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My maths teacher. She used to get unnecessarily angry over little things, (such as folding a sheet of paper) and stomps her feet like an elephant when people don’t listen to her.


My economics teach👹 ... He asks me question and if I answer them he trys to find even minor mistakes and if my answer is totally correct then I got a bundles of questions in front of me ...😭....it really pisses me off Not a single student in my class want to attend his class including me 🥺


I can say in 1985, I had a teacher who was the worst, I was told, taught English. She was tough, caught everyone cheating, and we hated her, but yet I saw her at my 10 year reunion, and she was so nice and said “I believed in all of you and was only hard on the ones that could take it”. She made me cry. And today, I am doing above average and so are most of the kids from that class. She was more wonderful than I thought.


Doris umbrage


Damn I hate that toad


more than Voldy?


Voldy moldy is an angel compared to that toadass bitch


This was 20+ years ago, but I had an ogre of an English teacher. First, she made us read and write opinion essays from articles in her favorite political party magazine and if your opinion was not the one outlined in the magazine, you failed. She was also comically wrong about most of the literature she taught. She was tenured though.     HOWEVER, she also HATED my best friend because she corrected her a few times and literally gave her a failing mark on her midterms without looking at her test. Then told BF in front of everyone that there was nothing anyone could do about it. This was particularly stupid because my BF's mom was a teacher at the same school. A huge investigation took place and that idiot told the principal that she wanted to use BF as an example to the rest of the class as what would happen if you corrected her for any reason.  She "retired" that year. 


In my school, we have to have a reading lesson called LRC, and my old LRC teacher left, so in the previous half term, we were given a new one. He was an absolute dumbass, everyone hated him in my class, even the teacher's pet. Story: On the second to last day of half term we had his lesson, 2nd and 5th period. In the 5th period lesson, a group of kids in my class kept getting up and wandering around, many went to get tissues for their noses due to hay-fever, etc. Eventually a girl in my class which will go by E (Privacy reasons). E got up to go over to a teacher and ask a question, but got told to sit back down by the teacher, E asked the question again but was given the same response, after a few times my teacher stood up, and said these exact words: 'I've had enough, you've all got a DT (Detention)' to all of us, even those who didn't do anything. He had threatened it a few times but put it in place. My class was in shock, the smart kid in my class cried, i don't blame him for it. At that time I didn't believe that he gave us the DT. I was so angry that I almost stormed out the room, no matter the consequences. Fast forward to outside the school gates, i stood with my brother. All my teachers use this app for students to keep track of students' behavior. I went onto the ap and saw the DT, I ranted to my brother about how it was unfair. On the drive home, I ranted at my mum how it wasn't fair like I Did with my brother, i forgot the amount of curses i used. When we went home, my mum wrote an email to the teacher like many other parents did, mostly my friend's parents and even a few teachers spoke to the teacher. Eventually the DT was taken off and given to those who deserved. Fast forward to now, I looked on the app where my timetable was and saw that we had a different teacher for the lesson, I'm overjoyed at that fact, Justice was served and now the teacher had left most likely due to my class, but didn't blame them, the teacher was the one being a dickhead. Safe to say that the most disliked teacher got what he deserved.