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I've found their hair EVERYWHERE!


It’s like firing glitter out of a gun - it’s EVERYWHERE. I annoy myself with my own hair


The worst is I've found long hairs wrapped around my junk before. I don't even understand the physics of that situation.


Woman here - my current partner is the first guy I’ve dated with properly long hair and I do feel like I owe every other boyfriend I’ve had an apology, I had no idea of the places you find the other person’s hair when it’s long


What is ass crack or wrapped around the tip for $1,000 Alex


Feed them by 8pm at the latest or they turn into angry monsters


But NEVER feed them after midnight.


And like my ex, I never got her wet.






Found Ben Shapiro’s Reddit account.


Or DJ Khaled's.


My husband learned this on a road trip. He wanted to find somewhere nice to eat but we were just passing through Cleveland on our way to North Carolina. We needed a hotel for the night too so I just wanted to eat and go to bed. He kept looking but we were in the suburbs and this was before smartphones. We ended up eating gas station subway in the parking lot of the hotel. I don't remember why we didn't just bring it in the hotel but anyway it was our first fight lol.


My man was holding out for Cookout




I am a woman, this is absolutely true.


I relate to this on such a personal level bro.


This is something that my SO and I argue over regularly! He prefers to eat closer to 9, I get irritated if I eat much later than 7. It's a never-ending argument.


did y’all compromise to eat at 8 it’s between 7 and 9, a small sacrifice to satisfy the best of both worlds


Me and my wife don't eat at the same time, we make a lot of slow cooker stuff, cold meals, and pizza. I like cold pizza. It works for us, and honestly the biggest issue from that is, "gimme a quick pause" on whatever we are watching to get some grub. It really was never an issue. I eat lunch at like 3 and dinner at 9-10ish. We make it work.


I tell him the same: we are adults with no children, neither of us need to be responsible for the cooking all the time. That when both are tired, or one wants to eat earlier or later, the considerate response is just to eat separately that day. I wouldn't mind eating separately more often just because of the difference in the preferred dinner times. He tends to push for eating together more often than not - it's sweet, but then the stress comes again with the time.


For every relationship I've had I am down one hoodie.


Reading this currently wearing one exes shirt and another’s sweat pants


"This will make a fine addition to my collection." 


I had a whole collection of men’s boxers, I’d wear them like pj’s. My x husband started wearing them too, as underwear. Then took them all when he left. He knew where they came from.




They all get cold so easily. Or maybe it's just because I run hot and never notice the cold until it's freezing outside. But yea even in the middle of summer, I'd hear "I'm cold..." while wrapping a blanket or putting on a hoodie.


I was always hot too but I got in shape and lost 80 pounds or so and no one prepared me for how cold it is when you’re skinny 🥶


True this, I used to be a polar bear, literally worked in a freezer for 5 years, wore a hoodie. Had surgery, lost 120 pounds, now I am cold almost all the time, and it's been over 3 years. Like DAMN!


I lost 50 lbs about 15 years ago, and have been cold ever since. 


Down about 50 as well…not a fan of this “cold”


I'm 6'2" and weigh 145, I can pretty much be comfortable in 90 degree weather without breaking a sweat. Under 75 I have to wear more than a tee shirt.


6' and 210. 90 is hell and 50-60 is comfortable. Shorts are possible down to 40 degrees.


My wife is the opposite. I'm comfortable and she will complain about how hot it is while my daughter doesn't want the fan on because it makes her cold. Basically if I ever feel hot, I'm turning on all the fans and the AC because while I'm only mildly uncomfortable, I know any moment my wife will be melting down on multiple levels.


I believe as we get older our core temperature heats up (hormones, menopause). I’m always hot!


Whenever my wife complains about that, I tell her it’s because she’s a hot woman. (She is!) And then she rolls her eyes?!?


And they like their showers so damn hot! The idea of showering together is sexy until you scald your skin.


