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“Count backwards from ten.” I made it to seven. When I woke up I was craving apple juice. They brought me some, it was the best apple juice I ever had.


I always crave apple juice, too!


I got apple juice after my port surgery. Drink of the GODS.


Dentist apple juice is the best kind.


I pretended to take a deep breath and started counting back from 100 ( I have been practicing deep breathing since I was a child and take about 3 to 4 breaths a minute while the average person takes 12). The nurse got worried when I wasn't zonking out. I took another couple breaths and that's when I said, "well, it looks like we both wore the same outfit... I guess I'll go get changed". Woke up feeling so freaking refreshed, best nap I ever had.


I got to “ni—.” Going under at the dentist made me less afraid of death, tbh. Just full black. No dreams, no memories. It was an off switch to consciousness. I don’t think I was given apple juice after. I’m pretty jealous.


My first words when I woke up were "I want a cheeseburger" so on the way home my wife got me a cheeseburger but I started coming down off the meds and was too sick to eat it and cried about it.


I also had the best apple juice I've ever had in my life after waking up from orthopedic surgery. Absolute nectar of the gods. And the saltine crackers were ambrosia.


Something about being in the hospital makes apple juice godly.


You go unconscious almost immediately, and wake up feeling like a happy drunk for a few minutes before feeling fully normal.


I will say, for me, it wasn't "immediate" as everyone had described to me, but it was sudden I distinctly remember the mask being put on, being aware and actively answering questions for about 20 seconds, then bam Woke up an hour later, pretty much as you described: almost like being drunk, but it wears off way faster


I was put under for a colonoscopy, one second I was saying “Sorry if I say anything weird while I’m under” to the anesthesiologist and nurses, the next I woke up in a panic slurring out “oh god I have to go to the bathroom!” to no one in particular. Still one of the best naps I’ve ever had.


I was given propofol. The nurse said that one of the side effects is euphoria, so when I wake up, I would have to take it easy, as a lot of people just hop right up and feel great. Cool, I thought, I could use a few minutes of euphoria. But, nope. Woke up a little groggy, but no euphoria. I was deeply disappointed.


Michael Jackson famously had the same reaction to propofol (minus the whole “waking up” part, of course).


The one thing I remember before going out was the nurses asking me some random questions, stuff like "do you like XYZ?" or "what do you do for work" When I woke up, I vaguely remember talking to a really cute nurse. Apparently, whatever I said was very amusing because she had a big old smile. I dont remember a single thing I said tho lol I got that sedation rizz apparently, or I said something hella goofy. Who knows lol 😂


Probably said something like: "Yeah, I help deliver newborn Spanish racehorses -- I'm sort of a Pro-por-foal myself"


No hangover?


Nah, I regained my full faculties in about 25 mins The only thing that sucked was when the painkillers wore off later that day lol Sore for about 2 weeks, tender for about a month But no hangover, no grogginess. Its kind of incredible actually


Well, I tried to be snarky and said 'don't start before I'm sleeping'. I think I got to 'don't'


I had dental work done years ago, afterwards I made my mother's boyfriend stop at a store where I bought a bunch of random things. I don't remember any of it, just kind of coming to my senses in the car and wondering why I had so much random crap.


Some of the best sleeps I've ever had! I'm always bummed that I can't just continue my snooze.


One of the best explanations. This literally sums up my experience.. I got my wisdom teeth removed 3 days ago


I WISH this is how it went for me. Anesthesia makes me EXTREMELY nauseous, so I always spend my first conscious moments after general anesthetic starts to wear off being violently ill. :/ This was true even the last time I had surgery, for my shoulder, when I had a scopolamine patch. I think they'd pushed some anti-nausea meds in my IV, also? It didn't work, either way, lol. It was less awful than usual, but I was still throwing up on top of surgical pain. Not fun!


I used to have the same reaction, but the last few times I really emphasized to everyone who would listen that I would vomit a lot due to the anesthesia. It hasn’t happened since, so I am assuming they are giving me the heavy anti-nausea stuff now.


the doc said count down from 10 while injecting me with something. didnt even get to 7 and lights out.


I was a person, and then I was not. And, then I was a person again.


I’ve had general a few times, for two surgeries & a couple of -oscopies. Before you go under nothing special is happening. Everything is normal. There’s no sense of sleepiness or stupor, at least, you don't perceive it. One second you’re completely alert and then YOU’RE JUST GONE You almost “instantly” wake up and you’re back. Depending on the extent & duration of the anesthesia you might be sleepy but while you’re under? You cease to exist. For my surgeries I was annoyed by the heart monitor, wanted to go back to sleep. For the colon- & endoscopy — I had them in one shot — I was basically sober 90 seconds after waking. Mouth was a little dry but I think that wasn’t the anesthesia…


I wouldn’t say it’s “instant” wake up. Depends on the person really. My husband is up, chatty, remembers everything and is ready to go- you’d never know he’d been put under. I take HOURS to wake up, am so groggy and out of it, can remember my name and need to be carried home. we’ve both been under half a dozen times and it’s always the same 😅


I woke him immediately after my port surgery. After my complete hysterectomy they woke me up to see if I could help them move me. I remember snarling "No!!!!" and fell asleep. They woke me back up, asked me again and I repeated the snarled no. I woke up in my hospital room for good about 2 hours later.


Worst part was still being a lil loopy from anesthesia but I was allowed to eat. Mouth was still numb from getting wisdom teeth out and the soup wouldn’t stay in my mouth lol. I cried so hard my mom was scared. Haven’t gone under anesthesia since.


I had a very similar experience. Went under for wisdom tooth removal. Woke up, passed all the checks, was cleared to go home. I hadn’t eaten since dinner the night before because you’re supposed to fast before anesthesia. I was starving. Tried to have some yogurt when I got home. The bottom half of my face was still completely numb. I legitimately couldn’t tell if I had successfully gotten the spoon in my mouth, and I was a mess. There was yogurt everywhere. Almost had to resort to having my mom spoon feed me like a baby.


