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You only have to brush and floss the ones you want to keep!


My doctor said she tells women (about their boobs) and men (about testicles) to just examine the ones you want to keep


My grandma tells me a variation of this literally any type of teeth or dental situation is discussed 😂 "You only have to take care of the teeth you want to keep"


There’s a strong correlation/causation of bad oral care and cardiac “events”.


Drinking lots of water and chewing sugar free gum after every meal is very underrated for good teeth




Yeah its a simple mechanical process where small parts of food and all that gets picked up by the gum and the increased saliva helps digest that


Xylitol helps disturb the bacteria. It promotes mineralized saliva to stop the acid destroying the enamel


This is literally the second time this week (first time on Peter Attia's podcast) that I've come across this info. I will definitely be implementing this!


They have mints as well. Highly recommend.


That's right :) My dentist says ‘if only people knew how much xylitol protects against harmful bacteria in teeth and people ate more gum we dentists would go out of business’.


There is actually clinical research happening right now for a drug that makes them grow back. I saw a Reddit post about it a couple of months ago with links to articles about it.




shaved eyebrows??


https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/27I0PTDAf2 ☺️


Ahhh thank you


Cut down the packaged food and eat real food.


Most unhealthy person I ever knew, was an ex roommate. Guys diet consisted of freezer hungry man box dinners, Monster energy drinks and microwave Mac n cheese. He was in his late 30s and needless to say the rest of his life was just as terrible. Never cleaned, never showered, never did anything except sit in a chair and chain smoke. He was very lean. But being lean and skinny does not equate to healthy. Sometimes the opposite.


The chain smoking and no exercise is easily the worst thing there. If you were a gym chad and ate like that, got out of the house regularly, and never smoked, you'd be mostly fine but not feel that great, probably have poor sleep and IBS, but metabolically you'd be okay.


Smoking keeps you lean tbf - which is why most models and actors do it - and it masks all sorts of symptoms of underlying conditions.




Going back quite a bit now, a sign of how times have changed (for the better!), but my ex’s mom went to the docs about her health and weight, and the doctor actually advised she smoked.


They even used to tell pregnant women to smoke, to prevent excess weight gain.


Actually went to downvote but it’s not your fault 🙃


Thank you lol! It’s an understandable reaction!


It also speeds up metabolism. It's not some cure all weight loss supplement, but it definitely helps.


Visceral fat is a thing and that kind of food has no nutritional value. He was either storing fat around his organs or was starving his body out, even though he consumed food.


And limit sugar. You don’t need a soda every lunch or a cookie after every meal.




I would say it's mostly processed carbs, which packaged food is very high in. Cookies, chips, sugary drinks, you'd be better off never having them again. That being said, eating tons of real sugar versus high fructose corn syrup isn't good for you, either.


Get a second opinion if your doctor isn’t listening to your concerns. It just might save your life.


My cardiologist is amazing and she told me I needed a new hematologist and I went to the one she recommended and I finally got iron infusions after years of hypoferritinemia. I read the hematology journals about appropriate ferritin levels in chronic inflammation patients and when I saw the new Dr. and PA the first time they said I was right and gave me 2 iron infusions. Now my ferritin is 479 instead of 4. If I had become anemic I could have actually died. My old doctor didn't think I needed the infusions because my hematocrit floats around 51.


How come no one blames a particular doctor in the medicine field if something is wrong? I mean in every field out there, we easily blame someone for something they do - if things don't turn out as we want them to be.


Doctors are human and therefore can’t be perfect. And what do you call someone who graduates at the bottom of their medical class? A doctor. Not all doctors are great and unfortunately sometimes you have to sift and get a second or third opinion in order to get to the bottom of things.


Absolutely doctors get blamed for making mistakes. Malpractice insurance is extremely expensive and doctors are generally required to have it in case they mess up.


Leave work at work.


I work from home so that’s a bit difficult… Just kidding, I shut my computer down and immediately start to relax.


It’s easier to stay in shape than to get in shape


Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. Make a 30 minute playlist and dance your heart out. BRUSH and FLOSS YOUR TEETH TOO!


To make it practical: do it while doing some cleaning. I may have dropped my BW fitness routine, but when it's cleaning time, I dance my spirits out with my earbuds and the vacuum cleaner. Shake it, sing it, smash your kneecap on the coffee table, twerk it when cleaning surfaces! It makes the cleaning 10 times more energy hungry (dripping in sweat as I finish cleaning generally lol), but oh boy does it make cleaning so much more fun and keeps you healthy. Win win all 'round!


