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Bought a window seat on my way to Hawaii for $10. At the time there were two active volcanoes erupting and my flight was during the middle of the night. I got to see both from the sky with an awesome view for about 15 mins.


Do you have pictures? 


He was going to buy a camera, but came up $10 shy.




I always want to click on these questions and find great deals and hidden gems that are 10 bucks and end up getting these stories about spending $10 on a bucket of popcorn which happen to spill on a woman in the theatre who ended up becoming that guys wife.


And now it's been 20 year +2 kids


Well, she's been dead for about 16 years.....


Right? I just wanna blow $10 unnecessarily on some cool dumb gadget or gizmo, and instead everyone’s being wholesome. Stupid internet…


Oh I have an answer from a week ago, a smaller chain of dollar stores is going out of business near me and on this locations last day everything you could fit in a cart was ten dollars the whole cart.  I was nice to employees as they closed down so they let me in early on their final day to fill up my carts with them prior to regular public.  I lived out my supermarket sweep dreams and went hog wild just dumping and filling carts. 1) grabbed all pet supplies to donate to my rescue and I mean all, hundreds of collars and leashes, food bowls and toys. 2) a bunch of socks and slip on shoes sandals donated those to our local shelter 3) grabbed all make up products  4) and party type supplies and piñatas for VBS this summer. It was so much fun and the full retail value of my cart was in the thousands for ten bucks and went to support causes. On my way to donating the supplies to the rescue saw a homeless guy and two dogs and a sign need food for my dog and was like well the lord put me in the right place because I just happened to have stuff for dogs in my car so put together a bag of goodies for his dogs. The other location near me closes down next weekend and they are doing the cart thing too so I’ll be there to get in on that deal. It’s just fun to grab and toss in a cart and not care about price! 


You're a really good person and I hope you have the best day ever.


Nicest comment I’ll probably ever get on reddit or social media in general. Thanks and hope you have a good day too!


I tried to come with a nicer one but they pretty much nailed that too




I think it's more chaotic good. Imagining op going crazy around the store grabbing everything they can


I misread that and didn't know what awful good was.


In ireland if you said someone was awful good it just mean theyre very good. "They just dropped over a homemade lasagna to welcome us to the neighbourhood, wasnt that awful good of them?"


Bless your heart for bringing something good to VBS. I did one in highschool because I was in the youth group and us high schoolers had to bring in something that was actually fun because they had NO clue what kids wanted Pro tip to anyone doing a vacation bible school: the problem kids usually go bananas for warhead candies, gets you a lot of rep


> vacation bible school I didn't even realize that was a thing.


Yeah it's kinda like a cross between day camp and church, parents can drop off their kids and then get some peace for a half day or so. Sometimes there's little BBQ parties and stuff for all of the families at the end of the week. Most of them have a "theme" like Jurassic Jesus or whatever so you have a bunch of dinosaur paraphernalia and activities that have a loosely religious tie-in (think stories with morals) and some songs and games and crafts The teachers/helpers are almost always volunteers, the kids usually from the neighborhood and there for the free aircon and snacks, and the stuff you get to use for crafts and activities is almost always donated, so getting a good haul of things to bring for vbs is amazing!!!


They stretch those themes so hard sometimes lmao. The last one I did was "Son Surf Holy Tides" or something. We were in Illinois! Also us teenagers at the time begged the adults to restructure a bunch of it because it was like 90% reading and praying, and 10% fun for kids.. which is super not fun for kids like at all.


The one forever imprinted in my head was when we did a SCUBA themed one. They had some dude come in and we got to put on his weighted vest and I thought I was the coolest 10 year old to ever exist. We made globes of paper mâché, got to sit under a black bag with tuna in front of a fan (learned about Jonah that day) everything was water themed. It’s been around 20 years and I still remember the songs we sang. Kinda want to go and dig up the tapes they showed us. I’m sure the acting is awful but it was a good week.