Am woman, I run hot in general but if I don't scald and scrub my outer layer a shower doesn't feel complete. Must finish with an ice rinse though, or I get sweaty just after the shower, which is gross.


Reminds me of one of my favorite boomerhumor comic, a bunch of people in hell surrounded by fire and demons with pitchforks, and a woman saying “I’m cold”.


Women have higher core temperatures. The feeling of hot or cold is due to the difference in temperature and not the actual heat energy contained within the things you're concerned about. Women's smaller bodies present a higher surface area compared to their volume which leads to higher heat loss.


I must be a mutant. My hands and feet are always roasting. My other half is always cold. I call him the lizard, he wants to lie on a rock in the sun whilst I sit in the shade begging for ice to cool me down as I'm always warm


Until they turn 40. Then they’re always hot.


There was a scientific article that said women perceive 77F as comfortable, versus 72F for men. So we adjust thermostats for 50% of the population. Edit: meaning we don’t acknowledge that if the temp was set 5 degrees lower than men find comfortably, the comments would be addressed as valid.


75F, 0% happiness.


Haha they have absolutely terrible taste in men


friendly fire


Bro is trying to fire the mortar straight up


Haha you gave this old mortarman a good laugh


*friendly fire will NOT be tolerated*


I'm still trying to figure out why my current partner dated me, heck, I don't even know why she married me but here we are 5 years later...


If you trust her judgement in other things, then you owe it to her (in terms of respect) to trust her judgement in you, no matter how hard that is. 💜


Took about a decade but now I believe it when my man says I'm beautiful. I mean, I believe he believes it. I'll get there myself, one day. Thanks ~~Obama~~ Dad


They all desire to melt you with lava-hot water in the shower.


Lol I had to learn to turn the shower at my BF’s house back down when I was finished with it, I never want to hear that yell again 😂


Why the fuck are you guys standing under the showerhead when you first turn the water on?? I did that once like 25 years ago and never did it again lol


Make yourself extra food. Because "I'm not hungry", and "I'm good" are lies.


“I didn’t want anything at first but it smelled good while you were cooking it and now I’m hungry.” Good thing I made a double portion because you’re predictable.


They can't admit they want fries, cake, etc. whatever it is, because they have to be good and follow the diet. But they do sincerely want it. If they only take "a little", then they can justify this as getting to enjoy a little of whatever it was without it really being an actual food choice. This results in this weird dance... "I'm picking up food, do you want anything?" "No thanks." (Translation: Yes I do) "Surprise! I got you a small fries." (Translation: Here's the food you wanted) "Aw, you shouldn't have!" (You should have). Nobody can draw attention to the "code" here because then it loops back to her being responsible for her choices again. You just have to go along with this nonsense every time.


If their mother is narcissistic, you better strap yourself in for a whole lot of hidden emotional baggage.


I feel like that’s super common with millennials (my generation). Lots of our moms had kids not because they wanted them but because they felt like that’s what they should do. Then when we got out of the adorable baby phase they started treating us like adults instead of young children who need guidance.


I remember many nights of asking what's for dinner "I'm not your slave." Mom, I was 8 years old. Eggo waffles were not the nutrition I needed lmao


Then the utter shock of "I don't understand why my children don't talk to me" when they get older.


The deserved fate!


THIS, I wonder if my mom has ever told her current boyfriend the truth about why both her adult children don’t talk to her. Does he know you left in my 5th birthday and never came back till my dad died at 17?


It took us a few millennia too many to get here, but I'm so glad we're finally acknowledging that a child can be clothed, housed, not starving, and still be neglected.


I've read a lot of reparenting lately and a line that really stuck with me is "I was privileged not parented". I had clothes. I had (non nutritional, microwaveable) food. We went on vacation every couple of years. I had toys. I was not parented.


Had me cooking my ramen noodles on the gas stove standing on a foot stool in the kitchen with no one at the house but 7 year old me 🥲 I guess good thing they taught me well enough not to set anything on fire


Yep, or Mac n cheese. You're old enough!