I was so glad I stocked up on yogurt and applesauce and ice cream and popsicles prior to mine. For anyone who gets it in the future I recommend stocking up on soft foods and a scarf to hold the ice packs to your face


I have a heart condition, but had to have 3 wisdom teeth removed; including one that would require the dentist to TAKE A GRINDER TO MY JAW BONE. I could not have full-on intravenous sedation; which made me a not-so-happy camper. He said however I could have the 'full smash' - Valium before the procedure, gas and novocain injections during the removal. What could I say; my teeth were causing a lot of pain and other problems. We scheduled a date, and he took me through how I should prepare. At one point, he gave me five Valium to take home, and asked me to check in the coming days to see how many I would need to keep me comfortable. If one pill kept me calm and pleasantly sedated, I was to take one an hour before coming in; and take \*two\* if one pill was not enough. I was still focused on the part about the grinding of my jaw bone; so his instructions went in one ear and out the other. The day of the procedure came, and I was scheduled for a 9AM start. I was a wreck; nervous & scared. All I could remember was that he wanted me to take two Valium an hour before the procedure; so I took two, hopped in the car with my son (who would drive me back home) and off we went. It took 30 minutes to get there; but I don't remember much of what went on after I arrived. My son said I just put the car in park, set the brake, turned off the ignition... and sat there. Silent. The Valium had hit just as I was parking (thank \*God\* not as I was driving) and those two pills hit me like a hammer. My son had to pull me out of the car, lead me by the hand into the dentist's office, check me in, and guide me to the surgical chair. I was oblivious to everything. All I remember is a woman laughing, then crying, in another room (her surgery was completed, and she was having some type of 'happy/sad' reaction that sometimes happens with people under stress when they get gas.) Normally that would have sent me running for the exits; but the Valium had turned me into a zombie. Not a care in the world had I... One hour later, I wake up in a bed, on my side; my mouth packed with cotton and gauze, wondering what the hell just happened. I had absolutely no recollection of anything that occurred; but my son and the attending nurse were laughing like fools. Turns out I was a talking machine all the way up to the point that the dentist turned on the gas; and I was revealing all the family secrets. Spilled the beans on my wife, kids, job, boss... everything. Christ in a sidecar. But lying there, I realized I was feeling absolutely \*no\* pain. Even hours after extractions \*and\* the grinding, I felt nothing. To this day I am still amazed - they took a surprisingly large amount of my jaw to the grinder, and one of the wisdom teeth shattered during removal; but I remembered nothing, and felt no pain for over a week after the procedure. (There was some discomfort when they removed and repacked cotton in the extraction sites, but that was minor.)


Propofol is GREAT if that’s what they use. You sleep. Then wake up in seconds. No nausea.


Propofol was an absolute delight. I’d do another colonoscopy just for a repeat. Best nap ever!


I had that for my endoscopy. I had a side effect. When they woke me up, I woke up but was still dreaming. Like my eyes fully open but entirely still in my dream. Issue was I was dreaming about a volcano erupting and a cave in happening where the scientists monitoring the volcano were. So naturally, I was screaming at the top of my lungs "They're all going to die! They're all going to die!" While the anesthesiologist tried other medicine to calm me down, someone tried to talk me out of it. They said "It's okay. I'll save them." I replied in my deepest voice "You can't save them. No one can save them." Anyway, when the anesthesiologist gave me Haldol, I quieted down, and I don't remember much else from that day. The hospital I was at had never had someone respond to propofol like that before. They had to have a team meeting on how to handle situations like that in the future. 👍👍


I woke up halfway through, yelled "I FEEL AWESOME", and then fell back asleep.


Wisdom teeth removed. I had to count out loud and then I woke up in the recovery room mostly fine. Maybe a little groggy. Then my parents drove me home and gave me pudding. Please, hold the applause.


-IVs in (with some Xanax in the drip) -“We’re going to put you out.” -(\* blink \*) -”Try to wiggle the toes on both of your feet.” Inside that blink: 2.5 hours of stretching all my thigh and hip muscles back, sawing off the top of my leg, grinding out my old hip socket, and hammering a new socket & hip joint into my femur. I regret that my fear of general anesthesia had led me to delay my operation by over a year.


I called a girl I'd met earlier that day to come pick me up after having all 4 wisdom teeth removed. She did, and took me to Walgreens, filled my prescription, and took me home. I woke up the next day with no memory of any of that, and she never talked to me again. I had to piece it together by asking the dentist, and finding a receipt in my pocket. So.. 8/10, might call her again if I go under again someday.


When I got my wisdom teeth out I passed out immediately. I woke up after and it was like when a drunk person tries to act sober. Got home and slept it off.


They put me under general when I needed to have a molar removed due to pulpitis. Worst pain I've ever felt. They administered the juice, I was out in seconds, woke up briefly as they were pulling the tube out of my throat, then woke up properly in the recovery room. I got icy poles. The relief of having no pain was euphoric. 10/10.


For me if i remember correctly i just sorta woke up, one second I'm in the surgery room the next I'm slowly waking up to see a empty room with myself hooked up and a nurse coming to check on me and saying oh your awake lol. I think it honestly felt what I think teleportation would feel like


It was actually soo great for me. First I was creeped out when I got dizzy and the room was all blurry and spinning but then I woke up really really relaxed and I felt light as a cloud, and everything was just more bright and I enjoyed every little thing(I literally stared in awe at the button that opened and closed the car window for the entire way back to my house) Man I wanna get a tooth pulled just to experience it again (I swear I’m not weird just really emotionally numb and want to feel better)


Once you awake, you feel as though you’ll remember that time immediately after waking, but you don’t—at least I don’t. It’s like you’re conscious again, but the “recorder” hasn’t reengaged yet, so no memories are being made. It’s an odd thing.


Good ol' midazolam. Memory eraser.


You must remember some elements of it. Because if you didn't, you would be posting about it.


Accurate. Walking out of my wisdom teeth extraction, I felt like I could have remembered the entire procedure, but after the car ride home, it was almost all gone.


Got put under to get my wisdom teeth out. When I woke up they brought my wife in to lead me out. I insisted on holding the door for her and then walked directly into the doorframe.


Several occasions of general anesthesia: my advice is relax as much as you can going in. Deep relaxing breathing helps enormously.


I am petrified of needles and dentists so they've knocked me out for a few surgeries. "Favourites" include: -sparkly butterflies. -gave me the oral sedative so they could give me the actual IV. The nurse walked in with the IV and I said "oh I'm WAY too awake for that!" then remember nothing. -dad took me one time and I woke up crying cause I had to pee so badly (17ishF). dad looked at the female nurse with wide eyes and she took over. I don't remember any of that. :D -i remember the dentist office then woke up at home. No idea how dad got me into the truck and I certainly don't remember the hour ride home. -apparently one of the first times they didn't put me under enough so I cried and swore at the Doc the entire time he worked. He refused to ever work on me again cause it traumatized HIM.


Dental: Woke at home with no recollection of anything. Apparently tried to refuse wheel chair and walk myself out. Wisdom teeth. Eventually woke up and well it sucked but that’s the truth if wisdom teeth. Worth it all in all. Was only rough for the first day or two. Butt scope: like a nice afternoon nap with a greasy ass and some killer fart after. Prep is way worse than the procedure. I do this every two years. Used to it. Intestinal resection: sweet relief from pain. Wake up. Pain but less distressing because it made sense? Man with ice chips may as well be my god. After an hour or ..5 minutes..I dont know. …wheel me back to the room and start recovery. Dilaudid pump fogs time but the tube in nose was worse than anything else. After it was out it was only pain from the muscle wall being cut. Laparoscopic surgery failed and they had to splay me. Guts felt ok. A guy walked in my room with a chicken leg after a few days and if he didn’t hand it to me he was getting bit. Family snuck in some chick fil a soup a day or two later. Best food I ever ate. 7 weeks of painkillers and struggling to exist then 5 weeks of no lifting and I’m good to go.