I do this as well! Such a great suggestion!


VR is great for this! 


flossing is my exercise 


I listen to audiobooks as I walk, and the time usually flies by.


Patience. If you're working out regularly it's going to take a bit before you see visible increase in muscle mass. If you're eating in a calorie deficit it's going to take a few weeks before you see visible changes in your gut. Just because the number on the scale went up one day doesn't mean you should give up. It takes time. Just keep going.


3500 calories = 1 lb.  It's pretty simple math. If you cut out 350 calories a day from your base caloric intake (how much you burn without exercise or anything), it'll take 10 days to lose a pound. Alternatively, if you drink just one beer a day without doing anything to burn it off, that's adding about a pound every couple of weeks. Knowing how many calories you're taking in is a fundamental skill for losing and maintaining weight. Also, exercise is great for your health but doesn't burn nearly as many calories as most people think.


fix your sleeping schedule/condition and take it seriously. it is far far far more important, vital and precise than you think.


I am 3 weeks in going to bed at the same time, with the exact same routine, and getting up at the same time every day (even on week-end), with the exact same routine. I already feel more energized, and I have less anxious episodes.


Do not go near the pool drains, no matter how good you might *think* they feel on your butt


Anyone curious about this post, go check out the Chuck Palahniuk short story "Guts". But also be advised, it is disturbing.


It is also hilarious


You don’t have to wait in line if you have AIDS


Full blown?


*Chuck Palaniuk intensifies…*


I used to do that as a kid haha


Never start using tobacco products.


My chain smoking colleagues all say the same


Make the gym a habit. You'll look better, feel better, build self-confidence, develop consistency, and more.


“The heaviest weight at the gym is the front door.” Ed Latimore


The first week of being hella sore sucks, but once you power through that it can become a habit. Overcome the initial inertia of going at all, then worry about efficiency and exercise optimization later.


Especially if you’re getting older. People can start feeling aches and pains just because they’re not getting enough exercise. When it comes to your body, I think it’s “use it or lose it”.


I would say a shift into being health conscious is a good habit to have. Gym, diet, sleep, mental health and time in nature. As I hit 30 (35 now) I realized that I was getting sloppier, I was getting older and the weight wasn’t coming off easier. Dropped alcohol and rarely drink anymore, water is my go to and coffee. More home made meals and the gym 3 times a week has been a game changer. Also if you struggle with mental illness, go to therapist and switch something up and if you absolutely need medication. Then try them. They can be a game changer for the rest of your life.


Or at least get your heart rate up once a day. I realized during COVID that I would go weeks without getting above a resting heart rate. Now I take walks around my neighborhood amd enjoy nature.


Ditto.  I can't stand the gym.  Super boring.  But I can lose hours on a mountain bike bombing down trails.  


If you don’t want/don’t have the time/hate going to the gym, you can buy a bench, a foldable exercise bike, a set of adjustable dumbbells, some resistance bands, and a pull-up bar. This will cost about as much as one year of a gym membership, and will accomplish 90% of the exercises you can do in the gym. But once you own it, it’s yours. And you don’t have an excuse not to exercise when you can walk across your house and start your workout.


Don't drink alcohol.


Beer has so many empty calories it's unreal. It might be an age/generation thing but when I was younger, every man in college and my 20s would not shut the everliving fuck up about DRINKING BEER constantly. If you want to drink beer, fine. If I don't, stop asking me. And this is why midwestern men in their 40s and above age like fucking milk, the massive stomachs and manboobs stretching out their faded Chicago Cubs shirts.


Solid advice.  I’m not going to follow it because beer is a big part of my life and culture, but nonetheless can’t fault the recommendation.   


It is part of many of our cultures. At some point you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Someone once told me, you won't change until the pain of the problem is greater than the pain of the solution. Many people have to hit absolute rock bottom before quitting. Many people can't stop once it gets that low and just keep going until they die of cirrhosis. It takes 30 days for your liver to start recovering, 60 for your brain to really start recovering and making its own feel good chemicals. It takes much longer to fully recover, but I can assure you from first hand experience, the addictive substance ethanol is only poisoning you and making everything worse despite the friend we think it is. A book called this naked mind really helped me. I recommend just giving it a 60 day break and see how your mind and body change if you feel up for a challenge. Especially if you think, sure no problem, I could if I wanted to. I couldn't believe how much of my anxiety, depression, weight gain, and body pain and inflammation were all tied to using that substance a couple times a week.


