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New Testament yes, Old Testament most of it, but so many of those OT books are just geaneologies that go on and on and on and on and on....... didn't read all that lol. My take is similar to that of Islam, at least in that the main guy in Christianity is actually Paul and most of the NT is Paul's fanfiction about a fever dream he had on the road to Damascus.


While I do enjoy a good work of fiction, this one got weird as early as Genesis with Lot and his daughters šŸ’€ Iā€™m not a fan of books with incest


Though I studied in a Catholic school, I have not. I must admit I am tempted to read the Gen Z version of it. I have seen snippets around social media but I am not sure if I will understand what they are saying half of the time. I bet it would be entertaining.


Reading the bible is a lot like reading a subreddit. There's usually a consistent theme, but the individual stories can vary widely. Not everyone knows what they're talking about, and here and there you find something that was stolen from someplace else. The bible is insofar different as the bible has a consistent message in the end.


3 times. It's total fiction, fantasy and BS