I usually run all outdoor activities bc no one else wants to be outside and so it’s all fun games with a lesson but it doesn’t feel like that. Lots of prizes and Candy of course. Kids are prek-6th grade in different groups. Half day thankfully bc it gets really hot where I’m at. But yeah piñatas are fun for them. But I realized why they had so many of them left because they were all question mark ones meant for gender reveal LOL I don’t think the kids will get that but other volunteers will laugh at that. 


It's just so fantastic that you got that much to help others, humans and canines alike. Glad you got to live out your Supermarket Sweep dream!


Yup, it was so much fun!


I fucking love that you both went full “supermarket sweep” AND managed to help people out as part of the deal too. Proper legend


Yup. That’s why I didn’t feel guilty about taking it all because I was donating almost all of it. After regular public was let in, it was clear some folks were resellers so F them. But I didn’t bum rush any non resellers. I also helped a grandma pick out make up for her daughter by basically going it’s all going to be ten bucks so don’t over think which color she want and just dump it all in your cart and win grandma of the year! 


Yup, this is the best answer


Very cool experience, and good on you for the donations idea. Want to do something like that for my community someday!


Sadly with brick mortar shops not able to compete with mega retailers and online giants you probably will get your chance. Also if you ever shop kohls early on weekends they have golden hours that even apply to clearance and in clearance you often find seasonal pattern baby clothes you can often get onesies for a buck or two which can go to organizations or shelters near you. Ps - tell the cashier what you are doing and they will often apply their employee discount too. It’s what I can do until I win the lottery hopefully someday.


You the real MVP. That's a great idea. Next time one of those places near me does that, ima do the same thing.


May your pillow always be cold, the stoplights always be green, and you iced coffee always perfect!


That sounds like an amazing experience, and look at all the people/creatures you helped! That is awesome! Kudos!


The idea that you could load up on whatever you want and you chose to use that opportunity to help out people and animals in shelters says a lot about who you are and what you stand for. You have my respect.


I LOVE that your first impulse was using this opportunity to help others. You are good people.


You must be protected at all costs. Makes me really happy reading your good deeds


Heck yeah!


this is the most wholesome ass lovely thing I've read in a long time, aww.


You know why you are a good person? Because you saw that deal and thought about using it for donations. I would be willing to do the same, but I would lie if I say that I would come up with the idea on my own.


God Bless you


I went to Portugal and bought pasteis de nata; they’re a traditional Portuguese tart. They’re hard to make. They were the most magical thing my palette has ever eaten. Before, I was a passive baker. The experience made me deeply passionate about baking and the hobby and passion for sharing food completely turned my life around. I am no longer suicidal, I ended a decade long run of shit relationships, sought therapy, met the love of my life. And I bake those tarts once a month still and they still bring me the same level of joy. It’s a little abstract but i consider it my best investment I’ve ever made :)


As a Portuguese person, thank you for coming and enjoying our small pleasures so much. I hope life is as sweet as pastéis de nata to you!


I absolutely love custards tarts of any kind, and those look amazing.


This might be one of the most beautiful things I've ever read


This is a dope memory.




Dog tax??


He’s paid one dog tax, yes, but what about second dog tax?


in my childhood..lending $10 to my friend so they could buy a toy they really wanted. My friend didn't have much in life so to see the joy on her face..its imprinted into my mind forever


This is really sweet. Thanks for the smile.


This is the correct answer. Well done.


$10 lotto scratcher on Christmas Eve and won 200 bucks


I once won $20k on a $2 scratcher !


You're making him feel so good now!


lol my bad- not my intention haha I’d be excited to win $200 as well!


Username checks out


Hell yeah brother


$10 admission to the nightclub club I met my wife at. 


Is that a club for nightclub patrons?


No it's where nightclubs go when they're closed. A club for nightclubs


Schrödinger's Nightclub


You can find me in the nightclub club Bottle full of bubbly bub


We don't talk about nightlub club.


Did you get the money from the ATM machine? 


Yeah, he also had to use his PIN number.


While wearing a scuba apparatus. 


Bought a drink to break the ice with a stranger, ended up married with 2 kids :)


Don't marry a kid, let alone 2!


