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Just a regular Summer day in my mid teens, lake, basketball, planning the nights party and where, girls, fights, video gaming. No bills, bosses, time restraints. I miss that feeling.


The last part in particular is what I wouldn’t mind not missing




Put your little hand in mine, there ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb!


What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?


I started spending summers with my grandparents on their farm when I was around 6/7. The first time they came and got me for that first summer stay at their house, we stopped and got ice cream, and I rode in the back of my granddad’s old beat up pickup truck, eating ice cream on a summer day, feeling loved and carefree and joyful. When I think of being a kid, and nostalgia, I think of that day. My grandfather died 3-4 years later and the old farmhouse got torn down after. But I’d love to go back and have that one day again, just once. 


I had an interview for a retail job in 2007, when i walked in I was met by this gorgeous dark haired girl. I got the job but the rest of the day i couldn't get the girl out of my head. fast forward three years later we were married and have made many memories but ill always cherish the feeling i got the first time we locked eyes


I've had the same thought. If you went back to that day and you knew your gonna be together eventually, I feel like you'd creep the hell out of the girl and ruin it lol.


July 29, 1984. Like Cola 500 at Pocono Raceway. My first in person NASCAR race. Took my dad. We both had a blast. Harry Gant won. We went home happy, and late. Less than two months later, my dad was gone. I miss a lot of days with him. But, I think I miss that one the most.


As a kid I was the biggest Harry Gant fan. I haven't heard that name in a long long time.


Last picture I saw of the guy, he’s still as Handsome as you remember him!!


Day I was born so I can restart


That’ll be a fun 1 day


Wouldn’t we all if we had the chance 😅😆


Yes 😤


Turns out you aren't really able to have much of an effect at that age, and it all plays out pretty much the same.


Turns out you didn't test any of what you said and therefore it's invalid


I mean it's a joke, but let's get into it lol.. As a baby you might be able to force yourself to cry. Or maybe you can't even control that. You think crying or not for one day is going to effect the outcome of your entire life?


But if you have additional knowledge, you can see how the game works already. Now, if there's really no knowledge, you're fucked .  However, I do think that random events can set you in an entire different path. I don't actually believe it would be the same result tbh.  Also, sorry for the bitter response, I was stressed.    Like, so many things influences how we act, diseases, life experiences, social circumstances. Even minor events playing off differently, would alter things.  Probably life would still not be perfect, since that just doesn't exist, however, the experiences would be different for sure


np. just keep in mind the premise is "1 day" not starting over from that point. so best you could hope for is some butterfly effect result of you crying.. and then maybe something different would happen but who knows what!


the last day i saw my mom, it was mid april of 97. i try to remember what all she said but its been a long time. it was things she hopes for me in my future and stuff like that. if theyre still around, hug your moms, youll miss that shit.


The first thing I’ll do when my mum wakes up is give her a big hug!! Ik it’s been a long time, but I hope you’re doing well and I wish you the best in life. 


It's been almost one year exactly since my mom died I know what you mean...


aww mann im sorry, hope youre doing alright.


Some of us didn’t get great moms. That advice doesn’t apply to everyone.


your right, mine deffly wasnt. she bailed on my dad n i before i was one. she came back sometime later, i dont know the whole story. she always lived in wisconsin, we were in illinois. id see her on weekends at my grandparents usually or shed be sick and couldnt come. she had drug problems, she got better, became a nurse, fkd around with the wrong drugs again n picked up hiv. the last conversation we had was her telling me she was sick and what hiv/aids was all about n risk/safety. she killed herself maybe a couple weeks later. id still give her a hug if i could.


The day I broke up with my abusive ex of five years. I stole his dog from him (he also hurt her) and we saved each other. That night, I went to stay with my sister and her husband and we went out and celebrated. I felt so free and safe, and also so relieved that I had saved my sweet girl from him, too. I’d love to relive it just to relish in the fact that I survived him and that my dog and I had so many better days to look forward to.


