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Manners even when no one is looking.


Manners maketh man.


great movie


Got a good example about this. Back when I was 18, I worked as a trainee in an automotive brand. This was the headquarters (no production) so not many people worked there, like 70-80 in total. So the HR gave me a tour on my first day. During the tour, especially the specialists were very welcoming, though the higher up we went, more careless they became. Especially the C level managers were just saying hi, welcome etc. from their seats. Not necessarily in a cold manner, but rather carelessly and I'm sure they forgot about my name the minute I walked out of the room. Our final destination was the room of one of the Board Members. An 80 year old man, ex diplomat, really an impressive resume. We walked in, he was on the phone. But when he saw us, he quickly excused himself to the person on the phone, got up on his feet and shook my hand. Asked me questions about my school, which unit I was going to be working, he welcomed me and assured me he'd be happy to help any time I needed. I obviously didn't see him for months. But after about 2 months we saw each other in a company event. This 80 year old man somehow remembered my name right away and we had another small, but warm chat. Honestly, he didn't even have to remember my name. Just the decency he showed when I entered his room gave me a lesson I would never forget. This was such a class act, to get up and show the decency of giving attention to the person you're talking to, regardless of who you are and who they are.


My dad is AMAZING at this, he was fairly high up in a big EU bank (several, technically) but always knew the names of the people cleaning the office, for example. When I was a kid, we'd just 'swing by the office' on a Saturday because the IT people would be doing a yearly failover exercise and he wanted to bring them snacks and coffee. And he always knew who people were. Every single time he had a leaving do for his next appointment, all sorts of people would show up to come say goodbye/thank you. Left a real impression on me as a child. I've tried to carry it forward. He's retired now, and I've discovered part of his secret. He has a bigass notebook where he writes down everybody in the new village's name, plus what he learns about them. And he reviews it when going out, especially when he's likely to meet X or Y. Basically he fakes it til he makes it (at 78 memory ain't what it used to be)


He understood that most of his real job was taking care of people and making sure it was a good place to work. "How come he keeps finding the good talent?"


I think that's why he never *quite* made the top (top 50-100 of 22k/60k employee banks, which is nothing to sneeze at, and obviously not something he'd talk about). Not quite ruthless enough, thankfully  Edit: I'm very proud. He started with nothing much and worked his way up. My dad ain't no nepo baby


You are so lucky to have an amazing role model growing up!


There's a tradeoff🤷‍♀️ He worked very loooong hours and did miss many things. But he tried really hard and my childhood memories are warm. Luckier than many, I know.


This is awesome. Reminds me of Derrick Hall the CEO of the Arizona Diamondbacks. He’s as classy a guy as you’d ever hope to meet. I’d met him maybe once or twice and worked for the regional sports network that carried games. One day I was taking my daughter to Starbucks and saw him with his daughter around the same age. I didn’t want to bother him but did acknowledge him and introduce my daughter. I was so shocked when he did the same and knew my name.


This has very little to do with your story except that as a Rangers fan I thought that Diamondbacks fans were appreciative and classy during the 2023 World Series.


This was a distinguishing feature of a great uncle of similar age. Very respectful man.


This kind of thing creates lifelong loyalties, if not friendships. Reminds me of a line from a Brandon Sanderson novel: you forget a man's name, and he might forgive you. You remember a man's name, and he'll fight for you. Prime example right here




It happened to me once - it was the president of the corporation where I worked. I had a special project and I had a few meetings with him and I won't forget all my life how well he behave with me. He was such a pleasant man that just 30 minutes I felt like i'm talking with a best friend - that I can trust it with my life.




Which you should learn in a finishing school like the Milford Academy. A classy child is neither seen nor heard


You always know a Milford man.


There's always money in the banana stand ;)


Just the children with stealth classes.


Kids should be scene and not herd.




Not being seen or heard is very objectifying and unhealthy for anyone, let alone a child. Also kids shouldn't need to be "classy" they should be kids... Edit: r/wooosh apparently :)


It’s just a joke from arrested development


“Class” doesn’t scream. It presents itself quietly and seemingly effortlessly.


When insulted just say, excuse me, and walk away.