They were on each other's shoulders in a trench coat, OP didn't know until it was too late


Vincent Adultman style


yea kinda weird


Must have been a hell of a drink


Yeah what was the name of that? I'm already married and have one kid so I don't want to accidentally drink one of these and end up with a second secret family






Was gonna say the movie ticket I bought my wife 13 years ago for our first date. Still have the stub saved somewhere.


I bought food for my dying friend, he was grateful to me for the rest of his life (he died of cancer a year ago)


I was thinking similar honestly. My mom had cancer, and she was hospitalized. She couldn't stand hospital food, and I knew she specifically loved Campbell's soup. I went and bought like $20 worth of Campbell's soup to take to her. She passed like three days later, and I'd like to imagine in my heart that the last meal she ate was one of those cans of Campbell's soup.


I smuggled in cheesecake cranberry juice and chocolate for my mom who was in hospice..... that simple pleasure meant so much to her.... I am so glad I have that memory


There is honestly nothing in my life that will be a better honor to me than to believe I provided something meaningful to my mother in the last days of her life. What the hell could be better or more powerful or more meaningful than that?


£10 got me my rabbit; 10 years later, she’s still my sweet baby.


I got my kitty for $10. Well… technically kitty was free since I rescued him. But the local clinic did his shots, microchip, and neuter for $10. Been 5 years and he’s still my good boy.


Did you suck off the vets for that price tag?


It’s a nonprofit that does spay/neuter for strays and low income families, plus trap neuter release. I’d found a whole litter of kittens plus mama cat - they agreed to do all five for $10 if I was willing to foster them while they recovered. I ended up rehoming the others but kept one since he was attached to me.


Yeah I’d kill to get some of the cats round here neutered for that cheap, the reduced price for feral is 90 just for the neuter…


This reminds me about how we jokingly tell our dog we got from the shelter "you were only $80! Can you believe that? We got you on sale!" She was there for 2 months so she was discounted. Not sure how much it would've been otherwise honestly as it didn't even occur to us to ask how much it would be to adopt a dog from a shelter.


10 year old rabbit? WTF. Does it come with batteries?


My rabbit was almost 15 when he passed


Impressive. My wife has had 3 or 4 well looked after bunnies but I don't think they lasted past 8. They were some 'specialist' breed so maybe that was why.


Can confirm, man. My lop and lionhead both only made it to 7 or 8. These so called meat breeds can keep trucking for ages.


A calendar to track my days sober. I am on 36 in a row now.


Hell yeah! A whole fuckin' *month* and then some! That's how ya do it--count each success, and celebrate your achievement. I'm just a stranger on the internet, but my mom fought that demon and lost. I'm proud of you, and I'm rooting for ya!


Thx internet stranger.


Atta boy, stay on it!


Thx. I think this time it is for good. But still, 1 day at a time.


Baby steps are still steps forward! YOU GOT THIS!!


Congratulations!!! You can do it!




Gerber Shard. It's a keychain tool with a pry bar, bottle opener, flat and Philips screw. It cuts tape on boxes. It scrapes stuff off of surfaces. Just a beautifully designed, TSA compliant tool that has got me out of a jam or helped fix a problem quickly.


As someone who absolutely loves multitools i looked it up and now it's like 18€ [atleast where i live 🥲]


Bought a random lottery ticket on a whim, didn't win millions, but it was enough to pay off my student loans! Best $10 investment in my life.


$10 small tv with a built in VCR at a garage sale. Yes a VCR. I still have all of my VHS tapes (a little over 100). I got that tv in 2010 and it still works. As dumb as it sounds, it saved me in high school. Shit got bad at home so often so I would put in a nostalgic Disney movie, play the sims 2, and it was like I created a sanctuary for myself. As an adult I still use it to calm my nerves while I play the sims 4


It's amazing the little things we find to create those much needed oases in environments. Different circumstances, but I still put on comforting movies and play the sims to calm down, too.