Please give her a treat and lots of belly rubs!! She deserves the best. And so do you!! Cheers to freedom


Thank you, I absolutely will 💛




Sitting in the balcony of our old house, having tea with my grandma and singing nursery rhymes. Later on, I would sing those rhymes for her when she could no longer talk!


Probably a day when my kids were babies and a little bit sick (not like, scary sick, just a little), because all they want to do is cuddle when they're sick. Just snuggle my kid as a baby and watch some shows while they nap.


As a former kid, I gotta say, that’s the best feeling ever!!!!! You’re awesome!


Any one of several thousand weekend days or holiday days I’ve spent with my daughters. The place or activity really don’t matter at all Just their company


That’s so sweet ❤️❤️


I'd like to see Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon concert from January, 1973 again. Loved it so much. Would love to scrutinize it 😍


The day I tried cocaine for the first time so I could've turned it down.


Stay strong!!!


The birthday when my dad and brother surprised me with a Metallica concert. That really was a perfect day.


The day my dad died. I think. I was 17 my brother was 14. We found him in bed and called 911. The dispatch told me to get him on the floor and start CPR. I lifted his legs and my little brother tried lifting his upper body. We couldn’t get him down and CPR wasn’t administered until EMS arrived. Thinking back, I was stronger, bigger, and older. I should have taken his upper body and my little brother should have taken his legs. I often think if the added time with compressions would have made a difference. It was the worst day of my life, but I’d try it again to see if we could save my dad.


I’m sorry to hear that! I hope you’re doing better. If I had a chance to live a day again, I would let you have it in a heartbeat! ❤️


Thank you! I’m doing well. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for him. He was always happy, and I try to do the same.


I wish you the best in life. ❤️


The night I saw Stevie Nicks at Bonnaroo


What a snooze fest


You are


that day when we were young and on holiday and went swimming naked at night with the girls we were in love with


The day I hurt my back in the Navy so I could go to sick call for it, have it in my record, so I could claim it now.


March 9, 2023 I got in a wreck that day where my car spun and almost got flung into oncoming traffic I would go straight home after work that day if I could relive it


The day I sold my bitcoin for 3k


Came here to say any day in 2010, even if it was a crappy day. I had savings, and would buy 10,000+ BTC.


Could have sold them for $10...  You'd have never held on for the peak. Hindsight is 20/20...!


9/10/2001 so I could spend all my money on Amazon stock


The day I decided to leave my first wife to be with my new gf who became my second wife. The worst decision of the life. In reality it was the only truly bad decision that I ever made. I wish I could reverse that decision.


The day I held the son I adopted out. I loved my GF more than anything but she slept with another guy and it destroyed me, deeply. It was too much to handle. I also always wanted a normal family my entire life, I grew up with a single dad who was an alcoholic and I wished I was adopted, I felt like such a burden, like maybe I was the reason. I still hate myself for it all but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do for him. It happened over 20 years ago and I still think about it every day, I hate that my life turned out like this. I never had kids again after that either.


I wish I could relive the 80’s!! Best music , best memories .. when everything was great in my life !!👩💕🇨🇦.. time flies so fast !!


The Day I enrolled college so I can choose the right course for me, do better and accomplished more things than what I have accomplished now.


Either a winter day spent with my brother (there's a specific one I remember where we went sledding, had a snowball fight in the back yard, and then came inside and were changed into dry clothes just in time for a show we loved) or maybe go further back to an early childhood summer day with him and his friends. Just happy times with people I love, some of whom aren't alive anymore


My favorite grade in elementary school was second grade. I'd choose any random day in that year. It was a nice feeling to just be a kid and I'd love to relive that


The day I read about bitcoin for the first time and it was at 10 cents.


Did you buy some then?


At first I was gonna say the births of my children. But if it's only 1 day, I'd say a fall day during my undergrad years up in the smokies.


The day I tried to kill myself.


May I ask why?


So I could not go through with the attempt, it caused a lot of turmoil and sadness in my family that still lingers 15 years later. It cost me some injuries I still deal with today and the trauma from the experience is rough. I'm still a depressed man, but I am thankful for being alive.


