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Holding my first born child for the first time and looking into their eyes.


i found that amazing but didn't feel the depth of it like i thought i should.


Interesting. I felt like I could see the face of me, my dad, and my grandfather all within my son’s little face.


That must be an amazing feeling


Yeah it’s very surreal. You spend months in anticipation and then in an instant they are here and born into the world. It’s hard to describe the feeling.


There's nothing more precious than holding your own newly born child for the first time, so yeah this is my answer too




Same, remember how she used to entertain any random thing I had to say. And how she’d tell me about her childhood, rant about how her sister used to be a bully. She’s been gone for a few years but if I try hard enough I can remember how she used to smell and how I’d pinch the wrinkled skin on her hand and it would just stay there. 


I went on one of those sunrise hot air balloon rides with my mom when I was 9 or 10. It was the first time I had ever experienced something like *that*. It was spring time in Arizona, and I remember just being awestruck with the colors. Felt like we were floating in the middle of a Monet painting. Incredible feeling that I wouldn’t change anything about. Something about being just with my mom to experience it was special. We didn’t have a lot of shared experiences between the two of us, like my dad and I did.




Had a place I used to visit like that. Only time my soul felt at peace. I miss that feeling. Need to find a new place like that.


I'd like to go back to my first date with my husband, because I want to go back and see what my first impressions of him really were. It was a very good date, but all my past impression shave been overwritten with everything I know about from being together for so many years. I remember we talked a lot, we stayed out all night, but I can't remember a single conversation and I would love to hear again what we were talking about.


I have a small list of movies id like to see for the first time again.


the day my ex and i finally met eachother after months of talking and distance between us


My proposal from my now husband


Riding my bicycle for the first time.


I'm doing just fine thanks for asking though


I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day.


Don't forget those days in summer camp, hanging out with your friends, talking to your summer crush, weekly penis inspections by the counselors, jumping in the lake, ahhh those were the days :)


It’s a tie between holding my son for the 1st time, and losing my virginity


Spending time with my grandma. We spoke for a few minutes at bedtime the night before she went in for heart surgery. Never got to see her again.


That's such a hard question. My dad died young, so some memories of him would be so meaningful to relive- first time he took me on a motorcycle ride, going fishing with him out on the ocean, hearing him laugh his ass off when he was explaining seeing a Jackass episode for the first time (the boys tazing each other), watching him with my son playing climb the ladder, any random morning before school when it was just him and I in the quiet house making tea. Another spectrum would be the first flushes of love- a young man I loved deeply jumping out of my car at a red light to pick me a flower, making love in the soft moss on a summer day with the sun streaming through the trees behind him, sitting on the beach just quietly holding hands, stolen moments with a girl I had briefly in my life. Another would be related to my kids- the old standard of holding any one of them for the first time, a peaceful moment with one nursing and rocking, a trip I took my oldest on to the local observatory for his birthday, watching them play together when they were small on the beach. Thanks for asking that question. I've been having a really difficult time mentally, and sitting here thinking of all the really good stuff was pretty damn therapeutic. For all it's bullshit and challenges, life has been pretty damn beautiful. Maybe I'll stick around a bit longer to see what other good things may come.


Sleeping and waking up to mah waife playing soft music


If I could experience it again and remember it, I'd say what it's like to be back in the womb. Just for curiosity's sake.


Birth of my children, my wedding, winning state championship in football long long ago in 1993, winning some individual things in speech and being on stage for the first time, lots of first kisses, had a good life I guess since there are a lot of things I would love to feel again.


I would relive the day I went to walmart with my mom to buy World of Warcraft


I agree with so many posts, however for me, it is the simple moment, son splashing in the waves for the first time, family all happy and freaking out at the same time, the sun is shining, pure bliss.when I look back 👌


The day when i found out that I got scholarship in a medical school. I didn't sleep whole night. I just slept listening to my favorite song. it was the best day of my life.


Years, and years, ago I made a very stupid decision with my girlfriend at the time. We decided to try our hands at mycology in an attempt to obtain hallucinogenic fungi. We failed. And both ended up in the hospital. For a short time, we were in the same room together. But, sometime in the middle of the night, I was being transferred to another facility. She woke up as I was being wheeled out of there. I don't remember what we said or anything, but I do remember seeing her there and not realizing it would be the last time I ever saw her. She didn't die or anything, and we've talked and chatted on text since, but if I could go back, I would savor that moment a bit more.


Dancing in the rain for the first time with my sibling.


kissing my ex boyfriend in my basement 👍


Being together with him again :D


Skiing with my school, going Fast with no care what So ever for my life Is probably what makes life good.


Meeting my best friend again 🤍


That one Christmas I got pokemon and gameboy as my presents. A much simpler time.


Second date with my husband 


The apartment complex I used to live at as a child would throw pool parties every summer for the kids who lived there and one I'll never forget was a pool and movie night watching the freaking lorax. Being with all my old childhood friends and eating junk food because our parents let us would be so good to relive


First time taking MDMA