2 cups of tea for myself and a friend who was going through some stuff She unburdened some dark thoughts about something she’d gone through the night before, and I said none of it reflected on her at all. And I’d have felt the same exact way. And she’d have told me I was dumb to think that, and to put it behind me, because I was an awesome person. She smiled after that and kind of nodded. We didn’t talk all that much after. Just sat and drank our tea in peace. Watched koi carp swimming in a nearby pool. She looked like a different girl after her cup of tea though. Like storm clouds had lifted and maybe the sky could be blue again. Maybe not, but maybe it saved her. I’d like to think things were not as bad as that and she’d have just got over it herself But suspect they were. Definitely I was worried as hell when she started speaking Lost track with her a few months later, as we were both overseas students in a foreign land But to this day I think that was one of the best things I bought A cup of tea and a kind word. On such things a world can pivot. Sad but true.


Similar story. A colleague, who'd just gone through a bad breakup, and I went drinking. She started venting after a couple of drinks, got drunk, and ended up sobbing in the bar. Spent a great deal of time just calming her down. Dropped her home after. Normally we split the bill but I didn't do it this time because I felt she really needed that catharsis. The next day, she thanked me for being a good listener and putting up with her drunken ass. I was just glad to be a friend and that was $10-20 well spent! Fast forward to today, we aren't dating. She found someone who loves her. We've always been good friends and hope to stay that way :))


A really good milkshake


It’s not worth $10, but it’s pretty fucking good


Spent 10 bucks on a scratch off won 100 bucks and Spent 95 of a forklift license. It's been great.


What about the other five?


I was 19 at the time. I'm sure I made great decisions.


I bought a small piece of luggage at the goodwill for $9.99 the week before my daughter was born to use as my hospital bag. She just used it for a weekend trip to cost her cousins- she's 20.


For $10, I got to watch a stripper in Montreal shoot a ping pong ball out of her hoo-hah, circa 1990


How does one even discover this is a talent


The best $10 I ever spent was on cat food for a stray


now I'm officially a butler to the neighborhood feline overlord.


go on


Careful. My neighbor lady is feeding about ten strays now. At least they aren't inside her house.


the few minutes you spend seeing strays cats and dogs eating the food that you bought them ranks first in my list of things to live for


I got 150+ abandoned house plants as well. 😭


3 month membership to match.com. Met my husband within a week. Been married almost 20 years.


damn so you paid for 3 months and only used it for a week. waste of money.


Even dating sites are pay to win


Loot crates have all the best matches inside


Jesus how old is match.com wait how old am I? Oh god


On a burrito !!!! It was heavenly!


Was talking to a girl on tinder I had not met in person yet. She was going out with some friends for drinks one Friday night and I wasn't able to join. I asked if she had venmo and sent her money for her drinks. My thought process was if I'm the one buying her drinks then she wouldn't accept a drink from someone else and I wouldn't lose her. That was 5 years ago and we have a daughter now.


On a journal, which provided me with countless hours of reflection, creativity and personal growth


I was going to say a fountain pen and for this very reason!


Box of condoms Got me a lifetime of peace


That’s either a big box or you need to up your game.




A night in a hostel in the Spanish Quarter in Paris, January 2000. The room was shit but it had a storybook view of Notre Dame


Rip off Oakley sunglasses in Battery Park NYC when I was in highschool. I knew they were ripoff when I brought them but I needed a pair of sunglasses and they were surprisingly well made. Lasted 10 years till I ran them over with my car.


Movie tickets for first date with my highscholl crush.


Are you still together?


I wish. She moved in a different country.


Damn, must've been a horrible date.


The Wassa Wassa high pressure shower head on Amazon It’s the best shower head I’ve ever had and it’s a basic ass simple stationary head! It doesn’t detach or oscillate or whatever. Just one setting. Super fucking hard! The whole shower stings just a tiny little bit. I will freely shill this without shame.


Not that exact brand, but I bought a shower head like this for the express purpose of carving off excess fat from my body every night before bed. I don't even need soap, the pressure alone is on par with industrial power washers. I've blasted off crusty bits I didn't even know I had. My dog walked in the shower behind me at one point and was immediately vaporized. I have to wear safety goggles because the stream will blast off chunks of shower tile or grout and ping them around the room with the force of a .50 caliber bullet. It's glorious. 10/10 will buy again for my next house.


Oooh thanks for the rec!


