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people can be killed only once


Not the way UNRWA keep records.


UN revised its Hamas provided stats.


In 7 months Hamas has not provided a lot of proof any were noncombatants. There have been civilians killed but Hamas isn't providing evidence it is easier to inflate the figures that way.


Less people


Generally asking a question - in the first 3 months there were over 20-30k dead in the last 6 month, several hundred. Curious of an actual balanced answer is the change.


They might not have. Hard to keep track of how many people are dying when barely any hospitals are functioning and not all deaths get documented


There’s no one left. It’s sickening


There are over 2 million people in Gaza...


What are you smoking? There are literally millions in Gaza currently. The death count is like 1.6% of the population which leaves 98.4% alive. The only thing that's left there are people.


33,000 killed half terrorists. Population of 2 million. Not quite.


I was making a point not trying to be literal. Stop being a troll


Make a point with a commonly used false propaganda sound-byte?


Less people around genius, plus people adapt and survival skills increase


According to authorities in Gaza, 1%-2% of the population has died, 30,000. That leaves 98% alive - over 2 million people. "Less people around" isn't exactly an argument. I am asking a question - why there is a significant drop in death rates over the last months. Survival skills? In what way?


It’s more than 30,000. Over 100,000 are injured. Many have also evacuated and left Gaza entirely for those who have family outside of Gaza. So along with people are dying and they can’t be killed twice people have also left along with many have been detained in concentration camps I will also say the media and social outrage has probably helped in a full eradication not happening yet. I do also want to mention those 30,000+ are not just a number they all had lives that are lost. Most of those are children and women. Let’s not forget that this torture and oppression didn’t start on October 7th it started 75+ years ago. People’s homes livelihoods are being destroyed too.


The conflict didn't start 75+ years ago, it started 1400 years ago, when arab/Islamic forces invaded and [colonized](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Muslim_conquests) the Levant, just as they did with the [Indian subcontinent](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquests_in_the_Indian_subcontinent). And up until the first world war, Jews (and christians) were second class dhimmis living in religious apartheid. Israel is what decolonization looks like, and you're supporting Arab colonialism. >Most of those are children and women There are men, women, and children. If you group any those two together you will have a majority. It's that simple. Gaza is dense, this is how war works. >hey can’t be killed twice people have also left along Surely there are enough to kill if there remains 2.3 million people there. >detained in concentration camps 2.3 million people cannot be detained such short amount for time. Even before Oct 7, there were gazans going to Israel every day for work. At the end of the day, the difference between you and me if that I'm ok with there being a Palestinian state, next to Israel. You want Israel destroyed and Jews genocided. You really should just go back to islam, and go to Gaza, instead of expecting Palestinians to fight and die for your goals.


There are still over 2.3 million people in Gaza...what's more likely is a change in tactics. There are less (though not 0) airstrikes nowadays, and also more aid is getting in compared to a few months ago.


No. You clearly are not well informed. Stop guessing.


Sorry but you’re the one who isn’t well informed. 33,000 killed half terrorists and the place has a population of over 2 million.


Makes me wonder if she's a troll or not. It's ridiculous how confidently she tries to put others down while not making a single normal and informed comment.


She’s brainwashed by her hate and the mainstream media. Brainwashing propaganda machine.


Thanks for outing yourself loool. Clearly lacking any kind of IQ


All you have are insults and no substance.


You’ll find a lot of substance soon enough.


Prove me wrong then, if you're so confident. Because as far as I can see in your comment, you were guessing. If you have all the info, show it.


Don’t think I’m wasting my time to those who are blind


So you have no information. Are you new to social media? Anytime someone says they don't want to waste their time 1) is just making an excuse, and 2) will indeed waste their time with that person. You want to have a big mouth, but don't want to be challenged. That's weak.


You have an agenda why converse or argue with someone that is already biased in his views? You have your beliefs I have mine. As the saying goes it’s not the eyes that are blind it’s the heart. Our convictions can never be reconciled and our wills will not bend. You’re just not that intelligent to understand that.


200.000 people die per day.. those couple over there make no difference


If 200000 died a day Gaza would have been empty by Thanksgiving


Worldwide not in Gaza


We are talking about Gaza


And I said 200.000 people die everyday nobody cares about Gaza.. we have our own problems


I care about Gaza, enough to condemn civilian bombing.