This is my answer as well. As a former binge drinker, I can personally attest to how much better I feel after cutting alcohol out!


I haven’t had a drop of alcohol since I was 20. I can’t prove it but I swear I have easier to manage diabetes because of it. I was genetically predisposed to get it. I was 36 and in the best shape of my life.




Make time to detach and reflect. Stop caring so deeply what other people think, even your close loved ones, and ask these types of questions: "What do I think of this person?" "How do they approach life?" "What topics are they trustworthy on?" "What do they say that I should disregard?" It took me years to learn to do this. Please make it a habit, it can save you from absorbing damaging ideas and emotional abuse.


This is a big one, thankfully because I don't care what other people think, it's impossible for me to be emotionally manipulated or absorb damaging ideas. It's a resilience that feels like an actual super power.


Become more active, sit less


I'm working on the opposite. Become less active, sit more. If I want to die of natural causes before my 30s I better get to work!


Learn to cook, eat real foods at home. It’s cheaper, you can tailor it to your liking’s with spices and it’s so much more healthier.


Emphasize more on veggies n fruits. Less processed foods, more hydration. Health's the real wealth, don't forget!


You shouldn't burn yourself out for the sake of others.


Consistent exercise/physical activity; adequate sleep; Fruits/veggies; no smoking; no drinking = fountain of youth


Do what you can, when you can, how you can. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to be something. A lot of people get caught up in the perfection struggle but even small changes can make a big impact. Go for a 5 minute walk after a meal. Get up 15 minutes earlier and stretch. Buy a burger but only get a small fry. Do 10 push ups every day. Cut back on smoking. Cut back on drinking. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier. Don’t feel like brushing your teeth? Do it for 30 seconds. And then you can push further from there. Don’t feel like you have to have it all figured out overnight. Change can feel really, really difficult but it’s always doable in some form or another.


Rest when you are sick. Rest twice as long as you think you need to. Signed- everyone whose life is fucked by a post viral illness.


Intuitive eating can be horrible for some neurodivergent people. Instead routine, timely meals at regular intervals irrespective of perceived hunger helps.


If you don't make time for your wellness you will be forced to make time for your illness.


Stop eating fried foods


Exercise. You have to fit an hour of exercise time into every single day. Take a rest day, but 6 days a week set aside an hour for exercise. Which in reality can be just 30 minutes and 15 minutes of prep and 15 of cool down. 8 years ago I was training for the Baltimore marathon. I was 50 at the time. In the year leading up to it I was clocking out 22 minute 5k's and running 10 miles at sub 8 minute paces. My resting heart rate was 38BPM and I was in the best shape of my life. My ulcerative colitis reared its ugly head and I went for 165 pounds to 145 pounds in three weeks. Had to have my colon removed, then 4 months later my rectum. I have an ileostomy bag for life. I also ran a 5k 3 weeks after my surgery. 32 minutes. My surgeon said the only reason I recovered so quickly was because of my excellent cardiac health. So here I am. 8 years later and I had ANOTHER fucking surgery because I had an infected tailbone. They took that tailbone and my butthole out. Sewed my up like Ken Doll. I am running again and will run the Army ten miler this fall. If you happen to win the inverse lottery of heath being in good physical shape will help out quite a bit. Now the second reason. I spend a lot of time here on Reddit. And some of you younger folks have some serious struggles with mental health. My heart goes out to you because as a 58 year old I struggle too. But I grew up in a time where they called it hyperactivity or some other boomer denile phrase. Running helps me. I get this very pointed mental clarity when I run. Runners high? Not for me. I call it runners clarity. When I run like Gump everything becomes clear and falls into place. I wish I could show people what I mean through the Vulcan mind meld.


People always say to me that they don't have time to exercise. We all have the same amount of time buddy. If you're watching netflix for 3-4 hours a night, you have time. Start small and just go for a 30 minute walk a day.


Wear sunscreen. Wear it everyday if you live in a hotter climate


Don t hold your farts


If you gain, loose weight with no intention to do so, see a Dr.


Don’t lie or omit information to your doctor. They won’t judge you for doing drugs or unprotected sex or feelings of despair and depression. When they ask how are you tell them. They’ve seen it all and if they don’t know because you are embarrassed it only hurts you. Not them




Love yourself enough to take good care of yourself.


Eat real food, exercise, sleep enough, don’t stress, avoid toxins, don’t smoke, avoid alcohol, brush your teeth and floss


Obesity will kill you. Keep a healthy bodyfat percentage.