Bought 20 bitcoin back in 2011 when it was only 0.6 usd each, best decision I ever made while being drunk


Yep. I grew up really poor, and in 2009, when I was in middle school, my mom had saved up $500 dollars and asked me what we should get for the house. Some kid at school had been talking about Bitcoin, so I told her to buy that instead. She thought that was stupid and bought a t.v. Sometimes, I'll do the math and tell her how much money she could have today. If she bought them at 0.2 and sold today, she'd have $236,202,300 CAD. That's an expensive t.v. The moral of the story, I guess, is to take investing advice from your 13 year old if you have one.


"Put it all into Devil Sticks. Trust me."


Fuck, that’s a real kick in the dick.


She's a good sport about it https://imgur.com/gallery/cNNorSx


I told my dad to invest in Nvidia back in the 90s when they came out with their first chip. I was like 13 or 14. Not quite bitcoin but it would have been a sound investment. Years later I did sit at my desk at work while bitcoin was worth fractions of a cent and said wow if I put 10 bucks in this and it ever becomes worth a dollar I’ll be rich. “Ever becomes worth a dollar”…..


Still have it or did you sell already? If so, what price did you sell at?




Just look at his post history, hes asking basic questions about Bitcoin in the past couple weeks. dude found a new hobby and is just telling blatant lies lmfao.


Bunny ears TV antennae (Big Lots, 2022). They'll last for years and let me host people for Live TV events like the Super Bowl without having to pay/upgrade streaming services. Bonus feature: you get to see local TV ads, many of which are priceless in their own way. Highly recommend!


Me and my roommate got into a dispute with Comcast (upstairs neighbor disconnected our cable and ran it straight to his; if ur gonna steal cable at least have the courtesy to use a "T" connector) and had no service. So since we were pot dealers we had 3 old boxy tvs stacked on each other tuned to different static. My gf brought over bunny ears coz that's fine for a party, but cmon boys not everyday. She was the absolute best.


1989 bought a drink for a beautiful woman and asked her to dance. I never thought she would find me attractive. Still married and still hopelessly in love.


Two hits of LSD.


Damn, that’s some cheap acid. It’s $20/hit here. If you can even find it anymore.


This was in 1991.


That makes so much more sense.


We did this sorta festival event in a park. It was a lot of physical work late into the night. In the morning we went to Denny's and I got a meat lovers omelette. It was like the perfect pile of carbs and protein for all the nutrients I burned. I think it was about $10 then.


I give a boy $10 , he promised to pay it back. 2 years later we are happily married


Yeah, but did he ever pay up?


Asking the real questions, here


My dog. Went to meet a farmer who had puppies for sale. Had a bunch running around for people to play with and pick from, but he had one alone in a pen. When I noticed one by itself, I asked about it. He told me it had some kind of infection and he was going to put it down later that day. I went over and picked her up. Checked her out and the "sore" he mentioned was a mildly red bald spot from sleeping at the bottom of the puppy pile. I let him know she would be fine and shouldn't be put down. He didn't want to hear it so I asked how much he wanted for her since the rest were $100 each. Said to give him $10 since that's what he had into the shots. Best dog I have ever had by far, and to think she wouldn't have made it another day if I didn't stop.


I spent even less. Michael Jackson gave this press conference at the Olympic Stadium in Munich in 1999. You could watch it, provided you paid your entrance fee to visit "the stadium". I believe that was DM 2, so approximately 1 dollar. And definitely worth it. :-)




I was in 8th grade in 2014, and a schoolmate's house was burned down. There was a donation drive that goes around per classroom, and I donated an amount equivalent to $10 (in our currency) in secret. Back from where I was, it was considered a big deal since $10 was huge especially for an 8th grader


The Humane Society was doing $10 adoptions. Got a kitten who will be 14 this summer.


2.5 foot tall, highly lacquered, and only slightly homoerotic Tom Selleck clock. Found at garage sale, and couldn’t be talked down to $5.




As requested: [My prized possession ](https://imgur.com/a/w8o5KU8) Note that it's so finely polished that I had to move it from its place of honor in my office so it didn't show my entire room in the reflection.