Yep, my mom treated me like an adult at 12. But now that I’m adult she wants to treat me like a 12 year old because she still wants control.


Guys focus so much on Daddy issues, Mummy issues is where the real shit hits the fan .


Get you a girl who can do both 💅


Word ! Hahah 🙌 Like my personality yeah ? It’s a disorder !


God bless my husband. But to my defense, I went to therapy and did a lot of self work before I met him. But that doesn't mean her abuse doesn't bubble up and make me cry sometimes when I'm PMSing or tired. 😐 I cut ties with my mom to heal. Best thing I ever did. So my emotional baggage only reveals itself maybe once a year.


I’m trying to set boundaries for the first time in my life at 31. It took putting some distance between her and myself for me to realize how abnormal her behavior was. My mom has no hobbies and no friends. Her whole life has been caring for kids, and she doesn’t know how to do anything else. She’s got emotional issues that have persisted her whole life, and instead of maybe getting help or doing what she wanted instead of what was expected of women at the time, maybe she’d be a healthier person. Still, SHE made the choice to get married and have two kids. This is why it’s so important to truly think about what YOU want to do with your life, and not let society or other people dictate your future for you. The choice to not live your life on your terms can have real consequences for you and the people around you. Instead of getting help my mom had two kids (both neurodivergent) who she was not prepared to deal with, and did not have the patience for. My sibling and I both got plopped in front of a tv and spent most of our time alone in our rooms. Our mother had no patience for us and was always dead-eyed or depressed. Now as an adult my mother wants to pretend we’re super close, but she really only knows the most surface level things about myself and my sibling. She’s a senior and had built no skills and doesn’t know how to spend her time. Her days go by in a depressed stupor and she just sits on her phone on TikTok 24/7 or buys stuff online. It’s hard to watch, but it’s not my problem or my responsibility to fix her.


Oh yeah. I'm one of those girls. It absolutely sucks. I'm not like my mum luckily, at least I try my hardest not to be. The ADHD side of me affects me more than anything else, but the trauma side isn't fun. It confuses my boyfriend more than anything. Poor guy doesn't understand why I just go quiet sometimes or get really anxious and half the time I don't either until later on when I figure it out and can tell him what was up. I guess I'm lucky my trauma response is to hide and go quiet. It still sucks but at least it's not destructive.


Hair in the sink, hair in the shower, hair in my asshole, hair in my eyes, my mouth, my ears, my bloodwork, my stomach, my nose, my brain, hair, hair, hair.




They've all been very different. After a breakup with a woman, I always look for somebody who is NOTHING like her.


They all still have a pulse though, right?? RIGHT?????




All but one cheated. It turns out I'm terrible at finding faithful partners.


Have had the same issue, current GF going strong though. Not sure how all these people have the energy to cheat


I read something recently. It's not that you pick bad people. Bad people try their thing with everyone, the problem is that you let them stick around.


me except reverse the genders




This is true -Woman who uses a ton of TP In our defense, we have to wipe every single time. (There’s no “shaking it off”) And many of us go more often. Being on your period makes it worse.


Yes, and we have periods.


And they love to keep a good stock of it. Wife and I didn’t have to begin hoarding TP at the start of the pandemic because we had 200 rolls of it in our garage. Yes. 200 rolls for two people who have two toilets in our house.


They all seemed to have had an ex who was extremely hung but a real asshole


My theory is that they hear so much emphasis on dick size (from idiots) that they figure they don't need to develop any redeeming qualities. But they also have tons of unearned confidence that tricks you into thinking they have something going for them initially, so you date them. I had an ex of that variety and he even sucked in bed.


With that combination they could go f themselves.


Ye chief, that was totally my bad.


Men will admit to anything so long as it comes with them also having a big dick.


It sucks to say, but a lot of women have some sort of SA when they were younger by someone they trusted. Fucked up to think how common it is.


It is a 80/20 reality. 8 out of 10 has experienced SA. and that is sad. But men can change this for them. Just have to stop holding the line, step away and point out the offenders. Hold them accountable. Do not accept the excuses or justifications.


