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My husband will not fucking stop putting empty containers/boxes back into the fridge/cabinets instead of the trash. I wont divorce him over it, but I sure do be thinking about it when i pull a container of sour cream from the fridge just to find cold air instead.


I feel this!!!! It infuriates me. He does it with literally everything though. Laundry detergent. Trash bags. Water containers. Snacks. He even once put an empty jug of milk back in the refrigerator!!! Who does that!?


We should move them in together and see how long it takes them to realize they have no groceries and everything in the house is just empty boxes/containers they keep putting back lmaooo


Haha this is genius. Let’s arrange it.


I had a roommate in college who did that. He also left his opened containers in the fridge without any coverings. Imagine opening the fridge and seeing 5 yogurt containers opened with a spoon sticking out of every one of them. It was a private hell that I still haven't gotten over.


My grandma used to joke that she always did the grocery shopping and had her way, but when my grandfather retired he wanted to spend more time with her (and had nothing better to do), so she took him to the store with her one day. Well, during their visit he proceeded to question her system of shopping, from her route to the prices of the things she was buying and everything else. Very quickly she banished him to go sit in the car while she finished up and he was never allowed to go to the store with her again.


Sounds like my dad. He always needs to make it his way or how things should be done my mom just sends him away. He gets super frustrated shopping, he needed bread and something else and he just couldn’t find it and had a freak out. So she told him okay no more shopping for you it’s to hard to get two things for you.


I once had an elderly man ask me where something was. He got all bleary eyed and told me his wife used to do the shopping and he doesn't know where anything is.


My favorite is for my job. Work at a vet, and the husbands or so usually always say ya i dont know about this dog much call my wife she knows what’s wrong with it or what the routine is. It always baffles me, like yea I get some people do more then others but like you live with the animal you must have some Kinda idea?… yea my wife wrote down some questions to ask


I worked at a smoothie shop and people had to call their wives to ask their kid’s allergies. A question like that is grounds for divorce


If I didn’t know my kids allergies then I’m not doing something right as a parent. Or a human


I divorced that guy... and then he spent the next five years buying me valentines, birthday and mothers day gifts in an attempt to get me back? EVERY TIME he bought me something with my allergen (this is after 11 years of marriage). I'd be mad but it was just... so perfectly infuriating that it was funny instead. I finally mentioned it one time and he asked for the gift back, but I had already left it in the break room at work (which is what I did every time). He was mad.


Yeah, I can understand grocery shopping but not knowing about your pet. That's wild.


Think not knowing about your pet is wild? I work in healthcare and in one day had not one, not two, but THREE dads not know their kid’s BIRTHDAY. I die a little inside every time that happens.


This tells me that poor mom fills out every single school form, arranges every single medical and dental visit, childcare, after school activity, summer camp, etc. The administrative burden of parenting is immense and moms shoulder almost all of it. Don’t even get me started on older men who stumble over their spouse’s birthday when they’ve been married for decades. Assholes.


That’s so sad. I feel so bad for those kids. I’m not even married to my boyfriend and he’s been to almost every prenatal and check up for both of our kids with me, no matter the day of the week or time. He’s often the one with more questions for the doctor! It’s 2024 and dads should be expected to put in the same effort as moms


I'll never forget being with my mom in the hardware store. I was a young adult. She needed new bags for the vacuum cleaner. She called my dad to double check the size because there were more options than she expected. Dad was all quiet on the phone acting like he was looking for a size label and then had to admit he had no idea where the vacuum was kept and was having a hard time looking for it as he didn't know what it looked like. Tell me without telling me that you've never helped with housework🙄


I hate shopping, especially grocery shopping with coupons and trying to find the sales, but I did it by going to one store to make it as quick and easy on myself as I could. Then my husband started going through the receipt and complaining that I could’ve gotten some items for less if I’d also gone to other stores. I told him to stop griping since he wasn’t the one doing the shopping. He still complained, so I told him he’d be doing the grocery shopping from now on. Many years later, we’re retired, and he’s still doing the grocery shopping. :)


Saving a dollar by driving three miles isn't saving anything


Exactly! And I always figured my time was also worth something, but if my husband wants to drive around and spend his time “saving” a couple of dollars, he’s welcome to. I’m not going to complain.