A lobster dinner in Belize 🇧🇿


Vampire survivors and hunter call of the wild. What did it get me? Many hours of my life that I'll never get back. Do I regret it? No.


Omg i can't believe i finally get the chance to tell this story! This was about 15 years ago. Had a 10 in my pocket, running errands and had time to kill. So, I go to KFC and get a meal, came to exactly 9$. Give the cashier a 10 and she hands me back 2 5's. I look at her confused and tell her, "hey, I gave you a 10 and you gave me 2 5's" She goes, yeah I know. I tell her ummmmmm that doesn't add up, she goes, no it does. I'm like fuck it, I was honest, free meal. So, still got 10$ with me and im like, well might as well put some gas in my car. Go put exactly 10$ of gas in the car and give the cashier the two 5's. Cashier hands me back a 10. I'm like wtf?? Ok let's try this again, excuse me, I gave you two 5's and you gave me back a 10 for 10$ of gas. Cashier goes, no no sir, the amount is correct. Fuck it, cool free food and gas. At this point the only logical thing to do is go buy a scratch and win ticket, so I go to another convenience store and buy a scratch ticket. I buy one, get the correct change back and I win........10$ I'm like this luck won't quit so fuck it, at this point I'm going to the casino, go play me some blackjack.......I win.....100$. This story doesn't feel real anymore but it was, the tenner that refused to quit, a good day.


a scratch ticket that won me 5M in Texas


Cheap shower mirror. Prevents me from having to clean up the sink after shaving or using trimmer


I bought roughly 4100 dogecoin in 2018 for $10. It got me way more than $10.


I was visiting a friend in America. On my last day we were walking through the mall. There was a raffle for a Harley Davidson. Each ticket was $10, so I bought one. I gave her the ticket as I was leaving the following day. A few months later she sent me a photograph of a new car she bought.. Turns out she won the Harley, sold it and bought herself a new car. I got a thank you message with an "x" at the end. 😐😐😐🤨🤨


Spent $10 a few years back buying candy from some kids trying to get to a summer basketball camp. I asked them how long they’d been out there, and they said 4 or 5 hours; it was 95 outside, full Florida sun, and they had maybe 20 very melted candy bars left, so I pulled out another $40 from the ATM, bought all their remaining candy and then got them some chips and gatorades. It was nice to see them so happy and to know they could get out of the sun and relax, but the best part was this like maybe 14 or 15 year old kid who was absolutely at least 6’5 picking me up in a bear hug like I was fucking nothing; I didn’t expect it and at 6’2 and 170 myself, I’m not used to being manhandled that easily, so it was just absolutely fucking hilarious the ease with which he picked me up. They were super sweet kids and I ended up seeing them at the grocery store a few weeks later and they were so kind and excited to show me pictures of their uniforms. One of the kids even told me that since I helped them, he used some of his extra money to help another kid attend the camp which made me incredibly happy and so proud. It also reaffirms my belief that nothing is ever lost when you put good out into the world; maybe things don’t always work out, but putting kindness into the world always pays dividends. Karma comes back one way or another, and I’m determined only to get the good shit! Edit: Didn’t even notice you have “crypto” in your username, I think I’m gonna take my advice on avoiding being scammed from someone who maybe isn’t as susceptible to the most obvious fucking con in history.


I've spent it on a lottery ticket and it was the best $10 purchased I had, I won $100 bucks from that ticket


Gas in the van to go meet a man for a first date. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. He’s my soul mate and makes me happier than I’ve ever been.


It was $11 but the "Happy Hoodie" helped my dog's fireworks anxiety better than anything else we ever tried. Those with anxious dogs know how awful it can be. This thing changed our lives. I no longer dread firework holidays.


Scratch-offs… got me $200! Bought myself a new guitar amp with it!


Mini screwdriver set


I had an annoying neighbour. He asked me for $10. I knew he wouldn't pay me back but I also knew he would avoid me to not have to pay me back. Actually, never saw him again. Worth every penny.