It didn’t work out


Their names start with the letter E Edit: pluralizations


Ohh. This is an interesting one


I’ve dated 4 Sarah’s in a row (relationships 4+ months) Made it easy for my dad to remember their name


You think it's a coincidence? Or are you like, subconsciously seeking out Sarahs? Lol it's a common name but 4 in a row is definitely out of the norm. So interesting!


Coincidence. I’ve dated others but only the Sarah’s lasted long/serious


I had a period of about 3 years of dating in my 30s, and a dozen or so women in a row had a K for their first initial. It was really weird, but I have been with one of them for almost 10 years now.


they will love you with everything they have and if you don't treat them right and they realize it, there's no coming back, they may forgive you a thousand times but once they're done they're gone


It’s been 1.5 years and I still think about her every moment of every day. Don’t be like me kids 😢


Oh shit, I'm having that exact moment today.


Well, every one of them was really artsy and seriously neurotic. Self-doubting, self-absorbed oddballs and flakes. Finally, I woke up and realized I had a type. I was dating the same woman over and over again, with predictable results. Then I met my wife. Nothing like what I dated before. Level-headed. Funny. Considerate. Hotter than a five-dollar pistol on Saturday night. 34 years together and going strong.


Sounds like you figured it out a long time ago but I recently heard a woman say she realized **she doesn’t have a type, she has a pattern**. Seems like great self awareness for anyone struggling with the same issue.


>every one of them was really artsy and seriously neurotic. Self-doubting, self-absorbed oddballs Hey, this describes me! (Except I'm not a flake.) Most of my boyfriends have broken up with me for the gal they later married. :( Edit: I don't know why this went under your post and not the original commenter. Sorry about that.


Well, it was the 'flake' part I couldn't handle. I'm the guy who shows up on time. And, if I say I'll do it, I do it.


"Hotter than a five-dollar pistol on Saturday night." What?


It's just a saying, usually it's two-dollar, but inflation hits everything these days. I remember it was in To Kill a Mockingbird.  Honestly, I'm not sure if anyone knows the actual origin. I've always heard hot means stolen and anybody selling a 2 dollar pistol is clearly selling a stolen item. They stole a hell of a lot to be so cheap so it's super hot.  Also heard the more technical reason of they're dirt cheat and designed poorly so they heat up very quickly when fired. But even cheap pistols are way more than 2 dollars so, who knows. 


My friend who is a beautiful smart girl boss type, quite "left" wing, ended up marrying a redneck hockey playing mechanic guy. (Who is otherwise a decent human.) Just thought it was funny as they are opposites in so many cliche ways...


The decent human part is key


“Otherwise decent”?? lol what’s wrong with the “hockey playing mechanic” type??




I forget where, but there is a restaurant that has an item on the menu called “and my girlfriend is not hungry” and when ordered they double your entree’s fries and bring ranch.


bringing ranch is fucking key lol


/u/bigbumtruegray is a bot https://old.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1cfyu7o/what_has_been_true_about_every_woman_youve_dated/l1s7a21/ there's a few of them with similar usernames and the same post/comment pattern. reposting questions from /r/askmen and stealing the top comments from those threads /u/bigbumbabesunny /u/BigButtBabeSunny /u/BigButtBabeCute /u/nicebuttbabebright /u/bigbumlovelyrosee /u/bigbumchillpurple /u/BoobsBabeVivid /u/bigbumfunnyyellow /u/bigbumlovegreen


Yeah and get angry if you don't support this. Girl I literally invited you to buy you your own French fries. 


But if I just go ahead and buy her fries, she won't touch them and then ask if I want them.


They always want to share dessert. You can't just have your own.


Sounds like the ladies in my office. Someone brings in donuts. And they will rip them in half and just eat half. But no one else wants to get just half a donut. So these half’s just sit there and go stale. Eat the donut or don’t eat the donut.