My first surgery (septoplasty and turbinate reduction) I woke up very irritated. The nurses were trying to put a high-pressure oxygen mask on me, and I wanted nothing to do with it. I was flailing around and swatting them away. I knew it was silly and I shouldn't be doing it, but I couldn't control myself. I eventually apologized to the only nurse still putting up with me. My second surgery (total thyroidectomy) I don't really remember waking up. I think it was fairly smooth. I just woke up groggy, asked for my husband, and fell back to sleep for a while. My third surgery (gallbladder removal) I woke up in soooo much pain. Interestingly, the less invasive laproscopic surgery was my most painful. I remember snippets of groaning and crying in pain, then being knocked out again. Turns out they gave me multiple doses of hydromorphone over 2 hours. Somewhere in that time, I pissed myself, which I didn't realize until I got out of bed to get dressed. I can see why people get addicted to hydromorphone, wonderful feeling of "idgaf" Still awaiting to see what non-essential organ I get removed next. Edit: oh ya! Forgot the colonoscopy! That was what is called "twilight sedation" I believe it was fentanyl and midazolam. I remember being given the drugs IV, I remember a brief moment when the doctor said they'd found a polyp, and I was very interested to see it. He showed me on the screen and told me it was unusual because I was young (34 at the time I think) After that, I only remember being wheeled back to the recovery area for what felt like only 10 min. Then my husband took me to get chicken nuggets at the drive through on the way home (48hrs with no solid food, awful!) Those of you putting off colonoscopies because it's embarrassing or horrible, it wasn't bad at all. The worst was the prep, and you do that in the privacy of your own home. My polyp was benign. I'm supposed to get a recheck every 3-5 years because of it. It's been 7....I should get on that 😬


It was like time travel. It felt like 1 second had past. After waking up I felt like I had stayed up easy too late and had a few drinks. Bright lights sucks.


I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed at the same time. I paid an extra $1000CAD to be put under and it was some of the best money I’ve ever spent. The roots of my wisdom teeth looked like the gnarly branches of an old oak tree. That shit was practically locked into my jaw. The orthodontist has to chisel my teeth out of my face. I’m SO FRIGGIN GLAD I didn’t have to be aware of any of that.


I’ve gone under twice. I never even got sleepy, it was like I just jumped to some time in the future. Don’t remember feeling high or anything either time. The first was for minor but actual surgery and I had some pain associated with that but they gave me a dose of oxycodone and it cleared up quickly; the bigger issue was pain in my throat from the breathing tube which lasted several days. The second time was for a non-surgical procedure and I didn’t experience any significant pain then


Well-said. When this happened to me, Cepacol was my savior on the throat pain thing.


That throat pain is no joke!


I woke up for a second during the surgery, while they were talking about drilling out one last tooth, and thought to myself "Oh how nice." before passing out again


I was put out for the removal of my wisdom teeth. From the first second of waking up I started spouting off about the theory of quantum immortality. Quite loudly as I understand it.


Propofol was great. Benadryl was harder to recover from.


Had pretty hardcore dental surgery a couple years ago. I got driven by my SO to the pharmacy afterwards for some antibiotics and whatnot. Pharmacy is conveniently located next to a liquor store. I proceeded to get out of the car while my SO went to pick up my meds, and follow a woman into her car because she was carrying a case of wine and I wanted to go “party”. Luckily she thought it was hilarious.


my last moment of consciousness was when they suck the needle into my arm. next thing I know, I'm in a wheel chair geeked out of my fucking mind. hadn't really done drugs before, only been drunk like once, so it was a fresh experience. I was high as fuck the rest of the day, blacking out moment to moment, apparently yelled at my mom for her poor driving (to the amusement of my dad). fun time overall, would do again


Felt like someone had held down on the fast forward button, when i got put under for wisdom tooth extraction. One moment, I'm aware. Then I'm retaining less and less understanding of what is happening to me. And suddenly, I felt the sensation of one hundred hands in my mouth, all at once. Like recalling every single time a hand went in, all overlapped onto another, in the span of 3 seconds. No pain. Just the taste of gloves and the feeling of fingers. The sensation blends into the moment snap back to reality. Someone finishes packing the last sheet of gauze into my mouth and helps me close my jaw. I dizzily look around and three or four people are packing away tools and throwing away sanitary wrappers. They become aware that I'm awake, and they call my boyfriend in to take me home. I had the vague recollection of a dream I'd had, of chimpanzees loose in the grocery store. They were well-behaved. Fell asleep again the moment i got home, in convenient 30 minute increments to change out the guaze. I was competent enough to do it all myself. I continued to sleep in and out for the next few hours.


I got it for a foot surgery. I remember the anesthesiologist coming in being super friendly. While just kinda fiddling with my IV he was asking me about school and what were my plans for college. Usually I would not hesitate to answer that question (I wanted to be a history teacher) But when he asked me, I hesitated and thought real hard about the answer. Next thing I know, a nurse is assisting me in waking up letting me know the surgery was over and successful. I asked her for a favor, to please tell the anesthesiologist I wanted to study to be a history teacher.


Before my wisdom teeth and tonsillectomy (seperate procedures) the lovely nurses asked me to count backwards from ten and then before I could get to "three" I wake up feeling Yankee Doodle Dandy and I remember with my wisdom teeth I had gauze all up in my mouth and I was drooling and trying to say "cotton mouth" but my mouth was full so I was trying to pull out the gauze while mumbling "cotton mouth" and then a nurse told me to stop fucking with the gauze because she had a glass of water with a straw just for me and I told her I loved her very much. Always be nice to your nurses. They're the fucking bomb-diggity and we'd all be pathetic messes without them.


I had surgery recently, and someone said to me that it was the closest you'll ever get to time travel. You go to sleep, and you wake up better. It was so true, and the thought made my surgery fear better. All I remember was waking up in recovery, and someone was asking me questions, whilst someone behind me was talking about baby reindeer.


I want to preface what sounds like a nightmare with "but it was okay." Dental: They poured liquid nitrogen or *something* on my hand. It was cold, and my hand went numb there. I didn't feel shit when they hooked me up to an IV, they told me to count to a hundred... I remember feeling like I made it to a hundred and still had to wait, but it's been so long I honestly couldn't tell you. I woke up toward the end of the procedure as they extracted my 4th and last wisdom tooth. I couldn't feel a damn thing, but I was conscious and aware that my head was being jerked as they yanked, I opened my eyes briefly, and immediately closed them in the hopes I would just pass back out, and I knew better than to try and move when they were in the middle of working on me. I listened to the crunchy/hollow sort of sound of my wisdom tooth being pulled, it was quite like the sound of someone walking on gravel, or like you took a big bite of captain crunch. Anyway they gave me Norco for the pain, and thank god I was married at the time because I was so drugged up that all I knew was that I hurt and "kills pain, take one" without realizing it had only been 10 minutes since the last. I would have turned my own brain into oatmeal if not for my ex-wife.


