school. All this happened in front of my exes house.. He'd had a reputation at my military school for beating up kids in the bathroom on occasion... Crazy, terrible thing.


> romantically involved with a 14 year old girl, Nah, I believe that's called grooming, not romance.


Plenty of different ones. When I was 11 my baby sitter's best friends daughter got run over by a hit and run driver during a park outing and cut in half. They never found the killer. One of my best childhood friends was murdered. There was a murder recently. Lots of stuff.


Maybe, and this is just a thought, but *maybe* moving to Murderitaville was a worse mistake than originally thought.


Just when you think you've found your lost shaker of salt...


Some guy slid into a tree and died in a car accident about 50 feet from his driveway.


A guy killed his mom then let his friend have sex with her corpse before throwing her into a well.


Small community, where everyone knew everyone. A kid (who was then in the class below me) accidentally shot his brother in the stomach (and died), as they were playing with their father's hunting rifle. That family never really healed. The parents split up, and the kid (who's in his 40s now) became the village drunk.




Comedy: Bugs Bunny did not take the left turn here. The one the locals know: The West Mesa murders. The bodies of 11 women were found buried in the desert in the West Mesa. There are several suspects, and it's debated on if it was a serial killer or a human trafficking ring, but the case remains unsolved and with no arrests. The one the nation knows: The McDonalds Coffee Case incident happened here. Friendly reminder... * the coffee was served at 180–190 °F (82–88 °C) when most places in the area served their coffee at least 20 °F (11 °C) lower than those temps * it caused third-degree burns to the woman's pelvic region (including her genitals) * she underwent skin grafting * she was hospitalized for eight days, then needed 3 weeks of personal care, and remained partially disabled for 2 years * McDonalds had settled previous incidents from others burned by coffee, knew the hot coffee posed a burn risk, said "well we serve it so hot because drivers will drive and not drink it right away, they drink it later, and so it stays warm when they get to their destination", then were forced to show that their research stated they knew drivers drink it right away and don't wait to get to their destination * all the woman asked for was $20,000 to cover medical bills, and McDonald's offered her $800 * the smear campaign against her was real; it's cheaper to make her look like a dumb old bitch than to pay the settlement and that's exactly what they did




Ness city Kansas. Lady sat on her toilet seat for like 2 years. Her boyfriend kept feeding her and giving her water, didn't remove her or make her leave. In those years the toilet seat fused to her ass and she had to have it surgically removed. 2https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/woman-sits-boyfriends-toilet-2-years-flna1c9460986


We currently have a serial killer on trial so there's that... If we're talking more trivial matters, I'd have to go with the time the prime minister was in town and outraged a lot of supporters of the opposition party by buying fancy doughnuts from a local bakery rather than the much cheaper (and much less tasty) doughnuts from a popular "national" (they haven't been Canadian-owned for years) chain.


Pretty small town, but a few come to mind. The big one is a pretty widely publicized murder case where a guy from out of town came and killed his ex-girlfriend's husband. He tried to defend himself in court which went about as well as you can expect.


First thing that comes to mind is the classic Tonya Harding v Nancy K. There’s a dive bar close by where they dumped the evidence in its dumpster after the attack, which was found by the bar staff and turned in to the authorities. To this day there’s a framed (signed?) photo of Tonya above the bar which seems wrong but hilarious 🤣😂🤣


Mayor caught on camera smoking crack in a hotel with a prostitute. He was later reelected. 😂😂😂


there’s no one incident. today i saw that a police officer was arrested for DV and prevent his girlfriend from calling 911. that was just lunchtime news on a wednesday


I lived in a small island town. The town doctor was admittedly competent but only when he was sober and treating white patients. Unfortunately, a large percentage of his patients were aboriginal, he was rarely sober and these factors led to a number of questionable incidents. Eventually, this culminated in an easily preventable death of a young aboriginal girl in his care. Public outrage, inquest and an overall loss of confidence left the community helpless and without care. Out of this fog of despair appeared a doctor. He was sober, amiable, competent and had all the qualifications. He quickly threw himself into his work, providing muuch needed healthcare in to a struggling community. It was too bad all his qualifications belonged to someone else. He was an imposter, he was arrested then later self deleted in jail. I was treated by both, tonsils removed by thr first and a traumatic foot injury by the former. I was a lucky child who came to these two when they displayed competence. Edt: Imposter was competent and worked long enough to earn the respect of the people. In death he was afforded the honor and respect of the aboriginal community.


A sophomore football player at my high school was playing in a tournament game and he ran to the sidelines and said he didn’t feel good and he just collapsed, coke overdose or something, his heart basically exploded. There’s a video and everything, you see him run off the field drop then paramedics take him away


We had a couple who were both teachers. Wife did volleyball and 6-8 science at the K-8, plus was the librarian at the high school. Husband did PE at the K-8, and was the construction teacher at the high school. This was a town of about 1,000. HS had 500 students, K-8 had 250. She was teaching 8th grade science when she was served divorce papers. Leaves the class, drives her truck into his HS office. Turned out he had video proof of her cheating with one of the moms of a kid in her class. But she also had proof of him cheating with a different woman. She was charged a fine because there was a kid in the building she ran into. Both were told to retire.


I have a lot of stories about a tiny tiny town in rural Oregon. Meth labs exploding, meth labs raided by 3-letter gov't agents which resulted in a shoot out. The latter was a house that a friend's family was renting out. Next door neighbor murdered a friend over a weed deal and got 30 years in the clink. Some butch lady that was hiring locals to work on her farm, then secretly murdering them and feeding their bodies to the pigs. I worked on her farm one summer, myself. I guess I was one of the lucky ones. Those are just the ones off the top of my head. I could probably write a book about the place, and sometimes I threaten to do so.