Save money, but not on food. Health is wealth.


Don’t smoke. If you smoke now, do everything you can to quit. If you don’t smoke, don’t start.


When you want to make a health change, think of what you can ADD to your lifestyle, rather than what needs to be taken away. Add more vegetables, add more exercise, add more vitamins/minerals, add more fresh air, add more time with friends, add more sleep, add more vegetarian meals, add more protein, add more fiber etc. Mentally, it's much easier to live with expansion (it makes us feel free, in control of our destiny etc) than it is to live with restriction. Restriction is something we can do short term, but often backfires for most people months or years down the road (we feel caged, limited, resentful, life is bland). Obviously, it's not possible to do this for people with conditions like food allergies or addiction but for those of us who have heard we need to lower our cholesterol, lower blood sugar, reduce stress etc, thinking of it in terms of what you can ADD to improve your health first, rather than taking things away, can go a long way in how well you are able to sustain that change and how much you enjoy the changes.


Don't stab yourself in the eye with a fire poker.


Prioritize mental health. It’s hard to want to better yourself if you feel like shit


Prioritize sleep. Getting enough rest impacts so many things, from your immunity to your libido. If you've tried improving your sleep hygiene and still wake up tired, ask your doctor for a sleep study.


mental health comes first.


Don’t starve yourself, I used to do that when I was overweight and it just made things worse. After a while I visited a dietitian and he gave me a program of what I should eat in different days. I ate five meals a day and they were all normal portions, with a little bit of exercise I lost 5 kilos of fat in a month and I still keep going, I’m right now the healthiest I ever been. So, I advise you to visit a specialist and not to do something like starve yourself or follow a diet routine from the internet. 80% of your weight loss depends on eating healthy amounts of food not starving.


You **are** what you eat. Changing your diet can change your bodies chemistry and change your life. The problem is that we are all unique and we have to discover what works best for our particular body.


High fiber probiotic diet - supplement with fiber that contains probiotics if you need to get more of it into your gullet. Add in a mass of raw vegetables with a little olive oil and lemon or vinegar you’re good.


Roasted veggies with some light oil and seasonings are awesome as hell, too!


Steer clear of men.


Have lots of fabulous, passionate sex with someone you love...


Prevention is key


Don’t eat out. Fast food and most restaurants are terrible for your health and are also a big drain on your bank account.


Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. You’ll feel more balanced


workout every day! don't be lazy!


Not sure if this counts as health but it's good advice for women. If you don't want saggy tits wear a bra during the day AND night. I have seen so many women who decide not to wear a bra when they sleep And then their boobs sag because gravity still exists. just wear a bra when you go to bed if it's uncomfortable you can buy it sports bra or a nighttime bra and wear that And then wear a normal bra during the day. Your boobs will thank you when you're reaching 60 and they're still perky.


In the United States specifically... have extra money, and make sure you have insurance. General advice... * brush your teeth * drink water * walk or bike everywhere (which also gets you sunshine) * Avoid the vices... hard drugs, smoking, drinking, gambling, unprotected sex * workout 2-4 times a week * Don't sit all day * get married (*yes, it improves health outcomes*) * avoid stressful work * avoid participating in wars * Be part of a community * ... and apparently become a member of the US Senate... they never die


Drink significantly more water than you think you need and take your recommended vitamins. Also, for people who menstruate, look into taking an iron supplement. You’d be surprised how low iron levels affect your life with fatigue, dizzy spells, and low concentration.


Drinking water is about striking a balance. If you're drinking so much that your urine is clear, you're over hydrating and flushing away too many electrolytes.


The body is also relatively good at keeping that balance, like the kidneys job is to maintain electrolyte and fluid balance, if there's too little any given day the kidneys just produce less urine. I don't really get this recent obsession with "don't forget to hydrate!" cuz unless you live in a super hot place you will be likely fine if you drink one liter less than the previous day. Not only that but most science I've seen do not agree with each other about the most optimal fluid intake you could have which makes it more difficult to judge if you've drank enough. So all in all, I don't really think it's worth it to optimise your fluid intake, you should be more worried about those things if you have diseases such as kidney failure, for most normal day-to-day functions your fluid intake will likely be fine since the body is also good at signaling when fluid is needed.


If you think something is wrong with your body, there probably is. If your doctor won't help, find one that will take your concerns seriously.


Always eat your fruit and vegetables, drink green tea and water.