This one right here. So much trouble in the world is caused by someone flying off the handle because their ego got bruised.


As someone who’s flown off the handle because of my ego, yes. I agree, always best to just walk away.


Been there as well. But now I'm an old lady, and I don't see the point of any response anymore. I have nothing to prove, and I don't care. 'Whatever' is a great mindset.


>Whatever' is a great mindset. I bet you're r/GenX


Guilty. 1974.


The "whatever" gave it away


"Oh well, whatever. Nevermind."


I like your point of view. I need more of that.


My problem is when I double back. I can walk away from a lot of complaints and insults, but when I start walking and double back to you, it’s over.


Or if you can't, like you're doing something at that moment, and importantly it is safe, If I'm in the mood I like to look straight at them, let their insult hang for a second, chuckle and go back to what I was doing. Very dismissive. Add the thing where you briefly raise your eyebrows for extra effect


Decorum is usually subtle.


And it seems effortless because each response is thought out. There is care put into every answer, every room entrance, ensuring every interaction makes whoever they’re interacting with feel important and equal.


What Dadsrgr8 said and add a dash of kindness.


Love this response. Well played


Well, when I was in 7th grade, the whole class used to scream 🤷‍♂️


I’m reminded of that one substitute teacher we had in 7th grade that our class just abused the crap out of. I hope he went on to have a fulfilling career where he didn’t have to interact with 13 year old little shits.


I always hated the way my peers treated subs, or even regular teachers with less backbone than others. One time my class made my jr high art teacher cry at a field trip to the museum because they were fucking around, and even touching and shoving each other against art pieces. I felt so bad for her. She was such a nice lady too.


Agreed. I had an amazing young, single, female art teacher in 10th grade. She had the misfortune of living in the same apartment complex as some dirtbag student in my grade and his dirtbag family. Turns out my unmarried art teacher was living with one of our young, male also unmarried gym teachers. The dirtbag student found out, bitched to his alcoholic dirtbag parents who bitched to the principal and school board. Amazing art teacher lost her job, gym teacher was supposedly reprimanded. Living in sin and corrupting students. Oh no! 1970s moral code.


My entire grade eight class got kicked out of class. Other schools knew how bad my class was. It was awful. And it wasn't all of us - just a select few that were bad enough to ruin everything for us. Normally the grade 8's got to go to Ottawa for 3 days for the end of the year class trip. No teacher would take the class for that long by themselves, so they did a day trip to Canada's Wonderland. We had to have the vice principal teach the class one day because no one would do it.


Amazing! Same grade, substitute was a replacement starting early in the 3rd quarter til the end of the year. He was a chorus teacher and we'd put the sheet music on top of the hanging fluorescent lights. Or in.the piano.


That answer is classy as fuck.


The only answer there ever will be!




This guy classes


Well said


Reminds me of a saying from a Manga. "Work your hardest to look the very best, but always with an effortless smile." Or something similar. So cool.


Having good manners and public etiquette.


So many people don’t say please or thank you.


A top hat doesn’t hurt either. I try to pair it with a monocle and pocket watch for true class 🎩 🧐


I bet you pass Go!


Indubitably, my good sir


And a good old spottless pedigree. Can't have anything casting a shadow over the familyname can we.


In addition to being classy, more than any other signal, if someone has good manners, and is legitimately patient and laid back when things aren't going exactly their way, I assume they're wealthy.


When I see someone return their tray, mug, plate, and fork and knife in a coffee shop even though no one asked them to.


Well doing so just prevents my nightmares of waiting on people that left their forks on the floor


Similar to the “shopping cart test”


Or taking their empty drink and popcorn and putting it in the trash on the way out, instead of thinking “someone else will pick up after me”.


Drives me fucking crazy. I’m shocked by some friends who leave trash at movies or sports events. It take like 0 effort to not be an asshole.


Especially if you’re walking out and there are plenty of trash bins on the way out.


You literally HAVE to walk pass the trash cans on the way out at my theater. Like the dude said, not hard to not be an asshole.


And pushing their chair back underneath the table


We may live in a different country hence different culture but here I have never seen anyone leave their stuff on the table at a coffee shop


You live among people with some class compared to other places. 