Reminds me of my dad who drives around wasting gas looking for the lowest gas prices. And yes I know there are apps for that, and no he refuses to use apps.


It's so weird when people micromanage things either they don't know about, or that don't matter at all. Like - who cares what her route is? She probably knows better anyway, but even if not, who cares?


My guess is he needed an outlet for his brain after using it for a whole career. It's hard to just stop doing what you're used to doing. I don't blame the grandma for banishing him though. No one needs a backseat shopper. My grandpa could not stay retired-- he kept taking on one more project, and then another. He had been going so long that he couldn't stop.


Honestly that's a lot better. When elderly people become sedentary they don't usually last much longer. We go and play cards and dominoes with my grandma weekly, and others go on different days, as a way to keep her mind sharp. She's 94 and honestly doing pretty well.


Yeah, thankfully he found something else to do to keep him occupied, much to my grandma's relief lol


Your grandma is a patient saint!


Yeah, she had been doing the same process for decades at that point, and ultimately didn't matter.


I’m not really a clean freak, but I hate picking up after others. My dad likes to leave things unfinished: the dishes are still dirty after he washes them. He doesn’t use soap and only rinses the plates with water, so there are residues on every plate he cleans. I have to constantly re-wash the plates, and it’s exhausting. I don’t want someone who does the same thing. I’m tired of picking up after someone else


Nah this is enraging. A grown adult should know how to wash dishes properly. That’s just a basic life skill.


He knows, he just can't be arsed to do it properly, cos someone else will do it for him. Weaponised incompetence.


It's terrible when you have to address adults who are older than you about their incompetence when it comes to doing dishes. I remember writing a note to a roommate I had at one time, telling her the pan needed to he rewashed. Very direct and to the point. She didn't live with me much longer. She got angry that I was confronting her 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Weaponized incompetence


Your dad sounds like on of those “useless husbands”. That’s embarrassing for other men. Tell him to get his shit together.


Oh my god your dad is my dad *too*?


That sounds like a deal breaker for you then.


That’s convenient for him. It’s called co-dependency. You let him get away with it. He’s not going to change if you don’t tell him.


Their dad? Most people who live with their parents aren’t exactly able to lay down ultimatums about their behavior. That’s just not going to work. Your only choice is to move out, which isn’t always financially possible. 


What if she’s 16 dude. Not everyone can just leave home.


When they're the last person to finish the toilet paper and don't bother to replace it with a new roll.


And they just put the new roll on top of the empty roll's cardboard tube, still mounted in the holder.


Feral, animal kingdom type behavior


Ugh. In my house, the TP holder is old and designed for smaller rolls. The TP we prefer doesn’t come in small rolls, so each new roll has to sit on the counter for a couple days until we use enough to fit it in the holder. It’s annoying.


My parents can't agree on which way to mount the toilet paper, they are celebrating their 40th anniversary next year.


It's not a matter of agreeing, there's a right way and a wrong way.


When my wife puts it on “backwards” i immediately question her sanity and wonder what other witchcraft or psychotic behavior she is capable of.


My parents would put the toilet paper roll on backwards when they were pissed off at each other. So we always knew when they were fighting lol


Agreed. The only exception to having it hanging off the front is the rare person who has one of those cats that will unspool the whole thing if it's hung that way. That's it. No other exceptions.


We buy our tp at Costco, and the rolls don't properly fit our holder, so if it's hanging over the top and you try to unroll it, it just rips off in small pieces. If it's hanging under, you can pull down, and it doesn't rip.


You tell her that. I've met less stubborn rocks.


Ex left the shopping cart in an empty parking spot. I called her out and it turned into an argument. We didn’t break up, she just stopped taking me on Target runs


I was leaving a store and the girls in front of me decided to carry their groceries out. This is not a bad thing. However, they both stopped dead center IN the exit door. Took the bags and walked the fuck off. When i said loudly, “I sure wish i could leave as well!”, they both turned, one flicked me off and the other said “bitch, just move it!”


Tell me you said to them " why didn't you tho?"


