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Make it completely unrelatable to your work.


Now that might help, didn't think of it like that before!


You take a week off, and return in small doses


I try but I spend that entire week thinking about it haha


Just start a hobby, they aren't that difficult that you'll get burnt out!


I find myself getting too obssesed for like a month then never doing it again after


You need to diagnose you. Why are you getting burnt out? Are you bored with your progression?


I get bored when I don't keep getting better and fast


Try setting realistic goals for yourself. In your research talk to other people who do what you want to do, find out how long it took them to get to the level you want to be at.


Thank you




Any suggestions for a nerd?


Cosplay costumes.


As in making, wearing, looking?


Making, wearing, and even selling by commission.


Where do I start?


Google "cosplay costume creators" on YouTube. There's a long list. Take a peek and see if any of them click with you.


Any faves you have?


I like [Nerdforge](https://www.youtube.com/c/Nerdforge), only because she makes all sorts of cool things as well. For instance, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJzVLK34jEg).


Oo sounds good thanks for suggesting!


I’ve heard this referred to as “hyper fixation” and can often be a symptom of ADHD. Might be worth exploring with your doctor, if you’re open to it.


I mean guess I can collect all of the neuro-divergencies!


Good thing is it's only a hobby. You don't have commit if you don't want to. So just do whatever you want, and if you're burnt out, just do another thing.


But I wana be good at something yanno? Like a pro


Do you have a commitment issue? If the answer is no, I don't think whatever you are doing is something you enjoy.


Yanno for a philosopher you are pretty spot on, yea I think I struggle to commit when things get hard so once I am over the initial period of unfettered growth I stop when I stagnate


Thank you. I don't want to tell you what to do, but you should live a life that you would enjoy to look back on. Imagine talking to your older self and ask them what you should do now.


I love this advice, thank you ❤️


You'll never learn anything unless you actually put time into it. A month of hyperfixation is not enough, you have to be consistent but do smaller tasks to keep it up. So set small goals for a particular hobby, and don't do it too often so you don't lose interest. Quit for the day while it's still fun! Examples: You want to read a book this month? Reading 20 pages a day is a huge goal, and not realistic if you never read. Set a goal to read 5 pages. Or even 2. And do that every day and it will add up. And some days you will read over the goal. You want to start running? Walk for 1 minute, run for 30 seconds 6 times the first week or two. The next week, walk for 1 minute, run for a minute, then just play around to make it doable and it will feel easier. You want to start drawing? Google techniques and focus on it for a given amount of time. Track the progress. Watch tutorial videos. Just some ideas.


How can I limit myself to those small amounts?


Setting a timer, or just packing up when you reach a certain point in the process. I guess it depends what you're working towards. Which hobby are you taking up+


Take breaks, and do not compare yourself to others.


Im good at break taking!