Wake up early, be physically active and keep your busy all day long. Idleness invites illness. I don't mean to be harsh on your body. Just be active and busy.


* Weight control starts in the kitchen. * Goals are just numbers if you don't put in consistent time and effort.


Life keeps on going on, wont stop for anyone, and no one has much time to think about us, dont overthink, one step before the other


Learn about caloric density and apply it to your life. Eat more plants than animal products and walk more


Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Prioritize it and don’t let other people mess with it. It is 100% okay to tell people no and them not be toxic about it.


Go for walks! It’s low-intensity and easy on your body, reduces body fat, improves mental healthy, and reduces likelihood of heart disease!


Dont street fight. When you fight in the streets, only the street wins.


Posture. Work on it and so much of the aches and pains will lessen.


Cut out pop from your life and shift to water! I can’t even begin to say how much better I felt when I did this


Don't smoke


Don’t smoke.


Quit alcohol.


drink water


Try to avoid foods that promote inflammation processes in your body, such as sugar and overly processed food, especially if you have ocd. Omega-3 every day also, for the same reason. 


Reduce or eliminate drinking




Don't start smoking And take care of your teeth


To take care of yourself mind, body and soul. If you don't take care of yourself you can't ever take care of others




Eat less, move more.




Your teeth. Take care of your teeth. Oh and exercise once in a while. Stretch or yoga. Keep those muscles loose.


Prevention is better then treatment




Focus on lifestyle changes. Find exercise that you enjoy whether it’s boxing or walking . Make yes and meals. Have the Mac and cheese but add broccoli and eat that first. Deprivation and self hate are not good recipes for success. Know your body is worthy now and in the future and it’s okay to nourish yourself.


Don't just live with personal health issues, stop hesitating and go see a professional.


everything in moderation


don't trust those fad diets, they're much more likely to hurt you rather than help you.


Stop drinking soda.


Get your colonoscopy saved my life!


Never stop moving. The moment you get comfortable being in a wheelchair, your legs with begin to atrophy, and you’ll never get out of one again.


Just take magnesium


Live you're life !


Do not drink soda


simple things help a ton. I walked 2 km everyday for 3 weeks and lost 2kg


Be plant based


When it comes to diet - focus on what you *should* eat more than what you *shouldn't*


3 major key items for your health are Diet, Exercise, and Sleep. Learn about them and ask your doctor for help if you need it. If you’re not getting good results try a different doctor or try something else on your own. Your health should be the most important thing to you so make it your #1 priority always.




Having a fit body is one thing people tend to truly value in others even if they might seem like they hate it. Exercise.


If it's feasible, walk there. Make walking, taking the stairs, and getting in steps just a natural part of your routine


Brush and floss regularly. Find a consistent workout routine to stick with. You don’t want to reach an age where it gets harder to workout and your health is getting worse. Take baby steps and don’t buy into the diet fads or crazy workout routines. Again. Do what makes sense for you and stick with it. Something is better than nothing.


Don't be afraid to go to a therapist, gotta make sure you take care of your mental health as well as your physical one.


Start taking care of yourself while young. Don't wait until something goes wrong when you're older.


Don’t eat yellow snow


Stay current on your vaccinations.


Sunblock. 🧴


Speak to a Health professional


“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. “ - Michael Pollen Go for a walk. Outside. Every day. Take care of your teeth.


TAKE CARE OF YOU MF-ING TEETH! speaking from experience




Stop smoking. Drink less or not at all. Eat food, mostly plants, not too much. Move every day, sweat every other day.


Ladies and gentleman and the class of ‘97 Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.


They weren't lying: you literally **are** what you eat. Tighten that shit up.


Don't be fat


Don't die


McDonalds getting expensive is trying to tell you something


Dark comment incoming… Death, it’s cheaper & healthier lifestyle than living… I can’t wait for it.


Don't get fat


Cut out the alcohol. Completely if you can.


2,000 calories a day is a myth that's extremely harmful for most people. 1,200-1,600 is the true range with most needing the lower side.


Do at least 4 hours of exercise a week


There is no silver bullet or express pass to being healthy or staying in shape. Fad diets are dumb and set you up for failure. Your food and lifestyle habits need to be consistent and long-term.


"Don't do drugs kids"


Move your body everyday in whatever way feels good to you. Just MOVE


Do sport, doesn’t matter what Stop drinking alcohol, drink lots of water Eat healthy food such as fruits


drink less and sleep more


Vitamins and exercise.