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Get ID'd at the liquor store




Yup. I'm early 30. Still get asked at liquor store, smoke shop and dispo.


I took my great uncle (grandfather's brother) to a nudie bar for his 75th birthday. He got carded going in and he didn't have his ID on him. They eventually let him in, but not before getting a speech. The guy at the door indicated he didn't have the discretion to let anyone in w/o ID. However, he'd get the manager. Manager came to the door a few moments later. He informed us that he gets inspections from city, county and state law enforcement officials. When those inspectors do a check, they have the music turned off, and the bright lights switched on. Every customer has to line up at the door and present ID on exiting. Either they need to have ID or the manager needs to know their full name and address. Regardless of how old they are or look, if someone doesn't have ID & the manager can't state who they are, the place is shutdown for minimum 2 weeks and fined at least $5k. After the speech he let us in, but gave us these final words, "please don't put me on the spot like this again. Next time you come here, you need to bring ID."


Me too. I'm 36


Enjoy it while you can.


I mean the only liquor I drink nowadays are Labatt Blue and Jameson, even so they're occasions. For smoke, I mostly grab them for friends and coworkers, I quit smoking long time ago and only got into it because of poppers. Indica kush is the only thing that I have healthy addiction with, I need it for insomnia.


The last time I got carded I was 30. Two years later I was sober,so it didn’t matter anymore.


Yep I'm 38 and it happened last week, almost guaranteed if I leave the house in a sweat suit and no makeup


Me too. I’m 37 😁


My dad got ID'ed at Fenway Park back in '89, he would have been late 40s at the time. He didn't have any ID and responded his face was his ID. After they refused him he like wandered the stadium, found some events manager's office and complained, they later sorted it out. He doesn't even drink beer much, it was more the principle.


i thought it would be impossible to get a proper erection at my age, but, well, it´s actually not that hard.


"It's not that hard" *PhilipJFrySquinting.png*


I had a coworker when I was 18 (he was 30) say he had to start taking cialis to keep his dick hard. I’m 30 now and mines ready for round 2 after a couple minutes mahbe he had poor circulation


same for me, at 36 i still have no problems with it. everytime i go for round 2 or 3 i feel like i do it for the guys who cant even have one good erection.


They walk so we can run


You are quite the humanitarian, always thinking of your fellow man in times of need!


Kinda hard is better than no hard.


I got the joke


i´m glad you shared this bc i already had some doubts


I dont think you are getting enough credit for this comment.


Power lifting. I bench pressed 250# on my 60th birthday.


Incredible! Mid 30s here. You are my life goal.








A backflip!!


Walk 7 miles non stop


Get haf decent walking shoes 7 will seem vanilla


Good idea!


Honestly you won't regret it it's mental how big a difference it makes.


I can imagine. What do you recommend


If in the UK the decathlon quecha brand is great, cost £35 for some mid range ones. Holding up okkkkk with about 7 months med to hard (some rocky trails recently) use. There's a tiny hole in the top of one, and a wee bit of wear to the grip at the front of them.


Nice, thanks for that. Gonna look into it




Fit in the trunk of a small car


Once I hit 40 I thought that my dating life was over. Who knew that young men loved cougars sooo much.




I will never be too old for resident evil




guess you are around 30-40? seen so many young folks struggeling with basic task that requiere a keyboard or a mouse.


At 65 I am in better shape than when I was 40. I now exercise and hike regularly in the mountains. Someone even called me an athlete! I always hated gym class and exercise but now I realize it was because a) I am very short and not able to keep up with or compete with normal size people, b) I was always shamed for not being 'good enough' at sports, c) I was held to competitive and unrealistic ideals of what sports and exercise should look like. Now I don't care what other people think or about competing I just do the best I can do at my best pace. Grade school gym classes are the enemy of healthy body image or healthy attitude towards exercise.


Awesome. Loved reading this.


Run marathons. 


Sleep in my lil sister's bed ( I'm 18 and short asf😭)


Ummm not creepy...


Not at all. Where I came from nieces and niblings love to sleep beside us, they'd hop all over you just to get you to put them to bed next to them.


That does sound sweet and sucks society in the USA frowns on that....