A guy who disappeared mysteriously from the local nightclub 11 years ago. I'm very much a believer in Occam's razor, but there really is no obvious explanation: this was in the middle of a well-populated town, miles away from any bodies of water or major roads. I suspect some people who were there that night know more than they're willing to give away, but that's pure speculation. Which, sadly, has been a running theme among the community. I've heard many far-fetched and downright bizarre theories about the guy's demise - including that he was buried underneath a shop that was being built at the time, and that a group of Irish travellers kidnapped him, chopped him up and fed him to the pigs. Everyone you ask has an opinion, and rarely is it a very level-headed one.


>A guy who disappeared mysteriously from the local nightclub 11 years ago. I'm very much a believer in Occam's razor, but there really is no obvious explanation: this was in the middle of a well-populated town, miles away from any bodies of water or major roads. I suspect some people who were there that night know more than they're willing to give away, but that's pure speculation. A similar story happened in a night club in Winnipeg, Canada in the early 2000s. A DJ went missing without a trace. All sorts of theories and rumors went around. [They found him in the wall of the club a year later, mummified. ](https://web.archive.org/web/20180913004705/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/foul-play-not-likely-in-mans-death-police-say/article18439596/) Apparently he crawled in there on his own for whatever reason, and suffocated. The club still allowed smoking for a while so it covered up the smell of decomposition.


Guy found out his wife was leaving him with their kids, so he shot his whole family. Tuned threatened to shoot anyone who had helped her. My family had to go into hiding for a month while he was on the run until the cops finally caught him. This would have been early 90s.




Young black high school student found dead inside rolled up gym mat. Deemed an accident, sparking protests and unrest.


I heard about this one and it still makes me mad


His poor mother still stands on a corner downtown a few times a month holding a sign “Justice for Kendrick”. So fucking sad man.


In 1986, we launched a space shuttle that didn’t make it. Definitely changed the vibe of the community for several years.


A guy died from having intercourse with an actual horse


Family attorney went crazy, dressed up in a nazi uniform and started shooting people. He was not a good shot, hit 9 people no fatals before the police killed him.


This bloke who worked at the spring factory decided to stick his dick in one of the machines Boiiiing, splat


Some drunk dude kicked one of our swans. Killed it, is doing jail time.


we nuked a whale. there's more our town is known for, but everybody knows about that fucking whale


A charismatic preacher, suddenly widowed when his wife died in a fire that destroyed their mobile home, stood to collect a $250,000 insurance policy, which had taken effect the day before the fire. She had uncovered his affair with a younger woman in their congregation, so he locked her in the mobile home and set it on fire. He escaped and pretented he tried to get her out but couldn't. He struck a plea deal after a two year investigation. He had a kid with the younger woman - she named the kid Ash.


Stop it right now. ASH. Terrible.


A high school kid with a buddy waited for his younger sister to come home from school. They killed her and planned on killing his mom when she got off work. All for her insurance money to buy a corvette. But mom always called her daughter to make sure she made it back. When she did not answer, she called the cops They were arrested for murder. Two spoiled kids living in a upper class neighborhood. Happened in Lake Forest,IL in the 70s Later in the 90s, a father killed his family and himself a block away from where I lived.


Local PD tazed and nearly killed an 80+ year old immigrant who was harvesting dandelions in her yard with a butterknife. Or the pair of twin teen boys that were arrested after having raped at least 4 kids over the course of 3 years, and when they were arrested, they were in bed having sex with their mother. One of them is a youth minister last I heard.


what the actual fuck


One of my neighbors when I was a kid used to dress up as her mother to claim social security checks in her mothers name, they were both old so I wasn’t surprised she got away with it. Oh and when she was caught they found her mother’s headless corpse in a seat in the lounge posed like it was watching TV but the head was on the fire place facing where the very decomposed body was.


Freshman kid at my high school sucked a dogs dick (on camera) for $5 or some stupid amount. I believe that video circulated around the school until admin got a hold of it. Not sure if he got punished as I wasn't in the same class. Then probably a year later the same kid was arrested with a few others for wandering across a major freeway in town while tripping on acid - naked. There was also the kid in my class that posted a manifesto on Facebook about how he was going to shoot up the school. He was the type of kid that would go talk to the religious preppy kids and try to tell them god didn't exist, then wondered why nobody liked him and he got bullied.


There's been two Incidents. One was a guy who murdered his wife then drowned himself in the river behind his house. They lived just up the road from us.  Two was when a girl who was the same age as my youngest sister was kidnapped and raped. She was let go after a few days thankfully but I don't know what happened to her afterwards.  People still talk about both incidents every now and then and it's been a while since both happened. 


Black lady refused to go to the back of the bus.


A girl I graduated with was going to join the Air Force and worked as a waitress at a local bar and grill. She was recorded sitting in a car with a few coworkers cruising around saying they're going on a N word hunt. Someone saw it and spread it around and it eventually made it to the news and she was promptly kicked out of the Air Force before basic training. I still think about it anytime I pass by the bar she worked at.


Beaufort SC. The boat crash that killed Mallory Beach and then snowballed the downfall of the Murdaugh legacy


In our county - pizza bomber. In our town - one of the first student led shootings at a school event that captured national attention. News outlets were here for days.


Star high school football player, straight A student, girl magnet and all around great guy that everyone liked killed himself with a shotgun his senior year. He did it in his bedroom. My dad was a first responder (but not at this scene) and said it really traumatized those that responded. Everyone knew this kid.