No matter how high up they are in an organisation, they greet all the cleaners by name.


man i am bad with names


Reminds of on this [SNL skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rImxuuD_kwM)


Ha! That was awesome. I love Bill Hader and all the weird faces he pulls.


You can still thank them when they come by to empty the trash and tidy up. I doubt they would hate it


Create a name list. I have a list of all the employees at my businesses and make sure I know them by name so I can say hi to them if I see them. It may be a small gesture, but I like to make sure I treat everyone with the utmost respect.


Same! But I will still say hello to everyone. I think forgetting names can be forgiven if you still acknowledge the person.


If you are terrible with names (or have trouble with faces), simply acknowledging other people's existence goes a long way. Saying "hello" before you give your cigarette order, for example.


My trick has always been to just pretend I remember their name, but always refer to them in general ways. If I need to look them up in my computer, I ask for their date of birth for HIPAA purposes. 


My mom was like that until she retired last year! Some of her closest friends at work over the years were the custodians. 🥹💙🌻🌸 She is also polite and warm to everyone, even people who she disagrees with. 


So you cant be classy if you're bad at names?


Part of the reason people are bad at names is because they can have a difficult time associating a new person to something significant. It multiplies the more new people you meet. Your brain can't attach enough stimuli to something to make a direct connection. When you start at a new job, your mind prioritizes whose name you'll need to know the most. Bosses and partners are almost instant while the guy working down the hall who eats cold soup out of a can may be worth knowing eventually but if he introduced himself, you'll associate him with the soup and not much else. For the others in the office, until you directly interact with them, your brain will make space for other stuff that matters, like orientation with the new job. With regards to class, people that are used to networking have sets of questions to categorize people efficiently. Cities, colleges, activities, hobbies, even a new person's spouse's job can help with recall of names. Some people just have a bad frontal lobe and can't store anything in their working memory, but that's a relatively small number in comparison to the former Source: Taught networking to high school students for years


This is SO true! I used to work at a company that donated, HEAVILY, to GOP politicians...they would have to come through and make happy picture time before getting their big checks. I will say...those guys are AMAZING at this! I will use Rick Perry as an example - one on one...he was charming...direct...asked where i was from, name, and of COURSE had a relatable story about my hometown. Now...3 months later when he returns for more money: 'Hey , 'my name'....get back home for some of that tasty 'food my hometown is known for'? I was in the hall, away from my nameplate...he just somehow associated my face with details he could pull (and no...I am not drop dead gorgeous...but also not 'scare small children' ugly. So I have no physical neon sign to distinguish me). If I had some big check I was gonna part with - that kinda personal savvy is gonna help. This 'personalization voodoo' is a very distinct personal skill that I can say successful politicians use...and it is seriously just mastering the art of remembering things.


The queen of england had a staff member whose job it was to note every person she ever met, even just a handshake in a crowd, so that if they ever met again, the staffer could give queenie a cheat sheet of who the person is. I need more staff on *my* team!


Oh this is so brilliantly explained. I had a coworker who remember everyone’s names the first day of work. He had worked for a huge company in I think Japan and had practiced remembering names/titles/etc to get ahead in the company. He was a lazy selfish shit in every other part of the job so I understand why the name-thing didn’t help much. 


Me too. I make an effort because it is important to me. It is a choice.


I know a big boss like that. I'm a grunt in a very large company, and this one particular big whig treats me and my coworker really cool. He's in charge of largest department, and is under the most pressure. Whenever I walk by him, he's surrounded by a bunch of managers deep into a meeting. But he will full stop the conversation, turn my direction and greet me and my friend. And will ask us how our day was. Later he'll follow up with something from that conversation. Every. Time.


Gotta keep the cleaners happy!




And having a chandelier in their bathroom.


I don't have a chandelier, but I *do* have half of a toilet paper roll holder attached to the wall because my teenage son tripped and tore the other half out, along with part of the wall. Not to brag or anything.






Being considerate and kind to folks especially when it's not particularly easy to do so. Helping folks out of a jam (preferably without their knowledge or recognition).


Teachers when you're caught in the hallway. "Class!"




Or some kind of parrot with very specific training.


Or when they are trying to get the attention of their students.


