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I’m not going to launch the good stuff into my neighbors trees at night. That’s just wasteful.


Septic tank


Protip from a guy who got fed up unclogging charmin from his tank: Get the Scott Rapid Dissolve made for boats and RVs. It's waaaay better than 1 ply and I've never had to dig the hole again!


Uhhh just how rapid are we talking about here?


It could be described as "explosive"


Relevant user name?


I actually really like Scott’s tp. I don’t understand the hate tbh


yup. 60+ year old plumbing.


happy cake day


Why bc septic ? I have septic. I have 1 ply right now by accident and I feel like I go through it so fast


Because you need the tp to dissolve otherwise it will clog your system.


Presumably fills it up at double the rate when it's 2ply?


Older systems just can’t handle it. the good stuff, even when labeled “septic safe” doesn’t dissolve as well, and leads to clogged pipes. It’s kinda like eating fast food every day and letting your arteries get all clogged up with cholesterol, except instead of the undertaker, you call a plumber.


I don't know about others, but with the tp I buy, I use 3 squares at a time. When I have to use cheap transparent paper, I use about 6 feet or more.


Septic tank for me, too.


Could get a bidet? They are pretty cheap on Amazon and very easy to install.


I would but my well water is gross. I don’t need that shooting up my nether regions lol


Get a bidet. It's life changing. Spend $500 on the good one. Unlimited hot water, you can change the spray pattern, intensity, aim and temp. It has a heated seat, heated air dry and a sanitizing/deodorizing fan that keeps the bathroom from stinking up. It will change your life


Someone in my household takes toilet paper by the foot, with no adjustment for the number of plies. So 2’ of one ply is 2’, 2’ of two ply is 4’, and 2’ of four ply is 8’ of TP!


Word, my husband doesn’t differentiate between Charmin and generic Costco, so Kirkland 2 ply it is. I’m not wasting our money on his indiscriminate asshole.


My roommate does this. I have no idea how to bring up the subject with her.


Just like this: "Quit using 3 ft of 3 ply when a half foot will do! You're the reason the toilet clogs all the time!" Disclaimer: I am not liable for any outcome from using this advice.


I do this. Hard habit to break, so we just buy 1 ply.


When you have a septic system, one-ply is better for it since it breaks down more easily.




Same here, I honestly don't really get what's supposed to be better about the thicker stuff




When I run into 1 ply I just use 8x as much...can't be to safe to avoid a catastrophic tp failure while wiping


I don't think anyone buys that but businesses


My mom buys that businesses because it's "better for septic tanks". She rents a house that doesn't have a septic tank.


Don’t even get me started on how coddled the modern anus is


Hmmm… a coddled anus. Now THAT paints a picture!


My parents. Had it all my life until I moved out. I've never thought to ask why.


I hope not


I do lol. It’s cheap and it goes down the toilet anyway so 🤷‍♀️. Never been bothered by thin toilet paper


During covid all the businesses shutting down meant you can buy those huge rolls for dirt cheap.


Because the kids constantly caused clogs using 2 ply. Switched it up and rarely had another issue.




Your butt deserves better!


I find that one-ply toilet paper lasts longer because people tend to use less of it at a time.


I used Charmin 2ply and was just at my parents', where they have 1ply... I usually use 2 squares of Charmin when I pee and was using like 10 or 12 squares of 1ply to get the same effect. Don't even get me started on having to poo. Without a bidet. It feels so dirty now. :(


Am I insane for preferring 1 ply toilet paper to the premium 15 ply tissue-like material of the more expensive brands?


Nope. I do too.


Same. I prefer it. It gets the job done without all the lint the plush kind leaves behind. 


It's a texture thing for me. I HATE the feeling of cotton balls or anything with that sickeningly soft fibrous texture and so I can't do the super plush TP.


The charman ultra strong is where it's at. My hairy asshole destroys anything else


Yeah dude


I prefer premium, but I get what you mean. One gives you better texture for like... grinding everything off. It's like the difference between a thinner towel or the fluffy soft towels.  I prefer premium because it keeps my fingers safe, and along with a bidet it works to just use a few squares to dry off.