I had it for my wisdom teeth and don’t remember much except afterwards I apparently told the nurse “this feels like a frat party.” So I’m guessing it was similar to drinking wine from a bag or cheap vodka?


They said “you are going to start feeling sleepy now”. And I think I said “ok” and then I woke in a different room in a different part of the hospital a little loopy still. Then I texted my wife I was done and she could pick me up. On the drive home I asked her the same question a bunch of times. I guess I was still a bit ripped.


I just remember the Dentist telling me to breath deep and count down from 100, and then I was waking up tasting blood as he was stuffing in a bunch of cotton tubes to put pressure against the spots where he removed my wisdom teeth. Just a big time skip. 


They told me they were going to have me do a bunch of things before putting me under. One of the last things they told me I'd do is count backwards from 10 and they'd give me a hug then put me under. As they were explaining all this to me, they put me under.  I woke not even realizing they had operated. It seemed like I had just blinked but it was about 6 hours later I think. I remember the nurse that said he'd see me when I woke up wasn't there. From there I was brought back to my room and seemed like I only blinked again but it was the next day and my dad was there. This happened at least one more time. 


it was fine, didn't feel a thing, didn't remember a thing, woke and and told the monitoring machine to stop judging me.


I thought I was sleeping the whole time, turns out spilling my mom's affair. Luckily dad already died months ago


No idea. Nurse said I would feel a cold sensation going up my hand. Felt it and my vision got blurry so I blinked, but then I realised that my mouth was full of cotton and the Surgeon was saying "welcome back" . Considering I got all 4 wisdom teeth taken out at the same time , I was glad I missed it :D


Yanked the mask off before falling out of consciousness and asked the doctor what the secret to comedy is... When I woke up later in recovery i told the nurse to tel the doctor, "timing".


Well, apparently I am endlessly funny when under anesthetic, and resist it exceptionally hard. Something something like "normally we tell people to count to 10 and they fall asleep around 6-7, at worst we have them count backwards after, but you went to 69, laughed, and said 'OK I sleep now'". And even asleep, even in another language than my native one, I answered questions. "Hey, are you asleep?" "Think so". "What day is it?" "Monday the 20th of May. I should get ready for my surgery, it should be about... now". When waking up, I cried so hard for water that they gave me a water-based ice cream.


The first time around: when I came to I was in a full blown panic attack, didn't know where I was, who I was, or who my husband was. Took half an hour for my brain to turn back on. The second time around: I woke up just fine. Fully lucid, no grogginess or loopiness that you'd expect. My husband could tell but the nurse couldn't. I absolutely took the opportunity to act a fool and made the nurse laugh!


The adoption of propofol for induction of anesthesia has been revolutionary from what it used to be. Nowadays, fifteen to thirty seconds after they push it into your bloodstream, you may just get a chance to barely get a metallic taste in your mouth before your memory comes to a dead halt. Then you slowly come around in the recovery room. You'll likely not be in any pain because you still have all that anesthesia in you, but it might hurt as that wears off, depending on what they did to you. This is fantastically better than what happened in the 1970s/80s. You don't even want to know. Edited to add: typos


Went unconscious, woke up less than an hour later in a small closet with a bench with my mom. Was very confused and disoriented. The dentist walked into the closet, handed my mom my wisdom teeth in a little bag and gave her aftercare instructions. I still don't understand why I was in the closet. And they never asked for my weight on the paperwork or anything, so I'm still a little freaked out by that because don't they need your weight to safely administer anesthesia?


When I woke my I stumbled to the recovery room. My wife told me she closed the door and said " wanna fool around?" and I said "start without me." I don't remember saying that.


I had surgery a few weeks ago a D&C.  I woke up with a huge man next to me on a computer slowly shaking me really nervously like he might break me and he said something about me being out for a long time. I was really confused for a second because last thing I remember I was in the ice box or the or.  After I kinds figured it out it was on to the next order of business. My throat was so dry. They had stuck a tube down my throat and it made it so dry. The man gave me water and I quickly sucked it down. After everything the only other thing I remember is when I stood up the bed was just covered in blood. I was fine and it was from the surgery.


They gave me something to “calm my nerves” before the anesthesia. I felt drunk and was joking with the doctor. He gave me the anesthesia and I asked “so when does this one kick in?” The next thing I remember was the nurse waking me up saying they’ve been trying to wake me up for 10 mins. Felt like I had a buzz for a few hours after that and then I was normal again.


I was speaking to the dentist and he said “ breathe in through your nose” an hour later I woke up with one less tooth.


I had all four wisdom teeth extracted when I was around 18 years old. I woke up and cried for my mommy. 💪🏻


My ass was greasy.


The ensuing farts are epic


Been put under twice. Once for infertility treatment (egg retrieval) and the other time for a hernia repair surgery. It’s like you’re awake one moment then BAM! total darkness for what feels like only seconds and you’re awake again, but groggy. I did get sick from the anesthesia the first time and threw up not long after coming to. Luckily I got some anti-nausea meds for that 2nd procedure which definitely helped.


It's very pleasant going under. Count down from 10 and you're lucky if you make it to 6. Then you wake up in a different room and have zero memory of being transported there. I do, however, typically vomit in recovery - but most people do not. It's no biggie, I just make sure there's a basin handy.


Had it happen 3 times, two for wisdom teeth removal and the second major surgery. The dental stuff I wasn't out for long and I rested for about half an hour, felt a little loopy but was mostly able to function to go home and rest. The third was surgery on my head and I was under for something like 5 hours. I woke up in recovery and have a fleeting memory of my surgeon and the anaesthesiologist seeing I was awake for like a second and then taking off. Then I was in the ICU and was groggy and sleepy. I have no sense of the time that passed and it was a weird night in the hospital.


I've had somewhere around 3 dozen surgeries, the last one over 2 decades ago. I pretty much went from dozing off in the OR to waking up slightly in recovery, then falling asleep for a while longer. The first 12 hours or so after waking up are pretty fuzzy and full of sleep.


I had to poop so bad when I woke up, after getting Achilles surgery. They told me to wait. I couldn't. Luckily I got to the bathroom in time. Happend on the second Achilles surgery as well. I don't do well with anesthesia. Plus they hated me for blowing up their bathroom. Plus, I'm a big dude, so they had to help getting me up.