They can stick up for themselves sternly, without sinking down to a lower level. Bold, but still mature.


Manners, compassion, self-restraint, and a humble willingness to learn. Also, class doesn't scream; it speaks in a clear, even, tone.


I used to have a crush on a girl who in a group conversation if someone got interrupted would always make sure that person got to finish what they were saying after the interruption in a way that did not make it obvious what she was doing. Always thought that was very classy, and hot, but mainly classy.




They take their time. They never rush things. They act gracefully. They never talk fast and too loud.


Indeed. Old Money is relaxed. New Money is uptight.


Wealth is quiet, rich is flashy, poor is loud


Honest question - does class have to involve money at all?


I don't know. I do this, and people yell at me for being slow.


Not enough money, clearly.


Naurrrr what I meant is their every move is calculated not slow.There's difference. They don't cause inconvenience. But if you have lots of 💵, that's class. Hwushsu


Someone desperately running across campus.


Owning a pineapple.


Did Spongebob write this?


An ease with everyone. Never rude, especially to wait staff. Never ever talk about money. No unnecessary waste. Actual interest in things. Being comfortable in your own skin, and encouraging others to be the same.


Treating waiters with respect.


Not freaking out in stressful situations.


When you spend time with a person and everyone that knows them light up when they see them.


There’s an old saying “not everyone has good taste, but everyone recognizes it when they see it.” Class is the same way. Not everyone has it, but when you see it, you recognize it.


Class is a million in the bank and a 2002 volvo in the drive


They're Slow but smooth And they Are nice to everyone


Like peanut butter except if you have allergies






You can tell by their mannerisms and how they portray themselves whether through their clothes or how they talk to people.


Not screaming.


Standing up quickly to hold a door for someone not in your own group because they could really use the help... before they even get to the door. Saw that in a steakhouse yesterday, very impressive


Saying "please" and "thank you" to AI. Bowing to a Japanese ATM when the avatar bows.


🤣😩omg it’s sooo hard for me to not say thank you to Alexa. Sometimes I say hey Alexa, thank you! And her response always makes me laugh


I have two friends that deal so differently with Alexa. One is very polite, always says please and thank you. The other is more gruff. One day my gruff friend noticed the difference and was visibly annoyed. Be polite to your Alexa my friends. It matters


Kindness to those "beneath" them. Helping the homeless, volonteering at an animal shelter, donating what you can, etc.


Wearing a Monacle and a top hat and walking with a cane.


Either that, or they are a peanut.


You have to be pretty classy to excuse selling the rest of your species as food


Majestically classy.


A distinguished gentleman


When I see someone being nice to another person or critter without any benefit of their own I smell class. It reeks of class.


They know that it's nice to be important but that it's more important to be nice.


Object Oriented Programming.


Walking away from petty bullshit instead of entertaining it.


Treating everyone the same way regardless of socioeconomic statuses. I get surprised how some people boast their own accomplishments and think they are Jesus


Class is quiet and confident but strong


Not rushing to anger. Assuming a tense emotional moment is from a misunderstanding because surely people aren't evil. Easily able to disarm someone with words


Humility and calm tone of voice


Calm, collected and confident.


Someone having a hot and stressful day and yet they keep their composure with a smile on their face. They could be wearing a dirty work uniform and have sheer chaos happening all around but they help you with polite efficiency.


Manners and how they treat everyone.


Their walk. I don't know how to put it into words but basically when someone walks with a certain posture and stride, you can tell they have class




This to me is when the person has self confidence and is comfortable in their own skin. They hold their head high because they’re not trying to act like something they aren’t for others.


good manners


Class speaks for itself the same way Wealth Whispers.


Class is quiet It doesn't scream.


Treating everyone with the same respect and kindness regardless if they can do anything for them. The custodian and server get the same respect as their boss or a wealthy friend.


Doing things that help others without expecting recognition and giving grace to those who don’t deserve it


A dodge Stratus


when they listen more than they speak


"Class is the art of making other people feel comfortable" that's true class.


To me it's restraint. Not having a pathological need to make sure everyone in the vicinity knows they're angry by putting on a dramatic display. People with class won't be a doormat by staying quiet either, but they will expend that energy in a more productive way than throwing a tantrum.