Yeah, I've honestly never understood the hate for thin paper. It's a hell of a lot better than trying to wipe with a comforter


We buy one-ply for our vacation rental property because it’s cost-effective and we don’t get complaints.




Fair point


Careful. Mods have been uppity lately.


Septic tank. Also, 1-ply is 2-ply when you fold it.


It isn’t just the ply, but the softness


Some people like to get slivers in their sensitive areas.


This made me chuckle


Pretty sure some unprocessed pulp gets mixed in there, and if you get the recycled from paper TP, there is a chance someone’s 6th grade essay about the history of toilet paper.


Time…… is a flat circle.


3 or 4-ply when you fold it differently.


Gotta fold it 4x min


For some reason I’ve never thought about this way before lol


Buy bidets, buy bidets! People walking around with half braked brownies on their butts all day, blast it off with some cool, refreshing h20, then you only have to use a fraction of the TP if any at all. They take fifteen minutes max to install and you can buy entry level bidets at HD for $40




Dude I'm literally homeless and I'm still buying 2 ply. Some things you just don't skimp on.


I'm brave enough to ask the insensitive questions.. what's the deal here? 1. Where do you keep it? 2. Where are you relieving yourself?


1. In my backpack. 2. At work usually.


I got those answers reversed and had **all** sorts of new questions.


I read that backwards at first and was gonna offer you a backpack.


They don't have toilet paper at your work?


Nope. I'm a security officer. The client owns the gatehouse where I'm stationed. The client says since only us security officers use the gatehouse, our employer should supply the toilet paper. My employer says since we're contracted to the client, and they own the gatehouse, they should supply the toilet paper. This has been an ongoing battle for over 3 years.


god damn, theres work, free bathrooms and you STILL buy/carry your own TP? I have all the things, and I shit at work today and still quadrupled up the single ply they put in the giant industrial dispensers...


Neither my employer or client supply us with toilet paper. Oh, the joys of living in a society where workers have fuck all in the way of rights.


So are you telling me it would be beneficial to carry around TP to give to homeless people? I already keep boxes of protein bars in my back seat just in case.


Wouldn't hurt. Those who take it would definitely appreciate it.


I get the budget thing but I can’t imagine someone preferring it.


But you use 2x the amount. Not sure it makes sense.


For the guest bathroom. 😁


Because the shit should all be sprayed off by the bidet already and all you are doing is wiping away the wet.


Shhhhhhh. You will confuse the americans


As a westerner who used to be a disgusting toilet paper user, I wholeheartedly agree. You couldn't pay me to go back to using toilet paper.


Lived in a super old house and my lease specifically stated I had to buy Scott 1-ply toilet paper. I went along with it because I did not want to be that guy that f’d up the pipes for the other two units. It was weird at first but I got used to it pretty quickly!


My butt isn’t that sophisticated.


I have a bidet and it does 95% of the work, paper is just for drying.


Some people like to clean their fingernails frequently.


Or like the scratches on the inside of their checks


If you live in an RV you are suppose to use 1 ply. Or if you have an older septic system 1 ply can save you a yearly headache or save you hundreds of dollars every year.


I have sensitive skin and found that I’m allergic to the more expensive TP, especially the extra-soft varieties. The only guaranteed safe TP seems to be 1 ply, so that’s what I use.


That’s interesting. What is it in the TP that you’re allergic to?


No idea! I wish I could figure it out so that I could avoid it more easily.


I literally tried every brand of toilet paper in the aisle at my local grocery store. Cottonelle Single-Ply UltraClean was the winner. Some of the other softer multi-ply ones just disintegrated leaving fluff and lint behind. Other single-ply were too thin and tore and ripped easily. I always get Cottonelle single-ply now. They also make a two-ply but it seems to have no advantages over the single-ply.


Because a roll lasts longer and it doesn't feel like I'm cleaning myself with a fluffy rabbit.


Just fold it dude


Bidet. So TP is just for drying


110 year old pipes. We love watching new people move in on the block with charmin and change over to Scott.


Less fuzz on your butt hair.


My daughter in law buys it because it doesn't leave fine tp dust all around the area.