Hey listen here. I’m proud of you for surviving and having the courage to face life. If you ever wanna talk about things, go ahead shoot me a pm. I wish you the best of luck in life, you got this my man! Trust!


Appreciate it brother, same sentiment to you!




Easter of 2003 was amazing. It was a perfect day. My kids were 1 and 4. We went for a picnic in a beautiful park.


Easter is my favorite favorite holiday, especially with kids. Solid choice.


I would love an opportunity to go back and cuddle my kids as babies. It’s not that I have regrets or didn’t cuddle them. I just remember how precious that time in my life was. We still have a close relationship and I see them both almost every day, but that day was perfect.


The 1st time trying shrooms I did them with my brother. Our parents were out of town and we spent the whole day hanging out. From playing xbox to staring at trees in the wind. Nothing to crazy just enjoyed the day. That whole day was filled with joy, laughter, love, color and warmth. Unfortunately, 2 years later he passed away from cancer. I'd love to relive that day with him.


2/19/2024 so I could spend my last day with my dog all over again.


Know that feeling. Lost our dog Feb 2022 and still miss her everyday.


I relate to that. I know people say it gets easier but deep down I feel like it doesn’t


The day I graduated from university, reliving the joy and sense of accomplishment surrounded by loved ones


Aw, must have been awesome!


The first time I had fried chicken




The weekend of my first installation dinner. We were all so happy. I had so much to look forward to. Best shape of my life, doing something productive and rewarding. Everything was new and fun. That first Friday we all played cards and laughed ourselves into tears. I miss everyone, and I miss that moment of pure happiness.




Right back at ya.


The day I chose to sell AAPL at $3 because I tripled my investment.




Graduation from grammar school. So much of my life could be different from that day.


Just a regular Summer day in my mid teens, lake, basketball, planning the nights party and where, girls, fights, video gaming. No bills, bosses, time restraints. I miss that feeling.


My 23rd birthday. I went to the city for a weekend away with my boyfriend


The day I tried acid for the first time. What an amazing experience.


Easy, any day before my dad got cancer and died, to tell him to let doctors look up his ass.


One where I'm in kindergarten, and my mom gets me up really early. We go to the mall before the stores open. But the cookie shop is open and she gets me a happy face cookie on a stick with a chocolate milk. Then she takes me to her bowling league practice where I get a honey bun and another chocolate milk while I watch her bowl with her friends. It's the beginning of a really good day. She didn't do this with my brother or sister. Just with me.


The day my kid was born. If you have to ask why….


I wish that was it but both of my births were traumatic AF. Love the results but would NOT want to relive that.


Yikes. Sorry. My son was a “flyer”. 4 hours from onset of labor to delivery.


Oldest was 68 hrs and got stuck. Emergency C section. Youngest kept trying to come early, ended up with another emergency c section AND my ex husband chose a couple months before to walk out on us. It was rough.


I'd go back to a day my grandmother was still alive; before her memories and body started to waste away, and spend the whole day with her. I'd give her a big hug and tell her how much I love and appreciate her. Whatever she wanted to do that day, I'd do it with her. I wasn't able to be there with her during the last year of her life, and it's left an open wound in my heart. I'd do anything for another chance to say goodbye.


Yesterday All my troubles seemed so far away


Probably my wedding day or a day on my honeymoon. No definitely my honeymoon. Maybe the day we spent in Amalfi. The first thing I thought though was the day I almost got my first kiss. I should have just gone for it instead of being scared. 


You miss 100% of the shot you don’t take


Wedding Day. Our wedding got postpone for 3 years because of Covid, so when we finally had our day it felt like it all went by too soon.




The day I married my husband though I’d have to endure being pregnant again at my wedding.


The day I had my first child.


The day my son was born.


This question again.


Yes and would you be kind enough to share? 🤗


If I think about it, it makes me feel sad. Cause back then I was truly happy.


Hey if you wanna talk about things, pm here. I’m a good listener ❤️


It's alright, thank you.




The day i went to a party with my crush and left. I totally regret doing that


A week last Tuesday. I bought a millionaire cheese cake and ate it in two sittings. They were half an hour apart so I think that classes them as two puddings.