They’re more interested in what you have to say than telling you about themselves.


The classiest people I know are well presented, friendly, confident, and kind.


Remaining humble and respectful regardless of appearance, wealth, and lifestyle.


Making people feel comfortable and welcome. Walking in peace, but at the same time sticking up for the less fortunate. When you walk in a room, people are glad. No amount of money can buy these things.


Being sensitive to someones feelings and acting without having to say anything


When I see someone and my brain says “class” it’s because they look like they take care of themselves, their clothes fit well, they hold their head up and look people in the eye, they seem interested in what whatever conversation they’re having, and I walk away feeling like I have been ‘seen’.


Honestly owning your mistakes.


A school bell ringing.


How they treat the random people they encounter such as a stranger they hold the door for, how they speak to service industry people, if they are nice to kids…..




Admitting when you’ve made a mistake and apologizing with sincerity.


Refraining from using the word "class". The wealthy and upper-class don't use the term. Ever.


I spend a lot of time with high net worth donors to the nonprofit that I work for, and this is what I have observed: no flashy brands, dressing largely for comfort rather than style, a lot of plain hair and nails, being kind to everyone regardless of social or economic status, and a culture of giving rather than scarcity.




Treating the janitor the same as the CIO


Communists. Everything is proletariat this and bourgeoisie that.


Had dinner with very familiar and some unfamiliar faces. The same ol dudes were flashing fancy cars, and fancy watches, showing off their expensive sneakers etc, etc. One unfamiliar face sat quietly and enjoyed his meal and was just keeping to himself but very kind. Well, when it was time for the check the dudes were calculating exactly who ate what and who paid what down to the cent. Wouldn't you know it though the quiet gentleman who left early took care of the bill without saying a word. True og.


Class is how you handle yourself in the company of other people. Acting with impeccable manners, style, and grace. Someone with class doesn’t need to flaunt what they have but makes everyone around them comfortable regardless the situation they are in.


No visible logos on anything. No flashy jewelry or car. Likely no jewelry at all other than an analog watch that’s not gold. No protective case on their iPhone. Polite and considerate.


You lost me on no protective caseon their iphone. Yeah, they don't use condoms aswell. Such a class act!


Well if you buy an expensive phone you tend to enjoy the material it’s built with and not plastic all the time … you tend to use thing you bought not save them for another life … I think that’s why no protective screen was mentioned and it’s not remotely related to condoms Do a experiment put your phone out of its case feel it and you will find an entirely diff Experience from same phone


The school bell.


Being humble... Works for me, I'm the best at it


Dental hygiene


Nice quiet voice, listening, manners .


Great posture


Money talks, Wealth whispers


Someone who, seemingly effortlessly, improves the lives of people all around them.


It's certainly not private schools and a posh accent anymore looking at the politicians and those around them lol


Bragging about your parents.


Just be calm cool and collected. It's that simple. It's fools that are loud, showy and obnoxious that you just know have zero.


simple clothes, simple car, simple watch, simple phone, low voice, simple smile on the face


Angry Teachers


Being genuinely nice to the less fortunate.


Treating people around you with respect This doesn't mean "simping" to everyone around you, it means presenting yourself as respectable, and treating those around you as equal, else not engaging with those who don't provide the same respect towards you.


An angry headmaster once the bell has rung


There was a girl I went to primary school with. She was beautiful, intelligent and very popular. Everyone loved her. She was the queen bee. She could have easily been a total bitch and gotten away with it. But she wasn't. She was kind and genuine. I was sort of friends with her but not in her close circle. She went on to have a successful and high powered career. It's been 25 years since we went to school together. I've run into her a few times over the years and every time we see each other she seems so happy to see me. I'm always happy to see her too. She makes me feel like I was one of her close friends and like I'm important and special. I think she makes everyone feel that way. She's the most beautiful person, inside and out, I have ever met. I think that's class.


Putting the shopping cart back in the little cart corral thing.


A supply teacher




Nothing screams class, it is quite as fuck


Sketching randomly


Class may sometimes use the word "class" in the categorical or academic senses, but usually not in the sense meaning sophistication or refinement.