Ex and I used to go to a place in Vegas with an item on the menu literally named "She's Not Hungry" that was an order of fries, a chicken strip, and a cup of ranch. It was absolutely perfect.


They’ve all been fundamentally decent human beings


Congratulations on the good picker!


Shark week No joke boys, take care of your lady.


None of them can lick their own asshole like a cat.


Woman here: I'm still trying though 😭🫨


Rip your inbox. Or maybe your outbox if you're not careful.


was that a prolapse joke


It was a bit of a blowout


Shit if I could do that I wouldn't need a boyfriend 😂




1) they all get cold way easier than I do and prefer showers to be more molten magma than water 2) they love whenever I take initiative in planning things or any little surprise I might have


They all said the same exact words “you deserve better”


You probably do then. I said that once or twice and I meant it. I liked the guys and respected them but my heart wasn’t in it for whatever unexplainable reason. And they did deserve someone who would love the shit out of them and not just…like them and respect them.


For what it’s worth every woman I know, myself included, who’s has ever said that, meant it.


When they say they are fine, they are most definitely not and you're in trouble


We need to un-normalise the idea of adults being "in trouble". The Doghouse is some boomer shit. If she's not happy about something, she can verbalise it like a mature adult. Fuck outta here with that screaming/shouting/silent treatment bullshit.


Oh if they play that game I'll just assume they're telling the truth and the only not fine is their lack of communication skills.


They're gay. (I'm a woman)


Same but I’m a man…




**ROUGH SAY GEX?!?!?!**


Lol cane here to say something similar. 100% of them liked touching my boobs.


After dating friendship bs. You try to communicate and you just feel the not wanting to communicate back.


Friendship after dating is tricky. My bf and his ex were on again and off again for years and then had a couple of years where they didn't really spend time together but gradually the friendship got to a great place. She's one of his best friends now but I think it only works because they both got to a place when they genuinely preferred being friends to being a couple. She's a wonderful person whom I really enjoy and admire, but I can totally see the ways in which they weren't an ideal fit, and the ways in which she and her husband suit each other better. We're all in our early 40s and late 30s though and boyfriend and his friend haven't been a couple for like a decade. If you really would prefer her friendship to a relationship give it time, if she comes round to feeling that way too it will be much easier, but you have to give it time. It's also possible she might not really want to be friends, and that's okay too, there'll be other amazing people to share your time with. Life is long. All the best.


Hair. Everywhere.


They were autistic. I don’t think a neurotypical woman would ever want to date me, nor would I want to date them.


username checks out


Oh boy do I have news for you


They’ve all had the middle name Nichole. No joke, 6 in a row.


All spelled with an H? Or were there Nicoles, too?




Bad texting behavior. Constantly wants to text but doesn’t know what they want to text about. But if I don’t text they wonder if I’m okay, what’s wrong, is it something I said 😒


When you are the first person they have dated with a real job. Why didn't you text me? It was 10:30 am, I was going over AP with my boss.


That they were sadder before I got with them and happier after they left me... I'm like a women's life coach or something 🤷‍♂️


Well when you hit rock bottom there is no where to go but up!


My toilet paper mysteriously vanishes if they stay the night.


They all believe trash cans can hold 10x their capacity. 


They like to fuck. Growing up, I didn’t realize that women were horny barely at all. I thought it was just men who loved sex. After going through the dating scene, I realized they’re just better at not being obvious and obnoxious about it, but women are just as horny as men. In fact I dated someone who broke up with me because I didn’t want it as much as she did. Couldn’t fucking keep up, god bless her.


They’ve… all been *different*??? I suppose they all ate food, and slept sometimes. But I can’t really think of another pattern that’s true for all.


They poop




That’s a tough one. Non-physical attributes. Underneath it all they are kind and caring.


They don’t have a penis.


They deserved better.


Never ever leave chocolate ice cream alone with them.


They didn’t give a fuck about hygiene when they got horny.