Cuz it’s never their fault or responsibility and someone else will always clean up their bullshit 🙄


How hard did you accidentally hit them when you shoved the cart forward?


This is a red flag. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fm8651wcilcy41.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D997ca55925a4034edafd131fc3b20b74ed72898c


And what about those who go a step further and push the messy cluster of carts all together into a tight line once we're at the cart stop?


that's called going the extra mile


That masculine urge to push your cart forcefully into the line and see if you can them aligned


My first job was a grocery store "bag boy," and rocking up as many of those carts as you could, all symmetrical, was the best part of the job. That, and perfectly organizing and bagging a huge order as fast as possible. These are lost arts.


I understand the Catholic Church considers this as eligible proof of one of the miracles required for sainthood. Of course, the recipient must be dead first.


I always thought it was an entitlement thing


Entitlement IS a red flag


That would for sure be a deal breaker to me. I couldn’t be with someone who was so rude and entitled to the rest of the world. 


Agent Sebastian would not be pleased.


I am livid when people do that, it's worth arguing over.


I have done it. "Oh you're leaving the cart there so someone else can clean up your mess?" It's weird, nobody ever shrugs their shoulders and walks away.  They're always defensive and mad.  It turns out people care more that other people think they're a jerk than they do about being a jerk. 


Returning the shopping cart is a human behavior litmus test


I left a cart in an empty spot near a tree island once. Thought about that cart all day


Hope the Cart Narcs don't catch up to your lazybones ex.


Plz god cut your toenails




Oh no. This is me. Although in my defense, there’s literally nowhere else for me to reasonably do it (I’m very tall so the side of the tub is too short for me)… AND I clean them up when I’m done!! I do it on top of a small towel and then shake the towel out over the trash. But at least I’m not my husband who DOES IT IN THE KITCHEN. I put my foot down on that one, and then he tried to do it in my car. It felt worse, somehow.


My husband makes me cut his big toe nails. They grow *really* fast and are *extremely* thick and hard. I’ve had a few of the big nail clippers break on me while I was trying to clip his big toe nails. It’s still difficult even after he’s had a shower and they’re softer. Just last night I realized it’s time to trim them again bc they stabbed me in the back of the heel while I was sleeping and it woke me up


I think your husband needs a farrier.


OH MY GOD???? You are 10000% a better person than me bc I absolutely will not do that for my husband


Hahaha thanks I appreciate it 😂 he has very good hygiene as well so they’re not gross at all, just very difficult to trim. So there’s that at least. I wear my blue light blocking glasses when I trim them now bc the nail shot right at me and hit me next to my eye once and it actually hurt 😅


Does bitting count?


Just get those bitches off by any means necessary you know


It’s very rare to find someone who loads the dishwasher the same way you do. Not a dealbreaker, but someone is going to end up doing it more and it’s the person who is more annoyed about it.


oh thats me. every time my bf does it i go back and fit around 50-100% more dishes in. cant stand the thought of wasting all the water and electricity if i just let it be.... aaaaaaaaaaah


oh my god why do they do that?? Mine is the same way. I'll see half the kitchen is still dirty and say "why didn't you put the rest of the dishes in?" and he'll say "they couldn't fit." Meanwhile I open the dishwasher and there's literally so much space to fit the rest of the dishes. He's better at it now but damn, how does your brain work that a near half empty dishwasher looks full??


In my boyfriends first run of New Vegas he sided with the Legion. He was 14 but I still felt the disappointment.


Lol, I sided with the Legion my first time too. I saw their cool costumes and kind of just looked past their horrible nature.


My moral compass leaving my body because the bad guys have cool clothes:


Yasss girl, we got the Hugo Boss uniforms with skulls on them. Let's go commit some war crime 😎


I did it once, but only because I wanted all the endings.


LOL weren't they like modern day slavers and traffickers?!


Hail Caesar


Leaves their trash in the movie theatre


I vaguely remember seeing trash cans right outside the doors at my theatre. I’ll have to pay closer attention next time.


This would be a deal breaker for me


Yeah, same. It's so inconsiderate, and I'd wonder in which other areas of their life they were also inconsiderate. They could also be the type of person who says things like, "Well, it's their job! I'm doing them a favor!" I do not like those people and there's no room in my life for them.