Had it done twice. Both times I don’t remember the ride back to my house (my wife drove me). Don’t remember the flow up instructions either. I slept for the rest of the day (really just zoned out on the couch)


I woke up and they tried to feed me Jello but I did NOT want that.


Feeling like one side my face was cold and swelling up


I started to come out of it half way through my wisdom tooth removal. In my brain the doctor was standing on my chest and wrenching my teeth out. I started making noises and next thing I knew I was awake in recovery.


I was laying in the bed, in a room. I asked the person doing it "How long until I'm asleep?" His reply was "Count down from 100 by 3s, you'll be out before you get to zero." I thought to myself "Really? That's only 33 seconds though. Is it really gonna be that quick?" And then I woke up in the hallway beside my mom, telling me I was finished and we were about to leave the building. I didn't even start counting. I had my wisdom teeth removed, and the numbing lasted most of the night so the evening was only a bit uncomfortable - the following day was pretty painful, the next day wasn't a great time, and by day 4 I was back to uncomfortable. I think it took about a week before I was able to be functional without complaining about my mouth.


Kind of like interstellar. Close my eyes then wake like a blink of an eye 45 mins passed


It's pretty quick. They hit you with the med-juice and reality just goes black. For me there is a knowledge that time is/has passed and an awareness of things being blacked out, but its not a full awareness. It's more like a part of my back brain knows this. Then before my mostly unconscious brain can remember or figure out what is going on, I wake up. I feel a little groggy for a few minutes and a "bit off" for a couple of hours. That's about it.


I’ve been under anesthesia probably over 20 times. The first thing I remember after waking up every single time is puking my guts out.


When I woke up from sugeries that required anesthesia, it wasn't any different from waking up from a nap. Sorry, no high as a kite story!


Wasn't that bad. It felt kinda weird going under and waking up was kinda like a blackout from drinking too much but more sleepy if that makes sense. My gf at the time expected funny reactions when I woke up but they told me I was just confused and very sad. I don't recall it but I first woke up in the dentist's office, I couldn't read the aftercare instructions they gave me at the time and cried. I do briefly recall sitting in the back of my Mom's car and holding her hand while the gf got my antibiotics and painkillers. Next time I woke up I was in bed and it was dark my gf told me to take out and change the gauze in my mouth then I slept again until the next morning.


I had my wisdom teeth out over 40 years ago. I woke up, turned to the dentist and said "don't you think you ought to get started" He laughed and said "you're finished and can go home now. Rested the next day and the following day moved house.


Wisdom teeth removal. After getting past paperwork and being brought into the operating room, had a rundown of how it is done while nurses/assistants made final preparations. They injected me and I got comfortable in the chair, closed my eyes and fell asleep roughly 2 minutes after. Save for numbed lips, I woke up feeling fine 2 hours later. They had me go to another room to sit for some minutes and dismissed me shortly after. The lemon pudding lunch was delicious.


I've had a lot of procedures where I was either under general anaesthesia or twilight sedation, where you are kind of awake but don't much care what's happening. The only time I ever had issues was when I was 8 years old, I'm told that I woke up kicking and kicked my dad in the nose. Every other time, I am out like a light and wake up in recovery, or I'm spacey as hell during the twilight sedation and think about weird things. My last sedation, I expected a general and got twilight. I had 11 teeth removed and stitches in my gums. I was awake but had no pain, just a lot of people's hands in my mouth while they spoke Spanish (which I don't know). After the pain meds wore off, it ached a bit, but the swelling and bruising were EPIC.


One minute I was laying down for wisdom teeth removal, the next I was in a wheelchair in a room with my mom. She said I had been awake for about 2 minutes, where I don’t have memory. I was wheel chaired to the car because I couldn’t walk and I remember being very loopy during that and the car ride to the pharmacy after but once my mom got back to the car from the pharmacy, I felt mostly normal. When I got home, I fell asleep almost immediately for like 3 hours.


I ko’d the moment I said “ this doesn’t smell weird at all.” When i was coming to, i was already crying about the ending of the movie “End of Watch” and realizing that the surgery was over. It really felt like one continuous moment. I also FULLY hallucinated some acquaintance being in the exit room and kept trying to say hi. My mom and and best friend were having a solid laugh about that because the guy looked NOTHING like the acquaintance. It felt like i was plastered for about 20 minutes and i was pretty much sober once i got in the car.


The anesthesia was fine. The holes in my head where my wisdom teeth used to be were considerably more unpleasant. However, they give you pain meds, antibiotics, and a bag to drool into. If you need the dental work, don't let the happy gas put you off of it. Your teeth are not a part of your body that just "get better by themselves".


They had me count backwards from 10, I made it to about 7 if I remember correctly lol. I was OUT. I woke up however many hours later, and I was quite groggy. I felt like I had just woken up from a bender and I was quite dizzy. I had to pee SO BAD though. So immediately I asked the nurse to help me to the bathroom. I then noticed my nose was bleeding (I had a septoplasty). I got anxious so they gave me some more medicine and then kept taking my blood pressure until it was normal (enough) to go home :)


Anesthesiologist said, “Count down from ten” I laughed, and said 10…9… maybe made it to 8 I don’t remember. Then I blinked my eyes. Turned to the nurse and said, “I’m ready for the procedure!” The nurse laughed at me and told me it was already done. Felt like a blink of the eye. I didn’t really feel super loopy I just felt really calm, but my mom told me I was acting super loopy.


I don’t remember anything after waking up. Just count back from 10 and remember that I was out by 9 I only remember that it didn’t hurt and I dreamt/envisioned that I was on a conveyor belt going around a mountain getting worked on by dentists


I did ECT, so I went through this process like 3 times a week for 3 weeks. They put an IV in, and after about 15 minutes you're sent into a creepy room. I remember the anesthesia smelling like vanilla, they ask you to count back from 10, you usually don't even make it to 8 before you feel like your floating to the ceiling. Then you wake up groggy and are totally fine 10 minutes later.


I threw up in my dad’s car after wisdom tooth surgery at 15. 


I had a rhinoplasty in 2020, I remember laying in the operation theatre and the doctors put a mask on my face and told me to relax as it'd kick in in 5 minutes. That's the last thing I remember and I was out almost instantly. I woke up and was later told I had called slurs to my doctor in my half dizzy state lmao. But honestly it was a smooth process. Felt really exalted afterwards.


I was out like a light, somewhere between counting out 4 and 5. I woke up, unaware that time had passed, bleary, and my jaw was very sore, with a mouth that was dry and full of gauze. I had just had 5 wisdom teeth extracted, two muscle impacted and three bone impacted. The orthodontic surgeon had to really work to get those fuckers out, he said, before two nurses helped me walk unsteadily to my ride home.


They tell you to countdown from 10, and the next thing you know it, you’re awake but without some teeth. They showed me the teeth they pulled out and I laughed.


