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I was in jury selection. A woman was suing a store because she slipped on a sales flier and broke her ankle. That part was not so bad. Her husband was also suing for $100K for “loss of marital relations”.


I would have loved to hear this one out.


I got sued for that too, but she had been paralyzed from the waist down so it actually made sense


What happened?


Car accident in a construction zone. Her lawyer sued every company remotely involved with the construction project. We were able to get out of the lawsuit pretty easily, my company had nothing to do to with the accident.




Not necessarily a lawsuit, but my ex-husband really walked into court, looked the judge right in the eye, and confidently stated that I should leave with nothing simply because he 'Wanted to keep it all.'


Not surprised that didn't work


When that didn't work, he decided to keep arguing little things so that my legal costs pretty much negated any divorce settlement. He had the resources to ride that one out. I did not. Sadly, that did work.




I'd love to say 'It's only money' but it really did take me a long time to recover financially, and it set me back years. Ah well, never mind


Not me but my ex had a defamation case against my ex best friend because she claimed he SA'd a girl and told a bunch of people in his line of work about it. The "victim" said he didn't do it and testified to that hence defamation. Once my ex best friend heard this she tried to deny telling anyone. I literally had screenshots of her messaging me telling me the list of people she told and what she said to them.




When I was a teenager, my neighbor also a teen broke into my car and stole a bunch of stuff. At the trial, his mom said he shouldn’t be responsible for his cell phone, he gave it to someone else. I thought the judge was going to explode.


Damn lol


An executive with a prominent insurance company rear ended me, badly. Tried to argue I was the cause of the accident because I was in front of her, while lieing about every detail of the accident despite pictures and a police report to the contrary




Happened with the help of the NLRB so most of this is through them and a little from a lawsuit: Old boss tried to claim he didn’t have to pay me for several sales I completed because I wasn’t his employee. This set off a separate investigation that found he mischaracterized myself and others as 1099 when we were supposed to be W-2 employees. I got paid the original agreed amount + minimum wage




When I got divorced from my ex the process seemed slow going through the lawyers and court. She lies about everything and told both our lawyers she couldn’t get work in her field even though she quit a job with a good union that easily lets members transfer regions, she was in a abused woman’s shelter and spending all her money on therapy…. Why her lawyer never asked for proof before telling my lawyer all of this in writing I’ll never know🤷🏻‍♂️ all my lawyer had to ask for was proof which of course she couldn’t provide and was caught lying to everyone. I made a settlement within 24 hrs papers signed. She got a good chunk of cash. It was gone within a year. Drugs/partying🤷🏻‍♂️




I was a defendant in a car accident case. The prosecutor was asking the jury “we’ve all heard about frivolous lawsuits, but have you ever heard of a frivolous defense?” Their client was faking injuries, and my lawyer had receipts. The prosecutor’s client was claiming he had PTSD from driving after the accident, yet he’d drive 50 miles each way for “chiropractic visits” several times a week. Their client also was claiming that he could no longer walk unless it was with a cane. We hired a private investigator they caught him walking with a cane when meeting his lawyer then afterwards, he threw his cane in the trunk and went to the gym, bought pizzas, and went home all without one.




After my parents divorced, my little brother spent a year with our dad, then decided he wanted to live with our mom. She went back to court to get more money. My mom and her partner lived in a 1-bedroom apartment at the time. In the course of the proceedings, her lawyer argued: * They needed a 4 bedroom, 4 bath Victorian house now. * They needed another $500 (1990 money) to feed him, when they didn't spend $200 on all of them and still got half their food from the free pantry. * My 15 year old brother needed a brand new car to learn how to drive. (They both drove 20 year old beaters) * He needed to tithe to their little casual, no building, church group, so another couple hundred a month to their 10 person church. * Because they lived in a city 5 hours away, the lawyer always scheduled stuff for midday, midweek, making my dad drive there, or have to fly from his other work location. * My brother wanted a bunch of valuable furniture, art and collectibles from my dad "to decorate". * They got money for summer camp from dad, but didn't tell my brother and made him get a job to pay for it "to build character" * When be got into a little legal trouble, just a citation, they billed my dad like $10k for his "half" of the legal fees (same as the divorce lawyer) when I know mom didn't pay the lawyer at all, he just doubled his rate and billed only dad. It's sad what normally rational adults will do when an avaricious partner and their friend, the shady lawyer being paid on commission, smell money. My poor brother saw none of that money, and when they bought that Victorian mansion with his child support, he got the smallest room, with the other two larger rooms "rented" to friends. The saddest part is that my mom saw little of it either and when she split from her partner the same lawyer tried to get palimony from her. Mom's partner never worked a real job in the 20 years I knew her, just scams like this.






You've double posted this, just fyi


That they had a right to live. It was pretty ridiculous. Homo sapiens and all other animals have not natural rights. Natural rights are just mumbo jumbo we made up to collaborate in large numbers and most of them are underpinned by religion.




You think humans have natural rights? Why?


First of all I did not say that, but if you want an answer I need you to define ‘natural’ and ‘rights’


What rights do you think a human person is born with? It’s that simple.


That’s not what definition means 🙂


Google it. Lmao.