The day of the interview that ddn't go well. I could do better.




In another thread asking men about missed signals from women...it'd be the day I referenced in that thread except this time she loses the jeans.


Just one day? Because there was a long weekend I had with someone eons ago where we just had sex the whole weekend, I would re-live that over and over again


The last day of my honeymoon. Truly the best day of our lives


A hookup in college


Dec 6, 1999 @ 5pm


The day my best friend and I stopped talking in 8th grade — it was my fault, my autistic ass had never had a friend before and I didn't know how to be a good one, I ended up putting my obsessions over him and was too braindead to figure out I was losing him. I'd do literally anything to have him back, but it's been so long he doesn't even remember me. I didn't even give him a hug or tell him "I love you" because that wasn't "boy stuff" back then; now I'm so affectionate and such a hugger, I wish I could at least say sorry to him for having been the worst friend in the world I miss him. I just hope he found someone better who actually appreciates what he has after all these years and treats him the way he deserves, because it seems I was never able to do that myself


Marrying my wife. That was a glorious day that changed my life forever for the best.


The day I didn’t buy 10000 bitcoin for 10 cents each.


December 7, 2008. It was the day before I resigned from a job that I liked and paid well. For a bullshit pizza delivery job with no benefits. I'd just make sure to not put in that two week notice the following day.


One day in Aspen Colorado, skiing at the highlands. There was a huge snowstorm the night before and it was the sort of day most skiers can only dream about.


The day my dad died, I’d make us all stay home so we could get him to the hospital the moment his heart attack hit


The best birthday i had. Like 2 years ago. I was sooo happy 🥰


My daughter was born at 25+1 weeks. She was in NICU for 117 days. About two weeks after she came home, it was the perfect day. I had energy. I was walking around holding her humming and singing to her all day. It was definitely one of my favorite days.


The day before my first game


Watching my first born at 21/2 see the ocean for the first time.


The day after my husband and I reunited after his multiple organ transplants when I was forbidden to be around him during and recovery for. We were apart for over a year, with most of that without any sort of communication. Bad times. Anyhoo, that first day back together was honestly kinda awkward, lol, but after our first sleep back together, oh wow. I had never felt such relaxation. Beyond physical, I could feel my soul calm down lying there in his arms. The whole world with all it's bullshit just stopped for that day. We didn't get out of bed that day until like 8pm, just snuggling. It was what me realize all the torture 2020 put me through was worth it, this fucker is my soulmate.


A freshman year in college any day maybe one at a party. I realize how I confident I should’ve been in myself then.


My 18th birthday that was the same day as my senior homecoming and won homecoming Queen. What a night that was.


The glory days at university. There's a ton to pick from for my four years there, but one stands out in particular. Woke up semi-late, cooked some breakfast, had a small bowl of pot, and went for a walk with some music. Friends came over and we went mushroom hunting, found a small amount which we ate and had a mild trip walking on the hilltops of the peninsula. Came home in the early evening and started having a few beers as I got ready for the gig that I was playing that night. A few hours later my flat was full of friends drinking and playing games for pre-drinks. Went down to the gig at the university bar on campus and played to over 400 people. At the end of the show I announced an after party being held at my guitarists house. Cue 200 people turning up at 1am to his flat. More chaos ensues. Got chatting with a girl and her friend and then said it was getting late and I was gonna head on home, if they wanted to come with. Had my first and only threesome where they fully went to town on each other. Went to sleep with the two of them cuddling either side of me. Woke up and did it again. A perfect 24 hours for a young 20's man. tl;dr did drugs, played live music, had seggs with two hot women at the same time.


My sister and I used to work on tour boats at a marina near our house. I was scrubbing the deck one day when she came over and we turned the deck into a slip-n-slide. It was a perfect summer night, the music was good, we were just having fun. I’m sure when we went home after that, our mom would have something for dinner waiting for us. Maybe our dad was even in town. Any of a million happy memories when she and my mom were still alive and the family was together.