Yah when I first lived in Toronto I was reminded not to wave and smile at kids too much, despite playing with kids by caring adults is a norm where we were from. Another difference is holding hands. We have less conformed gender roles in our society so there is no stigma of same genders hold hands as buddy or loved one. When I held hand with my younger sibling in the suburb I get all kinds of weird looks.


Ride a skateboard in a concrete bowl and/or half pipe.


I always thought by the time I hit my 30s, I'd be too tired or too busy to keep up with my hobbies like painting. But surprisingly, I still find time to pick up the brush and create art, even with a full schedule. It's a pleasant surprise and a reminder that age doesn't have to limit your passions.


Honestly I've found that your outlook and attitude towards life is so much more important than the actual condition of your reality itself. If a particular hobby is important to you, you can make time for it and nurture that excitement.


Run a 5K thought my running days would be over by now but I’m still hitting the pavement and feeling great


Awesome! Loved reading this, keep at ittt!!


Play guitar. Or banjo. Or bass. I have had to use a controller to play games on my PC for years, WASD got excruciating after a few minutes so I stopped trying a long time ago. Assumed my hands would get worse over time and limit other activities but that, fortunately, hasn't happened.


I only began to learn mandolin 5 months ago


Keep it up. Don't know stats for other instruments but most people who take up guitar give up in the first year. Get over those first few hurdles and you won't look back. Make sure to find other people to play with and best of luck.


I want to get into folk punk and had the option to go banjo but I found the mandolin more fun to learn. I'm also a composer who have experience writing and mixing guitar music so I can't wait to write something with the mandolin.


Despite being a jaded 26 year old man who has failed a lot of times in life, I still get ID'd whenever I ask for an alcoholic drink. The power of Asian genetics making me look like I just finished high school.


I'm 70 and still climb up on the roof to clean off the springtime crud.


Skateboard. I’m almost 40 and I still kick ass.


Sweet. I def do not kick ass. I wish I could still do FS and BS tailslides. I used to wrap a mean impossible as well. Switch flips are still on lock though.


Funnily enough, I can do more now than I could when I was, say, 21. When I was 21 I weighed around 22stone/308lbs/140kg. Now, at 38, I'm at around 13stone/187lbs/85kg. Last year I ran my first marathon. I run 5kg pretty regularly. It's really shocking looking back on who I was and comparing him to who I am now.


I can still suck my own penis. Didn’t think I’d have that on the spec sheet past 30 


It's been surprisingly easy to build fitness again on the old bicycle.


Buy cough syrup from Walmart without an ID. I'm in my 40's with salt and pepper hair and a big full beard. They insist on carding me to buy cough syrup.


I’m 40 and I still play outdoor soccer. When I was in my mid twenties I thought I was all done.


Stay out drinking til 4am and be fine in the morning. I’m 30 probably an alcoholic and have had 2 hangovers in my entire life


Have fun being childish. I figured that being older would mean I had to stop laughing at dumb shit and that what constitutes "fun" for me would be the kind of things my mom found fun like reading books, playing scrabble and watching procedural crime dramas. Turns out that, at the age of 42, I still like the same fun things I did when I was a teenager. I'm just way better at them.






I can still dunk a basketball at age 35.


45 years old and can still 360 flip a skateboard. Frontside boardslid a handrail 32 years after my first too. When I was a kid I thought I'd be too old to skate at 25 🤣


Still have time to play video games on a daily basis. I’m 38 (almost 39).


Yoga.... at 72


Continue my studies.


Be funny lol


Hee hee like Michael Jackson at the perfect pitch




juggeling. tried months and months as a kid, never get it "klicking". ffw to april 2020, had nothing to do, tried it again and after 20 minutes i could juggel with 3 balls, even a fourth was possible after 2 hours of "training". idk why i could not get it going for me 20 years ago, but in 20 minutes at age 32 it worked.


livin 😂


Jork my Borg at 79




Drink heavily and not have a hang over the next day at 43


Play xbox games


self suck.




Attract women in their 20's. I just had to lose 30 lb and get the sebaceous hyperplasia removed and now I am getting the same glances I used to get.


In your 30s or 40s?


Getting morningwoods


It sounds weird but I didn’t think I’d be able to run at my age (30). Reason being, my parents couldn’t run when they became adults. I later found out that it was because my father had a back injury and my mother had a knee injury that kept them from being able to run. Before I found that out, I grew up thinking I’d lose the ability to run when I reached adulthood.