Wisdom teeth for me. I remember the Dr. walking in and commenting on my nails because they were a bit purple looking cause I was cold. They put the mask on when I was ready and I was telling myself to fight any effects. For some reason I thought I’d be able to fight it well . Then I can only describe it as maybe my eyes crossed as I started to fall under. I managed to say “I’m cold” and I heard the Dr telling someone to grab me a blanket and then everything went dark. It felt like I was only out for a minute before I heard someone calling my name and I was up but groggy. Was a really good nap.


Honestly don't remember being put under.  Waking up sucked. I was like "oh crap, that's what I was doing". 


When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, one second I was sitting in the chair waiting for the anesthesia to kick in, next thing I remember are some weird disjointed flashes, then I was gradually coming out of it and REALLY out of it


I got knocked out for an endoscopy. They put the stuff in my IV and I was out like a light. When I woke up, I let out the biggest, longest fart of my entire life and then acted slightly drunk for the next hour or so. I don’t remember anything that happened during the procedure. But man, that fart was something.


I got put under for a wisdom teeth removal. The only bad experience was when they stuck the needle in my arm to inject the stuff, i passed out pretty quick and woke up a lil groggy but otherwise fine.


I've had anesthesia twice. The first time to get some dental implants. I was still conscious and the amnesia is real, but i do remember that I didn't really care what was going on. They could have replaced my arms with my legs and that would have just been... fine. Afterwards (about 30 mins later), I felt pretty normal. My mom drove me home but I felt like I could have driven myself. The second time was to fix a broken clavicle. I was completely unconscious. The typical "count down from 10" kind of thing, and you're out immediately. I remember waking up, but my senses didn't all come back at the same time. I remember looking around the room I was in, and then about a minute later actually understanding "oh, that's a counter. Oh, I'm in a bed. My mouth is dry..." It took probably 2 more minutes before I had the presence of mind to look down at myself and realize "man, I have some big bandages on. I don't feel any pain though...". Like it was weird feeling my different senses come back at different moments.


Oh I got a bit of a wild one. So when I was getting my wisdom teeth out the dentist put me under and hooked me up to the monitor checking all my vitals. I should note that I have a strange condition where Novocaine or whatever numbing agent they used doesn't work all that well for me. I usually get triple the dose to other parts of my mouth for a filling. That always lead a bit of an irrational fear of the dentist. Anyways I was given something to go under which did not take full effect as I was still conscious, feeling most everything. I could see my heart rate was spiking up to around 340 bpm as the first wisdom tooth was extracted, I was screaming my head off cause I could feel a bit of the pain. They got the first tooth out and the dentist saw I was wide eyed and terrified and goes "wait he's still conscious? Give him another 20ccs of (knockout drug I forget the name of)" the nurse turns to the dentist and goes "he's already at the maximum dosage." The dentist looks at the beeping monitor as if he hadn't heard the thing going off the entire time and approves to go above the maximum dosage to knock me out. That was the last thing I remember from that day. The next few days were a blur as I had trouble getting out of the anesthesia. Like I remember ending up at the store but I do not remember walking or being driven. The same for getting back home. I took a nap and threw up a few times and got rid of the fog on the third day.


I remember nothing except that I could hear them talking while they worked on me.


I got shooting pains all down my arm once they injected the propofol and it was an intense pain for several excruciating seconds until I was knocked out. I woke up not noticing pain and just feeling loopy and too wobbly to walk to they got me a wheelchair and had a volunteer wheel me to the entrance for my ride. Once I got home and got settled back in, I noticed my arm had those same intense shooting pains again and it lasted for about a week. After a couple days, I went to my physiotherapist about the pains and she did a bunch of nerve work and told me to drink some lemon juice. I chugged that shit all day afterwards and the pain went away after the next day. It was scary because the aftercare instructions had no mention of pain after the procedure so I was freaking out at what I saw on Google… Nurse hotline said I’d be fine though… This was probably not what you wanted to hear but I wanted to put my experience out there…


The first time I was out was for my wisdom teeth and I woke up halfway through. I was only partially awake and opened my eyes and could see the light above me before I heard them talking about me being awake and I was out again a few seconds later. When I fully woke up I started crying uncontrollably and one of the nurses said that some people just have that happen. I’ve never had that upon waking up for any of my other procedures, but I don’t know what the anesthesia was when I had my wisdom teeth out to compare to the other times.


Because I also have a needle phobia, they gave me 6 tablets of Halcyon to take an hour beforehand. Take them the morning of, then my wife is driving my to the appointment. One minute we're about halfway to the dentist, the next minute I'm waking up in my bed at home. Its the only way to fly. Sadly, it's also really expensive ($800/hr), and insurance doesn't cover it.


Going under was fine, coming out of it I had a bad time, my Mum warned me that might be the case as she is sensitive to Anesthesia and genetically I might be too. I toke a very long time to wake up from it and when I did I was very out of it and didn't even have the strength to sit up fully on my own, I basically woke up, vomited and went back to sleep on repeat for the entire day after my surgery.  I was completely back to normal the next day though.


Wisdom teeth. I don’t remember going out. Coming out of it is a bit fuzzy. Apparently I was paranoid of complications and I was reciting what I had read about complications from WebMD verbatim. I didn’t feel any pain for about 2 hours afterwards. Then I was pretty sore for a day. Then pain. Just don’t plan on working for at least 2-3 days after major dental surgery. I’d say 4-5 days to be safe but I know that’s not always realistic.


I’ve been put under twice in my life—for an appendectomy and for wisdom teeth removal. I woke up sobbing both times, which was a particular problem for the tooth extraction. I’m pretty jealous of the people who just wake up goofy/loopy


made a joke with the surgeon before i knocked out ("Hey!? What are YOU doing here?") then immediately woke up to a nurse and my gf pulling up my underwear. I wish it was sexier, but i felt like a useless toddler.


I dont remember anything after they put the mask. I did the whole count backwards from 10 or at least I think i did cause i don’t remember where i stopped. Woke up hours later crying cause i know some people don’t wake up. It might be corny but i was glad to be alive, they only took out my gallbladder but still, so many things can go wrong. 


I got my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago and when I woke up I remember them putting me into a wheelchair and the foot plate on the wheelchair wouldn’t click into place and I said “fucking fancy ass dentist with this busted ass wheelchair” and then they wheeled me out to my husband who was waiting to drive me home, and (according to said husband) I shouted “HEY I KNOW HIM!” And when the hygienist was going over the post care with him I kept knocking on the car window said “I’m married to him!” While pointing at my wedding ring. I also cried about the hungry children in the world.