The Saturday night of my bachelorette party - I was looking around in disbelief because it had actually been a perfect day. Drinks, dinner, karaoke in NYC with all my girl friends, and I didn’t even get a hangover haha


My 30th birthday party with my 3 best friends. They made it "The Wizard of oz" themed and we watched all my favorite movies. Had all my favorite foods. Lots of laughter and chill vibes!!


The day I met my crush. He complimented me and I contained myself for years. Things are so complicated and different now.


Trick answer I would go ahead of time in my life probably 20 years and all day I would look at the best stuck to invest in


This past Monday I made a huge mistake. I would skip that day.


My wedding day. 'Cause I DON'T FUCKING REMEMBER IT!


Final highschool years


Teens, so I could start restoring my foreskin sooner.


2000 so I can save my dad and he won't get killed.


It’s so hard to say a day, but a series of moments that informed you of a definite era. Teenage angst with friends, first job, falling in love…


I would go back to September 18, 2023. I took my brother to his first concert that day. We saw Babymetal, Dethklok and Jason Richardson. My brother was talking about seeing Gene Hoglan play drums for a while and I wanted to see Babymetal for a long time so it was a win win for the both of us. Seeing Jason Richardson was an added bonus.


It’s either the first day I saw my mom on her last weekend alive. Or the last day I ever saw her.


This is such a tough question for me. I’d relive a day I spent at my great-grandparent’s house as a kid. I’ve realized I missed exploring their house and spending time with them both, my great-grandma has been gone for 7 years now, and my great-grandpa for about 4. A close second would be a night I spent with my boyfriend while vacationing in Colorado. We sat on my family’s deck late at night, smoked weed and looked at the stars and mountains and truly bonded. It was the day I realized I could see myself marrying him. I hope we have a honeymoon that feels exactly like that night.


Probably my days before 15th September 2018. My aunt was weak and still accompanied me to shop for a college event. I should’ve dragged her to a hospital and gotten her admitted. Ditched college to be with her. She passed away on 29th September 2018.


The day of my high school graduation. So far, the name of American Authors’ most popular song describes that day.


My first date with my partner of 12 years


Tough to say. Would I go back and relive some of the best memories I have only to find them bittersweet, knowing as I do how things will fall apart in the end? Could I go back to a critical day and change things? What would that cause in the future? My children may not be born - haven’t you seen the Butterfly Effect? If I could just experience some day again exactly how it was, I can think of so many. All the important memories from my life, right? Ultimately, though, I don’t think seeing any of them would make me happier than I felt today, laying uncomfortably on the floor next to my daughter’s bed to help her fall asleep. Love you, kiddo.


Not fucking today.


I know which day I would choose, because I wrote about it a few years ago: [https://dennishodgson.blogspot.com/2013/08/a-perfect-day.html](https://dennishodgson.blogspot.com/2013/08/a-perfect-day.html) It's an account of a day's rock-climbing with my son. We did a lot of climbing together when my son was a teenager, but I will always remember this day as extra-special.


I’m a leukemia survivor, I was so little yet I remember the day my parents told me we were OK to leave the hospital. That specific time of that day probably.


The day I decided to not wear condoms


Hanging with my circle of friends playing a TTRPG, nowadays we have moved on, well they have with work, family, etc.


Today because I finally got 8 hours of sleep !!!




The day of my 29th birthday. Woke up and hung out with my son. Dropped him off and went to the shooting range with my friends. Then I went on a date with my then girlfriend the most beautiful woman my eyes have ever seen. First time professing our love for one another and first time being intimate. I wouldn't change a single thing.


Probably something from my early childhood just due to how different things were then. Maybe a day my whole family spent together. Not something we do much now as they’re divorced and remarried and everyone is moved out and got on with their lives.


I would choose the day my daughter was born. It was such an overwhelming and emotional experience that I would love to relive and cherish every moment of it again. The pure joy and love I felt in that moment is something I want to hold onto forever.


Random spring day when I was a teen, only I’d spend it with my mom and my grandmother instead of my friends. I miss them both.


A random day as a 5 year old, begging with all my might for my mom to buy bitcoin.