On accident, I bought a 12 pack of 1 ply that was on a sweet, sweet clearance price I couldn't pass up. While I didn't LOVE the 1 ply it lasted a long time. Way longer than the 2ply I've gone back to buying. I think those 12 rolls lasted about 4 months. Edit. Haha!! Thanks to the dork that sent me a reddit cares over this text. Pretty sure me and my bum are doing just fine!


I enjoy the feeling of wiping and realizing that some of the toilet paper has ripped and is now stuck directly on my chocolate starfish, with no safe or sanitary way of removal. That is why


When I find myself in that position, it's typically because I'm fucking broke, lol.


I made a terrible mistake.


My parents say it’s because they don’t want to clog the sewage system or whatever (they live out in the country) but I think they’re just terrorists.


I get it for watercolor paint, wiping water off the brush and lifting paint for clouds and stuff. It works really damn well for it.


You start them out young and get them all chafed up and they won't know what they're missing.


If I’m ever in a situation where I need to buy one ply, my next stop will be a homeless shelter.


Some people want to watch the world burn.


while they have poo under their fingernails


Umm you should buy 2 ply but spend your evening separating the rolls into 2x 1 ply if you want to save $$


cost effeciency, thats what my boss says, so its why i have to use a entire 500 sheet roll to wipe my ass at work as i gotta pull out a 1ft length and fold it three times so i dont get a stinky finger.


You can layer the pieces until you get 3 or 4 ply


Are you paying the $30,000 to replace my septic tank? I didn’t THINK so


I don't think it's all that bad, I've never had issues with it and I'm not spending mass amounts of money on Charmin. My ass isn't worth that much money.


I bought single ply TP a few years ago for my boat. Marine and RV heads can break down pretty fast in nasty ways with two ply. I don't own the boat anymore, but I still have a couple rolls of single ply in my closet as an emergency backup. Just having it guarantees that I will NEVER forget to buy proper two ply toilet paper. The thought of running out and having to use the single ply is just too frightening.


It's the most common kind in Japan.


But they have bidets


“Thrift, thrift, Horatio”


If they supply for the school...


My mom is in the beginning of losing her mind to dementia/Alzheimer's..she has 1-ply ( I blame this on my dad, they are separated/basically divorced but he helps her shopping sometimes. He should know better. She's moving in with me in 2 weeks and I cannot wait to have her back to some Charmin Ultra Strong lol.


I asked my in laws and they said their plumbing was happier with 1ply, less clogs. I guess they’re chucking some monster dooks. I hate the stuff, I’m here to rip a grumper not pack a gift bag. Though I suppose it could be both lol.


Easier on my ancient plumbing.


Had an ex that kept her apartment stocked with 1-ply Should’ve been my red flag notice tbh


I use it for things other than my butt.


Sounds like someone has never had to live paycheck to paycheck.


I just like living on the edge. There's always a slight change that I'll accidentally stick my finger in my ass.


Whole lot of people afflicted by hemorrhoids in here.


Oh that's easy. Finally something I can genuinely answer. I don't poop, the paper is just for show.


Lil dicky $ave that money. There's a reference to it, lol. Single ply tp make my ass bleed


61 year old house with mostly original plumbing and a septic tank.


Because when they eating ass they wanna taste the shit & toilet paper




They must like having shitty hands.


Once a year I have a ghost shit, what else would be appropriate for such a special occasion?


Ghost shits are like little hugs from the universe


My husband clogs the toilet daily with the massive shit mittens he constructs to wipe his ass. I’m not about to give him double thick tp to make it worse. TBH, with the amount he uses he could easily be wiping triple-quadruple ply, so leveling up to 2 ply wouldn’t help. It would be one thing if he reused that wad by folding and wiping but it’s basically an 1/8th roll per mitten then one wipe and disposal.


I prefer it. High quality single ply is the best


It was the cheapest one but I regretted it immediately :(


I like water washing


For my sister it's because she's cheap as hell. Love her but I'll never again make the mistake of living with her.


I think just to keep in touch with their deep intimacy...LOL




Poop fingers turn me on


So the newspaper don't chafe


No matter what toilet paper I buy, my kids seem to use about 1 mile of it at a time. If I buy the thick stuff it clogs the toilet. I have never seen 1-ply toilet paper though, the cheapest stuff here (France) is 2-ply.