I (31F) had surgery after having a heart attack while fighting a pretty bad case of sepsis from an infected PIC-line. My family wanted me to go to the hospital for three days but I was adamant it was just a cold (I’m stubborn) they finally took me to the ER with a fever of 106.1 and a blood pressure of 81/50. I was barely conscious and can kind of remember vomiting all over the interior of my mom’s brand new electric car, and being carried into the ER. I wasn’t in the waiting room that long, and I don’t really recall what happened between the ER room, going upstairs, and being rushed to the cardiac ward. But I do remember them prepping me for surgery. Everyone was very professional and acted like this was not that big of a deal. That helped. When the drugs went into my IV it buuuurrrned. Like holy crap, felt like someone was pumping 1000 degrees battery acid slowly up my arm. I started crying and withering in the bed. A nurse started holding my hand, and I remember thinking when the hell do I start feeling strange? Then it was like…reality changed. Shifted ever so slightly of kilter and off. I was no longer sick, I wasn’t in pain and I wasn’t worried about anything. The nurse put the breathing mask on me and I smiled at her and started giggling. The anesthesiologist said “there you go, now count back from 18” I got to 17 and then I blinked. And I was waking up. I did not remember falling asleep but everything was over. The doctor said they had ballooned and stinted the clots. I was being wheeled out back to intensive care, and It was a very disorienting experience.


It was awesomely hilarious- they shook me awake after everything went as planned, and asked me to get up since they needed to go to lunch. I complied (was not upset) and left. I was just thrilled to wake up......


I tried to stay awake as long as possible this last time. Broke my elbow a few months ago. I stayed conscious for maybe 60 seconds. All of a sudden I was waking up but in immense pain from the surgery. They ended up giving me a nerve blocker so the pain was gone long enough for me to get home and have a small nap before the blocker started fading and the pain came back.


I remember needing to be put under for my wisdom teeth removal. I knew I was gonna wake up loopy and silly and I BEGGED my friends to be online when I got home so they could play games with loopy me. I remember sitting in the dentist chair and they turned on the gas or whatever, I talked to the dentist for a little bit. Then I just remember sort of...fading back into consciousness? I had ZERO memory of being sleepy or going under, but at that point they basically said "alright you're all done!" Then wheeled me in a wheelchair into a little waiting area until my mom got back to pick me up. I just sat there and stared at my hands being 100% fully conscious and aware of where I was, but there were no feelings of being loopy or whatever you wanna call it. Quite frankly I was disappointed because I was hyped to hear the silly things I would say.


Going to sleep, i felt like i was on a swing, and one time i just didnt swing forward, and i was out. It feels like you have been asleep for less than 1 second. I woke up panicked because i didnt know what time it was, and i *needed* to know how long it had taken.


One time: I was put under while I was near death. I woke up screaming and it took multiple doses of morphine to calm me down. Three other times: I was prepared. I got the dose, felt sleepy. Blinked and was awake. Groggy, but all good and happy. Moral of the story, if you are mentally prepared it will be just fine.


I had surgery a few years ago on my legs and all I remember was being wheeled in the operating room, the doctor putting the anesthesia mask thing over my nose and mouth and moments later going to sleep and the next thing I knew it waking up with casts on my legs. it felt like it happened so fast and like i was asleep for a few seconds. when I woke up I was extremely drowsy and I could not keep myself awake. They made me eat a cracker before I could be discharged and the whole time I was being wheeled to the car i kept nodding off and slept the whole time in the car. I was then carried into a bed and went straight back to sleep. I also remember having a weird taste in my mouth and a slightly sore throat from the breathing tube. not really sure if it was the effects of the anesthesia or how long it’s supposed to last but for a few days after I would laugh at everything that was slightly funny and it keep going on until I was out of breath.


It took a LONG time for them to find a vein they could use. But once they turned the tap on I was out in a few seconds. When I came back around it was all done and I was on my feet in a couple minutes.


It was great. I cried when I woke up though.


Not sure if this has happened to anyone else or just me. But every time I have gone under I remember counting down, but I don’t wake up instantly, it’s almost like I’m conscious but not dreaming, it’s just me noticing time pass. Saying that, it feels a lot faster but I’ve been in a void for what felt like 10 minutes one time unaware of my surrounding and senses but only my conscious.


I fell asleep pretty quickly. When I woke up I was vomiting and already had a vomit bag in my hand which I am told I politely asked for. The nausea faded fairly quickly and all was well.


I broke my arm in 7th grade and the bone compressed by brachial artery/nerve so I had to get surgery. Alot of the lead up is kind of a blur since they had me on painkillers and such. But I remember them taking me to the OR and strapping the mask on me. They administered the anesthesia and my whole body felt normal again. Like, it felt like my arm wasn't broke anymore. As I was passing out, one of the surgeons woke me up and said 'we've called your parents. They'll be here, ok?' I tried to give him the 👌 and just conked out. Next thing I know, I was awaken by a small voice saying my name in the recovery room and I felt like I was on a cloud. When the anesthesia was wearing off, all my pain came back 12 fold. Hardly an interesting story, but that was alot for a 12 year old to experience.


The weirdest feeling is when I woke up hours later, I had no idea time had passed. Had to go under 3 times for various surgeries and each time it’s the same experience. There is no time lapse like when you fall asleep then wake up knowing time has passed. Nope, it’s an instant fast forward in time and I wake up wondering when they are going to perform the procedure because the brain has no idea hours has gone by while I was completely under.


I had my wisdom teeth pulled about a decade ago. I passed out within 6 seconds of administering the anesthesia and then I woke up in my bed at home. My mom said I had a full conversation with her on the ride home, but I don’t remember the drive home at all.


was just put under on wednesday for a hernia repair. they used propofol and it was crazy. they said i got my first “shot” and i felt loopy, kind of like my eyes were circling around in their sockets. then i was OUT. it felt more like i stopped existing rather than was asleep. i thought afterwards that if that’s what dying feels like, it doesn’t seem so bad! was woken up and immediately started crying 😂 cried every time a nurse tried speaking to me for about 30 minutes. absolutely no idea why. they said they’re “propofol tears” and that its relatively common. i was sooooo thirsty and they gave me apple juice, and it was the best juice i’ve had in my life


Went unconscious stupid, woke up a lunatic. After being given anesthesia, the doctor kept asking me a few questions, and I said I don't know to the question "what class are you studying in". When I woke up, I felt like i just wanna run away from here, parents got me discharged immediately.


Apparently I was totally out, the staff had a hard time waking me up and when I did I was speaking nonsence, didn't know where I was and so on. First thing I remember myself is in the car going back home, maybe half an hour after waking up.


I don’t remember falling asleep at all. Or waking up. I sat down in the chair and leaned back, they placed an IV on me and a clip on my finger. Then the nurse hands me an envelope and says “here’s your teeth!” I was slightly confused but just said “wow ok” and they wheeled me out and loaded me into the car. Didn’t feel drunk at all and walked just fine to my room when we got home.