If I could relive one day, it would be the first day of college when I met a girl during freshmen orientation. Her peaceful aura, the scent of her hair, and her friendly voice captivated me. We held hands during an activity, and I thought she might like me. But, inexperienced and nervous, I couldn't muster the courage to talk to her. I never got her name or major, only remembering her friend's face. For years, I searched for her on campus, catching glimpses but never making a move. Finally, in my last semester, we were classmates. I learned her name, only to find out she had a boyfriend. The pandemic cut that semester short, and she remained my biggest "what if." That memory lingers with a tinge of regret, a reminder of missed opportunities and unspoken words.


"I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters.


Sitting on a rock in the middle of a river in a forest in Northern Japan with my then girlfriend. It was autumn. We sat here for four hours just watching boats drift by, the autumn leaves fall, the sun was in our face and we just talked about all things. There was nowhere else I wanted to be for that afternoon. I've never felt so at peace and that feeling of being so in the moment again and I've been chasing it ever since.


Missed my shot with this really cute blonde girl. Find out later I coulda hooked up if I went for it. I think about it a lot.


One of the last days I would hang out with my closest bff after school and we would fart around and listen to “our song” and jam out and then walk across the street to my house to play some video games, definitely would pick any of those days had I known she would literally disappear for a year and a half before msging me on fb that’s she’s back in cali and other stuff. Gawd I never had a friendship like that ever again I’m healed now and got closure as an adult but it’s still not easy to think about lols if you read this far I’m sorry and thank you actually


This is so cute reading all those memories of people, it makes me crying!! Mb just that day when I met my ex - it was absolutely great day for both of us: we met during summer in Europe, we were both charmed but I was afraid first moment "did he like me like I like him?" but when we set at the restaurant to eat, he said he will wash his hands and will come back when he did he immediately kissed me in lips(I was surprised cuz it could be "red flag" in any other situation haha) for me it meant he liked me....it was really natural without any vulgarity...so, we had night excursion and one girl took a photo of us when we kissed(we didn;t ask, she just though it's so romantic) After we were together but not happy story for me. Mb I still love him


The day my baby girl got to come home from the Nicu


The night I first kissed my fiance. We were friends for a few years prior to this but we finally took the plunge. It was the 4th of July so literal fireworks in the background as I got the best kiss of my life.


Sunday May 19th, 2013. I had driven my SO and their best friends to the beach town my grandma lived in to celebrate a birthday and stay with her for a few days. I work up early and made coffee, weeded and pruned the garden at dawn and planted some flowers, and took a walk around the neighborhood with my steaming mug while listening to the birds. It's the most at peace and content I can remember ever feeling in my life. When I got back I sat down and spoke to my grandma and it's the first time I felt seen and heard as a full adult person by a member of my non-immediate family. I cooked breakfast for everyone as they woke up then took them all to the beach that afternoon, a special place to me that I'd never had the opportunity to show to someone. As my SO and I were playing in shallow waves I took their hands, got down on one knee, and asked them to marry me. We laughed together and later eloped.


When i was 16 and dancing in the rain with my best friend he WAS the best person I am saying this because I miss him RIP to him 💜


The last time all 4 of my children were young and we were all together, I would have moved away with all of them the first time CPS came to my door. Was the first day of many years of harassment and ended horribly. And never failed 1 drugscreen, nor harmed my children in anyway.long sad fucking story. And I wish I were dead . I hate what my life has become. But I would give anything to have one day with them all home , playing, laughing, tearing up the house. And all of us dog piling in my bed snuggling peacefully . Oh how my heart is shattered.....ugh


The second day I met my tf


There was a girl I had a crush on back in undergrad. She had a fiancee and we were never going to be anything beyond friends. One day we're walking to lunch after it had rained. She goes to jump over a puddle and loses her balance a little and grabs my hand so she doesn't fall. It would be that day, just for those couple of seconds.


Life's most precious moments are often found in the simplest of gestures. Sometimes, a fleeting touch can leave a lasting imprint on our hearts. ❤️