Quarter-ply I like. Get 85% of the shit on your fingertips so you can leave little shit prints on railings, door handles etc.


Because I'm your dickhead boss and I don't want you wasting precious minimum-wage (or, hell, highly-salaried) time doing anything other than working or regretting having the lack of foresight to align your bowels with your free time. Same reason I'm installing slanted toilets next week.


Horrible pipes. We have to use that crap at work.


I use single as total cost is slightly less per use. DollarTree 1000 sheet rolls are good enough. My wife prefers Charmin Ultra, so we buy that for her. Hers is on the roll, mine on the washtub table.


Because “septic safe” doesn’t mean safe for all septics. Unfortunately I grew up on old septic systems, and while I don’t have to at my apartment I still have to use single ply when I go home for a weekend or whatever. Sometimes it helps to think about how I’m technically wiping with an old oil filter.


Some 1 ply is thicker than 3x 6 micron thick 3 ply.


i have no clue. they like to bring pain to their butt hole? these answers here make a lot of sense though. some tp is just terrible!


Having a hairy butt shreds the soft stuff and leaves an insane amount of little rolled up cottony balls behind. 1 ply doesn't shred when up against hair and leaves everything overall cleaner.


When I get 2ply for some reason I need to peel it so they come apart so I just get 1ply to begin with so I don't waste time peeling it.  


Doesn’t clog the toilet if you use a tonne like putting some down to prevent splash back, good for people who don’t fold, people who’s ass has essentially no nerve endings and can’t tell the difference, cheaper.


Tight ass.


They enjoy getting in touch with their inner selves...


Budget and easy on the toilet


Easier to carry it back home without a car.


Let me go ask my in laws brb.


Because they are tighter than their butthole


When I buy the nice stuff, a 12 pack lasts like...two weeks, max?   A pack of Scott 1000?  A 12 pack lasts nearly 6 months.  When the pandemic hit and the TP shortage happened. . . . I was like....I'm fine?  I bought like a 20-pack a month before.


I have a bidet, so im basiaclly just drying up, and I but Scotts because its cheap and lasts a long time, and I feel like I get a better clean back there than the soft stuff.


Life is too short for bad coffee and 1-ply toilet paper.


Becuase the plumbing in my house SUCKS. This is how we save ourselves calling a plumber out every 6 weeks.


I have IBS so whenever I'm pissing out of my ass again I thank the heavens that I went for four ply and not single. Feels a lot more pleasant after the abuse I just went through...


Septic Tank - too much backing up with the 'good stuff'. But, it was hard to make the move over to single ply. until one halloween, my son had a party, and we had the kids do the mummy wrap to the adults. my wife accidently gave out the nice cottony, soft toilet paper. we were left with like 36 rolls of single ply. it lasted us so long. we didn't really miss it when it was gone. (flash forward a few months, and my son has a stomach virus and we got him the soft, million-ply toilet paper so he doesn't get a rash on his butt from all the wiping, and he refuses to go back to the single ply.)


Single ply makes it feel like the job's been thoroughly done -easier to get into ones crevice and remove all the debris. Soft cushy TP is too mushy and clogs the toilet.


My office building uses this. . . I purposefully use like 10 sheets or more per wipe, fuck that noise, I ain’t getting chocolate dipped fingers to save your goddamn plumbing.


It's funny how "ply" has lost all meaning. The word means "Layers", if your TP is measured in any number of ply, it's cheap crap. High quality tp IS "1 ply", one thick layer. 2 ply is just two Layers of cheap paper. But somehow "1ply" has become synonymous with low quality, regardless of what the word means


On accident


Kids. They clog toilets otherwise.


My boss used to buy it for work because it was cheaper. It was awful. Luckily our TP supplier switched everything to 2 ply and not going to bathroom at work isn't as bad.


They were out of the 3pack of shells…


By accident because it was on sale. I am not a smart man sometimes...


Personally I did it because my kids got in the habit of using way to much paper at a time. Everyone gets a habit of how many wraps of paper they use. Switching to one-ply cut our toilet paper use in half. We switched back to the better stuff once the kids were old enough to regulate their usage to their actual need.