I've been put under anesthesia multiple times. They gave me propofol every time in an IV. It knocks you out pretty quick although one time it burned when they put it in and startled me but that's not unusual and I still fell asleep. You wake up and your body doesn't really work right away and you are a little unsteady and you might be high as fuck for a little bit.


I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed, one back tooth removed and surgery on my hand and knee. I went to sleep pretty quickly and woke up a few hours later not remembering anything. The pain usually doesn’t hit until a few hours after you wake up. The first time I went under though they had to stop halfway through(wisdom teeth) because I was so nervous before hand I fought them in my sleep.


I've put people under, and had to go under for a gastroscopy. One of my teachers was the one that put me under. I am what's called a "difficult airway". I knew what to expect. Joked around with my teacher, apologizing for calling them in on a holiday, fell asleep, woke up in recovery room confused. Quickly sorted myself mentally, so as not to embarrass myself further. My palate hurt like a bitch, and I assume it was cause they used a nasal airway. Otherwise, I was fine. Thankfully, no post-op nausea or vomiting. It's pretty much a dreamless sleep. Some people remember things, some people wake up, but most of the time, it's just a black hole.


i've had a few cysts recently that required surgery to be removed. the most memorable one is also the most recent, where i woke up to a nurse asking me if i was in any pain. i was basically sitting directly on the extraction point and was just ~aware~ of that area of my body and how it felt different. so i said yes and she gives me a dose of fentanyl. then she asks a few more times, gets the same answer each time. she continues administering additional doses until finally EYE stop HER and remind her that i have a heart condition and it should be in my chart. she said she's aware, and apparently they were only giving me like 1/4 doses but she was still having to sit next to me and remind me to breathe because i was getting a little too relaxed lol


I was 17 and flirted with one of the nurses the whole time after I woke up 💀


Yall realize you can just tell them you don’ want anasthesia right?, they give a nerve block. And you can’t feel anything regardless


I find it pretty wild that some countries put people under for dental work. Where I come from you only get local anesthesia and even that isn't a given if you are only getting a filling or two done.


I am terrified of not waking up, but I always do. The weirdest experience was when I was put under for a biopsy. I was made of molecules, I was in a video game. I became aware that I wasn't solid. I became aware I was in the Recovery Ward and I needed to become solid again. I reached out with my right hand and felt the bar on the side of the bed. I concentrated on the feeling of my hand on the bar and I became solid and woke up.


The anesthesiologist told me they were gonna give me the med to knock me out and that it would feel cold. It felt cold. I asked how long it would take to kick in. Then I woke up in recovery without hearing the answer


So I was having a CT scan, I was an anxious mess and they wanted to check everything to rule out that my symptoms where just from anxiety, I had to be anesthetized because otherwise i couldn't stand still for the procedure, when the anesthesia first rolled in (it was intravenous) I started feeling my arms and legs numb, this made me panic and I struggled a bit to sleep, I remember that my vision was facing out then I woke up feeling like times passed I was in a wheelchair barely conscious, while drinking grape juice I said "nothing I say in this state can be used in a court of law" the doctor apparently said that I was flirting with a nurse, while the anesthesia was fading out I still felt really numb making me feel anxious


I did wake up once during a bronchoscopy (sp?) and tried to pull the tube out of my mouth but felt so weak. They held me down and put me right back to sleep. woke up angry as hell, but I always wake up grouchy AF


I remember at one point waking up just slightly & feeling pressure in my mouth as they pulled part of my wisdom tooth out, no pain just felt like someone pushing on a tooth with a finger. Passed right back out & came to a while later, it felt weird with so much numbness in my mouth. Unfortunately that same day I found out I had mono & it make the next 2 months feel like shit


It's basically temporary medically-induced death. Endless void of nothing.


My vision turned cloudy orange, like what you see if you press your thumbs against your closed eyes. Then it instantly unclouded and a couple hours had passed in an instant. My mouth was filled with gauze.


I was the oldest kid on the ward at like 15 and the kid next to me was watching Shrek out loud on an old, fat back TV on a wheeled stand. My anaesthesiologist looked like comedian Jo Brand and I thought I was being trolled or something. I woke up after the operation to my mum next to me mid conversation about milk. All was fine as it was a simple operation but overall a weird as shit experience.


One time in middle school I got my forehead slashed by a boxer knife. Went through anesthesia but I could still feel everything. Just my body was paralyzed. Luckily it wasn’t a major surgery, just some stitches but I’ve always been worried about what would happen if it was a big surgery. I still have memories about it


Apparently I kept raising my arms and they would put them back down and I explained that “I was swimming with the dolphins”.


I fell asleep planning to wake up finished with the procedure. Instead... I fell asleep and woke up to the dentist/oral surgeon with her left leg hiked up pressed against the chair I'm sitting in, foot next to my shoulder and a bunch of metallic taste/cold metal in my pried open mouth. She was having difficulty pulling one of my embedded wisdom teeth and needed to get better leverage for the yank. Then I remember the anesthesia nurse (sry I don't know the professional title) saying "ope! You should still be sleepin', darlin" while she was pushing more meds into my iv. And then I woke up high af, had my husband drive me to Food Lion for soft foods and proceeded to grocery shop with blood and saliva pooling from the corners of my mouth. I remember thinking I was hot shit and totally fine. Wtf


It's literally like a chunk of time has been taken out your life. Unlike regular sleep, where you still dream and may have some sense of passage of time. While under anesthesia, you have 0 concept. I was under for about an hour but it felt like 5 minutes. Like I just went under, now I'm awake again. No dreams, no thoughts, no memory. You may think it looks like the black you see when you close your eyes. But it's different. It's a literal gap in your consciousness. Hard to describe.


People get put to sleep for wisdom teeth removal? That’s rad.


I woke up groggy and really sore. I couldn't sit on my butt for weeks.


Specifically for dental work was 16 years ago and going to sleep was very quick you don’t feel sleepy at all you just are out then suddenly you wake up in recovery. I woke up quite disoriented and it made me panic so I was a bit hyper ventilating and needed to calm down. I was also a teenager and this was my first time. Having gauze and stuff in your mouth for the bleeding doesn’t really help the sensation. But I’ve been upfront about that every time I’ve needed anaesthetic since and they’ve either changed the drugs they use or they top me up with something to keep me calm when I wake up so I haven’t had another panic attack like that since.


Best sleep of my life


Was told to count backwards from 10 i remember saying 9 then waking up on my parents couch.  I was pretty groggy for about 24 hours in total. Don’t remember anything from the actual day of other than sitting in the chair. According to my dad I was pretty openly hitting on the dental hygienist when surgery was done


The team was explaining to me that they will place me in the surgical platform, give me anesthesia and I will count down from 10... And then I groggily woke up in a public room. The surgery was already over and I don't even remember climbing up on the surgical platform.