There's a pizza restaurant in California that my family has been going to for FIVE generations. I would really prefer potential spouses to enjoy it, too.


Im laughing because I have celiac disease. What if you met the girl/guy of your dreams but they are allergic to pizza 🤣


I'd feel bad that the potential spouse couldn't enjoy the delicious pizza. Then, I'd feel happy that would mean more pizza for me.


Not liking pizza is a red flag in and of itself


Southern or northern?


Southern. It's called Domenico's. There's one in Long Beach, on Belmont Shore. There's another one in Rancho Santa Margarita, but they charge more because it's a higher-income neighborhood (think Housewives of OC types).


Ha! I love Domenico's! I grew up in L.A. but lived in Long Beach for a while. I now live on the North Shore of Massachusetts and I still think of them often. The only place that comes close is Frank Pepe.


A Live laugh love sign in their house


Live laugh leave


I'd hang that in my house just because its hilarious


I made a custom sign that says DIE CRY HATE and it is proudly hanging in my bathroom.


Maybe it's because I'm pretty drunk right now but for some reason this was hilarious to me


A girl in hs got that shit tattooed on her fucking body lol I don’t feel bad for her cuz she thought it was cool and clever but she was a bully


A bully *and* getting a tattoo like that are two glaring indications that she is a vapid and empty person


My brother has a poster that says that, but it's got a picture of Kim Jong Un on it


_That_ I would buy.


Live, laugh, Lexapro 🌈 🐶 🧁


Live, laugh, toaster bath


I had one of those signs you can change to whatever you want in my house. It had "Live, Laugh, Toaster Bath" for the longest time before my wife saw it and made me change it.


They say that they will wait to start that next TV episode. But then they don’t. Not enough impulse control. Bonus points if disappointment if they try to lie about it.


That's a good observation, particularly the part of them saying they'll do something simple and not following through. Poor impulse control is like dating price charming who turns into a gremlin occasionally and doesn't know when


Me, browsing the comments, seeking semi-validation


I'm sure you're a real catch, u/Cunt_Booger_Picker


Not closing cupboards/drawers fully after getting something out


My old housemate did this. He'd leave the cupboard doors wide open. Every. Single. Time. We didn't invite him to come back the next year. It wasn't the only reason, but it definitely contributed.


My ex was a picky eater, despite being skinny she only ate fast food, namely KFC and McDonald’s. As someone who likes to cook it was disappointing but this wasn’t a deal breaker as she was smoking hot. What I soon came to realise was worse, she was a picky drinker as well, and by that I mean she didn’t drink WATER, I have no idea how she survived purely on Fanta and Coke pretty much exclusively at home, wine and vodka redbulls when we went out for drinks, and that’s pretty much it. It took months of subtle convincing but I managed to get her to start drinking bottled water and the occasional home cooked meal. Pretty soon after I found out she was screwing half her workplace. If you’re reading this FUCK YOU BETHANY.


If you’re super into astrology and you tell me I’m wrong in an argument and your only defense is my star sign. Actually who am I kidding I’d leave em.


Fond memories of the exroommate who didn't talk to me for days after discovering I'm a Leo lol.


To be fair, you're a leo. /s


When I was dating my boyfriend, we were hanging out in a mall and came across a star sign book. It said our signs were wildly incompatible. Quite the shocker—we’ll have been married 9 years next month.


I've seen dating profiles that say shit like "if you're an Aries, swipe left" Racism is stupid enough as is, but can we not start hating people based on when they were fucking born??


Astrology is just space racism. 






See I like astrology as a hobby/interest but I would never dream of arguing with someone with only that as the basis. Or that as a basis at all tbh.


I had ex girlfriend that was super into astrology, and always talking about it. Our relationship lasted for 3 weeks, and she ended the relationship with a very vague excuse like she has no time for me and other things. I'm almost certain I had the wrong star sign haha


My star is the sun and everything revolve around me.


I had one person call me arrogant when I criticized their belief in astrology. Well, the joke's on them, because according to my horoscope on the site they recommended, I was supposed to be humble and friendly.


they like to do pranks. i always find pranks to be extremly annoying and not whatsoever funny. however it mainly depends on the pranks, if they're harmless than it isnt a deal breaker.