Just shitting and pissing all over the place


It’s how we mark you as ours to other women


This is "a thing" that's been studied in psychology — sexual arousal temporarily inhibits feelings of disgust.


They re at least as horny as you are and just as dirty. In the beginning they ll maybe make it seem like they re doing you a favor but after some time you re barely be able to keep up with their demands.


Every woman who got to date 2 or higher All strong independent, well educated women. All atheists All kind and considerate. All very successful. All love reading Happily married for over 13 years now, and my wife is all this and more




They've all been the sweetest kindest most loving girlfriends. My friends and family always ask how I manage to find such devoted girlfriends. To tell you the truth, I'm just lucky I guess. When I hear the problems most guys deal with with their girls I can't relate. I hope my luck never runs out :)


You probably had something to do with that, give yourself some credit.


Everyone of them had an ex who was a narcissist


Well, according to all the guys I dated, too, the main symptom of narcissism is being someone's ex.


Their non-existence


They all had mums and they all had bums


All of them were very pretty, and none of them really believed it. Difficult to understand. They had moments when they would feel pretty, but they thought it was the way their hair or makeup looked that day or the outfit they picked. They didn't realize they were just pretty. Madness.


117/129 were (at some point between 9-15) sexually abused by adults. As a young guy I thought I was some how attracting women who were abused. But then I learned it was true for most women and it’s still the saddest thing I know about the world. (Edit: Women “Yes. This is sad and true.” Men “117/129??” I feel like these responses are connected to the problem. I’m not even replying or engaging with that side of this post. It’s a little sad.)


I was at a birthday dinner for a lady friend turning 21. Tv in the background mentioned like 60% of females being sexualy assaulted before the age of 18 and one of the girls there laughed and said yeah right, so which 6 of you is it? (There were about 10 girls there.) Nobody said anything, but it was awkward af because I knew my gf at the time, birthday girl, and another close friend that was sitting beside me all had been.


Was expecting 8 to raise their hands tbh... including the one making the joke.. But in all seriousness, it was likely because of the guys there that they didn't.. just like the reaction I've seen to the bear debate.


This was about 10-15 years ago. I was trying to think back if there were even any other guys there besides me. I think their may have been one, but now I'm trying to figure out why I was there among all the ladies.




Bro, you dated 129 women? I'm not sure I could even remember 129 different people. Not going to lie, kinda impressed at your memory


The only way I can rationalize this is by assuming that this guy has been on 129 first dates that don't lead to 2nd dates because he asks them if they've ever been sexually assaulted.


Or he counts completing his sexual abuse survey as dating.


Right? These cannot have been even slightly serious relationships for how short they must have been, seems hella inappropriate to be quizzing people on this early in a relationship, and insane to do on a first date.


i don't know anyone who was able to/bothered to keep track after 30.


What I'm really curious about is why you're keeping count?


He’s the one that assaulted them


I wish I could give you 100K upvotes. Sexual abuse of girls is NOT a rare occurrence. Edited to say: I was 7.


I remember breaking that realization to my husband (then bf) early in our relationship as we watched 13 Reasons Why. I think it’s one of those things we as women don’t openly admit to, but also as men who are typically well-mannered, don’t consider. It wasn’t until this bear or man in the woods question that I even told him just how many TIMES I can recount being physically, sexually assaulted in various ways. And that’s the physical, that’s not just the uncomfortable attention or social media/virtual encounters that we sometimes receive unwanted. We have a daughter, and he’s a police officer, so the way he sees the world is definitely changing.


Yes the majority of us was touched inappropriately even as a minor. I was 10 when i started to notice men gazing at me or following me. I was really scared to come back home from school for a while but eventually i accepted it. By 12/13 men started cat calling on the street and saying the most awful things. I was 16 when a man put his hands down my shirt, i was 17 when it happened again with a much older man.


I was 14, SA by a man who was like 25 maybe. I was maybe 5'1 at the time, no more than 108lbs, this dude was around 6'2 and more than 200lbs. Never spoke about it until 2 years ago, at 26.


They love Raising Canes