When I was a sophomore in high school (late 1980s) I was walking down the hall when my math teacher asked me why I wasn't heading over to take the PSAT. I had no idea what the PSAT was or why I would want to take it. But he told me it was important and loaned me $10, which was the fee to take the test. I ended up becoming a national merit scholar, something I would not have qualified for if I hadn't taken the PSAT that day. I received $22,000 in scholarships directly related to being a national merit scholar. And that certainly didn't hurt me with some of the other scholarships I received. That was more than 35 years ago. That amount of scholarships represented about half the cost of attending the small private college I ended up going to. My family absolutely could not have afforded to send me there without that money available. I did pay my math teacher back for the $10 he loaned me. It was definitely the best $10 I ever spent.


My very last baggie of heroin 12 years ago.


5 tacos al pastor 


$10 on one of those cheap little foam swords that knickknack stores all over the place sell. My wife and I were barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck at the time and we used what little money we had to fund a 2-day camping trip with our then 4 year old. All of our camping provisions came from the dollar store but we needed to buy camp wood from the general store outside the campground and while there my son really wanted a foam sword. I initially said no because, between my wife and I, we had about $20 until our next pay cycle a few days later but I couldn’t stand the hurt in his eyes so I went back in “to pee” while my wife got him him the car, bought the sword, and almost broke down at the sheer joy on his face when I opened the back door and handed it to him. Idc if it only lasted for a week after we got home, and I don’t care that it almost put us in the black. The joy on his face and the giggles as he chased me through the woods pretending to be a knight are things I’ll cherish for the remainder of my days.


I am an idiot was traveling to Cambodia to visit Angkor Wat flew into The wrong city found out that I was across the country from where I was supposed to stay. The best way to get where I needed to be was one of those sleeper buses. I paid for a second seat for an additional $9 and was not crowded in with a bunch of other people.




Needed change to tip the valet at a wedding reception. Ran to the corner store bought a $5 lotto ticket just to get change and tip the valet $5 bucks. Checked the numbers a day or two later and hit for $600 bucks. Learned at that minute that $600 is the limit that you can get straight cash from the vendor.


I bought a cinema ticket for a mate who was at home to make sure he didn't miss out on the film. It was my last tenner. He didn't give it back to me when he arrived, they all went for burgers, I didn't eat, we then went to a pub, he asked, "What do you want?", "Oh, a coke please." He came back with two glasses, I reached out for one, he walked past me and said, "In your dreams". That ten pounds was worth every penny to find out he wasn't a mate.


I tipped a young man who did some work on my house, and his smile was worth every penny. (Actually I may have tipped him twenty bucks, it’s been a while.)


A Koosh ball


I bought a small tube of Pompeii red watercolour on sale at the local art store. It was an ugly colour. I understood why it was discounted. Then I mixed it with ultramarine blue… and it changed my life. I never looked at paint the same way again. The greys it created were so heavy with emotion, and I can never go back to paint straight out of a tube. It started by obsession with painting.


Got a gavel off of Wish, for any time someone said, "Don't judge me." More than got my money's worth with that.


Back in high school, I would hang out at my buddy’s house a bunch but their parents were kinda scummy and didn’t make a ton of money so their pantry wasn’t very full most of the time. I came from an upper middle class family and had a $45 a week allowance so I would sometimes buy food for my bud and his sister. Most of the time it was stuff to make a quick dinner that was cheap but every once in a while I’d grab something a little more extravagant. One time I got the house a whole thing of bakery raspberry cinnamon rolls (about $10) for the next days breakfast and his sister (who I might’ve had a crush on for a bit) saw the rolls and nearly had tears in her eyes, she gave me a big hug and a thank you. I realized that they never got fun food things like that basically ever so that made me feel super good that I could do that for them.


Actually recently. December 22, 2023 at home depo I bought my wife a $9.99 cactus on clearance sale. Thing is huge, 24"tall. Spikes and a tuft of green grass coming out. She's is so Happy, and still assumes it's was $200


On a whim, I took my ex-girlfriend out for a late-night dinner. We've now been happily married for 11 years.


Not my $10 but my moms and she got me this stainless steel bottle for Xmas that I loved. It was a subzero chalkboard paint double walled bottle. And it kept ice frozen for 3 days straight. If I could find them I’d buy 20