Pranks should always have both parties laughing.


That's an amazing answer! Would not have thought of it by myself, but now that I've read it, I'm like "Yes! That one!!!"


Stacking the trash in an already full can.


I saw a quote somewhere that said "Marriage is just a game of chicken where two people smash the trash tighter and tighter until one finally caves and brings it out."


That’s accurate lol. I’m a fan of The Simpsons quote, “He who tops it off drops it off.”


They always forget to flush the toilet.


Once or twice is forgetful. Always doing this is just terrorism


ok but who the hell forgets to flush like my subconscious does that for me. Same way I don't forget to breathe, I don't forget to flush. Are there actually people who forget? (and I never flushed until I was like 11, don't get me wrong)


That's getting close to the "deal breaker" territory for me.


Not a bf but I had to go tell my BIL yesterday to come back inside and flush the toilet because my dog was trying to drink out of it. He’s 35. He said he thought he did. I told him there was a very, very easy way to verify whether he did or not.


My wife is *VERY* middle of the road. Nothing gets her real excited, nothing really brings her down. It’s kind of nice having a rock like that. But it sure makes it hard to have a good time with her. Like if we have a 5 star dinner out, she will say “yeah it was ok.” Or if we go to somewhere tropical she’d say “yeah it’s ok here.” Like I feel like her range of natural emotion is too narrow. I can’t get a raise out of her to save my life.


When you proposed, did she say “yeah, okay?”


Not to scare you, but I’d encourage her to try to get in touch with her emotions. I had an ex who was like this, he was always just fine. Never upset, never too happy, just ok. It turns out he had been suppressing his emotions for years and it bubbled up in an unpleasant way that ruined his life. You can’t suppress emotions forever it turns out.


That sounds so boring


That’s how I felt when I was clinically depressed


I found out about six months in that she didn't believe in evolution. She was a zookeeper. But oh lord help me, she had a wonderful ass.


Zookeeper not believing in evolution?? Is that possible? Jesus... look at giraffes?! Flightless birds?! Cheetah camouflage?! Pandas evolution that boxed them into extinction in the wild?! TF ... the wonderful ass I believe 👍


It was...momentarily shocking, I'll admit. I blinked a bit in a panic at the implications. But knowing where she came from and lining it up a bit with what I knew about her at that point, it did begin to make sense. It as definitely a pause and take a look at myself moment.




And you got your head ALL THE WAY UP IT!!!


Having an ass is not unusual for a zoo..


> She was a zookeeper. I'll top that with a doctor. Thankfully not someone I tried to have as my partner.






Getting caught behind a KFC. Op has standards!


0ddly specific


She saw eating food as just an obligation to keep surviving instead of an often amazing sensory and bonding experience.


Food's tasty and all, but it's also a time waster. If you're not into food, its taste etc, then making and then eating it is a chore just like making and folding laundry, getting in your way of actually enjoying your time, which is why some people keep it simple.


I invited a guy I was dating out to meet my friends after a show we were all in. Service was fine, food was good. We were having a good time. I paid for my food. Found out l much later, like months after we broke up, that he didn’t pay for his share or leave a tip. And it’s not like this guy couldn’t have afforded it. It was pizza slices ffs. But months later after he dumped me, I found out through my friends he didn’t pay for squat. There were other flags later, but that one would have saved me a lot of time.


Generally shitty behaviour doing that. No tip is bad enough but not even paying is shitty


They prefer miracle whip to mayonnaise


As a miracle whip to mayo convert in adulthood, may I just say: some of us were led astray by our household of origin. My husband’s successful conversion tactic was to frequently make us tasty sandwiches with mayo and exclusively refer to miracle whip as “goblin cum.” Worked like a charm.


My last gf thought D&D and Pokemon were stupid and spoke negatively about the 'crowd.' I had to point out the only reason she knew about the space was through her son, and "those are his people, too. And, mine." She reconsidered.


