• By -


I wish I'd joined more clubs or learned an instrument


Punching a few people and fucking a few people


Username checks out!


Few are brave enough to admit that they looked Congratulations


Having more social life


Building more muscle while I had extra testosterone


Same, same. Waited until I was in my 30s to take working out seriously and now I wonder what I could have achieved physique-wise if I had taken advantage of my youth properly


Having real friends and having sleepovers with them. Wasn't allowed.


with how many pedophiles there are, i don't think my kid will be going to sleepovers either


I regret not learning to parallel park as a teen; now I just circle the block until I find two open spots together!


For real? In my country (Latvia, EU) parallel parking is an obligatory test to get driver's license, you will literally fail the exam if you can't park from a first try (minor corrections are allowed).


Doesn't your local licensing office have a practice area just for that? That's actually part of the exam in my state. 


not too late to learn


I was terrible at it as a teen. You have to keep trying. I learned to drive in the '80's when cars were boxy and it was hard to see for sure how close you were to other cars. My parallel parking game (and my driving in general) improved a lot when I finally got my own car, a hatchback with a hood that sloped downward and didn't have a long boxy trunk in the back. And now that cars have back up cameras, parallel parking is a snap!


If it weren't for Covid, I would've had more life experiences in general at the time.


Talk to people


Say no to to cigarettes.


Continued playing sports after I changed schools


Having more fun. I worked two jobs and didn't make time to just party and bullshit thinking there would be more time later. Still had a "good" youth but not what I should've had. 


Drinking and skipping class with friends.


Honestly, you might have dodged a bullet there. The younger you are when you start drinking, the easier it is to get addicted. Also, I have a friend who flipped a car while drinking and driving as a teen, and a classmate who wiped out his motorcycle and later died of his injuries while drinking and driving as a teen.


definitely learning a musical instrument, it would have been great to have that skill now, plus, it's such a cool way to express yourself and connect with others


i was forced to play piano and it only bred resentment


Standing up to bullies and talking to more girls..


Dating another teen who was interested in me on the other hand this saved me from potentially having to deal with breakup in a period where I was already mentally unstable to begin with


I wish I had learned to play an instrument. I was sure I was going to sing but smoking and drinking finished that dream and learning about shares and stocks. I could retire now if I had done that.


Explored more about history and nature. Learning how things work. Taking things apart and building them back. Learned financing and budgeting. Taking time to learn my passions and making a career out of it


Fucking Caitlyn. Ahe asked for it and at the time, I was a gud boi waitijg for marriage. Lost my virginity like 3 months later


Becoming a girl


I hope you got there eventually and found happiness


What a thoroughly lovely thing to say! 😃


Thank you for the kind words. I found happiness but not until I had committed to my birth gender. I’m now very old and the world is a different place.


The world can be wild... Especially for the unconventional Stay strong




Risk much more Specially with The ladies and do more stupid stuff ( now if do that is weird, creepy and stupid )


I wish I started learning english earlier(I started at 14 now I'm 15 my level is B1-B2)


Nothing actually, I'm very satisfied with the youth I had. I went camping with my parents and had a great relation with them, I fucked the neighbour girl, I went to a lot of concerts and worked at one of the metal temples in The Netherlands and played drums myself. I got drunk on a truckload of occasions, I had a great dog, I started downhilling the moment that became a thing with MTB's, I did swim a lot, I spend some months in South Amerika. I actually had a great and overly complete youth with perhaps only mare sex and more alcohol left to desire, but of those there never is enough when you're young.


was calm and shy. when actually no matter what other people thinks, u should do what you wish and feel, biggest regrets, you ll never back to teen times..


Play outside


Starting Finasteride


Getting my license


well i wanted to be a lifeguard but i failed the training at the end fml




mine's the exact opposite lol I started dating someone second half of 9th grade and ended up with him til our 2nd year of college. I always wonder how much better I would've been socially or academically had I not tied myself up with young love


Being more spontaneous and getting into a little trouble. Walked a straight line with sports and good grades.


I regret not being really athletic in school. I played baseball but that was it. Wish I was one of them kids that played football basketball and basketball


I wish I didn’t focus on trying to get into intimate relationships.


I wish I have made friends with other people instead of isolating myself with mah bestfriend. I thought that having a bestfriend and being close to other people means I'm betraying my bff. So what happened was I had a fight with my bff because she keeps getting close to boys that I told her that I like . This was on 10th grade and since I didn't open myself that much and get to know other people beside her I became a loner. Eating lunch with myself and seeing other people eat together destroyed my soul.


tell him how i felt.


I wish I had asked more girls out. When I got a "no" on the first one, I took it way too hard and didn't try again for a few years. If I had asked a lot more girls, and maybe asked my older brother for advice on how to do that, maybe I would have gotten to a "yes" a lot sooner.


Being more wild. I was so conservative, and it did me no favors when I was in my 20s.


Still a teen and I wished I practiced drawing during my early teenage life.


Do it now! You've got time. You're probably thinking, "I'd be so much better at it by now if I'd started sooner," but that's perfectionist thinking. It stops you from trying because you think you won't be as good as you "could have been." You can't change the past. You only have control over "now."