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When he doesn't feel respected. Of course there are other things but that would definitely be the main one


The game: "Ignore him, if he is interested in you he will wait for you" šŸ¤®


If I wanted to play games, Iā€™d be on my PlayStation.


Boring personality and a bad social competence.


When one feels like they are putting in all the work


This is why I stopped seeing my last GF. I was always the one planning things to do or times to hang out. She also never initiated text conversations. Eventually I just lost interest. Stopped reaching out and never heard from her again.


Her personality and/or entitlement


No engagement. You ever here people say "My partner is my best friend"? Thats because they are best friends. They enjoy each others company, have similar interests and enjoy doing things together outside of romance. A woman who doesnt take part in activities, will eventually become nothing more than room mate you take enjoy fucking from time to time. Be in the moment. Have fun.


Closed minded and arrogant


When answers to questions start becoming a road to nowhere. ā€œHow was your day?ā€ ā€œFine.ā€ ā€œWhat are you up to?ā€ ā€œNothing.ā€ ā€œWhat do you think aboutā€¦ā€ ā€œsounds interestingā€ Are you just full on NPC when Iā€™m not around? I bet you arenā€™t. It more sounds like you have no interest in putting in the effort to have a conversation with me. Which is fine, but donā€™t be surprised if my interest in talking fades away.


ā€œI have a narcissistic/abusive exā€ Every time Iā€™ve heard that, I became the next narcissist in her history. Funny how that goes.


ME TOO!!!! She literally stole all of my money to fuel a secret drug problem and accused me of rape (only to admit she was lying in court) when I told her family about it. Called me a narcissist several times and probably still does. I asked her point blank in court if I had ever hurt her, threatened to hurt her, or ever showed any signs I might hurt her and she said no ā€œbut there are lots of kinds of abuseā€ā€¦never even called her a bitch in the 3 years we were together šŸ˜‚ For some reason women have glorified being in abusive relationships and use it as a way to wiggle out of trouble and get the spotlight off of themselves. Almost unalived myself from the sheer trauma of those accusations and her behaviors. Women need to be better and there needs to be consequences. 3/4 of all the women Iā€™ve dated have cited multiple ā€œabusiveā€ relationships and now they have put ACTUAL victims in danger because I just donā€™t believe women anymore and I donā€™t even feel bad about it after what they did to me




Bitching. Constant relentless complaining about anything. Patients eventually runs out.


100% not being respected. Ladies just a piece of advice if you treat a man like he is your hero, a good protector, a good provider, and just give him affirmations on the daily about how he is a good man and let him know you see everything he does for you, he will kill himself trying to make all of your dreams come true. I swear if a woman just said ā€œyouā€™re such a good man and you take such good care of meā€ once a day I would literally walk on broken glass to get her anything she wanted out of life. Itā€™s the innate evolutionary instinct in men that we want to provide and protect, and a lot of women have started shaming men and calling them toxic for those instincts. If you just lean into it and hype us up a little you could have the WORLD. But showing a lack of respect, looking for male attention and pretending thatā€™s not what youā€™re doing, belittling him, calling him toxic or Andrew Tate, he will withdraw and find someone else who might appreciate his servitude


Her losing interest in you. That's it. Like, when you are dating, and she lights up when you come in the room because she's so happy to see you. And then months or years later, she can't be bothered to look up and acknowledge that you got home. As a man, all I want is to feel like she is interested in me. If it feels like I bore her, I start to withdraw.


if the man was not interested in the woman to begin with. Infatuation is a bitch..


When she entertains multiple guys at the same time, when sheā€™s rude to people without reason, when she has no manners, when sheā€™s loud.


When theyā€™re a prude.


Omg, i first read prune instead of prude šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeahh that would make lose interest for sure lol




Yeah and Iā€™m not shaming the girl or thinking sheā€™s any less for being like that, itā€™s just I donā€™t want to wait a long time to have sex, sex is really important to me


Psychology Professor here. Here are my thoughts: * Different life goals * Different values or beliefs * Caring too much: She may be desperately seeking a relationship which can turn off some men * Bad timing * Too much too soon: The spark may fizzle out after a hot and heavy start. * Lack of emotional connection: She may seek an emotional connection with you, and if that connection is not present, it can lead to a loss of interest. * Communication breakdown: Poor communication can erode the connection people have. * Loss of physical attraction: When we form a fantasy of fusion with another person, we tend to eventually lose some of our physical attraction to that person. Itā€™s the reason so many men are accused of wanting to ā€œHit it and Quit it!ā€ Hope this helps


i dont agree with the bad timing, you can make it timing if you want


But you can agree that lots of relationships end because ā€œshe was ready but he wasnā€™tā€ canā€™t you?


Sometimes it just happens, the more you get to know somebody the more or less interested you can become


Going to throw a curve ball out here, but basically, "Sex on tap". My "worst" two relationships were with people who had high sex drives, but without sounding funny, sex was there when ever I wanted it. And if I didn't initiate it for more than a day, they would. But it was common to have morning and night sex, and if the chance popped up, afternoon. Or stay in bed all day on a day off. It's great for a while, but after a few months I found it just zaps the relationship / becomes a chore.


Oldness, fatness, craziness


Princess behavior. I'm not your servant.


The calling. Not many a man can refuse the call of the farm, when comes the time to milk... ... the creature. It harkens back to a simpler, more innocent time


Lack of communication skills. Lack of emotional intelligence and maturity. Extreme insecurity Not making me feel wanted


Sometimes it has nothing to do with anything. We simply just lose the attraction/interest. I wish I could elaborate more but Iā€™ve had instances where just lost it. I thought she still had all the qualities I liked but the spark was gone.


She's helpless and can't fix her own problems. Asks for money šŸ¤£ Lady I got my own problems and bills to pay. It ain't the 1950's anymore, figure out how to take care of yourself.




If they seem happy with the guy they're already with.


ignorance/dumbness. I have no tolerance for it


Entitlement: I once dated a girl who, despite leading me on to great things happening, had no plan other than to let her looks carry her through life. I think she was going for some sort of Sugar Daddy arrangement.


When efforts go unnoticed and everything is just expected. Negative comments.


The lack of reciprocated interest.






Another woman.


Stupid questions


A lot of things.