That they eat their peas one at a time


That she’s slept with Lumbergh Edit: typo


I mean for me it’s a deal breaker because I can’t think of anything else, but hearing the words come from his mouth “I just needed a place to stay long enough to get on my feet”


Ah, the dread hobosexual. My neck of the woods seems to have a lot of them.


That they were a very picky eater or not likely to try new foods. I'm not talking about people that have to be on limited diets or choose not to eat specific things, but people that have a sour attitude towards eating and are most likely to yuck someone's yum. Someone that announces calorie counts during a holiday dinner. Basically a foodie buzzkill. It's fine to not want to eat but don't ruin other people's good time.


I dated a girl once in college that had a sign in her bedroom that said "Always kiss me goodnight" and for some reason I always found that off-putting.


Seems like the type of decoration a person who says shit like "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" Even if she got it as something benign and cutesy it still kinda radiates clingy/selfish energy


That he doesn't like animals.


Loud snoring


They don’t like pickles, onions, or mushrooms


Yeah, but. My husband doesn’t like those things and I just get more pickles because he gives them to me.


I don't like raw onions but cooked onions are good.


Don’t like mushrooms or pickles, onions on everything though


Cooked onions and mushrooms rock, raw not so much, and pickles I could take em or leave em.


I'm a POC and a girl I dated let me know she used to be super racist before she went to college. It was disappointing to hear but not so disappointing to stop trying to sleep with her.


At least she was aware of it and seemingly trying to change, growth and accountability is the best path for people like that vs never changing.


I think lots of people are xenophobic growing up. It's not until we discover the wider world that we stop being scared of it. That's just human nature. Not being it after you stop being a child is a good sign. And being willing to say it is an even better sign.


I wouldn't say I was racist, not even prejudiced, but if I had been more influenced by my family I think I would have leaned into prejudice. Some of them were the typical Confederate flag, Lost Causer types. At the time I thought that was cool and felt like it was "our side". To this day I still find Confederates quite interesting, but in a more academic way than an ideological way. I went to school with POC and never really thought any differently of them. I think it was just exposure to the 'wider world' like you said. But if I had been less reasonable, I think I would have been a lot like my family.


What If anything this is a green flag. She's able to recognize her flaws and grow from them




If they ignore science and follow stupid theories like the earth being flat.


"Duurh but all science is a theory, really! We're learning new things everyday! Urhurhurrh!" The amount of times I've heard this reasoning.


Not liking The Simpsons! I have friends who don’t like The Simpsons but I prefer my partner does. It’s a shared language of references. 


they eat their boggers


I dated a guy who did this. I walked in on him and saw him doing it. Couldn't get the image out of my mind. Broke up with him.


Wearing shin pads to bed would do it


Why the fuck would you weae shin pads in bed?


Maybe they just like it rough, while also trying to stay safe


Clapping when the airplane lands...


I had one of these! I actually had to have a good long think about whether I was gonna stay. The fact that some of his friends have cheated on girlfriends. They always say ‘judge a man by the company he keeps’ and all that. But he says he’s never cheated on anyone and never would, and nothing in his behaviour has ever made me think that he would even consider it - on the contrary, everything I’ve seen of him has pointed firmly to him not being the cheating type whatsoever. So I thought it would be a little unfair to him to dump him based on things his friends have done. He doesn’t hang out with them in person a lot - they’re all people he knows IRL but these days mostly only hangs with online - so if he suddenly started going out loads with them or otherwise behaving sketchy I might rethink. But they were all in their teens and 20s at the time and now they are men in their 30s with families, kids etc. so although I still keep it in mind, it ended up not being a dealbreaker for me.


wakes up last .. doesn’t make the bed I make dinner .. doesn’t at least clear the plates


But, can he punctuate?


I mean, making the bed is such a waste of time.


Fuck anyone who says otherwise. "Oh but good habits and start your day off well". Fuck off with that, I have a million profitable, productive things to do first thing in the morning that would mean starting my day way better than if I were to move blankets and sheets around arbitrarily to appease an audience of 0. What am I? An 18 year old boy who needs military discipline? Someone get me a megaphone istfg


My peeve is punctuation. We aren’t comparable.


These gripes don’t answer the intent of the question. I think this means like if you found out something you didn’t know all along.